Rabu, 16 Mac 2011




Posted: 16 Mar 2011 07:10 AM PDT

(Saiful mengadu DiNayaAnwar - bersama ibu tercinta di Baitullah)

Salam 2 all.

Mike semua sedar atau tidak, hanya dengan setitik darah, Kerajaan Barisan Nasional boleh tumbang, dan impian Anwar nak bersemayam di Putrajaya boleh tercapai. Hanya dengan setitik darah yop! Sebab itu teman semakin hairan dengan sikap berdolak-dalik manusia yang ditabal bininya sendiri yang membantah kepada permohonan Pendakwaraya supaya beliau memberikan darah beliau untuk dibuat ujian DNA sebagai perbandingan kepada DNA-Lelaki Y daripada airmani yang ditemui didalam dubur Saiful Bukhori Azlan. Peluang sudah terbuka luas untuk Anwar sekarang. Tetapi hairan bin ajaib teman nengok Anwar seolah-olah tidak berminat dengan haq dan kebenaran! Atau apakah semuanya demi politiking yang melampau sahaja?

Pertama yang kita semua perlu faham, tidak saperti kes dahulu (1998), kali ini DNA-Y yang ditemui adalah berdasarkan sumber DNA yang jelas iaitu airmani seseorang. Sumber DNA yang ditemui dalam dubur Saiful ialah airmani seseorang! Sedangkan didalam kes terdahulu (ingat lagi kes tilam), sumber DNA atas tilam itu tidak dapat disahihkan oleh pakar kimia Lim Kong Boon. Beliau hanya tahu diberikan 13 keratan tompok daripada tilam, dan menguji sumber DNA nya. Beliau sendiri tidak tahu secara sahih dan pasti sumber DNA itu. Dan bila ditanya mana sampel-sampel ujian utnuk DNA itu, beliau memberitahu telah memusnahkannya.

Itu adalah antara sebab mengapa mendiang YA Datuk Augustine Paul meminda pertuduhan kerana tiada bukti jelas apa sumber DNA tersebut diatas keratan tilam berkenaan. Dan kita perlu ingat kesan tompok diatas tilam itu berusia 5 tahun (kejadian 1993) semasa diuji (ujian 1998)!!

Tetapi didalam kes sekarang, sumber DNA didalam dubur Saiful itu dikenal pasti sebagai airmani seseorang. Masih fresh harum lagi yop, baru berusia 2 hari (liwat 26.06, pemeriksaan 28.06). Yang mengesahkannya adalah beberapa orang pakar perubatan, doktor, pakar forensik dan pakar kimia. Tak silap teman kesemuanya 5-7 orang pakar. Mereka ini semua adalah professional dan tidak kenal satu sama lain. Mustahil mereka boleh berpakat, dan tidak ada sebab mereka mahu berpakat. Dan kesemuanya mengesahkan sumber DNA itu adalah airmani seseorang dilabel sebagai Lelaki-Y.

Persoalan yang menjadi isu ialah siapa lelaki Y itu. Ada orang mendakwa airmani itu disumbat didalam dubor Saiful. Persoalannya siapa yang menyumbatnya? Pastilah ada seseorang, yang menyumbatnya; tak mungkin airmani itu boleh berjalan sendiri kot yop. Dan airmani akan berada didalam dubur seseorang (atau alat sulit wanita) hanya dengan satu cara sahaja, iaitu dengan perantaraan "spitol-air".

Dan tidak mungkin ada mana-mana pihak boleh memasukkan air mani Anwar kedalam dubur Saiful. Pertama mereka perlu dapatkan airmani itu dari Anwar. Kecuali Wan Azizah meminjamkannya kepada mana-mana orang, mustahil ada orang lain boleh dapatkannya! Takkan nak tuduh Wan Azizah pakat dengan Saiful kot? Dan Anwar sendiri mengesahkan dia tidak ada beri sampel airmani dia kepada sesiapa pun untuk ujian DNA atau apa-apa ujian, walaupun semasa ditahan polis.

Kedua, ada orang dakwa polis menggunakan DNA lama dalam kes 1998. Samada yang bercakap ni biol ataupun tak sekolah. Pertama, sampel DNA tahun 1998 telah pun dimusnahkan oleh ahli kimia Lim Kong Boon. Kedua, kalau betullah ada sampel DNA tu, dah kering lama dah pun yop. Sedangkan airmani yang ditemui didalam dubur Saiful adalah "barang fresh", mengikut kata pakar baru berusia beberapa hari. Jadi dakwaan ini ternyata tidak menasabah, apatah lagi menasarawak!

Pokok ceritanya, bagi Mahkamah untuk mengetahui identiti tuanpunya airmani didalam dubur Saiful itu yang dilabel sebagai Lelaki-Y, maka Mahkamah perlu mendapatkan DNA perbandingan. Kita boleh uji airmani seluruh lelaki yang ada di Malaysia ini untuk DNA perbandingan tersebut, tetapi kita mulakan dengan Anwar dahulu. Sebabnya mudah, Saiful mengadu Anwar yang "mengunyitkan" beliau. Maka sebab itulah pemberian sampel darah untuk ujian DNA oleh Anwar sangat penting.

Penting bukan kerana hendak membutikan Anwar "mengunyitkan" Saiful, tetapi penting kerana nak membuktikan yang hak dan kebenaran. Ada dua kemungkinan akan berlaku jika Anwar memberi sampel darah untuk ujian DNA perbandingan tersebut.

Jika ujian darah itu mendapati DNA Anwar menyamai DNA Lelaki-Y tersebut, ada kemungkinan Anwar akan bercuti panjang di Sg. Buloh Resort, mungkin lebih daripada 9 tahun. Kerana ketepatan ujian DNA adalah 99.95% benar dan betul.

Tetapi kalau ujian darah itu mendapati DNA Anwar tidak sama dengan DNA Lelaki-Y tersebut, maka bukan sahaja beliau mungkin dibebaskan daripada pertuduhan, silap-silap Kerajaan Barisan Nasional boleh tumbang yop. Kerana rakyat akan terus hilang kepercayaan!!!

Nah, kalau Anwar benar-benar yakin dia tidak "mengunyitkan" Saiful, tidakkah ini peluang terbaik untuk Anwar bukan sahaja untuk membersihkan namanya, malah untuk menumbangkan Kerajaan Barisan Nasional!?

Tak payah tipu-tipu, tak payah bohong-bohong, tak payah kelentong-kelentang, tak payah putar poosing, tak payah jual nama YDP Agong, tak payah lelong nama Panglima Angkatan Tentera, tak payah sogok Ahli Parlimen, tak payah kejor MP BN sampai ke Taiwan, tak payah pilihanraya, tak payah tiru Mesir atau Libya, pendekkata tak payah buat apa pun. Teman cukup yakin jika DNA itu tidak benar, rakyat sendiri akan bangkit menuntut Kerajaan dibubarkan. Malah tidak keterlaluan teman katakan rakyat sendiri akan mendokong Anwar dan diarak dari Mahkamah Jalan Duta ke mahkota Putrajaya!!! Bukankah itu jalan singkat ke Putrajaya; yang diidam-idamkan sangat oleh manusia yang ditabal bininya sebagai anugerah tuhan!!!

Tapi risikonya besar yop. Jika DNA itu benar, teman cukup yakin bukan sahaja rakyat, para pak jangoat sendiri akan mendokong dan arak Anwar daripada Mahkamah Jalan Duta ke Penjara Sg. Buloh. Silap-silap haribulan mau Karpal pun tumpang sekaki yop!

Pendek story yop, semuanya terletak ditangan manusia yang ditabal bininya sebagai anugerah tuhan ini. "To give or not to give - that's the question!"

Cuma teman nak landing dengan bertanya kepada segelintir pak jangoat yang berkiblatkan kepada manusia yang ditabal bininya sebagai anugerah tuhan ini; tidakkah terdetik sedikit pun dihati kecil mike nak mintak Anwar supaya berikan setitik aje darahnya untuk ujian DNA itu. Apa yang susah sangat. Setitik darah yang boleh menentukan kebenaran dan kepalsuan, setitik darah yang menentukan syurga atau neraka bagi pengikutnya. Pikior-pikiorkanlah yop. Janganlah kita menjadi golongan 'summum buqmum umyum fahuum - Kaum PBB - Pekak, Bisu & Buta!

Pada teman Anwar tidak sepatutnya berselindung disebalik teknikaliti dan peruntukkan undang-undang. Anwar tidak sepatutnya menyorok disebalik jubah Karpal. Iya, Mahkamah akan membuat keputusan; mungkin Hakim akan suruh, mungkin Hakim akan tolak. Itu hak Hakim dan Mahkamah untuk membuat keputusan. Kita tidak boleh ganggu, apalagi mengacau prosiding Mahkamah.

Tetapi Anwar perlu ingat, Mahkamah Rakyat juga sedang menanti. Dan Mahkamah Rakyat hanya pentingkan haq dan kebenaran.

Cuma teman nak kabornya, umat dan rakyat sudah mula heran, kenapa manusia yang ditabal bininya sebagai anugerah tuhan ini liat dan susah sangat nak bagi setitik darah kebenaran itu. Ada rahsia besar yang nak disembunyikan ke?

Dan jangan lupa Mahkamah ALLAH juga sedang menanti, dan Mahkamah ALLAH juga berpaksikan kepada haq dan kebenaran! Pikior-pikiorlah yop; ALLAH bagi otak bukan suruh buat lauk masak lemak cili api, tapi untuk digunakan!!!

Hanya setitik darah
bisa mengubah arah
samada semakin parah
atau mahkota meriah
rakyat makin marah
umat makin resah
mengapa liat susah
menitik sebutir darah!

Adios amigos, grasias senor & senorita.

Wallahua'lam & Wassalam.

Zulkifli Bin Noordin
10 Rabi'ul Akhir 1432
16 Mac 2011

Hannah Yeoh

Hannah Yeoh

Telekom land in USJ 6

Posted: 16 Mar 2011 10:07 AM PDT

At the press conference with YB Gobind Singh, YB Khalid Samad and YB Loh Gwo Burne

THE Selangor Appeals Board hearing over the USJ 6 Telekom Malaysia land issue last Friday raised eyebrows when a traffic consultant said a development project can continue even though traffic in some of its surrounding areas was rated 'F'.

Traffic consultant Amir Hamlan Abdullah from AZ Traffic Management Consult, who was engaged by the land vendor and developer, defended his traffic impact assessment (TIA) report done in 2008.

He told the Appeals Board it was still acceptable for the development project to continue even though most of the junctions were rated 'F'.

The F rating is described as 'saturated traffic' at its worst.

"I agree that by 2020, the area will be a mess and most of the junctions will be at levels E and F," he said when asked by lawyer Gobind Singh Deo who represents the residents who are appellants in this case.

When questioned by Gobind, the consultant said the number of cars generated from the project would not be high and hence will not have a big impact on the roads.

Also in attendance current MPSJ councillor for USJ 6, Rajiv Rishyakaran

"As roads in this area will reach saturation point, the additional traffic will be diverted elsewhere. This traffic problem can also be tackled and improved with public transportation when the LRT comes into Subang Jaya, USJ and Puchong," said the consultant.

The TIA and traffic impact on surrounding neighbourhood were topics heavily deliberated and heard by the board comprising president Datuk Abu Bakar Awang and members Ho Khong Ming and Datuk Azmeer Rashid.

The appellant in this case is resident Lee Wan Nam while the respondent is the Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) and interverners being TM Facilities Sdn Bhd and Pujangga Budiman Sdn Bhd, who are the land vendor and developer respectively.

Residents are challenging the State Planning Committee and MPSJ's approval for the proposed development of one block of nine-storey commercial block with two floors of sub-basement carpark in November 2008.

The residents also contend the land was designated as a Telekom exchange or utility reserve but land vendor TM Facilities has since sold it to the developer for commercial purposes.

Earlier, USJ 11 resident Dr Leong Choon Heng who is also the head of transportation and logistics programme for the Malaysia University of Science of Technology in Kelana Jaya from 2002 to 2010, was called in as witness.

"Based on the TIA report, I opine the conclusions made do not reflect the data that is being collected.

"There are internal inconsistencies in the report and I am of the opinion the proposed construction can only make the surroundings worse," said Leong.

He contended that USJ 6 was already a mature residential neighbourhood and with the main road jammed up, more cars would be dispersed to neighbourhood streets.

"Small roads and parks will suffer the spillover effect in the form of increased cars that may be speeding."

MPSJ legal department director Anita Abd Jalil then told Leong since he could not be considered a qualified professional, his own counter-report could only be taken as a public opinion.

"Do you know the MPSJ has approved for the main egress and ingress of the project to be at the main road and not the side road as not to affect the residential area?

"Also, the entire project is fenced up. Do you also know we approved the development based on the developer has provided more carpark spaces than what the council has expected?" she asked.

The lawyer representing the land developer and land vendor, Abu Bakar Jais, asked Leong if he agreed the details collected and reflected in the report is quite extensive and if it was a fair report.

Leong reiterated the conclusions made are inconsistent with the data collected, and said he only thinks it is fair in terms of the extensiveness of research and the methodologies used for the data collection.

Abu Bakar Jais said his client is providing 158 parking lots and the building is for use of office only.

Board president Abu Bakar said there will be a minimum 100 cars coming out of the building once ready, although not all at the same time.

"A backflow would be created because cars from inner roads will have to stop to give way to cars on the main road that are at a gridlock. There will be those that will find alternative side roads seeing the congestion on the main road.

"So the question is how do you stop outside drivers from going into the neighbourhood? And by then, will be level of service in this area be F+++?" he asked.

He also admitted the conclusions made are inconsistent with the data collected.

Subang Jaya assemblyman Hannah Yeoh, who sat in the proceedings, said she is disappointed with the State Planning Committee for not calling for an independent traffic study and chose to rely on the developer's traffic study.

"In June 2008 when there was a public hearing on this project, the residents had asked for an independent traffic study to be conducted since they do not have resources on their own. However, they were not given one.

"The developer did its traffic report in September 2008 and in November, the project had been approved. The traffic report was only given to the residents in January 2009," said Yeoh.

She said as the project is a conditional development, the residents were never notified the details of the conditions as they were dealt directly between MPSJ and developer.

The site is still under the title of Telekom although it had sold part of the land on a conditional sale to the developer.

Yeoh said in 2005 and 2006, MPSJ had ruled that the land cannot be subdivided purely because it is a Telekom reserve and questioned how a utility land can be sold.

This case has had a long history following the approval given in late 2008. The aggrieved residents filed an appeal in March 2009 and in October 2009. There was a revocation on the approval but it was not endorsed by the State Planning Committee.

However, the residents' joy was shortlived as several MPSJ councillors and its then president Datuk Adnan Md Ikshan cancelled the revocation in an ad-hoc meeting on April 2010.

The hearing resumes on March 30. 



Man waits in vain for help after tragedy

Posted: 16 Mar 2011 09:29 PM PDT

A fairer allocation policy needed for all Malaysian students

Posted: 16 Mar 2011 07:23 AM PDT

No to Voting Rights for Malaysians Overseas

Posted: 16 Mar 2011 04:18 AM PDT

Royal Address Speech by M.Kulasegaran

Posted: 16 Mar 2011 02:21 AM PDT

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Tuisyen Rakyat Kembali Bermula - PERCUMA

Posted: 16 Mar 2011 04:47 PM PDT

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

【星洲日报】沙登一校家协 ‧ 4月17办竞走筹建费

Posted: 16 Mar 2011 04:33 AM PDT

On March 15, Serdang MP Saudari Teo Nie Ching has presented a cheque amounting to RM2500 to the chairperson of SJK(C) Serdang Baru 1 School Construction Oversight Committee as a donation from the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat state government to the school's new hall construction project.

For your information, Selangor State government has been giving each MP in Selangor an allocation of RM150000 in which RM50000 is for office expense while another RM100000 is for constituency service expense. In normal circumstances, Saudari Teo will allocate an amount of money between RM500 to RM1000 to each needy family or organisation within her parliamentary constituency. However, since the education is always on the top of the priorities, she has decided to allocate the maximum amount for a single allocation which is RM2500 to the school construction fund. 

SJK(C) Serdang Baru 1 needs approximately RM1.7mil to build a school hall cum student activity centre that can accommodate all students under one roof. To date, the school has managed to raise RM.1.2mil, however, this figure is still RM.05mil short of the target amount.

As a continuous effort to raise fund for the school hall construction project, the PIBG of SJK(C) Serdang Baru will be holding a fund-raising walkathon on 17 April 2011 (Sunday). Serdang MP Saudari Teo urges the public to participate in the walkathon as well as make donation to the school so that the school hall construction work can be completed within the scheduled timeline.

张念群(左8)在沙登一校三机构陪同下巡视该校礼堂扩建工程进展;左3起为萧观华、李森梅和何广福,右3起为黄稳全、黄伟平和张汉明。 (图:星洲日报)

沙登一校礼堂扩建工程完成近60%,料可在今年9月全面竣工。 (图:星洲日报)

张念群(前排右2)在校方三机构见证下,把2千500令吉拨款移交予方丽香(前排左2)。 (图:星洲日报)


Violet Yong

Violet Yong

Christians: "Enough is Enough"!

Posted: 16 Mar 2011 07:01 PM PDT

When I heard of churches gathering at Kingwood Inn few days ago to protest the seizure of 30,000 bibles, I know that the Christian have enough of being pushed to the walls.

We Christian are a forgiving lot. We are taught to forgive our enemies, pray for them and to live in harmony with one another through respect and love.

So when the Kuching Ministers Fellowship, Miri Pastors Fellowship, Sibu Pastors Fellowship, Bintulu Pastors Fellowship and Gempuru Besai Raban Jaku Iban Malaysia (an alliance of Iban churches) joined together few days ago to protest against the unfair treatment of Christians in this lovely land of Sarawak, it shows that the most tolerant of the lot had surrender and said 'enough is enough'.

Sarawak makes up of over 40% Christians. In this land, we live in harmony with the Buddhist, Hindu and Muslims. We find no fault with one another. We eat together, rejoice together, work together and even in death, we offer each other sympathy.

Today, the Christians are unhappy. It is not because of our Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist friends. It is the system, the government system that gives hardship to the Christians and their churches with their many rules and regulations.

Sarawak is a land of freedom of religion. Why has it become so? Why are the Christians being 'prosecuted' and expected to remain silent. The churches never want to politicize issues connected to the churches. Today, they stood up not because of political reasons but because of the system that is so unfair to them.

The system comes from the Government of the Day. The system must be changed so that the condition in which Sarawak formed part of Malaysia would be respected. That means the Government must be changed so that Christians can worship in peace and without repercussion.

"Article 8 of the Federal Constitution states that "All persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the law", and "there shall be no discrimination against citizens on the ground only of religion, race, descent, place of birth or gender in any law".

Article 11 provides for every person to have " the rights to profess and practice his religion," and that every religion group has the right (a) to manage its own religious affairs, (b) to establish and maintain institutions for religious or charitable purposes, and (c) to acquire and own property and build and administer it in accordance with the law.

Under the 18 point Agreement of Sarawak in the formation of Malaysia, it is clearly stated that there is no official religion in Sarawak. "

The seizure of the Bibles at the Kuching Port is not only unconstitutional but it also violates the spirit of the agreement for Sarawak to participate in the formation of the Malaysia. Will more Bibles be seized again in the further? How many rules and regulations do the Christians have to comply? How many obstacles do the Christians have to face so that their church members can get a Bible in their hands, praise the Lord our God without fear. The present system has to go.

Philosophy Politics Economics

Philosophy Politics Economics

Home Minister "Released" Bibles since June 2010

Posted: 16 Mar 2011 08:35 AM PDT

Pua reveals Hisham ordered BM bibles release in 2010
By Clara Chooi March 14, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, March 14 — DAP MP Tony Pua unveiled documents today showing Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein had issued orders last June for the release of 5,100 Malay-language bibles currently impounded at Port Klang.

The home minister had said over the weekend that the bibles had been impounded due to the ministry's pending court appeal on the Catholic weekly The Herald's use of the word "Allah" in its publications.

But the Petaling Jaya Utara MP revealed that Hishammuddin, in his written reply to Parliament on June 7 last year, had announced that a notice had already been issued to the books' importers urging them retrieve their consignment.

"There are a total of 5,100 Al-Kitab Berita Baik books detained. Notice has already been sent to the importers to retrieve the consignment but until now, they have failed to do so.

"The publications are being stored in good condition in the Home Ministry's Port Klang office although the deadline for the importers to retrieve them has expired," was Hishammuddin's written response to a question from Pua last year.

Pua charged that since the consignment in question is still being impounded in Port Klang, Hishammuddin had misled the House with his answer.

He added that this was further compounded by The Malaysian Insider's publication yesterday of a ministry letter dating June 10, 2010, where a senior official wrote that the appeal by the book's importer, Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM) had been considered and the ministry had agreed to release the consignment.
"So it is a lie on two fronts," Pua told a press conference in Parliament this afternoon.

He also referred to a response from Hishammuddin yesterday where the minister claimed that the Bibles had been impounded due to the ministry's pending court appeal on the Catholic weekly The Herald's use of the word "Allah" in its publications.

In his statement, Hishammuddin had also said that the ministry was presently awaiting advice from the Attorney-General to determine its next move in the controversy.

"So this is what is happening today. A lie on two fronts... the reply from the minister is a lie. And yet there is a letter proving that the notice was indeed sent.

"So you (BSM) can claim it back but until today, you still cannot claim it back? Now you (Hishammuddin) say you have to refer to the A-G but yet in Parliament earlier, you said the books were released.

"Is this because the minister is just misleading the Parliament to discourage any further questions?" said Pua.

He urged the ministry to take responsibility over the issue and clear any confusion by ordering the immediate release of the confiscated Bibles to the BSM.

This, he said, included the additional 30,000 Malay-language Bibles which are also presently held by the Home Ministry at the Kuching port.

"There should be freedom of religion in this country where Christians are allowed to practise in whatever language they please as long as these Bibles are not distributed to the Muslims," said Pua.

DAP's Bandar Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen agreed and added that as the issue was of public interest, it would likely be highlighted by the opposition during its campaign in the Sarawak polls.

"This is definitely an issue that concerns the people and it is unfair of the Barisan Nasional (BN) so of course we will highlight it.

"The BN government is being oppressive to those of other religions," he said.

Click here for the full article.

i n t a n h i j a u

i n t a n h i j a u


Posted: 16 Mar 2011 03:17 AM PDT

TELUK INTAN, 14 Mac - Atas inisiatif Pemuda PAS Kg. Bahagia, ADUN Changkat Jong telah dibawa bertemu anak-anak muda di sekitar kampung tersebut. Turut sama ialah bekas penyanyi kumpulan rock Melissa, Ustaz Radhi Abd. Hamid yang kebetulan akan berceramah pada sebelah malamnya di Bilik Gerakan Pemuda PAS Kg. Bahagia.
Konvoi bermotor Pemuda PAS Kg. Bahagia mengiringi kereta YB.

Ustaz Radhi beramah mesra dengan anak-anak muda.

YB Hj. Mohd. Anuar Sudin telah dibawa ke gelanggang sepak takraw di Taman Melor. Di situ, beliau dan Ustaz Radhi telah berpeluang bertemu dengan para pemuda yang sedang asyik bemain takraw. Kehadiran wakil rakyat serta rombongan begitu mengejutkan anak-anak mda namun mereka berasa berbesar hati apabila dikunjungi oleh wakil rakyat dan pimpinan Pemuda PAS.
YB Anuar menyampaikan sumbangan bola takraw.

Bergambar beramai-ramai.

Di sana, pihak YB Anuar dan Ustaz Radhi telah menyumbangkan dua biji bola takraw kepada anak-anak muda. 

Kemudian, rombongan ADUN Changkat Jong telah dibawa bertemu dengan anak-anak muda yang sedang bermain bola sepak di sebuah padang di Kg. Bahagia. Walaupun kehadiran YB Anuar tidak dimaklumkan awal, namun mereka menerima kehadiran YB Anuar dan Ustaz Radhi dengan senang hati.

Kesempatan tersebut telah diambil oleh YB Anuar untuk beramah mesra kepada anak-anak muda yang boleh dikatakan setiap petang bermain di padang tersebut. YB Anuar telah menyerahkan sebiji bola kepada wakil anak-anak tersebut sebagai tanda sokongan kepada aktiviti-aktiviti menyihatkan badan.
Anak-anak muda asyik bermain bola.

Bersalaman dengan YB Anuar.

Bergambar bersama YB Anuar dan Ustaz Radhi.

Bagi YB Anuar, aktiviti-aktiviti sihat sebegini perlu diberi sokongan agar anak-anak muda terhindar daripada melakukan aktivit-aktiviti yang kurang memberi faedah.
YB Anuar menyerahkan bola takraw.

Ustaz Radhi turut menyampaikan bola takraw kepada wakil anak muda.

Lokasi terakhir, YB Anuar dan Ustaz Radhi telah dibawa ke gelanggang takraw di Lorong 8B, Kg. Bahagia di mana kelihatan ramai anak-anak muda sedang bermain takraw. Di sana juga, YB Anuar telah menyerahkan dua biji bola takraw kepada wakil anak-anak muda tersebut.



Posted: 15 Mar 2011 09:37 PM PDT

PERMATANG PAUH, 16 Mac: Para guru termasuk pesara guru seluruh negara diminta melakukan perubahan drastik terhadap lanskap politik tanah air untuk menghindarkan daripada terus dihinggapi anasir pengkhianatan, kata bekas calon PAS pilihan raya kecil Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) Tenang, Normala Sudirman.

Perubahan itu jelasnya, amat penting kerana negara sekarang seolah-olah hilang kawalan penguasaan ekoran politik yang tidak menentu serta terlalu banyak campur tangan yang membawa kepada tiadanya kebebasan.

"Guru merupakan pendidik yang setia, maka buatlah perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik kerana landkap politik masa kini telah musnah kerana campur tangan pihak tertentu. 

"Apa salahnya kita yang dididik mewujudkan keharmonian anak bangsa menjadi lebih dihormati lakukan sedikit lonjakan pembaharuan pada pilihanraya umum ke 13 kelak," terangnya pada majlis pidato bersama Cikgu Mala di perkarangan Pusat Khidmat Dun Permatang Pasir. malam tadi.

Sebelum itu, beliau dijemput memberikan motivasi Menjana Kecemerlangan Pelajar Anak-Anak Ahli PAS di Dewan Haji Zabidi, Permatang Pauh dan sebelah petangnya menghadiri program Sepetang Bersama Cikgu Mala, bertempat di Balai Islam Berapit, Bukit Mertajam.

Pada rangka lawatan selama dua hari ke Pulau Pinang bermula semalam dan berakhir hari ini, beliau juga diajak bersama dalam program menjejaki pejuang muslimat anjuran Dewan Muslimat Permatang Pauh manakala sebelah malam nanti beliau sekali lagi berada di pentas pidato srikandi di Pusat Pendidikan Islam Padang Menora, Tasek Gelugor.

Beliau yakin jika guru yang pernah menjadi pelopor politik satu waktu dulu boleh bangun kembali mengatasi golongan politik yang acapkali menggunakan kesempatan peribadi, masalah negara dapat diatasi.

"Dulu rata-rata golongan guru mempelopori politik di mana sahaja tetapi sekarang seolah lenyap begitu sahaja. Kenapa jadi begitu sebab kewujudan golongan yang tidak amanah sering mencari peluang untuk membina kekayaan," tambahnya.

Katanya, guru perlu membuang semua kerisauan bilamana politik berubah tangan kepada Pakatan Rakyat kerana Pakatan Rakyat nyata berjaya melakukan yang terbaik untuk rakyat contohnya di empat negeri yang dikuasai.

Tambahnya, banyak lagi tuntutan guru masih dibekukan tetapi apabila menjelang pilihanraya kecil, ia dimainkan semula seakan-akan 'durian runtuh' padahal jika disiasat, masih terpahat janji lama.

"Bila ada pilihanraya kecil, pasti terpancul keluar dari mulut Menteri Pelajaran, Tan Sri Muhyiddn Yassin kononnya jika rakyat atau guru memberikan kemenangan pada BN, masalah mereka akan dselesaikan," katanya.

Turut sama berceramah pada program malam tadi ialah Ketua Dewan Muslimat Permatang Pauh, Puan Suraya Saat dan Ketua Penerangan Dewan Muslimat PAS Negeri, Aida Yusuf Rawa.(harakahdaily)


Posted: 15 Mar 2011 04:56 PM PDT

TANJUNG KARANG: Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak hari ini berkata suasana politik di Malaysia tidak mungkin bergolak seperti di Timur Tengah dan Utara Afrika kerana kerajaan tidak mengamalkan pemerintahan kuku besi malah sentiasa peka terhadap kehendak semasa rakyat.
Di Mesir?

Perdana Menteri berkata, jika rakyat tidak berpuas hati dengan pemerintahan Barisan Nasional (BN), tidak mungkin BN menang pada pilihan raya kecil Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Melaka kawasan Merlimau dan DUN Pahang kawasan Kerdau pada 6 Mac lepas dengan jumlah majoriti undi yang meningkat.
Tidak kejam?
Di Malaysia tiada demonstrasi ?

"Kalau rakyat tidak berpuas hati, majoriti kita tidak akan bertambah dalam pilihan raya kecil itu," katanya semasa berucap pada majlis perasmian projek Nadi Kasih peringkat kebangsaan di Kampung Sungai Gulang-Gulang di sini hari ini.

"Sebagai kerajaan kita sedar tahap ukuran (rakyat) bukan semudah dahulu. Politik pembangunan bukan segala-galanya," kata Najib lagi.(mstaronline)
