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Posted: 08 May 2015 07:39 PM PDT (古晋8日讯)古晋市国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁深表感慨,人联党似乎已江郎才尽,需要请公正党党员做新闻稿顾问。 ![]() 张健仁指出,提供新闻稿质询服务和政府部门或市议会针对人民的问题提供服务,完全是两码子的事情。 "我不是质疑人联党和公正党是不是可以针对人民的问题一起联手合作处理。 我不理解的是,在回应民主行动党的新闻稿方面人联党和公正党却需要互相质询。 这是关系密切的政党才会有的举动。 这绝对不可能发生在一个在朝和一个在野的政党。" 张氏揶揄,他很想知道,人联党还有几位领袖也像罗克强一般,请公正党党员做新闻稿顾问,而公正党是否有'外包'新闻稿质询服务给人联党。 "公正党和人联党几时走得这么近? 还是两者皆视行动党为共同政敌,因此可以如此的合作愉快,默契十足? 如果是这样,那和伊斯兰党的保守派跟巫统眉来眼去的暗度陈仓,又有何两样?" "无论如何,市议会滥发'娱乐执照'为非法赌博中心的护身符,导致现在非法赌博中心林立,是一个不争的事实。 不论是罗克强,还是温夏妮,都不能否认这事实,将黑的讲成白的。" 张氏指责,发'娱乐执照'是市议会的责任,监督执照持有者是否有违法,也是市议会的责任。 目前的情况是,巴达旺市议会管辖之下的地区(也包括古晋和三马拉汉两地),许多非法赌博中心,都持有'娱乐执照'。 张氏质问,这难道不是罗克强的失责,还是另有不可告人的隐情。 罗克强有责任向平民百姓交代。 张健仁坚持,行动党议员将非法赌博中心泛滥的问题在州议会提出,是为民请命,把问题带出来讨论。 如何批发'娱乐执照',要批多少'娱乐执照',怎样监督和执法管制'娱乐执照'持有者,这些都是州政府政策的问题。 讨论州政府政策的问题,最佳场合莫过于州议会。 罗克强不爽行动党的议员把这问题在州议会提出,因为这直接暴露罗克强的失责。 这是人之常情,自然反应。 "但是,让人无法理解的却是,为什么公正党的温夏妮也同样的不爽行动党的议员们在州议会把这问题提出来?" 张氏说,公正党的砂州主席巴鲁比安也曾在州议会提出林梦毒品泛滥的问题。 为什么温夏妮没有叫巴鲁比安去报警,不应该在州议会提出者问题? 又或者,在温夏妮眼中, 巴鲁比安在州议会提出毒品泛滥的问题也是不对的吗? |
Chong: Local councils act like ‘little napoleons’ Posted: 07 May 2015 08:19 PM PDT KUCHING: Bandar Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen has called upon the three local councils here – Padawan Municipal Council (MPP), Kuching North City Commission (DBKU) and Kuching South City Council (MBKS) – not to act like 'little napoleons'. Chong, who is Kota Sentosa assemblyman, alleged while Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem had pledged to eliminate all illegal gambling activities in the state, the local councils bent the law and issued entertainment licences to protect the operators. ![]() "It is a serious problem but the reason for this is not because the police did not do their job. These (illegal gambling) centres are now protected by entertainment licences issued by the councils," he told a press conference here yesterday. Chong, who is state DAP chairman, also accused MPP chairman Lo Khere Chiang of trying to push away his responsibility. On Tuesday, he asked the state DAP to lodge police reports if they know the whereabouts and the operation of these illegal gambling outlets. "With the entertainment licences issued by local councils, the police could not do anything to stop the operations." He also asked Lo: "What is wrong with DAP elected representatives bringing up the issue during the last State Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting when it is a problem affecting the people and a real issue on the ground? "After all, it is the policy of the councils to issue numerous entertainment licences to protect the operation of illegal gambling." Chong said instead of being offended with DAP elected representatives for bringing up the issue, Lo should review MPP's policy, check all the entertainment licences issued, reduce and revoke entertainment licences to curb illegal gambling activities. Chong said being a politician required a person to know what was happening on the ground. A politician was deemed to have failed his duty when he's not aware of something that was happening so rampantly. Chong said it had come to his knowledge that the original message of the press statement issued by Lo came from PKR women national vice-president Voon Shiak Ni. "It seems like Voon Shiak Ni is helping him to draft the statement. I'm shocked when I came to know of this. Since she has the capacity to represent PKR, I would like to also know the position of PKR in the issue; whether PKR is on the side of local councils to condone all these illegal gambling under the entertainment licence or they are against illegal gambling. "I hope PKR can make its clear stand on this. Although DAP Sarawak is no longer part of Pakatan Rakyat Sarawak, it doesn't give any justification for PKR to help BN to attack DAP on this issue." While querying whether the statement was PKR's official stand, Chong said any politician with conscience would know that illegal gambling activities were not good for society as it could contribute to the rise in social and security problems." on BorneoPost May 8, 2015, Friday |
Posted: 06 May 2015 08:22 PM PDT 民主行动党古晋市国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙州议员炮轰罗克强和古晋区的3个市议会(巴达旺市议会、古晋南市市议会和古晋北市市政局)滥发"娱乐执照"为赌博中心的"护身符",导致古晋市区至巴达旺一代,非法赌博中心林立。 张健仁指出,滥发"娱乐执照"合法化赌博中心是市议会的政策。 这种包庇非法赌博中心的政策,使到警方也无法执行打击非法赌博活动的任务。 因此,报警也枉然。 "罗克强要我们去报警,他明知道这些非法赌博中心有'娱乐执照'这护身符,警察无法取缔,却叫我们去报警。 现在是警方反过来向我们投诉市议会包庇非法赌博中心。" 张氏说,要根治非法赌博中心林立的问题,最恰当的方式就是在州议会提出这问题。 这也是议员在州议会问政,为民请命的任务。 张氏也说,罗克强如此害怕行动党的州议员在州议会提出者问题,是因为他害怕其市议会包庇非法赌博中心的行为,被暴露出来。 "阿德南这边厢说要杜绝非法赌博活动,市议会那边厢却滥发娱乐执照给这些非法赌博中心护身符。 这种阳奉阴违的行为,就是典型的小拿破仑的行为。 结果受害最大的就是许多中下层人民,钱都给这些非法赌博中心吸光。" 张健仁说,非法赌博中心泛滥,许多中下层人民的钱都给这些"打鱼机"吸光。 这不只害惨人民,更造成其他的社会和治安问题。 张健仁大力谴责罗克强,身为巴达旺市议会主席,市议会这种不道德政策被暴露出来,他不只没有自我检讨改正其议会的政策和错误,反而谴责行动党议员在州议会提出者问题。 他到底是要为民服务,还是要为那些赌博中心老板服务? "试问罗克强,他对我们在州议会提出这问题有如此大反应,是否因为他怕给阿德南知道,他们市议会在进行这种阳奉阴违的勾当,为非法赌博中心提供护身符。" "不管如何,我已在州议会当面向阿德南提出这问题:2015年4月29日砂州州议会会议记录第61页。 阿德南也表示会关注着问题。 现在人民都在拭目以待,看到底是阿德南厉害,还是市议会这些以罗克强为首的小拿破仑们比较厉害。" 张健仁说,市议会有权力执法,国州议员没有这个执法权力。 国阵议员的责任是在国州议会把人民的问题提出,之后,政府有关当局则去执行任务。 行动党的议员已经在州议会里道出非法赌博中心的问题在于市议会所发出的"娱乐执照",我们甚至也讲出了,那些"打鱼机"是以积分制换钱的模式进行赌博活动。难道罗克强还要行动党的国州议员去到这些"娱乐场所"去捉人。 "你有看见内政部长本身去捉贼吗?还不是警察去捉贼。 你有看到工程部长本身去铺路做水沟吗? 还不是工程部的职员或承包商去做。 你有看到阿德南本身去到森林里拿着荷枪实弹的去捉非法伐木的人士吗? 还不是森林部的官员和警察去实地的捉非法伐木活动。" 张健仁质问罗克强,是不是怕了那些非法赌博集团,或是因为有利益输送的关系,所以罗克强如此的袒护其"娱乐执照"。 张氏揶揄,过去人联党的领袖怕首长,之后就怕政府高官,之后又怕财团,现在连非法集团也惧怕了。难怪人联党一代不如一代,遭到人民的唾弃。 "罗克强是人联党的领袖,巴达旺市议会和南市市议会也有许多人联党的中委和领袖。 为什么他们可以允许如此荼毒人民的活动,继续的在他们管辖地区,肆无忌惮的运作?" |
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