Rabu, 13 Julai 2011


R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

Perhimpunan Bersih 2.0

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 12:10 AM PDT

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

Peraturan antarabangsa:hospital adalah tempat selamat,hanya Israel langgar setakat ini

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 09:45 AM PDT

Doktor kecam polis tembak gas ke hospital
KUALA LUMPUR, 13 Julai: Sekumpulan doktor terkenal hari ini mengeluarkan satu kenyataan mengutuk cara pihak berkuasa mengendalikan perhimpunan aman Bersih, terutamanya tindakan polis yang menembak gas pemedih mata ke dalam kawasan Hospital Tung Shin dan Hospital Bersalin di Jalan Pudu Sabtu lalu.

Menyatakan bahawa hospital sepatutnya menjadi 'santuari yang selamat untuk semua' dan 'tempat yang dikhaskan untuk perlindungan' bahkan semasa masa perang, sebelas doktor dan pakar bedah, ada yang di antaranya berkhidmat di hospital berkenaan telah mengutuk keras tindakan polis yang memasuki kawasan hospital untuk memburu para pendemo aman yang lari lintang-pukang akibat serangan polis.

"Apa yang lebih memeranjatkan dan disaksikan ramai ialah serangan tanpa provokasi dalam kawasan hospital dan penahanan beberapa peserta yang hanya masuk ke hospital untuk mengelak serangan pemedih mata dan air," kata mereka dalam satu kenyataan yang diemelkan ke Harakahdaily.

Kenyataan tersebut merupakan reaksi pertama daripada kumpulan doktor selepas polis menafikan bahawa anggota mereka ada menembak gas pemedih mata dalam kawasan hospital.

Ini diikuti dengan sidang akhbar Menteri Kesihatan, Liow Tiong Lai yang mendakwa bahawa polis sememangnya tidak menembak gas pemedih mata dan air asid ke dalam kawasan Hospital Tung Shin dan menyerang dakwaan para peserta Bersih 2.0 yang menyaksikan perkara tersebut dengan mata sendiri sebagai tidak benar.

Pelbagai bukti video walaubagaimanapun telah menolak penafian polis dan Liow dengan memaparkan dengan jelas bahawa gas pemedih mata sememangnyat telah ditembak ke dalam kawasan Hospital Tung Shin, ditambah dengan satu laporan Majlis Peguam Negara yang mencatitkan pengamatkannya pada perhimpunan aman Julai 9 yang mengesahkan bahawa insiden tersebut berlaku.

Kenyataan yang ditandatangani oleh Dr Musa Nordin, Dr Sheikh Johari Bux, Dr Ng Kwee Boon, Dr Ng Swee Choon, Dr Ronald Macoy, Dr David Quek, Dr Mary Cardozo, Dr. Farouk Musa, Dr. Mazeni Alwi, Dr Pixie Low dan Dr Steve Wong turut mengecam pihak berkuasa yang tidak tahu malu dalam menafikan insiden tersebut dengan pelbagai bukti dan saksi yang jelas terpampang di depan mata.

"Ia adalah menjijikkan bahawa pihak berkuasa yang diamanahkan untuk mengurus negara dan melindungi yang lemah dan memerlukan, tanpa malu dinafikan secara umum, kejadian-kejadian walaupun tidak terkira banyaknya foto, video, dan pengakuan saksi mata tentang apa yang sudah jelas kepada semua pemerhati bebas," kata mereka.

Walaupun mereka menyatakan bahawa mereka tidak mahu menyertai polemik selepas perhimpunan aman besar-besaran yang dipanggil oleh kumpulan Bersih yang menuntut pembaharuan pilihan raya, para doktor tersebut di mana ada beberapa orang yang bertugas di hospital-hospital yang terlibat semasa kejadian itu, berkata mereka bersedia untuk menyediakan afidavit bersumpah "jika perlu, kepada kebenaran insiden".
Kenyataan itu juga mengingatkan para pemegang jawatan awam untuk menunaikan tugas mereka dengan "integriti moral, maruah, dan ketelusan".
"Kegagalan mereka untuk berbuat demikian akan menimbulkan keraguan orang ramai terhadap kecekapan dan kredibiliti mereka dan juga merosakkan imej orang-orang di pejabat tinggi," tegas mereka.

Buta, pekak atau terencat akal boleh dimaafkan kalau masih tak percaya ni.....

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 09:26 AM PDT

Kenapa PAS bersama BERSIH yang dipimpin AMBIGA?!Sudah tinggal prinsip atau....

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 05:49 AM PDT

Bersih dan Ambiga — Zulkifli Sulong

July 13, 2011
13 JULAI — Anak saya salah seorang ahli jawatankuasa kecil penganjur Himpunan Sejuta Belia yang dianjurkan oleh Kementerian Belia dan Sukan. Menteri Belia dan Sukan, Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek kebetulan sahabat lama saya.
Namun, kerana arah tuju dan cara penganjuran perhimpunan itu, anak saya telah menarik diri dari jawatankuasa itu pada minggu kedua menjelang hari perhimpunan itu. "Mereka cuba tarik belia dengan hiburan, bukan dengan minda," katanya. Kerana penglibatannya dalam program itu, ramailah rakan-rakannya dari kalangan ini, penyokong agenda Umno.
Apabila datang isu Bersih 2.0, anak saya secara main-main dan bergurau meletakkan statusnya di Facebook, dia akan menyertai semua program anjuran Bersih itu. Rupanya, ia telah memanggil rakan-rakannya dalam jawatankuasa 1 Juta Belia untuk membuat komen-komen menarik tentang isu Bersih.
(Perhimpunan 1 Juta Belia yang dihadiri tidak sampai 100,000 belia)
Antara komennya adalah "kenapa menyokong Bersih yang diketuai oleh Datuk S Ambiga itu." Lalu dikaitkanlah Ambiga adalah peguam Lina Joy dan penyokong IFC (Inter Faith Commision).
Sebenarnya inilah isu Bersih di kalangan Umno dan penyokong tegar mereka sebenarnya. Ia tidak ada bezanya dengan apa yang dibawa ke minda para anggota keselamatan yang bertugas di hari 9 Julai lalu. Ramai peserta Bersih yang ditangkap disumpah seranah oleh para rakan-rakan polis kononnya padan dengan muka kamu kerana mengikut telunjuk Ambiga yang Hindu itu dan cuba memurtadkan umat Islam itu.
Sekali pandang, kita yang berfikiran waras akan tergelak mendengar hujjah itu. Tetapi kerana kesian kepada mereka yang sudah terperangkap dengan indoktrinasi ini, kita perlu memahamkan mereka apakah sebenarnya yang berlaku dan pemikiran bagaimanakah yang benar.
Saya menerima email ini dari seorang pembaca Harakahdaily:
Saya ada mendengar desas-desus , Pemimpin BERSIH 2.0 Datuk Ambiga merupakan peguam Lina Joy yang murtad. Dia juga antara individu yang menyokong IFC.
Jika benar , macam mana boleh PAS sokong dan mengangkatnya sebagai ketua BERSIH, walhal terang lagi nyata dia musuh ISLAM. Allah berfirman 14 kali dalam al-Quran jangan kita mengangkat kafir menjadi pemimpin kita.
Email ini ringkas sahaja tetapi inilah yang cuba dihantar ke dalam pemikiran masyarakat oleh Umno sekarang. Isu inilah dimainkan oleh rakan-rakan anak saya yang menyokong Himpunan 1 Juta Belia itu di wall Facebooknya. Ia juga digunakan oleh polis yang menyergah para peserta perhimpunan Bersih 9 Julai dan juga blog-blog pro Umno.
Kepada penghantar email ini, saya telah menjawabnya secara ringkas sebagaimana berikut:
Saya tak tau dia peguam Lina Joy atau tidak tetapi yang pasti Ambiga juga peguam saya dan Datuk Husam Musa dalam kes lawan ECM Libra. Apakah dia penyokong negara Islam yang PAS bawa hanya kerana menjadi peguam kami. Sebenarnya tidak begitu, dia hanya seorang peguam bukan Islam beragama Hindu dan percaya kepada hak asasi manusia. Dia jadi pengerusi Bersih bukan di angkat PAS tetapi oleh 62 NGO untuk perjuang pilihanraya yang adil ada bersih (bebas) ... PAS hanya salah satu penyokong Bersih bukan (yang) lantik Ambiga.
Inilah yang sebenarnya. Inilah yang telah mengikat ratusan ribu rakyat Malaysia dan antarabangsa pada 9 Julai lalu. Kita bersatu bukan kerana kita satu agama atau satu bangsa tetapi kerana satu tujuan yang universal iaitu untuk mendapatkan pilihan raya yang adil dan bersih. Ini kerana, dengan pilihan raya yang adil dan bersih sahaja kita akan mengangkat pemimpin dan membentuk kerajaan yang terbaik untuk kita.
Ketika Bersih membentangkan agenda perubahannya di Dewan Pehimpunan China, semua pihak telah dipanggil untuk memberikan sokongan kepadanya termasuklah parti-parti politik. Yang dijemput adalah Umno, MCA, MIC di samping anggota Pakatan iaitu PAS, DAP dan juga PKR.
Namun pada hari itu, kerusi yang dikhasnya untuk Umno, MCA dan MIC kosong sahaja tanpa penghuni. Penolong Setiausaha Agung PAS, Dr Syed Azman Ahmad Nawawi datang ke majlis itu dan diberikan masa 3 minit sahaja untuk berucap. Para pemimpin NGO yang banyak berucap.
Di majlis itulah, Bersih membentang lapan tuntutan dalam agenda perubahan yang hendak dibuatnya. Lapan agenda itu adalah:
Tuntutan Segera Perhimpunan BERSIH 2.0
1.    Bersihkan senarai undi
• Senarai undi harus dibersihkan dengan segera untuk menyingkirkan 'pengundi hantu' seperti orang yang telah meninggal.
• Pendaftaran pengundi automatik yang diselarikan dengan senarai Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara boleh menyelesaikan masalah pengundi hantu dalam jangka masa panjang.
2.    Mereformasikan undi pos
• SEMUA pengundi seharusnya dibenarkan untuk mengundi melalui undi pos atau mengundi lebih awal sekiranya seseorang individu itu tidak dapat berada di kawasan pengundian semasa hari mengundi.
• Anggota polis dan tentera yang tidak bertugas harus mengundi seperti biasa pada hari mengundi.
• Undi pos mesti dijalankan dengan telus! Agen parti politik harus
dibenarkan untuk memantau proses undi pos.
3.    Gunakan dakwat kekal
• Penggunaan dakwat kekal boleh mengelakkan seseorang (atau pengundi hantu) daripada mengundi beberapa kali.
4.    Masa kempen minima 21 hari
• Masa yang lebih panjang diperlukan untuk calon menyebarkan maklumat, terutamanya di kawasan luar bandar dan pedalaman. Contohnya, pilihanraya negeri Sarawak baru-baru ini diberi masa kempen 10 hari sahaja.
• Pada 1955, ketika era pemerintahan penjajah, pilihanraya mempunyai masa kempen sepanjang 42 hari. Manakala semasa Pilihanraya Umum ke-12 pada 2008, masa kempen lapan hari sahaja.
5.    Akses media yang bebas dan adil
• RTM dan Bernama adalah agensi media yang dibiayai oleh kerajaan. Mereka sepatutnya memberi liputan yang seimbang dan adil untuk semua parti yang bertanding.
• Parti politik harus dibenarkan untuk membuat pengiklanan tanpa sebarang diskriminasi dan penapisan.
• Ini adalah mengenai keadilan! Semua media perlu memberikan hak untuk semua parti membalas kepada tuduhan-tuduhan negatif terhadap mereka.
6.    Kukuhkan institusi awam
• Institusi awam dan kakitangan kerajaan harus tidak berat sebelah dan menegakkan undang-undang dan demokrasi. Institusi awam harus direformasikan supaya bertindak secara bebas, menegakkan undang-undang dan melindungi hak asasi manusia.
Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR) hendaklah memastikan pilihanraya yang bebas dan adil.
Badan Kehakiman harus memelihara kebebasannya dan menegakkan kedaulatan undang-undang tanpa gentar atau memihak.
Peguam Negara perlu bertindak secara tidak berat sebelah dan mengutamakan kepentingan rakyat.
Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia harus bertindak dengan adil dan menghentikan pendakwaan selektif dan penyalahgunaan kuasa.
Polis Di Raja Malaysia perlu bertindak secara profesional dalam melaksanakan tugas dan menegakkan kedaulatan undang-undang.
7.    Hentikan rasuah
• Rasuah adalah kegiatan mencuri dari rakyat untuk kepentingan peribadi. Rasuah menyebabkan orang kaya bertambah kaya dan golongan miskin semakin miskin.
Pembelian undi harus dihentikan!
Akta Kesalahan Pilihanraya 1954 mesti dikuatkuasakan.
8.    Hentikan politik kotor
BERSIH 2.0 menuntut SEMUA parti politik untuk menghentikan politik kotor.
Cadangan untuk Najib
Sebenarnya inilah isu yang ada didepan kita bukannya cuba mengalihkan isu sebenarnya. Apa salah Umno selaku parti utama yang memerintah negara bertindak lebih rasional. Saya bersetuju dengan pandangan bekas setiausaha politik Tun Dr Mahathir, Matthias Chang.
Tiga cadangan Matthias adalah:
i.    Arahkan para penasihat politik beliau (PM Najib) menonton siri TV "The Three Kingdoms" dan belajar asas-asas strategi politik.
ii.    Hantar sepupu beliau, Datuk Seri Hishamudin Husein iaitu Menteri Dalam Negeri untuk dianalisa jiwanya untuk "Enlarged Ego Syndrome" (EES) dan menyusun semula semua pegawai kanan Polis Diraja Malaysia.
iii.    Masukkan ke dalam peti sejuk semua pimpinan Pemuda Umno pimpinan Khairy Jamaludin. Ini kerana masalah sebenar Najib bukannya pembangkang tetapi dalaman BN sendiri.
Jadi, Datuk Seri Najib, marilah berfikir secara yang rasional bukan terperangkap dalam kapsul masa kerana kini zaman Facebook, YouTube dan Twitter. — harakahdaily.net

BERSIH untung atau rugikan Malaysia?

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 04:50 AM PDT

Bursa saham naik menjelang BERSIH
Jul 13, 11 1:32pm
Indeks komposit Bursa Malaysia menunjukkan peningkatan pada hari-hari terakhir menjelang perhimpunan BERSIH 2.0 Sabtu lalu, kata Setiausaha Publisiti DAP Tony Pua.

NONEKatanya, fakta itu sekali gus mengetepikan dakwaan bahawa keyakinan pelabur hilang berikutan perhimpunan besar-besaran menuntut pilihan raya bebas dan adil di ibu negara.

"Pada minggu terakhir menjelang perhimpunan BERSIH, Indeks Komposit Bursa Malaysia meningkat sepenuhnya yang sekali gus menolak ada kesan ekonomi ekoran perhimpunan itu, meski pun kerajaan tanpa belas kasihan mengancam dan memberikan gambaran buruk," kata Pua (kanan).

Bahkan, kata Pua, indeks itu kukuh daripada 1582.35 pada Isnin (4 Julai) kepada 1594.74 pada Jumaat (8 Julai) - sehari sebelum perhimpunan BERSIH.

Dalam kenyataan hari ini, Pua berkata, pengalaman di negara seperti Korea Selatan, Hong Kong dan Taiwan juga menunjukkan perhimpunan aman yang selalu diadakan tidak menjejaskan prestasi ekonomi.

Sehubungan itu, Pua menyelar kenyataan Presiden MCA Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek dan timbalannya Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen yang dilaporkan mendakwa BERSIH memberikan kesan buruk kepada ekonomi negara.

Kedua-dua pemimpin utama MCA itu menganggarkan kerugian sektor pelancongan negara akibat perhimpunan haram Sabtu lepas mencecah lebih RM100 juta.

Ahli Parlimen Kota Belud

Ahli Parlimen Kota Belud

Bar Council Report on Bersih - incomplete, one sided, not thorough, comical.

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 04:54 AM PDT

I had been waiting for the Bar Council Monitoring Report on Bersih illegal demonstration since a young lawyer tweeted about it two days ago. Finally at 5pm yesterday, they finally loaded it up on their website.
I read the entire report with feverish enthusiasm. Luck was on my side. The report was not thick with legalese, otherwise lay men like me would not understand the exclusive language of the learned lawyers at Bar Council.
As I read it, my anticipation of an unadultered balanced report quickly evaporated into the thin air. I feel the report was one sided, incomplete, not thorough and at times comical. But then again one shouldn't expect much from the esteemed Bar Council to be fair since they were judging the conduct of a former President of their own council. I reckon, no one likes to be called a traitor to friends.
The first sign of dissapointment came pretty early when the report started off by emphasizing the gist of Article 10 of the Federal Constitution, "the right to freedom of assembly and expression as enshrined in Federal Consitution of Malaysia," which the Bar Council said was in line with Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). 
I presume the report meant the UDHR's Article 19 and 20 which say, respectively, "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers" and "Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association."
I always feel uncomfortable when legal fellas start their arguments this way. Why? Because they always conveniently skip  the second part of the Article 10 of the Federal Constitution which states, "Parliament may by law, impose, on the right conferred by paragraph (b) of Clause (1), such restrictions as it deems necessary or expedient in the interest of the security of the Federation or any part thereof, or public order."
And you know what? That second part is also similarly fashioned after UDHR's Article 29 (2), which states, "In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society."
Both Federal Constitution and UDHR have qualifying clauses to check the rights of speech and assembly. In other words, these rights are not absolute. Public order and morality take precedence over these rights in the interest of the security of the federation!
Obviously the question is who has the right to decide what constitutes "in the interest of the security of the Federation or public order"? Is it Ambiga? Is it Anwar Ibrahim? or Mat Sabu?
Sorry to burst your bubble but the only institution provided with the power to decide is none other than the men in blue, the Polis DiRaja Malaysia. They are in the business of maintaining public order. The police have, over the 204 years of its existence, gained valuable lessons in dealing and containing the communist insurgency, Indonesia's Ganyang Malaysia campaign, Al Maunah, May 13th racial riot and religious fanaticism. In short, they know their stuffs.
One of the often cited observations in the report is the failure of the police to negotiate and to give ample warning to the protesters before using water cannons and tear gas to disperse the protestors. 
What? Failure to negotiation and no ample warning? 
Everyone knows that for weeks before the 9th of July, the police had been advising the public not to attend and participated in the illegal demonstration. It had warned the protestors that the police would take action against them if they did so. It also met and negotiated with Bersih's leaders. Now, how much more warning and negotiation do you want?
Surprisingly, one of the things that the report didn't touch was the inaccuracies surrounding Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's injury. On that day, many Bersih's supporters sent text messages claiming Anwar was punched and hurt by the police. Finally, that claim was proven wrong when Anwar's own bodyguard admitted that the injury was caused by the fall he took while fleeing the chaotic scene at KL Sentral.
Someone told me the bodyguard claimed that he had to push Anwar aside after he saw the police were training their tear gas guns at him. The question is, was it even possible for the Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) to take aim at Anwar's body or head when he was closely surrounded, body to body contact, by other protestors, three to four layers behind the front liners? I dont think so. 
By the way, the standard way to shoot tear gas cannister is to hold the gun 45% degrees upward. That's how the police lobby a tear gas canister into the crowd. But what goes up must come down. The lobbied canister had to land somewhere. If anyone got hit in the head or body, it is not because the police shot at them directly, it was just the law of gravity.
Talk about gravity of another sort. I was disspointed that the Bar Council Monitoring Teams did not report the gravity of the seditiousness of Bersih's official video. The video clearly instigated the people to revolt ala Egypt and Tunisia revolution whose governments were overthrown by street protests. It even used the name Allah SWT to legitimize the demonstration. I think that seditious video was an important evidence to be included in the report, don't you think?
I hate to say this, but I think the Bar Council Monitoring Teams must had gone home immediately after the demonstration. Otherwise how could they not reported the way the police treated the detained protestors. There were proofs of orderly statement taking process, provision of praying facility, warm hearty food and brotherly shake hands between the detained protestors and the policemen upon their release.
On the issue of the police shooting tear gas canisters directly at the Tung Shing hospital, the report seemed to confirm what Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of Health had been saying all along - that the police fired tear gas cannisters VERY CLOSE to the Tung Shing Hospital (Point B.2.1). The report did not say the police fired into the hospital compounds. 
Bar Council Monitoring Teams also reported that they saw protesters cheering police men on bikes? Cheering? Seriously? Or did you mean taunting? Did you watch the Youtube video where a senior PKR leader urged protestors to charge forward to confront stationary FRU personnel? I certainly didn't see cheering in that video. All I saw was angry mobs being instigated by a irresponsible leader to attack policemen.
The report also mentioned how amazed the Monitoring Teams were, seeing a handful of restaurants and street vendors opened for business during the demonstration. To prove this claim, the report included two photos of ice cream men having a brisk sale. Yes, you heard me. Two ice cream men on motorcycles! 
I  almost fell off my chair!
How about the losses incurred by REAL businesses (some say running into miilions of ringgit), losses due to tourists cancelling their trips last minute, taxi driver losing fares and the long term damages afflicted to Malaysian economy which the government had been nurturing all these years? Certainly those are better indicators than the profits made by the two men selling ice cream on motorcycles!
Througout the report, the Bar Council Monitoring Teams criticised the protestors control strategy employed by the Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) personnel when discharging their duties. Let's look at some interesting points on the phsychology of protestors and how to control and manage them (Sorry this part is a bit lengthy. I sourced the info from various sites on the internet).
Actually the first step in protestors control is making sure a demonstration doesn't happen in the first place.
But if it happens, the Police Commanders must always be aware of the possibility that some individuals or groups within an organized demonstration may have the intent to cause disruption, incite violence, destroy property, and provoke the authorities. Normally, tensions can build very quickly.
Being part of a crowd of people has certain effects on different people. Each individual in a crowd is susceptible to behaving in a way that is contrary to their normal behavior.
Some reasons for these behaviors are as follows:
1.0 Crowds provide individuals with a sense of anonymity. With so many others, an individual realizes that he is just another face in the crowd, giving a sense of invulnerability.
2.0 Crowd and individual behaviors are impersonal by nature. The "them-against-us" attitude affords those within the crowd the ability to freely (without hesitation or reservation) be verbally abusive, throw objects, or attack anyone who gets in the way.
3.0 Crowds provide individuals with the idea that their moral
responsibilities have shifted from themselves as a person to the crowd as a whole. Large numbers of people discourage individual behavior, and the urge to imitate others within the crowd is strong. Individuals look to others around them for cues of what to do next, disregarding their own background and training. Often, it is only the strong, well-disciplined person who can resist the prevailing behavior of a crowd.
4.0 Crowd behavior influences the actions of both the disorderly individuals of the crowd and the authorities tasked to control them.
5.0 Individuals within a crowd are at times driven by deep-felt emotions. Emotional contagion is the most dramatic psychological factor of crowd dynamics. It provides the crowd with a temporary bond of psychological unity. Lasting long enough, this unity can push a simple organized crowd into a mob. Normal law and authority are rejected en masse under these conditions, increasing the potential for violence and panic to erupt.
The police have to be seen as being in charge and in control at all times.
The first step is simple intimidation. Riot officers stand in strict formations and act with military precision. Once they form echelons -- lines of officers that effectively work as barriers -- the officers tap their batons on their shields or stomp their feet in unison. The result can be quite frightening to unarmed civilians -- it looks and sounds as if this group of armed and armored officers is getting ready to come crashing down with clubs swinging. In truth, this display is meant to scare off as many of the protestors as possible without the officers ever getting near them.
Police do not try to arrest every protestor. Their first targets are those who are leading the demonstration, because often the crowd will disperse without their leaders firing them up and encouraging them. All people who are spotted breaking a law are also targeted for arrest, especially if they injure or kill another person.
When it gets to the point where the police are actually in conflict with the protestors, the goal is still to disperse the crowd. A combination of advancing lines of officers and the use of tear gas and water cannon, is used to direct the crowd in a certain direction or keep them away from a certain area. The police will not allow protestors to build up in numbers in one single location where they could quickly and potentially be big enough to overpower the police. This is true even as their leaders are still negotiating with the police commander. For those protestors who stubbornly refuse to disperse even after given warning and tear gassed, the police would move in and make arrest, at times by force if neccesary.
These were the steps taken by the FRU on the 9th of July. 
On a strange note, the report inserted The Bar Council's call for the Government to abolish ISA and adopt recommendations of IPCMC (Independent Police Complaints and Misconducts Commission). 

Well, I strongly believe those of us who were more inclined towards the abolishment of ISA previously, might think otherwise now. Thanks to the circus of the 9th of July by Bersih 2.0.
And as for the call to institute the IPCMC, the government had rejected the proposal before. In its place, Parliament passed the Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission (EAIC) in 2009. 
Dato Nazri Aziz, Minister in Prime Minister Department, in a reply to the opposition during the debate to pass the EAIC, had this to say, "the government rejected the proposal to set up an IPCMC because its powers were too broad and unconstitutional. It would have acted as investigator, prosecutor, judge, and executioner simultaneously which contravened principles found in the Federal Constitution and existing laws. The IPCMC's powers to punish and indict would go against Articles 140 and 145 of the Federal Constitution".
For once, I am happy to note that someone finally quoting the Federal Constitution correctly.

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

`Equalization System` Falsafah Pemerintahan Negeri Selangor ?

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 07:50 PM PDT

Rasmi Kem Nadwah As-Salihin Kafa Integrasi Al-Hidayah Di Sungai Congkak

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 04:05 PM PDT

Philosophy Politics Economics

Philosophy Politics Economics

Bersih2.0: It's Government Clampdown that Created Chaos

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 05:49 PM PDT

Dr Chua Soi Lek needs to be educated that it's "authoritarian" governments, and not "democracy" movements that cause loss of investor confidence

According to our Tourism Minister, Dato' Sri Dr Ng Yen Yen, Malaysia's tourism industry incurred over RM100 million in losses due to the Bersih 2.0 rally last Saturday.

Her MCA President, Dato' Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek went a step further, claiming that the damage from Saturday's Bersih rally far exceeds RM100 million as the street protest adversely impacts investor confidence and tourism. He said foreigners unfamiliar with Malaysia will be swayed by the chaotic mammoth rally's footage and reconsider investment plans or travel in the country.

"The loss is in terms of confidence, the loss of the image of Malaysia as a peace-loving country," he told reporters yesterday.

Dr Chua Soi Lek appears blind to the fact that the "chaotic" mammoth rally in Kuala Lumpur was caused, first by the unnecessarily violent and aggressive tactics deployed by the police force against peaceful demonstrators. "Chaos" was only created when the Bersih supporters needed to run helter-skelter for cover when the police fired rounds of tear gas and liberally showered them with chemically-laced water.

Secondly, it was the Barisan Nasional government who refused permission for Bersih to use the Merdeka stadium as originally compromised, resulting in the supporters having nowhere to go to express themselves by the streets of Kuala Lumpur.

Corresponding to the 2-points above, it was the BN administration which decided to "lock-down" the city causing the alleged losses, if it is even anywhere near a plucked from the air figure like RM100 million. Had the police force cooperated with Bersih to work out a route for a peaceful march, none of the above "chaos" would have even occurred. In fact, had such cooperation taken place, the businesses would have thrived in the city centre, promoting domestic tourism.

The MCA President continues to speak the language of authoritarian governments seeking to preserve their tenuous hold on political power by arguing that street rallies will affect investor confidence.

In fact, in the week leading up to the Bersih rally, the Bursa Malaysia Composite Index completely brushed off the economic impact of the rally despite the relentless threats made and doomsday scenario painted by the Government. The Index had in fact increased from 1582.35 on Monday, 4th July to 1594.74 on Friday, 8th July.

It should also be noted that in other developing and developed countries, frequent peaceful and democratic rallies in these countries such as South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan have not in any way dented their economic performance, which remains the envy of countries like Malaysia.

Dr Chua Soi Lek should stop trying to mislead the rakyat with tired tales and threats. He should instead embrace democratic principles and speak up for the man-on-the-street, instead of talking down to them, or he should be prepared to go down in history as the worst performing MCA President ever come the next general elections.

Bersih2.0: Liow Should Apologise to Hospital

Posted: 12 Jul 2011 10:39 PM PDT

Dato' Seri Liow Tiong Lai has disgraced his position as the Health Minister and the MCA Deputy President by outraging all right thinking Malaysians for his pathetic and lame defence of the police force. He has denied despite the irrefutable and mounting visual evidence that the police force has shot tear gas and deployed water cannons into the Tung Shin hospital compound during the Bersih gathering last weekend.

Liow has denied outright that the police has fired the tear gas into the compound, claiming that it was shot onto the main road, and blamed the wind for blowing the gas into the hospital compounds. He further argued that the water cannon only 'brushed' the edges of the hospital walls, and wad not shot directly into the compound.

As one seeking refuge in the compound, I can testify with absolute certainty that Liow was lying through his teeth. It is impossible that the police has fired onto the main road as the road was already cleared of protestors by then with everyone forced onto the hospital compounds in both the new and old wings. Pictures have also shown clearly that the water cannons have also been sprayed directly into the hospital and not mere 'brushed' the walls of the compound.

What is worse is Liow's complete refusal to even see the evidence for himself when reporters offered to present them to him. What's more, there are scores of eye-witness testimonies, including those from journalists present who corroborated that both the tear gas and water canons were shot into the Hospital where the Bersih supporters were seeking refuge.

Liow's attempt to blame the supporters for seeking refuge in the hospital is also mischievous because the they were being attacked by the police from both ends of Jalan Pudu, making the hospital compounds the only possible escape from the relentless firing of tear gas and chemical-laced water.

In fact, the visit by DAP leaders to the Hospital the day after was to express our thanks and appreciation to the hospital management for letting the supporters seek refuge, to apologise for the inconvenience caused and to understand if there was any damage caused.

Liow as the Health Minister should have gone to the Hospital to apologise in behalf of he Federal Government for the unwarranted actions by the police force for failing to respect the sanctity of hospitals even in times of unrest.

Instead, he had proceeded to deny and lie about what is the obvious truth in order to defend the police force, demonstrating the recalcitrance of the BN government and a complete lack of respect for the hospitals under his purview and Malaysians at large. His actions proved that MCA is only an apologist for the BN coalition, qnd disgraced himself and his party for not having spoken up for Malaysians.

Bersih2.0: Police Should Cooperate with Bersih

Posted: 06 Jul 2011 10:52 PM PDT

The DAP would like express our full support the plans outlined by Bersih chairman Datuk S Ambiga to gather in Stadium Merdeka on 9 July 2011 at 2 pm.

At the same time, we fully endorse the call for the set up of a Royal Commission for Free and Fair Elections to investigate the 8 demands by Bersih and propose the necessary reforms to our electoral system.

In addition, the Police force must cease the reckless clampdown on Bersih supporters by immediately releasing those who have been detained without conditions, and to stop all moves to charge those who have been previously arrested or questioned. The charges have become a complete mockery when 11 municipal councillors from MBKj are to be charged for wearing Bersih T-shirt in their full board meetings, with more from other local councils to be charged.

Given that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak has proposed and agreed to the Bersih rally being held in the stadium, with the consent of the King, the actions of the police, including blockading the city since the early hours of this morning is a direct affront to both the Prime Minister and the King.

We call upon the Police to instead cooperate with Bersih to ensure that the gathering on 9 July will proceed smoothly with hindrance and minimal inconvenience to the general public, and uphold our constitution which grants Malaysians the freedom of assembly and expression.

FDI: Actual vs Approved

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 10:57 PM PDT

MITI must start reporting "actual investment" figures instead of just "approved investment" to disclose the true investment picture for Malaysia due to the wide disparity between the relevant numbers

After several attempts, I have finally received a response from the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MITI) with regards to the actual foreign direct investment (FDI) figures corresponding to the approved FDI into Malaysia.

The figures shed completely new light on the investment picture in Malaysia which is completely contrary to the rosy picture which as been presented by the Government over the past few months. The Minister of International Trade and Industry has been gloating about the FDI recovery and achievements in 2010 and 2011, with RM29 billion and RM11 billion to date respectively.

However, despite the relatively credible numbers reported for approved investments, the actual investment numbers are almost shocking to see.

For 2010, where the approved FDI was RM29.1 billion, to date only RM9.4 billion or 32.3% were actually invested.

If the Government were to argue that the FDI approved in 2010 is still in progress as we are still only in June 2011, the figures are not much better for 2009. In that year, RM22.9 billion has been approved, but only RM7.9 billion or 34.4% has been invested.

Even for 2008, our record year for approved FDI of RM46.1 billion, only RM29 billion has been invested with a whopping RM17.1 billion mysteriously missing-in-action.

And if one were to review the numbers over the past 15 years, only RM179.8 billion out of RM298.9 billion of approved investments have been realised. A shocking RM119.1 billion of declared FDI had disappeared without a trace.

It is hence unsurprising to see that the UNCTAD World Investment Report often presents a less than rosy picture than that presented by he Government because the former looks at "actual investments" while the latter only reports "approved investments".

We call upon the MITI Minister, Dato' Mustapa Mohamed to explain the wide disparity between the two sets of numbers and why many of the approved and promised investments never materialise. In addition, to present a more objective view of the Malaysian FDI performance, the Ministry must publish and announce both approved and actual investment figures so that investors, policy makers and the Malaysian public can measure the performance of the Malaysian economy more accurately. The Government should not just present only the positive statistics while hiding all the less than rosy stuff from the prying eyes of the public for that will only lead to self-praise and complacency, ensruing longer term decline in our economic performance.

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

[Malaysiakini] Doctors blast authorities over Tung Shin Hospital assault

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 09:02 AM PDT

Source: Malaysiakini

A group of senior medical officers have issued a statement condemning the authorities over the police' attack on participants in the Bersih 2.0 rally last Saturday that had violated universal recognition of hospitals as a place of sanctuary.

bersih rally 090711 police shooting into tung shin hospital front imageIn a statement issued to PAS organ Harakahdaily today, the doctors - among whom were a number who were on duty at the Tung Shin and Chinese Maternity hospitals on Jalan Pudu when these were set upon by the police - said they are ready to issue affidavits to back their assertions.

Saying hospitals should be "safe sanctuaries for all" and "consecrated places of refuge" even during war time, Harakahdaily said the eleven doctors and surgeons also condemned the police for entering the hospital buildings in search of some protesters fleeing from the police attacks.

"What was most frightening and witnessed by many was the unprovoked violent assault within the hospital compounds and apprehension of several protesters who had merely ran into the hospitals to seek shelter from the tear gas and the water cannons!" the doctors said in the jointly-issued statement Harakahdaily.

This is the first public reaction by medical doctors following the police denial that its men had shot tear gas into hospital compounds on July 9.

NONEThe assertion was followed by Health Minister Dr Liow Tiong Lai's (middle, in photo) claim that the police hot neither tear gas nor water cannon into the Tung Shin Hospital and the adjacent Maternity Hospital compound as some quarters have purported.

Numerous photos, videos and eye-witness accounts, however, have shown that water cannon and tear gas canisters were shot into the premises, acts that placed patients in the hospitals in danger.

Among the latest to vouch for the latter version of events was the Bar Council, which issued yesterday a report of the observations of its monitors during the rally on Saturday and confirmed the incident.


[Bersih2.0] Catatan seorang peserta Cina: Saya rasa selamat bersama orang PAS

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 08:51 AM PDT

Sumber: http://merdekareview.com/bm/

~ Oleh Chen Shu Yong

.. Seorang pakcik yang berkopiah menuju ke arah saya, "Di manakah stadium?"  Saya menuding jari ke depan.  Lantas beliau berjalan ke arah sana, tanpa sebarang keraguan.  Saya merasakan diri saya amat tidak berguna pada ketika itu.  Mengapa tidak saya bertindak sebagaimana pakcik itu?  Berarak adalah hak kita.  Mengapa pula saya takut?  Saya tetap berdiri di situ, menyaksikan bagaimana orang tua itu dihalang polis, dan kemudian beliau terus berjalan ke depan.

Kemudian saya berjalan, dan terserempak dengan seorang polis muda.  Beliau bertanya untuk apa saya berada di situ, saya sekadar jawab, tak ada, cuma jalan-jalan.  Beliau menunjuk ke arah Jalan Sultan, mengarahkan saya beredar dari situ, atau saya akan ditangkap.  Saya tahu beliau cuba menakutkan saya.  Masih awal lagi, saya tidak mahu timbul hal, maka saya pun beredar.

Saya nampak sekumpulan orang di kedai KL Commercial Book Co., semacam orang PAS, maka saya berjalan menuju ke arah mereka.  Pada hakikatnya, saya amat yakin dengan mereka.  Saya rasa diri saya berselindung di dalam kelompok mereka pada ketika itu.  Ya, saya rasa sangat selamat.

Pada kira-kira jam 12.20 tengah hari, kelompok di sini hanya kira-kira 20 orang.  Tiba-tiba kami dengar jeritan orang, dan kami bergegas ke situ dan mendapati kira-kira 2,000 orang.  Mereka muncul entah dari mana, sungguh ajaib!  Tapi kami masih menganggap bilangan ini terlalu sedikit!

Pada kira-kira jam 12.30 tengah hari, saya tak berapa ingat lagi.  Kami nampak sekumpulan manusia menuju ke arah kami melalui Jalan Sultan, sambil melaungkan slogan.  Bilangan mereka terlalu ramai berbanding kami.  Ramai orang tua yang bertanya, PERKASA?  Pemuda UMNO?  Kami berdiri di situ dan memandang, gagal mendengar apakah yang dilaungkan.

[Youtube] BERSIH 2.0 @709-This is Our Land

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 08:22 AM PDT

This video is super cool!!

