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Posted: 31 Jan 2015 01:25 AM PST (本报古晋31日讯)在政府当局即将引进孟加拉外劳到砂州从事油棕种植业的课题上﹐砂州政府应该优先考虑到砂州人民的利益课题﹐并将砂州人民的利益放在油棕种植公司的利益之上。 砂行动党主席张健仁国州议员是在今午于该党总部召开的新闻发布会上发言时﹐针对砂州子民阵线就政府当局即将引进孟加拉外劳到砂州从事油棕种植业的事项进行和平请愿活动一事﹐如是表示。 他说﹐其本身曾经在上一次的州立法会议中提出有关课题﹐并曾向砂州政府做出停止"进口"外劳的呼吁。 "唯砂州政府当时依旧决定引进外劳﹐并让他们与砂州人民竞争就业的机会。" 他认为说﹐相关阵线已经就政府当局即将引进孟加拉外劳到砂州从事油棕种植业的事项表明了明确的立场﹐所以他希望砂州政府能够听取砂州本土人民所发出的心声。 "身为砂州人民所选出来的民选政府﹐砂州政府必须捍卫砂州人民的利益。" 他也说明﹐油棕种植公司其实拥有可观的利润﹐所以有关公司应该透过提高薪金之举来吸引本地人民从事油棕种植工作。 他更指出﹐引进廉价外劳之举﹐将只会让本地的油棕种植公司从中受惠。 他也趁机呼吁砂州政府优先考虑到砂州人民的利益课题﹐并将砂州人民的利益放在油棕种植公司的利益之上。 取自诗华日报(31/1/2015) |
Posted: 31 Jan 2015 01:23 AM PST (本报古晋31日讯)砂行动党将在石隆门锡盖地区进行一项签名运动﹐以期从中收集当地居民的签名支持﹐进而共同捍卫当地居民的土著习俗地权益。 砂行动党主席张健仁国州议员是在今午于该党总部召开的新闻发布会上发言时﹐如是表示。 他说﹐砂行动党将进行一项签名运动﹐以收集锡盖地区居民的签名﹐进而从中共同捍卫当地人民的土著习俗地权益。 "当地社群约由2000到3000户家庭组成﹐并拥有近万人口﹐所以我们希望能够成功收集当地1000个居民的签名。" 他也透露﹐该党认为﹐锡盖地区的土地测量工作﹐必须以更正确﹑透明的方式来进行。 锡盖社群拥30%土地 与此同时﹐石隆门锡盖土地委员会主席兼砂行动党碧湖支部署理主席多美尼则在会上说明﹐该委员会乃成立于2009年﹐并旨在保护锡盖土著习俗地。 "自我们的社群祖先开始在当地居住时﹐当地就被种上了果树﹐所以锡盖土著习俗地的范围﹐就占据了大约1万2000英亩的面积。" 他续称﹐该片土地曾经于1977年3月3日在664宪报通知书下﹐被宪报为政府保留地。 他也披露﹐在锡盖土地委员会于2009年做出申请后﹐有关宪报规定就在2010年被撤销。 "是项宪报撤销之举也意味说﹐锡盖地区内12个甘榜的居民﹐将拥有当地的土著习俗权益。" 唯他指出﹐虽然当地正在进行土地测量的程序﹐唯有关程序的进行﹐将导致锡盖社群只拥有该片土地中的30%土地。 "另外的70%土地﹐则将归还给砂州政府。" 不支持土地测量工作 他因此表示﹐锡盖当地人民绝不支持是项土地测量工作的进行。 "这是因为﹐它意味要拿走我们的土著习俗地。" 他不忘强调﹐唯有在该片面积为1万2000英亩的土地均归入锡盖土著习俗地范围的前提下﹐当地人民才会同意土地测量工作的进行。 较后时﹐砂行动党也在会上推介由该党党员汤姆斯德贡拉卡所制作的录影光碟﹐并宣布将以每片6令吉的价格来发售有关光碟。 该党相信﹐是片光碟将能够让达雅民众了解为何要加入砂行动党的理由。 有关光碟﹐将可在该党各大支部购得。 取自诗华日报(31/1/2015) |
Villagers fume over alleged 'surrender' of NCR land Posted: 31 Jan 2015 01:14 AM PST ![]() Some 10,000 villagers from 12 villages in the Singai area in Bau have expressed their anger against their elected representative, Tasik Biru state assemblyperson Peter Nansian, who allegedly "surrendered" 70 percent of their 12,000-acre native customary rights (NCR) land to the state government. According to Dominic Daon, a resident of one of the villages, he heard Nansian telling villagers that he had agreed to the government carrying out a perimeter survey by the Land and Survey Department. "Now the people are angry with him after knowing that 70 percent (or 8,400 acres) of the land will be reverted to the state government as state land," said Daon at a press conference at the Kuching DAP headquarters this morning. "What is left, is 3,600 acres to be shared by 10,000 people." The villagers had farmed, cultivated and planted their NCR land with fruit trees since living in the area, Daon added. He further said that the villagers had formed the Singai land committee in 2009 - with its purpose to protect the Singai customary rights land. The committee is against the proposed Singai perimeter survey undertaken by the Land and Survey Department - covering areas along the slope of Matang range right to Kampung Apar, Singai. The land was gazetted under the Gazetted Notification 664 on March 3, 1977, but due to the villagers' strong opposition and the Singai land committee in 2009, the gazette notification was revoked in 2010. 'Rightful claimants' "Thus upon revocation, it has been recognised that the residents of the 12 villagers are the rightful claimants of the NCR land. "But now, the land is undergoing another perimeter survey and with this survey, about 30 percent of the 12,000 acres belong to the Singai community, while 70 percent (or 8,400 acres) of the land will be reverted to the state government," Daon pointed out. He said that the villagers have totally rejected the proposed perimeter survey, as it meant to take away their NCR land. "We only allow the perimeter survey to be carried out (if it) includes the whole 12,000 acres as Singai NCR land," Daon added, urging the government to conduct a proper perimeter survey over the whole area - as previously held in the Gazette Notification 664 and thereafter documents of title - issued to the Singai community. He held Nansian wholly responsible for the villagers' dilemma, as the latter had allegedly agreed with the perimeter survey conducted by the government. Daon and Mordi Bimol of the DAP Mas Gading service centre had been appointed to carry out the signature campaign, he added. Chong - who is the Bandar Kuching MP and state assemblyperson for Kota Sentosa - described the government's action as an "abuse of power". "You can say it is a daylight robbery," he noted. What worried Chong was once the area had been declared state land, crony companies would then apply for the land. "This is the standard practice of the state BN government," he said. on MalaysiaKini(31/1/2015) |
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