Jumaat, 6 April 2012



Bar Council to AG: Explain ‘no action’

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 09:24 PM PDT

Gobind upset A-G ‘vindicated’ MACC

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 09:21 PM PDT

Malaysians fail to get into Harvard for second year running

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 09:17 PM PDT

Numbers don’t matter, says Nurul

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 12:43 AM PDT

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Gurindam Kehidupan

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 06:32 PM PDT




Posted: 06 Apr 2012 12:54 PM PDT

7. Dato' Kamarul Baharin Abbas (Telok Kemang) minta PERDANA MENTERI menyatakan :-

a. Perkembangan penyiasatan kes dakwaan rasuah yang melibatkan pegawai-pegawai Kastam Diraja Malaysia (KDRM) termasuk yang melibatkan arwah Ahmad Sarbaini Mohamed.


Tuan Yang Di-Pertua,

Hasil daripada Ops 3B yang dilaksanakan oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) bersama beberapa agensi penguatkuasa lain, sebanyak 85 Kertas Siasatan telah dibuka yang melibatkan pegawai-pegawai Kastam Diraja Malaysia (KDRM) termasuk yang melibatkan arwah Ahmad Sarbaini Mohamed.

Daripada jumlah tersebut, sebanyak 23 Kertas Siasatan telah diperakukan oleh Timbalan Pendakwa Raya

untuk diambil tindakan tataterbit ke atas pegawai Kastam yang berkenaan, 2 kes disyorkan untuk dilucuthak dan 25 Kertas Siasatan masih dalam kajian. Sementara 7 Kertas Siasatan pula sedang diambil tindakan selepas menerima arahan lanjut daripada Timbalan Pandakwa Raya.

Selain itu satu Surat Nasihat juga diberi kepada Ketua Jabatan supaya memperbaiki dan mengambil langkah sewajarnya agar salah laku dan ketidakpatuhan peraturan tidak berulang.

Manakala sebanyak 27 Kertas Siasatan yang telah dikemukakan, pihak Timbalan Pendakwa Raya setelah meneliti kes-kes tersebut mendapati tidak cukup keterangan untuk meneruskan pendakwaan dan mengarahkan supaya ianya ditutup.

Sekian, terima kasih.

i n t a n h i j a u

i n t a n h i j a u

jom BERSIH 3.0...!

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 03:17 AM PDT

Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

Chua Soi Lek Should Prove MCA’s Commitment To Respecting The Decision Of A Majority Of Malaysians (en/bm/cn)

Posted: 05 Apr 2012 10:14 PM PDT

Press Statement By DAP Secretary-General And MP For Bagan Lim Guan Eng In Kuala Lumpur On 6.4.2012.

Chua Soi Lek Should Prove MCA's Commitment To Respecting The Decision Of A Majority Of Malaysians Wanting To Close Down The Lynas Rare Earth Plant Near Kuantan, By Withdrawing From BN And Not Rejoining BN Until UMNO Cancels This RM2.3 Billion Rare Earth Processing Project.

The sudden flip-flop by MCA President Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek or MCA's about-turn from supporting the Lynas rare earth processing plant to demanding that the plant be scrapped, not only highlights MCA's inconsistency and lack of principle but also questions MCA sincerity and credibility. Ordinary Malaysians have no faith whatseover in MCA President Chua Soi Lek's public call for the Lynas plant to be scrapped and regard this as a clever general election ploy to hoodwink the voters.

MCA should prove MCA's commitment to respecting the wishes of a majority of Malaysians wanting to close down the Lynas Rare Earth plant near Kuantan, by withdrawing from BN and not rejoining BN until UMNO cancels this RM2.3 billion rare earth processing project. So long as UMNO has refused to commit themselves publicly to pay full compensation for the huge sums of monies spent by Lynas in building the rare earth facility, no one believes that the Parliamentary Select Committee(PSC) on Lynas will dare to recommend the closing down the facility.

Worse, Chua continues to press for Lynas to send the radioactive rare earth waste out of the country back to Australia is ridiculous when Australia has publicly and officially rejected such requests. Unlike BN, the Australian government will not put the health and safety of Australians ahead of huge profits.

Further for MCA to suddenly flip-flop from its previous position, and now suddenly see the light by urging the BN to scrap the rare earth processing facility just before the 13th General Elections smacks of sheer opportunism, a desperate and unprincipled attempt to buy votes. Malaysians will not forget MCA's flip-flop when MCA has all along fully supported UMNO's line that the Lynas plant is important for creating jobs, attracting high-value investment, technological know-how, is safe and poses no radioactive health risks to Malaysians.

For MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek to say that it was no longer a matter of whether the plant is safe, but that the government could not ignore the views of the majority of Malaysians being against Lynas, shows that it is not right or wrong that matters. Once again MCA has shown itself to be a party without principle and backbone.

There is nothing to stop MCA from doing another flip-flop again after the next general elections to support the Lynas rare earth plant after the next general elections. Therefore this is a last chance for MCA to prove its commitment to scrap the Lynas plant by withdrawing from BN and standing under its own banner at the next general elections. Would Chua dare to announce that MCA would only rejoin BN when the Lynas plant is closed down? Any failure to do so will allow Malaysians to decide whether to trust a party that not only deceives itself but try to deceive others.

Lim Guan Eng

—- BM Version—

Kenyataan Akhbar oleh Setiausaha Agung DAP dan Ahli Parlimen Bagan Lim Guan Eng di Kuala Lumpur pada 6.4.2012

Chua Soi Lek Harus Buktikan Komitmen MCA Untuk Menghormati Keputusan Majoriti Rakyat Malaysia Yang Hendak Menutup Loji Nadir Bumi Lynas Di Sekitar Kawasan Kuantan, Dengan Menarik Diri Daripada BN Dan Tidak Kembali Masuk Sehingga UMNO Membatalkan Projek Pemprosesan Nadir Bumi Yang Bernilai RM2.3 Bilion Ini.

"Flip-flop" secara tiba-tiba oleh Presiden MCA Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek dan tindakan MCA untuk membuat pusingan U daripada menyokong loji pemprosesan nadir bumi Lynas kepada menuntut agar loji itu dimansuhkan, bukan sahaja menonjolkan pendirian MCA yang tidak konsisten dan tidak berprinsip tetapi juga menimbulkan soalan tentang keikhlasan dan kredibiliti MCA. Rakyat Malaysia tidak akan percaya dengan seruan Presiden MCA Chua Soi Lek untuk memansuhkan loji Lynas dan menganggap tindakan ini sebagai helah pilihan raya umum untuk menipu pengundi.

MCA harus buktikan komitmen mereka untuk menghormati kehendak majoriti rakyat Malaysia yang ingin menutup loji nadir bumi Lynas di sekitar kawasan Kuantan, dengan menarik diri daripada BN dan tidak kembali masuk sehingga UMNO membatalkan projek pemprosesan nadir bumi yang bernilai RM2.3 bilion ini. Selagi UMNO enggan memberi komitmen secara umum bahawa pampasan akan dibayar, tidak ada sesiapa yang akan percaya bahawa Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Parlimen mengenai isu Lynas akan berani mengesyorkan penutupan kilang tersebut.

Yang lebih teruknya, Chua terus meminta agar Lynas menghantar balik sisa nadir bumi yang radioaktif kepada Australia, walaupun Kerajaan Australia sudah menolak permintaan itu secara umum dan rasmi. Tidak seperti BN, Kerajaan Australia tidak akan mementingkan keuntungan daripada kesihatan dan keselamatan rakyatnya.

Tindakan "flip-flop" MCA yang dahulunya menyokong Lynas tetapi sekarang seolah-olah sudah mendapat hidayat baru menggesa pula supaya loji pemprosesan nadir bumi itu ditutup nampak sangat hanya bersifat oportunis, terdesak serta tidak berprinsip dan dilakukan semata-mata untuk mendapat undi. Rakyat Malaysia tidak akan lupa bahawa MCA selama ini telah menyokong pendirian UMNO bahawa loji Lynas itu akan mendatangkan faedah seperti peluang pekerjaan, pelaburan nilai tinggi, pindahan teknologi, selamat dan tidak akan mendatangkan risiko kesihatan atau radioaktif.

Kenyataan Presiden MCA Dr Chua Soi Lek yang menyatakan bahawa isu ini tidak lagi berkaitan dengan kesalamatan, tetapi bahawa Kerajaan tidak boleh mengabaikan pandangan majoriti rakyat Malaysia yang menentang Lynas, menunjukkan bahawa pokok isunya tidak berkaitan dengan salah atau betul. Sekali lagi, MCA mendedahkan diri sebagai parti yang tidak berprinsip atau tidak bertulang belakang.

Tidak ada apa-apa untuk menghalang MCA daripada membuat "flip-flop" sekali lagi selepas pilihan raya umum yang akan datang untuk menyokong kembali loji nadir bumi Lynas. Oleh itu, ini adalah peluang terakhir bagi MCA untuk membuktikan komitmen mereka untuk memansuhkan loji Lynas dengan menarik diri daripada BN dan bertanding dalam pilihan raya umum yang akan datang atas simbol sendiri. Adakah Chua berani untuk mengumumkan bahawa MCA hanya akan kembali ke pangkuan BN selepas penutupan loji Lynas? Kegagalan untuk membuat demikian akan membantu rakyat Malaysia membuat keputusan sama ada untuk mempercayai parti yang bukan sahaja menipu diri sendiri tetapi cuba menipu orang lain.

Lim Guan Eng

—-Mandarin Translation —










Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on TRIO: Is En Azhari Mohd Dahlan a NOMINATED POST HOLDER approved by DCA? by Con Man Tony

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 11:51 AM PDT

Azhari picture makes me want to vomit! Bloody crony. Tak kayak nap duduk kerusi tu lagi. Tak Malukah? Tiada maruahkah?

I hate you cronies. you are trying to destroy MAS, your national airlines. Dherhaka Negara!!! Balik India aja kalau nak berasama dgn si pariah tu.

Comment on Deputy Min of MOF replies in Parliament by Kunyit Hidup

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 11:29 AM PDT

CA dah sain, MASEU dah neutralized. Dapat 5% tapi ada yang terkorban.

CUEPACS – Kerajaan Kumpulan Pelaksana dapat 13% kenaikan (Gred 1 hingga 40 equivalent to MAS graded staff).

Sejarah berulang, teringat dulu 1.5%.

Comment on Questions Time 4-4-2012: MAS fuel hedging loss by Kunyit Hidup

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 11:04 AM PDT

If paper-loss is not actually a loss, then is paper-profit is not a real profit?

Consequently those 12 oil companies just showing artificial accounts of +RM3.38b?

A graded staff needs help. Thank you.

Comment on THANK YOU! ITS 1 MILLION HITS! by weechookeong

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 10:53 AM PDT

Sdr Dino

Thank you for your support.
With kindest regards

wee choo keong

Comment on THANK YOU! ITS 1 MILLION HITS! by Dino Azman

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 10:51 AM PDT


Comment on TRIO: Is En Azhari Mohd Dahlan a NOMINATED POST HOLDER approved by DCA? by Jala Mas

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 10:51 AM PDT

The Pariah, those with Scomi connection and the maid upgrader are very much behind the going on. We must get rid of the cronies especially the maid upgrader Rashdan and the Board of directors namely the Pariah Kamarudin Meranun and that slimy Datuk Azman Yahya, the proxy of you know who.

The bloody WAU chairman as well must be gone.

Comment on AJ & Rashdan: “What Cost Cutting?” Part 5 – MAS uplifted Firefly passengers with Zero Fare by Dino Azman

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 10:49 AM PDT

I will vote Wangsa Maju – out BN!

Comment on TRIO: Is En Azhari Mohd Dahlan a NOMINATED POST HOLDER approved by DCA? by Dino Azman

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 10:41 AM PDT

Dear YB,while the stew is simmering,lets raise the issues in Parliament:

1. Why is MAS Admin Subang office is being kicked out of Subang as far away to KLIA by September 2012?

2. 10,000 or more MAS staffs are affected by this shifting as they have to shuttle everyday to KLIA without mode of transport or allowances provided to the employees

3. Heard MAS Subang is making way for Air Asia Tune Hotels at the same spot where MAS Admin office is today

4. Who approved of the land sale? And how much will it cost MAS to move its entire operations to KLIA? The last one it cost them several millions to move their Subang logistics in 2000 to KLIA.

5. Why place the burden on the 10,000 MAS staffs who will shuttle to KLIA – an ulu zone which MAS is located? These people lived within the Klang Valley and for them to shuttle to KLIA, thats absurd! Who is undertaking their cost of living?

Please raise this questions in Parliament and watch who will answer these questions?

Checked with the land office today, the land which MAS Admin office is located now belongs to MAB and YAYASAN Selangor. Are they selling this land to Air Asia or Air Asia is leasing / buying cheap from them?

Who is the broker of this deal? I smell a fish here somewhere.

Comment on TRIO: Is En Azhari Mohd Dahlan a NOMINATED POST HOLDER approved by DCA? by Kunyit Hidup

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 10:38 AM PDT

Get well soon …………

Alias and Malek, please take care of your health. When both of you on medical leave (diagnosed terkena sumpahan?), it may infect the whole MASEU. So my advice is………..;

Get out soon!

Comment on TRIO: Is En Azhari Mohd Dahlan a NOMINATED POST HOLDER approved by DCA? by XMAS

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 10:35 AM PDT

If I recall, the land does belong to the government which has been gazetted to the DCA. With the incorporation MAB, I think the land ownership has been transferred to MAB.

MAS leased the land and under the leasing agreement, MAS cannot sell the building. Should MAS terminate the lease, the ownership of the land and all unremovable property, which includes buildings will fall back to the owner either DCA or MAB. This fallback clause is quite normal.

I stand corrected.



Bila Nak Berhenti Bohong?

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 10:41 AM PDT




Posted: 05 Apr 2012 11:42 PM PDT

My journey - Wong Hon Wai 黃漢偉

My journey - Wong Hon Wai 黃漢偉

Penang State Government allocation to support Chinese primary school

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 09:07 AM PDT

Real Estate boost for Medan and Penang

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 04:41 AM PDT

As report in The Sun.

Real Estate boost for Medan and Penang
Posted on 6 April 2012 - 03:37pm

By Himanshu Bhatt and Bernard Cheah
himanshu@thesundaily.com, bernardcheah@thesundaily.com

Business relations between the regional sister cities of Medan and Penang received a welcome shot in the arm when chambers of commerce from both sides signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to further explore commercial opportunities recently.

In particular, members of the real estate sectors in both cities, which are separated only by the Straits of Malacca, are hoping that the MOU will help to heighten cooperation in developing much-needed new property-related economic projects.

Significantly, the MOU was signed on the sidelines of the recent Penang International Property (PIP) Expo, and witnessed by Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.

The parties – the Medan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI), and the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCCI) – were respectively represented by MCCI vice-chairman Rusmin Lawin and PCCCI president Tan Sri Tan Kok Ping.

Medan, which is located in Sumatra, Indonesia, and Penang have traditionally had many similarities in their development and culture, despite the former having been colonised under the Dutch and the latter under the British.

Both have similar multi-cultural populations, including sizeable Chinese Hokkien, Malay, Tamil, Punjabi and Eurasian communities.

Aside from such cultural similarities, both cities are now facing demand for further development, especially to house their booming populations. This is an area that developers on both sides are hoping to further tap on as available space, especially in Penang island, reaches saturation point.

Medan still has available land and property demand in the suburban outskirts is growing fast. Developers from Penang can contribute to meeting this demand. Many Medan folk are also increasingly looking at purchasing property in Penang, due to the various facilities and attractive lifestyle here.

Another area of cooperation is heritage restoration and redevelopment or refurbishment of existing buildings and quarters. Both cities share many identical elements, such as the traditional shop-house, in their urban architectures.

A good example of shared values in building can be seen in the uniquely identical 19th century mansions of tycoon Cheong Fatt Tze in Penang and his nephew Tjong A Fie in Medan. Both mansions, though built in different cities, are similar in design and proportions, demonstrating similar ties, both in culture and in real estate, that the two cities have.

Rusmin Lawin said the MOU would help in this regard, with both cities boosting closer ties among members of both chambers. "Penang is the most strategic place for us to build a solid network for international connections," he added.

Rusmin, who is also the deputy secretary-general of Real Estat Indonesia and the secretary-general of the International Real Estate Federation's (Fiabci) regional secretariat for Asia-Pacific, stressed that the sister cities shared a common platform.

Lim also welcomed the signing of the MOU. "In line with the growing significance of the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) that serves three countries, the development potential of this cooperation is immense," he said, noting the region had a consumer population base of about 70 million.

"I believe the involvement of industries from both cities and the people-to-people relations will further enhance trade amongst the people living in Medan and Penang," he added.

Organised by PIP Creation Sdn Bhd, the event was supported by the Penang state government, Penevents Sdn Bhd and Raine & Horne International, with theSun as a media partner.

Some 40 exhibitors participated in the expo. They included the government of Medan which had a special booth there to promote tourism and trade.

Helping to rebuild the front part of Wah San Soon temple, Air Itam

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 04:15 AM PDT

As reported in China Press

天德園華山祠地面裂痕 發展商撥款維修












Freedom Film Fest at Kampung Melayu, Air Itam

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 04:07 AM PDT



As reported in Sinchew.



2012-04-06 14:08


(檳城)"自由電影節"(Freedom Film Festival,簡稱FFF,也作自由電影節)今年首次走入社區,來到甘榜馬來由組屋內的民眾會堂和大家見面!







自由影展,是由馬來西亞人權組織社會傳播中心(Pusat Komuniti Masyarakat,簡稱KOMAS)主辦的影展,鼓勵馬來西亞民眾通過拍攝以及觀看紀錄片的方式,推動和平與民主。這個影展每年舉辦一次,在全馬各大城市巡回放映參展作品,其中有國人拍攝的紀錄片,也有國外人士的作品。





Better road infrastructure for Lebuhraya Thean Teik, Air Itam

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 04:02 AM PDT

天德园大道加至6通道 黄汉伟:建商负责加宽
二零一二年四月六日 凌晨十二时二十一分














黄汉伟说,位于佳景集团产业计划Melody Home后方的华山祠,在2009年面对土地流失,当年获得佳景集团协助,并在2010年完成修复工程。




