张健仁动议修法 原住民统称达雅族 Posted: 05 Apr 2015 09:32 PM PDT (本报古晋3日讯)民主行动党古晋市国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁将于下周一向州议会提呈议员私人法案动议通知书,要求在即将于本月21日召开的州议会动议修改2005年砂拉越阐释法对于达雅族的定义。 张健仁今日召开新闻发布会,在文告中表示,他是援引砂州州议会常规第45条提呈议员私人法案动议。该动议通知书重点在于寻求议会的批准,修改现有的《 2005年砂拉越阐释法》。 张健仁指出,现有的《砂拉越阐释法》将砂拉越原住民分为23个民族,即Bidayuhs or Land Dayaks, Bukitans, Bisayahs, Dusuns, Ibans or Sea Dayaks, Kadayans, Kelabits, Kayans, Kenyahs (including Sabups and Sipengs), Kajangs (including Sekapans, Kejamans, Lahanans,Punans, Tanjongs and Kanowits), Lugats, Lisums, Malays, Melanaus, Muruts or Lun Bawangs, Penans, Sians, Tagals, Tabuns, Ukits。 他在通知书上指出,目前,绝大多数的砂拉越原住民的意愿是大家统一为一个民族,即"达雅族",而"达雅"这个词则必须赋予法律的定位,阐明它包涵除了马来人以外,砂州所有的原住民。 "有鉴于此,我们必须修改该法令,将原有的22个民族(马来族除外),归纳为统一的达雅族。" 他说,如果这项动议可获得通过,那砂拉越的原住民则将只有2个民族,即达雅族和马来族。而达雅族则包括所有伊班族、比达友族等20个族群。这22个族群则将有如华族中的籍贯。 张健仁指出,行动党的这项动议,是迎合最近许多达雅族的非政府组织所做出的议决和公布,即在政府部门表格里的种族归类方面,应该取消之前的"其他(dan lain-lain)"或阿迪南所建议的"土著(Bumiputra)",而由"达雅族"来取代。 他称,这个共识,不只是砂拉越的一个趋势,也是整个婆罗洲原住民的趋势,在加里曼丹和沙巴,也有同样的趋势,以"达雅族"统一所有当地原住民,避免受到一些政治人物,以不同族群的分类,来分化达雅族。 取自诗华日报(4/4/2015) |
张健仁:免人才外流 砂应速承认统考文凭 Posted: 05 Apr 2015 09:31 PM PDT (本报古晋3日讯)由于独中统考文凭的水准和大马高级教育文凭的程度是同等的,同时也获得世界大学的认同,因此,行动党砂州主席兼古晋区国州议员张健仁要求砂州政府尽速承认统考文凭! 他解释,在过去许多年,联邦政府拒绝承认独中统考文凭,导致独中生要报读国立大学及应征成为政府公务员受阻,此种政策,造成独中人才外流现象。他举例,记忆棒(Pendrive)之父也是独中生,但由于他在我国无法发挥,于是到台湾发展,并为台湾研发记忆棒(Pendrive),受到该国的重用。 张健仁今日召开新闻发布会时指出,砂州首长公开承认表明,若他有权力将承认统考文凭,此举受到华社大力欢迎。然而,有别于西马其它州属,砂州政府有自己主权,可决定是否将统考文凭纳入在聘请州公务员的考量范围中,借此取代原本只能以大马高级教育文凭作为录取公务员的条件和准则。 "在申请砂州政府的奖学金或机构奖学金,当局可将统考文凭视为与大马高级教育文凭的同等级学术文凭。" 亲手呈交请愿信 他表示,本身已将有关请愿电邮和传真到砂州议会秘书处,而下周一他将会把请愿信的正本亲手交上去。 "如果他们要骑劫或另外改动议,我们无任欢迎!" 询及反对党是否担心华裔选票回流国阵一事,张健仁说,身为政治工作者,应该以人民利益为优先,然而,行动党州议员较多来自城市选区,而城市选区以华裔居多,同时华裔一直以来都期许政府承认统考文凭,至于选票是否有回流国阵不应该放在此动议的考量上。 取自诗华日报(4/4/2015) |
Chong proposes amending ‘Dayaks’ to accord it legal standing Posted: 04 Apr 2015 09:36 PM PDT KUCHING: Kota Sentosa assemblyman Chong Chieng Jen is proposing to amend at the next State Legislative Assembly sitting the interpretation of the word 'Dayaks' and accord the legal standing to encompass all indigenous groups in Sarawak except the Malays.
He said this was crucial in view of the intense discontentment among indigenous people in Sarawak for being referred to as 'lain-lain' (others) in official government forms.
Chong, who is also Bandar Kuching MP, told a media conference at the DAP office here yesterday that he had sent a notice of motion for leave to introduce a Private Member's Bill with regards to the matter in the April 21-29 State Legislative Assembly sitting.
"My notice of motion for leave to introduce a Private Member's Bill entitled 'Sarawak Interpretation Ordinance (Amendment) Bill, 2015' has been faxed and sent to the DUN secretary today (yesterday) for further action," he said.
He explained that under the proposed bill races which were now considered indigenous to Sarawak and natives within the meaning of the ordinance should only be divided into two races, namely Dayaks and Malays.
"Under the proposed Sarawak Interpretation Ordinance (Amendment) Bill 2015 the word Dayaks shall include Bidayuhs (Land Dayaks), Bukitans, Berawans, Bisayahs, Dusuns, Ibans (Sea Dayaks), Kedayans, Kelabits, Kayans, Kenyahs (including Sabups and Sipengs), Kajangs (including Sekapans, Kejamans, Lahanans, Punans, Tanjongs and Kanowits), Lakiputs, Lugats, Lisums, Melanaus (originally spelt as Melanos), Muruts or Lun Bawangs, Penans, Sians, Tagals, Tabuns, Terings, Ukits and any admixture of these sub-ethnic groups with each other," he added.
He said it was the wishes of the large majority of the natives of Sarawak to be unified as one race called 'Dayaks' and that the term 'Dayaks' be accorded the legal standing of the word to encompass all the different indigenous groups in Sarawak with the exception of Malays.
Chong said it was his hope that the proposed Bill would be passed by the house although it might be 'hijacked' or 'adopted' by BN members or ministers like in the past.
"Well, if they want to make some amendments to the bill and make it theirs it is okay with me for as long as the gist of it must still be there," he said.
on BorneoPost(5/4/2015)
张健仁:未列零税率商品 官员不“认识”哥罗面? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 09:29 PM PDT (本报古晋3日讯)同"面"不同命﹗同是黄色的砂州哥罗面条﹐为何不在零税率商品的行列中﹖ 砂行动党主席兼古晋区国会议员张健仁在今早于该党总部召开的新闻发布会上发言时说明﹐我国政府原先宣布﹐国内的面条将被归类为零税率商品。 他续称﹐但砂州的面条制造商却被关税局告知﹐唯有俗称黄面的油面才被宪报为零税率商品﹐而砂州特有的哥罗面条﹐却不在零税率商品的行列中﹐所以砂州的哥罗面条﹐将是含消费税商品。 黄面哥罗面怎区分﹖ "我国政府声称面条将被归类为零税率商品﹐那黄面及哥罗面条﹐为何又有所区分﹖" 他还指出﹐砂州特有的哥罗面条也是黄色的﹐所以对他而言﹐黄面及哥罗面条﹐也只是粗面条与细面条之分。 为此他感到不解的是﹐为何政府宣称国内的面条将被归类为零税率商品的当儿﹐关税局却又要针对哥罗面条征收消费税﹖ 他更置疑说﹐是否因为相关负责官员不"认识"砂州的哥罗面条﹐所以哥罗面条及黄面﹐才会享有不同的待遇。 他还直言﹐我国政府应该将所有面条列为零税率商品﹐以便能够更公平地对待国内所有的消费者。 用料大致相同 "这是因为﹐面条的用料都大致相同﹐并且同为人民的主要食品﹐所以面条不应有不公的待遇。" 他也透露﹐其将持续向财政部当局反映有关问题﹐以期望当局能够发出另一指示﹐并将哥罗面条纳入零税率商品行列。 与此同时﹐他说明﹐在消费税政策开始实施的当儿﹐单单是面条﹐就造成了商家及政府当局人员的诸多混淆。 为此他认为﹐政府当局也应该给予商家一年期限﹐以让他们适应消费税政策的实施。 取自诗华日报(4/4/2015) |
The shortage of anaesthetist in the Heart Specialist Centre in the Sarawak General Hospital Posted: 31 Mar 2015 09:43 PM PDT Yesterday, in Parliament, I raised the issue of the shortage of anaesthetist in the Heart Specialist Centre in the Sarawak General Hospital. Few years ago, the said heart specialist centre had only one cardiothoracic surgeon to carry out open heart surgery. As a result, patients who requires to undergo open heart surgery had to wait for 6 – 9 months before surgery could be done on them. Some even died before the surgery was conducted. After I raised the matter in Parliament, finally two cardiothoracic surgeons were transferred to the Sarawak Heart Specialist Centre. The situation improved and patients needed not to wait in queue for months to have their open heart surgeries. However, since sometime middle of last year, the said Specialist Centre has only one anaesthetist, as a result of which, though there are 3 cardiothoracic surgeons, at any one time, only one open heart surgery can be conducted. This is because for all open heart surgeries, an anaesthetist must be present throughout the surgeries. Therefore, the 2 cardiothoracic surgeons are rendered helplessly redundant due to the lack of anaesthetist. They can only sit around helplessly while the queue of patients waiting for open heart surgery grows longer and longer. It is surely not their fault but the bad planning and neglect on the part of the Health Ministry. Now, the problem is back to the time when there was only one cardiothoracic surgeon. Patients have to wait for 6 – 9 months before their turns for the operation. This is a totally waste of human resources. The Health Ministry is wasting the time and talent of the extra 2 cardiothoracic surgeons and also doing a disservice to the patients. I urge the ministry to quickly resolve the problem by sending sufficient anaesthetists to the said Specialist Hospital In his winding-up, the deputy Health Minister acknowledged the short-coming and promised to resolve the matter as soon as possible. 1-4-2015 Chong Chieng Jen Member of Parliament for Bandar Kuching ADUN for Kota Sentosa |
心脏专科医院缺麻醉师 Posted: 31 Mar 2015 09:41 PM PDT 民主行动党古晋市国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙州议员敦促卫生部调派多两名麻醉师到古晋心脏专科医院:- 张健仁是于昨日在国会下议院参与2014年附加供应法案辩论时,做出如是呼吁。 张氏说,在三年前,当时的古晋心脏专科医院只有一位心脏手术专科医生(cardiothoracic surgeon),进行开心手术(open heart surgery)。当时,他在国会数次提出这问题,最后,卫生部终于派了多两位心脏手术专科医生。解决了需要开心手术病人排长龙的困境。 张氏透露,好景不长,大约去年中,该心脏专科医院只剩有1位麻醉师。这使到那些心脏专科医生不能同时动开心手术。因为每个开心手术,都必须有一位麻醉师全程陪伴着手术的过程。 "有3位心脏手术专科医生但只有一位麻醉师的情况,简直就是人力资源的浪费,因为单一时间只可以有一位心脏手术专科医生动手术,其他两位被逼闲着。最终,需要开心手术的病人也被逼排长龙,需要等6 – 9 个月才可轮到他们。" 张氏希望卫生部可关注这问题,避免病人久等,也避免浪费两位专科医生的时间。 在副卫生部长为其部门做总结时,副卫生部长表示认同只有一位麻醉师确实是浪费另两位心脏手术专科医生的时间。他承诺将尽量处理这个问题。 |
呼吁砂公正党与伊党切割关系 Posted: 30 Mar 2015 09:48 PM PDT (古晋31日讯)民主行动党古晋市国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁诚邀砂拉越公正党与伊斯兰党切割关系,以便砂行动党能与砂公正党合作,共谋砂州人民福利。 张健仁表示,自伊斯兰党吉兰丹伊刑法事件及其后续行动很明显的证明,伊斯兰党的政治斗争目标和议程,并不适于砂拉越的社会。 张氏透露,其实,在砂拉越行动党还没真正决定退出民联的前几个月,张氏有尝试私下联络砂伊斯兰党,并表示希望他们州委能做出议决和公布,伊刑法不适于在砂拉越实行,及砂伊斯兰党不会在砂拉越推行伊刑法。但是,非常遗憾的,砂伊斯兰党拒绝做出这项决定和公布。 "我们大家都非常清楚,实行伊刑法对砂拉越有弊无利。因此,在砂拉越,我们没有理由与一个要推行伊刑法的伊斯兰党合作。" 也是砂州民主行动党主席的张健仁说,西马情况和砂州大不同。西马的政治形势较为复杂。在西马,伊斯兰党,尤其是该党的开明派领袖,对于制衡巫统在郊区的垄断势力,扮演很大的角色。在现有极度贪污滥权甚至导致国家破产,和伊党保守派的伊刑法议程,两者之间的考量,需做个抉择和平衡。但是,砂州情况却完全不同,砂州没有巫统,也没有伊斯兰党扮演的任何角色。 张氏希望公正党能坦诚回答一个问题:既然已知道砂伊斯兰党的议程也是要推行伊刑法,公正党在来届砂州州选时,是否将会尽力协助伊斯兰党在一些选区胜选,以便来届的州议会有伊党的州议员? 张氏指出,如果答案是"会尽力协助伊党",这对砂拉越人民不利,因为这将壮大伊党在砂州的实力,也是间接的在协助推行伊刑法。 如果答案是"不会",那既然大选时不彼此协助,那又何必要粉饰为一个团结的阵线? "因此,我希望,砂州公正党主席巴鲁,别再紧捉住一个名存实亡的'砂民联'。其实,早在伊斯兰党露出真面目欲推行伊刑法议程的那一刻,民联已经破裂了。" 张氏坚信,相较于砂公正党和砂伊斯兰党合作,砂公正党和砂行动党合作,将有更大的作为,也可为砂州人民争取更大的利益。 |
I call upon PKR Sarawak to severe its tie with PAS Sarawak so that we, DAP Sarawak and PKR Sarawak can work together for the betterment of Sarawak. Posted: 30 Mar 2015 09:47 PM PDT I call upon PKR Sarawak to severe its tie with PAS Sarawak so that we, DAP Sarawak and PKR Sarawak can work together for the betterment of Sarawak. The Kelantan hudud law episode and the subsequent events that unfold have clearly shown that the political ideals and agenda of PAS does not fit into our Sarawak society. In fact, few months before we DAP Sarawak decided to quit from Pakatan Rakyat (PR) Sarawak, I have requested PAS Sarawakto make a resolution and statement that hudud law is not suitable for Sarawak and that PAS Sarawak will not pursue the implementation of hudud law in Sarawak. Sad to say, myrequest was turned down by PAS, indicating clearly that the implementation of hudud law is also the political agenda of PAS Sarawak. We all know that the implementation ofhudud law will do no good to the State of Sarawak. Therefore, there is no reason for us in Sarawak to continue cooperating with PAS who has made clear about their hudud agenda. The issue may be more complicated in West Malaysia where PAS, especially the progressive faction of PAS, has an important role to play to counter the dominance of UMNO in the rural areas. This is not the case in Sarawak where there is no UMNO. My Question to PKR Sarawak: Knowing the true agenda of PAS, is PKR going to help PAS win seats in the coming State elections so that Sarawak DUN will have some PAS elected representatives? If the answer is "YES", then PKR will be doing a disservice to Sarawak by contributing to the growth of PAS in Sarawak thereby helping indirectly the hudud agenda in Sarawak. If the answer is "NO", then there is no point to put up a pretence of coalition when one does not help each other. Therefore, I urge BaruBian not to be so adamant about clinging on to PR Sarawak which, in essence, was broken the minute PAS shown its true colour and pursued the hududagenda. I believe, more can be achieved for the betterment of Sarawak with PKR Sarawak cooperating with DAP Sarawak rather than cooperating with PAS Sarawak.
31-3-2015 Chong Chieng Jen DAP Sarawak Chairman Member of Parliament for Bandar Kuching ADUN for Kota Sentosa |