Isnin, 23 Julai 2012



Why police are impotent in dealing with growing crime

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 08:06 PM PDT

Speech at “Tamil Protection Conference”, Ipoh

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 11:26 PM PDT

R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

Dialogue with Youth and Church Leaders

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 07:14 PM PDT

Sivarasa together with Charles Santiago met with  a group of young professionals in a dialogue session recently. The 2 hour session held at the MBPJ library discussed issues as varied as the economy, security and the nations outlook post GE 13.

On Monday 23rd, YB Sivarasa met up over dinner with the leaders of the various churches from Kota Damansara.

They exchanged concerns faced by the  churches including issues of registration, council policies on signboards for churches etc.

We look forward to more of these kind of interaction with other sections of the community.

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Malam Ke Surau Menyampaikan Peruntukan, Siang Ke Taman Perumahan Menyampaikan Bantuan

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 04:12 PM PDT

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

Kelas Make-up Anjuran DAP Wanita Serdang & Inno Art Make-Up Studio

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 02:10 AM PDT

Tarikh: 21hb Julai 2012
Waktu: 4.30ptg
Tempat: Pusat Perdagangan Seri Kembangan
Anjuran: DAP Wanita Serdang & Inno Art Make-Up Studio

YB Teo menyampaikan sijil kehadiran kepada salah seorang peserta.


Penyampaia​n Buah Kurma di Bazzar Ramadhan Seri Putra

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 01:54 AM PDT

Tarikh: 21hb Julai 2012
Waktu: 5.30ptg
Tempat: Bazzar Ramadhan Seri Putra

Sebanyak 1000 kotak buah kurma telah diedarkan kepada orangramai oleh YB Teo.


Info Pusat Khidmat Rakyat - Parlimen Telok Kemang - Ziarah & Sumbangan Ramadhan 1433 H

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 12:16 AM PDT

Salam Ramadhan buat rakyat khususnya rakyat Telok Kemang. Alhamdulillah hari ini telah masuk hari ketiga kita menjalani ibadah puasa. Semoga kita bersama berada dalam limpah dan rahmatNya.

Ingin dimaklumkan bahawa pada setiap Rabu dan Jumaat, insyallah akan dijalankan program Ziarah dan Sumbangan Ramadhan Parlimen Telok Kemang.

Tarikh adalah seperti berikut:-

27 Julai, Jumaat : Ziarah & Sumbangan Ramadhan
1 Ogos, Rabu : Ziarah & Sumbangan Ramadhan
3 Ogos, Jumaat : Ziarah & Sumbangan Ramadhan
8 Ogos, Rabu : Ziarah & Sumbangan Ramadhan
10 Ogos, Jumaat : Ziarah & Sumbangan Ramadhan
15 Ogos, Rabu : Ziarah & Sumbangan Ramadhan
17 Ogos, Jumaat : Ziarah & Sumbangan Ramadhan

Gerak kerja ini akan dilaksanakan oleh Pejabat Parlimen Telok Kemang dengan kerjasama Angkatan Muda Keadilan N. Sembilan. Jemput semua rakyat untuk bersama mengimarahkan program sempena bulan yang mulia ini.

i n t a n h i j a u

i n t a n h i j a u


Posted: 23 Jul 2012 07:44 AM PDT

TELUK INTAN, 23 Julai - Bulan Ramadhan telah diambil kesempatan oleh ADUN Changkat Jong untuk turun padang bertemu orang ramai. Beberapa lokasi bazar Ramadhan telah dikunjungi oleh YB Mohd. Anuar Sudin di sekitar Teluk Intan.

Antara bazar Ramadhan yang di kunjungi beliau ialah Bazar Ramadhan di bandar Teluk Intan, Kg. Bahagia dan Selabak  Luar. Beliau telah diiringi oleh Dewan Pemuda PAS Kawasan dan Pemuda PAS Kg. Bahagia yang diketuai oleh Sdr. Esma Hafiz, Naib Ketua Ketua Pemuda PAS Teluk Intan.
YB Anuar di Bazar Ramadhan bandar Teluk Intan.

YB Anuar di Bazar Ramadhan Kg. Bahagia.

YB Anuar di Bazar Ramadhan Selabak Luar.

Antara aktiviti yang dijalankan ialah mengedar jadual berbuka puasa dan risalah penerangan isu semasa. Selain itu, YB Anuar juga mengambil kesempatan untuk bertemu dengan para pengundi di samping menyelami masalah setempat.
Mendengar maslah seorang peniaga di Bazar Nanas, Selabak Luar.

Sempat bersembang dengan seorang SB.

YB Anuar menyantuni Ketua Kampung Kg. Bahagia.

Bersama anak-anak muda Kg. Bahagia.

Bersama pimpinan pemuda dan cawangan.

Kebanyakan orang ramai yang ditemui berasa besar hati bertemu dengan wakil rakyat tersebut di samping dapat mengeratkan tali persaudaraan.

Suara Sri Andalas

Suara Sri Andalas

Memorandum Membantah Cadangan SYABAS Untuk Program Catuan Air dan Menggesa SYABAS Agar Membenarkan Kerajaan Negeri Selangor Mengambil Alih (Step In) Dalam Operasi dan Pengurusan Air SYABAS di Selangor, Kuala Lumpur dan Putrajaya

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 02:12 AM PDT

Dilampirkan salinan memorandum untuk rujukan;

Memorandum dibaca oleh Saudara Azmizam Zaman Huri, Ketua Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) Negeri Selangor di hadapan Wisma Rozali, Sek 13, Shah Alam seperti di bawah:


23 JULAI 2012

Kepada         :       Tan Sri Rozali Ismail,
                              Pengerusi Eksekutif, Syarikat Bekalan Air     
                              Selangor (SYABAS)

Daripada       :       Angkatan Muda KEADILAN (AMK) Selangor,                                
                              bersama Pakatan Rakyat Selangor,     
                              NGO-NGO Selangor dan Rakyat Selangor

1) Bantahan Cadangan Program Catuan Air Oleh Syabas
Kami membantah cadangan Syabas untuk melaksanakan program catuan air di beberapa kawasan di negeri Selangor. Tindakan mengadakan catuan ini akan menyebabkan kesusahan kepada penduduk di kawasan berkenaan lantaran mengganggu aktiviti kehidupan harian mereka. Cadangan  catuan ini juga akan menyebabkan situasi panik kepada orangramai yang akan mendorong mereka menyimpan air secara berlebihan dan keadaan ini akan merumitkan lagi keadaan. 

2) Desakan Menyerahkan Operasi Air Terawat Kepada Kerajaan Negeri Selangor
Berikutan KEGAGALAN SYABAS MEMENUHI TANGGUNGJAWAB dalam membekalkan air terawat yang mencukupi kepada pengguna seperti termaktub dalam perjanjian konsesi air ,Kami mendesak supaya SYABAS menyerahkan operasi merawat dan menbekal  air kepada Kerajaan Negeri Selangor. Keengganan SYABAS berbuat demikian bukan sahaja melanggari perjanjian yang telah dibuat malah menyusahkan rakyat di negeri Selangor.

3) Perkhidmatan SYABAS Yang Tidak Memuaskan
SYABAS tidak berupaya menyediakan air terawat yang mencukupi walaupun bekalan air mentah di tujuh empangan Selangor melimpah.  Dibeberapa kawasan di Selangor, pengguna mengalami bekalan air pada tahap tekanan yang rendah dengan kualiti air yang tidak bersih disebabkan saluran paip yang digunakan sudah lama, sudah berkarat dan harus diganti. Keadaan ini menyebabkan urusan harian pengguna terjejas dan pengguna terpaksa membayar perkhidmatan tersebut dengan nilai yang tidak setimpal.

4) Kedudukan Kewangan SYABAS Yang Membimbangkan
Kami juga  tidak yakin dengan kelangsungan operasi SYABAS. Laporan awal audit mendapati SYABAS gagal melaksanakan kerja-kerja capex (capital expenditure) dengan baik. Ini jelas ditunjukkan apabila SYABAS setakat bulan April 2012, mempunyai tanggungan jumlah tertunggak kepada operator rawatan air dianggarkan sebanyak RM2.8 bilion. SYABAS juga gagal menurunkan kadar air tidak terhasil NWR (non-revenue water) kepada 20%.

5) Kerajaan Negeri Selangor Lebih Cekap Mengendalikan Operasi Air Terawat
Kami menyokong penuh hasrat Kerajaan Negeri Selangor untuk 'step in' bagi mengambilalih  SYABAS dan percaya bahawa Kerajaan Negeri Selangor yang dipimpin Dato' Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim berupaya memberi perkhidmatan air terawat yang lebih baik dengan harga yang tidak membebankan rakyat Selangor.

6) Berhenti Mensabotaj Kerajaan Negeri Selangor
Beberapa tindakan SYABAS dilihat tidak professional dan tidak mengutamakan keperluan pengguna yang lebih bersifat kepada tindakan mensabotaj Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Negeri Selangor menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 bagi mengikis keyakinan rakyat terhadap Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor antaranya;

1. Cadangan Catuan air dan program catuan air di beberapa kawasan di negeri Selangor dengan alasan kononnya bekalan air terawat tidak mencukupi dan menyalahkan Kerajaan Negeri Selangor atas keengganan meluluskan Projek Langat 2. Tindakan ini dilihat sengaja mahu mengundang rasa tidak puas hati dan marah rakyat kepada Kerajaan Negeri Selangor.

2. Menyebabkan Selangor kehilangan 60 projek pelaburan akibat perkhidmatan bekalan air yang tidak memuaskan.

3. Sebanyak 162 buah projek pembangunan di Selangor tidak diluluskan oleh SYABAS membuktikan SYABAS tidak layak untuk mengurus air di negeri ini. Banyak aduan telah diterima dari masyarakat perniagaan yang membangunkan kawasan masing-masing tetapi tidak mendapat sijil atas alasan tekanan air rendah. Tindakan sabotaj telah menyebabkan projek yang dibangunkan tidak dapat diduduki kerana gagal memperolehi sijil menduduki.

4. Cubaan membina persepsi negatif kepada Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor dengan mengumumkan krisis air. SYABAS serahusnya sedar bahawa kuasa untuk mengumumkan krisis bekalan air di sesuatu negeri terletak pada tangan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri (SUK) dan bukan syarikat konsesi yang mengendalikan operasi air. Tindakan tidak bertanggungjawab SYABAS boleh mencetuskan isu keselamatan didalam negeri Selangor.
7) Menolak Projek Langat 2
Kami Rakyat Selangor menolak Projek Langat 2 yang dilihat akan membebankan rakyat dengan kenaikan tarif air sehingga 70 peratus. Kos penyaluran Air Mentah dari Pahang Ke Selangor dan pembinaan Loji Langat 2 menelan kos perbelanjaan berjumlah RM8.65 Bilion dan kos ini akan 'dipaksakan'ke atas rakyat Selangor dengan cara terpaksa membayar bil air yang tinggi apabila projek ini siap kelak. 

Air adalah merupakan hak asasi yang tidak sepatutnya didagangkan hingga membebankan rakyat. Selangor sudah pun mempunyai bekalan air mentah yang mencukupi dan tidak memerlukan pembekalan air mentah dari Pahang. Apa yang diperlukan adalah operasi rawatan air yang cekap dan SYABAS sememangnya tidak berupaya melakukannya dan Projek Langat 2 dilihat hanya mengkayakan segelintir elit yang mempunyai kepentingan.

Atas sebab-sebab dan kelemahan yang dinyatakan ini, Kami Rakyat Selangor mendesak sekeras-kerasnya supaya SYABAS menyerahkan semua operasi pengurusan air  kepada Kerajaan Negeri Selangor demi kepentingan 5.7 juta rakyat negeri Selangor.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Angkatan Muda KEADILAN (AMK)Selangor,               
bersama Pakatan Rakyat Selangor, 
NGO-NGO Selangor dan Rakyat Selangor

Selangor Government Is Prepared to Hold a Referendum of the Rakyat On the Take Over of SYABAS

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 01:42 AM PDT

23 JULAI 2012

The statement by the Special Cabinet Committee (SCC) that there is no need for water rationing in Selangor, Putrajaya and KL only goes to show that the threat of water rationing and the entire saga of there being a "water crisis" was wholly manufactured by SYABAS and their cronies.

1.  Today we visited the Water Treatment Plant in Sg Semenyih that has a maximum design output of 545 MLD, and is currently producing about 650 MLD daily. This treatment plant is owned and run by ABBAS (Selangor State Government). Only 4 out of 33 water treatment plants in Selangor are under the State Government's control.

2. There are currently 2 water treatment plants, namely SSP1 and SSP3 (Sg. Selangor treatment plants) that are running below their maximum design output.  Reason being there isn't sufficient infrastructure to channel the additional treated water out of those 2 plants. To solve this issue, the Selangor State Government has requested RM 225 million from the Ministry of Finance (Federal Government) to carry out Water  Mitigation projects (to provide the needed infrastructure), but this request is still pending approval.

3. It is the duty and responsibility of the Federal Government and SYABAS (Puncak Niaga) to maintain, upkeep and upgrade all these water assets (water treatment plants, pipes, supply lines etc) which are leased to them by the state. If the Federal Government does not approve these funds, the Selangor Government is prepared to spend its own funds to fulfill the water mitigation projects, to ensure that the rakyat of Selangor have enough water. These water mitigation projects increase output of treated water by more than 200MLD.

4. In addition to the RM 225 million the Selangor Government, is also studying the possibility of spending an additional RM200-300million to upgrade the water treatment technology at the plants to the latest membrane technology without disruption to the present supply of treated water.

5. The State Government asks the cooperation of SYABAS to allow the 4 professionals appointed by the State EXCO last week to be allowed to monitor all the water treatment plants, including the 29 plants run by SYABAS. It would be only fair to allow our State representatives to monitor the figures of water demand and supply for themselves. Right now, we have no access to the SYABAS controlled water treatment plants, and the State has to rely on the figures and statistics given by them.

6. The Selangor State Government is very serious about our role in the water management of Selangor for the people. We are committed to the facts that the Non Revenue Water (wasted treated water) must be reduced to below 20% and that water tariffs must be fair and affordable, amongst other issues. We are certain the state will be able to keep the cost within 12% increase only for the consumers. To this end we are prepared if necessary to hold a REFERENDUM of the PEOPLE where the rakyat can directly vote, and have a say whether to either accept or reject the intentions of the State Government to take over Syabas. We know we are in the right, and we are confident that the rakyat of Selangor have faith in the Government they elected.


Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

Special Branch Clearly Infiltrated By UMNO If Hishamudin Tun Hussein Onn Fails To Direct Special Branch To Show Evidence To The Public How Communists Are Infiltrating The DAP?(en/bm/cn)

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 08:54 PM PDT

DAP condemns BN for exploiting the police Special Branch as their political tool to undermine public confidence in PR to help BN win the next general elections. Special Branch chief assistant director of the E2(M) national social extremist threat division Mohd Sofian Md Makinuddin was quoted by national news agency Bernama on Thursday as claiming that JI elements were trying to infiltrate PAS while the communist elements were trying to infiltrate the DAP.

DAP has no knowledge of any communist infiltration and has no relationship with any communist elements. Mohd Sofian and the Special Branch behaved unprofessionally and irresponsibly by choosing to go public without first informing the DAP top leadership. This is a shameful act of political opportunism by Special Branch to make a baseless attack on DAP without needing to show proof.

Would Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishamudin Tun Hussein Onn dare to direct Special Branch to show evidence to the public how communists are infiltrating the DAP? If Hishamudin fails to do so, then it is the Special Branch that is infiltrated by UMNO! Such desperate tactics are just like UMNO who question DAP's loyalty to Malaysia even though DAP top leaders had not obtained an Australian Permanent Resident like a MCA Minister.

Why is the police Special Branch still fighting communists when the former Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Rahim Nor and not PR that had signed a peace agreement with the Communist Party of Malaya on 2 December 1989. If Special Branch is so intent on fighting communists, then they should be fully ashamed for failing to perform their duty by acting against UMNO Youth President Khairy Jamaludin.

Should not then Khairy Jamaluddin be arrested and charged for trying to revive communism by setting up a permanent secretariat on October 12 2009 to strengthen ties between Barisan Nasional Youth and the Communist Youth League of China (CYL)? Barisan Youth chairman Khairy Jamaluddin had said that the permanent secretariat would facilitate continuous bilateral programmes to promote a stronger bond between the two entities. This is not a government to government relationship but party to party direct linkage.

Compared to the alleged infiltration into DAP by communists, the permanent secretariat between CYL and UMNO Youth is a direct linkage made knowingly, consciously and with full consent by Khairy Jamaludin. Special Branch top officers like Mohd Sofian should resign for failing to act against Khairy and UMNO Youth for forging a direct relationship with the CYL but instead has chosen to find communist shadows in the DAP when there are none.

Even when top DAP leaders were detained without trial under the infamous Internal Security Act, none of the top leaders were charged with communist links. Neither has Special Branch objected to the Malaysian government establishing diplomatic ties not only with China but also with Marxists regimes like Cuba. Linking DAP with communists is an electoral ploy and part of the political agenda of the Special Branch to frighten Malay voters to support UMNO and BN.

This latest smear campaign by Special Branch against the DAP is part of UMNO's 3Ds tactics of denial of their own communist links, dirty tactics to scare the voters and deception to link PR with communists and extremists. Such desperate 3D tactics can no longer work because the people do not want to live and grope in the dark. The people yearn to live in the light with human dignity, integrity, freedom of information, truth, justice and democracy.

—-BM Version —-
Kenyataan Akhbar oleh Setiausaha Agung DAP dan Ahli Parlimen Bagan Lim Guan Eng di Kuala Lumpur pada 22.7.2012

Jelas UMNO Sudah Berjaya Menyusup Ke Dalam Cawangan Khas Jika Hishamuddin Tun Hussein Gagal Mengarahkan Cawangan Khas Untuk Menunjukkan Bukti Kepada Rakyat Bagaimana Komunis Telah Menyusup Ke Dalam DAP?

DAP mengecam BN kerana menggunakan Cawangan Khas polis sebagai alat politik untuk melemahkan keyakinan awam terhadap PR supaya membantu kemenangan BN dalam pilihan raya umum yang akan datang. Ketua penolong pengarah E2(M) dalam Bahagian ancaman ekstremis sosial Cawangan Khas Mohd Sofian Md Makinuddin telah dilaporkan pada hari Khamis oleh agensi berita negara Bernama sebagai berkata bahawa terdapat elemen JI yang cuba menyusup masuk PAS sementara elemen komunis cuba menyusup ke dalam DAP.

DAP tidak mempunyai pengetahuan tentang penyusupan komunis dan tidak mempunyai apa-apa hubungan dengan elemen komunis. Dengan memilih untuk membuat pengumuman awam tanpa terlebih dahulu memaklumkan pucuk pimpinan DAP, Mohd Sofian dan Cawangan Khas berkelakuan tidak profesional dan tidak bertanggungjawab. Ini tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah tindakan oportunis politik oleh Cawangan Khas untuk membuat serangan tidak berasas ke atas DAP tanpa menunjukkan bukti.

Adakah Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein berani untuk mengarahkan Cawangan Khas untuk menunjukkan bukti kepada rakyat bagaimana komunis telah menyusup ke dalam DAP? Jika Hishamuddin gagal melakukan demikian, maka sebenarnya Cawangan Khas yang sudah disusup oleh UMNO! Taktik terdesak ini tidak berbeza daripada UMNO yang mempersoalkan kesetiaan DAP terhadap Malaysia walaupun tiada pemimpin DAP yang telah mendapatkan status Penduduk Tetap Australia seperti seorang Menteri MCA.

Kenapakah Cawangan Khas polis masih lagi ingin melawan komunis sedangkan bekas Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Rahim Nor dan bukan PR yang telah menandatangani perjanjian keamanan dengan Parti Komunis Malaya pada 2 Disember 1989? Jika Cawangan Khas ingin sangat melawan komunis, mereka patut berasa malu kerana gagal melaksanakan tugas dengan mengambil tindakan terhadap Ketua Pemuda UMNO Khairy Jamaluddin.

Bukankah sepatutnya Khairy Jamaluddin ditangkap dan didakwa kerana ingin memulihkan komunisme dengan menubuhkan sekretariat tetap pada 12 Oktober 2009 yang bertujuan untuk mengeratkan hubungan antara Pemuda Barisan Nasional dan Liga Pemuda Komunis China (CYL)? Ketua Pemuda BN Khairy Jamaluddin telah berkata bahawa sekretariat tetap itu akan membolehkan program-program dua hala yang berterusan untuk mengeratkan hubungan antara dua entiti tersebut.

Berbanding dengan dakwaan susupan komunis ke dalam DAP, sekretariat tetap antara CYL dan Pemauda UMNO adalah hubungan langsung yang dilakukan secara disedari dengan persetujuan penuh Khairy Jamaluddin. Pegawai atasan Cawangan Khas seperti Mohd Sofian harus letak jawatan kerana gagal bertindak terhadap Khairy dan Pemuda UMNO yang menjalin hubungan langsung dengan CYL tetapi sebaliknya memilih untuk mencari bayang-bayang komunis yang tidak wujud dalam DAP.

Malah apabila para pemimpin DAP ditahan tanpa bicara di bawah ISA, tiada satu pun yang didakwa dengan hubungan komunis. Cawangan Khas juga tidak menentang penjalinan hubungan diplomatik antara kerajaan Malaysia bukan sahaja dengan China tetapi juga dengan rejim-rejim Marxis seperti Cuba. Adalah jelas bahawa cubaan untuk mengaitkan DAP dengan komunis ini adalah satu muslihat politik pilihan raya untuk menakutkan orang Melayu untuk menyokong UMNO dan BN.

Kempen memburuk-burukkan oleh Cawangan Khas terhadap DAP ini adalah sebahagian daripada taktik 3D UMNO iaitu denial (penafian hubungan komunis mereka sendiri), dirty tactics (taktik kotor untuk menakut-nakutkan pengundi) dan deception (penipuan untuk menghubungkan PR dengan puak pelampau dan komunis). Taktik terdesak ini tidak lagi berguna kerana rakyat tidak mahu hidup dalam kegelapan. Rakyat ingin hidup dalam pencerahan dengan martabat keinsanan, integriti, kebebasan maklumat, kebenaran, keadilan dan demokrasi.

—-Mandarin Version—–








政治部也没有反对马来西亚政府与中国建交,也没有反对政府与马克思政权制度国家如古巴建交。很明显地,政治部硬生生地把行动党与共产党扯为一谈,纯粹是用来恐吓马来选民的选举伎俩,目的是要马来选民继续支持巫统和国阵。没有任何共产党组织对行动党有兴趣,因为行动党是社会党国际(Socialist International)的成员(法国新总统奥朗德便是来自社会党),我们直接反对共产主义。



Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on “3 Pesawat AirAsia Ditahan Bea & Cukai Bandara Soekarno-Hatta, Penumpang Mengamuk” by Ka Ka Ka

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 09:40 AM PDT

At last the Pariah has been thought a good lesson for not paying airport tax. In Malaysia AA was able to owe for years under the Slumber Jack era. He thought that he could get away with it in Indonesia. MAB couldn’t act because the 4th was so powerful then. Syabas! Thank you Indonesia for teaching the Pariah a good lesson.

Don’t worry folks, nothing will come out in the Star. Star will only publish positive news about AA and thee Pariah.

Comment on CONSPIRACY or SABOTAGE? by Hmmm

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 08:23 AM PDT

Comment on CONSPIRACY or SABOTAGE? by MAS employee

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 07:17 AM PDT

(anon.) MAHB hands are “tied” la… Even if Tan Sri Bashir wanted to, he’d probably get one phone call from HIGHER UP and the next thing you (he’d) know – he would be out of a job… PERMANENTLY!

This is how the shit works here in Bolehland – it is not what you know but WHO you know… Tan Sri Bashir knows this and knows the system very well, that is why when AA, AA-X and TF wanted him ‘dismissed’, he played his hand well enough to survive intact in MAHB. Any other lesser person would have been kicked out to “dry” in the desert by now….


Comment on AJ & Al-Ishal Ishak: How much did MAS pay for re-branding & new livery? by clever air asia

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 04:12 AM PDT

share swap is no more, but collaboration still on. if true, why air asia sign us$80mil with singapore firm? why not mas engineering? Star paper bizweek sat 14 july page 12. YB pls chk. and mas still carry air asia passengers.

Comment on CONSPIRACY or SABOTAGE? by mastroubleshooters

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 10:36 PM PDT

YB Wee and me have posed many challenges, all not taken.

Enough said.

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by Anonymous

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 08:44 PM PDT

Good Morning YB Wee, Encik Yaacob and DBKL Officers,

Up to date,our last conversation was 6th July, whereby DBKL Officers have visited the place. Two (2) weeks is over from 5th July and now coming to 3rd week this week itself.

As I mentioned to you, the word ” YOU DONT KNOW MY BACKGROUND” as per their Boss words. They dont care, they are laughing at DBKL Officers.

SUMMON the Owner of the House, DBKL Officers have visited the place and as I mentioned to you 2wks ago the Hoarding has doubled up now, it has gone trippled! Visiting them is just another story of asking extension.

ITS TIME FOR DBKL to show them this is a serious offense “HOARDING”
and its a Penalty doing it in a residentilal area.

DBKL should not take this as a small matter and be a laughing scarecrow to these people.

I am truly sad to write this words but I cannot give way to these kind of people who does not give respect to others.

Everyday, I looked at the wires of the Electric connecting to my house as its beeng covered by plastic wires being dumped by these people. I am not sure if DBKL Officers are looking into the safety part of this before anything else happen drastically.

I hope there is no more extension of excuses.


Comment on MAS Board is answerable for the change of MAS livery by sama sama kepo

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 04:22 PM PDT

Why we want to be intimidated if Salleh Tak Berani close to Maseu.We Cabin Crew are one big number of staff suppose to be under Maseu. If Maseu not taking care of us, and keep supporting people like Salleh TB, we should just forget about Maseu and join another union that can take care of us better.

Comment on MAS Board is answerable for the change of MAS livery by Anonymous

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 04:18 PM PDT

Yes, your comments are right on the dot. Why keep playing the same old song to Crew, MAS is bleeding, what the f….k you expect us to do, we are doing our very best (officially acknowledged by Skytrax), yet we see all the stupid money wasting decisions you make. Look at the so-called “exclusive” first and business class check-in at KLIA. Wasnt anything wrong about the last one, but must be your great idea to spend some more money, now our First class customer say, look like kandang lembu, all “fenced up” but nothing exclusive about it. Another example of syok sediri.

Comment on CONSPIRACY or SABOTAGE? by sudah terang lagi menyuloh

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 04:08 PM PDT

I repeat what I said – in MAS truth is alsways stranger than fiction…….

Comment on CONSPIRACY or SABOTAGE? by Anonymous

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 04:05 PM PDT

Hooray! MAHB, when are you going to have the guts to do this??



'DAP Perak dakwa berlaku penipuan berkaitan pajakan 99 tahun'

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 06:40 PM PDT

Lim Kit Siang

Lim Kit Siang

Why police are impotent in dealing with growing crime

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 05:58 AM PDT

Dr Lim Teck Ghee CPI A few days ago a colleague sent me a copy of an email which read: Though the government is denying it, we are seeing severe escalation of serious crime in the country. At lunch today, I learnt from a member of [respectable organization] that the xxxxxx Embassy is now holding [...]

Hishammuddin deserves more than RM10 salary cut motions in forthcoming Parliament for his “transformation” from a “know nothing Minister” to “all knowing Minister” all in a matter of 24 hours

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 01:35 AM PDT

Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein deserves more than RM10 salary cut motions in the forthcoming budget Parliament for his "transformation" from a "know nothing Minister" to "all knowing Minister" all in a matter of 24 hours. This is the transformation of Hishammuddin before the eyes of 28 million Malaysians in his response to the wild and [...]

Cabinet sincerity on RCI for illegal immigrants in Sabah cast under grave doubt when a top SB officer could condemn advocates of RCI as anti-national elements out to incite anti-peninsular sentiments among Sabahans

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 11:10 PM PDT

Penampang is the sixth and last parliamentary constituency in my three-day tour of Sabah with DAP MP for Segambut Lim Lip Eng and Sabah DAP leaders which included Putatan, Sepanggar, Tuaran, Kota Belud and Tenom to feel the pulse of interior Sabah to the winds of political change blowing throughout the country since the political [...]
