Ahad, 28 Jun 2015

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog


Posted: 26 Jun 2015 08:23 PM PDT



也是民主行动党砂州主席的张健仁表示,董总无需修改统考文凭课程内容以求马来西亚政府承认统考。 他举出4理由支持其立场,即:

1. 统考文凭课程内容已受到全世界600多间大学的承认。 这是因为它具有国际水平。 反观,大马教育部所制定的课程,已令到大马教育水准日益下滑。 统考文凭课程的内容若要符合大马教育部所设定的内容,它将使统考文凭的水准下降,进而更将影响未来统考文凭在国外大学的受承认地位。

2. 独中统考文凭不受国阵政府承认几十年,并没有使到独中灭亡。 反之,独中却越来越出色,走出马来西亚,成为国际所承认和知名的文凭。 目前,独中和统考文凭已走过最黑暗的时刻了。 根本就没必要为了得到国阵政府的承认而去迎合其所设立不合理的条件。

3. 华教人士必须谨记于心的就是,国阵政府教育政策的最终目标还是单元教育政策。 独中的壮大,永远是国阵政府心中的一根刺,因为它的成功,证明国阵单元教育政策的失败。 它也阻止了国阵政府的同化政策。


当年,古晋二中(今天的晋中),就是开始接受政府拨款的资助和改制。 起初也只是改一、两课为国文,但最后,全部都是国文课教课,华文课反变成可有可无的科目。 前车之鉴,华教人士必须谨记于心。

4. 统考文凭课程内容一开始改编,它将逐渐失去其独特性和吸引力。 更甚的是,若它因此而失去国外大学的承认,到时,独中只有任马来西亚教育部的鱼肉。



他说,对于慕犹丁所设下的陷阱,叶新田一派已有明确的表明,不接受国阵政府的建议,坚持不改统考文凭内容。 但是,挑战派对这课题却没见有任何表态。


张氏指出,以独中统考文凭今时今日的国际地位,马来西亚政府不承认统考文凭,是马来西亚的损失,不是独中的损失。 最终,若行动党和其联盟的政党做政府,该联盟政府将承认统考文凭。

"改朝换代、政党轮替是民主必然的发展,只是时间问题。 华社反正也已等了几十年了,也不争急于要在这一、两年得到政府的承认,而改编课程,走上独中改制的不归路。"

Keep Umno and its ‘ridiculous’ racial policies out of Sarawak, Adenan told

Posted: 25 Jun 2015 08:46 PM PDT

KUCHING, June 26 — Chief Minister Tan Sri Adenan Satem must block not just Umno but the Peninsula-based Malay party's race-based policies from creeping into Sarawak, state DAP chief Chong Chieng Jen said today.
The state opposition leader warned that Umno's policies had the potential to cause disharmony in multi-ethnic Sarawak, where the locals have been living peacefully with each other.
"It is no use asking Umno not to set foot in Sarawak, but allowing its race-based policies to come in to the state," he said.
Since becoming chief minister in February last year, Adenan has repeatedly said that he will not let Umno open up in Sarawak, and acknowledged that the presence of the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition's biggest party in the state could affect the local racial and religious harmony.
File picture shows Bandar Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen (left) with his political secretary Sanjan Gaik, holding a news conference in Kuching, Sarawak, February 9, 2015. — Picture by Sulok Tawie 
As a first step, Chong suggested Adenan instruct Sarawak's 25 BN MPs to speak up against racial policies in Parliament.
The Bandar Kuching MP said the latest example of Umno's race-based policy is a requirement for all forwarding agents to allocate 51 per cent of the total shares for Malays.
He said the forwarding agents are also required to have 51 per cent of their workforce and directorship allocated for Malays.
"This is a totally ridiculous policy because many forwarding agents are small-time business with two or three partners," Chong said, adding that the partners are also doing the work themselves.
He said the policy was introduced earlier this year, and the forwarding agents must comply before month's end.
"If these forwarding agents do not take in the Malays as partners, directors and workers, their licences will not be renewed," Chong, who is also Kota Sentosa state lawmaker, said.
"If they cannot renew their licences, many of which are to expire at the end of this month, the forwarding agents are forced to close down."
He said he had asked the Ministry of Finance for a written explanation about the policy, but the answer he got was rather unsatisfactory.
He said that explanation was that the policy was to enable the Malays to venture into the logistics sector.
on themalaymailonline
