Khamis, 31 Mac 2011


Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Tilawah Al-Qur`an Peringkat Hulu Langat: Memilih Wakil

Posted: 31 Mar 2011 04:09 PM PDT

Merasmikan Mesyuarat Agung Persatuan Ibu Bapa-Guru SRA Seri Putera

Posted: 31 Mar 2011 06:41 AM PDT

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

N45 Dr Halimah Ali


Posted: 31 Mar 2011 10:41 AM PDT

 "Saya hairan kerana TI-M (Transparency International - Malaysia) sedar dan faham bahawa tanggungjawab memantau dan membanteras apa-apa perbuatan rasuah termasuk rasuah politik dan rasuah semasa pilihan raya adalah di bawah bidang kuasa SPRM," kata Timbalan Pengerusi SPR Datuk Wira Wan Ahmad Wan Omar (foto) dalam kenyataan SMS kepada The Malaysian Insider hari ini.

"Benar bahawa Akta Kesalahan Pilihan Raya 1954 ada seksyen-seksyen tentang rasuah, tapi apa-apa perbuatan rasuah atau aduan-aduan tentangnya SPR minta bantuan atau serah kepada tanggungjawab SPRM."

"Sama juga kalau perbuatan-perbuatan jenayah dan hal-hal keselamatan berhubung kait pilihan raya adalah di bawah bidang urusan polis," katanya.

SPR: Tidak adil TI-M dakwa kami tak boleh diharap
Oleh G Manimaran

March 31, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, 31 Mac – Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) menegaskan "tidak adil" bagi Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) mendakwa pihaknya sebagai tidak boleh "diharap" sepenuhnya dalam memastikan proses pilihan raya negara ini dikendalikan dengan bebas dan adil.

Sambil melahirkan rasa hairan dengan kenyataan TI-M itu, Timbalan Pengerusi SPR Datuk Wira Wan Ahmad Wan Omar berkata, beliau hairan kerana badan pemantau itu mengeluarkan kenyataan sedemikian.

Beliau yang juga bekas setiausaha SPR berkata pihaknya menjalankan kedua-dua tugas menguruskan pilihan raya dan juga menguatkuasakan undang-undang yang berkaitan.

"Saya hairan kerana TI-M sedar dan faham bahawa tanggungjawab memantau dan membanteras apa-apa perbuatan rasuah termasuk rasuah politik dan rasuah semasa pilihan raya adalah di bawah bidang kuasa SPRM," kata beliau dalam kenyataan SMS kepada The Malaysian Insider hari ini.

Dalam kenyataannya semalam, TI-M mendakwa SPR tidak boleh "diharap" sepenuhnya dalam memastikan proses pilihan raya negara ini adalah bebas dan adil.

Presidennya Datuk Paul Low berkata, SPR telah gagal untuk memperlihatkan agensi itu adalah "bebas" dalam menjalankan fungsinya meskipun mereka dijamin autonomi di bawah Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

"Kita tidak boleh harap sepenuhnya pada SPR dalam menguatkuasakan undang-undang (pilihan raya), mereka kelihatan tidak bebas dalam tindakan mereka," kata beliau.

Ini kerana menurut beliau, undang-undang pilihan raya sedia ada tidak dikuatkuasakan dengan sebaik mungkin dan banyak kesalahan pilihan raya tidak  dikenakan hukuman yang sewajarnya.

"SPR hanya menguruskan proses pilihan raya, bukannya menguatkuasakan (undang-undang)," kata Low semalam ketika negara bersiap sedia untuk menghadapi pilihan raya negeri Sarawak bulan depan.

Hari penamaan calon adalah 6 April manakala pengundian akan diadakan 16 April.

Pilihan raya umum ke-13 disebut-sebut akan diadakan tahun ini.

Pemimpin-pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat (PR) secara konsisten menuduh SPR tidak menjalankan fungsinya dengan bebas dalam kebanyakan pilihan raya kecil, menyebabkan banyak aduan dikemukakan terhadap suruhanjaya tersebut.

Bagaimanapun SPR mempertahankan ia tidak memihak Barisan Nasional dan menolak dakwaan ia tidak bebas.

Dalam penjelasannya, Wan Ahmad juga berkata, SPR memang memandang serius dan berusaha untuk membanteras apa jua bentuk rasuah dalam pilihan raya, sebab itu suruhanjaya itu bekerjasama dengan SPRM dalam hal-hal berkenaan dan meminta mereka memantau apa jua aktiviti rasuah semasa pilihan raya.

"Benar bahawa Akta Kesalahan Pilihan Raya 1954 ada seksyen-seksyen tentang rasuah, tapi apa-apa perbuatan rasuah atau aduan-aduan tentangnya SPR minta bantuan atau serah kepada tanggungjawab SPRM.

"Sama juga kalau perbuatan-perbuatan jenayah dan hal-hal keselamatan berhubung kait pilihan raya adalah di bawah bidang urusan polis," katanya.

Di bawah Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan undang-undang, katanya, SPR merupakan badan yang menguruskan dan menjalankan  pilihan raya.

"Semua undang-undang penjalanan dan urusan pilihan raya SPR laksanakan dan kuat kuasakan.

" Tentang penguatkuasaan hal-hal rasuah... SPRM merupakan agensi yang bertanggungjawab mengenainya. Jadi tidak tepat dan tak adil pihak TI membuat kenyataan seperti," katanya lagi.

Penawar hati, penguat azam,penstabil emosi........luar biasa

Posted: 31 Mar 2011 05:15 AM PDT


Posted: 31 Mar 2011 03:20 AM PDT

Beban pembuktian (burden of proof) harus terletak pada  orang yang menuduh dan bukan mangsa kena tuduh. Kenapa DSAI harus mencari alibi serta bukti yang beliau bukan "pelakon" video hitam putih keluaran DATUK T.

Sahibus Samahah Datuk Seri Utama Diraja Dato' Setia Tamyes (kiri) pula menyifatkan apa yang berlaku sekarang ini berjalan secara tidak betul.

"Untuk menuduh, mestilah mendatangkan bukti, iaitu empat saksi untuk mensabitkan kesalahan. Jika tidak, pihak itu boleh dikenakan hukum Qazaf.

"Hukum ini tidak pernah berubah dari dulu sampai sekarang. Kepada yang dituduh, boleh bersumpah untuk menafikan apa yang dituduh. Tetapi sekarang, yang menuduh bersumpah, yang dituduh diminta mencari bukti. Ini terbalik dan tidak betul," katanya. Ikuti Laporan Malaysia kini berjudul Siasat dulu kesahihan berita, mufti senada

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

[Malaysiakini.TV] Nie Ching: Huge discrepancies in by-election spending?

Posted: 31 Mar 2011 08:58 AM PDT

[Media Statement] Nie Ching: Nazri should explain discrepancies in By-election spendings

Posted: 31 Mar 2011 08:51 AM PDT

Media Statement by Teo Nie Ching, MP for Serdang-cum-DAP Assistant National Publicity Secretary, in Parliament on 30 March 2011:

During the oral Q&A sessions yesterday in Parliament, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Dato’ Seri Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz said that the government has spent a total of RM11.2 million over the course of 16 by-elections since March 2008. He also gave a breakdown of costs for each by-election.

The figure provided by Minister Dato’ Seri Mohd Nazri in Parliament yesterday for the Bagan Pinang by-election contradicts the answer he gave previously back in 2009. In his answer to MP for Rasah, Anthony Loke Siew Fook on 12 November 2009, Nazri said that the cost of the Bagan Pinang by-election was RM284,324.79. But yesterday, he announced that the total expenditure for Bagan Pinang was RM449,485.00.

Therefore, which is the correct figure?

On top of that, the Election Commission is now seeking an additional budget of RM4,636,900 from Parliament to cover the costs for 4 by-elections, namely P. 185 Batu Sapi (RM1,397,200), P. 094 Hulu Selangor (RM1,200,000), P. 212 Sibu (RM1,000,000) and N. 45 Galas (RM1,039,700).

However, the figures quoted by the EC are different to the figures disclosed by the Minister in Parliament yesterday, which were RM1,290,000 for Batu Sapi and RM 1,047,000 for Galas.

In any case, if the figures provided by Dato’ Seri Mohd Nazri are accurate, one will not fail to note that the cost of by-elections have increased tremendously since 2010. The cost of the last by-election in 2009, the 9th by-election in our country -- Bagan Pinang -- was RM449,485 while the cost of the Hulu Selangor by-election (the 10th since March 2008 and also the first by-election in 2010) was a staggering RM1,200,000.

One might argue that the cost of the Hulu Selangor by-election was higher as it was a by-election for a parliamentary seat. However, when compared to the parliamentary by-elections for Permatang Pauh, Kuala Terengganu and Bukit Gantang, the costs were far less at RM409,000, RM325,416 and RM460,971 respectively!

I call on Minister Dato’ Seri Mohd Nazri to explain the discrepancies immediately to restore the dignity of Dewan Rakyat. He must also explain to the rakyat why the costs of by-election have increased tremendously since 2010.

Seeing as how BN has won 6 out of the 7 by-elections since 2010, we have a right to know if the EC has abused their power and utilized taxpayers’ monies to ensure victory for BN in these by-elections.


[Malaysiakini] DAP women to be unleashed against BN seniors

Posted: 31 Mar 2011 05:14 AM PDT

YES! We need more and more women to join us in the battle for a Malayisan Malaysia~!! Join us NOW~~!! :-DDD

~ Wong Teck Chi

After a historic victory in the 2006 Sarawak elections, DAP is set to repeat its old tactic this coming state polls by fielding a bevy of young professional women to contest against senior leaders of the Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP). 

According to See Hua Daily, DAP state chief Wong Ho Leng has said the party will have more female candidates this state elections after the successful performance of its two state assemblypersons over the last five years.

NONEThe duo are Ting Tze Fui, 29 (Meradong) (right) and Violet Yong, 34 (Pending) (below), who won in the last state election.

Fielding new female candidates was seen as having contributed to the opposition's big wins in the election. Ting and Yong were both young lawyers and presented a 'fresher' image compared to the SUPP incumbents.

Another young female DAP candidate, Kung Chin Chin, also only lost by a slim majority of 576 votes in Repok state seat.

sarawak nomination day 090506 violet yongThe move is seen as being similar to the "female assassins" tactic adopted by former Japanese prime minister Junichiro Koizumi in the East Asian country's 2005 general elections when he fielded young female candidates to wipe out those senior parliamentarians who were seen as having betrayed the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.

Although Wong didn't revealed the names of the woman candidates that DAP intended to field, local media have speculated that at least two - beside Tan and Yong - will contest in next month's state polls.

One of the names mentioned is Sibu DAP Women's chief Alice Lau, 30, who will most probably challenge SUPP heavyweight and state second finance minister Wong Soon Koh, 68, for the Bawang Assan seat.


[The Star@Parliament News] Benefits reaped from RM2mil cost to lobby to be part of ICAO

Posted: 31 Mar 2011 04:58 AM PDT

MALAYSIA’S re-election into the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) will provide the country an opportunity to contribute to the planning and development of international air transport, Deputy Transport Minister Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri said.

“Among the benefits of being in the ICAO is that we will be able to elevate the status of Malaysian aviation.

“We will also gain direct access to the ICAO’s highest executive level, which would enable Malaysia to contribute to the planning and growth of international air transport,” he said when replying to points raised by Teo Nie Ching (DAP–Serdang) during the debate on the Supplementary Supply Bill.

Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching had wanted to know the benefits reaped from the RM2mil cost to lobby to be part of the ICAO.

On Oct 6 last year, Malaysia was re-elected into the ICAO for the 2010 to 2013 term.

The ICAO is a specialised agency of the United Nations that codifies the principles and techniques of international air navigation and fosters the planning and development of international air transport to ensure safety, security and sustainability of civil aviation.

It is also the governing body that adopts standards and recommended practices and is responsible for carrying out policy decisions and strategic directions.

Abdul Rahim also said that Malaysia would gain leverage on issues and decisions concerning strategic policies on civil aviation.

“We will also be able to get early information on issues that affect civil aviation since such matters are discussed in the ICAO,” he said, adding that being a council member had its prestige.

Furthermore, the country’s presence in an international body also meant that Malaysia had an edge as an active player in the tourism industry, he said.


[The Star] Flyover needed to avoid Jln Balakong congestion

Posted: 31 Mar 2011 04:48 AM PDT

TRAFFIC congestion along Jalan Balakong may ease if a flyover is built from Jalan Sungai Long right up to the end of Jalan Balakong without entering Pekan Batu 11.

Kajang municipal councillor Lee Ah Seng said he would submit a proposal to the council in the hope of ending the traffic congestion that had plagued the area for more than 10 years.

Daily grind: Heavy traffic flow in Jalan Balakong causes congestion almost all the time during the day.

“The flyover will connect motorists from Sungai Long and Kajang straight to the Silk Highway without the hassle of going through Jalan Balakong which is congested almost all the time during the day for the past 10 years. This has to end.

“Jalan Balakong is also in bad condition but fixing it would only be a temporary solution. We have to look at the future,” he said at the press conference attended by Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching and Public Works Department (JKR) officers recently.

Lee also highlighted a few other problems along that stretch of road.

Among others, the drains on both sides of the road are clogged and causes floods during downpours.

“Some parts of the drains have collapsed too, posing great danger to motorists.

“The drains are also not covered and has caused many pedestrians to fall into it accidentally.

“We have asked JKR to upgrade the drains and place concrete covers. It will not only prevent pedestrians from falling but also stop them from throwing rubbish into it,” he added.


Philosophy Politics Economics

Philosophy Politics Economics

Sarawak, Here We Come!

Posted: 31 Mar 2011 10:36 AM PDT



Majlis makan malam DAP caw. Kuala Muda pada 27hb Mac 2011

Posted: 30 Mar 2011 09:42 PM PDT

Majlis makan malam pada 27/3/2011 anjuran caw Kuala Muda sangat meriah dan meransangkan memandangkan begitu baiknya sambutan rakyat dikawasan Sg. Petani dimana jumalah bilangan yg hadir melebihi 130 meja dan sumbangan dan sambutan pada malam tersebut memberi DAP Kuala Muda semangat yang tinggi bagi ahli ahli untik berkerja lebih kuat untuk memberi khidmat dan imej lebih baik kepada rakyatm di kawasan tersebut.Bersama sam kita termasuk AJK dari 6 caw. DAP yang baru di wujud dari kaw. Lunas dan upacara menyerah borang diadakan dan di terima olih S/Usaha politik K/Menteri Pulau Pinang, YB Ng Wei Aik. Bersama sama kita juga yang dijemput berucap termasuk saya sendiri, YB Ng Wei Aik, YB Chong Eng, YBhg Mohd. Sabu, YB Yeoh Soon Hin, YB Nga Kor Ming, dan S/Usaha Organisasi Negeri merangkap Pengerusi Caw.DAP Kuala Muda, Sdr. Teh Seng Teik.

Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

BN is practicing selective criticism and missing the wood from the trees

Posted: 31 Mar 2011 12:52 AM PDT

Penang PR CAT Governance Is Based On Open Tenders But PR Is Being Transparent By Stating That There Is No Open Tender When Only One Listed Company Apply And Qualify.

The "Penang PR for all, Wifi for all" to make Penang the first wifi state in Malaysia is a bold and innovative initiative to broaden digital intelligence for all Penangites. As the first state in Malaysia to provide free wifi for all in public areas, there is a need for further explanations of the approach taken to implement this novel concept.

The Penang state government wishes to stress that we are willing to consider other listed companies on Bursa Malaysia licensed to provide ICT services, the same terms as that offered to Redtone International Bhd. In other words these listed companies must be willing to install and maintain 1,500 free wifi hotspots for all Penangites for a period of 5 years at a cost of RM8.5 million funded by the state.

As an indication of the listed company's commitment to Penang's free wifi initiative they must follow Redtone's lead in installing and maintaining the first 750 free wifi hotspot free of charge at their own cost. Then only can these listed companies qualify for the second phase to bid for the additional 750 free wifi hotspots funded in part by the state government.

The Penang PR state government regrets the irresponsible attempts by BN to confuse policy with practice by claiming that the Pg PR state government has abandoned our open tender policy. Clearly, BN is hypocritical for criticising PR for not practicing open tender when BN completely fails to do.

I wish to reiterate that the open tender policy is one of the hallmarks of Penang PR state government's CAT governance of Competency, Accountability and Transparency. For the first time in Malaysian history Penang became the only state government to be praised by Transparency International because of our CAT governance and open tender.

Penang PR CAT governance is based on open tenders but PR is being transparent by stating that there is no open tender when only one listed company apply and qualify.

Listed Companies On Bursa Malaysia Licensed To Provide ICT Services Will Be Offered The Same Terms As Redtone International Bhd To Install And Maintain 1,500 Free Wifi Hotspots For All Penangites For 5 Years At RM 8.5 Million.

The Penang free wifi initiative is divided into two phases. The first phase consists of listed companies providing 750 free wifi hotspots in public areas at its own cost without charging the state government a single cent. Its investment is to be recouped from advertising revenues.

In this first phase, the state government merely provides facilitation in securing local government approvals for installation. Only one company (Redtone) stepped forward to provide the 750 free wifi hotspots in public areas at its own cost. No other listed companies expressed any interest in providing the 750 free wifi hotspots at its own costs.

As this first phase is commercially driven, the state government can not forcibly compel Redtone to install the first 750 free wifi hotspots in all areas in Penang. This is why some areas were left out, including the parliamentary constituency of Bukit Glugor belonging to DAP National Chair Karpal Singh.

To ensure that free wifi is for all, the state government has to fund the second phase of installing and maintaining another 750 free wifi hotspots in public areas at a cost of RM8.5 million for 5 years. This second phase will not only increase the number of free wifi hotspots in public areas to 1,500 but also ensure that all state constituencies in Penang are covered by some free wifi hotspots. It is this second phase that BN is criticising the state government for not practicing open tender.

BN is practicing selective criticism and missing the wood from the trees. Instead of taking the whole 1st and 2nd phase together, BN ignores the first phase and concentrate only on the second phase. This is wrong. To qualify for the second phase, the listed company must first fulfil the first phase by providing the initial 750 free wifi hotspots at its own cost without a single cent from the state government. Then only can it qualify to be funded by the state government for its second phase.

When we first approached the listed companies in Bursa Malaysia licensed to provide such services, none was interested except Redtone. To date no listed company is interested. As only Redtone qualified by complying with the first phase, it is not possible to conduct an open tender with only one company under the second phase.

The Penang state government is still willing to consider the same terms offered to Redtone, ALSO to other listed companies provided that like Redtone, these listed companies carry out the first phase of providing the first 750 free wifi hotspots at its own cost. The terms of Phase 2 with Redtone are as follows:


Key Points Of Collaboration Agreement for the Deployment of Wireless Broadband between PDC Telecommunications Services Sdn Bhd(PDCT) and Redtone International Berhad(Redtone)

Penang Pakatan Rakyat(PR) State Government For All; Free Wifi For All

General Terms – Salient Points

· Agreement is for an additional 750 free wifi hotspot in public areas to the public funded by the Penang state government through PDCT.
· There are currently 750 existing free wifi hotspots in public areas that Redtone International Bhd ("Redtone") has provided and maintained free of charge. With the additional 750 free wifi hotspots funded by the Penang state government, there will be a total of 1500 units.
· Redtone shall also provide an additional 50 Sites on top of the 750 contracted under the second phase of which PDCT shall not be required to make any further payments (for installation or maintenance whatsoever).
· The installation at the proposed 750 Sites and the additional 50 sites provided free of charge shall be completed within 12 months from the date hereof.
· Redtone shall provide 50 Mbps as backhaul to the Internet for the existing 750 Sites AND the new proposed 750 sites

Payment Terms

· This agreement shall be for 5 years and have a value of RM 8,490,000. After 5 years both PDCT or the state government have the option of continuing the service annually at the cost of RM900,000/- per annum.

· Maintenance of the existing 750 Sites already installed by Redtone shall be free of charge. In the event Redtone fails to maintain the Sites, Redtone shall be deemed to have been in breach of the Agreement.

· In the event of a breach, PDCT shall have the absolute rights to claim full ownership over the existing 750 Sites and the proposed new 750 Sites and additional free 50 sites in addition to further compensation/damages from Redtone.


· All the 40 state constituencies in Penang shall be provided with at least Ten (10) WiFi Hot Spots.

Apportionment of Revenue

· All net revenue generated from the advertising services shall be apportioned between PDCT and Redtone equally.

Technological Upgrades

Each user of the Penang Free Wifi hotspots is given 1 mbps of internet connection and when the need arises, the user can be upgraded to 5 mbps, 10 mbps or even up to 54 mbps by Redtone International at no additional cost.

i n t a n h i j a u

i n t a n h i j a u


Posted: 31 Mar 2011 07:16 AM PDT

Seorang pegawai Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) dikatakan memuat turun dan menonton pornografi pada komputer milik pejabat selepas sejam menyoal siasat Teoh Beng Hock.

Perkara ini didedahkan oleh pengerusi Suruhanjaya Diraja yang menyiasat kematian Teoh, tan Sri James Foong hari ini.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika peguam Majlis Peguam, Cheow Wee menyoal bekas timbalan pengarah SPRM Selangor, Hishamuddin Hashim berhubung memorandum dalaman yang mengingatkan kakitangannya supaya sentiasa memerhatikan pelawat, saksi ataupun suspek ketika mereka berada di premis berkenaan.

NONEDalam keterangannya, Fong berkata penolong penguasa Mohd Ashraf Mohd Yunus sedang menonton pornografi di komputernya pada jam 1.20 pagi, 16 Julai 2009.Foong: Pada pendapat saya, adalah agak longgar cara saksi diperhatikan. Kenapa? Saya ingin tahu mengapa tiada kawalan keselamatan?

Arahan diberikan (melalui memorandum dalaman) dan mesti ada pegawai (yang mengiringi saksi).

Foong: Kenapa tidak tanya pegawai awak apa yang mereka lakukan (apabila awak berada di pejabat pada waktu itu)?

Hishamuddin: (Mereka tidak beritahu saya) kecuali saya tanya.

Tahukah awak bahawa Ashraf telah memuat turun bahan pornografi sekitar jam 1.20 pagi (16 Julai 2009). Apabila operasi dijalankan, dia menonton pornografi di internet.

Hishamuddin yang terkejut dengan berita itu mengambil masa sebelum menjawap "ia di luar kawalannya".

"Ini tiada kaitan dengan kerja... mungkin inisiatif sendiri," katanya.

Kejadian itu berlaku kira-kira sejam selepas beliau membantu seorang lagi rakannya menyoal Teoh.


Posted: 31 Mar 2011 02:40 AM PDT

KUALA LUMPUR, 31 Mac: Kenyataan Timbalan Perdana Menteri menggelar parti selain BN, yang akan berkempen pada pilihan raya negeri Sarawak sebagai 'hantu' dan 'jembalang', mencerminkan ketakutan pemimpin BN itu.

Pengarah Pilihan Raya PAS pusat Datuk Halim Abdul Rahman berkata, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin terpaksa mengeluarkan kenyataan sedemikian bagi menutup kelemahan BN setelah lebih 46 tahun menguasai negeri Bumi Kenyalang itu namun masih ketinggalan.

"Tak payah komen la...bodoh sangat.

"46 tahun lebih mereka di Sarawak, apa yang dibuat?" soalnya yang juga ahli parlimen Pengkalan Chepa.
Katanya, rakyat harus sedar bahawa BN telah menganaktirikan Sarawak sejak sekian lama.

Walaupun Sarawak kaya dengan hasil mahsyur jelasnya, namun rakyat dan negeri itu sendiri masih ketinggalan dari arus pembangunan.

Dan tidak pelik katanya jika Muhyiddin menuding jari kepada pihak lain bagi menutup kelemahan mereka apatah lagi berdepan pilihan raya negeri itu 16 April ini.

"Baru sekarang nak buat itu, buat ini," tambahnya.

Muhyiddin semalam menyifatkan parti selain BN yang akan menyertai pilihan raya Sarawak sebagai 'hantu' dan 'jembalang' dan perlu ditolak rakyat.

Katanya, sebahagian 'hantu' dan 'jembalang' itu sebahagiannya datang dari Semenanjung manakala sebahagian yang lain sudah ada di negeri ini dan akan menawarkan janji-janji manis.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika berucap di Majlis Bersama Rakyat di pinggir Sungai Sarawak di Kampung Boyan-Gersik di Kuching semalam.(harakahdaily)

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

Perbahasan Titah Di Raja oleh Kota Raja

Posted: 31 Mar 2011 08:00 AM PDT


魏宗贤文打烟之声 Gwee Tong Hiang for Bentayan

魏宗贤文打烟之声 Gwee Tong Hiang for Bentayan


Posted: 30 Mar 2011 01:57 AM PDT

Direct Free Kick

Direct Free Kick


Posted: 31 Mar 2011 03:09 AM PDT

Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Yang Berhormat-Yang Berhormat sekelian yang telah menyentuh tentang pemberian air percuma 20 meter padu kepada penduduk di pembangunan-pembangunan kos rendah.
Saya mengucapkan terima kasih di atas keprihatinan Yang Berhormat-Yang Berhormat terhadap nasib begitu ramai penduduk rumah kos rendah itu yang tidak mendapat air percuma kerana tidak mempunyai meter individu.
Tindakan awal Kerajaan Negeri adalah untuk menggalakkan migrasi dari meter pukal kepada meter individu.
Kerajaan Negeri telah mengadakan perbincangan dengan Syabas agar proses migrasi ini dapat dipercepatkan dan dipermudahkan.
Kerajaan Negeri mahu Syabas melonggarkan syarat-syarat migrasi dan telah berlaku sedikit kelonggaran.
Walau bagaimanapun, proses migrasi ini masih tidak cukup pantas. Masih ramai yang tidak mendapat air percuma.
Oleh itu, tindakan seterusnya Kerajaan Negeri adalah untuk memperkenalkan sistem kupon.
Penduduk rumah kos rendah telah diberi kupon melalui pemaju, Management Corporation (MC), Joint Management Body (JMB)  dan ejen pengurusan bagi mereka mendapatkan untuk air percuma.
Walau bagaimanapun, proses ini juga merumitkan.
Oleh itu, Kerajaan Negeri telah membuat keputusan untuk memberi potongan terus kepada bil-bil di meter pukal.
Potongan ini adalah berdasarkan jumlah unit yang didiami di pembangunan tersebut.
Pemaju, Management Corporation (MC), Joint Management Body (JMB)  dan ejen pengurusan apabila mengeluarkan bil-bil kepada penduduk akan memotong jumlah potongan yang telah diberikan oleh Kerajaan Negeri.
Kerajaan Negeri melalui Lembaga Perumahan Dan Hartanah Selangor dan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan akan menyiapkan satu senarai yang menyatakan jumlah unit yang didiami bagi setiap pembangunan kos rendah di Selangor.
Selain itu, satu kempen penerangan besar-besaran akan dilancarkan bagi memaklumkan penduduk pembangunan kos rendah tentang potongan kepada bil-bil mereka atau pemberian air percuma secara terus kepada mereka ini.
Ini untuk mengelakkan pemaju, Management Corporation (MC), Joint Management Body (JMB) dan ejen pengurusan tidak memberi potongan kepada bil-bil penduduk.
Kerajaan Negeri akan melaksanakan pemberian air percuma ini sebaik sahaja mendapat maklumat jumlah unit-unit yang didiami bagi pembangunan-pembangunan kos rendah itu. Ini bermakna pemberian air percuma di bawah skim ini akan dilaksanakan secara berperingkat-peringkat.
Walau bagaimanapun terdapat satu masalah yang akan timbul di dalam perlaksanaan skim ini.
Terdapat pembangunan yang tidak mempunyai pemaju, Management Corporation (MC), Joint Management Body (JMB)  dan ejen pengurusan. Di dalam hal ini, Kerajaan Negeri akan mengenalpasti pihak yang akan bertanggung jawab untuk mengendalikan potongan kepada bil-bil mereka. Salah satu alternatif adalah melalui persatuan penduduk.
Buat permulaan Kerajaan Negeri akan memperuntukkan RM5 juta untuk melaksanakan skim ini. Ianya akan ditambah menurut keperluan iaitu apabila lebih banyak pembangunan dapat dikenalpasti untuk dimasukkan ke dalam skim ini.
Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat amat prihatin kepada kebajikan rakyat dan akan sentiasa berusaha untuk membantu rakyat di negeri ini.
Iskandar A. Samad
Exco Perumahan, Pengurusan Bangunan Dan Setinggan
Negeri Selangor
31 Mac 2011

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Questions Time: Sessi November 2010: Kos konsultan dibayar oleh Khazanah Bhd by weechookeong

Posted: 31 Mar 2011 05:38 AM PDT

Thank you for pointing out the typo. Noted.



Comment on Questions Time: Sessi November 2010: Kos konsultan dibayar oleh Khazanah Bhd by Mohamed

Posted: 31 Mar 2011 01:21 AM PDT

Typo….’ponder as to y u loose such YB’

Comment on Questions Time: Sessi November 2010: Kos konsultan dibayar oleh Khazanah Bhd by Mohamed

Posted: 31 Mar 2011 01:20 AM PDT

Continue ur struggle for a better Malaysia. If u have taken millions from UMNO, u won’t be raising these relevant questions. PKR, take heed n ponder as to u loose competent MPs like this YB.

My journey - Wong Hon Wai 黃漢偉

My journey - Wong Hon Wai 黃漢偉

Laporan Tahunan Muzium Negeri Pulau Pinang dan Balai Seni Lukis 跨別17年檳博物館再出版年鑑

Posted: 31 Mar 2011 08:00 AM PDT

Kali terakhir Muzium dan Balai Seni Lukis Negeri Pulau Pinang menerbitkan laporan tahunan ialah pada tahun 1993. Selepas 17 tahun kemudian, YB Wong Hon Wai sebagai Pengerusi Lembaga Muzium yang baru memutuskan tradisi penerbitan laporan tahunan perlu diteruskan untuk memperkuatkan sayap penerbitan muzium. Dengan ini, laporan tersebut akan diterbitkan sempena ulangtahun ke-46 penubuhan muzium.


由星洲日報大北馬于 2011年3月30日22:26 发布









