Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016



How serious is the Malaysian Election Commission in bringing about free, fair and clean elections?

Posted: 13 May 2016 09:20 PM PDT

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog


Posted: 14 May 2016 01:10 AM PDT

民主行动党古晋市国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁指出,首长和财长职集于一身,不是一个健康的民主议会规律。 因为,财长在内阁的角色是控制开支和避免滥用拨款。 如今,首长和财政职集於一人,这内阁的内部控制制度就失去作用。
张氏说,最佳例子证明这种安排对国家和政府所造成的破坏就是纳吉。 纳吉也是集首相和财长于一身的国家领导。
"更甚的是,阿德南不只是身兼首长和财长职位,他更是第一天然资源和环境部长,管理砂州的森林和土地,两个砂州最大的资源。 这根本就是集极权於一身。"

Adenan should not hold both the Chief Minister and the Finance Minister posts.

Posted: 14 May 2016 12:55 AM PDT

Adenan should not hold both the Chief Minister and the Finance Minister posts.
It is never a healthy democratic practice to have both the Chief Minister post and finance minister post held by ONE single person. The role of a finance minister is always to provide a check and control within the cabinet on the spending by the cabinet. With the Chief Minister post and finance minister post held by one person, such internal control mechanism is removed.
The most obvious example of such unhealthy practice causing damage to the country is Najib who holds both the Prime Minister post and the Finance Minister post.
To have one person holding both the portfolios is to open oneself to abuse of the power and even corruption.
It is even worst in the case of Adenan because he is not only holding both the Chief Minister and Finance Minister posts but he is also holding the First Resource Planning and Environment Minister position (who controls the forest and land resources, the two largest and richest natural resources of the State).
All the 3 most powerful ministries are held by ONE person, Adenan. This is surely not what right-thinking Sarawakians want to see.
If Adenan truly wants to implement a more transparent system in his administration, he should not be holding all these 3 most power portfolio.
Chong Chieng Jen
MP for Bandar Kuching / ADUN for Kota Sentosa
DAP Sarawak Chairman


Posted: 14 May 2016 12:49 AM PDT

张健仁指出,在州选期间,阿德南在其言论中,误导石角选民,制造一个假象让石角的人民都认为,如果要有一位华裔副首长,就必须让国阵人联党华裔候选人胜出。 这番话是阿德南在替沈桂贤拉票时说的,他甚至用沈桂贤之父沈庆鸿来加强那'副首长'的诱饵。
"更甚的是,阿德南居然还厚颜说,若要人联党有华裔副首长,需有像以往19席一般。 在如今人联党只出战13席的情况下,阿德南讲这番话根本就是在消遣人联党和华社。"

Sarawak Chinese cheated, claims state DAP

Posted: 13 May 2016 12:44 AM PDT

The Chinese in Sarawak have been "cheated" since Chief Minister Adenan Satem did not appoint a Chinese as deputy chief minister in his new cabinet, says Sarawak DAP chief Chong Chieng Jen.
"I think the whole thing is the Chinese community, especially the Batu Kawah voters have been cheated. Less than a week, and well, the betrayal of the Batu Kawah voters by Adenan," Chong told Malaysiakini.
The Borneo Post reported that Adenan, when campaigning in Batu Kawah during the Sarawak election, offered the carrot of a Chinese deputy chief minister to the Chinese electorate if they voted for SUPP.
However, after the elections, the English daily quoted Adenan as saying that while he is happy that Chinese voters had swung back to BN, it would be up to him whether or not to appoint a Chinese deputy chief minister.
Adenan has also denied making the promise.
Asked to comment on the cabinet lineup, Chong said that nothing much had changed from the days when Sarawak Governor Abdul Taib Mahmud helmed the administration.
"Nothing much has changed, except for one or two new faces," he said.

The new lineup, announced after a swearing-in ceremony in Kuching today, saw Adenan appointing three deputy chief ministers - federal minister Douglas Unggah, PRS president James Masing and PBB deputy president Abang Johari Abang Openg (photo).
Of the Chinese in Adenan's cabinet, the highest position went to former UPP president Wong Soon Koh, who is now Sarawak's second finance minister.
SUPP president Sim Kui Han was made the state's local government minister.
Awang Tengah Ali Hasan has two posts. He is the second resource planning and environment minister and industrial and entrepreneur development, trade and investment minister.
Also on the state cabinet are youth, sports and solidarity minister Michael Manyin; welfare, women and community development minister Fatimah Abdullah and public utilities minister Stephen Rundi.
