Isnin, 11 April 2011

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

N45 Dr Halimah Ali


Posted: 11 Apr 2011 10:29 PM PDT

 Recently, TV selangor and wikileaks were under cyberattack. Harakahdaily may be affected too.
Sarawak Report will have to go on the run for the next few days until the election.
( pic left: #3 Taib Mahmud's BOMOH )
In a DDoS attack, multiple requests by bots, or programmes running on servers or personal computers, will bombard a site's server with requests for data, overwhelming its capability to respond to actual viewers.

Rewcastle Brown had revealed herself as the person behind Sarawak Report and Radio Free Sarawak in February, which since October last year, have mysteriously been putting out reports alleging widespread corruption by Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud during his 30-year administration.

In an email to The Malaysian Insider, she accused the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) of coordinating the attacks.

"BN is clearly fearful of what we may cover in the last few days of the campaign — not least because we have been throwing light on their tactics of bribing and bullying the voters in numerous and illegal ways," she said.

However, she admitted that she had no proof it was BN, although "there was a lot of money and sophisticated equipment thrown at us."

"They are welcome to deny it. Maybe we have other hugely well-funded enemies out there who are keen to knock us out in the week of the election?" she said.

In her email today, Rewcastle Brown promised to publish "some great stories, which clearly our persecutors would rather we did not get out," at the new address and said that the website would aim to garner even higher readership than before despite the harassment.

It has previously been reported that the site received 18,000 hits a day earlier in the year and has risen during the current election campaign.



Posted: 11 Apr 2011 09:06 AM PDT

Apabila kerajaan meminta rakyat mengubah gaya hidup, kerajaan pula memboros belanja untuk yang tidak memanfaatkan rakyat langsung seperti memewahkan anak isteri.Adilkah kepada rakyat jelata. Sudah tiba masanya rakyat bersungguh mengambil tindakan tegas dengan undi mereka kepada pimpinan BN yang pandai bercakap dan berlakon tetapi menelan berjuta wang rakyat. Hak rakyat untuk tahu yang benar.

Lagu khas ini ditujukan untuk rakyat SARAWAK

Posted: 11 Apr 2011 08:52 AM PDT

Kalau sekali mungkin sebab tak kenal. Kalau dua kali mungkin terlupa. Kalau ketiga kali sebab leka.Tapi kalau setiap kali ditipu oleh taktik penipu janji BARISAN NASIONAL maka kita PENYUMBANG KEROSAKAN BANGSA, KERUGIAN NEGERI DAN NEGARA, kemusnahan masa depan generasi.
Come on all peoples of Sarawak, YOU CAN DO IT!!Call all your friends, families, colleagues, kampung and longhouse mates.
Make a better SARAWAK!!
Agik idup agik ngelaban!


Posted: 11 Apr 2011 06:43 AM PDT

TPM minta 'jasa baik' guru di S'wak sokong BN                

Menteri Pelajaran, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin meminta 'jasa baik' para guru di Sarawak supaya menyokong BN dalam pilihan raya negeri itu pada 16 April depan.

Beliau yang juga timbalan perdana menteri menggesa mereka membantu BN menang besar, dengan memangkah calon-calonnya dalam pilihan raya negeri Sabtu depan.

Muhyiddn yang juga timbalan pengerusi BN berucap kepada kira-kira 400 guru yang mengikuti satu program untuk pendidik di Sibu petang ini.

Selepas ini, kata Muhyiddin, pembangkang akan mendakwa BN berkempen melalui guru-guru, tetapi tegasnya, ianya bukan hanya satu peringatan lembut, tetapi juga peringatan yang penting.

Sambil mengkritik kempen Pakatan Rakyat untuk membawa perubahan, Muhyiddin berkata, rancangan pembangunan mungkin terjejas jika berlaku perubahan tersebut.

Menurutnya, rancangan pembangunan akan terjejas jika berlaku gangguan atau perubahan mengikut cara pembangkang.

Beliau mengumpamakan kempen pembangkang untuk perubahan itu umpama 'tikus membaiki labu' - satu pepatah Melayu yang bermaksud tindakan yang akan memburukkan lagi keadaan.

Sementara itu sebuah helikopter terhempas dari ketinggian 10 kaki ketika hendak berlepas dari Dataran Sibu.

Kejadian itu berlaku selepas helikopter tersebut menurunkan anggota rombongan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

Sebelum kejadian tersebut, tiga helikopter membawa rombongan timbalan perdana menteri balik dari Bintangor ke Sibu.

Bagaimanapun, Tan Sri Muhyiddn tidak menaiki helikopter yang terhempas. laporan selanjutnya di SINI

Adakah pimpinan dan ahli parti PAKATAN RAKYAT bersedia untuk cetus tsunami PRU 13?

Posted: 11 Apr 2011 05:46 AM PDT

How would the Malaysian masses act to ensure real transformation in the country? This would really put to test the collective spiritual, physical, intellectual and emotional capital of the Malaysian population to effect a new social norm which chooses an effective government that ensures their quality of life.   Will the leaders and the supporters of the PAKATAN RAKYAT able to achieve a critical mass to effect  a political tsunami that will be able to tear down BN from their half century grip?

Is there enough zest? Is vision sharing among different party members reaching the target numbers?
BN is doing their calculations..................before that DAY

Hannah Yeoh

Hannah Yeoh

Syabas' explanation & residents' responses

Posted: 11 Apr 2011 07:36 AM PDT

Why Syabas can't give prior notice

NST : 2011/04/06 

KUALA LUMPUR: No prior notices will be issued for unscheduled water disruption, says Syabas corporate affairs division executive director Abdul Halem Mat Som. 

In a statement sent by Syabas late Tuesday evening, Abdul Halem said the recent water disruption that affected over 9,000 Subang Jaya households was due to an unscheduled water disruption.

He said it was not within the company's standard operating procedure to issue immediate notices when there is an unscheduled disruption in water supply. Whereas, the company is obliged to issue a seven-day notice prior to a scheduled water disruption date.

"The alerts will be sent to the media as well as to Yakin (Unit Kerjasama Informasi Pelanggan) which is under the Customer Services Department. Our Industrial Customer Unit will also be notified, so consumer will be prepared and have time to store water prior to the scheduled water disruption." 

In an earlier statement issued late Saturday, Syabas said the disruption was due to the receding water levels at Effingham, Bukit Gasing and Subang Airport ponds.

Halem said Syabas also faced difficulties filling up the affected ponds as the level of water was at its lowest point and consumer usage was at maximum capacity.

"We had acted swiftly by activating the Emergency Action Plan on Saturday at 3.30pm which included deploying water trucks to the affected areas both in Petaling Jaya and Subang Jaya. The next day, the water demands had lessened and we managed to restore the supply."

He said the water supply is in a dire strait as usage in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya is very high. "We urge the Government to develop an alternative source of water supply to meet the escalating needs."

By Dawn Chan

NST : 2011/04/07

KUALA LUMPUR: Subang Jaya Residents Association (SJRA) chairman A.S. Gill has described the water disruption incident as unacceptable.
"The announcement could have been made as they must have known that the water level was dropping.

"I am not sure if the reason given for not announcing the disruption is acceptable. SJRA members are extremely upset and would like somebody from Syabas to take responsibility. That would be the honourable thing to do," he said.

Echoing Gill, was SS152 and SS15/3 Residents Association chairman Borhan Rahmat.

He said it was unacceptable that Syabas did not alert the residents over water shortage as part of their standard operating procedure (SOP).

"Syabas is a privatised and a commercial house and holds the monopoly, so they should be responsible and sending out alerts has to be made part of their SOP.

"It is their duty to advise the residents so that the latter will be prepared for the situation. Not notifying the residents is unacceptable and the unscheduled water disruption alert should be made part of their key performance index," Borhan said.

He said Syabas should always ensure that the water levels at their reservoirs are sufficient. It was a surprise to Borhan to learn that the supply had receded when it had rained heavily a few days before the disruption.

"Logically, can water supply in a large reservoir recede in a matter of hours? It would take at least a few days for that to happen. Didn't Syabas realise this?" he asked.

Borhan, however, was one of the lucky callers to get through Syabas's 24-hour toll free hotline, Puspel, but his neighbours were not as fortunate as him.

SS19/1 Residents Association secretary Mohamad Noh Samik said although it was an unscheduled water disruption, Syabas should have informed the residents in whatever way deemed appropriate.

"I had no answers and I called the hotline six times on Saturday but each time I was put on hold for about 10 minutes before the line was cut off. Syabas should have been more pro-active and tell the public the situation.

"Maybe it is not their fault but it is their obligation to keep the residents informed.

"This is common courtesy. The incident would have been more forgivable if we got answers through the hotline," said Mohamad Noh.

Syabas, he added, could have taken the step to inform SJ Alert, which in turn would have disseminated information through its short messaging service.

There were other alternatives such as Twitter and Facebook as well, said Mohamad Noh.

Subang Jaya assemblyman Hannah Yeoh said Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim has summoned Syabas to the next Selangor Economic Action Council (MTES) to answer three questions:

  -Why wasn't there an alert when water level at these 3 reservoirs dropped?

  -Why didn't consumers receive any notice (prior to and during disruption)?

  -What happened to Puspel's call centre and what is its call-handling capacity especially during a crisis?

Yeoh said the Selangor state government has been making attempts to restructure the water industry in Selangor but has received no favourable response from Syabas.

Speaking to Streets yesterday, Yeoh said, "We'll wait for the next MTES sitting as the state exco has announced, based on reports in March, that there was no water shortage problem."



Posted: 11 Apr 2011 08:11 PM PDT




Posted: 11 Apr 2011 03:14 AM PDT

(Semoga Tuan Guru Haji Hadi mengambil alih jawatan Ketua Pembangkang dengan segera)

Salam 2 all.

Arakian tersebut satu kisah, seorang Pak Yangoat yang terkenal dengan 'abidnya. Dahinya hitam, janggutnya Bin Laden pun bisa nangis dong. Tiap masalah pasti akan disolathajatkan..alhamdulillah. Satu ketika, banjir datang melanda, hingga mencecah bumbung rumah. Berlarilah Pak Yangoat keatas bumbong sambil menadah tangan mohon bantuan. Tiba-tiba lalu Pak Taming mendayung sampan. "Jom naik Pak Yangoat, kita ke pusat pemindahan". Pak Yangot sambil tersenyum berkata, "timaseh Pak Taming, insyallah ana dah buat hajat, nanti ALLAH akan tolong ana". Lalu Pak Yangoat terus menadah mohon pertolongan, sambil air makin naik.

Tiba-tiba lalu bot penyelamat bomba, "cepat naik Pak Yangoat, air makin naik". "Takpa, kejap lagi ALLAH akan tolong", sambil mulut Pak Yangoat berkomat kamit mohon bantuan. Akhirnya air sudah keparas dada, tiba-tiba datang helikopter TUDM sambil mencampakkan tangga penyelamat, "cepat naik Pak, air besar akan naik kejap lagi". "Takpa encik, ALLAH akan bantu saya", lalu Pak Yangoat terus menadah sambil kumat-kamit mohon bantuan. Dan datanglah air besar, hanyut dan mati lemaslah Pak Yangoat.

Dihadapan ALLAH, Pak Yangoat komplen, "ya Robb, aku hambaMu yang tunduk pada Mu. Tiap masalah aku pasti aku solathajatkan, hingga lebam dahiku. Kenapa Kau tidak menolong aku dikala aku kesukaran menghadapi banjir, hingga aku mati kelemasan, mengapa ya ALLAH!". Lalu ALLA Yang Maha Esa menjawab, "Aku dah hantar sampan, Aku dah hantar bomba, dan Aku hantar helikopter TUDM lagi, kenapa mike tak naik yop!!!".

Teman saja bawak cerita diatas yop, bila terkenangkan dah berkenjah solat hajat dibuat untuk mendapatkan kebenaran dalam isu membabitkan manusia yang ditabal bininya sebagai anugerah tuhan. Seingat teman, solat hajat dah dibuat merata tempat. Malah malam pertama Anwar dipecat Tun Mahathir, solat hajat dibuat diBukit Damansara, diimamkan oleh Ustad Razali Nawawi. Segala macam imam sudah mengetuai solat hajat. Termasuk ke segala pesantren dan pondok di Selatan Thai, Indonesia, Filipina, sampailah ke Masjidil Haram dan Masjid Nabawi menganjurkan solat hajat untuk ALLAH tunjukkan kebenaran dalam isu manusia anugerah tuhan ini!

Malah mangsa liwat Anwar iaitu stafnya sendiri Saiful Bukhori Azlan pun pernah buat solat hajat di hadapan Ka'bah dan di Masjid Nabawi memohon kebenaran di tunjukkan oleh ALLAH. Bukan sahaja solat hajat, sumpah la'nat pun Saiful dah buat. Paling akhir Rabu Jamadil Awal 1432 bersamaan 06 Apr 2011, sekali lagi solat hajat dibuat secara besar-besaran untuk mendapatkan petunjuk haq dan kebenaran. Tetapi sehingga kini mereka yang taksub masih tidak dapat melihat kebenaran.

Persoalannya, adakah ALLAH sudah tunjukkan kebenaran itu? Bagi mereka yang taksub dengan manusia anugerah tuhan ini, kebenaran itu bagi mereka hanya jika mereka lihat Saiful muncul berkudis sopak, ataupun Tun Mahathir jadi sewel, ataupun manusia taksuban mereka bersemayam di Putrajaya. Sebab itu jika ada isyarat lain mereka akan jadi PBB - Pekak Bisu & Buta. Sebagaimana kaum Yahudi & Nasara dahulu, mereka menunggu-nunggu kebenaran kenabian datang, tetapi dalam kepala mereka sudah diindoktirnasikan bahawa Nabi akan datang itu ialah Yahudi. Bila Nabi Muhammad saw, seorang 'Arab Makkiyun datang, dengan segala isyarat haq dan kebenaran kitabiah, Yahudi & Nasara menolaknya, kerana Rasulullah saw bukan Yahudi! Itu sahaja!

Bagi para penaksub ini, cuba renung-renungkan apa isyarat, bukti dan keterangan yang ALLAH telah hantar setakat ini:

1. Anwar terbukti seorang pembohong. Satu bukti jelas ialah pembohongan 16 Sept. Satu dunia dia temberang dan kelentongnya. Ini semua orang, satu duniawi tahu, kecuali yang PBB aje yang buat tak tahu. Tidak ada yang jelas melainkan jelasnya pembohongan Anwar dalam konspirasi 16 Sept ini! Kalau satu dunia Anwar boleh auta dan kelentong, dan masih juga ada yang PBB terus menyokong, bayangkan apa lagi pembohongan & penipuan yang manusia "anugerah tuhan" ni boleh buat!!

Tidak pernah ke mike nak bertanya dalam hati kecil mike tu, kalau Anwar boleh bohong satu dunia pasal 16 Sept, dan langsung tidak menunjukkan rasa bersalah, apatah lagi bertaubat dan meminta ma'af, tidak mungkinkah dia boleh berbohong dalam hal-hal lain!! Kebenaran apa lagi yang mike tunggu untuk ALLAH hantar yop!!

2. Saiful yang mengadu menjadi mangsa liwat Anwar adalah staf dia sendiri. Anwar yang temuduga Saiful, Anwar yang ambil Saiful bekerja, Anwar yang bayar gaji Saiful, Anwar yang bawak Saiful makan angin ke Hong Kong, Bangkok & Singapura (walaupun baru beberapa minggu bekerja sebagai "errand staff"), tau-tau Anwar kata Dato' Sri Najib yang bersalah!!! Banyak solat hajat dibuat untuk melaknat Saiful. Sampai ada yang mintak biar Saiful cacat, gila, kena sopak, jadi sewel dan macam-macam lagi. Sebaliknya Saiful bukan sahaja bersumpah dalam Masjid mengadu Anwar meliwat dia, malah berangkat mengerjakan haji bersama ibu tercinta dan berdoa di Gua Hira' dan dihadapan Baitullah & Masjid Nabawi! Yang dok kelam kabut, dengan macam-macam caca merba & pasembor, dengan macam-macam pembongkaran dimunculkan, ialah Anwar, bukan Saiful!

Tidakkah pernah mike nak bertanya dalam hati kecil mike yop, kenapa Anwar liat sangat nak bersumpah la'nat. Mengapa yang kelihatan semakin "dila'nat" bukannya Saiful tapi dia? Kebenaran apa lagi yang mike tunggu untuk ALLAH hantar yop!!

3. dalam kes tuduhan meliwat Saiful Bukhori, pihak pendakwaraya mengemukakan pelbagai keterangan dan bukti, saksi, doktor, pakar kimia, pakar forensik, pakar DNA dan macam-macam lagi! Dan yang paling terang bukti & keterangan ialah adanya baki sperma seseorang dikenali sebagai Jantan-Y dalam karung kunyit Saiful. Dan Anwar hanya perlu berikan sampel DNA dia (darah, air liur, peluh, rambut, kuku dll, anything yop). Jika benar dakwaan Anwar bukan dia yang mengunyit Saiful, pasti DNA Anwar dan DNA Jantan-Y tidak akan "matching". Dan jika itu betul, bukan sahaja Anwar akan terlepas bebas, silap-silap mahkota Putrajaya pun dia boleh dapat.

Tidak pernah ke mike nak bertanya dalam hati kecil mike tu yop, kenapa Anwar liat sangat nak bagi sampel DNA tu yop; sedangkan dia tidak rugi satu habuk pun jika menyerahkan sampel DNA tu kepada Mahkamah jika dia yakin benar! Kebenaran apa lagi yang mike tunggu untuk ALLAH hantar lagi yop!

4. dalam kes videoklip terbaru, tak pasal-pasal manusia anugerah tuhan melenting kata itu bukan dia; walaupun tidak ada sesiapa pun yang tuduh dia, apatah lagi nak tuduh dia "menyudu" pelacur Cina tu. Anwar kata pada masa kejadian dia sedang sibuk bertweet, dan jam Omega yang dijumpai Datuk Eskay sebenarnya ada dengan isteri tercinta. Maka habislah keluar segala agamawan dan ustadwan, dengan macam-macam patwa qazaf dan lain-lain., siap memfasikkan dan mengkapiorkan orang lain yang memberi pendapat berbeza. Isunya bukan kita menuduh Anwar berlacur atai berzina, tetapi isunya ialah adakah videoklip itu tulin, dan siapa watak-watak didalam video tu. Tak timbul langsung tuduhan zina, rogol, atau melacur.

Tidak pernah ke mike semua nak bertanya dalam hati kecil mike tu, kenapa twitter Anwar kosong daripada jam 09.30mlm-11.30mlm? Kenapa Anwar & Azizah liat sangat nak tunjukkan jam Omega spesial edition tu kalau betul ada dengan mereka? Kenapa Datuk Eskay rakan baik Anwar sendiri dedahkan videoklip ini? Kebenaran apa lagi yang mike tunggu untuk ALLAH hantar lagi yop!

5. Karpal Singh beriya-iya nak jadi peguam Anwar dalam kes pertuduhan meliwat stafnya Saiful, dan Anwar beriya-iya mahukan Karpal membelanya. Tetapi Karpal Singh inilah orang yang sama yang mendedahkan kegiatan homoseks & liwat Anwar pada 22.10.1997 dalam Parlimen & dalam ceramah DAP di Hotel Federal KL. Dia yang ceritakan kepada pimpinan PAS sehingga mereka pangill dia "Anwar Al-Juburi". Dia yang jadi loyer Azizan & Umi Hafilda. Dia yang desak Anwar bertaubat & letak jawatan setelah pembohongan 16 Sept terbongkar. Dan inilah Karpal yang sama yang mengisytiharkan "perang" terhadap Islam apabila menentang cita-cita PAS nak mendirikan sebuah negara Islam dan melaksanakan undang-undang Islam dengan perisytiharan "over my dead body". Dan mentor mereka Lee Kuan Yew pernah mendedahkan bahawa Bahagian Risikan Singapura & Australia mempunyai bukti teknikal Anwar terlibat dengan kegiatan tidak bermoral!!!

Tidak pernah ke mike semua nak bertanya dalam hati kecil mike tu, kenapa Karpal penentang negara Islam ni beriya-iya nak jadi loyer Anwar? Adakah dia & sekutu DAPnya ada agenda tersendiri? Adakah Anwar sudah berada dibawah cengkaman mereka? Kebenaran apa lagi yang mike tunggu untuk ALLAH hantar lagi yop!

6. Sejak daripada awal lagi, seorang-demi seorang sahabat baik dan rakan karib serta orang kepercayaan Anwar meninggalkan beliau, dan semuanya atas sebab yang sama - tidak percaya kepada Anwar, politikus yang rakus, cakap tak serupa bikin, hanya berminat nak jadi Perdana Menteri, punya masalah moral yang serius, dikhianati Anwar, pembohong dan lain-lain. Sejak Professor Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, Zainur Zakaria, Ezam Mohd. Nor, Datin Saidatul, Anuar Shaari, Hajjah Aminah, Datuk Jefrey Kitingan, Roslan Kassim, Ng Lum Yong, YB Gobalakrishnan, YB Wee Choo Keong, YB Mohsin, YB Datuk Seri Zahrain, YB Dominique, Professor Dr. Uthman Muhammady, Dr. Mohd. Yusri, Datuk Syazryl Eskay, rakan-rakan pengasas ABIM, dan ramai lagi mereka yang terkenal dengan kewibawaan dan integriti yang baik. Dan kesemua mereka tidak duduk diam selepas meninggalkan Anwar, malahan sebaliknya hampir semua memilih untuk mendedahkan topeng sebenar Anwar, bak kata Datuk Seri Zahrain, "bagai raksaksa pelbagai wajah". Dan sebaliknya yang masih merapati manusia anugerah tuhan ini ialah Michael Danby (MP pejuang gay Australia), Paul Wolfowitz (Yahudi yang menjadi akitek serangan Iraq/Afghanistan), Martin Indyk (Yahudi bekas Duta US ke Israel), James Wolfehnson (Yahudi bekas Presiden Bank Dunia), Al Gore (Yahudi bekas Naib Presiden US), William Cohen (Yahudi bekas Setiausaha Pertahanan US), Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Karpal Singh dan ramai lagi!

Tidakkah pernah mike semua nak bertanya didalam hati kecil mike tu, kenapa ramai rakan baik dan kepercayaan Anwar lari dan kini menentang dia secara terbuka? Mengapa para gay, pejuang homoseks & lesbian, para Yahudi & kafirun harbi kekal menyokong manusia anugerah tuhan ni yop? Kebenaran apa lagi yang mike tunggu ALLAH hantar yop?

Sebenarnya yop, banyak lagi isyarat-isyarat dan petanda-petanda yang telah ALLAH hantar. Persoalannya ialah mengapa kita tidak mahu melihat dengan 'ainul-yaqeen-mata keimanan berdasarkan Al Quran & Sunnah. Mengapa kita tidak mahu menggunakan aqal yang ALLAH anugerahkan untuk berfikir. Otak itu ALLAH anugerahkan bukan untuk buat sup yop, tetapi untuk berpikior!!! Maka berfikirlah yop!

Nanti bila sampai depan ALLAH, kelak kita ditanya mengapa kita tidak mahu berfikir dan menggunakan aqal; jangan kita jawab "teman udah buat solat hajat berkajang-kajang nunggu kebenaran, tetapi mike tak hantar-hantar wahai ALLAH. Tak pasal-pasal ALLAH akan tempelak kita dengan berfirman:

"Aku dah hantar 16 Sept, Aku dah hantar Saiful, Aku dah hantar DNA, Aku dah hantar videoklip, Aku dah hantar rekod twitter, Aku dah hantar jam Omega, Aku dah hantar Eskay, Aku dah hantar Karpal Singh dan macam-macam lagi petanda, bukti dan isyarat telah Aku hantar! Ate, ngape mike tak nampak kebenaran tu lagi ke yop? Apa yang mike nak ALLAH hantar lagi yop?

Teman menutup tulisan ini dengan satu firman ALLAH dalam satu surah yang cukup terkenal dikalangan orang Melayu, iaitu surah Yaasin (ayat 7-10). Ingatan ini adalah untuk diri teman, dan mereka yang masih punya sedikit kelumit keimanan:

"Sesungguhnya telah pasti berlaku ketetapan siksaan ALLAH terhadap kebanyakan mereka, kerana mereka tidak mahu beriman (mempercayai). Sesungguhnya Kami jadikan (kesombongan dan keengganan mereka tunduk kepada kebenaran sebagai) belenggu dileher mereka, lalu tangan mereka terangkat ke dagu, maka kerana itu mereka menjadi terdongak. Dan kami jadikan (sifat tamak dan gila mereka kepada pangkat dan hartabenda sebagai) sekatan (yang menghalang mereka daripada memandang keburukan dan kesingkatan masa dunia yang ada) dihadapan mereka, dan sekatan (yang menghalang mereka daripada memikirkan azab yang ada) dibelakang mereka (pada hari kiamat). Lalu kami tutup pandangan mereka; maka dengan itu mereka tidak dapat melihat (jalan yang benar). Maka (dengan sebab itu) sama sahaja kepada mereka; samada engkau beri amaran (peringatan) kepada mereka, atau engkau tidak memberi amaran (peringatan) kepada mereka mereka tetap tidak akan beriman (mempercayainya)"
(rujukan kepada Tafsir pimpinan Ar-Rahman & Al Quran & Terjemahan (Khadaamun Haramain Sa'udi).

Jadi persoalan besar yang teman nak tanya diri teman dan mike semua yop, tidakkah terpikior yang ALLAH mungkin telah pun memberi petanda, bukti, isyarat dan amaran serta menjawab semua doa dan solat hajat memohon petunjuk dan kebenaran tu yop! Tepuk dada tanyalah iman masing-masing yop!

Yang baik itu datangnya daripada ALLAH, yang tidak itu kelemahan teman sendiri. Moga ALLAH menjadikan tulisan dan peringatan ini kebaikan untuk diri teman dan mereka yang masih beriman, dan semoga ALLAH memberikan keberkatan dan menjauhkan teman dari segala sifat dengki, dendam dan takabbur, dan menjadikan tulisan ini sebagai suatu 'ibadah guna untuk mendekatkan diri lebih kepada ALLAH. Dari ALLAH kita datang, kepada ALLAH kita akan kembali. Astaghfirullah hal 'azheem.

Adios amigos, grasias senor.

Wallahua'alam & Wassalam.

Zulkifli Bin Noordin
07 Jamadil Awal 1432
11 April 2011

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

PKNS Bakal Membina Perumahan Bersifat Futuristik: Bangi Sekadar Mendapat Projek `Rumah Mampu Milik ?

Posted: 11 Apr 2011 04:34 PM PDT

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

[April] UBAH wants to fly high with rocket balloons..

Posted: 11 Apr 2011 04:02 PM PDT

Hmm... UBAH wonders if she could fly to the moon if she tied a bunch of Rocket balloons together...


[April 11] Small breakthrough in Sarikei..

Posted: 11 Apr 2011 09:46 AM PDT

It is never the tradition of DAP Sarikei to ask public for donation during ceramah as it might scare the crowd away. Therefore after so many ceramah, we have never asked for any donation. But tonight, I sang a song and humbly asked the crowd to assist us, the crowd stayed and they walked to us. We managed to collect RM2888. The amount is small compared to the amount of donation collected by DAP in Miri, Kuching, Sibu and Limbang, but it's a breakthrough in Sarikei. (More......)

[Schedule@April 12 Tuesday] Where to meet DAP's Candidate for N. 39 Repok (Sarikei)

Posted: 11 Apr 2011 08:54 AM PDT

Sarikei-Lawatan Calon  Date/Time: 12 April, 8:30am – 11:00am

Venue: 毕新一带工业区 ; Enquiry:欲知详情,请联络王振金 016-8681630。谢谢。

Sarikei-Sidang Akhbar  Date/Time: 12 April,  11:00am – 12:00pm

Venue: Pejabat Cawangan DAP Sarikei 民主行动党泗里街支部

Sarikei-Lawatan Calon  Date/Time: 12 April, 2:30pm – 5:00pm

Venue: Jalan Rajang (拉让花园)

Sarikei-Ceramah  Date/Time: 12 April,  6:30pm - 11:30pm

Venue: Thien Thien Cafe 天天茶室 (Jln Repok) &  天福茶室 (椰甲, Jakar)


【当今大马】否认勾结民都鲁“大鳄”买票 . 林启钦辩称引资发展马拉端

Posted: 11 Apr 2011 08:08 AM PDT

NONEWhen contacted by Malaysiakini's journalist today, SUPP's candidate for Meradong DUN seat Ling Kie King denies the rumours that Tycoons from Bintulu had sponsored him with huge amount of money during the Sarawak State Election campaign as a move to neutralize the influence of Sibu-based SUPP tycoons.











【当今大马】华裔比例骤降至38% . 财团幕后操盘 . 行动党号召游子回乡保陈耔橞(马拉端)

Posted: 11 Apr 2011 05:20 AM PDT

Meradong in danger! Iban votes increase 15% to 50% n Chinese votes reduce 19% to 38.6%!! Please come back and vote for DAP's candidate for Meradong Teng Tze Fui !! SOS.

P/S: I was told tat "4 heavenly Kings" from Miri are helping BN in Meradong. If this is true then our fight in Meradong will b very very hard. Money politics is not news but to what extent?









【念念有辞】 不能过度乐观看待民联砂州选情

Posted: 11 Apr 2011 05:19 AM PDT

Article published on the Website of Chinese newspaper








[April 11] UBAH so happy to receive DAP cupcakes from our supporters!!

Posted: 11 Apr 2011 04:59 AM PDT

Supporters made small cupcakes for DAP's campaigners in Sarawak. UBAH so happy!! :DDD


[April 10] Happily campaigning for DAP candidates in Sarikei and Bintangor!

Posted: 11 Apr 2011 04:58 AM PDT

Happily campaigning for DAP candidates in Sarikei and Bintangor! Rocket rocket up Up UP!!




Lawatan susulan kawasan Dun Yb Lee Guan Aik pada 1hb April dan 8hb April 2011

Posted: 11 Apr 2011 12:47 AM PDT

Suara Sri Andalas

Suara Sri Andalas

Selangor Beri Sumbangan RM360,000 Kepada Mangsa Kebakaran Rumah Panjang, Krian, Sarawak

Posted: 09 Apr 2011 02:00 AM PDT

Kerajaan Selangor telah menyampaikan sumbangan berjumlah RM360,000 kepada JKKK Rumah Unding, Sg. Jerak, Krian, Seratok, Sarawak bagi kerja-kerja pembinaan semula rumah panjang yang terbakar kira-kira 3 minggu yang lalu.

Sumbangan disampaikan oleh YB Dr. Xavier Jayakumar, Exco Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dalam satu majlis ringkas di tapak rumah panjang yang terbakar tersebut

Majlis turut dihadiri oleh Ali anak Biju calon Keadilan bagi N34 Krian.

Ujar Dr. Xavier lagi sumbangan tersebut merupakan bantuan sumbangan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor bagi meringankan bebanan mangsa kebakaran.

Japan’s Nuclear Nightmare: Lessons for Malaysia

Posted: 07 Apr 2011 05:00 PM PDT

By Ronald McCoy

Since 11th March, Japan has been reeling from an unprecedented natural disaster of awesome proportions, followed by a man-made nuclear crisis. First, a record-breaking earthquake, 8.9 on the Richter scale, off the north-eastern coast of the Japanese island of Honshu. Then, a towering ten-metre tsunami which killed tens of thousands of people and destroyed almost everything in its path. Finally, the release of radioactivity into the environment from a nuclear power plant, damaged by overheating and explosions.   

The earthquake had automatically shut-down the six nuclear reactors of the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant, owned by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco). But it also knocked out the power grid, forcing operators to fall back on diesel generators to keep coolant flowing into hot reactor cores of radioactive uranium and plutonium fuel rods. Then the tsunami swept in, knocked out the generators and cut off power to the plant's cooling systems. All at once, four out of its six nuclear reactors were in dire trouble from overheating. Explosions then damaged fuel rods and the integrity of the primary containment structure, and radioactivity was released into the environment.  

There are few environmental dangers more lasting or more fearsome than radiation from a nuclear accident. We saw this in the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl disasters, and now in Fukushima. The truth of Murphy's Law is inescapable:  "If something can go wrong, sooner or later it will go wrong."

Public health
The public health implications of nuclear power should not be subordinate to the economic considerations of the nuclear industry and government energy policies. There is a need to review the scientific evidence for public health impacts of nuclear power, to assess occupational hazards faced by nuclear industry workers, and to assess evidence that challenges the legitimacy of the underlying assumptions of nuclear safety.

A common thread running through these health concerns is the risk posed by ionising radiation. There is no safe threshold. Over the past fifty years, the claims of the nuclear industry, that nuclear power is both safe and vital for our future, have proven false and contentious. 

Ionising radiation can damage DNA, causing cancer and inherited mutations. However, whether an individual develops cancer following exposure to ionising radiation depends on whether the DNA is damaged, what part of the DNA is damaged, whether the cell line can reproduce, whether the damage is completely repaired, and whether the cell completes transformations that lead to malignancy.  

The most important evidence regarding risks from exposure to radiation comes from epidemiologic studies that examine incidence of cancer in exposed populations, such as children exposed to radiation in utero, people exposed to background radiation, nuclear plant workers, patients exposed to diagnostic or therapeutic radiation, and people exposed to radiation from nuclear explosions. 

The risk of mutation-related damage, including cancer, is proportional to the radiation dose. There is no threshold below which ionising radiation produces no damage. This means that background radiation from any source causes cancer and genetic mutations among exposed populations.

What happens in a nuclear accident
When a reactor is operating, fuel rods containing uranium and plutonium  pellets produce heat through nuclear fission and get very hot. The fuel is immersed in water and the heat produces steam, which is used to drive a turbine to produce electricity. The water also serves to keep the fuel from overheating and is continuously circulated to carry away excess heat. Even if the reactor shuts down, the fuel will remain hot for a long time and so must still be cooled.

If the pumps that circulate the cooling water are not operating, the water will heat up and evaporate, and the fuel can be exposed to the environment. At this point, the zirconium cladding on the fuel rods will start to heat up, blister, and then rupture. If the fuel is not covered by water and is exposed for a few hours, it will start to melt. The molten fuel will collect at the bottom of the steel reactor vessel, and it will be a matter of hours before the fuel melts through the steel and settles on the concrete floor of the primary containment vessel. In an accident, the amount of radioactivity released into the environment will depend on the integrity of the primary and secondary containments. The radioactive isotopes of greatest concern in a nuclear accident are iodine-131 and caesium-137.

Uncertain geological knowledge
Nuclear power requires stability - political stability and geological stability. Countries considering the option of nuclear power need to soberly assess their plans, particularly if they are located in active volcanic regions.

But geological knowledge is incomplete and imperfect. And we rely on such knowledge too heavily when making policy decisions about locating hazardous technologies. 

Designed and built to withstand what is termed "design basis accidents," nuclear power plants are usually sited in geologically stable and physically secure environments, determined by geologists. The possibility of a "design basis accident" is based on "credible events," which are determined by an analysis of probabilities. The Fukushima disaster was a "beyond design basis accident" because the analysis was wrong. It was calculated that the probable "credible event" expected to occur in Fukushima would be an earthquake no greater than a magnitude of 7.9 and a tsunami no higher than 6.7 metres. It was not in the analysis of probabilities that Fukushima would be struck by an 8.9 magnitude earthquake or a 10-metre high tsunami. But geologists and the nuclear industry, like all human beings, sometimes get it wrong.

It is noteworthy that there are a number of unknown geological faults and processes which make it more difficult to accurately predict a "credible event." In other words, it is very much an intelligent guessing game, but guessing it is nevertheless. Incidentally, the recent earthquake in Christchurch occurred on an unknown and unexposed geological fault, and was therefore unpredictable. In fact, damaging earthquakes have been known to originate from unknown faults.

Malaysia has so far not been traumatised by a severe earthquake or tsunami, although located on the western margins of the Pacific Rim of Fire and close to earthquake-prone Indonesia and the Philippines. But with such incomplete and imperfect geological knowledge, we cannot rule out the possibility of a damaging earthquake in the future.

Human error
But earthquakes and tsunamis are not the only causes of a nuclear accident.  Human error alone can lead to a nuclear accident. It happened in Windscale (later renamed Sellafield), Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. So, it could happen in Malaysia. Building two nuclear reactors in error-inclined Malaysia would carry the potential for an incalculable catastrophe. The chances of a nuclear accident in Malaysia are not negligible.

I have heard the facetious argument that plane crashes are not sufficient reason to abandon air travel. But the scale of a nuclear accident is incomparable. Radiation could kill and injure thousands, cause cancers, and contaminate and render uninhabitable a large part of  Malaysia.  

Nightmare at Fukushima
Japan, the only country to have experienced nuclear warfare, now faces another nuclear nightmare. Months may pass before we can fully understand what went wrong and learn from Fukushima. It is a high price to pay for using potentially dangerous and replaceable technology. It has rekindled fading memories of Chernobyl and shifted the balance in the debate on climate change and the risks and benefits of nuclear energy. 

It is forcing many countries to review the safety of their nuclear facilities and their energy policies. Germany has responded to strong public anti-nuclear sentiment by reinstating and accelerating its nuclear phase-out policy, and temporarily shutting down the oldest seven of its seventeen reactors. Both India and China, with their expanding economies and energy needs, are reviewing nuclear safety measures, but have not shelved plans to build more reactors in the next ten years. 

A number of studies conclude that nuclear power cannot meet energy needs; that it is excessively expensive; that it is not carbon neutral; that it creates additional environmental and security risks. Most importantly, new evidence indicates that environmentally safe and sustainable energy technologies can be developed to meet growing energy needs.

There is a growing conviction worldwide that nuclear power should be phased out and a serious commitment made to invest in renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy conservation.

Malaysia's nuclear energy plans
Apparently, the Malaysian government is continuing its plans to build two 1,000 megawatt nuclear reactors, in spite of a forty percent energy reserve. In responding to the Fukushima nuclear crisis, the minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water covered his back politically when he said that the decision to build the reactors will only be made after his colleagues in cabinet have evaluated a paper to be submitted by the new Malaysian Nuclear Power Corporation, a creature of the Economic Transformation Programme. 
Serious questions are in order:
Does the green minister believe that nuclear energy is green? 
Does the government realise that nuclear energy is dirty, dangerous and expensive?
What is the urgency in embarking on a nuclear energy project when Malaysia enjoys a forty percent energy reserve and does not need  to rush into nuclear power?
Has the government really considered the realities of nuclear power economics? 
How much of taxpayers' money will be required as subsidies to make nuclear power economically feasible? 
Is it wise to invest billions in expensive nuclear energy when investments should be made in alternative renewable energy and energy efficient technologies?
Is it not time for the government to join with other governments in a holistic approach to climate change by implementing ecologically sustainable economic development? 
Has the government considered the health, environmental and human security dangers of a reactor meltdown or a terrorist attack on nuclear facilities? 
Will it be possible in the long term to prevent diversion of nuclear materials to nuclear weapons proliferation or to a terrorist group?
Where and how does the government plan to dispose of nuclear waste, that will remain radioactive for thousands of years, when the nuclear industry and advanced countries have not found a solution?
Does the government not think that such a crucial issue as nuclear energy deserves a national debate and a referendum? 
Does the government really think that it can make a unilateral decision and then justify it by claiming that it has studied and accepted a report from the very company that will benefit from it? 
Does the government realise that the billions of ringgit invested in nuclear energy will divert scarce resources away from the imperative of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies? 
Is the government beginning to believe its own propaganda and misinformation about nuclear energy?   

Public distrust
The nuclear industry has carried the stamp of secrecy like a birthmark. From its very beginning, the nuclear industry has had a long history of cover-ups and downright deception, with the occasional lapse into silence - the silence of guilt. Public trust in the promoters of nuclear power is almost non-existent. In Britain, America, Germany, Russia, Japan and other countries, people have not been told the truth about the real economic cost of nuclear energy and the health and environmental consequences of nuclear mishaps and near-misses. 

The stricken Japanese population is well aware of the culture of nuclear cover-ups. The Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) owns and operates the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant. In 2002, Tepco's chairman and senior executives had to resign when the Japanese government discovered that they had covered up the existence of structural damage to reactors. In 2006, Tepco admitted that it had been falsifying data about reactor coolant materials.

Vexing questions
Radiation is invisible and cannot be recalled. In a nuclear crisis, there will be many questions about radiation. As the Japanese people are now discovering, it is a nightmare trying to make sense of the uncertainties.  
How do you know when you are in danger?  
How long will this danger persist?
How can you reduce the danger to yourself and your family?
What level of exposure is safe?
How do you get access to vital information in time to prevent or minimise exposure?
What are the potential health risks and consequences of exposure?
Whose information can you rely on or trust?
How do you rebuild a healthy way of life in the aftermath of a nuclear disaster?

These questions are difficult to answer, and they become even more complicated when governments and the nuclear industry maintain tight 
control of information, technological operations, scientific research, and the bio-medical lessons that shape public health response.

Transparency and accountability
Transparency and accountability do not sit well with an industry, addicted to filtering and censoring information. It explains why there is no clear consensus on the local and global health consequences of Fukushima.

There is no safe threshold for radiation. The claim that exposure to low-level radiation does not pose a risk to health is a myth, generated by governments and the nuclear industry. During the nuclear arms race of the Cold War, scientific findings on health risks from nuclear fallout that contradicted the official narrative were censored. Scientists with integrity were discredited, punished or blacklisted. In 1994, the US Advisory Commission on Human Radiation Experimentation concluded that the literature on radiation and health during the Cold War was heavily sanitised and scripted to reassure and pacify public protests.

Decades of official censorship have reinforced the false core message: Human beings have evolved in a world where background radiation is present and is natural, and that any adverse health effect of radiation exposure is the occasional and accidental result of high levels of exposure.

There are other sources of conclusive data that allow a very different interpretation of the health hazards posed by a nuclear disaster. These include several declassified records of US and Soviet human radiation experiments, Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission records, long-term research on Chernobyl survivors, and proceedings of the Marshall Islands Nuclear Claims Tribunal.

From these records, some important facts have emerged. For example, nuclear fallout and radioactive contamination of ocean and land ultimately enter the food chain and the human body, and therefore represent significant health risks. Chronic exposure to radiation does more than increase the risk of cancers. It threatens the immune system, exacerbates pre-existing conditions, affects fertility, increases the rate of birth defects, and can retard physical and mental development.

Japan's ongoing nuclear crisis demonstrates the degree to which the state prioritises security interests over the fundamental rights of people and their environment. Japan's response to Fukushima mimics the responses of other governments to catastrophic events, such as Chernobyl and Katrina. It has been to control the content and flow of information to prevent panic and mitigate the inevitable loss of trust in the government, reduce legal liability, and protect nuclear and other industry agendas. 

It is more than likely that the Malaysian government will behave in the same manner in a similar crisis. We still remember its disgraceful attempt to cover up the 1992 illegal and reprehensible dumping of radioactive thorium near Bukit Merah New Village by Mitsubishi's Asian Rare Earth company.   

There are many lessons to be learnt from Fukushima, not least of which is to recognise that nuclear energy is exceedingly dangerous and carries unacceptable, unnecessary risks to human health and the environment. In Malaysia, there must be strong public demand for transparency and accountability and an end to all plans to opt for nuclear energy. 

Misleading information
Nuclear energy is not cheap, clean or safe. And yet, vested interests in the government and the nuclear industry are attempting to override common sense and reason. They continue to trumpet the imaginary virtues of nuclear power and play down the enormous cost of nuclear power, the problem of nuclear waste, and the risks of an accident. Nuclear reactors, like nuclear weapons, do not forgive mistakes of judgement, simple negligence, human error or mechanical failure. Malaysia's poor record of industrial safety and its bad maintenance culture underlie concerns about public safety in the event of a nuclear accident. 

The nuclear industry has a history of making misleading claims about nuclear safety that have often confused and misled the uninformed. Genuine debate and critical examination have been avoided, evidence ignored, opponents silenced or marginalised, and critical issues of public health and welfare have been answered with standard bland platitudes. Nuclear regulatory bodies have too often acted out of expediency and ignored the health and protection of the public. 

Proliferation of nuclear weapons
Nuclear power is directly linked to the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Member states of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty have the "inalienable right" to peaceful uses of nuclear energy. All civilian nuclear energy programmes provide a convenient cover, as well as the training, technology and plutonium necessary for the proliferation of nuclear weapons. That was the route taken by India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea to become nuclear weapon states. A typical 1000 megawatt reactor produces enough plutonium each year for 40 nuclear weapons.

The government of Malaysia has consistently opposed nuclear weaponry and supports the abolition of nuclear weapons. Unless circumstances change dramatically, I feel confident that policy will not change.

Radioactive nuclear waste
Nuclear power plants produce lethal radioactive waste that will remain radioactive for thousands of years. The half-life of plutonium-239 is 24,000 years and that of uranium-235 is 731 million years. We are talking about radiation forever. 

No country in the world has been able to safely dispose of its nuclear waste, which is accumulating in pools or casks alongside nuclear reactors in forty-four countries, waiting for a solution. Finding satisfactory underground geologic repositories has proved to be an intractable problem. After twenty years and US$9 billion of investment, the Obama administration has declared that the proposed repository site in Yucca Mountain is "not an option."

When questioned about nuclear waste, the nuclear industry argues that spent nuclear fuel should be reprocessed or 'recycled' into fresh fuel. Only the French experience with reprocessing has been technically successful, but economically it has been a failure. 

If medieval man had ventured into nuclear energy, we today would still be managing his waste, assuming we had survived. Nuclear waste is not a legacy we should bequeath future generations. 

Cost of nuclear energy
Cheap nuclear power is a myth. "Too cheap to meter" was the false slogan in 1954. Forbes business magazine has described the failure of the US nuclear industry as "the largest managerial disaster in business history."

After fifty years of substantial government subsidies, nuclear power remains prohibitively expensive. Even among business and financial communities, it is widely acknowledged that nuclear power would not be economically viable without government subsidies. 

In the United States, the most important subsidy comes in the form of loan guarantees, which promise that taxpayers will bail out nuclear utility companies by paying back their loans if and when their projects fail.

The nuclear industry's opaque methods of accounting make it difficult to determine the full economic costs of nuclear energy. Costs are often buried in generous government subsidies or conjured into debt legacies for future generations.

Tenaga Nasional Berhad claims that it could build a 1,000 megawatt nuclear reactor for RM1 billion, but there is no mention of other costs. Real costs, such as operating costs, accident insurance, maintenance of reactor security, nuclear waste management and decommissioning costs, are buried in the nuclear industry's creative, opaque methods of accounting 

Capital costs remain a critical problem. Objective data on nuclear economics do not exist. Examination of the limited number of published capital cost estimates shows that the estimated capital cost of a new nuclear power plant has escalated rapidly since 2005 and that estimates are largely derived from manufacturers of reactor systems. It follows that it is extremely risky to accept a manufacturer's estimates and to sign a contract that does not specify a fixed cost, and yet some purchasers do exactly that.

The only relatively reliable data on the costs of nuclear power come from the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Finland. Within this limited data base, we know that cost overruns and construction delays are customary and that no nuclear power plant has been built within budget or a contractual time-frame.

As recent as 29 May 2009, two financial reports in the business section of the New York Times exposed the risky economics of nuclear power by highlighting two fiascos: the virtual collapse of Canada's global flagship, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited and the problems facing the French company, Areva, over the construction of a new third generation pressurised water reactor in Olkiluoto, which is four years behind schedule and more than US$2 billion over budget. Both companies were overtaken by cost overruns, amounting to billions of dollars, and long delays in completion schedules extending into decades.

A recent study in the United States, which focussed on business risks and the cost of building new nuclear power plants, identified several significant risks. The cost of capital for building new nuclear power plants has been rising much faster than inflation. Major construction delays result in cost overruns of billions of dollars. Long lead times for construction also result in a "premium risk" which increases the cost of capital. In the end, to keep afloat, new nuclear plants will have to impose high electricity rates which will make consumers very unhappy and the economy less competitive. 

After more than fifty years in the business, the nuclear industry cannot attract private funding or liability insurance, cannot demonstrate an ability to build new reactors within a contractual time-frame and budget, and cannot deal with its radioactive waste. 

Instead of investing billions in nuclear power, it would be far wiser and more justifiable to commit Malaysia's limited resources to research and development of renewable sources of energy, energy conservation and energy efficiency.

The Malaysian government has approached the crucially important issue of nuclear energy in its customary authoritarian manner and its embrace of the private business sector. It smacks of a domineering, arrogant, undemocratic, corrupt government that has been in power for too long. 

There has been no attempt to engage the people of this country in a balanced, rational, informed dialogue on a form of energy that is dirty, dangerous and expensive.     

Contrary to what the government may believe, going to the polls periodically is not democracy, when freedom of speech and freedom of the press are constrained and people are intimidated by arbitrary laws, such as the Printing Press Act and the Internal Security Act, and by the large number of custodial deaths.

In the same way, funding of vested commercial and political interests in the local nuclear industry to disseminate misinformation about nuclear energy to captive audiences cannot be equated with public education about one of the most dangerous forms of energy. Everything is being done to persuade the public that nuclear energy is good for the economy, the climate and the country. 

Malaysians must wake up, cast aside apathy, stand up and insist on their democratic right to have an honest, comprehensive national debate and a national referendum on nuclear energy, with independent oversight. 

I call on the people of Malaysia to form a people's coalition to mount a national campaign against the introduction of nuclear energy.  

Selangor Komited Pastikan Program MES Berlandaskan Syariah Islam

Posted: 07 Apr 2011 04:00 AM PDT

Kerajaan Negeri Selangor komited dalam memastikan setiap pembangunan di negeri ini menepati konsep syariah yang mengutamakan keadilan kepada semua rakyat tanpa mengira agama, bangsa dan status ekonomi.

Menteri Besar, YAB Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, berkata konsep syariah ini akan diterapkan dalam semua program Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor (MES) yang telah diperkenalkan sejak 2008 dan kini telah memasuki fasa ketiga.

Beliau berkata, program-program itu adalah bukti jelas bahawa kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat melaksanakan tanggungjawab kepada rakyat dengan telus dan cekap, selaras dengan tuntutan syariah Islam.

"Seluruh jentera Kerajaan Negeri Selangor akan berusaha memastikan ketelusan, pertanggungjawaban dan tata-kelola yang baik menjadi prinsip panduan dalam pentadbiran dan pembangunan negeri," katanya.

Menteri Besar berkata demikian ketika merasmikan Seminar Maqasid Syariah: Pembangunan Ekonomi Selangor kepada pegawai dan kakitangan kerajaan negeri di Dewan Jubli Perak di Shah Alam, hari ini.

Maqasid Syariah atau tujuan syariah adalah satu panduan pelaksanaan mengikut hukum Islam yang menjamin kebaikan kepada semua dan menghindarkan kemudaratan atau keburukan.

Maqasid syariah ini meliputi lima teras utama iaitu pemeliharaan agama dengan menolak perkara-perkara khurafat, tahyul dan munafik;  pemeliharaan akal dengan cara menambah ilmu dan mengamalkannya; pemeliharaan manusia dengan mengelak perbuatan mengancam keselamatan diri sendiri dan orang lain; pemeliharaan keturunan dengan memuliakan keperibadian dan menjauhi zina, fitnah, pembohongan; pemeliharaan harta dengan menolak rasuah, dan riba dan judi.

Seminar ini bertujuan memberikan satu landasan baru dan skop pandangan yang lebih luas kepada pegawai dan kakitangan kerajaan Selangor berkaitan pembangunan ekonomi negeri.

Ini bagi memastikan pembangunan di Negeri Selangor berkonsepkan syariah Islam supaya Selangor terus berkembang pesat, selaras dengan statusnya sebagai sebuah negeri maju.

Pada seminar ini, Presiden Wadah Pencerdasan Umat Malaysia (WADAH), Dato' Dr Siddiq Fadhil  menyampaikan syarahan kepada peserta manakala ucapan penggulungan disampaikan Penasihat Ekonomi Negeri Selangor, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

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