Jumaat, 12 Ogos 2016

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

叶耀星报章做宣传 自己投诉自己失职

Posted: 11 Aug 2016 10:09 PM PDT


人联党公共投诉主任叶耀星于昨日报章上大事宣传他协助处理居民投诉5里八港路第10巷因有位地主进行土地填土的工程而弄到路面黄泥铺路。 叶氏也在报章上大事宣传他的人联党投诉局的身份,如何的有效协助解决人民的投诉。


张氏揶揄,叶耀星似乎忘记其本身就是巴达旺市议会的市议员之一,而人联党的州议员罗克强也就是巴达旺市议会的主席。 叶耀星的上报宣传,是在告诉全古晋人一个非常荒谬也极讽刺的事实,即:
"巴达旺市议员的叶耀星失职没有处理好民生问题,人联党投诉局的叶耀星就发挥其投诉局的作用,向巴达旺市议员的叶耀星投诉。 结果,巴达旺市议会处理了这民生问题,人联党的叶耀星成功向巴达旺市议员的叶耀星反映民生投诉,解决民困。"

张氏讽刺,叶耀星在上报做宣传时,似乎忘了自己也是巴达旺市议会的市议员之一。 自己向自己投诉自己的失职,这也算是为民请命,也只有人联党的领袖想得出这种歪论。


张健仁透露,叶耀星这项举动更令人发指的是,其实,早在今年7月28日,张健仁就已向砂州政府的投诉总站talikhidmat投诉有关5里八港路黄泥铺路的事件。 而当天就已获得talikhidmat电邮回覆将联络有关部门处理。

张健仁今日在记者会上出示他于今年7月28日电邮砂州政府的投诉总站talikhidmat的记录。 他电邮中投诉有关5里八港路因第10巷的地主填泥工程而弄到到八港路黄泥铺路。 他在电邮中也提及该月27日因为路面有黄泥造,一场雨后该段路非常滑而酿成车祸,导致两位驾车人士严重受伤。


张氏表示,通常他通过talikhidmat的民生投诉,在一星期之内就会获得解决。 尤其是承包商弄脏路面这类投诉,市议会的一、两位执法官员只需去到工地现场,事情就可解决了。 如今八港路的这项投诉,却会拖到两星期后才获得解决,而且还是有车祸发生之后两个星期。 


"难道巴达旺市议会要等到叶耀星宣誓蝉联市议员后,有空去八港路'一游拍照'才肯采取行动? 为了要让叶耀星有机会上报,八港路居民却被逼多受'黄泥路'之苦一个星期。

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 10:12 PM PDT

In Petronas' press statement issued yesterday, Petronas claims that:
" Key to the successful delivery and operations of PETRONAS' projects in the State is the support and commitment from all relevant parties, most important of whom are PETRONAS' teams of qualified, trained and dedicated employees – no matter where they are from." 

Is Petronas saying that Sarawak has no qualified, trained and dedicated employees to fill up the top and middle executive level positions in Petronas' Sarawak Operation? This is surely untrue and an insult to Sarawakians. 

There are more than enough qualified, trained and dedicated Sarawakians to take up the top and middle management level positions in Petronas' Sarawak operation. However, we are not given the opportunities in Petronas.

The issue of giving more job opportunities to Sarawakians has been agreed to between Petronas and Adenan since November, 2014. It was also so reported by Adenan in the November 2014 Sarawak DUN sitting. 

However, more than 20 months have passed, yet only 39% of the management positions and 46% of the middle management positions are filled by Sarawakians in Petronas's operation in Sarawak. Such statistics surely do not reveal any effort on the part of Petronas to give more job opportunities to Sarawakians, unless Petronas is only referring to lower rung positions.

The Petronas' press statement seems to make it clear that it will defend such composition at its management and middle management positions in Sarawak. The question, therefore, is: 
In this standoff, whether the State Government is going to give in to Petronas and the power that be in Putrajaya?

Furthermore, the State Government should not be merely imposing a freeze on the new work permits application for Petronas employees in Sarawak but commence the revocation of the existing work permits of Petronas' top and middle management in its Sarawak Operation towards the target of 70% local Sarawakians in both the top and middle management level of Petronas' operation in Sarawak.

This is a test of the Sarawak State Government's priorities, ie. whether Sarawakians' interest comes first, or the wishes of Putrajaya & Petronas come first.

Chong Chieng Jen
DAP Sarawak Chairman
MP for Bandar Kuching / ADUN for Kota Sentosa
