Chong Chieng Jen's Blog |
- 不认同财算计算法 张健仁讥魔术师之作
- 10 Questions for Adenan Satem
- Agriculture minister should resign for failed vision — Chong
- Chong asks for updates on war against illegal logging
- 主持议会一面倒 张健仁指议长不公
- 张健仁冀望国会议员 聚集力量维护砂自主权
- 争砂权益话语权 州议会再演“骑劫”戏码
- 今届州议会提10问题和3动议
- 张健仁:火箭攻30多席 议会后商议席分配
- 张健仁:国安法案 针对砂争取自主权
Posted: 09 Dec 2015 09:03 PM PST 《转载自 诗华日报》
(本报古晋9日讯)哥打圣淘沙区州议员张健仁揶揄﹐2016年财政预算案"计算方式",等同于史上最伟大魔术师大卫科波菲尔之创举﹗ 张健仁是于今午州立法议会针对2016年财政预算案进行辩论时﹐就该财政预算案中两个事项﹐笑称﹐这或许是魔术师大卫所为。 他指出﹐砂首长拿督巴丁宜丹斯里阿迪南沙登声称2016年财政预算案为盈余预算案﹐惟他却不认同。 开支高过收入 他透露﹐在该预算案中﹐砂州总收入为55亿4700万令吉。然而﹐预计在"开销"方面却高达80亿3900万令吉﹐分别为营运支出(20亿7200万令吉)及发展开销(59亿6700万令吉)。 如此一来﹐在"开销"高过"收入"的情况下﹐何来的"盈余预算案"?对此﹐他形容﹐这等计算方式﹐似乎等同于魔术师大卫科波菲尔之举﹗ 第二项被其称之为魔术师创举的事项即是围绕在乡区转型计划。 他指出﹐就砂州首长透露﹐砂州政府在2015年共落实多达1818项乡区计划。然而﹐在2015年财政预算案中﹐州政府针对乡区转型计划的发展资金却是"零"。 "试问这是怎么做到的?这或许是大卫科波菲尔第二项'创举'吧!" | ||
Posted: 09 Dec 2015 08:59 PM PST Chong Chieng Jen's 10 Questions for Adenan Satem 张健仁10道题问阿德南: 1. Of the 500 companies and individuals whose accounts were frozen in May this year for being suspected of having committed illegal logging activities, how many of them were prosecuted in Court of Law, their names and the relevant provision of the law under which they were prosecuted? I heard many of them had their files transferred to Inland Revenue Department where they were held ransom to pay hefty tax failing which their accounts will continued to be frozen for another two to three years. Is this war against illegal logging or robbing the Rakyat? 1. 今年5月,有超过500间公司和个人的户口,因为涉嫌非法伐木活动,而被冻结。 至今,这些被冻结户口的公司或个人,有多少已被提控上法庭? 他们是谁? 政府是援引什么法令提控他们上法庭? 据我所知,许多这些公司和私人的档案,被转移去内陆税收局,而他们被逼还几十万的税,不然的话,内陆税收局威胁将继续冻结他们的户口多几年。 这是在打击非法伐木还是在"洗劫"人民? 2. In August, 2015, Adenan slammed the maritime agency for the Sarawak deep-sea fishing debacle. It was in respect of the deep-sea fishing licences in the state issued by the Agricultural and Agro-Based Industries Ministry which have been leased to foreigners to "steal our fishes". Adenan called for the revocation of these fishing licences. How many of these licences have been cancelled? 2. 今年8月,阿德南公开抨击海事局有关砂州深海捕鱼业的困境。 这是有关农业及农基业部门所发的深海捕鱼执照,被租借给外国渔民到砂州"偷捕鱼"。 阿德南呼吁农业及农基业部吊销这些深海捕鱼执照。 至今,多少这些执照已经被吊销了? 3. In October, 2014, Adenan has declared an all-out war against cyber-gambling. Why are there still so many gambling outlets with the "monkey games" and "fish machines" in Kuching and other major cities and towns in the State, operating under the entertainment or club licences issued by the local councils and Kementerian Dalam Negeri? 3. 2014年10月,阿德南向网赌中心全面宣战。 为何至今还是如此多"猴子游戏"和"打鱼机"的网赌中心在古晋市及其他砂州的主要城镇,以市议会或内政部所发的娱乐执照和俱乐部执照,泛滥的营业? 4. In mid-2014, Adenan has launched an all-out war against illegal logging last year. Since then, how many timber licencees or contractors have been prosecuted and convicted in Court for engaging in illegal logging activities? How many of these offenders involve the timber concessions of the Sarawak BIG 6 timber companies which controls 9.2 million acres of timber concession areas? 4. 2014年,阿德南向非法伐木全面宣战。 至今,有多少伐木执照持有者或承包商被提控上法庭及被定罪。 若有,这些犯法者有多少是与操控砂州920万英亩森林伐木执照的砂6大伐木公司有关? 5. In September, 2014, Adenan has started the Integrity Pledge for all his cabinet members. Since then, how many of his cabinet ministers are found to have property and assets and living the life-style way beyond the means of their ministerial salaries? What action has been or will be taken against them? 5. 2014年9月,阿德南与他的内阁成员签署《廉洁宣言》。 至今,有多少他的内阁部长的资产或生活方式,是远远超出他们部长薪酬可负担的? 对他们,阿德南是否会采取什么行动? 6. As the saying goes, birds of the same feather flock together. Given that Najib is a political leader full of financial scandals, with even a political "DONATION" of RM2.6 billion into his personal account, WHY is Adenan still supporting and associating himself with a political leader of such nature? 6. 俗语有曰,物以类聚。 既然纳吉是一位丑闻缠身的政治领袖,甚至收取26亿令吉私人政治捐款,为何阿德南还是支持及与此类政治领袖为伍? ![]() 7. 根据最近阿德南所透露的,许多政府地是由上任首长廉价批出的。 阿德南是否能撤销这些批地的决定,或如何抵消这类"掠地"政策,以免阿德南继续被视为仍处在上任首长的控制下? 8. Adenan has been talking about the need to improve the English standard of our children. Besides going along with the Federal policy on education which continues to emphasize the study of Bahasa Malaysia and waiting endlessly for the so-called "devolution of power" which never comes, what else can Adenan do? 8. 阿德南不断强调砂州子女必须提升英语水平。 除了守株待兔的干等那不会被联邦下放的教育自主权,而同时让我们的子女继续成为国家教育政策的牺牲品,阿德南还能做什么? 9. Since Adenan became the Chief Minister for Sarawak in February 2014, we have had 2 federal budgets presented in Parliament. Despite the loud and strong words used by Adenan complaining that Sarawak has been "anaktirikan", the development fund allocated for Sarawak by the Federal Government remains disproportionately and unreasonably low. What Adenan can do to get more development fund from the Federal Government other than continue begging and begging and waiting in vain? 9. 自阿德南于2014年2月成为砂州首席部长之后,已经历了2个联邦政府的财政预算案。 阿德南不断的强烈抗议砂州被联邦当"私生子"的不公平对待,但是,联邦政府给予砂州的拨款仍是少之又少。 除了不断的"祈求"和"祈求"及空等之外,阿德南还能做些什么? 10. The people of Sarawak are suffering from the escalating costs of living as a result of the implementation of GST and the drop in value of Ringgit. The little effect of the small decrease in electricity tariffs has been neutralized by the implementation of the GST. Given that the Sarawak Government has RM27 billion reserves, what can Adenan do to lighten the financial burden on the people and businesses of Sarawak? 10. 因为消费税的实行和马币贬值所造成的百货通胀,人民生活于水深火热中。 砂州政府之前降低的电费率,在消费税实行之后,许多人民并没有感到有减轻负担。 既然砂州政府自夸有270亿令吉的储备金,阿德南能做些什么来减轻砂州人民和商家的经济负担? | ||
Agriculture minister should resign for failed vision — Chong Posted: 09 Dec 2015 05:26 PM PST THE minister-in-charge of agriculture should be replaced after drawing flak over the government's failed vision to turn the state into a main rice exporter after 14 years since making the project announcement. ![]() The opposition DAP lawmaker cited an October media report which quoted Land Development Minister Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Masing as raising the need for the government to have the political will to turn Sarawak into one of the nation's main rice bowls and self-sufficient in rice production. This, considering the state only managed to produce about 53 per cent of the rice consumed by its population of 2.5 million. "Recently, the Baleh assemblyman (Masing) was reported in The Borneo Post as saying there was still a lack of political will to strive for self sufficiency in rice production in Sarawak. In 2001, a local Malay newspaper reported of the government's bold ambition to turn the state into a main rice exporter in the country. "Fourteen years later, the minister who is Layar assemblyman was chided by his colleagues for not having the political will to realise the vision. It is timely that a fellow minister made such remark, where the minister-in-charge has no political will to implement the big project. Maybe he (Masing) is implying that a change is timely for the minister concerned," he said when debating the chief minister's budget speech. The person refers to is Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Alfred Jabu who is Minister of Modernisation of Agriculture. The 75-year-old Jabu, now Sarawak's longest serving lawmaker, has been Layar assemblyman since 1974. In this regards, the state DAP chairman suggested that if it was difficult for the sitting minister to modernise the whole agriculture industry, or may have become obsolete in his policy making and project implementation, maybe the time was right for the state to appoint a new person to oversee agriculture matters. On another note, Chong touched on the predicament faced by the people due to the escalating costs of living as a result of the implementation of the goods and services tax (GST) and the drop in ringgit value. He added that relief from the decrease in electricity tariffs had been neutralised by the implementation of GST. Given that the state government has about RM27 billion in reserves, he suggested that the government introduced a free public bus services for Kuching, Sibu, Bintulu and Miri to lighten the burden of the people. Based on an analysis for the operation of bus services in Kuching, he said the government only needed to spend about RM150 million to take over all the companies including purchasing about 200 additional new buses to provide more efficient services. Chong said that giving subsidy to bus companies would not help the people and improve public transport in the long run. Whereas, creating an efficient public transport would bring many benefits. In Kuching alone, at least 3,000 cars would be taken off the roads during peak hours. This would also help the people in saving on petrol and parking fees which could reach about RM250 per office worker per month. Efficient public transport would also reduce the need to buy a car, saving a household of at least RM600 in additional expenses per month for loan installment and vehicle maintenance. Lesser cars on the roach would reduce traffic jams, lessen road maintenance and benefit the environment due to reduced fuel burning and carbon emission. on theborneopost December 10, 2015, Thursday | ||
Chong asks for updates on war against illegal logging Posted: 09 Dec 2015 05:23 PM PST CHONG Chieng Jen (DAP-Kota Sentosa) in his debate speech on the budget yesterday asked Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem for the latest update and follow-up actions on illegal logging that had deprived the state's coffers of hundreds of millions of ringgit annually.The state DAP chairman asked how many of the 500 companies and individuals, whose accounts were frozen in May this year for suspected involvement in illegal logging activities, had been prosecuted in Court. He asked for their names including the relevant provision of the law under which they were prosecuted.Chong asked the chief minister how many timber licensees or contractors had been prosecuted and convicted in Court for engaging in illegal logging activities since launching an all-out war against illegal logging last year.He also asked how many of these offenders were the state's giant timber companies which control about 9.2 million acres of timber concession areas."In August 2015, Adenan slammed the maritime agency for the Sarawak deep-sea fishing debacle. It was in respect of the deep-sea fishing licences in the state issued by the Agriculture and Agro-Based Industries Ministry which have been leased to foreigners to 'steal our fishes'. Adenan called for the revocation of these fishing licences. How many of these licences have been cancelled?" Chong continued in his speech.He mentioned that although Adenan had in October last year declared an all-out war against cyber-gambling, there were still many gambling outlets in major cities and towns in the state, which he claimed to be operating under the entertainment and club licences issued by the local councils and Home Ministry."In September 2014, the chief minister started the Integrity Pledge for all his cabinet members. Since then, how many of his cabinet ministers are found to have property and assets and living the lifestyle way beyond the means of their ministerial salaries? What action has been or will be taken against them?" Chong questioned.He also asked what action the chief minister would take if the development fund from the federal government remained disproportionate and unreasonably low, given that Adenan had accused the federal government of treating Sarawak as a stepchild in the national budget.Touching on rural development, Chong enquired why funding for it had been decreased tremendously from RM1.155 billion this year to only RM650 million for next year, by almost 50 per cent."The government has bragged on their utmost concern for rural development, saying next year's budget as rural-biased but why a reduction of almost RM500 million? Yet the opposition is often accused of not supporting rural development," he said.on theborneopost December 10, 2015, Thursday | ||
Posted: 08 Dec 2015 09:18 PM PST 《转载自 诗华日报》 (本报古晋8日讯)哥打圣淘沙区州议员张健仁认为﹐砂州议长拿督阿玛阿斯非雅在议会的判决﹐似乎就是一面倒!国阵议员无论说什么﹐都是被允许﹐相反地﹐在野党所说的 ﹐样样都可以鸡蛋里挑骨头! 张健仁是在今日的议会殿堂中针对巴类区州议员丹斯里占玛欣提呈的动议﹐在议会后对媒体喊话﹐认为议长判决有所不公。 他解释﹐本身在丹斯里占玛欣念出动议之际﹐细心计算该动议的字数﹐即多达498个字﹗ 反对玛欣动议 对此﹐他称﹐本身随即站立并引述本身在今年4月20日州立法议会进行时﹐所提呈的动议因"字数过多"为由而被驳回﹐向议长提出反对声﹐表示丹斯里占玛欣之动议根本不能被通过。 "我甚至现场临时提出一个'修正动议'﹐建议将丹斯里占玛欣的动议的内容被缩短﹐而议长却无任何表示。" 丹斯里占玛欣之动议在较后更纳入来自哥打圣淘沙区州议员张健仁﹑峇都林当区州议员施志豪及柏拉旺区州议员黄培根所提呈的其中4项动议内容(皆相关"砂州自主权"课题)﹐经由现场投票表决后而有所成立﹐并在较后被通过。 此一时彼一时 张健仁形容﹐本身在今年4月20日的州立法议会中提呈了一个动议﹐当时的字数为280个字﹐当时议长是引用英国联邦州议会条文﹐表示动议不可以超过250个字﹐并推翻了该动议。 "我认为这非常不公平﹐我的280个字在当时被驳回﹐如今﹐丹斯里占玛欣近500个字的动议却能被接纳并通过﹐除非在议会常规中有列明'部长'的话有所不同﹐否则很难接受。" 他强调﹐这再再突现出这个议长在议会的判决就是一边倒﹐国阵议员们无论是做什么﹐议长都可以允许﹐相反地﹐在野党的任何动议﹐不管怎样﹐都可以被鸡蛋里挑骨头。 "这很明显地违反了当初的判决理由﹐身为政府﹐就应该以公平为原则基础﹗" | ||
Posted: 08 Dec 2015 09:14 PM PST 《转载自 诗华日报》 "或许砂州政府应该拟定一个期限,即在3个月或6个月之内,务必争取到砂拉越应有的权益及自主权,否则,就应退出马来西亚国阵政府﹗" 他强调﹐砂首长拿督巴丁宜阿迪南沙登应在此次州立法议会中﹐指示砂州4名联邦上议员﹐在下周召开的联邦上议院会议中﹐反对"国家安全理事会法案"的通过。 他表示﹐唯有透过上议员们的力量﹐才能扭转原来的局势﹐阻止该法案的通过。该法案目前已经在下议院经过3读通过。 张健仁今日在州议会参与巴类区州议员丹斯里占玛欣提呈相关砂自主权事项动议之辩论时,如是表示。 首相掌握宣布紧急状况权力 他重申,这项法案的通过,寓意着首相将掌握宣布紧急状况的权力,而这项权利原本是最高元首的,而该理事会的成员共有8个,分别包括首相本身、副首相、国防部长、内政部长、通讯及多媒体部长、政府首席秘书、全国总警长及武装部队首长。 他说,国家安全理事会是基于国家主权、国防、社会稳定、经济稳定、策略资源等国家团结课题来鉴定,一旦任何地区或州属一旦面对以上任何威胁,首相即有权力通过书面方式,颁布该区域或州属为"保安区"。 然而,一旦某个区域被列为所谓的"保安区",该地区将会被标版为"戒严"区域,警方、军官可自由进驻,甚至有权在没有任何搜查令的情况下,搜查住宅,任何法律途径都不能改变任何结果。 针对砂欲争取自主权 对此,张健仁认为,这项法令无疑是在针对砂州欲争取的自主权,届时,砂州在任何事项上,如争取石油开采税及争取强调英文的重要性上,似乎都是在"抵触"国安法。 与此同时﹐他也在参与辩论时表示﹐砂州加强英文﹐应将财政预算案10%﹐拿来建立英校﹐当私立学校来运作﹐免费提供本州学生英语教育,以加强本州学生的英语能力,这才符合本州政府要提倡及加强英语能力的目标。 他认为,如果本州成功及良好实行建设英校计划,或许可吸引想要加强英语能力的西马学者,来到砂拉越的英校就读,同时还可向他们收取学费,有利于本州。 另一方面﹐他也提及﹐在砂拉越的中央政府部门和机构的正副主管必须是100%来自砂拉越。 他指出,在国会得到的数据是,在砂拉越的中央政府部门与机构多达165个,而这些中央政府部门与机构的正副主管有35%不是来自砂拉越子民。 | ||
Posted: 08 Dec 2015 09:11 PM PST 《转载自 诗华日报》
(本报古晋8日讯)议会再现"骑劫"案﹗哥打圣淘沙区州议员张健仁认为巴类区州议员丹斯里占玛欣似乎"骑劫"了在野党之动议﹗ 砂州第17届第5季第三次州立法议会﹐12项动议﹐其中8项难逃被驳回的命运﹐另外4项动议﹐皆因相关砂州自主权课题﹐被巴类区州议员丹斯里占玛欣"纳入"其动议当中﹐因此最终被通过﹗ 接纳玛欣动议 砂州议长拿督阿玛阿斯非雅在今早州议会口头问答环节结束后﹐宣布进入动议商讨环节﹐现场表示丹斯里占玛欣在今早亦提呈了一项动议﹐而该动议分别与哥打圣淘沙区州议员张健仁﹑峇都林当区州议员施志豪及柏拉旺区州议员黄培根所提呈的4项动议有所雷同﹐皆相关"砂州自主权"课题。 因此﹐拿督阿玛阿斯非雅随即寻求现场州议员举手表决﹐是否决定将该4项动议纳入成为丹斯里占玛欣之动议并对此进行辩论﹐亦或是决定要各别辩论该4项动议(不纳入丹斯里占玛欣动议之意)﹐最终结果为46票对12票﹐大部份州议员愿意采用丹斯里占玛欣之动议并对此进行辩论。 该四项动议最终被纳入在丹斯里占玛欣的动议当中﹐张健仁笑称﹐该举止﹐即是在骑劫在野党所提出的动议。 随后﹐参与该动议辩论者分别为阿沙再也区州议员阿都卡林﹑哥打圣淘沙区州议员张健仁及峇都林当区州议员施志豪。 而四项被认为与丹斯里占玛欣动议有所雷同的分别为﹐由张健仁所提呈的"设立特选委员会探讨自主权"﹑施志豪提呈的"维护及捍卫砂州领土的完整性"和"争取教育自主权"及由黄培根所提呈的"捍卫宪法赋予砂州附加权益﹐包括英语为官方语言"。 另8动议驳回 除了以上的"骑劫"插曲外﹐另外8项动议﹐难逃被驳回的命运﹐当中3项动议即来自埔奕区州议员房保德﹐未被带入议会殿堂﹐就已在昨日以传真﹑电邮外加电话联系方式被驳回﹗ 另外5项被驳回的动议﹐分别为﹐两项来自峇卡拉兰区州议员巴鲁比安﹑两项来自哥打圣淘沙区州议员张健仁及一项来自峇都林当区州议员施志豪。 | ||
Posted: 06 Dec 2015 09:24 PM PST 民主行动党哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁今届州议会提10问题和3动议。 张健仁今届州议会所提呈的10个问题如下: 1. 询问现代化农业部长有关政府于2013年所公布,在Batang Lupar,斯里阿曼的"稻米之仓"计划的进展如何。 多少农民参与这项计划,总共的开支多少以及这些农民各别种稻的收成如何。 2. 询问首席部长,今年中所遭冻结的500个私人或公司的户口,其中多少人或公司有被提控上法庭,他们各别的名字以及政府是引用什么法律条文提控他们的。 3. 询问首席部长,政府如何使用于2015年所批准的11亿5590万令吉的乡村小型发展工程的拨款,请列出相关的工程资料、地点、开支以及个别承包商或收到该拨款的人士和单位。 4. 询问地方政府和社区发展部长,请列出,过去3年,在巴达旺市议会所管辖之下的地区,总共还有多少仍有效的娱乐执照,以及这些执照的各别经营地点。 同时,在这3年间,有多少娱乐执照被吊销,及它们被吊销的理由? 5. 询问地方政府和社区发展部长,请列出,过去3年,在古晋南北市市议会所管辖之下的地区,总共还有多少仍有效的娱乐执照,以及这些执照的个别经营地点。 同时,在这3年间,有多少娱乐执照被吊销,及它们被吊销的理由? 6. 询问首席部长,请列出详细的资料有关2013年至2015年期间,从"政府供款所批准的代理机构"所还出发展拨款,到底收到这笔巨款的"代理机构"是何人士或公司,以及政府支付这笔巨款的用意何在。 (在2013年至2015年的期间,砂州政府总共拨了47亿3042万令吉的拨款进入这个户口。) 7. 询问首席部长,请列出在州政府各部门、法定机构和官联公司就职的各级官员和职员(从低级职员至部门头目)的种族比例。 8. 询问首席部长,请列出,所有过去得到州政府所发出大型种植地地契,但之后却有进行公司股权转让或买卖的公司。 9. 询问首席部长,政府采取了什么措施来进行研究和保存达雅族的文化、语言和遗产。 州政府是否有计划设立一所达雅文化和遗传中心,若有,那这中心的预算开支是多少,而几时会竣工。 10. 询问首席部长,在过去土著习俗地地主和政府机构合资发展土著习俗地计划下,多少的地主和多少英亩的习俗地有涉及这项计划。 请列出,他们各别的地点,涉及该计划的时日有多久,以及得到的回筹是多少。 张健仁所提呈的3个动议包括,公投法、砂州自主权和英语教育。 以下是张氏所提呈3个动议的重点: 1. 动议砂州政府在州议会提呈公投法案,以决定任何重大并影响砂州人民的政策和议题。 2. 动议砂州议会成立一个至少5位议员为成员的砂州议会特选委员会,进行研究马来西亚合约和宪法第九附录有关联邦和州的权限事项,将教育、卫生事务、警察保安事务和税收权利,归还砂州政府。 砂州首长阿德南之前所提到砂州要中央下放8项权力给砂州政府,漏掉税收主权。 州政府没有自己的税收,连医院的医生护士和学校的教师的薪水都无法还,更妄论要如何去进行长期的发展计划。 没有税收主权,阿德南的一切争取主权的言论,只是在哄小孩的把戏,讲给砂州人民听爽而已。 行动党所提的"税务主权"是,20%石油天然气开采税和50%在砂州所征收的税收(包括个人公司所得税和消费税),归还砂州政府。 有了税收的钱,才有真正的主权,才能够自己计划和落实发展。 如果联邦政府还是控制税收,真正的决策权还是归联邦政府。 3. 动议砂州政府将2016年财政拨款的10% (约5亿令吉)充作设立一个以英语为媒介语属于州政府的教育制度和建多间州政府的私立英校,提供学生们免费的英语教育。 行动党建议,这些州政府的私立英校,就有如过去的教会学校一般,以英语教学,没有收学费。 行动党坚信,只有落实英语教学,才能真正和广泛的提升砂州子女的英语水平。 联邦教育政策不会改,为了砂州子女的前途,唯一可行的就是由砂州政府自己先出资办英校,这样才能立刻的落实提升州民英语水平的计划。 不然,要等到联邦政府那些巫统极端分子改变其教育政策,多50年也没希望。 | ||
Posted: 06 Dec 2015 09:22 PM PST 《转载自 诗华日报》 (本报古晋6日讯)砂行动党主席张健仁透露,该党将在来届州选出战超过30个州议席,而该党与人民公正党之间,在协商方面,将秉持着最基本的合作原则,即任何公正党所胜利的选区,或是从公正党胜利选区中被划分出来的新选区,该党都不会出战! 他认为,这是目前两党的合作原则,也是两党之间互重的基本条件,一切的协商将在州议会之后进行。 他亦透露,该党与工人党之间的协商,也将在近期内有结果,而且是非常正面的结果! 与工党协商伊党免谈 至于伊斯兰党方面,他表示,行动党坚决说不,即不会有任何协议!而,该党与诚信党之间却会有所合作协议。 张健仁是在今日进行的该党州委会会议后召开的新闻发布会上,如是表示。 "一切协商工作及最后的结果,我们会等到州议会之后进行,基本上,都需要进行商讨才能做决定。" 至于候选人人选方面,他亦打趣表示"之前我们的人选已经七七八八,而目前却已经是八八九九!"想必一切结果,同样会在不久之后被公布。 | ||
Posted: 06 Dec 2015 09:20 PM PST 《转载自 诗华日报》
(本报古晋6日讯)砂行动党主席张健仁今日针对日前于国会下议院被三读通过的"国家安全理事法案"(National Security council bill)进行炮轰,认为该法案根本就是在针对砂州欲争取的自主权,同时更剥夺了国家最高元首的权利! 欲扭转乾坤,他对此冀望砂首长拿督巴丁宜丹斯里阿迪南沙登在明日召开的州立法会议上指示砂州4位上议员,在仍在进行中的上议院会议上提出反对声,以挽回现有的局面! 冀首长指示砂议员反对 张健仁透露,该法案目前已在下议院中经过3读通过,目前已被带到上议院中继续进行商讨会议,砂州要扭转目前的局面,唯有希望砂首长开声指示砂州4位上议员提出反对票! "当天在下议院通过的票数为107:74。" 张健仁是在今日该党进行的州委会会议后召开的新闻发布上,如是表示。 他指出,这项法案的通过,寓意着首相将掌握宣布紧急状况的权利,而这项权利原本是最高元首的,而该理事会的成员共有8个,分别包括首相本身、副首相、国防部长、内政部长、通讯及多媒体部长、政府首席秘书、全国总警长及武装部长。 剥夺国家元首权利 他说国家安全理事会是基于国家主权、国防、社会稳定、经济稳定、策略资源等国家团结课题来鉴定,一旦任何地区或州属面对以上任何威胁,首相即有权力通过书面方式,颁布该区域或州属为"保安区"。 然而,一旦某个区域被列为所谓的"保安区",该地区将会被标榜为"戒严"区域,警方、军官可自由进驻,甚至有权在没有任何搜查令的情况下,搜查住宅,任何法律途径都不能改变任何结果。 对此,张健仁认为,这项法令无疑是在针对砂州欲争取的自主权,届时,砂州在任何事项上,如争取石油开采税及争取强调英文的重要性上,似乎都是在"抵触"国安法。 "我希望州政府,包括国会议员能'醒醒',不要让砂州的权益因此被剥夺!" |
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