Ahad, 3 Mac 2013



Time to unite to fight a common enemy, not bicker

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 05:52 PM PST

R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

Jamuan Kutipan Dana PRU 13 - Bersama ke Putrajaya, Ini Kali lah!

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 07:06 AM PST

Sivarasa telah berjaya mengadakan satu jamuan bersama lebih 1200 warga Subang untuk tujuan mengutip dana pilihanraya. Jamuan tersebut telah diadakan di Kg Baru Cina Sg Buloh, dianjurkan oleh pasukan penyokong Parlimen Subang.

Sivarasa ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada semua yang telah membantu menjayakan program ini. Segala kerjasama, sumbangan tenaga kerja serta sumbangan dana amat dihargai.

Bersama ke PUTRAJAYA, Ini Kali lah!

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Membicarakan Karya-Karya Dua Sasterawan Negara Selangor

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 03:36 PM PST

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

PRU13: 'Perantau Pulang, Pakoh Pakatan' dilancar

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 06:25 AM PST

Anak Terengganu di Perantauan (Perantau) hari ini berikrar akan menjatuhkan kerajaan Umno BN pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU13) selepas sekian lama negeri itu berada dalam kemiskinan dan kemunduran.

Ikrar tersebut terkandung dalam Deklarasi Shah Alam yang dibaca di Himpunan Anak Terengganu di Perantauan 2013 (HAT13) di Unisel, dekat sini hari ini.

Kira-kira 800 Perantau yang hadir dari seluruh Lembah Klang itu berikrar akan melaksanakan lima perkara iaitu:

1. Untuk terus berusaha membawa rakyat Terengganu keluar dari kemelut kemunduran, kemiiskinan dan kos sara hidup yang tinggi dalam segala bentuk yang kami mampu.

2. Membawa pulang ilmu, kemahiran dan pengalaman yang ditimba demi kemajuan dan kemakmuran Terengganu.

3. Terus menuntut agar hak royalti rakyat negeri Terengganu dikembalikan kepada kerajaan dan rakyat Negeri Terengganu sebagai hak rakyat Terengganu, dan bukannya sebagai belas ihsan.

4. Untuk terus mengembeling usaha bersama rakyat Terengganu mengembalikan kegemilangan dan maruah rakyat Terengganu melalui kedaulatan Islam dalam sebuah negeri yang penuh dengan kebajikan serta kemakmuran.

5. Untuk menyeru dan mengajak rakyat Terengganu seluruhnya agar menumbangkan pemerintahan Umno dan BN yang telah terbukti gagal dalam membawa kemakmuran, kemajuan dan kedaulatan Islam di Negeri Terengganu.

Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang dalam ucapannya berkata, PAS sangat mengharapkan undi Perantau  pada PRU13 kerana Terengganu berperanan penting memperkasa politik Melayu Islam.

"Dalam memperkasa politik Melayu Islam Terengganu memainkan peranan besar.

"Kita perlu sedar Terengganu merupakan negeri yang diperkasa dengan Islam melalui dengan kewujudan  batu bersurat.

"Terengganu juga merupakan negeri yang paling akhir dijajah," kata beliau yang juga Ahli Parlimen Marang.

Ustaz Hadi turut melancarkan kempen 'Perantau Pulang, Pakoh Pakatan'.

Turut hadir ialah Setiausaha Agung PAS, Datuk Mustafa Ali.

Terdahulu, program diisi dengan diskusi 'Terengganu Maju: Impian dan Harapan Rakyat yang dibarisi lima ahli panel.

Mereka ialah  Bekas Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha Kewangan Dalam Negeri, Datuk Ismail Hamzah, Pengerusi Amanah Terengganu, YM Datuk Raja Kamarul Baharin Shah Raja Ahmad, Anggota GLC Selangor, YM Raja Idris Raja Kamaruddin, Pengarah Institut Kajian Polisi (IKP) PAS, Prof Dr Mohd Khazani Abdullah dan Pengarah Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Selangor (PPAS), Mastura Mohamad.

Sebelum itu, YM Raja Kamarul Baharin juga membentangkan kertas kerja 'Harapan Orang Terengganu' (Hot).

Manakala Prof Dr Mohd Khazani membentangkan kertas kerja 'Terengganu Maju: Harapan dan Cabaran.

Direct Free Kick

Direct Free Kick


Posted: 02 Mar 2013 08:17 PM PST

Saya telah menerima laporan bahawa terdapat Pengerusi JMB yang diugut oleh sebuah parti politik kerana mengeluarkan notis bahawa mana-mana parti politik yang mahu menampal poster di dalam kawasan pentadbiran JMB itu perlu mendapat kelulusan JMB.

Pengerusi JMB tersebut, Hazni Harun, Pengerusi JMB Pangsapuri Kos Rendah Taman Cahaya, Pandan telah membuat laporan Polis di Cyberjaya pada 27 Februari lepas sehubungan ugutan tersebut. Ugutan yang diterima adalah berapa ugutan untuk membakar. Laporan dibuat di Cyberjaya kerana ugutan diterima melalui telefon ketika beliau di Cyberjaya.

Menurut beliau ugutan itu dibuat pada 26 Februari oleh seorang individu yang mengenalkan dirinya sebagai Azmi dan mengaku sebagai Penyelaras Kawasan Dewan Negeri Chempaka sebuah parti politik.

JMB atau MC bertanggung jawab mengurus dan menyelenggara sesebuah pembangunan berstrata seperti pangsapuri atau kondominium.

Sebarang notis yang dikeluarkan oleh JMB atau MC agar kelulusan mereka diperolehi sebelum poster-poster ditampal di tempat awam adalah wajar kerana menjadi tanggung jawab mereka untuk menentukan kebersihan kawasan-kawasan tersebut. Ianya bukan tanggung jawab Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan.

Adalah juga menjadi tugas JMB dan MC untuk melakukan sebarang kerja-kerja baikpulih seperti mengecat semula sekiranya penampalan poster-poster itu mengakibatkan kerosakan kepada hartabenda milik bersama (common properties) di sesebuah pembangunan.

Lazimnya JMC dan MC akan mengenakan deposit kepada pemilik-pemilik kediaman yang ingin menjalankan kerja-kerja "renovation" kepada kediaman mereka. Deposit ini akan dipulangkan setelah kerja-kerja tersebut selesai.

Oleh itu, notis daripada JMB di Ampang itu adalah bukan sesuatu yang tidak munasabah.

Walau bagaimanapun, JMB dan MC hendaklah bertindak adil, sesuai dengan amalan demokrasi di negara kita.

Parti-parti politik hendaklah juga memahami tugas dan tanggung jawab JMB dan MC. Tindakan mengugut seperti di Pandan itu mesti dianggap sebagai satu jenayah yang serius oleh pihak Polis.

Pihak Polis mesti menyiasat kes ini dan melindungi mana-mana JMB atau MC yang diugut.

Iskandar Abdul Samad
Exco Perumahan, Pengurusan Bangunan Dan Setinggan
Negeri Selangor / Ahli Dewan Negeri Chempaka
3 Mac 2013
Tel : 019 298 9835

Attachment : Foto Hazni Harun di Balai Polis Cyberjaya.

Di Ijtimak Tarbawi Pilihanraya PAS Negeri Selangor 2013 hari ini.

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 07:28 PM PST

Ijtimak Tarbawi PRU PAS Sgor 2013 sedang berlangsung di Dewan Auditorium Jubli Perak Shah Alam

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 06:01 PM PST

YB Ahmad Razif Blog's

YB Ahmad Razif Blog's

Bersantai di Kg. Tanjung Jaafar

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 05:04 PM PST

Malam tadi, 2 Mac 2013 telah meluangkan masa untuk menghadiri program bakar ayam yang telah dianjurkan oleh Pemuda dan Puteri UMNO cawangan Kg. Tanjung Jaafar.

Kejohanan Futsal Padang

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 05:01 PM PST

Semalam, 2 Mac 2013 telah menghadiri Kejohanan Futsal Padang Piala Dato' Haji Ahmad Razif bin Abd. Rahman Tertutup DUN Seberang Takir 2013 bertempat di padang bola Telaga Daing dan seterusnya menyampaikan hadiah kepada para pemenang. Tahniah diucapkan keada Penyelaras Pemuda UMNO DUN Seberang Takir kerana dapat menganjurkan program seperti ini. Tidak dilupakan juga kepada para pemenang semalam, tahniah kerana bergelar juara. Bagi yang tidak bernasib baik boleh cuba lagi di masa akan datang.

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Issues for your MP by weechookeong

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 12:33 AM PST

Thank you Guitar Fans for the feed backs.

I will definitely bring your complaint to the attention of DBKL tomorrow. It is hoped that it will be sorted out soon.

Thank you

Have a pleasant weekend.

With kindest regards

wee choo keong

Comment on A Philippine Military Officer said a Malaysian opposition politician invited the terrorists to Lahad Datu by Wan

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 12:29 AM PST


Why just to the conclusion? YB did not refer to your dear Opposition Leader. You must be guilty conscious. We all know who are involved in this episode. Who ever were involved should be shot.

Comment on A Philippine Military Officer said a Malaysian opposition politician invited the terrorists to Lahad Datu by Wan

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 12:27 AM PST

Just finish them off. We don’t have to put up with these terrorists.

Comment on Issues for your MP by GuitarFans

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 09:30 PM PST

hi MP Wee

i guess lots of people, including me, have been walking in the dark every night along the road heading back the Section 2 WM — the road opposite restaurant BRJ and the famous malay burger store.

The 2 or 3 street lamps in the middle of the road have been out of service since before CNY this year. i called TNB and was told that those street lamps are under Majlis Perbandaran.

Would MP kindly assist us to report to the relevant parties who can fix this issue ASAP ?

Many thx.

Comment on A Philippine Military Officer said a Malaysian opposition politician invited the terrorists to Lahad Datu by Nee

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 08:27 PM PST

Why is the government waiting for? Just move in and wipe these terrorists/intruders out once and for all. Let it be a lesson to these group of terrorists/intruders or their sympathisers.

Who is the opposition politician involved? there must be a thorough investigations into this matter as it involves treason.

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by weechookeong

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 07:42 PM PST

Sdr Muhammad Amirul Muhd Radzi

Terima kasih.

Saya difahamkan bahawa En Yaacob, Pembantu Khas saya, telah berhubung dengan tuan mengenai masalah perumahan. Saya berharap tuan dapat hadir di pejabat perkhidmatan saya pada hari Isnin dengan dokumen-dokumen. Saya akan memberi segala bantuan yang perlu.

Terima kasih

Yang benar

wee choo keong

Comment on A Philippine Military Officer said a Malaysian opposition politician invited the terrorists to Lahad Datu by tebing tinggi

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 06:55 AM PST

I am sure no action will be taken by our government base on that report ,even there is a little proof but not enough proof to bring to court of justice . In time like this we missed ISA.

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by Muhammad Amirul Muhd Radzi

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 11:43 PM PST

Selamat sejahtera,
Saya nak buat aduan
Pasal sahabat saya bernama Nur Jenna Ong bt. Abdullah..
Sudah sekian lama memohon rumah DBKL
Tetapi tidak berjaya.
Saya kecewa kerana sahabat saya ini Orang yang income tidak menentu..
Bepindah randah,kadang tidur di dalam kereta..2-3bulan xde rumah.
Sahabat saya adalah ibu tunggal kepada dua orang anak..
1 anak lelaki sudah berumur 18tahun
2 anak perempuan masih bersekolah akan di menduduki PMR.
Dengan ini,saya mohon atas jasa baik tuan/puan…
Percepatkan proses permohonan beliau..kerana anak perempuan beliau akan senang belajar..
Dan tiada lagi kesedihan di pendam oleh beliau..
Pls3..saya di sini sangat berharap.
Sahabat saya dapat hidup selesa
Bersama anaknya.
Terima kasih.

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim

International Conference on Malaysia 13th General Elections 4th – 5th March, 2013 Royal Lake Club, Kuala Lumpur.

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 01:40 AM PST


LAHAD DATU BACKFIRES: Najib is shaking, has he lost Sabah

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 01:29 AM PST

Malaysia Chronicle

Fighting for political survival, embattled Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has been accused of unleashing a range of scenarios and media spin to damage control the storm of negative publicity his alleged mishandling of an armed group of Filipino intruders on Malaysian soil has triggered.

But critics say Najib’s ‘over-usage’ of groups linked to his Umno party to speak up for him while pouring the blame on arch rival Anwar Ibrahim may result in his efforts failing to gain traction.

“Tanya sama Najib apa sebab goyang. Nanti jawab Najib Sabah akan hilang (Ask why is Najib shaking and Najib might answer it is because he has lost Sabah),” Anwar, the leader of the Malaysian Opposition, had said to the delight of a huge crowd in Ledang, Johor on Friday night, where he was doing a road-tour in preparation for the coming general election.

The 64-year-old Anwar, whom many Malaysians see as becoming the next prime minister, later told reporters following his Jelajah Merdeka Rakyat (Free the People) bus tour that the Lahad Datu incident was a serious security breach and that it would take time for the dust to settle on the shooting that has claimed 14 lives so far.

“At this stage, we want to extend our condolences to the families of those who died in the shootout. The matter is still ongoing and the implications are very serious, so we do not wish to politicize or comment further at this stage,” said Anwar.

Security breach: What happened to the Scorpenes?

He had earlier issued a statement lambasting Najib’s pussyfooting over the matter, which the Opposition suspects was hatched to hide ulterior motives aimed to help the ruling Umno-BN coalition retain political power in Sabah state.

“Why was our national borders so easily infiltrated by a band of armed foreigners, and pertinently why was the federal government so compromising in resolving the situation from the start?” said Anwar.

“National security cannot be taken lightly nor seen as low-priority. The people need to be informed fully about what actually happened in Lahad Datu for the last three weeks, including today's exchanges.”

Najib’s classic cowards’ ploy

Amid growing accusations that he had deliberately been too soft on the group of more than 100 intruders holed up in a village in Lahad Datu, Najib wielded the stick on Saturday, warning that there would be no more negotiations.

"The government is taking the stand, the time to consider the group's request is over. We are firm in this matter because what they had done was a serious criminal act… they trespassed and killed police officers and injured our security forces personnel. They have only two choices, give up or receive action from our security forces," said Najib.

The Malaysian PM then accused the intruders of a classic cowards’ ploy.

"According to the report I received and which was confirmed by the VAT69 Commando force, they were entrapped by thus group. Some had raised a white flag as a sign of surrender but another group had shot at them. This was this group's trap, they carried out that tactic, that coward's tactic," Najib said.

However, critics discredited Najib’s explanation as being too “slicked”. They also pointed out that it was more cowardly to accuse those had already died when they could no longer defend themselves.

Sweeping the breach under the carpet?

They slammed him for sweeping under the carpet the reasons why his government had failed to stop the armed Filipinos, who claim to be members from the Sulu Sultan’s army, from being able to land on Lahad Datu.

The Filipinos had arrived in simple boats, breaching Malaysia’s security lines without detection although the navy had two Scorpene submarines controversially acquired by Najib some years ago amid accusations of high-level corruption and kickbacks.

14 men, including 2 Malaysian cops, were killed and three wounded after Malaysian police exchanged gunfire with the intruders on Friday morning. They had refused to leave peacefully, snubbing a February 22 deadline given by the Malaysian government.

The BN-controlled Star news portal also reported that a curfew has been in place at Lahad Datu town and its surrounding areas since 4pm.

Conflicting accounts & conspiracy theories

Conflicting accounts of how the violence flared up has added to the confusion, with Najib and his cousin, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, slammed for shrouding the raid on the intruder’s camp with a veil of mystery.

Amid accusations their lack of coordination had resulted in unnecessary bloodshed and overly high fatalities, Najib and his Umno party have rushed to appease rumblings, especially within the police force over the deaths of the 2 cops killed by a mortar bomb explosion.

Mainstream media reports have also tried to linked the intrusion with Anwar, citing alleged Philippine media reports. Citing the blog MPP Online quoting Philippine media Inquirer News, Umno-owned daily Utusan reported that:

"A Philippine news portal Inquirer News has exposed that a top opposition leader in Sabah who is close to (opposition leader) Anwar had met with the insurgents offering his support for the group presently in Sabah.

"Inquirer News citing Philippine intelligence sources was reported saying the meeting took place last November, causing the Sulu sultan Jamalul Kiram III to order his followers to infiltrate Kampung Tanduo to stage the Sabah claim from within Malaysia."

National news agency Bernama too jumped on the bandwagon citing an unnamed report that quoted a Philippine army personnel, "who is a loyal follower of Sulu raja muda Azzimudie Kiram, as saying the group has come at the invitation of a 'Malaysian opposition' to discuss land issues in Sabah".

All eyes on Umno: Worse is yet to come?

Political watchers monitoring the responses from the Najib administration fear the worst is yet to come.

They pointed to the warning from a Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) leader that the Lahad Datu gunfight could spark off a civil war in Sabah, while the Sultanate of Sulu said its group of fighters, which had set foot here about three weeks ago, will continue their fight.

“We find the situation very worrisome. There is no doubt Umno is very afraid of losing Sabah to the Opposition in the coming general election. We see them using scare tactics to stop the people from supporting the Opposition and Lahad Datu is now a powder keg because of their manipulations,” Tian Chua, a PKR vice president and an Opposition Member of Parliament, told Malaysia Chronicle.

“We hope the Sabah people will not take the bait and keep their eyes and ears open to what is really happening in Sabah, the undercurrents that the Sabah Umno leaders in particular are trying to achieve with the Lahad Datu intrusion.”

N37 Batu Maung

N37 Batu Maung

Himpunan Jentera Pilihanraya DUN Batu Maung N37

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 10:40 AM PST

1 Mac 2013 Himpunan Jentera Pilihanraya Pakatan Rakyat DUN Batu Maung N37 di Bilik Gerakan Utaman DUN Batu Maung sebagai persediaan untuk menghadapi Piliharaya Umum 2013. Setiap warga Parlimen Bayan Baru dan Batu Maung yang layak mengundi dalam Pilihanraya Umum yang bakal tiba wajib mempertahankan Kerajaan Rakyat yang ditubuhkan selepas Pakatan Rakyat berjaya mengambil alih tampuk pimpinan Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang. Selepas pemerintahan baru, Kerajaan Negeri berjaya dengan cemerlang apabila diiktiraf sebagai negeri yang berjaya menghapus rasuah dan berjaya mendapat pelaburan asing yang tertinggi di Malaysia. Selain itu, Kerajaan Negeri di bawah Pakatan Rakyat dibawah pimpinan YAB Lim Guan Eng telah berjaya membayarkan hutang kerajaan negeri dari RM 630 juta hinggalah hutang tersebut berbaki lebih kurang RM 30 juta. Himpunan Petugas Pilihanraya DUN Batu Maung juga dihadiri oleh YB Dato' Mansor Othman Timbalan Ketua Menteri 1 Pulau Pinang yang juga merupakan naib presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat dan juga Pengarah Pilihanraya Negeri Pulau Pinang PKR Y. Bhg. Dato Mustapha Kamal.

 YB Dato' Abdul Malik memberikan ucapan sempena malam himpunan tersebut

 Antara petugas yang hadir bersama-sama telah bersedia menghadapi Pilhanraya Umum 2013

 Dato Mustapha atau pak Mus turut hadir bersama

 YB Sim Tze Tzin turut hadir dalam bersama-sama merampas kembali Parlimen Bayan Baru

 YB Dato Johari Abdul Ahli Parlimen Sg. Petani hadir dalam program himpunan sebagai ahli majlis pimpinan Pusat  Parti Keadilan Rakyat memberikan ucapan dalam strategik kemenangan rakyat

Sumbangan kepada Sekolah Agama Rakyat Negeri Pulau Pinang

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 10:13 AM PST

Batu Maung - Kerajaan Negeri telah menyampaikan sumbangan  sebanyak RM 1.75 Juta kepada Sekolah Agama rakyat (SAR) di seluruh negeri Pulau Pinang. Majlis tersebut di adakan di Sekolah Agama Rakyat Permatang Damar Laut. Majlis yang disampaikan YB Dato' Mansor Bin Othman Tim. Ketua Menteri 1 Pulau Pinang bersama YB Dato' Abdul Malik Kassim Exco Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Negeri Pulau Pinang.

 YB Dato' Abdul Malik Kassim memberikan ucapan sempena majlis sumbangan kepada SAR di seluruh negeri Pulau Pinang

 YB Dato' sempat beramah mesra dengan penduduk di Permatang Damar Laut.
 YB Dato menziarah warga emas yang sakit di kawasan tersebut bersama pimpinan tempatan

 YB Dato menyampaikan sumbangan kepada keluarga pesakit.
