Jumaat, 17 Jun 2011

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Membesarkan Surau Taman Sutera - ADUN Bangi Melawat

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 04:52 PM PDT

Ahli Parlimen Kota Belud

Ahli Parlimen Kota Belud

The demise of PAS’ resoluteness by JEBAT MUST DIE

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 10:38 AM PDT

A must read by one of my favourite bloggers, JEBAT MUST DIE. He wrote an interestng piece about the hypocrisy of PAS when it dropped it's Islamic state policy. He wrote:

Every Sunday, I will always grab a copy of News Straits Times just to read Shamsul Akmar's column. In my opinion, his column delivers accurate analysis on current political issues that are plaguing the nation.
Last Sunday, he produced a great piece chastising Karpal Singh, Nik Aziz and the whole gamut of political hypocrisy institutionalised in a loose term we call 'Pakatan Rakyat'. All in one simple and brief use of facts.

Please click here for full article.

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

Tahniah pasukan Selangor naib johan SUKMA 2011

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 09:17 AM PDT

Muslimat pertama di dunia

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 08:55 AM PDT

Bila hukum Tuhan dipersendakan puak bertopeng Islam

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 08:35 AM PDT

Utama Berita Kolum Surat Video Mobilekini Buku SMS Hartanah Pekerjaan Pelancongan Juadah Saham Pendidikan Kereta Peta
Kartunis Utusan, rogol dan zina
Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin
Jun 16, 11
Kongsi 1287
Saya tidak pasti, apakah kartunis Utusan itu hendak menghina Islam atau hendak menghina pihak tertentu. Jika dia bertujuan menghina Islam, dilakukan pula dalam keadaan yang sedar akal fikirannya, maka dia terkeluar daripada Islam.

Namun, jika dia bertujuan mengkritik salah faham sesetengah pihak mengenai perbezaan hukum zina dan rogol, maka itu tidak merosakkan imannya, bahkan satu sumbangan membetulkan fahaman yang salah.

Adapun jika dia bertujuan membohongi fakta yang dimaksudkan oleh seseorang, sehingga menimbulkan salah sangka, maka dia berdosa besar.

Persoalan yang timbul; apakah jika seseorang wanita membuat aduan kepada mahkamah syariah bahawa dia dirogol maka mahkamah syariat akan menyatakan: awak mesti mendatangkan empat orang saksi, jika tidak awak disebat 80 rotan?

Adakah di dunia ini empat orang saksi yang soleh sanggup membiarkan seorang wanita dirogol di hadapan mereka?


Mungkin ada yang tidak faham sehingga menyamakan jenayah rogol dan zina. Zina adalah maksiat peribadi yang Islam berusaha menutupnya. Sebab itu diketatkan dengan empat orang saksi.

Adapun rogol adalah pencabulan terhadap individu lain tanpa rela dan kejam, maka pembuktiannya tidak seketat zina. Beza menuduh orang lain berzina dengan mendakwa diri menjadi mangsa adalah soal maruah.

Menuduh orang lain berzina mempunyai unsur menjatuhkan maruah orang lain. Sementara mendakwa diri menjadi mangsa rogol adalah mempertaruhkan maruah diri sendiri.

Secara lojiknya, sukar dilakukan melainkan dalam keadaan yang amat memaksa. Bagaimanakah mungkin seseorang mampu mendiamkan diri apabila dia dimangsakan?

Maka, dalam kes kedua qarinah (bukti kaitan) boleh dipakai seperti yang disebut dalam Surah Yusuf:

"Dan mereka berdua pun berkejaran ke pintu, serta perempuan itu mengoyakkan baju Yusuf dari belakang; lalu terserempaklah keduanya dengan suami perempuan itu di muka pintu.

Tiba-tiba perempuan itu berkata (kepada suaminya): Tiada balasan bagi orang yang mahu membuat jahat terhadap isterimu melainkan dipenjarakan dia atau dikenakan azab yang menyiksanya".

Yusuf pula berkata: "Dialah yang menggoda diriku". (Suaminya tercengang mendengarnya) dan seorang dari keluarga perempuan itu (yang ada bersama-sama) tampil memberi pendapatnya dengan berkata:"Jika baju Yusuf koyak dari depan maka benarlah tuduhan perempuan itu, dan menjadilah Yusuf dari orang-orang yang berdusta.

Dan jika bajunya koyak dari belakang, maka dustalah perempuan itu, dan Yusuf adalah daripada orang-orang yang benar.

Setelah suaminya melihat baju Yusuf koyak dari belakang, dia berkata: "Sesungguhnya ini adalah dari tipu daya kamu orang-orang perempuan; sesungguhnya tipu daya kamu amatlah besar pengaruhnya" (Surah Yusuf: ayat 25-28).

Lihat, Al-Quran menceritakan bagaimana qarinah digunakan dalam peristiwa ini.


Sebab itu juga, Islam tidak mewajibkan pula seseorang yang menuduh isterinya berzina agar mendatangkan empat orang saksi.

Ini kerana tuduhan zina kepada isteri sendiri hanya mencalarkan maruah penuduh. Maka, agak sukar untuk seseorang itu menuduh isterinya secara bohong berzina. Juga amat berat untuk seseorang itu mendiamkan diri apabila mengetahui isterinya berzina.

Ini kerana kedua-dua keadaan itu merobohkan maruah dan kehormatan dirinya. Jika orang lain yang berzina, mungkin dia mampu mendiamkan diri disebabkan kekurangan saksi. Tetapi sudah pasti tidak bagi kes isterinya.

Justeru Allah menyebut: (maksudnya)

"Dan orang-orang yang menuduh isterinya berzina, sedang mereka tidak ada saksi-saksi (yang mengesahkan tuduhannya itu) hanya dirinya sendiri, maka persaksian (sah pada syarak) bagi seseorang yang menuduh itu hendaklah dia bersumpah dengan nama Allah, empat kali, bahawa sesungguhnya dia dari orang-orang yang benar;

Dan sumpah yang kelima (hendaklah dia berkata): "bahawa laknat Allah akan menimpa dirinya jika dia dari orang- orang yang dusta. Dan bagi menghindarkan hukuman seksa terhadap isteri (yang kena tuduh) itu hendaklah dia (isteri) bersumpah dengan nama Allah, empat kali, bahawa suaminya (yang menuduh) itu benar-benar daripada orang-orang yang berdusta;

Dan sumpah yang kelima (hendaklah ia berkata); bahawa kemurkaan Allah akan menimpa dirinya jika suaminya dari orang- orang yang benar. (Surah al-Nur ayat 6-9).

Bab ini dinamakan dengan 'li'an' atau penglaknatan. Inilah jalan yang Allah berikan kepada pasangan suami isteri yang tuduh-menuduh dalam perkara seperti ini.

Selepas proses ini dilakukan, mereka dipisahkan selamanya, tanpa ada hukuman keseksaan mahkamah yang dijalankan, sebaliknya diserahkan urusan tersebut kepada Allah. Ini kerana, kes ini adalah kes mempalitkan keaiban diri sendiri.

Maka, mereka yang mendakwa diri dirogol atau diliwat secara paksa juga adalah menampalkan keaiban ke atas diri sendiri. Amat sukar bagi insan normal itu membuat dakwaan seperti itu secara semberono.

Melainkan jika ada kepentingan tersembunyi yang lain. Maka mereka juga tidak perlu mendatangkan empat saksi. Sebaliknya boleh diterima pakai kaitan (qarinah) yang membuktikan kejadian itu berlaku. Justeru, paksi dalam hal ini semua, ada demi memelihara keturunan dan maruah.

ULASAN ini adalah pendapat peribadi penulis dan tidak semestinya mencerminkan pendirian sidang pengarang Malaysiakini.


Posted: 17 Jun 2011 03:41 AM PDT

Proses pengupayaan pimpinan dan masyarakat setempat seluruh Selangor bagi membantu menjayakan misi mengatasi gejala sosial negeri Selangor

Kasihan golongan marhaen di Malaysia

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 03:31 AM PDT


R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

Read More on the FELDA Suit

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 08:25 PM PDT

Read More on the Radiation Leak

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 09:45 AM PDT


Posted: 17 Jun 2011 09:40 AM PDT

17 June 2011
This morning at the Temerloh High Court, 711 FELDA settlers from 16 Rancangan Felda Jengka in Jengka Pahang through their solicitors M/s Daim & Gamany, filed a suit against FELDA (1st Defendant) and FELDA Palm Industries Sdn Bhd (2nd Defendant) for fraud and breach of trust.
The settlers were contractually bound by the 1st Defendant to exclusively deliver their oil palm yield (hasil sawit) to the 2nd Defendant and they have always been paid at a lower rate of the oil extraction grade (Oil Extraction Rate ("OER") for the last 15 years – averaging at 18.5% as stated in the Akuan Penerimaan BTS i.e. the receipt that is given for each truck delivery of fruit bunches. There is no clear basis or information on how the 2nd Defendant came to these different rates which were given on a daily basis at the point of each delivery.
The settlers suspected something were amiss when they realised that they could never match the recommended rate from the Malaysian Palm Oil Board which was higher. In January 2010, the Federal Court ordered FELDA to pay 11 million ringgit in damages to settlers in the Kemahang 3 scheme in Kelantan for cheating them over the oil palm extraction rate.
The settlers through their representatives sent random samples of their fruit yields to independent laboratories to assess the actual rate of the OER. The results from the lab tests showed a much higher average rate of 27%. This would mean a difference of an average 8.5% over the rate used by the 2nd Defendant.
We have evidence to show that in the year of 2008, the 711 settlers from the 16 Rancangan Felda in Jengka had delivered at average yield of 120 metric ton per settler. The settlers were paid by FELDA the average price of RM560 per ton the same year. Using the figure of 8.5% lost to the settlers, FELDA has caused a loss of RM257.60 per ton which works out to about RM30,912.00 to each settler for the year 2008 alone.
FELDA has also deducted their fruit yields improperly by deducting an average of 200 kg per month for disqualified fruit bunches but they did not return the fruit bunches to the settlers. This led to a further loss of RM 560 x 2.4 or RM 1344 per year per settler or RM 14,333,760 for all the settlers over the 15 year claim period.

This means that over the last 15 years, FELDA has caused a loss to these 711 settlers to the tune of more than RM344 million.
Through this writ summons and the process of discovery in court, we will obtain the exact production figures for all the other schemes involved here to compute the exact loss over the claim period to the settlers.
The settlers are also claiming exemplary damages as they contend that FELDA, as the statutory authority set up by law to look after the welfare of the settlers has instead exploited its position of power and authority over the settlers and committed fraud and breach of trust.
Released by:
Sivarasa Rasiah (Lead counsel for the settlers)

YB R. Sivarasa mewakili peneroka Felda dalam saman terhadap FELDA

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 07:11 AM PDT

YB R. Sivarasa bersama warga Peneroka Felda
Bersama Media

Warga Jengka yang bersemangat

Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Persekutuan (Felda) berdepan dengan satu lagi saman - kali ini dari 711 peneroka rancangan Jengka, Pahang yang memfailkan saman RM344 juta berhubung dakwaan berlaku penipuan dan pecah amanah.Sebelum ini, Felda disaman oleh peneroka dari Kelantan, Johor dan Negeri Sembilan.

Saman tersebut difailkan di Mahkamah Tinggi Temerloh melalui peguam Ms Daim & Gamany yang diwakili oleh YB R. Sivarasa yang juga Ahli Parlimen Subang dan rakan-rakan pagi ini, dengan menamakan Felda dan Felda Palm Industries Sdn Bhd, sebagai defendan.

Dalam kenyataan tuntutan mereka, peneroka berkenaan mendakwa mereka terikat oleh Felda untuk hanya menghantar hasil kelapa sawit kepada Felda Palm Industries sahaja.

Mereka mendakwa sentiasa dibayar mengikut kadar perahan gred Kadar Perahan Asas (OER) sejak 15 tahun yang lalu - purata 18.5 peratus seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Akuan Penerimaan BTS - resit yang diberikan bagi setiap lori yang menghantar tandan buah sawit.

Peneroka berkenaan mendakwa tidak ada bukti jelas yang menunjukkan bagaimana Felda Palm Industries menetapkan kadar yang berbeza itu, yang diberikan setiap hari di setiap tempat penghantaran.

Peneroka mengesyaki ada sesuatu yang tidak kena apabila mereka menyedari yang mereka tidak mampu menyamai kadar lebih tinggi yang diperakukan oleh Lembaga Minyak Sawit Malaysia.

Peneroka, melalui wakil mereka, menghantar contoh rawak hasil buah kelapa sawit mereka kepada makmal bebas untuk menilai kadar sebenar OER.

Keputusan ujian makmal itu menunjukkan kadar purata lebih tinggi sebanyak 27 peratus, yang bermaksud perbezaan purata 8.5 peratus berbanding kadar yang digunakan oleh defendan kedua.

azlanPeguam mendakwa mereka mempunyai bukti untuk menunjukkan bahawa pada 2008, 711 peneroka dari 16 rancangan Felda Jengka telah menghantar purata hasil 120 tan setiap seorang.

Peneroka terbabit dibayar oleh Felda pada purata harga RM560 setan pada tahun yang sama.

Dengan menggunakan angka kekurangan 8.5 peratus itu, Felda telah menyebabkan setiap peneroka kerugian RM257.60 setan, iaitu kira-kira RM30, 912 bagi tahun 2008 sahaja.

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang


Posted: 17 Jun 2011 10:09 AM PDT

Article published on the Website of Chinese newspaper Sinchew.com.my









Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

Changing Penang in a Changing World (En/Cn)

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 01:06 AM PDT

Speech by The Honourable Lim Guan Eng, Chief Minister of Penang At Foreign Correspondents Club, Hong Kong, June 17, 2011 : Changing Penang in a Changing World: Transforming Penang Into An International And Intelligent City.

Ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for inviting me here to speak. I come here as the Chief Minister of Penang, one of four states led by Pakatan Rakyat or the People's Pact, the opposition coalition in Malaysia. I am from the Democratic Action Party, one of three coalition partners. I hope by the end of my remarks you will consider coming to visit and invest in Penang, as it continues to be an attractive location for business and pleasure alike.

It is wonderful to be in Hong Kong. We have so much in common; small states that have punched above our weight economically through the hard work and creativity of our people. Today, nearly a third of Malaysia's exports come from Penang – more than half of the country's electronics are produced there – and we are among the top tourist destinations in Malaysia with a record numbers of visitors. Like Hong Kong, we appreciate the importance of good food and open discussion. We both have worked hard to put ourselves on the map internationally, and done so successfully.

We both know that in order to progress, we need to adapt and transform. I have long admired Hong Kong's adaptability and innovation, how it has managed to stay a leader in the financial sector and serve as a hub for economic growth in Northeast Asia. I am looking forward to learning more from Hong Kong and forging new ties here.

Penang has recently rebranded itself as a location of choice for investors and destination of choice for tourists. There are 7 key factors that accounts for our success as a location of choice for investors:-

1. Ready availability of human talent;
2. Effective and efficient supply chain management
3. Competent and reliable logistics and communications hub
4. Strong Intellectual Property protection
5. Good governance and effective leadership
6. Building creativity and innovation in science and technology, and
7. Livable city

For this reason, in our quest to be also the Software Valley knowledge-based economy, we are mindful of being a livable city and vibrant city. ECA International recently selected Penang as the 8th most livable city in Asia, on par with Kuala Lumpur. Penang is world-famous for our street food, KPMG International listed us as one of 30 global Business Process Outsourcing Centre for the future and a UNESCO World Heritage City for our outstanding universal value of cultural diversity and living heritage.

There are 7 elements of change towards retaining Penang's premier position as the most livable and vibrant city in Malaysia that makes Penang the destination of choice for tourists.
1. public security and order with one of the lowest crime rates and political stability,
2. capable delivery of services and actively managing change,
3. economic vibrancy and competitiveness,
4. quality of life and diversity.
5. environmental friendliness and sustainability,
6. heritage conservation, and
7. intelligent city.

Branding for Penang is important that is synonymous with quality, reliability, safety, sustainability and integrity. But most crucial of all is equal opportunities for the young and talented to grow and fulfil their potential. We believe that this is the way forward for Penang to be both the sweat shop of the manufacturing and services sector and the smart shop for the future knowledge-based economy.

A Changed World:
In Penang, I have adopted measures to help Penang be prepared for the unknown within the confines that a chief minister can implement. For me, an accountant by training, I value the need to improve the state's financial position with three years of consecutive surpluses and rescuing a local town council that lost RM230 million from bankruptcy.

A financial base is not enough, however. It is vital to strengthen the political institutions. Working with the civil service – often with mindful oversight and admittedly ups and downs– we have aimed to strengthen the institutions at the state level. The main thrust this has followed has been to engage broadly in civil society and provide feedback on policy.

The Penang state government is well aware of the need to revamp our infrastructure in order to maintain our competitiveness. All investment in Penang for infrastructure is by open tender. We look forward to having new investment partners, and richer collaboration. Here in Hong Kong we want the financial sector to understand the reasons we are an attractive investment location, namely a new commitment to economic revitalization and quality governance.

Global political realignment since 1997 has also taught us of the need to never put all of one's eggs in one basket, to diversify. This is why in Penang, while we are deeply engaged in working with China and Hong Kong, we also are eagerly engaging Indonesia, India, Thailand and Singapore, our regional neighbors. I will also make a trip to India later in the year. Within Southeast Asia, the focus is not just on investment, but broadening tourism and cultural exchanges.

The need to anchor what we do in our people – to be people-centric. Everything we do as leaders should be driven by a desire to serve the people. Penang's mantra from the day I took office has been the same – absolutely no corruption. None. We must create opportunities for everyone. The people must be served by having a government that protects their interests, rather than one that is self-interested.

Yet, for me, as a leader in office, I am concerned with the underlying worrying global trends that cannot be easily managed, the macroeconomic trends of inflation and jobless growth. This is my fifth point, the need to effectively manage globalization. Rising oil prices and rising incomes in China have contributed to inflationary pressures that are being felt throughout Asia. It is thus our responsibility as leaders to minimize these negative effects on our people.

Changing the World:
I am part of Malaysia's fourth generation of leaders. Our success as fourth generation leaders will be judged by how we transform our countries and use our most important resource to develop – our people.

I am very proud to be a Malaysian, and everything I do is directed at making our country stronger and better. I have personally witnessed the struggle of ordinary Malaysians to make ends meet in these difficult uncertain times and the hardship that some families endure. My own family comes from humble means. When the politics in my country is full of personal attacks, many fabricated by newspapers that engage in storytelling of hatred, I draw strength from my knowledge that what I do is for Malaysia, for all Malaysians.

We cannot be locked in the past and allow the past to close off possibilities of a better future. Ladies and gentlemen, here in Hong Kong, when the 1997 turnover happened, you embraced a new future. In 2008, in Penang and other Pakatan Rakyat-run governments, we also embraced the future and we continue to do so.

Our Policy Direction
I wanted to take a moment to share with you some of the concrete policy frameworks we are adopting in Penang. This foreshadows some of the ideas in the forthcoming Penang Blueprint from 2011 to 2015 which drafted by the state’s think tank Socio-Economic and Environmental Research Institute. From the onset we have recognized the need to think of new innovative approaches and ideas to move Penang and Malaysia forward, and welcome further inputs. Allow me to share some of the core ideas in the forthcoming Penang Blueprint. We have grouped them under the "Rs":

The first point I want to emphasize is "Reviving Penang's Livability" by being sustainable. Penang is the first green state in Malaysia. We are a living heritage city, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and we have been working to promote and enhance our heritage monuments. In Penang, we led Malaysia in the introduction of green initiatives such as the "no plastic bag campaign" and we are actively exploring housing programs for lower income and middle class residents. One of our most challenging policy areas has been improving traffic and transportation. Next month in the Georgetown Festival of the arts highlighting dancing, film and cuisine. Artists know that Penang is a place where creativity is valued and showcased.

A parallel "R" is "Revitalizing the state's business environment." We are streamlining the process for permits and licenses to reduce the red tape. We have removed the biggest obstacle of all, the alleged payoff. We have created a special unit to support small and medium enterprises and upgrading infrastructure.

Let me highlight a third "R" – Reclaiming Responsibilities. We are introducing social safety net policies such as our program for the elderly at the state level. We have also empowered and energized the local councils, and the results are obvious to any visitor. Penang is cleaner and safer.

In summary join us in this exciting journey we are taking to change our world by transforming Penang into an international and intelligent city. What do we mean by an intelligent city? An intelligent city consists of:
a) human intelligence as the basic unit
b) collective intelligence on how we synergize and harness the individual intelligence together
c) digital intelligence to ensure broadband penetration for all
d) institutional intelligence so that government, private industry and NGO are “clever” enough not to drive away the best and brightest
e) integrity intelligence to avoid from being robbed by smart crooks; and
f) residual intelligence which Penang has the advantage of the experience built up from being exposed and interacting with top cutting edge technology companies over the last 40 years
Penang has all 6 intelligences what we need to reinforce and strengthen them and demonstrate a viable alternative towards a more successful Malaysia.

Steps toward Success
Ladies and gentlemen, I have shared with you some of Penang's story, how we are going about changing the world in a changing world. We ask you to come to Penang, to see for yourself the success we are building.








因此,我们也有心要成为像加州软件谷式的知识型经济,同时兼具宜居与动力于一身的城市。国际人力资源研究及分析机构(ECA International)刚将槟城列为亚洲宜居城市的第8名,与吉隆坡齐名。槟城的街边小食闻名世界,KMPG国际机构也将槟城列为全球30个商业服务外包中心的未来据点之一。更重要的是联合国教科文组织因为槟城乔治市多元文化与其活古迹的杰出普世价值,而将我们列入为世界文化遗产城。

1. 良好的公共治安与秩序,使槟城成为犯罪率最低及政治最稳定的城市
2. 提供良好服务及主动变通的服务业
3. 充满动力与竞争的经济
4. 多元与富有品质的生活
5. 永续与友善的环境
6. 良好的古迹保护
7. 智能城市










我在此想与各位分享一些已在槟城采用的具体政策。这是我们州政府智囊团,也就是经济与环境究机构在草拟2011至2015年槟城发展大蓝图中的一些概念。 目前,我们已经确认了我们需要一些革新方案,以把槟城和马来西亚推向更高的层次。当然我们也欢迎更多的意见。
第一项我要强调的是以永续方式复兴槟城的宜居度。槟城是马来西亚的第一个绿州,我们也是一个活文化遗产城— 一个联合国教科文组织颁布的世界文化遗产城。我们经已很努力地促销及加强我们的文化遗产。在槟城,我们透过推介"无免费塑料袋运动",成为马来西亚首个绿州。我们也推出了一系列的家庭计划供中下阶层居民。我们草拟政策上面对最大的挑战,就是提升及改善交通及道路系统。下个月就是我们的乔治市节庆,一个被舞蹈、电影和美食包围的节庆。艺术家们都知道,槟城是一个珍惜创意的地方。



a) 人类智能作为最基本的单位。
b) 综合智能是槟城人管理、善用及结合个人智能的能力。
c) 通过加强宽频联系及渗透率拓展数码智能。
d) 体制智能- 确保政府、私人界及非政府组织遵崇法治,不会把最好的、最聪明的赶走;
e) 廉洁智能 – 确保廉正领导及零贪污,以防被聪明的骗子盗走。
f) 开创积累智能:槟城人自然地拥有过去40年电子电气工业发展的经验

槟城已经具有这6项智能 ,我们现在所需要做的, 是加强它们、展现出更成功的马来西亚可行的选择。




Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

Pertembungan sengit diantara Bersih, Pemuda Umno & Perkasa

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 08:11 AM PDT

Bersih 2.0 sudah pun mencapai kejayaan yang besar sebelum pun demonstrasi itu diadakan pada 9 Julai akan datang.  Tahniah kepada Timbalan Presiden PAS Tuan Hj Mohammad Sabu.

Dengan kebijaksanaannya, dan mengiyakan kenyataan oleh TG Presiden PAS sebaik sahaja beliau mencapai kemenangan dalam pemilihan baru-baru ini bahawa "Mat Sabu" merupakan senjata PAS bagi menyerang Umno, pastinya demonstrasi ini akan berjaya mengumpulkan ratusan ribu penunjuk perasaan dan akan memenuhi semua ruang kosong di Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur pada 9hb Julai nanti seperti apa yang dilakukan pada tahun 2007 yang lalu.

Bukti kejayaan itu boleh dilihat dari reaksi pihak kerajaan dan NGO Perkasa yang telah melatah dan menari mengikut rentak yang dimainkan oleh Bersih.

Bersih tidak pun menggendangkan gendang yang kuat tetapi reaksinya amat besar. "Hero Ibrahim Ali" lah yang paling heboh memberikan reaksi kepada rancangan Bersih ini dan sebenarnya inilah yang ditunggu-tinggu oleh Ibrahim kerana dengan isu ini beliau boleh mengetengahkan diri beliau dalam politik.

Ibrahim memang seronok dengan apa yang berlaku kerana beliau boleh menyambung 'existence' beliau di dalam isu nasional. Dalam keadaan aman dan sunyi Ibrahim Ali akan kaku politik beliau. Kita boleh lihat Ibrahim akan cuba menjadi hero apabila isu-isu seperti ini wujud. Ibrahim sedang cuba memanaskan isu ini secara 'deliberate' agar beliau dapat mencelah di tengah-tengah keadaan panas ini.

Bersih telah merancang untuk mengumpulkan seramai mana rakyat untuk menunjukan manifestasi rakyat ramai secara aman dengan tujuan menunjukan sokongan orang ramai untuk mengadakan pilihanraya secara adil dan saksama seperti apa yang sepatutnya berlaku di dalam sebuah negara demokrasi. PAS sahaja telah memberikan komitment untuk menghantar 300,000 ahlinya yang masih muda untuk bersama menyertai demonstrasi secara aman itu.

Semalam kedengaran pula Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO bercadang untuk mengadakan demonstrasi dan Ketua Pemudanya, Khairy Jamaludin telah meminta pemuda dari parti-parti komponen BN untuk menghantar seberapa ramai yang boleh untuk menyertai demonstrasi anjuran pemuda UMNO itu.

Pemuda UMNO juga memohon agar pihak yang bertanggunjawab untuk mengadakan pilihanraya secara bersih dan terbuka.

Bagi saya yang tentunya mendapat kejayaan dalam isu demonstrasi ini ialah Bersih, kerana cadangan pihaknya untuk berdemonstrasi ini telah mendapat reaksi yang sangat panas dari pihak Perkasa dan sekarang dari Pemuda UMNO pula. Jadi sekarang barulah rakyat faham bahawa reaksi dari Perkasa dan Pemuda UMNO ini menunjukan dengan jelas bahawa Bersih bakal mendapat sokongan dari ramai rakyat yang mengikuti perkembangan politik tanah air ini.

Nampaknya perhimpunan ini hanyalah cara hendak menunjukan siapa yang lebih banyak sokongan; Bersih atau Pemuda UMNO dan Perkasa. Dalam isu ini Bersih telah pun memenangi perang saikoloji ini kerana Bersih tidak bercakap besar dan melalak seperti apa yang dilakukan oleh Perkasa

Apa pula perbezaan di antara sokongan terhadap Bersih dengan sokongan terhadap Pemuda UMNO dan Perkasa? Jawapannya mudah sahaja. Sokongan terhadap Bersih merupakan sokongan yang sejati kerana rungutan Bersih itu merupakan rungutan rakyat ramai. Di sebaliknya sokongan terhadap Perkasa dan Pemuda UMNO adalah sokongan untuk menolak dan melindungi manifestasi rakyat dari dipaparkan di khalayak ramai.

Tindakan Perkasa dan Pemuda UMNO merupakan tindakan mewakili pihak yang memerintah yang menjadi sasaran rakyat pada hari ini, sedangkan tindakan Bersih merupakan tindakan yang mewakili manifestasi rakyat ramai yang rata-rata tidak berpuas hati dengan cara pilihanraya umum dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan melalui SPR.

Pendeknya pertembungan di antara Bersih dengan Perkasa dan Pemuda UMNO ini merupakan pertembungan di antara rakyat dan kerajaan. Rakyat di sebelah Bersih dan kerajaan dan pimpinan yang memerintah diwakili oleh Perkasa dan Pemuda UMNO...  http://aspanaliasnet.blogspot.com/

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Questions Time 15-06-2011: The Deputy Minister sounded like the public relations officer of ASTRO! by Anti-Monopoly

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 08:14 AM PDT

YB..Is it not enough that we have been forced to accept an answer by the minister, which very much appears as an answer prepared by Astro? Why do you allow this scumbag Donald Lim to publish his stupid comments here? He appears none other than a paid employee of Astro trying to twist the facts around?

Is it not the fact Astro is a virtual monopoly with no satellite direct-to-home pay tv operators being allowed to operate in Malaysia?
Is it not a fact that Malaysians cannot have the liberty to own their own satellite dishes?
Is it not a fact, that Malaysians have been left with no choice but to subscribe for this monopoly monster to enjoy decent channels? (Dont mention Unifi as it is still in its infancy and with old telekom ppl managing it, it appears go nowhere…)
Is it not a fact that when there is competition, prices come down drastically ..? (e.g. telephone and data charges, birth of Airasia…)

We Malaysians are fed up of Astro and its exorbitant prices…We Malaysians want this Government to open up Satellite DTH market…We Malaysians want the Government to do away with legislation preventing private ownership of Satellite TV dishes other than the moster Astro… We hate Astro for fleecing Malaysians…

YB…Pls do something…..

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by weechookeong

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 07:18 AM PDT


Thank you for your comment. I am in full agreement with you. This issue of setting market/pasar malam in the residential areas will be one of the issues that I will bring up in this session of Parliament.

I really am sorry that I could not solve the problems as I wish. Lets work together to get DBKL to work at a faster pace. I will keep you informed of the future development of this matter.

Thank you.

With kindest regards

wee choo keong

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by Anonymous

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 04:04 AM PDT

Desa Setapak resident

Dear Mr. Yaacob and YB Tuan Wee,

Thanks for highlighting this issue and bring it to attention of DBKL. I hope you can follow up with this issue as it has plagued us for some while and caused a lot of sleepless day to the residents nearby. I personally agreed that hawkers and sellers could go on and earn a living but not in by disturbing other residents and caused uneasiness in their presence.

We would not want to have DBKL to confiscate their tables and products but provided they are willing to cooperate and move to suitable and designated area to conduct their businesses and not next to the door of houses in Desa Setapak would be a more amicable solution. Further more Jalan 36/27b is never gazetted as morning market area, hence lawfully the morning market hawkers there are illegal, blocking traffic, making the area surrounding dirty and not to mention causes a lot of hardship for nearby houses as the residents need to bear the brunt of heavy noises early in the morning.

For this I hope that the morning market hawkers could be relocated very soon to a more nearby place and this issue could be solved for once and for all.

Thank you.

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by Yaacob

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 01:01 AM PDT

Sdr Fakri

Terima kasih atas aduan dan maklumat Sdr.

Merujuk kepada aduan Sdr, pihak DBKL melalui Jabatan Penggangkutan Bandar telah pun siap memasang papan tanda amaran, ‘no parking’ , Tanda Garisan dan ‘Zon Tunda’ di Jalan Langkawi iaitu di hadapan Pasaraya Mydin.
Begitu juga dengan di Jalan Ibu Kota di hadapan bangunan Platinum Walk. Untuk memberi amaran kepada orang ramai supaya tidak meletakan kenderaan mereka di kawasan berkenaan.

Mengenai dengan pemilik-pemilk kenderaan yang masih meletakan kenderaan mereka di kawasan tersebut, DBKL memaklumkan bermula semalam tindakan saman telah pun diambil terhadap kenderaan yang masih meletakan kenderaan mereka di situ dan juga di sepanjang Jalan Langkawi. Selain daripada itu tindakan ‘Tunda’ ke atas kenderaan yang di letakan di kawasan tersebut juga akan diambil tindakan.

Pihak kami juga telah menulis surat kepada DBKL supaya tindakan yang berterusan dapat dilakukan supaya boleh mengelakan sebarang kemalangan yang boleh mengakibatkan kecederaan serius. Kepada orang awam diharapkan juga dapat memberikan kerjasama dengan mematuhi papan tanda amaran yang telah diletakan di kawasan berkenaan demi kebaikan semua pihak.

Terima kasih.

Yaacob Abd Hamid
Pembantu kepada
YB Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by weechookeong

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 12:42 AM PDT

Sdr Fikri

Terima kasih atas aduan sdr.

Saya telah memaklumkan perkara ini kepada DBKL dan pegawai DBKL bersetuju mengambil tindakan untuk mengelakkan masalah kesesakkan jalan dan gangu kacau di kawasan tersebut.

Terima Kasih

wee choo keong

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by John

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 12:15 AM PDT

Taman Desa Setapak

Wow… I see, thanks Simon for the information. In fact, I have been suspicious about it all this long, how come DBKL give these people licenses to held market inside resident area? don’t they know that it is so inappropriate to do so? and with the time and the way they handling this issue, it’s like it’s going to take forever.

If what Simon said is true, then everything make sense. YB Wee Choo Keong, can u please help looking into this matter, half a month has pass since DBKL said they wanna relocate the hawkers and no news return from them since then. Now the market is still intact, and I’m going to have a nervous breakdown soon. I will really appreciate your effort.

Thank you very much.

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by Yaacob

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 12:05 AM PDT

Sdr Stephen Dan Sdr Simon

Terima kasih atas maklumat Sdr.

Merujuk kepada masalah kacau ganggu di sebabkan pasar pagi di Taman Desa Setapak. Hari ini saya telah menghubungi pengurus DBKL Wangsa Maju dan melapurkan mengenai aduan Sdr yang masih berterusan walaupun tindakan notis saman dan sita telah dilakukan.

Pihak DBKL memaklumkan sebagai tindakan susulan, pihak DBKL sedang menyelaras tindakan yang melibatkan Jabatan Pengguatkuasaan bersama-sama dengan Jabatan Penjaja. Tindakan tersebut akan dilakukan dalam masa terdekat ini.

Pihak kami juga telah menulis surat kepada DBKL meminta supaya tindakan memindahkan pasar pagi tersebut ke kawasan jauh dari kawasan perumahan dapat diambil bagi mengatasi masalah kacauganggu dari aktiviti-aktiviti pasar pagi tersebut.

Sila dimaklumkan bahawa YB sendiri pun ada berhubung dengan pihak DBKL mengenai perkara dan sentiasa perihatin dalam perkembangan isu ini. Untuk makluman tuan bahawa YB sentiasa menyokong para penjaja mencari rezeki pada masa yang sama YB tidak akan bersetuju sekiranya perniagaan mengangu persekitaran dan ganguan terhadap penduduk-penduduk setempat. Isu ini adalah isu yang sama yang melibatkan Pasar Malam Uptown di Danau Kota di mana YB telah mengambil tindakan untuk memindah pasar malam tersebut ke tempat yang jauh dari kawasan kediaman.

Sdr Bolehlah menghubungi saya untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut berhubung tindakan tersebut dengan menghubungi no 0122186929.

Kami akan memberitahu perkembangan terkini mengenai perkara dari masa ke smasa. Sila dimaklumkan bahawa perkara ini sentiasa di bawah pemerhatian kami.

Terima kasih ke atas maklumbalas dari sdr dan memohon maaf atas segala kesulitan dan isu ini tidak boleh diselesaikan dari masa yang singkat. Kami akan berusaha dengan sedaya upaya untuk menyelasikan isu ini.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Yaacob Abd Hamid
Pembantu Khas Kepada
YB Wee Choo keong

S k

YB Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by fakri

Posted: 16 Jun 2011 06:53 PM PDT


I’m following up my complaint on the traffic condition on Jalan Langkawi where many people are still haphazardly parking on the roadside, causing inconveniences to residents to enter and exit PV12 compound. After my initial complaint in November, there was a prompt action by DBKL to tow away cars. However it was done only once, and no further/follow up action was done. Thus the situation has returned to chaotic. Can you please raise this issue again to DBKL and have them conduct their operations occasionally to discipline these people.

On another matter, have you seen the condition of the labor’s living quarters next to PV12. These Indonesians are living in bad conditions. Is it really permittable by Malaysian laws for foreign labors/humans to live in such conditions? I suggest you do a suprise visit to the site (see map coordinate (3.205727756582934, 101.71692430973053)).


Comment on Complaints for DBKL by simon

Posted: 16 Jun 2011 06:27 PM PDT

Dear Stephen,

If I am not mistaken, all hawkers do pay fee daily to BDKL staff (one Malay man) , whether DBKL collect or This manpocketed , I dont know.

They was one morning, one new hawker came and occupied the so called Booked Lot, hot arguement happened.

This DBKL man come into picture to solve the arguement. Both claiming already paid the fees to that particular lot.

Do you think the hawkers dare to be there every morning without paying DBKL / DBKL ppl!!!!

If this is illegal, this only takes few days to slove this problem.
If this is legal, just annouce it. It is allowed.

So far, What is the answer?

It is very simple job of DBKL to move in, why takes 15 to 20 years see only?

YB, I dont know this is part of your job or DBKL work.

Gwo-Burne for Kelana Jaya

Gwo-Burne for Kelana Jaya


Posted: 14 Jun 2011 12:12 PM PDT

JAWAPAN AHLI PARLIMEN KELANA JAYA PADA 15 JUN SOALAN: TUAN GWO-BURNE LOH [KELANA JAYA] minta PERDANA MENTERI menyatakan peratus kenaikan bilangan anggota penjawat awam termasuk polis, tentera, bomba dari Mac 2010 hingga Mac 2011. JAWAPAN: YB DATO' SERI MOHAMED NAZRI BIN ABDUL AZIZ MENTERI DI JABATAN PERDANA MENTERI Tuan Yang di-Pertua, Bilangan penjawat awam (termasuk polis, tentera dan bomba) pada [...]



Selamat Datang ke Muar Tuanku

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 09:56 AM PDT
