Jumaat, 22 Jun 2012



Malaysia's human rights abuses highlighted at UN

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 09:51 PM PDT

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 09:47 PM PDT

JAWI ignores justice and fairness — P. Ramakrishnan

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 01:06 AM PDT

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

N45 Dr Halimah Ali


Posted: 22 Jun 2012 08:34 AM PDT

Kekalahan BN bukan perkara pelik — Aspan Alias

22 JUN — Sesudah 54 tahun berkuasa dan bermaharajalela, Umno Baru akan sampai ke penghujungnya dan sudah terlalu banyak dalil dan tanda-tanda yang menunjukkan ia akan berlaku. Tidak payah disebut dan diulangi kali ini kerana kenyataan itu sudah dirasai oleh ramai rakyat dan ia dirasakan di dalam naluri mereka yang memerhati keadaan ini.

Ia tidak usah disedihkan kerana ia perlu berlaku bagi menjauhkan negara daripada terjerumus ke lembah kerosakan kepada budaya politik negara kita yang kita sayangi ini. Parti Liberal Demokrat Jepun (LDP) telah tumbang setelah memerintah negara matahari terbit itu selama lima puluh tahun.
LDP merupakan parti yang telah berjasa kepada negara Jepun. LDPlah yang telah membangunkan Jepun dengan begitu pantas setelah negara itu mengalami kekalahan yang menghinakan dalam peperangan dunia ke-2 dahulu.

Negara Jepun yang telah hancur lebur hasil dari ledakan bom atom di Hiroshima yang menjadi penyebab kepada kekalahan Jepun itu, telah dibangunkan kembali oleh LDP sehinggakan Jepun menjadi kuasa ekonomi yang besar di dunia ini.

Jasa LDP kepada negaranya begitu "quantifiable" kerana dalam tempoh lima dekad dalam pentadbiran dan pemerintahan parti LDP itu, Jepun telah menebus kekalahan yang dialaminya yang begitu hina, menjadi sebuah negara yang tidak boleh ditinggalkan dalam segala urusan antarabangsa, khususnya dalam bidang ekonomi dan perdagangan antarabangsa. Keributan kecil di Jepun boleh menjejaskan keadaan ekonomi dan seterusnya politik dunia, lebih-lebih lagi rantau Asia ini.

Pemimpin LDP tahu dan faham apa yang mereka lakukan dan mereka tidak melakukan sesuatu tindakan itu berdasarkan kepada politik kepartian semata-mata. Jepun khususnya pimpinan LDP membangunkan negara bukan kerana diasaskan kepada kepentingan kepartian LDP semata-mata tetapi berdasarkan kepada matlamat yang "ultimate" bagi rakyat dan negara iaitu untuk mencapai pembangunan negara (nation building) dalam erti kata yang sebenarnya.
Negara Jepun setelah mengalami kekalahan peperangan dunia kedua tidak menunggu lama untuk memperbaiki keruntuhan hasil dari peperangan itu. Jepun terus sahaja membangunkan industri negaranya dengan memilih "formula" dan pendekatan yang radikal dan prakmatik.

Yang pertama dilakukan oleh Jepun ialah untuk membangunkan industri "precision"nya dengan disampingi oleh "R&D" nya kerana mereka tahu yang cara untuk menyaingi pembangunan negara-negara lain yang sedang membangun dengan pesatnya ialah dengan mencapai "perfection" yang tinggi. Jepun tahu yang cara untuk mencapai "competitiveness" yang tinggi ialah untuk membina industri kepada produk-produk yang mampu dieksport dan mudah diterima oleh pasaran antarabangsa.

Jepun di bawah pimpinan LDP sedar bahawa negara itu tidak mempunyai kekuatan "export" untuk apa-apa komoditi kerana Jepun merupakan negara secara "geographic"nya merupakan negara yang tidak mempunyai keluasan untuk kediaman yang besar. Jepun hanya mempunyai satu pertiga kawasan negaranya yang boleh didiami oleh manusia dan negara itu tidak mempunyai hasil bumi yang besar seperti di negara kita ini.

Mahu tidak mahu Jepun terpaksa menumpukan usahanya untuk pembangunan industri sahaja semasa itu. Pembangunan industri "precision" itu telah membantu pembangunan industri yang lain kerana kos pengeluaran barangannya menjadi rendah kerana kos yang dibelanjakan terhadap "capital goods" dalam sesuatu pengeluaran itu menjadi rendah. Ini ialah kerana mesin-mesin untuk mengilang itu dikeluarkan oleh negara Jepun sendiri hasil dari "R&D"nya yang berjaya itu.
Di sebaliknya, di negara kita sampai ke hari ini kita belum pun lagi mempunyai industri Malaysia itu sendiri. Malaysia belum lagi mempunyai barangan industri kita sendiri untuk dieksport atau menjadi kegunaan masyarakat antarabangsa. Kesemua industri yang ada di negara kita hanyalah merupakan industri "footloose" yang boleh dipindah dan dianjak kemana-mana oleh pengilang-pengilang antarabangsa yang ada disini.

Malahan banyak di antara kilang-kilang gergasi kepunyaan negara lain yang beroperasi di negara kita telah memindahkan operasinya di negara-negara jiran kita seperti Thailand dan Vietnam.
Begitulah besarnya jasa LDP kepada negara Jepun tetapi setelah memerintah selama lima dekad rakyat menolak parti itu kerana kepentingan negara dan rakyat. LDP telah melakukan kesilapan demi kesilapan kerana mereka (LDP) telah mengambil segala-galanya "for granted" kerana telah terlalu biasa dengan kuasa yang rakyat mandatkan.

Rakyatnya mementingkan kepentingan negara sebagai perkara yang utama. LDP sudah mula diselaputi oleh kegiatan rasuah dan salahguna kuasa dan kadar rasuahnya tidaklah sebesar apa yang berlaku di negara kita. Itu pun rakyat Jepun menolaknya setelah berjasa kepada Jepun selama lima puluh tahun.

Itulah sebabnya jika Umno Baru mengungkit-ungkit apa yang mereka telah lakukan terhadap rakyat dan meminta rakyat mengenang jasanya untuk meneruskan kuasa itu, ia merupakan satu penganiayaan kepada negara sendiri.
Umno Baru mahukan rakyat mengenagkan jasa-jasa lama dan melupakan sahaja isu rasuah yang berluas-luasa yang mereka lakukan. Bagi Umno Baru "aku boleh rasuah kerana aku telah lama berjasa" itu merupakan budaya dan pemikiran yang amat hina terhadap rakyat.
Umno Baru telah mengungkit sampai ke perkara yang kecil dan di kampung saya suatu ketika dahulu pemimpin Umno Baru mengungkitkan bantuan gigi palsu sebagai cara untuk menyambung sokongan terhadap mereka (Umno) Baru.

Kita perlu mengambil contoh yang baik seperti contoh yang dilakukan oleh rakyat Jepun. Mereka (rakyat Jepun) mengutamakan nasib dan masa depan negara. Mereka tidak termakan dengan cerita jasa lama dan membiarkan negara mereka dipunah-ranahkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpi parti yang telah berjasa lebih besar kepada rakyatnya dari jasa Umno Baru kepada rakyat Malaysia.

Kita juga elok mengkaji apa yang berlaku kepada Parti Kongress India yang telah ditumbangkan oleh rakyat negara India setelah hampir lima dekad berjasa kepada negara demokrasi terbesar di Asia itu. Semuanya mengambil giliran untuk turun apabila masanya tiba.

Begitu juga Parti Golkar dari Indonesia. Ini semuanya merupakan contoh-contoh yang hampir dengan kita yang sejarahnya masih baru dan muda. Kita tidak payah membaca tentang sejarah lama seperti kejatuhan Empire Roman dan sebagainya.

Apa yang berlaku di sekeliling kita sudah memadai untuk dijadikan contoh dan teladan.

SUMBER: aspanaliasnet.blogspot.com

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Laporan Penilaian Peraduan Esei Dan Puisi Bangi Bandar Ilmu, Perisytiharan Hari Ilmu Dan Penerbitan Buku

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 05:05 PM PDT

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

凌晨查電錶 打外勞 廠主促查國能檢查程序

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 08:54 PM PDT












Sumbangan Cek Kepada Persatuan Penduduk Flat 1, Bandar Damai Perdana

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 08:12 PM PDT

23hb Jun 2012, Melawat Flat 1 F, Bandar Damai Perdana bersama Ahli Majlis MPKj Sdri Evone Lee. 

Puan Yang Kim Lan selaku Setiausaha Persatuan Penduduk menerima cek


Media statement by Chan Huan Guan in response to Tan Tee Beng's accusation.

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 02:30 AM PDT

Media statement by Chan Huan Guan, Assistant to MP for Serdang, YB Teo Nie Ching, on June 22, 2012:
I refer to the news article entitled "DAP MP's aide took RM18k kickbacks?" which was published at the online media Free Malaysia Today on June 20, 2012, in which Nibong Tebal Independent MP Tan Tee Beng alleged that DAP-Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching's assistant, Chan Hung Guan,  had collected as much as RM18,000 in kickbacks since 2009.
First of all, my name is Chan Huan Guan, not Chan Hung Guan. When Tan Tee Beng has failed to get such basic information correctly before he called for a press conference, one can foresee the inaccuracy in his entire accusation.
I deny vigorously and firmly the accusation of Tan Tee Beng that I have collected as much as RM18,000 in kickbacks since 2009. It is irresponsible for Tan Tee Beng to spread lies and defame my name without providing evidence to substantiate his claim. It is also dangerous for any news portal to help spread such lies without first checking with me.
I challenge Tan Tee Beng to produce evidence to substantiate his allegation, especially the allegation that I have received RM18,000 in kickbacks. If he cannot do so, he should immediately retract his accusation and apologize to me.


Posted: 22 Jun 2012 01:12 AM PDT


Justice denied: No Closure for Teoh's family

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 12:50 AM PDT

In less than a month, it will be the 3rd anniversary of Teoh Beng Hock's mysterious and unusual death at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) headquarters in Shah Alam on July 16, 2009.

Instead of getting closer to justice, a written reply from the Prime Minister dated June 20, 2012, has confirmed that the MACC trio who were implicated by the RCI in causing the death of Selangor political aide Teoh Beng Hock have been cleared by the Attorney-General's Chambers.

The Prime Minister said that the AG found that the MACC officers had not committed any offences under the Penal Code or the MACC Act. Thus, no action will be taken against the three officers.

Not only that, according to the written reply above, a special investigation unit set up by the MACC to probe the matter also found that the only disciplinary misconduct by the MACC trio was "not monitoring the witness during interrogation".

No other form of disciplinary action will be taken against the MACC trio.

The RCI report clearly pointed out that Arman Alies (the investigation officer known as "the bully"), Mohd Ashraf Mohd Yunus (left) (the assistant investigating officer known as "the abuser") and Hishamuddin Hashim ("the arrogant leader" who is also former deputy director of MACC Selangor) were guilty of excessive use of violence on Beng Hock, therefore police have more than enough reason to commence investigations against the trio for possible offences under Sections 304 and 304A of the Penal Code, namely for culpable homicide not amounting to murder and for causing the death of Teoh Beng Hock by negligence, respectively.

Apart from that, there were 10 MACC officers who gave false testimonies during the RCI proceedings.

Grounds for further probes


Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Rashdan has been “VILIFIED and MALIGNED” in the blogsphpere, said AJ by a disillusioned staff within

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 09:48 AM PDT

Dear YB –

I don’t get it… when a person is not wanted anymore, vilified, hated, loathed…(for whatever other reasons), why the heck do they still hang on to their post. Which brings me to the next question – as to HOW THE HECK DID THESE PEOPLE get their post in the first place… Did they apply for the job? Were they qualified enough?

Seriously speaking ~ if you look at any other post (in MAS) ~ from the cleaners to the cabin crew and even the pilots – they all had to apply for the job and had to sit for the interviews to be employed. Qualified ? Yes… and they get the job… here instead we have directors that have no HEAD OR TAIL (clueless!) knowledge of aviation and travel industry experiences , and they get parachuted into a position with perks. How very nice…

Comment on BinaFikir fees RM1,697,027.77, PlaneConsult fees more than RM3 million by a disillusioned staff within

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 09:20 AM PDT

regardless of the figures – why the hell were these consultants paid in the first place, if their advices and expertise had brought MAS so much pain and losses…. even a novice goreng pisang seller would know how to make better profits that these idiots in suits & neckties…

Comment on Tan Sri Wan Azmi steps down from MAS, the aviation expert Dato’ Rohana of ASTRO hangs on by a disillusioned staff within

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 09:19 AM PDT

in fact, ever since the Malaysian Hospitality tagline was introduced, it sounds more like Malaysian Hostility from the management when it comes to staff and crew…. just ask any s/no. 117**** crewmember now and you would know how they are treated by the so called ex-cabin crew members that have now become “managers” –

Thank you very much…. HR used to be Human Remains, now they’ve changed it to HC… perhaps it aptly stands for Human Corpses…

Comment on BinaFikir fees RM1,697,027.77, PlaneConsult fees more than RM3 million by Pak Pandir II

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 07:48 AM PDT

My dear Rhyu T,

Of course BinaFikir knew what is charged by PlaneConsult!! The bill is sent direct through Nanny Danny maa….. and I can attest to that too…..

And according to my sources, a copy of the billing have been despatched to YB Wee for reference maaa……

Comment on Questions Time 20-6-2012: The little Napoloens in Khazanah were at it again by anonymous

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 07:31 AM PDT

X Mas what is your problem. are you aspiring to be chief of sales of Malaysia Airlines. If you do offer your service. Do not criticise.help

Comment on BinaFikir fees RM1,697,027.77, PlaneConsult fees more than RM3 million by Rhyu T

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 05:50 AM PDT

This is pure character assassination. The fee was RM 1.7m, I can attest to that. Non-Disclosure clause is important – imagine if BinaFikir knew that PlaneConsult charged for 3 months – they would have tripled the fee wouldn’t they?

Comment on BinaFikir fees RM1,697,027.77, PlaneConsult fees more than RM3 million by Bina Otak Kosong

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 04:40 AM PDT

BinaFikir fees less than RM2 million is a joke. YB you are right – the commission and the various other cost. Azman Mokhtar and Danny were the macai Tna Sri Nor Yaakop at that time. They got many GLC works.

Then Azman Mokhtar was appointed by the Slumberjack to be Khazanah MD. Then Khazanah is in a mess.

If the fees was RM1.76 million the little Napoleon would have given the figure long time ago. They would not have hide behind the confidential clause adn the other bullshit.

Comment on Congratulation Celcom for making huge profits! What about your poor customer service? by Satisfied Subscriber

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 02:31 AM PDT

If we do business, both party should be win win lah. As a subscribers to celcos, I think I also enjoy the benefits of communicating and managing my daily routines, saving lot of money if i have to do it otherwise manual ways. So what are we complaining about celcos make money?

Comment on BinaFikir fees RM1,697,027.77, PlaneConsult fees more than RM3 million by Abang kasim

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 02:16 AM PDT

Stupid nerd. We will korek sampai lubang cacing. U cannot hide the truth.

Comment on MAS AGM tomorrow: Why Tan Sri Azman Yahya of SCOMI is not seeking re-election by Sarlac

Posted: 21 Jun 2012 10:20 PM PDT


I am a former MH staff as well as a shareholder. I had the opportunity to deal with most levels of the workforce when i was there. There is no question that MH needs a change, but believe me, a general statement accusing staff of just wanting to shake leg and make big bucks could not be further from the truth. Granted that there are some in there you want to get rid of or basically whip into shape, largely they are honest hardworking people. The problem there is leadership. The people do not trust their leadership. There is a huge disconnect between those who are out there facing the public with those whose elbow and brain grease gets the operations moving. NOTHING is being done to address the fact that the people who are supposed to be directing the startegy of the company and harnessing the workforce toward improvement are failing miserably. The staff can only do so much.

I always thought that the management had been unfairly judged and abused (except danny of course), in cyberspace, but after now seeing with my own eyes how out of touch the so called leaders of mas are with what is really going on, i myself question the ability of the company to get out of the red.

BUT, be fair. Do not blame 20k people for the mistakes, ignorance or denial of 20 people. They have proven time and again that they are capable of making MAS a great company.

A captain should know the path they want to fly to and the crew follow his orders accordingly. But if the captain is clueless and do not know the weather patterns, turbulence areas, fuel burn rate of the aircraft and so on, you can’t blame all the crew for the failure if the plane doesnt arrive at its destination.

Yesterday the captain didnt convince me that he was on the ball..or even in control of the plane.



Sambutan 'Hari Ibu dan Bapa' Anjuran Wanita DAP Parlimen Batu Gajah

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 06:16 AM PDT

Datuk Bandar Ipoh Telah Membohongi Penduduk Papan

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 05:58 AM PDT


Posted: 21 Jun 2012 10:18 PM PDT


Posted: 21 Jun 2012 06:34 PM PDT



New Voter Registration Campaign @ 1Utama / Jom daftar Undi @1U / 万达广场新选民登记运动

Posted: 21 Jun 2012 11:54 PM PDT

My journey - Wong Hon Wai 黃漢偉

My journey - Wong Hon Wai 黃漢偉

Formation of Pasukan Peronda Sukarela Thean Teik, Air Itam

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 08:52 AM PDT

As reported in Guang Min Daily.

黃漢偉:打造安全城市 天德園設巡邏隊拚治安








Supporting Arts Activity: 5th National School Chinese Orchestra Music Competition

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 08:47 AM PDT

5th National School Chinese Orchestra Music Competition

As reported in Guang Min.

全國中學華樂合奏賽 黃漢偉:矢邁向國際 州政府推廣藝術檳城






黃漢偉:通過報章特刊 記錄檳文化發展底蘊

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 08:40 AM PDT

As reported in Guang Min.
夏令民俗文化營開幕禮 黃漢偉:通過報章特刊 記錄檳文化發展底蘊









Officiating the opening of Pu Hua Tang Temple, Air Itam

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 08:15 AM PDT











Planning for the construction of new building for Qian Nan Primary School

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 07:38 AM PDT

As reported in Kwong Wah Yit Poh




As reported in Sinchew















Smooth-flowing in front of Chung Hwa Primary School

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 07:24 AM PDT

Smooth-flowing in Jln Ibbetson

WAY OUT: The traffic gridlock is now a thing of the past with the implementation of a one-way traffic system

GEORGE TOWN: THOSE using Jalan Ibbetson in the morning peak hours can heave a sigh of relief as a periodic one-way traffic flow system was implemented on Monday.

Traffic is one way from 6.30am to 8am and 12.30pm to 2pm, starting from the main entrance of the SJK(C) Chung Hwa Confucian school until the front of the SMK Teknik Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra.

The gridlock caused by parents picking up schoolgoing childten at the road side and the number of buses fighting for space is now a thing of the past.

Air Itam assemblyman Wong Hon Wai said the single-session school had 1,350 students and over 500 cars traversed Jalan Ibbetson before and after school in the morning and afternoon.

"After a dialogue with the school Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), we came up with an amicable solution that would help make their lives easier," he said.

He said, for the the time being, Rela were deployed at the starting and ending points of the new system to ensure proper traffic flow.

Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP) engineer Zainuddin Mohamad Shariff said the one-way system here would be on a three-month trial.

"We have sent out pamphlets to the government quarters next to the school and the parents of the schoolchildren informing them of the new system," he said.

He said MPPP was also in discussions with other schools in the island to implement a similar one-way system to improve traffic flow.

PTA chairman Koay Eng Loh said the number of parents picking up their children had gone up, contributing to the increase of cars there.

"During peak hours, parents are stuck in traffic for up to 30 min stuck in traffic," he said.

As reported in Sinchew.









Donation of books to schools by Penang State Museum and Art Gallery

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 07:20 AM PDT

Pengerusi Lembaga Muzium dan Balai Seni Lukis Pulau Pinang, YB Wong Hon Wai dalam ucapan majlis penyampaian buku-buku terbitan Lembaga Muzium dan Balai Seni Lukis kepada 50 sekolah dan perpustakaan Pulau Pinang menyatakan bahawa pendidikan seni harus dipertingkatkan di peringkat sekolah.

 Ini kali pertama dalam sejarah 47 tahun Lembaga Muzium menghadiahkan buku-buku kepada sekolah.

Pihak Muzium akan menghadiahkan buku-buku seni sebanyak 1200 naskah kepada 400 sekolah pelbagai aliran di Pulau Pinang.

檳州行政議員黃漢偉為檳州藝術畫廊,為檳博物館舉行的新網頁推介,及贈送我國著名畫家的著作收藏錄給州內50間各源流學校及學院代表. 黃漢偉說,贈書旨在鼓吹文學及藝術的全民教育。

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim

Seri Jelajah Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim Ke Pulau Pinang

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 12:48 AM PDT

Merdeka Rakyat

24 Jun 2012 (Ahad)

1)    2.30 ptg – Santai / Teh Tarik Di Taman Pauh Jaya, Seberang Jaya

2)    5.00 ptg – Hi-Tea

       Lokasi: Dewan JKKK Simpang 3 Kubang Ulu , Kuala Mengkuang

3)    7.15 mlom – Solat & Tazkirah Maghrib Serta Pelancaran  

                         Masjid  Berkembar Gaza Dan Kubang Semang

        Lokasi : Masjid Kubang Semang

4)    9.00 – 12.00 mlm – Ceramah Perdana – Merdeka Rakyat

      Lokasi:  Padang Awam Taman Bersatu, Nibong Tebal

                    (Hadapan Sek Tuanku Abd Rahman)

5)    Penceramah:

i.                    YB Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim

ii.                  YB Dato' Mansor Othman

iii.                YB Law Choo Kiang

iv.               YB Maktar Shapee

v.                 YB Tan Beng Huat

vi.               Sdr Che Gu Bard
