Rabu, 8 Oktober 2014

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Ulasan Terhadap Kertaskerja `Pengajian Di Masjid Al-Umm: Cadangan`

Posted: 08 Oct 2014 04:28 PM PDT

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog


Posted: 07 Oct 2014 06:04 PM PDT

(古晋7日讯) 民主行动党古晋市国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁谴责,联邦政府根本没有诚意欲增加砂州石油和天然气开采税。

" 询问首相有关国油(PETRONAS)和其他石油公司所签署的《生产分配合约》(ProductionSharingContract)的详细合同条款,尤其有关在砂拉越生产石油和天然气利润的分配。联邦政府是否有意调高砂拉越石油和天然气的开采税?"

他于今早在国会下议院收到国会议长信函,拒绝允许张氏在国会下议院提出该问题。 议长在信中给予的理由是,有类似议题的案件目前正在法庭等待审讯,因此国会不可讨论该事项。

当张健仁站起来质问议长有关案件到底是谁入禀法庭的。 议长回答说,该案件是吉兰丹州政府起诉国油和联邦政府的案件。

1.         吉兰丹政府的案件,跟砂州没有关系;
2.    他的国会提问是有关增加砂州石油天然气开采税的税率,而议长所提的案件却是吉兰丹州政府追讨其开采税的诉讼案。





张健仁指出,吉兰丹州政府起诉国油和联邦政府的案件是于2010年入禀法庭,而这起案件最快也需多10年时间才会有一个了断。若以国会下议院议长今日的决定为准,那要求增加砂州石油天然气开采税事宜,将在这10年内,完全不可在国会被提出。 10年后怎样,还是未知数。



Chong not happy with rejection of oil, gas royalty question

Posted: 07 Oct 2014 06:01 PM PDT

Bandar Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen is not satisfied with the Speaker rejecting his question in Parliament on the ground that a court case on similar subject was pending.

In a press statement received here yesterday, he said he was asking Putrajaya to state the terms and conditions of the Production Sharing Contracts (PSC) between Petronas and other signatories to the PSC, especially those relating to the apportioning of profits from oil and gas extracted from Sarawak.

The state DAP chairman also asked whether the federal government had any intention to increase the oil and gas royalty to the Sarawak government.

"My question was rejected by the Speaker on the ground that a related matter has been referred to court and thus, was sub judice. He said a case had been filed by the Kelantan government against Petronas and the government of Malaysia.

"Such reason is utterly unacceptable because my question relates to the increase of oil and gas royalty payable to Sarawak while the case cited to reject my question is a case between the Kelantan government and Petronas and the federal government, in relation to payment of oil royalty to Kelantan government."

Chong, also national DAP vice chairman, said yesterday case was not the first time similar question was raised in Parliament.

He recalled being 'given an answer that beat around the bush without directly answering to my question' in the June sitting.

"At least, then, there was some answer to my question. This time, when I pressed for further answer, my question was totally rejected.
"This is clearly indicative of the federal government's intention to delay and evade the question on the demand for the increase in oil and gas royalty to Sarawak from five per cent to 20 per cent."

He added that the Najib administration had even gone to the extent of disallowing such question to be asked in Parliament.

As such, Chong said the state government must now realise the fact that the federal government had no intention to increase the oil and gas royalty up to 20 per cent as was resolved unanimously at the State Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting in May this year.

"Six months have passed since the historic resolution was passed in DUN Sarawak, calling for the increase in Sarawak's oil and gas royalty to 20 per cent. Yet, not a single indicative word on this matter has come out from the federal government. Now, the matter is not even allowed to be discussed in Parliament.

"It is thus incumbent upon the state government to take further and stronger action to compel the federal government to give effect to Sarawak DUN's resolution; rather than sit back and wait in vain for an answer or be pushed around," Chong said.

on Borneo Post (8/10/2014)
