Isnin, 28 November 2011

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

Akhlak terpuji sangat dituntut daripada semua pejuang PAS

Posted: 28 Nov 2011 05:04 AM PST

Jom hijrah daripada sifat jelek ke akhlak terpuji seperti Nabi s.a.w



BN will definitely pay a heavy political price in the next general election if it bulldozes the Peaceful Assembly Bill .

Posted: 28 Nov 2011 04:51 PM PST

Lawyers want BN, Pakatan MPs to reject assembly law

Posted: 28 Nov 2011 02:15 AM PST

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

【念念有辞】牵牛住公寓 . 留临教吃草?

Posted: 28 Nov 2011 02:00 AM PST

This column article published on the Website of Chinese Newspaper








ceramah in Sungai Petani, Kedah on 15th Dec, 2011

Posted: 28 Nov 2011 08:32 AM PST

i n t a n h i j a u

i n t a n h i j a u


Posted: 27 Nov 2011 08:18 PM PST

魏宗贤文打烟之声 Gwee Tong Hiang for Bentayan

魏宗贤文打烟之声 Gwee Tong Hiang for Bentayan


Posted: 27 Nov 2011 09:03 PM PST

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

Berkongsi catatan dari Gaza

Posted: 27 Nov 2011 06:00 PM PST

Bangunan hospital di Gaza yg sudah 4 tahun tergendala akibat sekatan israel ke atas Gaza. Israel menghukum rakyat gaza kerana memilih HAMAS. Sekatan udara, laut, darat menyebabkan ekonomi gaza terjejas teruk. Gaza tak dibenarkan eksport hasil tanamam dll. Bnyk cerita. Nanti sambung. Bateri habis. Sdg tunggu nak terbang balik. Rindu malaysia. . .

25hb nov : Berpeluang ke Tahrir Square melihat sendiri perhimpunan aman sebelum solat jumaat. Semangat. . .

25hb nov - Bersama siswi univ azhar s'gor di rumah s'gor. Singgah utk beramah mesra sebelum bertolak balik ke tanah air. Mrk kirim salam . . 

24hb nov: di rumah as syahid sheikh yassin di gaza yang di jadikan muzium kenangan oeleh keluarganya

YB zailah menerima cenderahati dari Ismail Haniyan, perdana menteri Palestin. Saya pun terima juga tapi gambarnya dlm kamera Yb zailah. Ha ha

24hb nov: seorang wanita palestin yg suami dan 2 org anak lelakinya dlm tahanan israel. Cucunya tidak pernah melihat ayahnya. Saya sebak entah beberapa kali mendengar cerita ahli keluarga-isteri dan ibu2- bukan shj suami atau anak mereka dipenjarakan, mrk xdibenarkan menziarahi atau berhubung. Siksaan yg diterima diluar imaginasi kemanusiaan.

Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

Challenge Nor Mohamed Yakcop to a public debate on whether the extension of the concession period for Penang Bridge by 17 years (en/bm/cn)

Posted: 28 Nov 2011 12:19 AM PST

Challenges Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop To A Public Debate Whether The Extension Of The Concession Period For Penang Bridge By 17 Years And Butterworth-Kulim Expressway (BKE) By 11 Years In Exchange For A Toll Hike Freeze For 5 Years Benefits Penangites and Malaysians.

I wish to challenge Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop to a public debate on whether the extension of the concession period for Penang Bridge by 17 years and BKE by 11 years, in exchange for a freeze on on toll hike for 5 years on 5 highways including the NSE, benefits Penangites and Malaysians.

Tan Sri Nor attacked me in the New Straits Times today for practicing double-standards in opposing the revised deals that will defer toll fare hike for 5 years until 2016. I fail to see how this revision deal benefited the people and how I can be practicing double-standards when I am taking the principled stand in opposing toll operators benefiting hugely at the people's expense.


This revision deal above is NOT a win-win situation for both the government and the toll operator as well as the rakyat but clearly a win all solution for the toll operators. Penangites are unfairly penalised for the toll fare hike freeze for 5 years for Penang Bridge, NSE, BKE, Linkedua and Elite. Penangites have to pay an extra 17 years for Penang Bridge till 31.12.2038 instead of 31.12.2021 and for BKE an extra 11 years till 31.12.2038 instead of 27.6.2026, just to allow the 5 toll operators to defer the toll hike by 5 years. There is no extension for NSE or Linkedua.

What is most unconscionable and unfair to the rakyat is that the toll operators are reaping obscenely high profits where they have more than recouped their original investments of construction cost. In a written parliamentary reply of revenue obtained by toll operators until 31.12.2010, the toll operator for NSE spent RM 5,945 million to construct the NSE but has received RM 24,266 million in toll receipts and government compensation.

In other words the NSE toll operator has recorded a surplus of RM 18,321 million as at 31.12.2010 over his investment outlay. Is there any need for the NSE toll operator to collect any more tolls from the public much less increase toll fares? By right and in the rakyat's interest, toll collection in the NSE should be stopped immediately in view that the revenue returns are 3 times more than the original investment.

The situation is similar for Penang Bridge which has collected RM 1,859 million but spent RM 944 million on construction cost, enjoying a surplus of RM 924 million. For BKE, toll collection amounts to RM 340 million on construction cost of RM 256 million, recording a surplus of RM 84 million. Instead of paying until 31 December 2038, Penangites should not be paying any toll at all in the Penang Bridge and the BKE.

And yet Tan Sri Nor claims that this revision deal benefits the rakyat by freezing toll hike, when the toll hike remains but slyly disguised where its impact is not felt now, but the pain lengthened for another 17 years for Penang Bridge and 11 years fro the BKE.

If Tan Sri Nor is so confident that this revision deal benefits the people, then he should not fear to debate with me so that the people can see how this revision deal benefits them instead of the toll operators.

—– BM Translation—-

Kenyataan Akhbar Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng di Kuala Lumpur pada 28.11.2011

Cabar Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop Untuk Berdebat Secara Terbuka Berhubung Dengan Isu Sama Ada Lanjutan Konsesi Jambatan Pulau Pinang Selama 17 Tahun Dan Lebuhraya Butterworth-Kulim (BKE) Selama 11 Tahun Sebagai Balasan Pembekuan Kenaikan Kadar Tol Selama 5 Tahun Membawa Manfaat Kepada Rakyat Pulau Pinang Mahupun Malaysia.

Saya ingin mencabar Menteri dalam Jabatan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop untuk berdebat secara terbuka berhubung dengan isu sama ada lanjutan konsesi jambatan Pulau Pinang selama 17 tahun dan BKE selama 11 tahun sebagai balasan untuk pembekuan kenaikan kadar tol selama 5 tahun di 5 lebuhraya termasuk lebuhraya utara-selatan (NSE) akan membawa manfaat kepada rakyat Pulau Pinang mahupun Malaysia.

New Straits Times hari ini telah melaporkan bahawa Tan Sri Nor telah mengecam saya kerana mengamalkan "double-standards" dalam bantahan saya terhadap semakan semula perjanjian tol. Saya tidak dapat melihat bagaimana semakan semula yang menangguhkan kenaikan tol selama 5 tahun sehingga 2016 ini dapat membawa manfaat kepada rakyat. Tambahan pula, saya tidak faham bagaimana saya boleh dikatakan sebagai mengamalkan "double-standards" apabila saya mengambil pendirian yang berprinsip untuk membantah syarikat-syarikat pengendali tol yang selama ini meraut keuntungan yang besar daripada rakyat.


Semakan semula terma konsesi seperti di atas BUKANLAH satu keadaan "menang-menang" bagi Kerajaan, pengendali tol dan juga rakyat tetapi satu kemenangan yang besar bagi syarikat-syarikat pengendali tol sahaja.

Rakyat Pulau Pinang akan menerima hukuman yang tidak adil sebagai balasan untuk pembekuan kenaikan kadar tol selama 5 tahun bagi Jambatan Pulau Pinang, NSE, BKE, Linkedua dan Elite. Rakyat Pulau Pinang sekarang dihukum dengan lanjutan tol selama 17 tahun untuk Jambatan Pulau Pinang, iaitu sampai 31.12.2038 dan bukan tarikh luput asal 31.12.2021. Bagi BKE pula, tempoh tol ditambah 11 tahun kepada 31.12.2038 daripada tarikh luput asal 27.6.2026. Ini telah dilakukan supaya kadar tol untuk 5 lebuhraya di atas akan dibeku selama 5 tahun. Tambahan pula, tidak ada lanjutan tempoh tol bagi NSE atau Linkedua.

Yang paling tidak adil dan tidak berhati nurani, adalah hakikat bahawa syarikat-syarikat pengendali tol sudah pun meraut keuntungan yang besar di mana kos pelaburan asal pun sudah selesai dikutip.

Jawapan bertulis Parlimen mengenai hasil yang telah dikutip syarikat-syarikat pengendali tol sehingga 31.12.2010 telah menunjukkan bahawa syarikat pengendali tol NSE telah membelanjakan RM5,945 juta untuk pembinaan lebuhraya tersebut, manakala telah menerima sebanyak RM24,266 juta daripada kutipan tol dan pampasan kerajaan dalam jangka masa yang dinyatakan. Dalam erti kata lain, syarikat pengendali tol NSE telah mencatat lebihan sebanyak RM18,321 juta setakat 31.12.2010 daripada pelaburan asal.

Adakah perlu lagi untuk syarikat tersebut untuk mengutip lagi banyak tol daripada rakyat apatah lagi untuk menaikkan kadar tol? Sepatutnya, dan jika diambil kira kepentingan rakyat, kutipan tol bagi NSE patut dihentikan serta merta sedangkan hasil kutipannya sudah pun 3 kali ganda pelaburan asal.

Keadaannya serupa untuk Jambatan Pulau Pinang yang telah mengutip sebanyak RM1,859 juta dengan kos pembinaan RM944 juta. Lebihan yang dicatat sebanyak RM924 juta. Bagi BKE, tol yang dikutip berjumlah RM340 juta manakala kos pembinaannya RM256 juta, iaitu lebihan sebanyak RM84 juta. Rakyat Pulau Pinang bukan sahaja tidak sepatutnya terus dibebani tol sehingga 31 Disember 2038, malah tol bagi Jambatan Pulau Pinang dan BKE harus dihentikan serta merta.

Namun demikian, Tan Sri Nor mendakwa bahawa semakan semula perjanjian tol ini membawa manfaat kepada rakyat melalui pembekuan kenaikan kadar tol, sedangkan kenaikan kadar tol ini sebenarnyamenyamar disebalik lanjutan tempoh tol. Kesannya mungkin tidak dirasai sekarang, tetapi kesakitannya akan berlanjutan selama 17 tahun bagi Jambatan Pulau Pinang dan 11 tahun bagi BKE.

Jika Tan Sri Nor betul-betul yakin bahawa semakan semula perjanjian ini membawa manfaat kepada rakyat, beliau patut berdebat dengan saya supaya rakyat dapat memahami bagaimana semakan semula perjanjian ini akan membawa manfaat kepada mereka dan bukan kepada syarikat-syarikat pengendali tol.

—- Mandarin Translation —-





豁免收费大道赔偿 ~ 修定后的特许条款:


更不合情理及对人民不公平的是,这些大道经营者已经收取了大幅度的高利润,他们早已成功收回他们的原有建筑费投资。我在一次的国会书面回答中得悉,截至2010年12月31日为止,南北大道公司只花了 59亿4千500万令吉投资作建筑大道之用,却已收取了 242亿6千600万令吉的过路费及政府赔偿金。


类似的情况也发生在槟城大桥。槟城大桥公司只花了 9亿4千400万令投资在建筑费上,可是却已牟取了18亿5千900万令吉的过桥费,享受着9亿2千400万令吉的盈余。至于北海居林大道,总收费额已创下 3亿4千万令吉,而建筑成本只是 2亿5千600万令吉,记录了8千400万令吉的盈余。与其需要缴交过路费至2038年12月31日,槟城人民其实是根本不再需要缴交任何的过路费,不管是槟城大桥过桥费或北海居林大道过路费。




Konsortium Transnasional Bhd(KTB) Should Delay Their Termination Of Their Cityliner Bus Services By At Least 2 Weeks till 15 December 2011 To Give Time To Finalise Negotiations On Continuing Bus Services.(BM/BC)

Posted: 28 Nov 2011 12:11 AM PST

The Penang state government is requesting KTB to delay their termination of their Cityliner bus services by at least 2 weeks till 15 December 2011 to give time to finalise negotiations on continuing bus services. I had met KTB's Executive Chairman And Managing Director Dato' Sri Mohd. Nadzmi Mohd. Salleh together with Penang State EXCO member for public transport Chow Kon Yeow last week to discuss about their intention to terminate the bus services on 21.11.2011.

However KTB extended the termination till 1st of December 2011. The 32 Cityliner buses ply 7 routes carrying 560 people daily in Seberang Perai:-

1. Butterworth to Baling: BKE, Karangan – Kuala ketil – Baling (2 buses)
2. Butterworth to Padang serai: Penang sentral-chain ferry- Taman Inderawasih- chai leng park- sungai dua- pokok sena – kampung selamat. (6 buses)
3. Butterworth to Bukit Mertajam: Penang sentral-chain ferry- Taman Inderawasih- chai leng park- pacific mall – Jalan Baru – permatang Rawa. (10 buses)
4. Butterworth to Taman Pelangi: Penang sentral-chain ferry- Taman Inderawasih- chai leng park- pacific mall- kawasan perindustrian perai – Taman Pelangi. (2 buses)
5. Bukit Mertajam to Kuala Juru: B.M Plaza -Desa Damai – Jalan Kebun Sireh- Simpang Juru- Simpang Semilang- Kuala Juru.( 2 buses)
6. Bukit Mertajam to Parit Buntar: B.M Plaza -Desa Damai – Jalan Kebun Sireh- Bukit Tengah- Simpang Juru – Valdor – Permatang Tinggi- Jawi – Nibong Tebal – Parit Buntar. (4 buses); and
7. Bukit Mertajam to Nibong Tebal to Parit Buntar (4 buses)

After preliminary discussions, the State Government of Penang has been informed by Konsortium Transnasional Berhad that the Cityliner bus services in Seberang Perai will continue at least till 1 December 2011. The Penang state government hopes that the termination can be extended by KTB for another 2 weeks till 15th December 2011.

There are total fleet of 32 Cityliner stage buses, with 28 buses operating all 7 routes. The termination of service by city liner will affect the public transport user, and cause inconvenience to them. According to KTB city liner is running severe losses and it is no longer viable for the company to operate their services.

Meanwhile, the State Government is in active negotiations with KTB to seek out a viable and feasible remedy for the longer term. The Penang State Government will also negotiate with Rapid Penang to find solution.

The Penang State Government urges SPAD (Land Public Transport Commission) to intervene with funding and resources as well as to review both social routes(unprofitable but providing for rural areas) and popular routes to ensure that they are served by the respective bus companies. If bus companies serving social routes can not be given popular routes, there should be some subsidy or assistance from SPAD.

The Penang State Government recognises the importance of public transport as an important social good and has provided free bus services. This year the state government spent more than RM 2 million to provide 16 BEST ( bridge express shuttle service transit) buses between Seberang Jaya and the Bayan Lepas FIZ and 3 buses touring the heritage enclave of George Town for free.

— Mandarin Translation —-


Konsortium Transnasional Bhd(KTB) 应该延长Cityliner的巴士停驶的时限至少多2周至2011年12月15日,给予时间谈判继续提供巴士川行服务的定案。

槟州政府要求KTB延长停驶服务至少2周至2011年12月15日,给予时间谈判继续提供巴士川行服务的定案。 我和槟州交通道理管理委员会主席曹观友在上周与KTB 主席兼 董事经理拿督斯里莫哈末纳兹米会面,商讨该公司打算在2011年11月21日起停止巴士服务的事项。

无论如何,KTB已决定延长该巴士公司服务至2011年12月1日,Cityliner 32辆川行威省的巴士每日搭客约560人, 7条川行路线为:

1. 北海至华玲:北海居林大道-加拉岸-瓜拉吉低-华玲 (2辆巴士)

2. 北海至巴东色海: 槟城中环广场-北海码头-凤凰花园-才能园-双溪赖-波格先那-平安村(6辆巴士)

3. 北海至大山脚:槟城中环广场-北海码头-凤凰花园-才能园-太平洋广场-新路-鱼池路(10辆巴士)

4. 北海至彩虹花园:槟城中环广场-北海码头-凤凰花园-才能园-太平洋广场-北赖工业区-彩虹花园(2辆巴士)

5. 大山脚至瓜拉柔府:大山脚高峰城-帝沙南眉-哥本斯里 -柔府-森米兰-瓜拉柔府(2辆巴士)

6. 大山脚至巴里文打:大山脚高峰城- 帝沙南眉-哥本斯里 -武吉丁雅-柔府-峇冬丁宜-华都-爪夷-高渊-巴里文打(4辆巴士)7. 大山脚至高渊至巴里文打 (4辆巴士)


Cityliner巴士共有32车队,28辆巴士和7条川行路线,停驶将影响公共巴士使用者,造成他们日常生活的不方便。据KTB指, Cityliner面对严重亏损,所以该公司无法再承担有关营运费用。





Utusan Awal Muharam

Posted: 28 Nov 2011 12:07 AM PST

Mencadangkan Menaikkan Bayaran Kepada RM200 Dan Bukan RM100 One-Off Untuk Program Anak Emas Untuk Semua Bayi Kelahiran Pulau Pinang Mulai 1 Januari 2011.

Kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang ingin mengucapkan Salam Maal Hijrah kepada semua umat Islam yang meraikan 1 Muharram 1433H. Sempena perayaan Awal Muharam 1433H, saya akan mencadangkan kepada mesyuarat EXCO pada minggu depan agar bayaran program anak emas Pulau Pinang dinaikkan kepada RM 200 one-off daripada bayaran asal RM 100.

Kejayaan Program Penghargaan Warga Emas RM 100 setiap tahun dan RM 1,000 “one-off” urusan jenazah kepada si waris demi mengenang jasa bakti sumbangan warganegara yang melebihi 60 tahun kepada pembangunan negeri, telah menyebabkan beberapa pihak mencadangkan bahawa kerajaan negeri menimbang pula golongan yang baru lahir.

Sebagai kerajaan berjiwa rakyat yang dengar suara rakyat, buat kerja rakyat dan berikan harapan kepada rakyat, kerajaan negeri PR anggap program anak emas ini adalah satu cadangan baik untuk meraikan tambahan anak Pulau Pinang yang baru. Program Anak Emas telah dicadangkan awal tahun ini dengan bayaran RM100 one-off dibayar untuk semua bayi kelahiran mulai 1 Januari 2011 di mana salah satu ibu bapa adalah pengundi di Pulau Pinang.

Bayaran RM 100 program anak emas ini adalah diperolehi daripada lebihan Bajet yang dicatatkan oleh kerajaan negeri Pakatan Rakyat setiap tahun memerintah di Pulau Pinang. Lebihan Bajet adalah RM 88 juta pada 2008, RM 77 juta pada 2009 dan RM33 juta pada 2010. Pengurusan kewangan yang baik, bersih dan anti-rasuah ini disahkan dan dipuji oleh Laporan Ketua Audit Negara dan juga Transparency International.

Sungguhpun bajet 2011 dijangka berdefisit sebanyak RM 108 juta, sebaliknya perbelanjaan berhemah dan urus tadbir cekap, akauntabel dan telus atau CAT membolehkan bajet berdefisit tahun ditukar menjadi bajet lebihan. Atas prestasi kewangan yang menggalakkan ini, maka kerajaan negeri boleh menanggung tambahan RM 100 kepada RM 200 untuk program anak emas ini.

Tambahan pula, negeri Pulau Pinang juga mencatatkan pengurangan hutang yang paling besar dalam sejarah Malaysia sebanyak 95% atau RM600 juta daripada RM630 juta pada Mac 8 2008 bila PR mengambil tampuk pemerintahan negeri kepada RM30 juta pada akhir Oktober 2011. Tambahan kepada RM200 untuk program anak emas akan melihat perbelanjaan di antara RM5 – 10 juta.

Semua ibu bapa diminta mendaftarkan diri dengan Pejabat Daerah, pejabat ADUN dan Ahli Parlimen Pakatan Rakyat ataupun pejabat Pengawai Penyeleras DUN. Bayaran pertama program anak emas akan dibuat pada bulan depan Disember.

—Mandarin Translation—







虽然 2011年度的财政预算案,估计将会有1亿零800万令吉的赤字,但是透过谨慎的开销、以CAT能干、公信、透明的施政方针,今年的赤字预算将会转为盈余。有了这些令人鼓舞的财务表现,我们相信州政府绝对有能力承担"槟州宝贝计划"从100令吉增至200令吉的建议。




Direct Free Kick

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Singaporeans & Africans misused of Social Pass / Student Visa will face fine, imprisonment and/or deportation by Orang Lereh

Posted: 28 Nov 2011 02:48 AM PST

Dear YB,
Thank you and congrats to you for bringing this issue in the parliament. However, I believe the enforcement is slightly lacking in terms of foreign workers and/or visitors social pass or student visa. Take a look at massage parlours, karaoke centres etc. There seems to be an influx of China dolls.

Chow Kit Road is infested with Nepalese, Myanmarese, Bangladeshis traders who use local licence. How they got to use them? We need to look into DBKL licensing dept.

Lim Kok Wing University, particularly in Cyberjaya, has African students, more than our locals. There are cases of rape, date rape, drugs abuse among students and disciplinary problems. Lots of cases went unreported.

YB, we need to contain the influx of foreigners, especially from 3rd world countries. Otherwise, Malaysia will be a pariah country soon.

I don’t mind foreigners who come here to do honest business or work. But if they are the ones who cause a lot of problems, we need to do something.

Orang Lereh

Comment on MAS has been saved by the corp GURU? by Olek Skilgannon

Posted: 28 Nov 2011 12:53 AM PST

All these commentators appear to have little or no knowledge of how the airline industry operates.

To paraphrase the words of a former Big Boss of IATA, the airline industry is the only one that operates on razor-thin margins with little room for error.

If you can’t be profitable, what do you do? Cut off the bleeding or restructure, cut costs and try and get back into profitability?

If MAS were asked to do an honest accounting, with a proper allocation of direct costs and overheads, just how many of the “national service” domestic routes within Malaysia are profitable?

Is, say, JB-KL profitable? KL-Penang? JB-KK? KL-Kuching?

If the domestic routes are not profitable, why should MAS, or any other airline, operate them? It’s not like as if it’s running a charity!

A Malaysian public who have grown blase with a continued regime of subsidies demands “cheap” water, electricity, road tolls, bus fares and air fares, regardless of commercial realities.

The government may as well be upfront about it, nationalise MAS and make it a unit of the Civil Aviation Department. That way, it can carry on subsidising to it’s heart’s content.

It’s just too bad that the Boeing and Airbus aircraft manufacturers of this world are governed by the profit motive and not by woolly-headed sentimentality masquerading as “national service”. As too the fact that Malaysian pilots, flight engineers and aircraft engineers and technicians are internationally mobile and are little motivated by the calls to “national service” when there’s big bucks to be made working for the likes of Emirates and Qatar Airways!.

Comment on MH = “MARUAH HILANG” & “MUSNAH HARAPAN”! by Olek Skilgannon

Posted: 28 Nov 2011 12:31 AM PST

Ilham Putera

I would venture to say that your comments are lacking in logic.

In the first place, what business has the Sabah Chief Minister got in demanding that MAS maintain a hub at Kota Kinabalu Airport? How will this hub be profitable, given the population of Sabah, the fact that Sarawak has it’s own “hub” at Kuching Airport plus the fact that Bandar Seri Begawan is well-served by Royal Brunei Airlines?

Does Sabah have a critical mass of business travellers and companies that would justify airlines to maintain full service (First and Business Classes) out of KK Airport or does it rely on the tourist traffic (read Economy Class travel and low-cost carriers)?

Second, MAs got into deep s**t long before AirAsia appeared on the horizon. Cast your mind back to the days when MAS first came into being and cross-reference it’s profits and losses against the regimes of it’s Managing Directors/Chief Executives from Day 1. When, exactly, did the rot in MAS set in?

Third, you seem to imply that MAS staff are somehow (by government fiat, maybe) immune from the realities of competition, efficiency, productivity, cost controls and the need to make profits as well as the need for regular fleet renewals .

Is it that big a deal if MAS disappears from the industry map? The famous Pan American Airlines has long disappeared from the scene in the US and no one sheds a tear for it. The iconic United Airlines (“come fly the friendly skies”) has merged with Continental Airlines; Northwest Airlines has been taken over by Delta Airlines, British Airways has merged with Spain’s Iberia, there is the Air France-KLM grouping etc. What should matter to the Malaysian public is that they have access to reliable and efficient air transport services, whether it be provided by MAS, AirAsia, SIA or any other airline out there that finds it worth it’s while to operate flights to Malaysian airports.

The Malaysian government simply cannot afford a bottomless purse to bail out MAS and keep it going, not when it is already spending RM30 billion+ annually in subsidies and when jet fuel prices show little inclination to come down.

Already, the Malaysian stage bus operators are asking the government to bail them out and nationalise the stage bus sector with the explicit threat that they will cease operations and leave the rakyat stranded. How did the bus operators get into this mess? By ever-increasing fuel costs and mandated government controls on bus fares, thus directly impacting their profitablity.

Fourth, if the Malaysian government had a clearly articulated national aviation policy in place, some of these questions wouldn’t be asked now. Like are we really prepared for the advent of Asean Open Skies in 2015 and the possible liberalisation of air transport in the Trans Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement? It is no accident that there are currently more than 200 weekly flights between Singapore’s Changi Airport and cities in India and more than 300 weekly flights between Changi and cities in China. That’s connectivity, and that is why increasing numbers of Malaysians choose to fly out of Changi to their overseas destinations.

Comment on Issues for your MP by zany

Posted: 27 Nov 2011 11:56 PM PST

the garbage area is just directly oposite the cyber cafe of V2 (infront of metroview ) the garbage can be seen from the main road & it is just beside block B2, can you please kindly help us settle the garbage problem as soon as possible? we can even smell it from block B1 & it is really disgusting since flies & mosquitoes are all over

Comment on Issues for your MP by weechookeong

Posted: 27 Nov 2011 08:50 PM PST

Dear Zany,

Alam Flora is responsible for rubbish collection but for flats/apartment where there are JMB then it is the responsibility of the JMB to collect all the rubbish and put them to the rumah sampan. Alam Flora will collect the rubbish from the rumah sampah. Please let us know the exact location complained of or please call my personal assistant, En Yakob, at 41433322 or 0122186929. we will do our best to assist.

Thank you.

With kindest regards

wee choo keong

Comment on Issues for your MP by zany

Posted: 27 Nov 2011 08:35 PM PST

can i know who is the person incharge for the rubbish collection in wangsa maju section 2? The rubbish just left there whitout aby collection and now awful smell is all around as as soon as we open our front door. Can somebody please incharge of this? This is a serious issue. Thanks

Comment on MH = “MARUAH HILANG” & “MUSNAH HARAPAN”! by Ilham Putera

Posted: 27 Nov 2011 04:04 PM PST

YB Wee CK,
I am compelled to write here since you seem to be working on the issue of the secret share swap between MAS/AA. It was indeed a sad decision made secretly by Khazanah and it leaves very small room in our mind that believes that it was done with the objective of trying to save MAS. The bigger portion of my mind is saying that the people of Khazanah are in the pockets of you know who.
As former staff of MAS, it hurts to the deepest of my heart that such a silly solutions was put in place as if the whole citizen has lost its senses.
I read with keen interest, an article by Dato A. Kadir Jasin on this matter and would like to share with you of a little bit of what I know of the goings on MAS. However the smart & arrogant Rashdan (Danny) has definitely coin up something that would further put MAS in deeper shit so that it would look so bad so much so that trimming down MAS is inevitable. Hence the only word in his vocabulary now CUT CAPACITY.
When he proceeded terminate Kota Kinabalu hub, he does that blatantly in disregards to the wishes of CM of Sabah who has personally told MAS not to proceed with terminating the hub. Apparently he even said that nobody could stop him including the PM. I can't help it to recall the arrogance of the 4th floor during the worst regime in Malaysian history.
I was made to understand that, the ex-Kota Kinabalu international sectors, which include Haneda, Seoul and Taipei, has been developed and gaining momentum among travelers with good support from the Travel Agents. However, this sectors has so much potentials that it salivates AA and Danny just could wait to give it to AA. AA 'x' needs these lucrative routes to pad up their impending IPO so that they would get good rating from investors. So, Danny and the owners of AA would be laughing their way to the bank after the IPO.
Why worry if MAS's losses go deeper in the red? That would justify AA 'x' to take over MAS and make it their company and Malaysia will be without National Airline very soon. And according to my source, this would happen by middle of next year if not April 2012.
Danny's next agenda is that, the same will befall on FY Turbo-prop operation out of Subang. In one of the coming Board meetings, Danny will present a paper to say that MAS should just focus on Short-haul & Long-haul and not be distracted by FY operations, hence it would be wind-up. Whalla, Subang is all for Caterham jet to take over without hassle as MOT is also being pocketed by the red indian we all are talking about here.
Subsequent action by Danny will be their plan to move the staff to KLIA. This is within their impending plan to set-up a separate entity and split up current MAS structure. A newco will be created to handle the Short-haul while the long-haul operations will be made to bleed and eventually taken over by AA 'x' by keeping the MAS brand in namesake but fully-owned by AA 'x'. this is the theory that AA has in mind and Danny is seriously working to make it happen soonest. As for AJ, he will only collect his salary every month for as long as he can before MAS goes under.
So, staff of MAS, be ready for VSS soon or continue employment under the newco with new terms and conditions and definitely without union anymore.
Conclusions are;
 Danny is not interested in fixing the financial bleed of MAS.
 Danny will make MAS goes further below water with no intention of fixing it as fixing it is not in line with AA survival plan.
 Danny will strategise that MAS could no longer make profit on Long-haul and has to give away to AA
 Danny will champion AA taking over MAS Long-haul and Caterham Jet will take off.
 Danny will be happy to be able to make MAS disappear from the industry map.
 Danny will make Malaysia known to the world as a country whose main airline is owned by red Indian.
 Danny will put the blame on the incompetent senior staff of MAS who has been with company for umpteen years.
 Danny will get a pat on the back for helping red Indian make his dream with big bonus.

God bless MAS

Comment on MH = “MARUAH HILANG” & “MUSNAH HARAPAN”! by Olek Skilgannon

Posted: 26 Nov 2011 07:06 PM PST

Mr Wee

The hard and unpalatable truth, which you are seemingly unwilling to accept, is that it’s not Tony Fernandes and AirAsia/AirAsia X that is MAS’s “enemy”.

Whatever problems that MAS has gotten into in the past and now, it’s done all by itself.

You can trace MAS’s history back to the days of Malaysia-Singapore Airlines (MSA) and the splitting of MSA into MAS and SIA. What were the Malaysian team that negotiated with their Singapore counterparts on the splitting of MSA doing, and did they, then, even consider the long-term implications of what they agreed to?

The MAS unions and loyalists labour under the notion that MAS’s national flag carrier status is sacrosanct and everything else, commercial and business considerations included, should play second fiddle.

This notion has even permeated into the top echelons of Malaysian Airports Bhd (MAHB) and it’s plans for KL International Airport (KLIA).

The name of the game for airports that aspire to be true regional air hubs is traffic, passengers, transit traffic and connectivity. This is the game that Changi Airport and Hong Kong International Airport have both played masterfully, and where the mega Gulf airports in Dubai and Qatar are fast catching up.

Dr Mahathir pushed through the building of KLIA with the philosophy “build it and they (airlines and passengers) will come”. Unfortunately for Dr Mahathir, most airlines are run on hardheaded commercial principles where profitability is a paramount objective.

In Singapore, the government, from day 1, hewed to the philosophy that Changi’s air hub status is of primary importance, and the wellbeing of SIA only secondary. Thus, the Singapore government was (and is) very liberal in granting air traffic rights to foreign airlines (both through bilateral air services agreements and numerous “open skies” agreements). This is their national aviation policy.

If you look at Changi Airport, SIA and it’s regional unit SilkAir account for about 30 per cent of Changi’s connectivity and passenger volumes. The low-cost carriers (Singapore-based Tiger Airways and Jetstar Asia, as well as AirAsia and it’s Indonesian and Thai units, plus low-cost carriers from Indonesia, Philippines and India) account for maybe another 30 per cent.

But, also for Changi, British Airways and Qantas (both of which have hubs there) account for 10-15 per cent of Changi’s traffic and connectivity.

Didn’t both Britiish Airways and Qantas stop operating flights to KL back in the day? Surely, it is ironical that Malaysians wanting to fly on BA or QF will have to travel to Changi Airport in order to do so.

AirAsia and AirAsia X have the potential to be “game changers” in this race between airports in the region to build up connectivity, transit traffic and passenger volumes. Thus far, Changi, Hong Kong and even Bangkok are way ahead of KLIA as far as these numbers are concerned.

MAS was supposed to be the “heavy lifter” for KLIA. It was supposed to bring in substantial volumes of passengers and transit traffic that would, in turn, attract other major airlines to fly to KLIA. This has not happened. It is glaringly obvious that all full service airlines, and most low-cost carriers, would prefer to operate flights to Changi than to KLIA.

Why don’t you ask MAHB management for a reasoned explanation of just why this is so?

As a fairly frequent flyer myself, I am aware of what makes a great airport and a great airline, instead of being just merely good. It is sad to admit that the Changi/SIA combo have managed to get it mostly right, with a supporting cast of other full service carriers that operate out of Changi.

KLIA/MAS? Still waiting for the numbers to make sense!

Comment on MH = “MARUAH HILANG” & “MUSNAH HARAPAN”! by Ex-MAS Staff

Posted: 26 Nov 2011 04:55 PM PST

Kunyit Hidup,

I urge you to get your facts right first before you post and your postings are factually incorrect.

1. The Company Share option scheme is a sick joke by Idris Jala. MAS Senior Management could BUY the shares at high offer price and given the plunge in share price, none took up the offer because it ended up them having to pay for something that is of lower value than what they pay.

2. There was no Toyota, BMW or Merc scheme. MAS Senior Management was given a fixed allowance to buy any car they want. If the price of the car was above the allowance, the Snr Manager had to top up out of their own pocket. The annual car maintenance allowance is based on claims up to an annual fixed limit irrespective of the car. This has been proven to be more financially beneficial to the Company buying and replacing the cars every 5 years.

3. I dont believe there were any “thousand-and-one incentives/entitlements enjoyed by this group.

4. There were no “20 years better” perks for the new kuncu2 brought in because MAS is limited by what it can do to whetever that is there already.

5. It was not First Class travel for the whole family. In fact, the annual 1st Class travel for MAS managers and above was there since MAS was first formed. It was withdrawn and many Snr Management gets Business Class only once a year.

6. Medical expenses are not unlimited. The amount is limited to Asunta rates.

7. What Golden handshake? I know of many who retired with just a good by.

8. There was the Long Service award nite long even after Tan Seri Aziz. I believe there was one during the Tajudin era and Nor Amiruddin was the Head of HR. I got mine.

9. Calendars were produced right until a few years ago.

10. There were no perks or benefits to staff that were taken away.

11. MAS has always given out something to the staff, bonusses when the Company is doing well and ex-gratia when the Company is not doing well.

12. The MAS Snr Management did not have any pay revision or increment for almost 5 years, whilst the managers, executives and graded staff continue to enjoy their annual increment and bonusses even when the company was not doing well. That is the reason why many do not want to become senior management. In fact the ceiling for Managers is higher than the “gaji yang dah mati” for Snr Management.

13. MAS staff (other than Snr Management) have always had a an upward pay revision with every collective agreement negotiation based on the Company’s ability to pay and the increase in the cost of living.

Satu sifat yang Allah benci ia-lah fitnah.

聒翔的声音The Voice of Bahau

聒翔的声音The Voice of Bahau

Program Bersama Warga Felda Palong 21 Nov 2011

Posted: 27 Nov 2011 10:16 PM PST
