Sabtu, 3 Disember 2011



JPS need to take immediate remedial action to avoid an impending disaster at Sivan Temple Buntong, Ipoh

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 08:24 PM PST

Winners and losers at Umno assembly 2011

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 03:25 AM PST

Ahli Parlimen Kota Belud

Ahli Parlimen Kota Belud

Mempertahan "Pejuang Tanpa Wajah" Wanita, Pemuda dan Puteri.

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 01:02 AM PST

Saban tahun berlangsungnya Perhimpunan Agung UMNO, pasti kedengaran pelbagai komen nakal dilempar oleh orang luar atau "Ahli UMNO Yang Bukan Orang UMNO".  kepada perwakilan yang berucap. Ungkapan seperti `kuat retorik', `kuat mengampu Presiden', `Pemuda, Wanita dan Puteri gila projek' serta `kemaruk nak jadi calon' sinis disuarakan secara berulang.

Secara peribadi, saya mempunyai pandangan berbeza.

Menyampaikan ucapan retorik dan berapi-api adalah lumrah dalam perhimpunan politik, malah tiada parti politik di dunia itu yang dapat lari daripada norma itu. Jika kita menghayati konvensyen parti Republikan atau Demokrat di Amerika Syarikat, kita juga akan dilingkari ucapan penaik semangat dan memuji kepemimpinan parti masing-masing.

Slogan politik yang diselang-seli dengan kritikan terhadap parti lawan turut mewarnai konvensyen sebelum masing-masing membuat kesimpulan: pemimpin mereka adalah anugerah Tuhan!

Terlanjur memperkatakan isu anugerah Tuhan, perkara sama juga berlaku di kalangan parti pembangkang di negara ini. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pernah digelar `Anugerah Tuhan' pada perhimpunan politik Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) manakala Azmin Ali pula mengisytiharkan kesanggupan `memecah tembok penjara' jika Anwar dihukum bagi membakar semangat perwakilan sayap PKR.

Semangat berapi turut menyala pada perhimpunan agung tahunan DAP, PAS, MCA, MIC dan parti politik lain, justeru adalah tidak adil untuk kita mendakwa hanya perwakilan UMNO meluahkan retorik apabila berucap.

Saya bukan mengatakan tiada `golongan pengampu' menghadiri Perhimpunan Agung UMNO kerana ada yang saya kenali secara peribadi dan saya akui, mereka memang licik membodek pemimpin.

Bagaimanapun, saya berpandangan apabila perwakilan ikhlas memuji Presiden, mempateri ikrar sokongan dan kesetiaan, malah ke tahap mempertahankan Presiden hingga ke titisan darah terakhir, niat mereka sebenarnya baik.

Sedih juga apabila niat mereka disalahertikan. Bagi saya, tidak salah memuji pemimpin asalnya ia tidak menjadikan mereka meninggi diri hingga melalaikan.

Apabila perwakilan memuji kepemimpinan tertinggi parti menerusi perhimpunan politik, ia perlu difahami dalam cakupan lebih meluas. Tidak ramai yang memahami pujian itu juga boleh dituju kepada jawatan Presiden UMNO dan ia agak berbeza daripada individu menyandangnya.

Jawatan Presiden UMNO adalah institusi tersendiri. Ia adalah simbol parti. Ia melambangkan kekuatan, perpaduan dan tahap relevan parti. Ia adalah lambang utama parti yang perlu dihormati, dipertahankan, dijaga dan disemai. Ia menuntut keikhlasan, sokongan dan paling penting, kesetiaan.

Justeru, apabila ahli meluahkan kesetiaan dan sokongan terhadap Presiden, ia juga boleh ditafsir sebagai ikrar kesetiaan dan sokongan kepada parti. Bagaimanapun, ia bukan bermakna mereka tidak menghormati Datuk Seri Najib Razak selaku penyandang yang memiliki kualiti kepemimpinan terpuji, selain berjaya mengemudi UMNO dan kerajaan ke landasan betul.

Kita berhak berasa sentimental mengenainya. Malah, Datuk Seri Najib sendiri yang mengisi kerusi Presiden, mempunyai peranan penting dalam memastikan aura dan magis jawatan Presiden UMNO kekal seperti sepatutnya. Beliau bertanggungjawab untuk memelihara dan mengekalkan kehormatan jawatan itu - tanggungjawab yang sedang dilaksanakannya dengan cemerlang.

Ambil contoh pembedahan lutut dijalani Presiden UMNO baru-baru ini. Orang biasa mungkin tidak mampu memelihara maruah jawatan disandang.

Bagaimanapun, cuba perhatikan gaya Datuk Seri Najib berjalan selepas pembedahan itu. Umum menjangkakan beliau akan terhincut-hincut melangkah, namun Najib memastikan langkahnya tetap tegap di depan khalayak walaupun menanggung ketidakselesaan dan kesakitan.

Beliau tahu, Presiden yang tempang di hadapan rakyat - walaupun atas faktor kesihatan - akan dilihat sebagai lemah dan bagai meraih simpati. Beliau juga sedar, tiada yang lebih perit selain menyaksikan gambar Presiden UMNO dalam keadaan kesakitan kerana ia akan memberi gambaran salah kepada rakyat.
Selain membenci golongan yang memuji Presiden, pengkritik sama yang sekadar memerhati dari kerusi empuk, turut menyerang Wanita, Pemuda dan Puteri. Ungkapan biasa dilempar ialah barisan ini hanya berminat mendapatkan projek dan menyimpan impian bergelar calon pilihan raya.

Mereka enggan mengakui ahli Wanita, Pemuda dan Puteri adalah aktivis politik yang gigih bekerja, setia dan tidak pernah jemu berbakti demi parti. Saya berani katakan 99 peratus daripada mereka bukannya `ahli yang membawa sampul surat', sebaliknya bangga membawa kad keahlian UMNO dengan kepercayaan tidak berbelah bagi terhadap parti.

Masalahnya berpusat di kalangan baki satu peratus dalang yang tidak wajar dijadikan kayu pengukur untuk mencerminkan iltizam keseluruhan ahli sayap UMNO.

Beberapa penganalisis cenderung menyatakan generasi muda Malaysia mahukan calon muda pada Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) akan datang. Mereka berpendapat, UMNO perlu memberi peluang kepada generasi muda menjadi pemimpin memandangkan generasi itu adalah kelompok terbesar pengundi terbesar menjelang perhitungan edisi ke-13 kelak.

Saya menyokong sepenuhnya usaha meremajakan UMNO supaya ia selari dengan aspirasi golongan sasar. Bagaimanapun, saya kurang bersetuju dengan congakan idealisme itu hanya boleh didokong ahli politik berusia dalam lingkungan 20-an atau 30-an.

Saya percaya, isunya bukan ahli politik muda tetapi keazaman perjuangan mana-mana ahli politik yang akan diperhati rapat oleh generasi muda.

Dalam demokrasi lebih matang, senario mempunyai wakil rakyat berusia 50-an, 60-an, 70-an dan 80-an adalah perkara biasa. Kongres Amerika mempunyai ramai Senator dan Perwakilan berusia lebih 60 tahun, namun mereka tetap disokong, dihormati dan dikagumi generasi muda.

Mengapa? Kerana mereka memperjuangkan idea yang selari dengan kemahuan golongan muda. Landasan politik mereka antara lain merangkumi perang terhadap rasuah dan sokongan terhadap isu alam sekitar, sekali gus membolehkan Amerika tampil lebih adil, menembusi segala halangan budaya dan agama, menjuarai isu kepenggunaan dan kehidupan lebih sihat.

Semua isu berkenaan amat dekat di hati generasi muda Amerika. Mereka tidak kisah jika pejuang kehendak mereka adalah Senator berusia 25 atau 60 tahun!

Lihat saja Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Pada usia 86 tahun, beliau adalah ikon segenap lapisan generasi muda tanpa mengira kaum dan agama. Mereka mendengar katanya, mereka menerima ideanya. Dr Mahathir adalah contoh terbaik betapa besarnya manfaat untuk memiliki idea bernas yang memenuhi selera anak muda.

Saya kira Dato Sri Najib Razak akan berdepan dengan dilemma semasa memilih calon dalam pilihanraya nanti. Tuntutan orang muda untuk dijadikan calon dan tekanan orang lama untuk dikekalkan pastinya memerlukan kebijaksanaan untuk ditangani. Sebab itu, kita mesti memahami dilemma yang bakal dihadapi oleh Dato Sri Najib Razak dalam proses pemilihan calon itu nanti. Untuk membantu beliau, formula yang paling sesuai ialah memberi peluang kepada generasi muda untuk menjadi calon disamping memastikan calon dari golongan berumur mesti menghayati dan memperjuangkan idealisma golongan muda.

Ketika saya menjadi Setiausaha Pemuda UMNO, saya berkesempatan bekerja dengan kumpulan ahli biasa Wanita, Pemuda dan Puteri yang luar biasa semangatnya. Selepas mengharungi beberapa pilihan raya kecil bersama mereka, saya benar-benar memuji dedikasi dan keazaman mereka bekerja demi parti.
Ada antara golongan makcik dalam Wanita UMNO sanggup meninggalkan suami, anak dan perniagaan kecil mereka untuk menjadi jentera UMNO sepenuh masa sepanjang pilihan raya kecil.

Mereka menghabiskan masa berminggu-minggu di tempat yang tidak pernah dikunjungi. Mereka tidak merungut apabila terpaksa menumpang tidur di rumah penduduk yang ada kalanya jauh daripada keselesaan.

Golongan ini turut bekerja 20 jam sehari dan komited melaksanakan program menyusur akar untuk meraih sokongan pengundi wanita di akar umbi yang juga pemegang kunci kemenangan setiap pilihan raya.
Sama juga halnya dengan Pemuda dan Puteri. Mereka bingkas menangkis serangan lawan, bekerja tanpa mengenal siang dan malam, malah sanggup mengeluarkan wang sendiri sambil menahan caci maki pihak lawan, baik secara mental mahu pun fizikal.

Mereka tegas mempertahankan kesetiaan walaupun berjemur di tengah panas, menyinsing lengan baju untuk mendekati pengundi muda dan dengan tebal muka memasang bendera serta menampal poster di segenap ceruk kawasan tanpa memikirkan soal keselamatan. Pegangan mereka - kami lakukan apa saja demi parti.

Sebelum golongan VIP bergembira menyambut kemenangan di dalam Dewan Penjumlahan Undi, golongan ahli ini tanpa banyak soal mengemas barang, menghidupkan enjin Honda dan Proton lama masing-masing atau menaiki bas menempuh perjalanan panjang kembali ke rumah dengan menggalas kepenatan tidak terkira.
Selesai melaksanakan kewajipan terhadap parti, mereka pulang untuk meneruskan kehidupan biasa sebagai suri rumah dan isteri yang menjual keropok lekor di pasar malam, memandu teksi dan kembali sebagai kerani atau pembantu kedai di kampung halaman.

Mereka ini adalah pejuang yang tak berwajah dalam UMNO. Mereka adalah wira tidak dikenali yang menyerahkan seluruh jiwa dan raga dalam memenuhi tuntutan laungan `demi bangsa, agama dan negara' yang mereka benar-benar hayati.

Mereka tidak pernah meminta kontrak, jauh sekali melobi sebagai calon pilihan raya. Mereka adalah `Orang UMNO' biasa dan bilangannya tidak terkira dalam UMNO.

Selepas ini, jika ada lagi pihak yang ingin mengkritik sayap UMNO, hentikan menyerang secara pukul rata. Itu tidak adil namanya.

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

Parti Islam Morocco(PJD) menang terbesar parlimen

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 04:30 AM PST

Parti Islam PJD menang pilihan raya Morocco | Print |
KUALA LUMPUR, 3 Dis: PAS turut mengucapkan tahniah kepada Parti Keadilan dan Pembangunan (PJD) yang dilaporkan memenangi jumlah terbesar kerusi dalam pemilihan parlimen Morocco.

"PAS mengucapkan tahniah kepada Parti Keadilan Morocco yang telah berjaya memenangi pilihan raya di negara itu yang diadakan Jumaat lalu.

"Kita melihat kemenangan yang ditempa parti berteraskan Islam ini sebagai petanda positif rakyat yang kini mahu berubah untuk menerima parti Islam sebagai pemerintah," kata Pengerusi Lajnah Antarabangsa PAS Pusat, Datuk Kamaruddin Jaffar.

Seorang tokoh berpengaruh parti Islamik moderat Morocco itu, Lahcen Daodi mendakwa, berdasarkan laporan yang disampaikan mereka memenangi pilihan raya di Rabat, Casablanca, Tangier, Kenitra, Dijual, Beni dan Sidi Ifni Mellal dan beberapa tempat lainnya.

"Parti kami telah memenangi jumlah kerusi tertinggi," tambahnya.

PJD ini akan menjadi parti Islam moderat yang kedua yang memimpin pemerintah Afrika Utara sejak awal pemberontakan Musim Semi Arab menyusul Tunisia.

Keseluruhan kerusi parlimen yang dipertandingkan bagi pilihan raya kali ini adalah 395 kerusi parlimen dan PJD didakwa memenangi lebih separuh darinya.


Posted: 03 Dec 2011 04:14 AM PST

Winners and losers at Umno assembly 2011

December 03, 2011
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 3 — In a few hours, the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) will be empty of the thousands of delegates, observers and supporters attending the annual Umno general assembly. The five-day meeting saw a slew of speeches that touched on the issues facing the dominant party in the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition.
Here are the winners and losers.
WINNERS: Hardliners in Umno because the speeches and tone from this year's assembly suggest that the party has moved further away from the centre. Umno used to be a broad church of opinions from the farmers, religious scholars to the teachers and businessmen and pure political animals concerned about social justice, economy, religion and race.
Today, race is the dominant theme and the supremacy of the Malay race is being used to bulldoze and shut out other voices in the party. The DAP was singled out as the main cause impeding unity talks between the Malay parties. Ironically, PAS was formed by the Umno religious wing in 1951 and both parties only worked together in 1973 to 1977 in the aftermath of the May 13 race riots.
But the DAP gets the blame for the lack of Malay unity and the race riots.
WINNER: Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil. Try as a few Umno delegates did, no one could shake the Wanita Umno chief off her perch because of the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal involving her family. She stuck to her guns, insinuated that the attack was meant to weaken the wing that is seen as the backbone of Umno.
It also proved that Umno defends its own no matter the degree of the stench. Shahrizat isn't the first and won't be the last Umno leader to be grilled over allegations of misconduct by family members. And she won't be the first to be dumped by Umno immediately too.
She lives to fight another day. It is up to the party to decide whether Shahrizat is a millstone around the party's neck in the coming general election.
LOSERS: Malaysians. Because Umno looks set to win the polls in the next general election but yet looks woefully ill-equipped to lead a multiracial country. Sticking to parochial sentiments to fire up its members is outdated for any party that has been at the helm of a country for more than 50 years. One expects delegates to articulate a vision to continue on its previous success but that did not happen.
Instead, delegates harped on age-old themes of having their culture and faith eroded by political foes taking over the country. That they are the only guarantee of faith and culture. What about the economy? What about the reforms? What about Malaysia?
LOSERS: Chinese, Indians, Kadazandusuns, Christians, Buddhists, etc. After five decades of contributing to the development of this country, Umno still views people from this group with suspicion. That they can only be good if they are subservient to Umno. Everything is centred around Umno. Malaysia fails when Umno falls.
But they didn't articulate the vision for continued success. They didn't talk about public funds being used wantonly in high-impact projects by those related to Umno leaders. Instead, everyone is at fault except those in Umno.
The party lost another chance to clean its stables and start winning the trust of those who abandoned them in Election 2008. And the party lost an opportunity to show they can work with, trust and treat other communities with equality and respect.
To be sure, the Umno annual general assembly this year is an event ahead of a possible general election next year. The party needs to rally its members. But it must also show that it can be a party acceptable to all Malaysians, not just the Malays.

comments (3)

Change4Malaysia · 48 minutes ago
Read my lips!

UMNO can never be saved! Racism and corruption runs in their blood. They have to use these as tools in order to survive.

And Malaysia can never be saved if UMNO continues to run the government. UMNO is too entrenched in their ways, all the cronyism, the gravy train, the kickbacks from contracts, all the plundering of the Rakyat's money.

When can all of us, Malays, Chinese, Indians, the original bumis realize that the only way to save Malaysia for us and the future generations is to kick UMNO out in the next GE! Nothing but a landslide victory will do.

Are we ready?

lembu susu · 46 minutes ago
Umno is bankrupt n has nothing substancial to offer to M'sia. The speeches at Umno Assembly is a clear proof. All they know is just to bash PR. Spending all the money to gather the members together just to bash PR at the expense of the rakyat's (taxpayers) money! Got nothng concrete to tell us how they are going to build the nation, bring unity of race n religion in a multiculture nad religious society. Empty talk n devoid of substance n brains! Rakyat, why should we give our votes to a party who will destroy the peace n harmony of the nation? Wake up! Enuf is enuf!

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Banjir Kembali Selepas Beberapa Tahun Dapat Diatasi

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 03:11 PM PST

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

[Dec 4 Sunday, 10am@Desa Serdang] Majlis Galakan Membaca 赠书活动以及与民交流会

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 06:14 AM PST

i n t a n h i j a u

i n t a n h i j a u


Posted: 03 Dec 2011 06:17 AM PST

TELUK INTAN, 3 Disember - Musim cuti sekolah telah bermula. Pemuda PAS Kg. Bahagia, Teluk Intan telah melakukan satu usaha murni dengan menganjurkan Majlis Berkhatan Beramai-ramai. Program tersebut telah diadakan di Bilik Gerakan Pemuda di Kg. Bahagia dekat sini.

Menurut Ketua Pemudanya, Sdr. Mohd. Esma Hafis bin Esa, seramai 17 orang kanak-kanak telah mendaftar sebagai perserta khatan untuk kali ini yang datang dari Kg. Bahagia dan kawasan sekitarnya. Beliau yang juga merupakan Naib Ketua Pemuda PAS Teluk Intan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Ahli Parlimen Teluk Intan YB Manogaran dan ADUN Changkat Jong, YB Hj. Mohd. Anuar Sudin serta orang ramai yang telah memberikan sumbangan bagi menjayakan program tersebut.

Kedua-dua wakil rakyat tersebut telah hadir ke majlis berkhatan itu. Majlis bermula dengan tahlil serta bacaan doa selamat yang telah dipimpin sendiri oleh Yang DiPertua PAS Kawasan Teluk Intan Ustaz Ismail Che Nik.
YB Anuar menyampaikan hadiah cabutan bertuah kepada seorang peserta khatan.
Seorang peserta khatan termuda berumur empat tahun sedang menerima cenderamata.
YB Manogaran turut menyampaikan hadiah.
Ustaz Ismail sedang mencabut nombor bertuah.

Kemudian, upacara menyuap pulut kuning telah dijalankan dengan YB Anuar dan YB Manogaran sendiri yang menyuapkan pulut kuning kepada setiap peserta khatan. Selain itu, cabutan bertuah juga diadakan.

YB Anuar dan Ustaz Ismail Che sempat meninjau ke bilik berkhatan di samping memberikan kata-kata semangat kepada mereka.
YB Anuar sedang menyuap pulut kuning kepada seorang peserta khatan.

YB Manogaran turut menyuapkan pulut kuning.
Berdebar menunggu giliran.
YB Anuar dan Ustaz Ismail sedang meninjau bilik khatan.
YB Anuar bersama orang kuat Pemuda, Sdr. Esma.


Posted: 02 Dec 2011 06:10 PM PST


Posted: 02 Dec 2011 05:48 PM PST

KUALA LUMPUR, 2 Dis ― Sekitar 7,000 ahli PAS di seluruh negara telah menyertai Umno selepas Timbalan Presiden parti itu, Mohamad Sabu mengiktiraf Mat Indera sebagai seorang wira perjuangan kemerdekaan, dakwa seorang perwakilan hari ini.

Kamal Saidin dari Kedah berkata, tindakan Mohamad yang turut dikenali sebagai Mat Sabu mengiktiraf Mat Indera merupakan satu aset kepada Umno kerana ramai ahli PAS marah kepada pemimpin utama mereka.

"Oleh itu saya ucap tahniah kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein yang tidak menangkap Mat Sabu walaupun beratus laporan polis telah dibuat kepada Mat Sabu," katanya ketika mencadangkan usul agama, sosial dan pendidikan pada Perhimpunan Agung Tahunan Umno petang ini.(MALAYSIANINSIDER)

Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

The State Government has decided to demolish,redesign and reconstruct the entire multi-storey car-park at foot of Penang Hill (en/cn)

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 07:37 AM PST

Press Statement By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng In Komtar, George Town On 3.12.2011.

Project Background

The construction works of multi-storey car park at foot of Penang Hill were physically completed in Mar 2011. However, it could not be opened to public. Certificate of Compliance and Completion (CCC) could not be issued and plan approval could not be obtained from Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang (MPPP). Major reasons being, the construction was not in compliance to minimum requirements stipulated in MPPP guidelines.

Ceiling value allocated for this project amounting RM5Million to provide one hundred and twelve (112) numbers of car parks and six (6) numbers of bus parking area. This four (4) storey car park at a total build-up area of 69,991.30 square feet was part of the ministry's RM73Million Penang Hill Funicular Train upgrading project, under budgetary of RMKe-9.

In September 2007, Penang State Government, through Tourism Post-Exco Meeting assigned Penang Development Corporation (PDC) as implementation agency to JKR, whom was originally assigned to implement this multi-storey car park project. Formal award of contractor by PDC on behalf of Jawatan Kuasa Perolehan Persekutuan (Federal Tender Board Committee) headed by Federal government officer Nik Ali Mat Yunos to DTE Construction Sdn. Bhd was made in 22 July 2009. Date of contractual commencement of work on 10 August 2009. With fourteen (14) months of construction period, date of completion was scheduled on 09 October 2010.

Penang State Inquiry Board(Board)

Following a decision by the Penang state EXCO at the end of September 2011, the Penang State Inquiry Board was formed by Penang State Secretary office on 29th September 2011 to investigate the controversial multi-storey car park at the foot of Penang Hill. The Penang State Inquiry Board Panel Committee is chaired by Professor Sr. Omar bin Munir, Head of Department, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Built Environment, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman; supported by Ar. Lawrence Lim, Malaysian Institute of Architects (Northern Chapter) Chairman and Ir. Lim Kok Khong, Institution of Engineers Malaysia (Northern Branch) former Chairman. The terms of reference are as follows:-

-Identify weaknesses in the implementation of the above captioned project and determine the ones responsible for the weaknesses in the project
-Propose actions to be taken
-Provide an independent viewpoint for solutions to rectify the problems

The Board's Report was handed over to the State government on competed on 9 November 2011. The Board stated that those responsible for the weaknesses over layout and building plan design shall be the competent person entrusted by the Board of Architect Malaysia, looking after public's interest.

In this case, the professional architect for the project is Ar. Khairil Faizi bin Abdul Majid. An architect is responsible in translating building requirements into practical reality, with the first obligation looking after public's interest.

The Board also mentioned in passing that the tender drawing was issued with plan without approval. The ones responsible for the weaknesses over the tender stage shall be the Superintendent Officer Ir. Haji Mohd. Radzi bin Haji Othman. However the principal person responsible is the person who signed all the relevant design plans ie the architect.

Amongst the failures highlighted were:-

1. Physical commencement of work proceeds without obtaining plan approval

2. Documentation flow not in order

3. Latest drawing not transmitted to site for implementation

4. Clerk of Work (COW) without relevant trade experience

5. Dimension Error identified but not followed through

6. Design Error identified during construction not being rectified immediately but instructed to proceed instead

7. The ones responsible for the weaknesses over the construction stage shall be the architect above defined.

The recommendation in order of preference from the Inquiry Panel:

1. To demolish, redesign, reconstruct the entire building for 300 car parks at a cost of between RM 5.5 million RM 6.75 million;

2. To localize demolition, redesign, reconstruct at ramps area only at a cost of RM 1.5 million which would result in reducing the number of car parks from 112 to 96.

3. To localize demolition on ramps area only, replaced with Vehicular Lift.


The state government through our State EXCO meeting on 1.12.2011 has decided to adopt the preferred recommendation made by the Inquiry Panel to demolish, redesign and reconstruct the entire car-park building taking and increase the number of parking from 112 to 300 lots with Split-Level Ramps.

The cost impact for a 300 lots car-park will be RM25,000.00 per parking lot. However the average cost per parking lot after taking the demolished cost of RM4.3 million into consideration shall be RM39,000.00 as compare to spending a RM1.5 million rectifying the ramps to have 96 lots resulting RM60,000.00 per lot.

The whole project or rebuilding the car park shall take at least 15 months to complete. The State EXCO has also endorsed the decision by the PDC Board to act on the Board's Report and take all necessary action against those responsible as mentioned in the report. The architect mentioned in the report has been dismissed and further action including a complaint to the Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia and possible civil action.

Lim Guan Eng

—- Mandarin Translation—-





槟州政府在2009年9月,通过槟州旅游发展委员会委任槟州发展机构(PDC)作为公共工程局(原本进行工程的单位)的执行单位,并由槟州联邦发展官聂阿里代表联邦招标委员会在2009年7月22日颁发工程给予DTE Construction Sdn. Bhd,合约于2009年8月10日生效,有14个月的施工期,完工日期是2010年10月09日。




. 确认上述工程的实施缺陷,查明谁应该就工程的缺陷负起责任。



委员会在2011年11月9日移交调查报告予州政府,报告指须为图测缺点负起责任的人应该是由马来西亚绘测师局(Board of Architect)所认可的,以照顾公众利益。




1. 工程在图测未获批准的情况下动工。

2. 文件流程没有依照顺序

3. 最后的图测并没有传到工地,在工程中实施。

4. 在没有贸易经验的情况下进行建设监督 (COW)

5. 发现尺寸有问题但是没有跟进

6. 在建筑期间发现设计有问题,但是没有及时改正,反而下令继续。

7. 监督官员代表需为建筑期间出现的缺点负起责任。








Deputy IGP Datuk Seri Khalid Abu Bakar Should Be Issued With A Gag Order And Stop Trying To Clear The “Cows and Condos’ Issue (en/cn)

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 07:28 AM PST

Press Statement By DAP Secretary-General And MP For Bagan Lim Guan Eng In Kuala Lumpur On 3 December 2011.

Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Khalid Abu Bakar Should Be Issued With A Gag Order And Stop Trying To Clear The "Cows And Condos" Issue Of Any Wrongdoing Or Else He Might As Well Resign And Join Politics.

DAP calls on Minister of Home Affairs Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein to issue a gag order to Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Khalid Abu Bakar and stop trying to clear up the "cows and condos" issue of any wrongdoing or else Khalid might as well resign and join politics. Hishamuddin said that Putrajaya has not closed the RM250 million National Feedlot Centre scandal(in Gemas, Negri Sembilan) linked to Cabinet minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil's family although police investigations have not yet revealed any element of criminal breach of trust (CBT).

Then why did Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Khalid Abu Bakar have to say that there are is element of CBT or wrongdoing in the case. How can something be not wrong when public funds meant to rear cows is used instead to buy two luxury condos? Despite that, when the Deputy IGP can say that there is nothing wrong even though funds from a RM250 million soft loan can be released early two years before any legal document was signed with the borrower simply stinks to high heaven.

There is nothing wrong with Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil's battle-cry in rolling up her sleeves to fight to defend her family. But has she considered whether defending the interests of her family is more important than public interests. Public interests demand why the Federal government can allow and fail to act on the purchase of two luxury condominiums in Bangsar for RM13.8 million when no prior approval was obtained form the Federal government.

Even if it is true that that the scandal has nothing to do with Sharizat, as a Federal Minister she should press for action on why public money is used for a different purpose than that intended for. When money is used to purchase luxury condos instead of for cows and no prior approval obtained, that is criminal breach of trust. By failing to support the Auditor-General's expose of this scandal Sharizat and UMNO delegates have show complete contempt for the principles of rule of law, integrity, accountability and transparency.

Such blind support for UMNO leaders even when they do wrong or implement wrong policies is unsurprising as UMNO is identified so closely with corruption, cronyism and abuse of power. However when the Deputy IGP is willing to clear up the cows and condos scandal even before investigations is complete, is not just unprofessional and unacceptable but a blow to the integrity of the police force.

This is not the first time that the Deputy IGP has waded into political waters. When he was the Selangor CPO, Datuk Seri Khalid had attacked me by lying that I had refused to record my statement with the police. Khalid later admitted his mistake but failed to apologise to me.

Despite such lies, Datuk Seri Khalid was appointed as Deputy IGP. Now he has cleared up the cows and condos scandal by saying that there is no evidence of CBT even though Hishamuddin has said that investigations are still not closed. If this is the new standards for the professionalism for the police force, then Malaysians can expect Datuk Seri Khalid to be promoted as the next IGP.

—-Mandarin Translation—











Malaysia’s Worst Score In 10 Years Under The 2011 TI Corruption Perception Index Underscores The Failure PM’s GTP (en/bm/cn)

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 07:10 AM PST

Press Statement By DAP Secretary-General And MP For Bagan Lim Guan Eng In Kuala Lumpur On 2 December 2011.

Malaysia's Worst Score In 10 Years Under The 2011 Transparency International Corruption Perception Index Underscores The Failure Of Prime Minister's Government Transformation Programme(GTP) Of Fighting Corruption And Economic Transformation Programme Of A High-Income Economy By 2020.

Malaysia's worst score in 10 years under the 2011 Transparency International(TI) Corruption Perception Index(CPI) underscores the failure of Prime MinisterDato Seri Najib Tun Razak's GTP of fighting corruption. Failure to fight corruption will certainly lead to failure of his ETP of transforming Malaysia into a high-income economy by 2020.

Malaysia's Corruption Perception Index (CPI) score has worsened for the third year running, slipping to 4.3 this year from 4.4 in 2010. Worse Malaysia's country ranking also fell to 60 out of 183 countries from 56 out of 178 last year. In 2003 when Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi took over as Malaysia's fifth Prime Minister, Malaysia was ranked 37 in the survey covering 146 countries.

TI's survey of 1,000 respondents also found that the police and political parties were seen as the most corrupt institutions in the country, with most Malaysians believing that corruption levels would remain the same in the next three years.

TI Malaysia Deputy President Mohammad Ali even noted that Malaysia's CPI has continued to decline as “elements of state" that facilitated ‘grand corruption’ were still prevalent.

Such a damning indictment by TI explains UMNO's vicious attacks against DAP at the UMNO General Assembly centered on racism, sex, lies and vulgar language. UMNO's attack on soft targets like Christians, Chinese, Bersih Chair S. Ambiga, DAP as trying to dominate the country and oppress the Malays, and even calling voters of DAP as bastards is a desperate attempt to distract attention from UMNO's failure to address the hard targets of corruption, cronyism and abuse of power.

No criticism is levelled at the expose by the 2010 Auditor-General Report of over-expenditure of RM3.7 billion by government departments. No mention is made about the cows and condos scandal involving the family of a Federal Minister.

One wonders why is the ordinary Pak Chik in the kampong not given such an opportunity? No questions are raised why money from a RM250 million can be approved and released two years even before the agreement was signed by both parties. Every UMNO leader wants to cover up the scandal of using money meant to rear cows has been diverted to buy not one but two luxury condominiums.

Malaysians want integrity not corruption, open tenders not negotiated tenders, no toll hikes instead of toll hikes that benefits only the few toll operators, freedom not oppression and rule of law instead of injustice. There is only hope for corruption if we can successfully curb corruption. Corruption will be the main issue in the next general elections where the people can either choose to support BN that has stolen our future for the last 54 years or reject BN to prevent our children's future from being stolen again.


—— BM Translation—

Kenyataan Akhbar Setiausaha Agung DAP dan Ahli Parlimen Bagan Lim Guan Eng di Kuala Lumpur pada 2.12.2011

Prestasi Terburuk Malaysia Selama 10 Tahun Dalam Laporan Indeks Persepsi Rasuah 2011 Oleh Transparency International Menggariskan Kegagalan Perdana Menteri Untuk Mencapai Matlamat Anti-Rasuah Dalam Program Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP) Serta Status Ekonomi Pendapatan Tinggi Menjelang 2020 Dalam Program Transformasi Ekonomi (ETP).

Prestasi terburuk Malaysia selama 10 tahun dalam laporan Indeks Persepsi Rasuah 2011 oleh Transparency International (TI) menggariskan kegagalan Perdana Menteri Dato' Sri Najib Tun Razak untuk mencapai matlamat anti-rasuah dalam Program Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP). Kegagalan untuk menangani gejala rasuah ini lantas akan membawa kepada kegagalan Program Transformasi Ekonomi (ETP) untuk mentransformasikan ekonomi Malaysia kepada sebuah ekonomi pendapatan tinggi menjelang 2020.

Indeks Persepsi Rasuah (CPI) Malaysia telah menurun untuk tiga tahun berturut-turut, iaitu 4.3 bagi tahun ini berbanding 4.4 pada tahun lepas. Lebih teruknya, kedudukan Malaysia telah jatuh kepada tangga ke-60 daripada 183 negara, berbanding tangga ke-56 daripada 178 negara pada tahun lepas. Pada tahun 2003 apabila Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mengambil alih pucuk pimpinan negara sebagai Perdana Menteri kelima, Malaysia berada di tangga ke-37 dalam kaji selidik tersebut yang merangkumi 146 negara.

Kaji selidik TI ke atas 1,000 orang responden juga mendapati bahawa pihak polis dan parti-parti politik dilihat sebagai institusi-institusi yang paling korup dalam negara. Juga dilaporkan bahawa kebanyakan warga Malaysia percaya tahap rasuah tidak akan berubah dalam masa 3 tahun akan datang.

Timbalan Presiden TI Malaysia Mohammad Ali juga berkata bahawa CPI Malaysia terus merosot kerana "unsur-unsur kerajaan" yang memudahkan "rasuah besar" masih lagi tersebar luas.

Dakwaan yang begitu berat oleh TI jelas menerangkan serangan ganas UMNO terhadap DAP dalam Perhimpunan Agung UMNO yang berkisar pada perkauman, seks, fitnah dan bahasa kotor. Serangan UMNO terhadap sasaran mudah seperti Kristian, Cina, Pengerusi Bersih S. Ambiga, dan DAP sebagai penindas orang Melayu yang kononnya hendak menguasai negara, sampai penyokong DAP dilabel sebagai bangsat, merupakan tindakan terdesak untuk mengalih perhatian daripada kegagalan UMNO untuk menangani masalah-masalah seperti rasuah, kronisme dan penyalahgunaan kuasa.

Tidak pula ada kritikan mengenai Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2010 yang telah mendedahkan terlebihan belanja sebanyak RM3.7 bilion oleh jabatan-jabatan kerajaan. Tidak pula disebut tentang skandal lembu dan kondo yang melibatkan keluarga seorang Menteri Persekutuan.

Soalan patut ditanya kenapa pakcik biasa di kampung tidak pernah diberi peluang yang serupa? Tidak pula disoal kenapa duit daripada pinjaman RM250 juta boleh diberi dua tahun sebelum perjanjian ditandatangani oleh kedua-dua pihak. Setiap pemimpin UMNO hanya ingin menutup skandal di mana duit yang sepatutnya digunakan untuk penternakan lembu telah digunakan untuk membeli bukan sebuah tetapi dua buah kondominium mewah.

Rakyat Malaysia menginginkan integriti dan bukan rasuah, tender terbuka dan bukan rundingan terus, tiada kenaikan tol dan bukan kenaikan tol yang membawa manfaat kepada syarikat-syarikat pengendali tol, kebebasan dan bukan penindasan, serta keluhuran undang-undang dan bukan ketidakadilan. Harapan untuk membasmi rasuah tidak akan tercapai selagi kita tidak mengambil langkah untuk menanganinya. Rasuah akan menjadi isu utama dalam pilihan raya umum yang akan datang, di mana rakyat boleh memilih sama ada untuk menyokong BN yang telah mencuri masa depan kita selama 54 tahun atau untuk menolak BN untuk mencegah masa depan anak-anak kita daripada dilenyapkan.

—- Mandarin Translation —-


马来西亚在2011年贪污印象指数报告中得到10年来最糟糕的排名与得分,凸显了首相推行的对抗贪污和2010年高收入国的政府转型计划(GTP) 失败。









UMNO’s Attack On Soft Targets Like Christians, Chinese, S. Ambiga, DAP And Even Voters Of DAP Is A Desperate Attempt (en/bm/cn)

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 04:27 AM PST

UMNO's Attack On Soft Targets Like Christians, Chinese, S. Ambiga, DAP And Even Voters Of DAP Is A Desperate Attempt To Distract Attention From UMNO's Failure To Address The Hard Targets Of Corruption, Cronyism And Abuse Of Power.

Malaysian parents would be disgusted at the coarse language used by UMNO leaders in the UMNO Youth General Assembly that not only reflects UMNO's mindset as devoid of policy ideas but filled with lies, hatred, enmity and fear. Penang Umno Youth chief Shaik Hussein Mydin (left) was the most vocal in name calling describing PAS and PKR had became bapok (soft) and pondan (transvestites), even labelling all voters of DAP as bangsat(bastard).

To back his allegations, Shaik claimed that the Penang state government banned the Maulidur Rasual annual procession and that action is taken against Malay traders. This is a lie as statistics show that 70% in Penang island and 85% in Seberang Perai of action taken is against non-Malay traders. Shaik may trick non-Penangites but Penang Muslims know that the Maulidur Rasul procession is not banned but has been held in a bigger manner every year by the Penang PR government.

Shaik completed his shameful display of total contempt for democratic choice by the voters by calling for UMNO to reclaim Malay dominance in Penang. Instead of celebrating democracy as a demonstration of the rakyat's dominance, UMNO has once again shown its true colours that 1Malaysia is merely an empty slogan to deceive Malaysians into supporting BN and UMNO.

As a NGO friend told me, UMNO's vicious attacks on the national stage shows their election platform will not be a contest of ideas but a race to the bottom based on racism, sex, lies and vulgar language. Perhaps this shameful display is merely aping the obscene conduct of UMNO Youth President Khairy Jamaludin. Khairy had picked on my 15 year old son with lies that my son had sexually molested his classmate and I had paid RM200,000 to cover up the sex scandal by tweeting that "Mungkin dia roboh Kampung Buah Pala sebab nak ganti dengan Kampung Buah Dada"

In fact, the use of racism, sex, lies and vulgar language hides UMNO's real weakness and fears. Beginning with UMNO Information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan and continuing with UMNO Deputy President Tan Sri Muhyiddin "jihad"(holy war) speech, UMNO's attack on soft targets like Christians, Chinese, Bersih Chair S. Ambiga, DAP and even voters of DAP is a desperate attempt to distract attention from UMNO's failure to address the hard targets of corruption, cronyism and abuse of power.

No mention is made about the cows and condos scandal involving the family of a Federal Minister. One wonders why is the ordinary Pak Chik in the kampong not given such opportunity? No questions are raised why money from a RM250 million can be approved and released two years even before the agreement was signed by both parties. Every one wants to cover up the scandal of using money meant to rear cows has been diverted to buy not one but two luxury condominiums.

DAP will not respond to UMNO's election platform of racism, sex, lies and vulgar language. DAP will focus on reforms to bring about clean elections, fight corruption by establishing integrity in leadership, seek justice for all by respecting rule of law, uphold democracy and basic human rights as well as promote good governance based on competency, accountability and transparency.

The 4 Pakatan Rakyat states' record of good governance speaks for itself. Not only are Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and Selangor cleaner, greener and safer. Economic growth has also progressed. Investment in these PR four states comprise 53% of Malaysia's total investments in 2010, far exceeding investment in the other 10 BN states.

I urge leaders and voters of DAP not to over-react or be disturbed by such senseless provocation from UMNO. Let Malaysians judge PR and DAP based on performance, principles, ideals and ideas not on one's ability to manipulate racism, sex, lies and vulgar language.


—- BM translation—-

Kenyataan Akhbar Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng di Komtar, George Town pada 1.12.2011

Serangan UMNO Ke Atas Sasaran Mudah Seperti Kristian, Cina, S. Ambiga, DAP Dan Juga Penyokong DAP Merupakan Tindakan Terdesak Untuk Mengalih Perhatian Umum Daripada Kegagalan UMNO Untuk Menangani Masalah Sebenar Seperti Rasuah, Kronisme Dan Penyalahgunaan Kuasa.

Nyata semua ibu bapa di Malaysia akan berasa jijik dengan bahasa yang digunakan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO dalam Perhimpunan Agung Pemuda UMNO. Jelas perbuatan mereka mencerminkan cara pemikiran UMNO yang bukan sahaja ketandusan modal tetapi dipenuhi dengan fitnah, kebencian, permusuhan dan ketakutan. Ketua Pemuda UMNO Pulau Pinang Shaik Hussein Mydin adalah antara yang paling lantang sekali dengan kenyataannya bahawa PAS dan PKR sudah menjadi bapok dan pondan, di samping melabelkan semua penyokong DAP sebagai bangsat.

Untuk menyokong dakwaannya, Shaik menuduh Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang tidak membenarkan perarakan tahunan Maulidur Rasul serta mensasarkan tindakan terhadap peniaga-peniaga Melayu. Kedua-dua dakwaan ini adalah fitnah semata-mata. Statistik menunjukkan bahawa daripada semua tindakan penguatkuasaan majlis terhadap peniaga-peniaga, 70% daripada tindakan di Pulau dan 85% di Seberang Perai telah diambil ke atas peniaga-peniaga bukan Melayu. Shaik juga mungkin dapat menipu rakyat dari luar Pulau Pinang, tetapi warga Muslim di Pulau Pinang semua tahu bahawa perarakan Maulidur Rasul di Pulau Pinang bukan sahaja dibenarkan tetapi disambut dengan lebih meriah sekali oleh Kerajaan PR Pulau Pinang.

Dengan sikap tidak mempedulikan pilihan demokratik pengundi, Shaik telah berakhir dengan saranan supaya UMNO mengembalikan dominasi Melayu di Pulau Pinang. Sekali lagi, UMNO telah menunjukkan belang sebenarnya bahawa kuasa rakyat tidak penting dan 1Malaysia itu hanya slogan kosong untuk menipu rakyat Malaysia untuk menyokong BN dan UMNO.

Seorang rakan NGO telah memberitahu saya, serangan ganas UMNO di persada kebangsaan ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa kempen pilihan raya mereka tidak akan berdasarkan pertandingan idea tetapi satu perlumbaan berdasarkan isu-isu perkauman, seks, fitnah dan bahasa kotor. Mungkin aksi memalukan oleh wakil pemuda ini adalah gara-gara perangai Ketua Pemuda Khairy Jamaluddin, yang telah memangsakan anak saya yang berumur 15 tahun dengan "tweet"nya yang berbunyi: "Mungkin di roboh Kampung Buah Pala sebab nak ganti dengan Kampung Buah Dada", yang bertujuan untuk memfitnah anak saya bahawa kononnya dia telah mencabul rakan sekolahnya dan saya telah membayar RM200,000 sebagai sogokan untuk menutup skandal itu.

Penggunaan isu-isu perkauman, seks, fitnah dan bahasa kotor sebenarnya adalah untuk menyembunyikan kekurangan dan ketakutan UMNO. Bermula dengan Ketua Penerangan UMNO Datuk Ahmad Maslan dan diekori oleh Timbalan Presiden UMNO Tan Sri Muhyiddin dengan ucapan jihadnya, serangan-serangan ke atas sasaran mudah seperti Kristian, Cina, Pengerusi Bersih S. Ambiga, DAP dan juga penyokong DAP adalah satu tindakan terdesak untuk mengalih perhatian umum daripada kegagalan UMNO untuk menangani masalah-masalah sebenar seperti rasuah, kronisme dan penyalahgunaan kuasa.

Langsung pula tidak disebut tentang skandal lembu dan kondo yang membabitkan keluarga seorang Menteri Persekutuan. Soalan patut ditanya kenapa pakcik biasa di kampung tidak pernah diberi peluang yang serupa? Tidak pula disoal kenapa duit daripada pinjaman RM250 juta boleh diberi dua tahun sebelum perjanjian ditandatangani oleh kedua-dua pihak. Semua hanya ingin menutup skandal di mana duit yang sepatutnya digunakan untuk penternakan lembu telah digunakan untuk membeli bukan sebuah tetapi dua buah kondominium mewah.

DAP tidak akan bertindak balas terhadap dasar perkauman, seks, fitnah dan bahasa kotor UMNO. DAP akan menumpukan perhatian terhadap reformasi pilihan raya, melawan rasuah melalui kepimpinan berintegriti, memupuk keadilan untuk semua dengan mendaulatkan undang-undang, menjunjung demokrasi dan hak asasi serta menggalakkan tatakelola pentadbiran yang baik berdasarkan kecekapan, kebertanggungjawapan dan ketelusan.

Prestasi 4 negeri Pakatan Rakyat adalah bukti yang paling jelas. Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Kelantan dan Selangor bukan sahaja sudah menjadi lebih bersih, hijau dan selamat, malah ekonomi pun telah bertumbuh. Pelaburan di keempat-empat negeri PR ini berjumlah 53% daripada jumlah pelaburan negara untuk tahun 2010, jauh melebihi pelaburan di 10 negeri BN.

Saya menggesa supaya penyokong DAP tidak bertindak keterlaluan dan tidak terganggu oleh provokasi dangkal lagi bebal daripada UMNO. Biar rakyat Malaysia yang menentukan nasib PR dan juga DAP berdasarkan prestasi, prinsip, dan idealisme, dan bukan berdasarkan keupayaan untuk menggunakan isu-isu perkauman, seks, fitnah dan bahasa kotor.

—-Mandarin Translation —-



马来西亚的家长们肯定对巫青代表大会上,巫统领袖们的粗俗语言及胡言乱语反感。这不只反映了巫统在政策策略上的技穷,也显示出说话者的思维,充斥着谎言、仇恨、敌意及恐吓的成份。槟州巫青团团长赛胡先迈丁是风头最健的人物,他形容回教党及公正党已沦为"娘娘腔"(bapok)及"人妖"(pondan) ,甚至将所有的行动党选民标签为"杂种"(bangsat或bastard)。



诚如一名非政府组织的朋友告诉我,巫统在全国舞台上展开的种种恶毒攻击,显示了他们的竞选政纲再也不是一场理念之争,反之将会沦为一场充满种族、性爱、谎言及粗俗语言的竞选。 或许这些可耻的行为是模仿巫青团团长凯里的猥琐举动。凯里早前曾以谎言在推特上戏称:"也许他拆了豆蔻村,所以以乳房村来取代"以污蔑我15岁的儿子,称他非礼女同学,而我企图以20万掩口费来掩盖这个丑闻。







Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Thank God that meeting to sack Bashir was just a rumour! by Bersedia

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 11:05 AM PST

TF were suck. he wanted to run not only the company but he wanted to run Malaysia actually.

lets get together to make this issue come to the upper. let show to the Malaysians.

Comment on Tan Sri Bashir upholding “Rakyat DiDahulukan”! by Old Man

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 09:33 AM PST

Tony, Tony, Tony,

Now I hear your machai Danny has handed over the lucrative Haj charter to you.

If this is true then Danny, it goes tyo confirm that Danny is the enemy from within.

Comment on Tan Sri Bashir upholding “Rakyat DiDahulukan”! by Old Man

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 09:31 AM PST

Tony, Tony, Tony,

Now the truth is out that the double fold expansion of KLIA2 and the upgrading of the KLIA2 baggage system to a fully automated one, which you condemn as gross mismanagement by MAHB, are after all resulting from your very own demands.

What have you us believe now?

You are real mean, you demand fro these things and then when MAHB goes ahead and do it to accomodate you with some addition, you bite his head off.

What kind of sick mind are you.

Comment on Tan Sri Bashir upholding “Rakyat DiDahulukan”! by Lawak Nak Mampos

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 03:11 AM PST

TF and asked AJ, Danny to canceled all the flight and give way to Air Asia(AK) and Air Asia X(D7).

Kuala Lumpur(KUL)-Dubai(DXB) is unprofitable sector???Emirates(EK) will fly this sector with A380 starting 1/1/2012. What a funny Danny and AJ. they totally out of control. BODOH.

kudos TS Bashir, you have done a good job. Malaysians will teach them. AK is the blood sucker. Today in Utusan Malaysia, their aziz bakar told about their
model of operating. what the f..k. he told that the people is ok without aerobridge. do they do survey or poll???

they dont want the 1st class airport? just go to other countries. Malaysia is going moving to developed country. not going back to ancient era.

Comment on Tan Sri Bashir upholding “Rakyat DiDahulukan”! by Old Man

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 01:50 AM PST

Tony, Tony, Tony,

You often use your defence of the welfare of the Rakyat to justify your actions.

Well, let me ask you how much have the Tony Fernandez Foundation contributed to the welfare of the Rakyat. Is there a TF Foundation. Compare yourself with your peers.

I put it that the only welfare you are defending is yours.

You are a selfish now big headed liar.

Comment on Tan Sri Bashir upholding “Rakyat DiDahulukan”! by Randy

Posted: 02 Dec 2011 11:26 PM PST

TS Bashir is indeed one of the few corporate leaders of integrity, professionalism and decency. Today evening he will be requested to leave due to allegations of mismanagement of klia2. The cost increase of klia2 includes rm500mil of govt assets that are borne by mahb. The increases in scope in terms of longer runway 3, more contact gates and aggressive pax growth showing 30mil pax by 2015/6 are all requested by AirAsia. So why are they making so much noise? They meet mahb every week on klia2 and yet claim they don’t know. In short, if TS Bashir is asked to leave, it is truly a shame for the nation. It also serves the wrong moral lesson to the rest of us and our children, as a straight, upright true gentleman is removed to benefit the few greedy powerful.

Comment on Tan Sri Bashir upholding “Rakyat DiDahulukan”! by Ilham Putera

Posted: 02 Dec 2011 09:59 PM PST

All Friends of this blog, lets put our show of support here to Tan Sri Bashir of MAB on his firm stand on aerobridge at KLIA2.

Your support here will put shame to the goons at Khazanah and those pro the pariah. Lets tell the pariah that Tan Sri Bashir is not alone.

Kudos Tan Sri Bashir.

Comment on Tan Sri Bashir upholding “Rakyat DiDahulukan”! by Khazanah Staff

Posted: 02 Dec 2011 09:08 PM PST

Lets start a campaign “SAY NO TO SHARE SUAP!”, “SAY NO TO AMOK & RASHDAN!” or “SAY NO TO BINA tak FIKIR!”.

Comment on WAU! AJ briefed PAC: Firefly loss RM89 mil & CCF by MAS staff Against Liar

Posted: 02 Dec 2011 08:59 PM PST

MAS Exec

What so special about MAPA and MESA? It is just a case of “bang adek” aje. It is not a question of showing disunity. Disunity came from their non actions. All bullshit and not keeping their members informed of outcomes of all meetings with management.

What worry about Hayati Ali? she is just a relative of this Pariah Rashdan. Expose her in YB’s blog because now majority of MAS staff are reading YB’s blog. Hayati Ali is a case of nepotism and cronyism.

The union leaders whether MASEUS or non MASEUS, if cannot than just letak jawatanlah. Kenapa nap hold on and talk bullshit and gaji buta. Perkerja -perkerja MAS bukan bodoh sepert Rashdan, budak upahan si pariah.

Other union can start to protest against the share suap by Work TO Rules as a start. What is against the rules in MAS we should expose them even if the instructions came from Rashdan or AJ for that matter. Expose them. I am sure that YB will publish them.

Expose Hayati Ali, Rashdan and their kuncu-kuncu.

Comment on Tan Sri Bashir upholding “Rakyat DiDahulukan”! by Gila Babi

Posted: 02 Dec 2011 08:51 PM PST

Letak Jawatan Jika Tiada Jiwa Melayu.

So, sapa makan cili dia yang terasa pedasnya.
