Selasa, 1 November 2011




Posted: 01 Nov 2011 01:50 AM PDT

(Paderi Gereja Protestant dari Malaysia, Pastor Ou Yang Weng Feng mengadakan upacara perkahwinan dengan pasangan gay pilihannya di New York pada 31.08.2011)

Salam 2 all.

Kalipah kaum Anwarinas dalam himpunan haram 09 Julai yang juga penganjur penubuhan IFC iaitu Ambeega Sreenavasan akan melancarkan satu program himpunan untuk tujuan KEBEBASAN SEKSUALITI pada 09 November ini di Annexe Gallery bersebelahan Bangunan Bar Council, Jalan Pasar, Kuala Lumpur. Himpunan ini diberi tajuk "Queer Without Fear".

Projek himpunan Kebebasan Seksualiti ini disokong antaranya oleh Bar Council, Suaram, Women Aids Organisation dan beberapa lagi NGO dan individu (saperti yang tercatat dibawah). Dan kalau mike perhatikan yop, ada antara kumpulan atau NGO-NGO yang tersenarai dibawah ini turut sama terlibat samada didalam perancangan menubuhkan IFC, himpunan haram 09 Julai dan lain-lain. Dan merekalah menjadi penyokong dan pendokong kuat kepada kaum Anwarinas dan yang sewaktu dengannya!

Projek yang dinamakan SEKSUALITI MERDEKA 2011 sebenarnya berpegang kepada prinsip amalan seks bebas dengan mempromosikan amalan seks songsang dan luar tabi'e LBGT - Lesbianisma, Bisexuality, Gay & Transgender. Mereka sedang berusaha untuk memasukkan amalan LBGT ini sebagai salah satu agenda perjuangan hak asasi manusia!

LESBIANISMA - adalah amalan seks songsang dan luar tabi'e diantara wanita dengan wanita, dan ianya adalah satu kesalahan jenayah didalam negara ini. Ringkasnya, merea mahu menghalalkan musahaqah;

BISEXUAL - adalah amalan seks bebas antara pasangan tanpa batas termasuk amalan seks sebelum kahwin, bertukar pasangan berkahwin dengan orang lain. Ringkasnya menghalalkan perzinaan;

GAY - adalah 'amalan seks songsang dan luar tabi'e dengan menjadikan dubur sebagai laluan seks. Ringkasnya, menghalalkan 'amalan liwat dan homoseksual;

TRANSGENDER - ini adalah 'amalan songsang dan luar tabi'e untuk berkelakuan dan bersifat seksual bertentangan (lelaki jadi perempuan, perempuan jadi lelaki), termasuk amalan menukar jantina (walaupun Islam mengiktiraf kaum khunsa, iaitu mereka yang dilahirkan dengan dua alat jantina dimana mereka diberi ruang untuk membuat pilihan jantina, tetapi Islam mengutuk keras dan melaknat 'amalan transgender ini!). Ringkasnya, mereka mahu menghalalkan amalan pengkid & maknyah!

Adalah jelas 'amalan yang hendak dipromosikan oleh program himpunan KEBEBASAN SEKSUALITI yang akan dilancarkan oleh kalipah kaum Anwarinas Ambeega Sreenavasan ini bercanggah sama sekali dengan amalan dan norma kehidupan manusia bertamadun, apatah lagi dengan Islam!

Pada teman, ini adalah satu lagi sikap biaDAP dan kurang ajar puak-puak ini yang tidak putus-putus mencari helah untuk menimbulkan suasana provokatif terhadap rakyat Malaysia termasuk umat Islam!

Apakah tujuan mereka mahu membuat himpunan Kebebasan Seksualiti ini dalam suasana umat Islam sedang menjalani 'ibadah haji di Makkah dan umat Islam seluruh dunia termasuk Malaysia menyambut 'Eidul Adha pada 06 November 2011.

Adakah kaum ini mahu memperjuangkan amalan seks bebas tanpa batas dalam negara ini? Dalam keadaan kita sedang berhadapan dengan pelbagai isu gejala sosial, perzinaan terbuka dan melampau, kegiatan homoseksual dan lesbian yang keterlaluan, gejala pembuangan bayi dan banyak lagi. Malahan sudah mula kedengaran amalan pesta bertukar pasangan diantara pasangan berkahwin bertukar laki dan bini masing-masing dengan orang lain.

Dan yang lebih memeranjatkan teman, ada kaum yang sedang berusaha untuk membawa usul supaya Seksyen 377A-D Kanun Kesiksaan yang mengharamkan liwat dan seks songsang luar tabi'e dimansuhkan. Alasan mereka kerana ini bertentangan dengan prinsip kebebasan amalan seks LBGT yang menjadi tonggak himpunan SEKSUALITI MERDEKA yang dicadangkan pada 09 November ini. Mereka mendakwa bahawa banyak negara sudah memansuhkan Seksyen 377A-D, antaranya Britain, India dan Singapura!

Seksyen 377A-D adalah peruntukkan dimana 'amalan seks songsang dan luar tabi'e saperti seks melalui dubur, samada antara lelaki dan lelaki, lelaki dan wanita (termasuk isteri sendiri), samada secara sukarela mahupun secara paksa, termasuk dengan haiwan adalah menjadi satu kesalahan yang dipandang serius dengan hukuman penjara maksimum 20 tahun dan sebatan!


Teman mengutuk keras program KEBEBASAN SEKSUALITI yang mahu dianjurkan ini. Pada teman, program himpunan KEBEBASAN SEKSUALITI ini wajib ditentang dan dibantah habis-habisan. Malahan pihak berkuasa wajib mengambil tindakan mengharamkan himpunan ini.

Selain cuba untuk menghalalkan amalan seks songsang dan luar tabi'e, kaum ini juga bercadang untuk memansuhkan peruntukkan undang-undang yang menjadikan amalan seks songsang dan luar tabi'e saperti yang diperuntukkan oleh Seksyen 377 A-D Kanun Keseksaan dimansuhkan.

Kita sekarang sudah ada paderi gay. Seorang paderi Gereja Protestant di Malaysia, Pastor Ou Yang Weng Feng baru-baru ini telah menggemparkan negara apabila melangsungkan perkahwinan gay dengan pasangan homoseksnya di pejabat City Clerk of New York. Dan yang lebih kurang ajar, pastor gay ini memilih tarikh kemerdekaan negara, 31.08.2011 sebagai tarikh perkahwinan homo beliau. Dan yang paling biaDAP, beliau mahu mengadakan majlis perkahwinan gay nya itu di Malaysia!

Teman berharap kita tidak sampai ke peringkat saperti yang berlaku kepada Presiden Obama yang menerima tekanan politik yang hebat daripada kaum ini yang akhirnya tunduk kepada kehendak mereka, sehingga kaum lesbian dan gay kini boleh menjalankan 'amalan seks songsang dan bebas didalam Angkatan Tentera Amerika, na'uzubillah min zalik!

Sebab itu teman bersetuju sangat dengan kenyataan YBhg Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Nor, mantan Ketua Polis Negara yang semasa merasmikan Perhimpunan Agong PERKASA pada hari Rabu 28 ZulQaedah 1432/ 26 Oktober 2011 menyatakan bahawa sebagaimana fahaman komunis menjadi "virus agama baru" yang menyerang dan merosakkan ketamadunan dan peradaban kemanusiaan pada awal abad 20, maka sekarang sudah muncul fahaman hak asasi kemanusiaan sebagai "virus agama baru" yang bukan sahaja menyerang dan merosakkan ketamadunan dan peradaban kemanusiaan, malah akan menghancurkan sejarah keujudan dan kesinambungan kemanusiaan ini.

Yang paling malang kata Tan Sri Rahim Nor, "virus agama komunisma" telah berjaya mempengaruhi orang Melayu beragama Islam, sehingga muncullah orang saperti Abdullah CD, Shamsiaf Fakeh, termasuk Mat Indera yang menjadi idola kaum Anwarinas sekarang. Dan melihat kepada senario keadaan semasa, "virus agama hak asasi manusia" juga sudah mula mempengaruhi segelintir orang Melayu beragama Islam, malah lebih malang virus ini juga berjaya merasuk segelintir kaum yang mendabik dada mengaku pejuang Islam.

Sehingga atas nama hak asasi manusia, mereka bukan sahaja membuang perjuangan mereka, malah mereka sanggup memartabat dan mengangkat kaum kafir harbi sebagai kalipah mengetuai dan mengemudi mereka. Malah yang tersangat malang, atas nama hak asasi kemanusiaan, mereka mengangkat kaum yang sudah rosak akhlaknya dengan amalan homoseks, liwat dan zina sebagai pemimpin dan kalipah sembahan mereka! Dan mereka muncul sebagai lembu-lembu barua suruhan yang dicocok hidung kepada kaum kafir dan makhluk perosak ini!!!

Semoga ALLAH melindungi kita semua daripada malapetaka dan ujian dan fitnah akhir zaman yang maha dahsyat ini. Ya ALLAH, peliharalah aqidah dan iman kami, peliharalah akhlak dan amalan kami. Ameen!

Adios amigos, grasias amigos.

Wallahua'lam & Wassalam.

Zulkifli Bin Noordin
05 Zulhijjah 1432
01 Nov 2011

Antara pertubuhan yang menyokong himpunan KEBEBASAN SEKSUALITI 2011

SPONSORS & SUPPORTERS of Seksualiti Merdeka 2011:
Amnesty International Malaysia
Bar Council Malaysia Human Rights Committee
KL Word
KRYSS (Knowledge & Rights with Young people through Safer Spaces)
Justice For Sisters
MyConstitution Campaign
Precious Old China Restaurant
PT Foundation
Pusat Rakyat LoyarBurok
Rev Yap Kim Hao
Quek Sue Yian
Women's Aid Organisation
Women's Candidacy Initiative
United Nations Theme Group on HIV
and many other individuals



Electoral fraud – part and parcel of our election process

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 11:02 PM PDT

Malaysia could still face bankruptcy, Idris Jala warns

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 07:55 AM PDT

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Selangkah Bagi Menggapai Kecemerlangan: Tidak Jemu-Jemu Kami Memberi Semangat Dan Rangsangan

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 04:51 PM PDT

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

张念群吁民慷慨解囊 助火箭女将胜大选

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 05:37 PM PDT












有3000戶華裔就建華小? 張念群質疑蔡細歷承諾

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 05:35 PM PDT







转载自 《中国报》


东马乡区水电供应计划 张念群引述许子错误数据

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 05:31 PM PDT







魏家祥:中央已建5华小 雪政府应拨地建华小

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 05:29 PM PDT



他说, 武吉柏伦东华小、敦陈修信华小工程已进行,至于竞智华小土地问题已解决,而政府已准备好足够的款项作为上述5所华小建校经费。




Posted: 01 Nov 2011 05:22 PM PDT








Guan Eng's Son And Najib's Wife

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 12:06 AM PDT

~ By Teo Nie Ching

Son of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, 16-year old. He is your normal rebellious, fashion-conscious and impressionable teenager. Whose teenage secondary school child is not like this? He studied hard to meet the challenge thrown down by his father – get 6 distinctions in your PMR and win a transfer to a school that permits your desired hairstyle. This is just a trifle, nothing out of ordinary and even a wholesome anecdote in any household but unfortunately this young teenager happens to be the son of the Penang Chief Minister.

As a result of such a privilege situation, Anya Corke, a foreign chess champion that has not set foot in Malaysia for 7 years suddenly emerged as a victim of sexual assault by the son of Penang Chief Minister. The hand of a 16 years old secondary school student can reach half way round the globe to fondle the breasts of a 21 years old senior. That would be possible if one possess the magical powers of Luffy, a character in the Japanese comic <One Piece >. You can only laugh at the gross stupidity of such incompetent mud-slinging emerging from Malaysia.

Such shameless slander deserve rebuke from both sides of the political divide, today it may happen to Guan Eng’s son, tomorrow the same thing could happen to the daughter of another politician. How could we reign in these vicious slander and libel that is released irresponsibly from the Pandora’s box?

Most regrettably, the minister of education cum deputy prime minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin did not do his job to protect a student who has been victimized but added salt onto injury by stating that verbal denial from Lim Guan Eng defending his child is insufficient.

The truth is, not only Guan Eng denied this allegation but Anya promptly came out and denied she even knew Guan Eng’s son, let alone being molested by him.

Philosophy Politics Economics

Philosophy Politics Economics

Defence Ministry Yet to Resolve Last Year's Scandals

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 07:58 AM PDT

Site visit with Johor Bahru DAP Members to
Skudai 7th Brigade Army Camp

The Minister of Defence should not be mischievous in asking the Federal Opposition to stop objecting to defence procurement but instead answer for the complete lack of action against irregularities raised by the Auditor-General in its annual reports

Bernama has reported that the Defence Minister, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi has stated that the Royal Malaysian Air Force will buy new aviation ground support vehicles (AGSV) next year as the existing fleet was becoming too costly to maintain. He said that "The majority of AGSV are old and need to be replaced. The Auditor-General's Report clearly shows the critical need for the new assets."

He urged further for the federal opposition not to question his ministry's need to spend on new assets during times of peace, saying the Auditor-General's report should "open their eyes" to reality.

Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi should not be so mischievous as to blame the federal opposition for objecting to defence procurement such as to purchase new equipment to replace items which are no longer usable or safe to use.

We have never protested against the Ministry of Defence from purchasing new equipment or vehicles. What we have protested strongly is the complete lack of transparency in the manner where these items are purchased, which appear to cost substantially higher that the necessary spend.

Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi for example, in his reply to my question in parliament, has refused to clarify what makes the difference between the RM7.55 billion procurement of 257 armoured personnel carriers from Deftech Sdn Bhd and the price which the latter paid to acquire these vehicles from FNSS Defence Systems, a Turkish defense manufacturer for RM1.7 billion. The Minister had claimed ignorance over the RM5.9 billion difference, despite the fact that he witness the signing of the agreement between the 2 companies in Turkey earlier this year.

What is more important is the fact that while Datuk Seri Zahid was quick to state his intent to acquire new AGSVs, he has failed to explain or take action against all various discrepancies and potential abuse cited in the Auditor-General's report. In the report for 2010 for example, the Auditor-General found that the maintenance contracts for the aged AGSVs did not have the necessary expertise to repair the vehicles and late penalties were not meted out to these contractors when they failed to repair the vehicles within the necessary time frame.

The Auditor-General had also criticised the "improper payments" of allowance to the Territorial Reserve Army personnel who according to the records, did not attend the relevant training. He had even recommended that the relevant officers be punished via "surcharge" as permitted under Section 18(b) of the Akta Tatacara Kewangan 1957.

While the Ministry of Defence may need time to "sort out" the problems highlighted by the Auditor-General in the current report, the Minister has no such excuse for not having dealt with the problems raised in the 2009 report. One of the scandals arising from the previous year's report is the construction of a new RM256 million Skudai 7th Brigade Army Camp which was awarded in 1997 but has only achieved 18.3% completion.

I've personally visited the site (see photos) yesterday and found the construction site to be still in deplorable conditions, with massive soil erosion causing major mud floods in neighbouring residential areas and abandoned "ruins and relics" peppering the site. And yet, despite the massive delay, and recommendations by the Auditor-General to do so, the contract with the developer Kausar Corporation Sdn Bhd has yet to be terminated.

The Grand Canyon of Malaysia (1)

The Grand Canyon of Malaysia (2)

The Ancient Ruins of Skudai (1)

The Ancient Ruins of Skudai (2)

The Ancient Ruins of Skudai (3)

What is worse is the fact that Kausar Corporation has collected their construction fees in full via a land swap deal where the company was already given the ownership of a 153 hectares piece of land. Kausar was able to pledge this piece of land to a bank for the amount of RM465 million showing that the land which could be worth as much as RM800 million is well above the cost of construction of the camp.

It is the Army and the tax payers who have to suffer as the Ministry of Defence has already (over)paid for the construction works in full, and yet after more than 15 years, the Army is still awaiting its "new" camp to be completed. Despite the above, no action to date has been taken against the developer, including terminating the contract, charging late penalties or reclaiming the land which has been awarded to them.

The Minister of Defence, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi must answer for all of these major scandals instead of just putting his priority gleefully to procure new vehicles, and blaming the federal opposition for taking him to task.

Let Schools Decide over PPSMI

Posted: 31 Oct 2011 08:14 AM PDT

The DAP wishes to state our position in support of the teaching of Mathematics and Science in English (PPSMI) in schools where a determined majority of parents have expressed a preference for it. This is especially in urban schools where the level of competency in English is substantially higher than the rural districts.

DAP Parliamentary Leader Lim Kit Siang had 2 years ago called upon the Cabinet to endorse "the call of Parents Action Group for Education (Page) that schools should be given the option to teach science and mathematics in Bahasa Malaysia or English or in one's mother tongue" and maintain "the use of English as medium of instruction for mathematics and science in secondary schools".

The key reasons why the PPSMI policy was withdrawn by the Government are the inadequacy of the teachers as well as the inability of students, particularly from rural background to cope with the use of English at such a young age.

Therefore the reversal of the 10 year old PPSMI policy should not be a complete one - one that throws out the baby with the bath water - but one which takes into account the advantages and disadvantages learnt over the past 2 decades. The new policy must incorporate the flexibility where PPSMI remains an option for schools in the country where parents express support for it.

We reject the excuse given by Deputy Prime Minister who argued that giving the option to schools will create havoc "kacau-bilau" to our education system. Firstly, these schools have already been conducting their lessons for Mathematics and Science in English over the past 10 years, hence there will be no extra effort incurred to retain PPSMI in these schools. Instead more effort will be required to withdraw PPSMI.

Secondly, and more importantly, every effort should be made to ensure that our schools are able to produce the best human capital for Malaysia as we seek to be part of the knowledge economy, to become a high income nation.

The important principle that the Ministry of Education must adopt is that advanced students should not be held back because of students who lagged behind academically. If parents prefer English as the medium of instruction and the students are more than able to cope, then every effort should be made to allow such schools to continue with PPSMI.

Therefore the argument of administrative hassle as a result of providing the option to parents and students is completely unacceptable as the quality of education our students receive is of paramount importance.

We call upon the Ministry of Education to review its decision to withdraw its decision to withdraw PPSMI completely and to allow room for certain schools to proceed subject to meeting certain requirements such as parental approval and students' performance.

Rahim Noor and Perkasa Starts Facism Movement

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 07:36 AM PDT

It comes as a complete shock that one of the country's former Inspector General of Police (IGP) had the nerve to "liken the rise of the human rights movement in Malaysia to communism".

Disgraced Tan Sri Rahim Noor who gave Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim the infamous "black eye", had referred to the human rights movement as a new "religion". He warned that civil liberties activists saw the US and UK as their spiritual home and drew parallels to how the Comintern had engineered the global spread of communism from its Moscow base.

If human rights can be akin to communism, then surely what Tan Sri Rahim Noor is attempting to do during his speech at the 2nd Perkasa General Assembly is to seed and grow the fascism movement in Malaysia. "Fascism" is described in the Oxford English dictionary to include "a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach".

The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 had emphasized among other things, the fact that "all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights", that "all are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law", that "no one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile" and that "the will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage".

Tan Sri Rahim Noor's speech and reception at the right-wing Perkasa assembly marks the second time the movement is attempting to derail "reforms" put forth by the Prime Minister, since the latter's inauguration in 2009.

In the first instance, Perkasa was able to force the Prime Minister to reverse his landmark "New Economic Model" (NEM) which sought to reform the country's race-based affirmative action system. The NEM when launched in March 2010, had called for an "affirmative action approach based on "transparent and market-friendly affirmative action programmes", which "will mean greater support for the Bumiputera, a greater support based on needs, not race". It is as opposed to the previous New Economic Policy (NEP) of "imposing conditions to meet specific quotas or targets".

However, within 3 months from the launch of the NEP, the affirmative action policy reform was reversed when the 10th Malaysia Plan re-incorporated the race-based agenda and quota system. Even at the earlier Malay Consultative Council (MPM) lead by Perkasa in May 2010, the Prime Minister had already referred to the NEM as a only a "trial balloon", a clear reversal from the bold reforms announced.

The latest attacks against the human rights movement deemed as subversive is clearly an attempt to reverse Najib's capitulation to civil society movements such as Bersih. Such movements have recently led to the setup of a Parliamentary Select Committee for Electoral Reforms as well as the proposed abolishment and amendment of several draconian such as the Internal Security Act (ISA) and the Printing, Presses and Publications Act (PPPA). These measures are opposed by Perkasa, comprising of many hardliners within UMNO.

Datuk Seri Najib Razak must immediately put a stop to this fascism movement and openly condemn the former IGP and Perkasa's attempt to allude the human rights movement to communism. He must also openly declare his full support for the human rights objectives, as enshrined in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, if he is sincere about his "political transformation programme".

Otherwise, the latest hype surrounding the "political transformation programme" will just become a "trial balloon" like the NEM, where the promised reforms will be severely curtailed or worse, equally draconian laws will be adopted to replace existing ones such as the ISA.

Set Up Financial Accountability Commission

Posted: 26 Oct 2011 07:33 AM PDT

Every year Malaysians are treated to a series of "tall tales" in the Auditor-General Report, which are unfortunately true stories. This year, despite an "upgrade" in ratings for the overall financial management by Government departments and agencies, the tales of financial abuse and degrees of incompetence is no less fantastic than previous years.

In previous years, we had screw drivers worth RM32 was purchased at RM224 or a car jack worth RM50 purchased at RM5,700 making a complete mockery of the Government's procurement process. Last year, Kolej Kemahiran Tinggi Mara in Balik Pulau purchased a whole list of products for its computer laboratory at prices well above that of the market, including 2 Acer computer laptops at RM84,640 when it is worth only be a tenth of the price paid.

This year is no different with the Marine Parks Department taking the leading role by purchasing binoculars worth not more than RM1,940 was purchased at RM56,350, more than 28 times the market price. It was of course not the only offending item – the Department purchased RM192,694 worth of products including common items such as laptops, printers, LCD TV, DVD Player when their total value should not exceed RM20,193.

There were many repeat offenders as well in the current year's report. Of note is the construction of computer laboratories by the Ministry of Education throughout the country. In Sabah, a RM160.7 million project was awarded to equip 300 schools by 2008. However, as at the end of 2010, only 2 computer laboratories were completed.

Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara), an agency tasked to uplift the welfare of bumiputeras is again chastised for making high-priced purchases such as an oven worth RM419 for RM1,200, folding beds worth RM100 for RM500 among other things.

What is perhaps more illuminating is the fact that everyone the Auditor-General only has the necessary resources to audit a small sample of Government procurement and projects. And despite that, such tales of incompetence and abuse are in abundance.

The logical conclusion from the Auditor-General's report is that heads must roll, but it rarely or never happens. The Government's Chief Secretary Tan Sri Sidek Hassan has the all-important role to take the necessary disciplinary actions against the relevant offenders, including the supervising officers who failed in exercising their responsibility in a diligent fashion. However, as informed by the Auditor-General during our Public Accounts Committee briefing yesterday, most of these offending officers are only given a letter of reprimand "surat teguran" before the cases were closed.

The natural outcome is, there is little disincentive for government officers to increase its level of competence or reduce the amount of waste, mismanagement and abuse since the "rewards" far outweigh the potential punishment, even if their deeds are hung out to dry in the Auditor-General's Report.

While the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has the powers to call upon the relevant Ministries and officers to explain their actions and conduct, the PAC has no powers whatsoever to mete out punishment except to make "recommendations" to the Government. This has proven to be completely ineffective, made worse by the fact that the PAC is only able to focus on a handful of the misdeeds highlighted in the Auditor-General's report.

Therefore, given the inability of the Chief Secretary of the Government, the absence of powers endowed upon the PAC as well as the lack of political will from the Prime Minister and his Cabinet to mete out effective punishment and deterrence to offending civil servants, we would like to call for a independent Financial Accountability Commission (FAC) set up via an Act of Parliament to be created.

The FAC should not be staffed with any civil servant to avoid conflicts of interest, but instead by headed by leading professionals in the field of audit and integrity such as the Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA) and Transparency International (TI) Malaysia. The proposed Commission should be made answerable only to the Parliament and granted the powers to take punitive and disciplinary actions against officers guilty of misconduct, negligence and sheer incompetence highlighted in the Auditor-General's Report.

MinDef must explain the RM6 billion difference

Posted: 25 Oct 2011 08:08 AM PDT

Pua demands MinDef explain extra RM6b for APCs
By Yow Hong Chieh October 24, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 24 — The Defence Ministry must explain why it paid RM7.6 billion for armoured personnel carriers (APC) procured by DRB-Hicom Bhd for only US$559 million (RM1.7 billion), Tony Pua said today.

Defence Minister Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi told Parliament last Tuesday his ministry did not have any information about the deal between DRB-Hicom unit Defence Technologies Sdn Bhd (Deftech) and Turkish firm FMC-Nurol Defense System (FNSS) for 257 units of Pars 8x8 APCs.

But Pua said today it was unacceptable for Zahid to say he knew nothing about the deal as the minister had witnessed its signing in February, according to the Turkish press.

"How can he claim to know nothing about the difference in price when he was there (in Turkey) witnessing the signing between the two parties?"

"And the difference in price is so big, surely a responsible government must ask... what are the differences that make up the gap?" the DAP publicity chief told reporters in the Parliament lobby here.

Pua stressed that any government that wanted to rein in its expenditure must be able to account for the RM6 billion difference in pricing.

He added that Zahid should give a proper response in Parliament and not just brush off the question while "acting stupid".

"I don't know whether he's pretending to be stupid or really the ministry doesn't know anything," Pua said.

Deftech chief executive Abdul Harith Abdullah said last year the cost of the FNSS contract includes manufacturing and other costs associated with the production of a new combat vehicle.

The Malaysian-developed APC is built from the Pars APC produced by FNSS of Turkey, in co-operation with US company, General Purpose Vehicle.

Deftech is to build 12 variants from the base vehicle, including personnel carriers, anti-tank weapon carriers, command and control as well as anti-aircraft weapon vehicles.

Muhyiddin's Support for UMNO Bloggers Must Receive Reprimand

Posted: 23 Oct 2011 07:31 AM PDT

Datuk Seri Najib Razak must reprimand his Deputy, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin for giving implicit support to the UMNO bloggers to defame and destroy an innocent 16 year old child

We are shocked and appalled by by the Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who reportedly said that if the Penang chief minister "thinks it is important to correct the information, then he has to come up with a strong statement. Mere denial is not enough."

Tan Sri Muhyiddin was commenting on the case where Penang Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng's 16 year old son was accused of sexual harassment by a plethora of UMNO bloggers which resulted in him being transferred to another school this year.

The Deputy Prime Minister needs to have his head seriously inspected – not only did Lim strongly denied the above incident in the strongest possible terms by calling the allegations by the UMNO bloggers "barbaric lies", we have proven that the case is entirely fictitious when the alleged victim is a 21 year old university student in the United States from Hong Kong who never went to school in Penang.

The alleged victim has even sent a statement to all press, stating clearly that she has not been to Malaysia for the past 7 years, and "the only way in which my 'modesty was outraged' has been the publication of my picture in connection with these scurrilous and unfounded rumours."

The principal of SMK Heng Ee, where Lim's son was studying until the end of last year, Mr Goh Boon Poh has also come out to state that he was shocked by the allegations that Lim Guan Eng's son had sexually harassed a female student of the school, and it is "completely untrue."

Despite Lim having nothing else to prove, Tan Sri Muhyiddin has chosen to lend credence to the despicable rumours and give support implicit to the UMNO bloggers by stating that "mere denial is not enough".

Instead of taking stern action against those perpetrating the evil lies to humiliate the Penang Chief Minister's family, especially since they are all UMNO leaders and members, Tan Sri Muhyiddin has chosen to defend the indefensible. The onus to prove the scurrilous allegations are on the accusers, and not those unjustly maligned.

To protect the image of the Government, the Prime Minister and UMNO President, Datuk Seri Najib Razak must immediately put a stop to this madness by sternly reprimanding his Deputy and all his members from making further unfounded claims against an innocent 16 year old boy. Otherwise, it'll prove to all Malaysians that UMNO has become morally bankrupt in its pursuit to hold on power at all cost, including attacking innocent children.

Stop Intimidation of Malaysian Academics

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 07:27 AM PDT

The Government and University authorities must stop the intimidation of academics who expresses views and opinions differing from the ruling establishment

It is extremely disturbing that academic Professor Dr Aziz Bari has been subjected to rapid fire intimidation by the Malaysia Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), followed by the Royal Malaysian Police and now asked to show cause by the Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIA). All the above over-the-top action was a result of Dr Aziz having expressed his learned opinion of the Malaysian Constitution and its laws, which is his area of expertise.

We are not in agreement with the opinions expressed by Dr Aziz all of the time, but we believe that everyone, what more academics in the relevant fields of study, must have the right to voice their views on all matters relating to the Constitution. After all, Malaysia is a country founded on the rule of law, and not one which is enslaved to an absolute authority.

The actions by the Government and University authorities will only prove that there is little room for academic freedom in our tertiary institutions, and that the University and University Colleges Act (UUCA) is used as the tool to ensure rigid conformity among the academics and the students.

The recent release of the Times Higher Education (THE) 400 Top World University Ranking 2011/12, where not a single Malaysian university is included has shown the dire circumstances of our local universities.

On the other hand, only 1 university, Universiti Malaya out of more than 50 universities in Malaysia made it into the QS 200 World University Rankings 2011/12, and that is because the "high impact research and citations" criteria is much lower than that of THE methodology.

In contrast, 60 Asian Universities made it into the THE 400 Top World University Ranking, with 16 from Japan, 10 from China, eight from Taiwan, seven from South Korea, six from Hong Kong, two from Singapore, and one each from India and Thailand.

The poor quality of our universities is a clear outcome from the fact that top Malaysian academics are turned off by the way Malaysian universities are managed, and often prefer to migrate to top universities in the region and the world to pursue their academic career. As a result, our Malaysian students face the double whammy of not only having weaker academics as their lecturers and tutors, they are prevented from exercising their critical thinking and analytical faculties as a result of the restrictive UUCA.

In the interest of arresting the decline in standards of our universities, we call upon the authorities to stop applying undue pressure on Malaysian academics from speaking their minds. The MCMC and police should immediately withdraw their attempt to harass Dr Aziz Bari for merely providing his opinions of the law. At the same time, UIA must withdraw their show cause letter which has added credence to the common perception that university authorities in Malaysia lacks independence and serves merely as a cat's paw for the ruling party to suppress dissenting opinions.

UMNO Must Apologise to Guan Eng's Son

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 07:23 AM PDT

Khairy Jamaluddin must apologise and UMNO must take stern actions against its members
The UMNO bloggers are individuals with absolutely no scruples or morals. They are willing to sink to despicable depths to achieve their political goals. They are the bottom feeders of the society, and are a complete disgrace to their race, religion and country.

They have attempted to defame the 16 year old son of Penang Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng and humiliate his family with a completely fictitious sexual harassment story. These bloggers even attempted to lend credibility to the concoction by putting up the picture of a young girl.
Nobody from the school of Lim's son knew who she was, including the principal and teachers. It is not surprising, especially since, the girl never studied in Penang, and "better" still, is not even a Malaysian resident!

With some quick sleuthing work by Goh Kheng Teong, our IT Manager at the DAP Headquarters, we soon discovered that the girl in question is not only a foreigner, but also a high achiever. Anya Corke has been Hong Kong's national champion of chess for many years as a teenager, and is now a 21 year old 3rd year student at a top liberal arts college in the United States.

The above proves beyond doubt that all the accusations by these UMNO cybertroopers are nothing by barbaric lies. They are willing to destroy the life of an innocent 16 year old and bring the country into disrepute by defaming a foreign top achiever for political ends.

UMNO Youth Chief Khairy Jamaluddin must immediately withdraw his tweet yesterday which said "Mungkin dia roboh Kampung Buah Pala sebab nak ganti dengan Kampung Buah Dada". His snide remark was not only crass, he was perpetuating the vicious lies to his 64,000 followers on Twitter.

As an UMNO Youth Chief who is a role-model for many Malaysian youths, and who claim to be an example of "new politics", he must take responsibility for his callous action and publicly apologise, especially to the victimised 16-year-old son of Lim Guan Eng. The failure to do so will only further taint his character in the eyes of Malaysians.

We would also like to call upon all UMNO cybertroopers who have concocted the lies and making Malaysia a centre for gutter politics to repent for their actions.

The UMNO disciplinary committee must also take harsh and stern actions against the UMNO members and leaders who perpetrators of the above slander to prove that UMNO is not beyond redemption. The failure to take actions against these rogue and vulgar members such as Dr Novandri Hassan Basri and "Papagomo" will only lead to the conclusion that UMNO is the real culprits behind these concerted efforts to slander and libel Pakatan Rakyat leaders, even if young innocent boys and girls become collateral damage in the process.

魏宗贤文打烟之声 Gwee Tong Hiang for Bentayan

魏宗贤文打烟之声 Gwee Tong Hiang for Bentayan

Membantu Puan Lee Gek Choo untuk memohon sedikit bantuan kewangan untuk membayar rawatan Hemodialisis beliau

Posted: 31 Oct 2011 10:36 PM PDT

Gwo-Burne for Kelana Jaya

Gwo-Burne for Kelana Jaya


Posted: 31 Oct 2011 10:00 AM PDT

KENYATAAN MEDIA 1 NOVEMBER 2011 KENYATAAN MENTERI TERHADAP LAPORAN KETUA AUDIT NEGARA Ahli Parlimen Kelana Jaya, Gwo-Burne Loh memuji tindakan Ketua Audit Negara dalam mengeluarkan laporan audit yang telah membuka mata semua pihak setiap tahun. Namun begitu, saya keliru  dengan tindakan beberapa Menteri yang telah menafikan beberapa fakta dalam Laporan Audit Negara. Antaranya adalah Laporan Audit Negara bahawa projek [...]


Posted: 31 Oct 2011 09:59 AM PDT

KENYATAAN MEDIA 1 NOVEMBER 2011 SOKONGAN KEPADA RANCANGAN KONGRES KESATUAN SEKERJA MALAYSIA (MTUC) UNTUK BERPIKET Ahli Parlimen Kelana Jaya, Gwo-Burne Loh memuji tindakan Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Malaysia (MTUC) yang akan berpiket untuk menentang pindaan Rang Undang-undang Kerja (Pindaan) 2011. Tindakan proaktif ini amat wajar sebagai satu usaha untuk melindungi kebajikan dan hak pekerja yang merupakan objektif utama MTUC. Namun [...]

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on YB Dato’ Seri Nazri: SPRM mengambil perhatian berhubung penukaran saham MAS-AirAsia by Mohd from Khazanah

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 03:06 AM PDT

I have been informed that one MAS staff has lodged a report with MACC regarding the share swap.

The non announcement by MAS and ArAsia directors regarding the share swap negotiation sis a clear case of breaching of the Bursa Rule. Why are bursa KL and SC are dragging their feet in taking actions against the MAS director namely Datuk Azman Yahya because he was the director of MAS and Khazanah and he must be aware of the secret share swap deal. Datuk Azman Yahya was subsequently appointed as a director in AirAsia. We in Khazanah knew that Azman Yahya is fully aware of the negotitations on the share swap.

The other offence is the insider trading. The share movements of AirAsia and MAS during the material times were indicative of it. Why was SC also dragging its feet over this matter. Zarina must be too busy soritng out her husband’s problem in hte E & O share to the extent of not able to tka eaction against the insider trading.

MACC should move in to investigate why SC and Bursa KL are dragging their feet in such obvious case.

Comment on YB Dato’ Seri Nazri: SPRM mengambil perhatian berhubung penukaran saham MAS-AirAsia by Serina

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 02:12 AM PDT

HI Malaysian, the turun padang by AJ, TF, Km and budak bina tak fikir (Danny) is on the 2 November 2011 at 9.00am. All these people semua muka tak malu..dah makan … RAKYAT berani lagi turun padang…think their skin is thicker than the kulit gajah or kulit badak.

These are a group of poeple are all like tin kosong…make a lot of noise and got no brain….or I shud say they are all full of SHIT…maybe that’s why they are so damn stink.

Wonder what is taking the MACC to investigate into this bloddy share swap thing….have all of them gone to sleep and just let those bloody idiots telan MAS bulat-bulat. HEY GUYS IT’S TIME TO WAKE UP AND DO YOUR JOB!!!

Comment on YB Dato’ Seri Nazri: SPRM mengambil perhatian berhubung penukaran saham MAS-AirAsia by Anonymous

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 02:05 AM PDT

Hi Malaysians, the turun padang by AJ, TF, KM and Budak Bina TAK FIKIR akan turun padang at MAS Academy on 02 November 2011 starting at 9.00am.
Ini semua muka tak malu……hope MAS Staffs will bombard with questions after questions and how they will handle it.

Wonder what sorts of Town Hall this will be? The whole bunch of them are just tin kosong….always make lots of noise but dalam kosong….or I should said they are full of SHIT…..think that’s the reason why they are so damn stink.

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by Yaacob

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 01:14 AM PDT

Kepada Penduduk-Penduduk dan Pengadu di Blok D 3 dan D 16 seksyen 2, Wangsa Maju.

Merujuk kepada masalah aduan jalan berlubang di blok D3 dan D 16.

Pihak kami hari ini telah menghubungi DBKLWangsa Maju dan pihak kami di maklumkan bahawa masalah jalan berlubang di blok D3 dan D 16 tersebut telah dipanjangkan ke Jabatan Kerja Awam untuk tindakan selanjutnya. Pihak kami dimaklumkan bahawa oleh kerana jalan yang berlubang tersebut agak panjang, lebih kurang 150 meter maka masalah tersebut diserahkan kepada pihak JKA untuk melakukan kerja-kerja membaik pulih jalan tersebut kerana ianya melibatkan kos yang agak tinggi.

Pihak kami juga telah menulis surat rasmi kepada pihak JKA supaya Jabatan berkenaan mengambil serius masalah berkenaan dan mengambil tindakan segera bagi membaiki jalan-jalan yang rosak dan berlubang sebagaimana aduan penduduk-penduduk.

Kami juga akan sentiasa memantau aduan tersebut dan akan memaklumkan kepada penduduk-penduduk sekiranya pihak kami mendapat maklum balas dari pihak DBKL.

Terima kasih.

Yaacob Abd Hamid
Pembantu kepada
YB Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by Yaacob

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 12:36 AM PDT

Kepada Penduduk-Penduduk dan Pengadu-Pengadu di Desa Setapak, Wangsa Maju.

Merujuk kepada masalah Pasar Pagi di Desa Setapak.

Pihak kami hari ini telah menghubungi DBKL, Jabatan Penjaja tetapi masih tiada jawapan yang diberikan berhubung dengan masalah kacau ganggu yang di sebabkan oleh aktiviti-aktiviti pasar pagi tersebut. Walaupun tempoh satu bulan sebagaimana yang diminta oleh Jabatan penjaja telah pun berakhir.

Oleh yang demikian pihak kami telah menulis surat rasmi sekali lagi kepada pihak DBKL, Jabatan Penjaja dan mendesak supaya pihak DBKL boleh mengambil tindakan segera dengan memindahkan aktiviti-aktiviti pasar tersebut ke kawasan yang jauh dari rumah kediaman dan bagi mengelakan masalah kacau ganggu tersebut berterusan menganggu kepada penduduk-penduduk berhampiran dan sekitar.

Pihak kami akan sentiasa memantau masalah tersebut dan akan berhubung dengan pihak DBKL supaya tindakan memindahkan pasar pagi tersebut dapat diambil dengan segera. Dan kami akan menyampaikan sebarang maklum balas yang diterima dari pihak DBKL kepada penduduk-penduduk di kawasan berkenaan. Dan sekiranya pihak penduduk-penduduk inginkan maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi pejabat kami di no. 0341433322 atau 012 2186929.

Terima kasih.

Yaacob Abd Hamid
Pembantu kepada
YB Wee Choo Keong

Comment on WAU! What a rosy report on MAS! by sputjam

Posted: 31 Oct 2011 11:55 PM PDT

double first from cam-bridge?
remember those harvard and Yale mat grads that were given the responsibility to manage penang bridge?
Initially, they were interviewed in a glowing manner by our news corps. Then, several years later, a forced bailout, with PLUS having to take over the ailing company.
These guys from ox-fart and Harf-fart are useless. Just look at London financial district and wall street. These guys create wealth from bubbles i.e. make money out of nothing. And they strive on volatility. that is why the prices of commodities are going up and down like a yo-yo. the make money both ways, i.e. short selling when going down. The victims are consumers and long term manufacturers, who have to hedge their cost, not only for commodities, but also currencies. end result, the cost of manufacturing goes up.

Guess what? They are using the same method in our supermarket. Prices goes up and down like a yo-yo. So if you go on the wrong day, they whack you upside down.

Comment on TM UniFi “D-Link router only can do” – another TM monopolistic policy that raises suspicion! by Anon

Posted: 31 Oct 2011 09:23 PM PDT

TM really does suck. My connection failed at critical times twice in the last month. Calling customer support is a very bad experience, they make you hold forever and nothing gets done. Only competition can fix such lame service.

Comment on YB Dato’ Seri Nazri: SPRM mengambil perhatian berhubung penukaran saham MAS-AirAsia by Rahman

Posted: 31 Oct 2011 07:36 PM PDT

MACC should investigate market why no actions taken by BURSA KL and SC on the no announcement of the share swap negotiations by the directors of MAS and AirAsia. This was illegal as we have seen the Transmile director has been jailed for one year and fine RM300,000 each for false reporting. The MAS -AirAsia case was worst than this many times over. This was a clear case of violation of the BURSA KL RULE on disclosure.

MACC please move in to restore confidence in the securities market and the image of MACC.
