Chong Chieng Jen's Blog |
- 迎变甘榜竞跑反应热烈,600人报名参加。
- 人联党过去都不断支持政府落实消费税。
- SUPP Kuching Branch’s signature campaign against the implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST) is mere political stunt aimed at deceiving the people.
- Stop harassing taxpayers, Chong tells IRB
- 已逝18年 向死人追所得税
- 促阿德南尽速在砂州政府权限内的事项,落实承认统考文凭。
- Adenan should not keep promising the moon, but to act now on matters which he has the power to do.
- DAP to kick start campaign with grand dinner
Posted: 16 Oct 2015 02:02 AM PDT 16-10-2015 民主行动党感谢民众的支持,截至昨天,报名参与行动党所组办的"迎变甘榜竞跑"活动,获得超过600人报名参加,比去年行动党所组办的"甘榜奇丁竞跑"的报名人数增加一倍。 行动党砂州主席张健仁指出,由于竞跑起点处停车位不足,组办单位安排参赛者在距离起跑点2-3公里处停车,再由罗里载送参赛者到起跑点。 从10里巴达旺镇到该地点,大约是1小时的驾车时间。 他说,由于人数众多,载送须时,虽然8公里的竞赛时间在7:15点开始,而5公里的竞赛时间是在7:30开始,张氏呼吁参赛者尽量早点报道。 至于行动党的竞赛组的工作人员,则将会在当天(18/10)早上5:30在现场进行注册、点名和其他工作。 张健仁表示,这条6.5公里的山路Kampong Muk Ayun, Puncak Borneo (Mambong),是由行动党"砂拉越之梦"(Impian Sarawak)义工团和村民统筹统办修建的,耗时约6个月总共耗费约20万令吉。 "由于资金的短缺,我们只能做到4轮驱动车或摩多车可通行的山路。 若当天有下雨,4轮驱动车要行驶也不是很安全。 因此我们鼓励参赛者竞跑结束后,最好还是步行走出Kampong Muk Ayun尤其是若之前有下过雨。" 张氏感到遗憾,砂州政府每年拨款几亿令吉进行乡村发展工程,尤其是今年就拨了11亿5000万令吉做小型乡村发展工程,但是,这Muk Ayun甘榜距离10里巴达旺市镇只是约1小时车程,却无路可直通该甘榜。 如果没有行动党的"砂拉越之梦"计划,这些村民每天还需步行出入。 "这些拨款到底只有多少巴仙是真正用在发展乡村的工程上,又有多少是被中饱私囊的干捞掉?" "无论如何,就让我们当天(18/10)放下各人的事务,一起来体验一下甘榜人民的生活,以及甘榜Muk Ayun的风景。城乡同步,迎变砂州。" | ||
Posted: 16 Oct 2015 01:57 AM PDT 16-10-2015 民主行动党古晋市国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙州议员今日出示剪报证据,证明人联党过去都不断支持政府落实消费税。 张氏指出,2014年9月24日,人联党主席沈桂贤说:"消费税带来更大收入,可回馈给人民更多的发展用途。" 张氏说,从国阵政府还没在国会提呈《消费税法案》时,行动党就坚决反对消费税的实施。 行动党的理由很简单,就是因为消费税将是百货通胀,使平民百姓生活百上加斤。 "甚至在今年初(1月27日),人联党的中央妇女顾问郑莉薲还在指责行动党的代议士在'散播消费税不实讯息,误导民众'。" 张氏说,人联党和国阵的国会议员在国会支持消费税,人联党的其他领袖包括其主席也都在支持消费税的落实。 今天,人联党的古晋支部突然告诉人民他们要反消费税。 令人感到莫名其妙。 "人联党要自打嘴巴,这是它自家门的事情,我没兴趣管。 但是,它要消遣民众,就人人有权对它的行为和它领袖之前甚至现今的矛盾立场,提出质问。" 张氏说,人联党古晋支部发动签名反对消费税,到今天为止,它的党主席还是噤若寒蝉没有出声。 它的国会议员兼部长里查也没有表态。 "如果说现今人联党才大梦初醒,发觉消费税是对人民不利的,那我要恭贺他们的觉悟。 但是,如果它只是在做戏,在面对民众时反对,其领袖到了纳吉和阿德南面前时就支持,那就是政治道德沦亡,无可救药。" | ||
Posted: 16 Oct 2015 01:48 AM PDT 16-10-2015 SUPP Kuching Branch's signature campaign against the implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST) is mere political stunt aimed at deceiving the people. When the GST Act was tabled, SUPP MP cum cabinet minister Richard Riot supports the Bill. Thereafter, its party chairman also supports the implementation of GST. He even claimed that GST is good for the country because it can get more revenue for the Government to implement more projects. As late as January, 2015, SUPP's woman wing has also criticise DAP for opposing GST. All the records from the past till today, SUPP has been supporting the implementation of GST. Suddenly, 2 days ago, its Kuching Branch launched a signature campaign to oppose GST. Is this not political stunt or some form of play-acting by the SUPP Kuching Branch? There is no question that a large majority of Sarawakian oppose to the implementation of GST. You don't need a signature campaign to verify this. The problem is, the BN Government ignores the wishes of the people and goes ahead with the implementation of GST. The simple reason being that, the BN leaders and cronies need the extra money to sustain their corruption. ![]() We do not want a situation where, on the one hand, SUPP oppose the implementation of GST, but when faced with Najib and Adenan, its leader praises and supports GST. Do not treat the people as fools and think that the people can be so easily deceived. | ||
Stop harassing taxpayers, Chong tells IRB Posted: 15 Oct 2015 12:43 AM PDT
KUCHING: An opposition lawmaker here wants the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) to stop 'tax harassment' of taxpayers for backdated claims of over six years. Bandar Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen believed the Limitation Act 1953 and Sabah and Sarawak Limitation Ordinances should be amended so that agencies such as IRB stopped making backdated claims. He said he planned to raise this matter in Parliament. Recently, a widow, who wished to be known as Ho, received a letter from IRB demanding her late husband, Pui Kim Hong, pay outstanding tax of RM5,613.20 for assessment years from 1989 to 1993. The letter, dated March 26, 2015, demanded the deceased to make arrangements to settle his alleged tax. IRB stated it was prepared to discuss payment proposal from the late Pui to lessen his financial burden. The letter also mentioned that if the agency did not receive any response by April 9, 2015, court action could be taken against the deceased, who passed away on Aug 6, 1997. In addition, it stated the late Pui could be barred from travelling outside the country under Section 104 of the Income Tax Act 1967. According to state DAP chairman Chong, Ho had met with IRB officers only to be told that the family must pay the alleged outstanding debt. Chong, who is also Kota Sentosa assemblyman, believed Ho should not be held for any outstanding tax, considering that she did not inherit anything from her husband, who passed away 18 years ago. "It is a duty of the people to pay tax but there should be a limit on how IRB collect taxes. In this case, you can't expect a taxpayer to keep receipts up to 10 to 20 years. Even the bank has a limitation of six years. It's unfair for creditors to ask debtors for receipts. "In Ho's case, she did not receive any inheritance. Under the Limitation Act, if you don't ask for money within the time limit, you lose those rights. What Inland Revenue did is inhuman and unethical," Chong told a press conference here yesterday. Following a meeting with Ho, who is a petty trader, Chong said he had written a letter to the IRB, enclosed with a copy of Pui's death certificate. Chong claimed that of late, IRB has been issuing letters demanding taxpayers to pay alleged outstanding tax payable some 10 to 20 years ago. Such letters included threats that if no payments were made, legal action and restriction of travel order would be issued. He hoped IRB would have more respect for the law and basic principles of fairness and justice in the collection of debt. The law of limitations in Malaysia is contained in the Limitation Act 1953 (Act 254) which declares itself to be an Act to provide for limitation of actions and arbitrations that applies only in Peninsular Malaysia. Sabah and Sarawak have their own respective Limitation Ordinances, which share a similar format, except for some differences. The scheme of the Act generally allows a period of six years – 12 years in the case of land – to bring an action for the relief that is sought. On theborneopost October 15, 2015, Thursday | ||
Posted: 15 Oct 2015 12:38 AM PDT 《转载自 诗华日报》
(本报古晋14日讯)死人也要还所得税? 一名小贩逝世已有18年之久,但内陆税收局并没有因此放过追税,竟然向死者追讨税务。甚至有官员指遗孀或子女须承担代还。 死者遗孀对此非常困扰,而向古晋国州议员张健仁求助。 张健仁批形同"勒索" 针对税收局苦苦对死了18年的死者,追讨生前所欠下的逾5000令吉税务,行动党古晋区国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁形容此举形如"勒索"! 事主何女士的丈夫是在1997年8月6日逝世,生前是一名小贩,然而在今年初税收局致函予何女士住址,指其丈夫在1989年至1993年期间(22至26年以前)欠下5613令吉20仙的税务。 致函妻追讨5千余 张健仁今午召开发布会时指出,税收局向纳税人追讨超过20年的税务,是非常荒谬的事! 根据所得税法令,当局称个人欠下多少的所得税就是多少,除非纳税人能证明已缴清有关税务,倘若无法证实,就当作还没有偿还。 然而,他认为,追讨20多年的税务根本就不公平,甚至形容这种追税行动为"勒索"。更荒谬的是,何女士的丈夫已逝世了18年,所得税局才来追讨。 他表示,何女士在接获该信函后,有前往税收局向官员解释其丈夫已经逝世很久了,然而,官员称,这笔税务必须由妻子或是子女来偿还。 他说,税收局官员给予错误的讯息,且没有认真看待何女士的个案,太不专业。他认为,当局应该向事主道歉,因为此事已导致事主万分焦虑。 警告不偿还禁出境 与此同时,张健仁称,自己在最近一、两年常接获类似的投诉案例,这些信件也阐明,倘若没偿还的话,将采取法律行动,包括禁止有关人士出境。 他质疑国家是否将面临破产,所以,税收局接到相关指示,向纳税人追讨税务。 针对上述问题,他指出,已致函予砂拉越税收局局长,以及给第二财政部长,同时,他将在来临的国会上带出此项课题。 他也呼吁任何人面对类似问题者,都可将问题向他反映。 | ||
Posted: 14 Oct 2015 07:00 PM PDT 15-10-2015 民主行动党古晋市国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁敦促阿德南尽速在砂州政府权限内的事项,落实承认统考文凭。 也是民主行动党砂州主席的张健仁表示,在承认独中统考事项上,阿德南无需承诺天上的月亮,但在州权力范围之内的,阿德南应该尽速落实。 上个月,砂州政府透过沈桂贤公布,砂州政府除了在聘雇州公务员(附带SPM马来文优等)和砂拉越基金会奖学金事项上承认统考文凭,阿德南更承诺可以凭统考文凭进入砂大。 张氏也指出,聘雇州公务员和砂拉越基金会事项是砂州政府的绝对权力,但砂大收生事宜则是联邦政府的权限。 "阿德南和人联党告诉砂州人民,因为有涉及联邦权限,还需一些时间去研究和揣摩承认统考文凭的细节问题。 这分明是在打官腔。" 张氏说,砂州政府应该把聘雇州公务员和砂基金会事宜,和砂大招收学生事宜,分开处理。 他说,若砂州政府要在前者事项上承认统考文凭,只需阿德南向砂州各个州部门和机构,发出一份州政府内部指示书,阐明统考文凭是STPM文凭的相等而统考的马来文则是SPM马来文的相等文凭,州政府各部门可聘雇统考文凭持有者,而不需马来文单科优等。 同时,也发函给砂拉越基金会,指示该基金会颁奖学金给统考毕业生。 "难道发一纸公函有如此难吗? 需要连续的公布又公布吗?再由不同的人公布了几次。 将近一个月后,还是只听楼梯响,不见人下楼。" "况且,阿德南本身也说过,不承认统考文凭使国家损失很多人才。 既然如此,那为何在行动上州政府又没有一点点的迫切感要承认统考文凭?" 张氏说,阿德南把联邦权限事项和州权限事项混为一起来处理承认统考文凭事宜,肯定将无限期的拖延承认统考文凭之事。 难道这就是砂州国阵的缓兵之计? 张氏也质疑,既然阿德南表明在聘雇州政府公务员方面将承认独中统考文凭,那为何又要申请者也持有SPM马来文优等。 统考中也有马来文课。 在现实中,教育部是不允许独中生考SPM的马来文单科考试。 因此,阿德南的这项宣布,也意味着独中生还是需要报考统考和SPM两项考试,和现在的情况并没两样。 "虽然砂州一些校董表示将和联邦教育部磋商允许独中生报考单科马来文,但是,这事件一牵涉联邦部门,华社又是要无年无月痴痴地等待了。 同时间,人才还是在继续的流失。" 张氏强调,原则上,即已承认统考文凭,那就应该包括统考的马来文,不需再附加SPM马来文优等的条件。 一边厢讲承认统考文凭,另一边厢却又不承认统考的马来文课考试,这并非真正的承认。 张氏指出,聘雇州政府公务员和砂拉越基金会奖学金方面,既然砂州政府有绝对的权力,而执行上也是非常简单的只需要阿德南发出一纸公函,如果阿德南真的有诚意承认独中统考文凭,就应该立刻实行。 那明年正月砂州政府就可以统考文凭为准(不需SPM文凭),聘雇独中生。 张氏呼吁阿德南尽速在其州政府权力范围内,促成州政府承认统考文凭,不要再把联邦课题带进来混为一体的无限期拖延承认统考文凭一事。 至于砂大是否会承认统考文凭,此事还是可以和教育部及砂大进行磋商,但应将此事和聘雇州政府公务员及砂基金会奖学金事宜分开了处理。 这才不会不必要的耽误承认统考文凭之事。 | ||
Adenan should not keep promising the moon, but to act now on matters which he has the power to do. Posted: 14 Oct 2015 06:00 PM PDT 15-10-2015 Adenan should not keep promising the moon, but to act now on matters which he has the power to do. I am referring to the UEC recognition issue which Adenan promised with many attached conditions and technicalities yet to be sorted out.
The simple facts is that Sarawak State Government has the absolute power in the employment of state civil service and the award scholarship by the state-owned trust funds. If the Sarawak State Government is sincere about giving recognition to the UEC, a simple directive from Adenan will suffice. On these two matters, there is no need to consult the Federal Government and the Federal Government has no say at all. That is also the reason why I only mentioned the recognition of UEC in these two respect in the Sarawak DUN sittings earlier this year. In the recent announcement from the government, in addition to the two matters, Adenan brought in the admission to Unimas as an additional item for recognition of UEC, knowing full well that admission to university is in fact a federal matter. With the inclusion of this additional item which is not under the State's jurisdiction, Adenan's administration is now also delaying the implementation of the other two matters which are within the State's jurisdiction. What Adenan should do is to take immediate action on matters which he has power to do while the so-called discussion with the Federal Government on matters outside his jurisdiction can go on. For the Sarawak State Government to recognise the UEC, all that Adenan needs to do is to issue a circular to all State Government agencies stating that the UEC is the equivalent of STPM and that a credit in Bahasa Malaysia under the UEC is the equivalent of a credit in SPM Bahasa Malaysia. There should also not be any additional requirement that UEC holders must also get a credit in SPM Bahasa Malaysia for them to be eligible to be employed as State civil servants. At the moment, the Education Ministry does not allow Chinese Middle School students to sit for SPM Bahasa Malaysia single subject examination. The inclusion of this condition by Adenan will compel the Chinese Middle Schools students to sit for both UEC and the SPM examinations. While the Chinese Middle Schools boards are talking about discussing with the Education Ministry to allow the students to sit for SPM single-subject BM examination, this will unnecessarily delay the recognition of UEC. In principle, it is also wrong that on the one hand, the State Government claims to recognise UEC but on the other hand, the State Government does not recognise the results of UEC for Bahasa Malaysia subject. Similar circular can also be issued to Yayasan Sarawak to specify that holders of UEC are eligible to apply for scholarship like all STPM certificate holders. If Adenan is sincere about the State Government giving recognition to UEC, there should be some UEC holders (without SPM BM credit) being employed by the State Government by January, 2016. Therefore, I urge Adenan to act now on matters which he has power, and not bring in matters outside his jurisdiction and delay the implementation of matters which he has absolute power. | ||
DAP to kick start campaign with grand dinner Posted: 12 Oct 2015 12:35 AM PDT
KUCHING: Sarawak DAP will be hosting a grand dinner on Oct 16 in Sibu to kick start their preparations for the coming state election. The dinner will also be used as a platform for the party to raise funds for their election campaign through the auctioning of five numbered 'Ubah' mascots. "There are only five of this (Ubah mascots) in the whole world. It will be auctioned and the highest bidder during the dinner will bring it home," DAP state chairman Chong Chieng Jen told a press conference at their headquarters here yesterday. He called on DAP supporters from near and far to attend the dinner. When asked as to why Sibu was chosen to start their campaign, Chong said it was due to DAP's unfinished business. "We have a specific unfinished business to finish off," said Chong, deflecting questions on what the 'unfinished' business was. Chong, who is Kota Sentosa assemblyman and Bandar Kuching MP, also revealed that their election campaign slogan and theme song were being finalised and would be made public soon. On another note, he said there was no reason for Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem to bar any opposition leader from entering the state, apparently referring to DAP publicity chief Tony Pua who was asked to leave the state recently. "There should be proper justice and fairness not because of personal dealings or the interests of Barisan Nasional," he added. Meanwhile, the state DAP will be submitting a proposal to Adenan today to improve the outer ring road in Sibu under the next state budget. Chong further said state DAP would be holding the State Ordinary Members Convention at Crown Square on Nov 8 to elect 15 committee members, which is expected to be participated by 150 delegates. On theborneopost October 12, 2015, Monday |
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