Selasa, 13 September 2011



Next general election most important in nation's history.

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 07:11 AM PDT

Pakatan asks BN to jointly fix polls date

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 01:56 AM PDT

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Budaya Raya

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 04:56 PM PDT



Ceramah DAP Untuk penjanaan dana pilihan raya ke-13

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 10:12 AM PDT

Comments for Haniza Talha - Landscaping New Politics

Comments for Haniza Talha - Landscaping New Politics

Comment on Majlis Pelancaran Bantuan Untuk Warga Emas, OKU, dan Orang Miskin by aduntamanmedan

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 12:17 AM PDT

senarai nama keluarga miskin dll ada dalam database pusat khidmat kami. Maklumat tersebut tidak dapat diberikan kpd mana-mana pihak sehingga pusat khidmat pasti ia tidak disalahgunakan.

Comment on MiMBAR dapat reaksi positif rakyat by aduntamanmedan

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 12:13 AM PDT

Puan boleh mohon daripada pusat khidmat DUN Kota Damansara. Buat carian di internet YB Dr Nasir

Comment on Majlis Pelancaran Bantuan Untuk Warga Emas, OKU, dan Orang Miskin by zakirah ramli

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 12:37 AM PDT

Adakah senarai keluarga miskin, warga tua atau oku yang sangat2 memerlukan bantuan di sekitar kawasan anda? Jika ada mohon berikan senarai & contact nombor kepada saya, kalo boleh dengan kadar segera. ke email. tq.

Comment on MiMBAR dapat reaksi positif rakyat by shida

Posted: 04 Aug 2011 09:19 PM PDT

bagaimana saya nak apply saya tinggal di kota damansara. boleh saya dapatkan tel no bagi dun yang terdekat. terma kasih

i n t a n h i j a u

i n t a n h i j a u


Posted: 13 Sep 2011 02:54 AM PDT

KOTA BHARU, 13 Sept: Kenyataan Majlis Profesor Negara kononnya Tanah Melayu tidak pernah dijajah dan hanya dinaungi British disifatkan tokoh sejarah dari Universiti Malaya sebagai 'juling sejarah'.
"Bukan sejarahwan sebenarnya kalau mengeluarkan kenyataan seperti itu. Saya tidak faham mengapa boleh berlaku begitu," kata Prof Datuk Dr Mohamad Abu Bakar (gambar).

Menurutnya sejarah kalau tidak dinilai semula hanya akan diboloti pihak-pihak tertentu sahaja.

"Saya masih ingat kata-kata bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Ismail meminta dinilai golongan kiri yang turut berjuang menuntut kemerdekaan," katanya pada forum rakyat di Dataran Stadium Sultan Mohamad Ke IV malam tadi.

Forum berkenaan dianjurkan Urusetia Penerangan Kerajaan Negeri. Timbalan Presiden PAS, Mohamad Sabu juga bertindak sebagai panelis pada forum tersebut.

Sebelum itu perasmian dilakukan Menteri Besar, Tuan Guru Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.

Sebelum ini Ketua Kluster Sejarah Warisan dan Sosiobudaya Majlis Profesor Negara, Prof Datuk Zainal Kling menegaskan Tanah Melayu tidak pernah dijajah dan hanya dinaungi Inggeris.

Pandangan itu ditolak pelbagai pihak sehingga menjejaskan kewibawaan Majlis Profesor Negara yang baru ditubuh kerajaan.

Dr Mohamad berpengalaman selama 21 tahun sebagai profesor sejarah di UM berkata, tujuan mengkaji sejarah mempunyai dua makna iaitu untuk mengetahui peritiwa yang berlaku.

Dan keduanya menceduk pengetahuan tentang peristiwa tersebut.

Kata beliau sejarah hanya sahih sehingga ada penemuan bahan-bahan baru. Ini bermakna sejarah boleh berubah.

"Sebagai contoh sejarah Tembok Besar China diberi versi baru sekarang apabila ada kajian menyebut ribuan rakyat terkorban semasa membina tembok tersebut.

"Ini bermakna Tembok Besar China sedang 'bertutur' dengan penderitaan rakyat," ujarnya.

Oleh itu beliau membuat tanggapan Mohamad Sabu muncul sebagai penilai sejarah baru, bila mana sebelum ini kita hanya melihat melalui satu teropong sahaja.

Sebab itulah kata beliau bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad membuat kenyataan sejarah yang diajar di sekolah ada yang tidak betul.

"Permulaan isu ada penjernihan akhirnya. Kebatilan pasti luput apabila timbul kebenaran. Dan kebenaran sekarang mulai muncul sedikit demi sedikit," ujarnya.

Beliau menyimpulkan sejarah merupakan sesuatu catatan tentang perkara yang lojik dan masuk akal.
Sementara itu, orang ramai yang hadir pada forum berkenaan dikejutkan dengan kejadian beberapa kenderaan disembur cat hijau oleh pihak tertentu.

Mohd Nasir Ismail, 45 dari Pasir Mas berkata, keretanya jenis Ulser Toyota yang di parkir berhampiran Gelanggang Seni disembur cat hijau.

Katanya, banyak lagi kenderaan milik orang lain yang diletak di situ menerima nasib yang sama.

"Ketika saya datang ke tempat kereta semasa hendak pulang saya lihat ada anggota polis di kawasan berhampiran, namun dia tidak menanyakan apa yang berlaku.

"Saya yakin pihak yang melakukan perbuatan khianat itu berani kerana kemungkinan besar mereka dilindungi kuasa politik.

"Kita boleh lihat sendiri apabila kes aktivis Gerakan Bertindak Kembali Royalti Rakyat Kelantan, Hishamuddin Ghazali yang ditampar veteran Umno beberapa bulan lalu tidak diambil sebarang tindakan biar pun laporan polis sudah dibuat," ujarnya.

Turut menjadi mangsa perbuatan khianat tersebut kereta milik seorang wartawan tempatan. Difahamkan beliau sudah membuat laporan polis pagi ini.(harakahdaily)

魏宗贤文打烟之声 Gwee Tong Hiang for Bentayan

魏宗贤文打烟之声 Gwee Tong Hiang for Bentayan


Posted: 13 Sep 2011 12:34 AM PDT

Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

Summary of Concession Agreement For Build-Operate-Transfer (B.O.T) of the Project Facilities of the Penang’s People’s Park

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 08:24 PM PDT

Summary ( Prepared By: Legal Unit, Municipal Council of Penang Island) of Concession Agreement For Build-Operate-Transfer (B.O.T) of the Project Facilities of the Penang's People's Park namely:

(I) Subterranean Penang International Convention & Exhibition Centre (sPICE) and Complementary Retail/F& B Outlets/ Offices
(II) Refurbishment and Rectification Works to Existing PISA Indoor Stadium
(III) Refurbishment and Rectification Works to Existing PISA Aquatic Centre

1. As instructed by the Penang Chief Minister YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng, MPPP is making public the concession agreement for the BOT of the above 3 project facilities known collectively as the Penang's People's Park that would yield a 7 acres green public park free for the public.

2. The Concession Agreement has been signed on 19/08/2011 between MPPP and Eco Meridian Sdn Bhd (EMSB), a wholly owned subsidiary of S.P Setia as the Concessionaire of the Project Facilities. The Concession Agreement has been duly stamped on 24/08/2011.

3. Kindly find as stated below the brief facts on the terms and conditions of the Agreement. sPICE will consist of :
(I) an exhibition hall
(ii) ball room
(iii) grand foyer &
(iv) complementary retail outlets.

4. Anticipated Costs For the Project.
The anticipated project costs to be borne by the Concessionaire (EMSB) is at least RM250,955,259.00 which could rise up to RM 300 million and includes the refurbishment and rectification works costs for existing PISA Indoor Stadium and existing PISA Aquatic Centre. SP Setia Group Berhad has given a performance security in a form of corporate guarantee worth RM10 million upon signing of the Agreement.

5. Concession/ Lease Period
Concession/lease period of the project facilities is from the date of signing of the Agreement up to a period of 30 years commencing from the concession period. EMSB is entitle to apply for a renewal of the lease for a two(2) further terms of 15 years each in the event of an extension or further extension.

6. Project Completion Date
The scheduled project completion date is 36 months from the commencement date. EMSB shall be liable to pay to MPPP an agreed liquidated damages for the delay in the completion of the Project Facilities at the rate of RM20,000 per day of delay.

7. Sale of Hotel Site in order to complement the Project Facilities
MPPP agrees to sell and transfer a part of Lot 7481 to EMSB for the purpose of a Hotel site with leasehold title 99 years. The purchase price of the Hotel site is RM13,669,980.00 calculated based on an agreed rate of RM100.00 per square foot. A Sale and Purchase Agreement has been signed between the parties on 19/08/2011.

8. Grant of Development Rights
MPPP agrees to grant to EMSB the right to Additional Density of any developments within the island of Pulau Pinang over and above the maximum permissible density for the land, provided always that the total sum of such development rights utilized and spread over all projects within the island of Pulau Pinang does not exceed 1,500 residential units(note that this is not additional 1,500 residential units per project but spread out throughout the island during the concession period). Should EMSB not be able to source land able to absorb the additional 1,500 residential units spread out throughout the island, then EMSB shall forfeit these rights at no cost to MPPP. Such development rights are only exercisable during the concession period and if the development rights are not completely exercised by the end of the concession period or prior to any early termination, the balance portion shall lapsed.

9. Low Medium Costs Housing Units
EMSB to construct 450 of LMC housing units which shall not exceed RM72,500 for the 1,500 residential units and the State Authority shall provide a piece of land for the purpose of the same.

10. Vacant Possession
Vacant possession of the Project site shall be on 31/10/2011.

11. Progress Reports
EMSB shall during the implementation period furnish to MPPP monthly progress reports in regards to the construction of the Project Facilities .

12. No Dealings
EMSB shall not transfer, charge, lease or deal with the Project site.

13. Annual Event Days
MPPP and the State Government shall have access to and use of the Project Facilities for all purposes necessary or incidental to its functions for a combined maximum period of 42 event days in a calendar year free of charge.

14. Traffic Impact AssessmentA (TIA)
A TIA of the area has to be carried out at and complied with.

15. Penang People's Park(PPP)
PPP will fulfill Penang's aspirations to be an international and intelligent city that is a location of choice for investors, a destination of choice for tourists and habitat of choice for sustainable living comprising 5 key important portions:-
1. RM300 million sPICE;
2. A new 7 acre public park
3. Refurbished, repaired and upgraded Penang International Sports Arena(PISA);
4. Refurbished, repaired and upgraded Aquatic Centre;
5. A new hotel and retail outlets and additional car park.

——– Mandarin Translation ————-

槟城人民公园基础设施的建设- 运营- 转让(B.O.T)的特许合约内容简介(由槟岛市政局法律组准备):

(I) 地下式槟城国际会展中心 (sPICE) 及零售商铺、饮食店铺、办公室
(II) 槟城湖内国际室内休育馆(PISA)翻新及整修
(III) 槟城湖内国际室内水上休育中心(PISA)翻新及整修

1. 在槟州首长林冠英的指示下,槟岛市政局在此公布上述三项计划的建设-运营-转让特许合约内容,上述工程也称槟城人民公园,为公众提供7英亩的绿色空间。

2. 上述特许合约于2011年8月19日由槟岛市政局及实达集团子公司Eco Meridian 私人有限公司签署(EMSB), 实达集团是上述设施的特许经营公司。有关合约已经于2011年8月24日盖章生效。

3. 以下是合约条件协议的概括内容,会展中心将包括:
(I) 展览厅
(ii) 大宴会厅
(iii) 大前厅
(iv) 零售商铺

4. 工程预估成本

5. 特许租赁期限
上述设施的特许及租赁期限为30年(从合约签署的日期开始算起)。EMSB 可以申请更新租赁两次,每次更新期限为15年

6. 工程完工日期

7. 出售酒店地段以补助兴建设施经费
槟岛市政局同意出售及转移Lot 7481地段给EMSB,做为酒店地段,租赁期99年。上述酒店地段的出售价格为每平方公尺100令吉,总共为1366万9980令吉。双方已经在2011年8月19日签署买卖合约。

8. 授予发展权
槟岛市政局同意授权给EMSB,让他们提高槟岛发展项目的房屋单位密度,超越当局规定的最高密度,虽然发展商拥有这项发展权利,可是遍布全岛发展项目可增加的房屋单位不能超过1500个 (注意:这不是指每个项目可以额外兴建1500个单位,而是在特许经营期内全岛可增加的房屋总数。)如果EMSB无法找到土地,将上述1500个房屋单位并入他们的发展计划,届时,EMSB将被丧失这项权利,槟岛市政局无需支付任何费用。他们只可以在特许经营期内行使他们的权利,如果他们无法在特许经营期内行使他们的发展权,或提前中止,乘余的部分自动失效。

9. 中廉价屋单位

10. 空地拥有权

11. 进度报告

12. 禁止工地买卖
EMSB 不能针对工程地段进行转移、收费、出租及买卖。

13. 年度活动日
如果槟岛市政局和州政府需要进行活动,我们有权免费使用上述设施高达 42天。

14. 交通影响评估 (TIA)
当局将进行评估, 并遵照有关结果。

15. 槟城人民公园(PPP)

1). 3亿令吉的地下式槟城国际会展中心(sPICE);
2). 一个全新、7英亩的公园
3). 翻新、重修及提升槟城湖内国际体育馆 (PISA);
4). 翻新、重修及提升槟城湖内国际水上体育馆;
5). 一个新的酒店、零售商铺及附加停车场。

Laporan Awal Projek Tempat Letak Kereta Bertingkat Di Stesen Bawah Bukit Bendera(bm/cn)

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 08:20 PM PDT



Projek di atas adalah merupakan projek untuk meningkatkan kemudahan di Stesen Bawah Bukit Bendera yang merangkumi penyediaan kemudahan tempat letak kereta bertingkat dan juga hentian bas pelancongan.

Kemudahan-kemudahan yang perlu disediakan di tapak adalah atas kehendak serta kelulusan Majlis Tindakan Pelancongan Negeri Pulau Pinang di bawah Kementerian Pelancongan. Peruntukan bagi projek ini diluluskan oleh Kementerian Pelancongan Malaysia di bawah RMK9. Jumlah siling peruntukan yang diluluskan adalah berjumlah RM5.0 juta.

Projek ini pada asalnya diserahkan kepada pihak JKR dan MPPP untuk dilaksanakan. Walau bagaimanapun, mesyuarat Post EXCO Pelancongan pada September 2007 di bawah kerajaan negeri dulu, telah meminta untuk PDC bertindak sebagai agensi pelaksana.

Itulah sebabnya kerajaan negeri PR yang baru dan YAB Ketua Menteri tidak dimaklumkan tentang kemajuan atau diminta memberikan kelulusan untuk projek ini kerana "pelanggan" adalah Kementerian Pelancongan.

PDC telah melantik PDC Consultancy Sdn Bhd bagi penyediaan rekabentuk dan pelaksanaan projek. Di dalam merekebentuk, sejumlah 6 hentian bas dan 112 tempat letak kereta dapat disediakan di atas lot yang seluas 0.62 ekar.

Pelan merancang telah diluluskan pada 21 Mei 2009. Pihak PDC telah memohon untuk mendapatkan kebenaran khas untuk memulakan lewat pembinaan dan telah memperolehinya pada 3 September 2009.

Satu tender terbuka telah dipanggil pada 23 Mac 2009 dan Lembaga Perolehan Persekutuan peringkat negeri Pulau Pinang pada 24 Jun 2009 telah meluluskan projek ini ditawarkan kepada DTE Construction Sdn Bhd pada harga RM3,958,988.26 dengan tempoh binaan selama 14 bulan.

Tarikh memulakan kerja adalah pada 10 Ogos 2009 dan tarikh siap pada 9 Oktober 2010, walaupun tarikh siap sebenar adalah pada 30 Mac 2011.

Dalam proses pembinaan, pihak konsultan telah membuat beberapa perubahan ke atas rekabentuk akibat dari masalah tapak yang telah menjadi lebih kecil akibat 'encroachment' rumah berdekatan. PDC terpaksa berbuat demikian supaya tidak mengganggu penduduk tempatan dan menambilkira permintaan pihak Kementerian agar memperuntukkan 6 hentian bas. Justeru itu, pelan pindaan kepada pelan bangunan yang diluluskan dikemukakan pada 12 November 2010 dan ianya masih belum diluluskan.

Pihak PDC sebagai agensi yang bertanggungjawab ke atas projek tempat letak kereta bertingkat Bukit Bendera tidak akan berkompromi dari aspek keselamatan pengguna. Justeru itu atas dakwaan bahawa bangunan yang dibina tidak selamat, satu badan penyiasatan bebas iaitu pihak IKRAM dengan kepakaran geoteknikal telah dilantik untuk menyiasat secara menyeluruh keadaan struktur yang dibina. Kerja-kerja penyiasatan telah mengambil masa selama 30 hari dan pada 24 Ogos 2011, satu laporan lengkap telah dikemukakan kepada PDC.

Hasil daripada penyiasatan IKRAM telah mengenalpasti beberapa perkara struktur bangunan yang perlu dipantau dan sekiranya perlu diambil langkah memperbaiki. Langkah yang akan diambil adalah:

(i) IKRAM akan memasang 'settlement markers' pada 22 bilangan tiang dan akan memantau 'settlements' secara berkala setiap tiga (3) bulan untuk tempoh tiga (3) tahun. Dalam tempoh ini, bangunan dapat beroperasi sepenuhnya. Sekiranya hasil pemantauan 'settlements' adalah baik, maka langkah mengukuhkan asas bangunan dapat dikurangkan atau tidak diperlukan sama sekali.

(ii) Sekiranya hasil pemantauan 'settlements' menunjukkan terdapat bacaan yang tidak memberangsangkan, langkah seterusnya adalah berkemungkinan memberhentikan operasi bangunan sementara waktu dan melaksanakan 'foundation underpinning' yang dianggarkan berjumlah RM1.5 juta dan mengambil masa enam (6) bulan dan juga membuat pembaikan terhadap sebarang kerosakan pada bangunan.

Dalam menangani isu rekabentuk yang tidak memenuhi kehendak piawaian serta mutu rekabentuk yang rendah, pihak PDC akui terdapat kelemahan di dalam rekabentuk yang tidak seharusnya berlaku. Dan ini akan menjejaskan keselesaaan pengguna. Pihak PDC telah sebaik mungkin memperbaiki kelemahan rekabentuk khususnya mengurangkan kecuraman 'ramp' agar lebih landai dan boleh digunakan oleh semua jenis kenderaan.

Beberapa pemeriksaan tapak bersama pihak MPPP telah dilakukan dan tindakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini masih diusahakan. Pemeriksaan terakhir adalah pada hari ini (5 September 2011) bersama MPPP di mana beberapa cadangan penambahbaikan akan dilakukan. Kerja-kerja ini akan terus ditingkatkan sehingga pihak MPPP berpuashati untuk membenarkan OC dikeluarkan.

Kami akur dengan arahan YAB Lim Guan Eng bahawa PDC mestilah patuhi arahan yang dikeluarkan oleh MPPP dan tidak akan dapat sebarang layanan khas hanya kerana PDC adalah agensi kerajaan negeri ataupun projek ini adalah projek Kementerian Pelancongan. Atas arahan YAB Lim, kami telah adakan lawatan bersama dengan Setiausaha MPPP Ang Aing Thye pada semalam 5hb September 2011. Hasil perbincangan diharap dapat dihantarkan suatu laporan muktamad kepada YAB dalam seminggu dua lagi.

Masalah-masalah yang berlaku ke atas projek ini telah menjejaskan tarikh pembukaan tempat letak kereta Bukit Bendera yang amat diperlukan. PDC ingin memohon maaf atas segala kesulitan yang timbul dan akan secepat mungkin menyelesaikan masalah ini, namun aspek keselamatan dan keselesaan pengguna akan tetap diutamakan.

—- Mandarin Translation—










上述工程在2009年8月10日开始,于2010年10月9日完工,虽然预期的竣工日期为2011年3月30日 。

在建筑工程进行中, 顾问公司针对设计图做了几次修改,因为原有的土地遭附近民居侵犯而变得更小。槟州发展机构被迫如此,以便不干扰当地居民,并考虑了旅游部的要求,分配六个巴士站。因此,他们在2010年11月12日提呈经过修改的设计蓝图,但是,还没有获得批准。

槟州发展机构做为上述多层停车场计划的负责单位, 绝不会就使用者安全问题妥协。因此,针对那些指建筑物不安全的指控,我们委任了一个独立调查团大马公共工程研究院(IKRAM), 让那些地质技术专家针对有关建筑进行全面的勘查。有关勘查工作费时30天,他们于2011年8月24日提交了一份完整的计划书给槟州发展机构。


(i) 上述研究院 将会在22根柱子上安装"沉降标志"(settlements markers),并且会在接下来三年、每三个月进行定期监督。这段期间,有关建筑物能够正常使用。一旦"沉降监督"结果良好,那么建筑物的根基加固措施可以减少,或者根本不需要。

(ii) 如果"沉降监督"的标志显示不良结果,我们可能暂停使用有关建筑物,并且进行预计耗时6个月、花费150万令吉的根基支撑工程,并针对建筑物的损坏部分进行维修。






Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

Live : Candid Ceramah Mat Sabu

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 07:20 AM PDT

Gelanggang Mat Sabu sudah tersedia

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 01:00 AM PDT

Latest Uupdate 5.00pm : Gelanggang Mat Sabu sudah tersedia

Here's a golden opportunity to hear at first hand from Abang Mat Sabu, who has had the courage to lay bare the lies perpetrated by UMNO that they were the only ones who gained Merdeka for Malaya .

The venue is the main Klang Stadium (Stadium Kota Raja) near the railway station.
His remarks at a ceramah in Tasek Glugor, Penang, on 21 August, had UMNO caught up for 6 days as they huddled to decide how to deal with the revelation that there were other Malays who were the first to raise the rally cry of MERDEKA, such as PKMM (Partai Kebangsaan Melaya Malaya – Malay National Party) in 1945.  And there were those Malays who paid the supreme sacrifice by opposing British colonialism, such as Mat Indera.
Their frenzied attacks were unleashed on 27 August, raising the communist bogey once again, but Abang Mat deftly countered on 6 Sep by showing a book sanctioned by no less than Johor UMNO stalwarts which portrayed Mat Indera as a freedom fighter.
Arising out of the issue, other forgotten names like Dr. Burhanuddin al-Helmy, Ahmad Boestamam, Pak Sako, Shamsiah Fakeh, Rashid Maidin, Abdullah C.D. suddenly were thrust unto the national psyche of new generations of Malaysians who had these names perniciously obliterated from the official history texts.
Thrown into the alphabet soup were political organisations like PKMM, API, AWAS, BATAS, PUTERA, AMCJA, MDU, PMFTU whose leaders realised the imperative of uniting the rakyat of all races and religions to demand for MERDEKA from British rule, culminating in the historic 1947 PUTERA-AMCJA conference which presented the PEOPLE'S CONSTITUTION.
The issue has already spawned two public forums in the Klang Valley , one in the KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall on 9 Sep, and the second one this Thursday 15 Sep by civic society in the PJ Civic Hall.
A debt of gratitude is owed to Abang Mat for daring to expose the dishonesty of UMNO in claiming exclusive ownership of our independence struggle.  He has opened our eyes to have a re-look at our history and to correct the distortions purposely created to deceive us and to legitimise the handing over of neo-colonialist power to those who were willing to cater for British economic interests.

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Rashdan: Bina ada Fikir…kah? by Charles

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 09:21 AM PDT

From this bloody MAS AirAsia share swap and the E & O share scandal involving Mrs Zarina (means the husband of SC chairman Zarina – Azizan Abu Bakar) are showing us that the 4th Floor boys headed by Nor Yakop are still very much alive and kicking. Why is the PM allowing all these to go on like this. Stop Azizan, TF, Rashdan, Azman Mokhtar, Wan Azmi and Md Nor from doing their nonsense in detrimental to our nation.

PM Najib, please don’t tell us that you are also in the state of slumber during (what we called) the Sleeping Era. If you do, please wake up and put your foot down to defend our national interests.

Comment on Rashdan: Bina ada Fikir…kah? by Ching

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 08:58 AM PDT

Anom 9:59 pm

Forget about Karpal Singh, Lim Kit Siang, Anwar Ibrahim and Hadi Awang when it comes to AirAsia. They became bisu. They are only interested in playing politic or politicking you may want o call it. Ask yourself that Tony F and AirAsia has been owing airport tax from 2000 if i am not mistaken, Lim Kit Siang, Hadi and Karpal Singh has not utter a word about it. But they play their drama when it comes to racial issues.

So forget about them. This has no political value to them because it involved the ordinary Malaysians. They all want issues that have racial tone so that they can become heros of their respective race.

We all must help ourselves to fight the injustice of this Mas and AirAsia share swap. I cannot accept it at all. When I started to see this bugger Rashdan doing all his nonsense from cancellation of flights, termination of Firefly route and now the sponsorship of jersey for QPR I have enough of him and the rest.

Comment on Rashdan: Bina ada Fikir…kah? by weechookeong

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 08:26 AM PDT

MAS bugger

I am very appreciative of your views and the views of the other readers in this blog. No, worry. It is duty of your truly to highlight the issue in Parliament and to demand that the Government takes the necessary actions against this secret share swap and to undo what Rashdan and his good friends had done to Firefly and MAS. Of course, it would be more effective if the MAS Employees and its Union also take direction actions to highlight their plight. Well, demanding to see the PM is one of the ways.They should also think of other actions like picketing to express their disapproval of the dirty deals. They should also demand their respective MPs to speak up against the dirty deals during the Budge Debate from 7th October. The MAS Employee Union should start with a petition campaign now and hand over to the PM for actions on 7th October.

Lets us all join hands together to stop the rots, the irresponsible people from destroying our national carrier, MAS, and more importantly to stop Khazanah from buying the 10% share of AirAsia X Sdn Bhd, which has been reported to have lost RM89.4 million in 2009. How about 2010 and 2011. It has yet to submit their annual accounts for 2010 and 2011.

Lets fight them together. I am sure that we will win at the end of the day.

Thank you

with kindest regards

wee choo keong

Comment on Rashdan: Bina ada Fikir…kah? by Rani

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 08:04 AM PDT

This budak must be screwed nice and proper. The proper place is Parliament. All his actions showed to one direction only. That is to help and save AirAsia. Azman and Nor Yacop can say what they like to the PM as far as I am concern, looking at the facts he is trying to kill MAS eventually like what had happened during the hay days of AA, the honeymoon period of Badawi Government. MAS was stifled. AirAsia was allowed to owe airport tax by the million. Presumably that was much needed as working capital! Ops! Badawi is now the advisor of MAS. Advise what? Advised MAS to go into this share swap? He can’t even advise his own self let alone MAS. God bless MAS and Malaysia to have him as advisor.

Comment on Rashdan: Bina ada Fikir…kah? by MAS bugger

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 07:58 AM PDT

Well done , well done malaysians. Not fair to ask YB to fight in parliament. The staff and Mas union must lead the battle. No point talking to the chairman and board, they will con you again. Start demanding to see PM otherwise this deal is fait accompli.

Comment on Rashdan: Bina ada Fikir…kah? by Ian Tan

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 07:30 AM PDT

In the picture taken at the QPR jersey sponsorship signing ceremony that boy Rashdan sitting like a dunggu. No wonder he was doing all the stupid things to MAS with the hope that the rakyat couldn’t see it. Little Bina Tak berFikir idiot what you have done were to glaring for anyone to miss.

Comment on Rashdan: Bina ada Fikir…kah? by Nazri from MAS

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 07:04 AM PDT

This boy is sheer stupid but he is trying to memperdohkan kita semua. Never mind we will teach people like him, the two Azam, Tan Sri Nor Yacob when the time is matng PRU13. I.E. the government better act now before it is too late.

If I am Najib I will not think twice to sack this little boy Rashdan who know next to nothing, Azman the champion of all GLC and of course, the great pretender Nor Yacop. These three musketeers must go to save the nation. MD Nor is a non starter. He only knew how to sell part of MAS Catering Sdn Bhd to you know who lah?????????????????

Comment on Rashdan: Bina ada Fikir…kah? by Anonymous

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 06:59 AM PDT

If Karpal, Kit SIang, Anuwar or Ustaz Hadi (and even YAM YB Tunku Razaleigh) want to get some respect – speak up now. Or is the scheming by Khazanah-AA (and seemingly approved by YAB Najib) too complex and complicated for you guys to understand?.

If so, call up our hero YB CK Wee and get the low down on “How to stop the Khazanah-AA team from fleecing any more GLC 101″ course.

Remember GE13 is just round the corner. You guys may be surprised by the rewards for speaking up on behalf of the Rakyat.

Just stop attacking the Government. They are already doing too god a job themselves. Leave them well alone to destroy themselves. Speak up on issues that matters to the Rakyat. You will be rewarded.

Comment on Rashdan: Bina ada Fikir…kah? by Syok Sendiri

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 06:48 AM PDT

I don’t quite understand why the new Executive Director of MAS, Mohd Rashdan Yusof, was present during the QPR sponsorship event when AirAsia was represented by only its Regional Head of Commercial, Kathleen Tan? Shouldn’t MAS be represented by its Head of Communication instead? Obviously this Danny boy is Syok Sendiri to the max, looking for cheap publicity, promoting his pu.imak look. If Danny boy is so Giler Glamour then he should start acting career (i’m sure he’s very good at it)!

note: Minor edition bro. Sorry.

Comment on Rashdan: Bina ada Fikir…kah? by Anonymous

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 06:44 AM PDT


This deal is not bad. This deal is stinkingly rotten.

Please raise this deal and the many others that you have been raising regarding the Khazanah – AA current and most definitely future plundering of MAS, in the coming sitting of Parliament.

We will be waiting for your questions and their replies. The rakyat is losing sleep over these deals. Let us see how they are gong to answer your questions.

Please make sure all you can to get the questions get asked and that their answers to recorder to eternity, as part of the Parliament’s Hansards.

Tank you very very much

Economist Kampong

Direct Free Kick

Direct Free Kick

Pendengaran awam pindaan kepada Rancangan Tempatan Majlis Perbandaran Sepang (MPSp).

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 02:45 AM PDT

Pendengaran awam telah diadakan di Pejabat MPSp, Cyberjaya pada 12 September lepas.

Saya telah mempengerusikan pendengaran awam itu yang bermula dari jam 9 pagi hingga 7 malam.

Pasukan yang bertugas hari itu terdiri dari YB Elizabeth Wong, wakil-wakil dari Jabatan Perancangan Bandar Dan Desa Negeri Selangor, MPSp, Pejabat Daerah Sepang, Malaysian Institute of Planners dan FOMCA.

Oleh kerana pendengaran itu melibatkan 106 pembantah, kami telah berhenti rehat untuk solat Zuhur dan Asar sahaja.

Gambar atas : YDP MPSp, En. Sayuthi menyampaikan cenderamata.

Lagi gambar-gambar : Kebakaran di Grandeur Tower, Pandan Indah.

Posted: 03 Sep 2011 10:30 PM PDT

Kebakaran di Grandeur Tower, Pandan Indah : COB MPAJ akan melakukan siasatan.

Posted: 03 Sep 2011 10:22 PM PDT

Pesuruhjaya Bangunan Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya ( COB MPAJ ) akan diarah untuk melakukan satu siasatan terhadap kebakaran yang berlaku di Pangsapuri Grandeur Tower pagi tadi.
Kebakaran tersebut telah memusnahkan dua unit kediaman di tingkat paling atas iaitu tingkat 16.
Dalam satu lawatan ke tempat kejadian sejurus selepas api dapat dipadamkan, aduan-aduan berikut telah diterima dari pelbagai pihak,
1.) Para penghuni mengadu tidak ada sebarang penggera kebakaran (fire alarm) yang berbunyi. Mereka hanya bergegas turun meninggalkan bangunan tersebut apabila mendengar jeritan penghuni-penghuni lain.
2.) Pihak Bomba telah memaklumkan kenderaan mereka yang mempunyai 'skylift' tidak dapat memasuki kawasan pangsapuri tersebut. Perkara ini berlaku kerana laluan yang sempit  ke laluan masuk pangsapuri itu dan kanopi yang dipasang.
Kita bernasib baik kerana kebakaran ini tidak mengorbankan nyawa. Walau bagaimanapun satu siasatan terperinci perlu dilakukan kerana kita mungkin tidak akan bernasib baik di masa-masa akan datang.
Perkara-perkara yang melibatkan keselamatan penghuni tidak sepatutnya dipandang ringan.
Saya turut akan mengarahkan COB di seluruh negeri Selangor untuk mengarahkan semua JMB, MC atau ejen pengurusan untuk menyemak keberkesanan sistem perlindungan kebakaran ( fire protection system ) di pemajuan mereka.
Iskandar Abdul Samad
Exco Perumahan, Pengurusan Bangunan Dan Setinggan
Negeri Selangor /
ADUN Chempaka
4 September 2011



Najib, Bajet 2010 & GST 6% Prabayar...Apa Pandangan Anda?

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 06:44 PM PDT




Posted: 13 Sep 2011 01:48 AM PDT
