Chong Chieng Jen's Blog |
- “首相应辞职增胜算” 张健仁向砂国阵授招
- “国会内外说法不一” 张健仁扛上沈桂贤
- Give full account of MRP fund spent last year — Chong
- 9亿590万推动乡村发展 张健仁吁交代拨款用途
- “城乡同步,应变砂州”晚宴
- Opposition questions meager returns to landowners from Sarawak JV scheme
- Umno-friendly PAS won’t get support in Sarawak, says DAP
- Sarawak DAP raises red flag over unauthorised party symbols in Kuching
Posted: 07 Jan 2016 12:23 AM PST 《转载 自 诗华日报》 (本报古晋6日讯)砂行动党党主席张健仁国州议员今日大方向砂国阵透露备战"秘方"﹐并点明砂国阵应该要求拿督斯里纳吉在砂州选举前辞去我国首相一职﹐以从中为砂国阵加分﹐并且增加国阵在城市选区的支持票。 能为砂国阵加分 他说﹐砂国阵如果要赢得城市地区的州议席的话﹐那拿督斯里纳吉就必需在砂州选举举行之前﹐先行辞去我国首相一职。 在被问及为何拿督斯里纳吉需要辞职的问题时﹐他则回应﹕"我不需要明说﹐但是他的辞职将对砂国阵有利﹐并且能够为砂国阵加分。" 他续称﹐其不会就砂国阵华基政党是否需要整合一事做出评论﹐他只想透露﹐拿督斯里纳吉辞职的做法﹐将能够协助增加砂国阵在城市地区的支持票。 "我并没有说谁会赢谁会输﹐我也不能预测谁会输谁会赢﹐但是(砂国阵如果)要加强胜算的话﹐就应该要求拿督斯里纳吉先辞去首相一职。" 不介意告诉"秘方" 他更大方表示﹐其不介意把"秘方"告诉砂国阵﹐并直言说﹐砂国阵要求拿督斯里纳吉辞职的做法﹐将会是一项很好的策略。 "那(拿督斯里纳吉辞职一事)是可能发生的﹐因为政治就是要将不可能变成可能。" | ||
Posted: 07 Jan 2016 12:22 AM PST 《转载 自 诗华日报》 (本报古晋6日讯)如果没有勇气为了砂州人民的权益而与联邦政府对立的话﹐那砂人联党党主席拿督沈桂贤就不应该在国会里面讲一套﹐然后再在国会外面讲另一套。 砂行动党主席张健仁国州议员是在今早于该党总部召开的新闻发布会上发言时﹐如是指出。 他说﹐砂人联党党主席拿督沈桂贤上议员尝试以反对国安法案的课题来突出自身的英雄形象﹐唯国会上议院的会议记录却显示﹐拿督沈桂贤在参与有关法案的辩论时﹐并未提及任何"反对"或是"不支持"的字眼。 "国会里面讲的每个字﹐都会被记录下来﹐他(拿督沈桂贤)是有提出一些修改的建议﹐但是基本上﹐其整个辩论都是在支持国安法案。" 他还透露﹐行动党还有上议员曾经向拿督沈桂贤献议﹐以期彼此能够共同就国安法案提出反对﹐但相关献议却被回拒了。 与此同时﹐他也在会上说明﹐根据一般的程序﹐任何法案在提呈之前﹐都必需事先获得联邦内阁成员们的共识。 为此他也置疑﹐联邦内阁中既有砂人联党的代表﹐也有其他6位来自砂州的正部长代表﹐那为何相关法案还能够在国会上下议院中进行提呈﹖ "如果砂人联党真的反对有关法案的话﹐那该党的部长在联邦内阁里面给予支持﹐又将怎样﹖" | ||
Give full account of MRP fund spent last year — Chong Posted: 06 Jan 2016 12:15 AM PST
KUCHING: The state government is urged to give a full account on how the minor rural project (MRP) allocation in 2015 was spent. State DAP chairman Chong Chieng Jen said with the state's MRP fund allocation of RM905.9 million last year a full account on how it was spent must be given. "RM905.9 million is a very large sum for MRPs. In 2015, there were about 60 rural constituencies. Therefore, on average, each constituency received approximately RM15 million. "Take for example there are 35 villages in the Tasik Biru constituency. This means that each village received around RM400,000 each in MRP," he told a press conference at the party's headquarters yesterday. However, Chong, who is also Kota Sentosa assemblyman, claimed that none of the villages in Tasik Biru received RM400,000 in MRP last year. "Where has the money gone to? This is the question that Sarawakians must ask and which Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem must answer. "I also call on all Barisan Nasional elected representatives in the rural constituencies to provide the whole list of MRPs that they gave out in 2015. Each of the constituencies should have RM15 million in MRP fund, failing which, the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) must move in to investigate," he said. On theborneopost January 6, 2016, Wednesday | ||
Posted: 06 Jan 2016 12:12 AM PST 《转载自 诗华日报》
(本报古晋5日讯)2015年小型乡村发展计划的拨款比往年暴增1400%,民主行动党砂州委员会主席兼哥打圣淘沙区州议员张健仁吁请首长拿督巴丁宜丹斯里阿迪南沙登向人民清楚交代如何运用9亿590万令吉拨款来推动乡村发展。 他指出,行动党于2013年在乡村地区推展"砂拉越之梦"计划时,州政府在2014年财政预算案中仅批准6355万9250令吉充作小型乡村发展计划的拨款,而2011年至2013年的小型乡村发展总拨款是1亿9521万4913令吉,相等于每年平均给予约6500万令吉的拨款。 他认为,随着行动党透过砂拉越之梦进一步在乡村地区推行及设立清洁水供计划、道路与桥梁设施、免费医疗服务及英语阅读营等计划下,已构成国阵政府的压力,促使州政府逐年增加乡村拨款进行发展计划。 "国阵政府在压力下于2014年调高小型乡村发展拨款至1亿5590万令吉,并于2015年进一步增加至9亿590万令吉。" 他称,国阵政府在过去50年来一直忽略乡村地区的发展,导致乡村地区缺乏竞争力,但随着行动党在乡村展现出强大的力量后,才引来州政府对乡村地区的关注。 他今早于行动党总部召开记者招待会上,向媒体如是表示。 张健仁续称,首长需清楚交代小型乡村发展拨款的项目及去向,尤其是砂州拥有约60个位于乡村地区的州议席。 他补充,乡村地区的国阵州议员同时也应公布完整的小型乡村发展计划的名单,否则反贪委员会应介入调查对方。 | ||
Posted: 02 Jan 2016 12:34 AM PST ![]() 民主行动党砂州主席张健仁指出,2016年也是民主行动 他说,行动党是于1978年登陆砂州。 根据党记录,在70年代加入行动党的党员人数,大约有1 张氏表示,乘着民主行动党在2016年全国庆祝建党50 也是民主行动党古晋支部主席的张健仁说,目前,他已联络 他称,为了餐馆和场地的座位安排,主办单位不得已只允许 张健仁感谢老党员们过去的付出。 须知,行动党早期在古晋开创古晋支部时,饱受人联党的欺 "因为有他们当时的付出和牺牲,才有今天行动党的成长。 另外,张氏也表示,当晚晚宴筵开120桌,目前已卖出约 张氏恳求支持者踊跃买票,因这极可能将是行动党州选前的 "尤其是乡区的备战工作,极需资金。 我们今次晚宴所筹到的钱,大部份都将用以资付我们乡区的 张氏说,十年前的2006年,行动党在古晋得到突破,第 | ||
Opposition questions meager returns to landowners from Sarawak JV scheme Posted: 29 Dec 2015 12:40 AM PST Landowners who participated in the Sarawak government's joint venture scheme had made less than RM8 per month for every acre of land in the past 19 years. Shocked by such miserable returns, Kota Sentosa state assemblyman Chong Chieng Jen, who derived the figures from a reply given in the state legislative assembly yesterday, said Sarawak Native Customary Right (NCR) landowners had clearly been exploited by state government agencies. "They can definitely do better by just planting potatoes and plucking wild vegetables from their land to sell in the market, rather than participating in the JV schemes with state government agencies," the Kuching MP and state DAP chairman said. The written reply was pertaining to Chong's question on the detailed breakdown of returns from the NCR land joint venture projects, in which landowners had partnered with the Sarawak Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority (Salcra), and the Land Custody and Development Authority (LCDA), since 1994. It states that, as at November 30, 2015, the total area utilised for plantation was 79,565 hectares (196,602 acres), involving 13,952 landowners, with total returns amounting to RM178.5 million disbursed to the participating landowners. Based on the average of 10 years for all the planted areas, Chong surmised that landowners would have received a mere RM907.92 per acre. "That means, on average, these NCR landowners are receiving only RM90.79 per year per acre, or RM7.56 per month per acre, from the NCR land given to government agencies for planting oil palm," Chong said. Quoting fresh fruit branch (FFB) price during the good years and worst time which was RM800 per tonne and RM400 per tonne respectively, Chong said the profit per acre is approximately RM150 to RM600 per month. "Who actually benefited from these JV schemes? The contractors, the transporters or the suppliers who have siphoned out the profits of the JV schemes? "Who are these contractors, transporters and suppliers? Are they related to the ministers in charge?" Chong asked. Chong demanded deputy chief minister Tan Sri Alfred Jabu, who is also state rural development minister and Salcra chairman,as well as state land development minister Tan Sri Dr James Masing, to answer to these NCR landowners, as the two are the relevant ministers in charge of the scheme. On themalaysianinsider – December 29, 2015 | ||
Umno-friendly PAS won’t get support in Sarawak, says DAP Posted: 26 Dec 2015 12:52 AM PST PAS will not get any support from Sarawakians in the upcoming state polls, Sarawak DAP chairman Chong Chieng Jen said today. "It's now beyond all doubts that PAS is an ally to Umno. No sensible Sarawakian will support Umno or PAS," he told The Malaysian Insider. "They are free to contest. Let the voters decide, but I don't think they can garner any support," he said, commenting on PAS's intention to field candidates in seats contested by DAP. Sarawak PAS commissioner Jofri Jaraiee had said they would contest at least 11 seats during state polls next year, including those traditionally contested by DAP. He reportedly said it was the prerogative of Sarawak PAS to contest in DAP seats as it was not part of the new coalition Pakatan Harapan. Despite breaking off with DAP, PAS maintains cooperation with PKR. Sarawak PAS had said it was prepared to consult with PKR in accordance with a decision by the party's central committee to maintain political cooperation with PKR. The 11 seats PAS plans to contest are Beting Maro, Sebuyau, Sadong Jaya, Muara Tuang, Samariang, Jepak, Samalaju, Lambir, Senadin, Batu Kawa and Dudong. The party first entered Sarawak in 1996 and has been contesting elections since 2001. It has so far failed to win any seats at parliamentary or state level. Meanwhile, Chong said the state DAP had identified 35 candidates to contest in 15 urban seats and 20 rural seats in coming state election. He said the majority of its candidates were new faces, but declined to reveal their identities citing ongoing negotiations with PKR. On themalaysianinsider – December 26, 2015. | ||
Sarawak DAP raises red flag over unauthorised party symbols in Kuching Posted: 26 Dec 2015 12:48 AM PST ![]() Sarawak DAP has lodged a police report over the unauthorised use of party flags around the state capital Kuching. "We don't want the Election Commission or Barisan Nasional to have any excuse to take any legal action against the party," Chong Chieng Jen, the DAP state chairman, said after lodging the report today. It is an offence under election laws to raise party flags in public places outside the campaigning period. Chong said party leaders had not authorised the use of the flags. He said the DAP flags raised in various public places were different in size than the ones normally used by the party. This morning, DAP flags were seen on a hornbill statue at a roundabout on the road near the Kuching International Airport, the pedestrian street along Jalan Batu Lintang, in a fenced off area in Reservoir Park and few other public places. Chong, who is the Kuching MP and Kota Sentosa assemblyman, urged those responsible to take down the flags.
Refusing to point fingers, Chong urged supporters to keep the flags until election time. "Let's bear with it for few more months. Keep the flags, when election comes, put them up to help our campaign. Keep the passion for change burning until the dissolution of the state assembly," he said. The Sarawak state elections are due next June. Chong said the pre-election campaign, probably by their supporters, meant that people were eager to send a strong message to Barisan Nasional (BN). "The sentiment to ask the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to step down is very strong. A lot of people cannot bear it anymore. Prices of goods going up, country rudderless, we are going nowhere." On themalaysianinsider – December 26, 2015. |
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