Four reasons to bar Umno from Sarawak Posted: 30 Aug 2014 03:08 AM PDT Umno should be barred from setting foot in Sarawak on four grounds – racial bigotry, religious extremism, corruption and nepotism – that the party practises.This is unlike DAP, which practises multi-racialism and multi-culturalism, Sarawak DAP chief Chong Chieng Jen said today. "Sarawak Chief Minister Adenan Satem must be either playing dumb or is truly ignorant of the differences between Umno and DAP," Chong said when commenting on a statement made by Adenan.Adenan had said on Wednesday night that he not only supported the banning of Umno from coming to Sarawak, but added that the ban should also apply to DAP, PKR and PAS.He said he agreed with Chong that Umno should be banned from Sarawak, and that it should apply to DAP, PKR and PAS as well, since these parties are all from Peninsular Malaysia.Chong, who is the MP for Bandar Kuching and Kota Sentosa assemblyperson, said: "Umno is rejected by Sarawakians not only because it is corrupt, but more importantly because it is a racist and religious extremist party. Why Sarawakians accept DAP "The party is prone to playing racial and religious issues and disuniting the people along these lines, while DAP practises multi-racialism. "That is why Sarawakians accept DAP and reject Umno," he said.
"To say that just because we stop Umno, we must also stop DAP, PKR and PAS from coming to Sarawak is tantamount to saying that we should not only stop religious extremists and racial bigots from coming to the state, but all West Malaysians as well."
He said Sarawak DAP is autonomous on matters relating to the state, with all its decisions made by the state committee, the highest decision-making body of the partyin Sarawak, with all done independently of the national DAP.
"I, therefore, urge Adenan Satem not to treat Sarawakians as naïve and make naïve statements to try to confuse the people.
"Sarawakians accept DAP because it is multi-racial and multi-religious, while Sarawakians reject Umno as it practises racial bigotry and religious extremism," Chong added.
on Malaysiakini (29/08/2014) |