Chong Chieng Jen's Blog |
- Chong files motion for clear agenda on autonomy
- 张健仁:呈动议通知书 促州政府与联邦谈判
- 伊刑法动议无反对声 土保党没有表明立场
- 7哩老港下水管爆裂没水供
- 揭露中央医院停车场工程,3亿5100万令吉变3亿7800万令吉
- The RM378 million Sarawak General Hospital Multi-storey carpark project exceeds all reasonable construction costing by more than 200%, ie. at least triple the reasonable standard industrial costs.
Chong files motion for clear agenda on autonomy Posted: 28 May 2016 06:01 PM PDT KUCHING: Democratic Action Party (DAP) state chairman Chong Chieng Jen has filed a motion with the State Legislative Assembly (DUN) secretary to set a clear agenda on autonomy for the state government. According to him, the 13 points of autonomy that Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem successfully obtained from the federal government were merely administrative powers. "Administration power is only the power to carry out policies set down by the policymakers whereas autonomy is the power to decide the policy," he told a press conference yesterday. He said as BN's landslide win in the 11th state election – 72 out of 82 constituencies – has fulfilled Adenan's call for a strong mandate, it is imperative for the Chief Minister to honour his electoral pledges. According to Chong, areas on the devolution of power negotiations that should proceed include autonomy of taxation – 20 per cent oil and gas royalties and 50 per cent of all taxes collected in Sarawak – and autonomy of education – having the power to fully determine all matters in relation to education including teaching syllabus and the setting up of English-medium schools. "The right to allocate more Sarawakian teachers to teach in Sarawak is a mere administrative power in education whereas autonomy in education is the power to decide how many teachers should we have, whether there should be English-medium schools and include the power to write our own syllabus," he said. According to him, autonomy of healthcare and the power to determine all matters in relation to hospitals, medical and healthcare services, as well as autonomy of internal affairs would enable the state to run its own police force. -TheBorneoPost May 29,2016 Sunday |
Posted: 28 May 2016 05:59 PM PDT ![]() 他是于今日所召开的新闻发布会上表示,本身在昨日下午以传真和电邮方式,向砂州议会提呈动议通知书。 据悉,该动议通知书如下: 基于在刚举行的砂州选举,首席部长要求有更大的委托以便他可为砂州争取更多的自主权。 也基于在2016年5月7日,砂州国阵获得更大的委托,在全州82个议席中赢取了72个议席。 也基于首席部长之前从联邦所争取到的所谓的13个自主权,只是行政管理权而非真正的自主权。 也基于现在是时候首席部长兑现其选举的承诺,并在今届州议会的第一个会议率先定下自主权的议程。 因此,谨此动议砂州议会议决: 砂州政府尽速向联邦政府争取并进行谈判以下几项的权力下放给砂州: 1. 税务自主权,即,归还砂州政府,20% 石油和天然气开采税以及50% 从砂拉越所征收的所有税收。 2. 教育自主权,即,砂州政府全权处理砂州的教育事项,包括教科书的题材和成立英语为媒介语的学校。 3. 医药自主权,即,砂州政府全权处理砂州的医院、医药及保健服务。 4. 内政自主权,即,砂州政府管理自家的警队。 张健仁指出,将在6月7日召开的砂州议会,是本届砂州议会的第一个会议。 行政权当自主权 "既然首长阿迪南在州选时以自主权作为其竞选的主轴宣传重点,并要求砂州人民给予他更多的委托,以便他可更有力的向联邦争取更多的自主权,而砂州人民也在投票日给予他更大的委托,那这是他兑现选举承诺的时刻了。" 因此,他希望,在这今届议会的第一个开会,砂州议会就应明确的订下,砂州政府所必须争取的自主权的议程,而非任由阿迪南以天马行空式的把行政权当自主权,来误导砂州人民,把冯京当马凉。 "行政权只是局限于执行上头所制定的政策,而自主权是制定政策的权力。就以阿迪南之前所提的编排教师的权力,要90%以上在砂州执教的教师是砂州人为例,这只是行政权,并非自主权。但阿迪南却把它当成教育自主权,误导人民说他已成功争取到教育自主权了。" 他强调,行动党作为在野党的责任,就是在州议会监督和施压,确保政府履行他们的承诺。 "因此,我们必须在议会上制定哪一些是真正的自主权,而那一些只是浑水摸鱼的行政权,并督促阿迪南争取真正的砂州自主权。" 《转载自 诗华日报》 |
Posted: 28 May 2016 05:56 PM PDT ![]() 他是于今日所召开的新闻发布会上抨击,挪前伊刑法私人动议之举,是直接越过官方法案以及多达14个私人动议,这是在国阵政府及伊党"串谋"之下才会发生的情况! "因为此私人动议是排在所有私人动议的第15个,却直接越过前面14个私人动议,这是很明显的串谋!" 他深信,一旦伊刑法通过提呈,所将带来的"恶果",包括导致伊斯兰法庭的刑罚权力扩大,各项的刑罚都被扩展;同时,虽然国阵成员党一再表明对此反对,但在当天却没有发出任何反对的声音。 违反建国契约 "伊刑法是违反宪法的,也违反了砂沙参组大马合约的基本建国契约。" 他狠批,砂沙两州的国阵国会议员都没有反对声音,倘若伊刑法通过,最终变成法令,不只是吉兰丹受到影响,全国都会受到影响。 "截至目前,土保党都没有表明立场。" 他认为,土保党应该表明明确立场,特别是砂国阵兼土保党主席丹斯里阿迪南沙登之前一直表示不会让伊刑法在砂州出现,相关人士一直在报章上宣扬反对伊刑法的立场是没有意义的,如果他们在国会里面都没有表明立场,尤其是土保党作为砂国阵"大哥",就该是必须率先在国会表明反对伊刑法的立场。 《转载自诗华日报》 |
Posted: 23 May 2016 06:03 PM PDT |
揭露中央医院停车场工程,3亿5100万令吉变3亿7800万令吉 Posted: 22 May 2016 06:08 PM PDT (古晋22日讯)民主行动党古晋市国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙 张健仁指出,这就是政府工程在没有公开招标的情况下批工 张氏透露,根据卫生部长于2015年11月在国会下议院 1. 1750停车位的多层停车场。 2. 160房间的廉价旅店。 3. 日间护理大楼,设有7间手术室和4间内窥镜检查室及门诊 4. 病理学大楼,设有化验室及血库设施。 卫生部的预算,整个工程将耗资3亿5100万令吉。 短短6个月,3亿5100万令吉变3亿7800万令吉 张健仁指出,在2015年11月,卫生部对于该工程的预 他也说,这2700万令吉也不可能是6%的消费税(GS "另外,就算是3亿7800万令吉,6%的消费税也只是 天文数字的超贵建筑费 "无论如何,不论它是3亿7800万令吉,还是3亿51 张氏列出多层停车场和廉价旅馆的普遍建筑成本: 1. 根据古晋南北市的标准,一个停车位的尺寸是2.5公尺乘 以此方程式计算,该多层停车场的建筑费是大约3060万 2. 至于那160房的廉价旅店,根据马来西亚建筑业的指南, 5120平方公尺乘于每平方公尺5000令吉,总数是2 3. 至于那日间护理大楼和病理学大楼的建筑成本,是否包括仪 相比中央医院这工程中的日间护理大楼和病理学大楼,只是 若以这KPJ新医院的建筑费来做指标,这两座日间护理和 张健仁指出,以这种简单的计算法,建这4项建筑,即,多 张氏也透露,这项工程是在没有公开招标的情况下批给国阵 "这些超贵的开支,最终都将会由砂州人民来负担。 因为那多层停车场将是向民众收费的,廉价旅馆也是向民众 张健仁也抨击沈桂贤,身为医生,应该很清楚这些开支合不 "我们必须清楚的一点就是,政府的钱是有限的,而联邦给 张氏也指出,人民被逼还消费税,就是因为长期来,政府在 |
Posted: 21 May 2016 06:11 PM PDT This is a consequence of Government awarding project without going through open tender. At the end of the day, the people are forced to pay more and project gets delayed because of the never-ending greed of the BN crony. According to an answer given to the MP for Stampin, Julian Tan, the Health Minster said that the said SGH Multi-storey carpark project include the following: 1. a multi-storey carpark building with 1750 parking bays 2. a budget hotel with 160 rooms; 3. a day-care block with 7 operation theatre, 4 endoscopy rooms and some day-care wards; 4. a Pathology block with laboratory testing facilities and blood bank And that the whole project with costs RM351 million. This answer was given by the Health Minister in November 2015. 6 months later when Dr Sim Kui Hian announced the project on 19-5-2016, it has escalated to RM378 million. Why the increase of 27 million in construction costs in only a short span of 6 months? This RM27 million cannot be the Goods and Services Tax (GST) because the 6% GST on RM351 million is only RM21 million. Dr. Sim claims that there is an additional RM26 million GST component which was not included in the initial costing of the contractor and now is causing the delay in the implementation of the whole project. Even if we accept the price to be RM378 million, 6% GST on RM378 million is only RM22.68 million, NOT RM26 million. Unless there are some huge hidden costs which was not disclosed. No matter which figure one uses, either RM378 million or RM351 million, it is an astronomical over-inflated amount for the whole project. Let me give a simple breakdown on the construction for those 4 items as follows: 1. The Multi-storey carpark According to the Kuching city Councils, the standard measurement for parking bay in a multi-storey carpark building is 2.5 metre width and 5 metre length. Therefore, the surface area of a parking bay is 12.5 m2. For 1750 parking bays, the total surface area is thus 21,875 m2. Given another equal surface area for the driveway within the building, the total surface area for the said Multi-storey carpark is thus 43,750 m2. The average costs of building a multi-storey carpark building in Malaysia is RM700 per m2. Therefore, the costs for the 1750 parking bay multi-storey carpark building is thus RM30.6 million. Given another 15% for contingency expenses, it will costs at most by RM35 million only. 2. The 160-room Budget Hotel According to Malaysia's Construction Industrial Guideline, the costs of building a 3-star hotel is approximately RM5000 per m2. The standard hotel room in Malaysia is 32 m2. Therefore, for a 160-room hotel, the surface area is only 5120 m2. Multiply this by RM5000 per m2, the costs for building a 160-room 3-star hotel is approximately RM25.6 million. For a budget hotel, the construction costs is cheaper by at least another 30%. 3. The Daycare and Pathology Blocks Whether the construction costs include equipment is not known, but let us make a simple comparison with the proposed new KPJ hospital currently under construction near Kuching BDC area. The new proposed KPJ Specialist Hospital consists of 300 beds, facilities for chemotherapy, radiation oncology, heart surgery, ICU/HDU/CICU, etc. costs only RM130 million. As compared, the proposed Daycare and Pathology blocks in the SGH carpark project do not include any radiotherapy or chemotherapy treatment equipment. It does not include the ICU/HDU/CICU which are very expensive to equip. It is surely a lot smaller and less equipped than the 300-bed KPJ Specialist Hospital. If the building of a whole new 300-bed KPJ Specialist Hospital from scratch will cost only RM130 million, surely it is too generous to give an estimate of 30% of that amount for the Daycare and Pathology blocks, which is RM40 milion. Therefore, going by the above calculation, the SGH project comprising the multi-storey carpark building, budget hotel, daycare and pathology blocks will cost at most RM100 million. The RM378 million suggested by Dr Sim is ridiculously high. This over-inflated construction costs will ultimately be borne by Sarawakians who will at one point of time be using the facilities over the next few decades. This is similar to the tolled highway in West Malaysia where the people in West Malaysia are paying for the over-inflated highway construction costs for decades and are still paying. As a doctor himself, Dr Sim ought to know the estimated figure is ridiculously high. Why is he keeping mum on this and allow the BN crony company to rip off the people. One point that we must be clear, money is limited resources and there is always a limit on the allocation for Sarawak. If we over-spent RM270 million on this project, we have to give up projects in other aspect to the amount of RM270 million. At the end of the day, the people in Sarawak are deprived of some facilities that we could have enjoyed with RM270 million allocation which ended up in the bank accounts of the BN cronies. 22-5-2016 Chong Chieng Jen MP for Bandar Kuching ADUN for Kota Sentosa Sarawak DAP Chairman |
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