Isnin, 24 Ogos 2015

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Sarawak DAP has called on those who cared for the state and country to attend the Bersih 4 rally on Aug 29 and 30

Posted: 23 Aug 2015 08:39 PM PDT

Photo by dapkuching
KUCHING: Sarawak DAP has called on those who cared for the state and country to attend the Bersih 4 rally on Aug 29 and 30.
Its chairman, Chong Chieng Jen, said the two-day rally would serve as a `wake-up call' to Umno and the BN in general.
"As it is now, Umno and BN are beyond redemption, and many people are aware that in order to save our country, we need change," he told a press conference here yesterday.
Thus, the purpose of Bersih 4 was to get the people to come together and push for reforms and change for the country, he claimed.
Chong, who is also Bandar Kuching MP and Kota Sentosa assemblyman, said although previous Bersih rallies in Peninsular Malaysia had brought about political tsunamis and enabled the opposition to deny the BN a two-third majority in Parliament and formed governments in some states, Sarawak still remained the 'fixed deposit state' of the BN.
Chong said the Bersih 4 rally this weekend would not bring about the immediate resignation of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak but would form great pressure on BN and Umno and bring about the awakening of those who do not care about politics and help in the furtherance of democracy in the state.
Chong pointed out that the more the number of people at the two-day rally, the bigger the effect would be.
"It is only when there is sufficient awakening of the people in Sarawak that will put pressure on Umno. Otherwise, they are in their comfort zone thinking that Sarawak will always support BN as the government."
For those who wish to participate in the Bersih 4 rally with the DAP, Chong said the gathering point for the party would be in front of Hilton Kuching at 2pm on Aug 29.
"We will gather in front of the hotel before we march towards Song Kheng Hai ground, which is the final point of gathering for the rally."
On theborneopost  August 24, 2015, Monday


Posted: 22 Aug 2015 05:46 PM PDT

砂州民主行动党全力支持净选盟"BERSIH 4"所提出的4个诉求,即:
1. 干净选举
2. 干净政府
3. 异议权力
4. 拯救经济
5. 巩固议会民主

无可否认,目前马来西亚人民所面对的最大问题就是经济压力。 GST的实施、马币贬值、外汇流失、百货通胀和经济缓慢,使到大众都喘不过气来。 更糟糕的是,许多人都对马来西亚失去希望。 砂拉越是马来西亚的一份子,马来西亚经济破产,砂州也不能独善其身。



纵观今天马来西亚经济的困境,基本上就是贪污、腐败和权力集中的后果。 因此,要解救马来西亚和砂拉越,就必须在制度上进行改革肃贪。


1. 公平的选举制度与程序
2. 选委会应直接向国会负责

1. 首相不得兼任财长;
2. 国会改革,使国会不会继续成为行政的橡胶印
3. 总检察长与律政司应该分成两职;
4. 反贪污委员会应直接成向国会负责;
5. 落实《资讯自由法令》,赋予人民"知"的权力;
6. 部长与政府高官公告财产。

1. 废除/修改压迫性法令;
2. 设立"独立警察投诉与过失委员会"(IPCMC)。



国家需要改革。 目前,许多人民都知道这事实。但是,同时,也有许多人民不了解,还是继续被执政者蒙骗。"BERSIH4"游行的意义就是,汇集全部了解国情的人民力量,唤醒那些还不了解实况的民众,一起推动国家的改革。

今天的国阵和巫统,已经走到无可救药的地步了。 唯有换政府,国家才有希望。在西马,BERSIH 1、2和3之后,带动了整个西马的政治改革浪潮,使在野党成功否决国阵国会2/3的霸权,在一些州属更成为州执政党。 惜,砂州仍旧成为国阵的定存州,无法实现全国改朝换代的愿景。

大家必须清楚的一点,这"BERSIH4"的游行不会使纳吉立刻下台。 但是,它可对整体国阵和巫统造成压力,加速巫统分裂,更重要的是,它可协助唤醒那些还对政治不了解,不关心的民众,对砂州的民主运动有很大的帮助。 越多人出席,唤醒大众的效应就越大。 因此,我们呼吁大家出席今次29日和30日的BERSIH4的集会。 行动党的国州议员和州领袖也将出席这两天的集会。

