Isnin, 2 Januari 2012

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Turun Ke Pasar-Pasar Edar Kalendar

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 03:18 PM PST



Gardenia row points to rising ethnic tension as economy bites

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 06:56 PM PST

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

[Free Malayia Today] Najib’s ex-info chief joins DAP

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 04:36 AM PST

KUALA LUMPUR: Former Pulau Manis Umno assemblyman Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz and Negeri Umno veteran Aspan Alias (photo) have joined DAP.

Having Ariff on board is a major coup for DAP because he was Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s information chief in his Pekan Umno division up until 2004.

“If you want to know, yes, that is what we are doing (joining DAP).

“I am impressed by DAP. They are principled, I like their professionalism.

“I was with (Lim) Guan Eng at the bloggers conference last month. There is no fancy words, they are focussed on work … always thinking unlike our Umno people,” he told FMT recently.

Ariff’s admission puts to rest weeks of wildfire speculations in pro-Umno blogs.

He is also rumoured to be contesting under the DAP banner in the next general election.

Ariff is rumoured to be contesting in Raub where MCA’s Ng Yen Yen is incumbent. Ng is currently the tourism minister, and a MCA vice president.


i n t a n h i j a u

i n t a n h i j a u


Posted: 01 Jan 2012 03:34 PM PST


Posted: 12 Dec 2011 02:09 AM PST

KUALA LUMPUR, 12 Dis: Rakyat dinasihatkan agar sedar bahawa Program Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) hanyalah sogokan dan umpan Umno BN menjelang pilihan raya umum ke-13 yang boleh berlaku pada bila-bila masa sahaja.

Ketua Dewan Muslimat PAS Pusat, Siti Zailah Mohd Yusuf (gambar) berkata, bantuan sebanyak RM500 secara one off itu hanya bersifat sementara, sebaliknya rakyat akan terus menanggung beban kenaikan harga barang dan kos sara hidup selagi menyokong Umno BN.

"Jangan rakyat untung sehari, tapi rugi lima tahun kerana berada di bawah pemerintahan Umno BN.
"Fenomena pemberian one off ini sedang rancak berlaku sekarang. Ini budaya sogok yang sudah lama berlaku dalam pemerintahan Umno BN," kata beliau ketika dihubungi Harakahdaily hari ini.

Siti Zailah juga berkata, rakyat terutamanya yang mempunyai tanggungan ramai tidak seharusnya terlalu teruja dengan jumlah RM500 itu kerana ianya tidak berbaloi dengan harga barang yang tinggi.

"Rakyat kena celik sikit, pemberian cuma RM500. Kalau ada anak ramai, tak cukup pun hendak membeli keperluan sekolah dan sebagainya sedangkan dalam tempoh lima tahun lagi, terpaksa melalui masa-masa sukar," katanya yang juga Ahli Parlimen Rantau Panjang.

Sabtu lalu, Menteri Kewangan Kedua, Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah melancarkan BR1M di Dewan Komuniti 1Malaysia, Chemor.

Menurutnya, jumlah isi rumah yang layak itu diperoleh daripada pangkalan data Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) dan permohonan akan dirujuk semula antaranya melalui semakan pihak Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).

Menurutnya, jumlah isi rumah yang layak memohon itu diperolehi daripada pangkalan data Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) dan permohonan akan dirujuk semula antaranya melalui semakan pihak Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).

"Kumpulan sasaran terdiri mereka yang berpendapatan kurang RM3,000 bagi satu isi rumah dengan ramai tanggungan, warga emas berumur 60 tahun ke atas dan anggota keluarga berdaftar di bawah program eKasih.

Sementara itu, menyentuh mengenai Umno BN yang mempersoalkan hanya sebuah masjid berjaya didirikan oleh Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan, Siti Zailah berkata, apa yang harus diberi perhatian bukan kuantiti, tetapi cara masjid itu diimarahkan.

"Kenyataan BN itu menggambarkan betapa jauhnya pemimpinnya dengan ajaran Islam.

"Dalam sejarah dulu, kaum munafik mendirikan Masjid Dirar bagi menyaingi masjid yang didirikan para sahabat dan Rasulullah mengarahkan masjid itu dibakar," katanya.

Siti Zailah berkata, Menteri Besarnya, Tuan Guru Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat lebih gemar mendidik rakyat negeri itu agar menginfakkan wang untuk membina masjid.

"Tok Guru Nik Aziz mahu masjid yang didirikan itu hasil kutipan derma daripada rakyatnya sendiri kerana pahala menderma untuk pembinaan masjid itu sampai ke akhirat," katanya.(harakahdaily)

Comments for Haniza Talha - Landscaping New Politics

Comments for Haniza Talha - Landscaping New Politics

Comment on Majlis Pelancaran Bantuan Untuk Warga Emas, OKU, dan Orang Miskin by md zakaria bin sahul hamid

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 03:58 AM PST

salam sy ingin minta pijaman untuk memulakan perniagan bagaimana cara nya

Comment on National Feedlot Corporation “in a mess” by shamsul siahaan

Posted: 19 Nov 2011 11:26 PM PST

Hal ini biasalah bagi UMNO. Kalau ketua kampung (biasanya jadi ketua cawangan), standardnya ialah projek buat titi atau tar jalan kampung. AJK cawangan dapat kontrek bekalkan makan. Ketua bahagian lebih besarlah projeknya yang boleh dirunding dengan SDO. Jadi kalau menteri, takkanlah projek tar jalan kampung atau membekalkan makanan. Kalau projek gagal, kerajaan akan “write off” saja tapi duit dah sapu. Yang menanggung ialah rakyat jelata. Harga serba serbinya naik bagi menampung duit yang “DIBOCORKAN” oleh mereka yang memegang kuasa. Yang lain yang berkuasa takkanlah tak iri hati. Takkan sorang menteri saja yang dapat layanan istimewa. Yang lain pun mahu juga. Macam-macam alasan boleh diberikan, seperti untuk mendapat sokongan bagi PRU 13, mengekalkan sokongan kepada UMNO, menarik orang-orang muda memberikan sokongan kepada UMNO dan sebagainya.

Comment on Majlis Pelancaran Bantuan Untuk Warga Emas, OKU, dan Orang Miskin by faiz

Posted: 11 Nov 2011 10:12 AM PST

salam …saya nak tnya ,bapa saya berumur 65 thn dan juga ada penyakit kulit sudah tahap x boleh buat kerja ,selain itu juga mempunyai penyakit kencing manis,sy dh cuba untuk dapatkan bantuan kewangan untuk merawat dan meringankan bebannyadi jkm bachok tp tiada apa2 lg stakat ni,lg satu peg jkmbachok cakap kurang sopan dgn warga emas mcm ayah sy ni,minta bg menerapan nilai murni supaya dpt bercakap dgn org tua sopan skit,tima kasih.

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

Kemuncak Gelora Politik

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 06:15 AM PST

Logo gelora politik

Sementara spekulasi pilihan raya umum ke-13 berlarutan, ahli-ahli politik negara, dari kedua-dua Barisan Nasional (BN) dan Pakatan Rakyat (PR) melihat 2012 sebagai 'tahun untuk berperang' dengan persekitaran politik dijangka lebih panas dan hangat.

Ketika ditanya isu yang akan menghangatkan tahun 2011, Naib Presiden Umno, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi secara berseloroh berkata, "isu Tony Pua lah!"

Beliau merujuk kepada pelawaannya untuk bertemu dengan Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara itu bagi memberi gambaran jelas sebab berbilion ringgit dibayar untuk pembelian pertahanan.

Bagaimanapun jelas Menteri Pertahanan ini, isu yang akan kekal 'hangat' pada tahun 2012 ialah Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti (Auku) dan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA).

Putrajaya mengumumkan akan meminda Auku dan memansuhkan ISA, yang bakal digantikan dengan dua undang-undang baru.

Di sebalik itu, Mac ini genap empat tahun pilihan raya umum 2008 berlangsung.

"Tahun 2012, selain memperkasakan Umno, saya juga berharap walau berbeza pendapat dan pandangan, tetapi dalam soal agama, perpaduan ummah dan pertahanan negara, kita seharusnya tidak berbeza pendapat," katanya kepada Sinar Harian Online ketika ditanya mengenai 'gelora politik 2012'.

Sehubungan itu tambah beliau, Umno juga akan bekerja keras bagi memastikan kemenangan pilihan raya umum ke-13.

Katanya, tidak guna jika ada jawatan dalam parti tetapi tidak dapat membentuk sebuah kerajaan negeri dan persekutuan. 

"Biarpun pembangkang merasakan mereka boleh cuba untuk menewaskan kami, hakikatnya rakyat telah sedar dengan tipu helah mereka," katanya yang turut mengharapkan agar segala cabaran pada tahun 2012 akan Umno hadapi dengan istiqamah, berlapang dada dan berfikiran terbuka. 

Jelasnya, usaha harus digandakan untuk perpaduan dalaman dan menguatkan roh perjuangan dengan berintegrasi dalam menghadapi apa jua cabaran.

Rakan sejawatannya dari Pas, Salahuddin Ayub menekankan bahawa politik negara semakin bergerak ke arah politik yang lebih dinamik.

Katanya, tidak kira sama ada pembangkang atau kerajaan, mereka harus menuju ke arah politik berintegriti yang harus dijelmakan dengan mengambil kira persekitaran dan kemahuan generasi muda yang dilihat bakal memberi faktor kemenangan kepada parti.

"Tidak ada parti yang boleh rasa selesa dan berpuas hati dengan pencapaian yang mereka ada sekarang.

"Kita perlu bergerak pantas untuk membuktikan bahawa kepimpinan dan ketrampilan parti semakin meningkat," katanya.

Ahli Parlimen Kubang Kerian ini menambah, "saya yakin dan percaya bahawa keadaan semakin mendesak untuk kita khususnya Pakatan Rakyat untuk menempatkan diri mereka dalam hati rakyat yang mahukan perubahan dan mula menunjukkan sikap bosan mereka dengan isu skandal dan kebangkitan rakyat juga dilihat semakin diabaikan."

Selain itu, Salahuddin berkata, beliau mengharapkan agar kehendak dan dasar parti ke arah kontemporari. 

"Kalau Pas berjaya untuk terjemah keseluruhan yang ada di dalam buku Negara Berkebajikan dan Buku Jingga, saya yakin kedudukan Pas akan lebih baik. Selain itu, Pas juga akan terus meyakinkan orang bukan Islam dan Melayu bahawa Pas relevan dan sesuai untuk rakyat beri pengharapan," katanya.

Dalam pada itu, Pengarah Komunikasi PKR, Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad berkata, 2012 merupakan tahun yang akan menentukan masa depan PKR dan PR.

Katanya, ia tahun penting kerana satu perubahan besar dalam senario politik diperlukan. 

"Bagi PKR, sebagai komponen dalam pakatan rakyat, hasrat kita, matlamat kita adalah untuk bawa perubahan besar di peringkat persekutuan. Masa sudah sampai untuk rakyat Malaysia membawa satu kerajaan baru bersama PR," kata beliau yang juga Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri kerusi Seri Setia.

Bagi DAP pula, fokus utama parti komponen PR ini ialah untuk memenangi pilihan raya.

Pengerusi DAP Selangor Teresa Kok berkata, dengan kedatangan tahun baru, beliau berharap akan ada penambahbaikan dari segi pentadbiran kerajaan dan juga politik negara. 

"Saya juga berharap akan dapat kekalkan semua kerajaan negeri Pakatan Rakyat jika PRU-13 diadakan tahun ini," katanya yang juga Exco Kerajaan Negeri Selangor.

Bagaimanapun menurut Kok, walau tahun sudah berganti, Umno dan Perkasa akan terus memainkan isu politik perkauman dan isu sensitif lain.

"Tetapi pada saya, Pakatan akan mengekalkan tadbir urus yang baik bagi boleh menunjukkan kepada semua pihak yang PR mampu mentadbir kerajaan, malah akan lebih baik dari tahun sebelum ini.

"Kita harus lihat politik sekarang bukan lagi mengekalkan sesuatu parti politik, tapi berjaya secara bersama. Saya harap PR akan dapat kemenangan bersama dan mengekalkan perpaduan di kalangan kami," ujarnya.

Malays should not fear the DAP

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 05:41 AM PST

I am not going to respond to the xenophobic responses around news that Aspan Alias and Sakmongkol are about to join DAP. No explanation will be able to change preconceived biases. So why bother? So we are about to join or have joined DAP.

The DAP is a democratic party committed to the rule of law, good governance and good government. It abhors corruption and abuse of political office. To me those are attractive propositions. UMNO on the other hand has turned its back on these. It harps only on one primal worry of Malays- when UMNO is threatened it shares the threat with Malays at large. So a threat to UMNO is translated mindlessly into a threat to Malays as a whole. Nothing can be farther from the truth. That is how UMNO has approached politics in Malaysia basically- make its fears public, make the gains private for selected Malays within UMNO.

I have only one message to that- those salad days and that halcyon period are over.

UMNO is trapped by its own successes. Indeed its supporters and leaders assume ownership of the wrong things and end up digging in to support the wrong choices.

My answer is, if we do indeed change our political vehicle that is what we are actually doing. Don't read our move as blasphemous or treasonable. The DAP is more relevant and functional in achieving a more democratic and abuse-free society. As a Muslim, we are changing wadah not aqidah.

So, I thought it would be more substantive to answer my critics by writing an article, why shouldn't Malays embrace DAP politics? That's the only way to dominate and conquer your fears.

How has DAP politics been inimical to the general political health of this country? 

Can any DAP Chinese leader be a PM when it's contesting only at most 50-55 seats? 

Can any DAP non Malay leader harbor the dream of becoming a PM in a country dominated by Malays? 

Has the DAP threatened the institution of Malay rulers? 

DAP has never done that or will not be mad to countenance such rebellious idea, but UMNO on the other hand has insulted the Malay rulers way back in 1998 constitutional crisis? 

Can we reasonably accept the allegation that the DAP is instrumental in claims that Malays are being converted into Christians when most DAP members are not themselves Christians? 

We have to do better than that to take Malays as imbeciles. Only UMNO seems to do that.

But DAP is Chinese chauvinist party and anti-Malay. Read more

* Sakmongkol AK47 is the nom de plume of Datuk Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz. He was Pulau Manis assemblyman (2004-2008).

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Abused of “1MALAYSIA” logo by Jimmy of Prima Setapak

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 08:05 AM PST

How could DBKL/Government allowed such unscrupulous individuals our organization to use the 1Mlaaysia logo for their commercial activities. They are only interested in making money without thinking about the residents of Prima Setapak, who are already facing traffic problems and congestion in the area. For heaven sake please stop it.

If this Bazar Sore is allowed go on, the situation in Prima Setapak will be many times worst than Bazar Larut Uptown in Danau Kota. The residents will be up in arms to protest and go against the authorities be in DBKL or the government. So it is better to stop it before it got started.

Comment on Another nail in MAS coffin? by Anonymous

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 07:14 AM PST

you guys all talk cock keyboard warrior. just shut the f..k up and contribute something atleast. its not an easy task to clear all this piling shit after all this while within short period of time. give the man a chance, the gomen wont bail out this time. not like previously. either CHANGE or everybody balik kampung tanam jagung.

Comment on Abused of “1MALAYSIA” logo by Keng Diamond Square

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 07:09 AM PST

What is DBKL doing about such nonsense? Please think of the people sating in Prima Setapak and the suffering they will be facing once this Bazar Sore starts. YB please help us to stop it. Prima Setapak cannot accept more traffic from this Bazar. As it were, we are having terrible congestion.

I just wonder how DBKL can approve blocks and blocks of flats fro the area without making provisions for car parks.

Comment on Abused of “1MALAYSIA” logo by Prima Setapak Resident

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 06:50 AM PST

It had to be stopped before it is too late. The Bazar will create chaos and social problems in Prima Setapak. Traffic congestions are guarantee and danger to Mun Yee school children. Whoever wants to start please think about the people for once.

Comment on Another nail in MAS coffin? by Zack

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 06:43 AM PST

I seconded to MAS Insiders, all EVPs and non-performers must go including Tony has to leave the aviation industry or else Malaysians will bear the sour reputation created by Tony Thamby. He’s sick in the head taking … all the time. The authority should also be checked on regular basis, I mean to say all ministry because some are also taking … that Tony Thamby is taking. Raja Azura has still got to go also because she’s stuck and didn’t perform at all, no meeting for all weeks and she talks

Comment on Abused of “1MALAYSIA” logo by Tee Ban Hoe

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 05:03 AM PST

YB, I really your courage to highlight this new Bazar. I fully concur with Lee of Prima Setapak on traffic congestion, insufficient car park space & social problem. I think we should highlight this issue to the PM office ASAP so that he is aware and take action on these napoleons. I was told this empty land has been earmarked for a national school, might as well turn this site into a brightly lighted green park until the government has the funds to build the school. This area with so many apartments, condominiums & flats around, there is no green park and proper car parking space. As we speak, KP has 2 blocks of 20 storey condo coming up and adjacent another UOA condo coming up. Where is DBKL car park planning in these areas and DBKL must settle this problem first before approving any other bazars. May I suggest that you move a motion in the next Parliment sitting to allow all the residents in these areas a waiver of any DBKL assessments and all the residents will only pay if they are satisfactory with DBKL performance. Best Regards.

Comment on Abused of “1MALAYSIA” logo by Anonymous

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 04:59 AM PST

” Sore ” means ” evening ” ( or petang in Malay ) in Indonesian language . I wonder if this project is done ( or accorded to ) Indonesians ( illegal or otherwise ) …

Comment on Another nail in MAS coffin? by Hussin Rahman

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 04:25 AM PST

All these problems in MAS can be quickly and easily solved if I can get hold of a bazooka and rocket launcher and I can aim these at those idiots.

Comment on Another nail in MAS coffin? by Hussin Rahman

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 04:16 AM PST

AJ should keep his ears closer to the ground and act smarter while managing MAS. Managing MAS, which has some national obligations, is not as straight forward as managing IPP Malakoff.

Comment on Abused of “1MALAYSIA” logo by Ban Huat Danau Kota

Posted: 01 Jan 2012 10:51 PM PST

Must stop this stupid Bazar in a residential area. We do not need social problems like what the residents in Danau Kota have been facing for so many years. Thanks to the ex-MP Yew Teong Look for bringing the Bazar Uptown there. We heard that the people behind this Bazar is connected to him. Why is Yew Teong Look is so quiet about this.

Stop all Bazar in residential areas. We need peace.



Kempen Tandatangan Di Bandar Baru Menglembu

Posted: 01 Jan 2012 10:46 PM PST

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim

Sidang Media Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 12:35 AM PST

Tarikh: 2hb. Januari 2012
Dimaklumkan bahawa satu sidang media akan diadakan selepas Mesyuarat Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat.
Sidang media ini akan diadakan seperti berikut:
Tarikh      :  3hb. Januari 2012 (Selasa)
Masa        :  4:30 petang
Tempat      :  Bilik Mesyuarat, Ibu Pejabat PKR, Merchant Square
            Petaling Jaya

Antara yang akan menghadiri sidang akhbar ini adalah YB Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, YB Dato'Seri Haji Abdul Hadi Awang, YB Lim Kit Siang dan para Pimpinan Kanan Pakatan Rakyat.

RPK’s Statement Baseless And Unsupported

Posted: 01 Jan 2012 08:34 PM PST

I refer to blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin’s interview in which he discusses ‘ gay Prime Ministers’ in relation to the sodomy trial of federal Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. He also says he is ’90 per cent sure’ that the person in the notorious ‘Datuk T’ sex video is Anwar Ibrahim. I do not wish to speculate as to RPK’s motives in making such statements. However I do say that his statements, insinuations and innuendoes are unfair,untrue, unsupported by any believable evidence and plainly libellous. For some reason, RPK ignores the fact that the entire sodomy case is a transparent fabrication by Umno/BN with the connivance and cooperation of the police force and the Attorney General’s office. RPK’s insinuations are thus based upon a malicious conspiracy which is widely disbelieved throughout this country and abroad. Anwar’s trial has made a mockery of justice, and fair and accepted legal procedures; and it has been condemned as such by civil and political leaders as well as rights bodies worldwide. The failure to disclose material evidence critical to the defence; the serious flaws in the way forensic samples were obtained,stored and analyzed; the unusual and legally unsound pre-judgement of the case by Judge Zabidin at the end of prosecution case; the extraordinary meeting between the complainant and the Prime Minister, and the PM’s lying explanation for it, are but some of the proofs of a wide-ranging conspiracy behind the Sodomy II case. Upon this shaky ground, RPK builds a ramshackle tower of vague suppositions and wild innuendoes.
As for the sex video, it was concocted out of desperation by UMNO-linked conspirators as a result of Sodomy II’s failure to turn the rakyat against Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan Rakyat. A key figure in the shameful sex video fiasco is the former UMNO Vice-President and Chief Minister of Melaka, Rahim Thamby Chik who was forced to resign over a sex scandal involving a minor. Tens of thousands of copies of the pornographic video were freely distributed all over the country, while the police sat by and took no action against the porn-peddlers. When after months of public pressure, the Datuk T trio were charged for a minor offence, the A-G’s chambers took advantage of the proceedings to slander and attack the reputation of Anwar Ibrahim. Has RPK forgotten UMNO’s long, disgraceful and criminal history of abusing the police, prosecution and judiciary in order to silence or neutralize key opposition figures? Further, he provides not the slightest basis or evidence for his extraordinary claim that he is ’90 %’ certain that it is Anwar in the sex video.
It is extremely fortunate that the people of this country have not fallen for these UMNO-inspired plots, which are simply underhand and criminal attempts to halt the reform movement and Pakatan Rakyat’s march to federal power. UMNO must engage in democratic politics by debate and discussion, and stop using dirty and dishonest means to try to bring down Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat.
Issued by,

Lim Kit Siang

Lim Kit Siang

Malays should not fear the DAP

Posted: 01 Jan 2012 10:54 PM PST

— Sakmongkol AK47 The Malaysian Insider Jan 02, 2012 JAN 2 — I am not going to respond to the xenophobic responses around news that Aspan Alias and Sakmongkol are about to join the DAP. No explanation will be able to change preconceived biases. So why bother? So we are about to join or have [...]

Zakat funds abuse vs abuse of NFC funds

Posted: 01 Jan 2012 10:48 PM PST

by Mat Zain Ibrahim 2 January 2012 For last year, several thousands of "Amils"(tithe collectors)were appointed nationwide. KL about 800 with a collection of RM7.5 mil. Selangor with 2437 amils that collected about RM16 mil. The action taken against one amil in Kulaijaya for misappropriating RM19,510 should not undermine the integrity of the amils to [...]

NEP’s Failure to Nurture Malay Entrepreneurs

Posted: 01 Jan 2012 10:21 PM PST

by Bakri Musa Chapter 11 : Embracing Free Enterprise Encouraging Entrepreneurialism As a long distance observer, let me suggest some reasons for NEP's failure in this endeavor. They all boil down to that basic defect of too much central planning and too rigid top-down command. Instead of trying to create an environment where budding Bumiputra [...]
