Jumaat, 24 Jun 2011

R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

appalled by the treatment of Sri Lankan Tamils and Muslims,

Posted: 24 Jun 2011 05:02 AM PDT




Posted: 24 Jun 2011 03:29 AM PDT

(Adakah doa munajat Saiful Bukhori dimakbulkan ALLAH? Adakah sumpah la'nat Saiful Bukhori ditunaikan ALLAH?)

Salam 2 all.

Melainkan Anwar Ibrahim sudah hilang sifat kemaluan, dia wajib letak jawatan!!! Semua jawatan. Takde dolak-dalih dah. Takde putar belit, takde bohong lagi. Semuanya sudah jelas. Daripada prosiding pertuduhan terhadap Datuk Trio pagi tadi di Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur atas dakwaan menyiarkan video lucah, terbukti perkara berikut:

1. lapuran pakar daripada Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, Amerika Syarikat mengesahkan lelaki didalam videoklip tersebut ialah Anwar Ibrahim;

2. rakaman kamera litar hotel membuktikan Anwar Ibrahim dan Datuk Eskay berada di lobi pada tarikh kejadian;

3. lapuran pakar membuktikan ketulinan rakaman tersebut dan tiada sebarang unsur tampalan atau 'superimpose';

4. Datuk Shazryl, rakan baik Anwar dan turut dirakam didalam videoklip tersebut serta turut kelihatan didalam kamera litar di lobi bersama Anwar mengakui lelaki itu ialah Anwar Ibrahim;

5. Videoklip tersebut mengesahkan terdapat tiga watak didalam videoklip tersebut iaitu seorang lelaki (Datuk Shazryl), seorang lelaki dikenalpasti sebagai Anwar Ibrahim dan seorang wanita berbangsa China.

Perlu teman tekankan disini kita tidak menuduh Anwar berzina dengan China-Doll tersebut. Itu persoalan yang perlu dibuktikan di Mahkamah Syariah berdasarkan beban pembuktian yang ditetapkan syara'.

Apa yang penting disini ialah video tersebut membuktikan Anwar Ibrahim tidak layak menjadi pemimpin, apatah lagi menjadi Perdana Menteri sebuah negara umat Islam!

1. Di Amerika, Ahli Kongres Demokrat bernama Weiner meletakkan jawatan setelah gambar separuh lucahnya tersebar di laman cyber. Beliau mengakui kesilapan dan meletakkan jawatan, terutama setelah ditegur oleh Presiden Obama sendiri;

2. Di Turki, enam orang bakal calon pilhanraya sebuah parti politik meletakkan jawatan parti dan menarik diri daripada bertanding dalam pilihanraya Turki setelah video lucah membaitkan mereka disebarkan dilaman web;

3. Di Indonesia, saudara Ariffinto, Ahli MPR Parti Keadilan Sejahtera, Indonesia meletakkan jawatan setelah dirakan menonton satu videoklip lucah semasa Dewan sedang bersidang;

4. Di Amerika Syarikat, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Pengarah Urusan IMF meletakkan jawatan setelah dikenakan pertuduhan cuba merogol seorang pembantu hotel di New York, dan menyerahkan sampel DNA nya untuk ujian pihak polis;

Tetapi di Malaysia, setelah dipanggil membela diri kerana meliwat pekerjanya sendiri Saiful Bukhori Azlan, dengan pembuktian DNA yang jelas; dan dengan videoklip yang disahkan ketulinannya dan disahihkan dengan laporan pakar ianya Anwar Ibrahim, diikuti dengan rakam kamera litar beliau berada dilobi bersama Datuk Eskay dihari kejadian: manusia yang ditabal oleh bininya sendiri sebagai anugerah tuhan bukan sahaja tidak mahu meletak jawatan, bahkan menyalahkan Kerajaan dan semua orang lain atas kegiatan tidak bermoral dia.

Kekadang bila tengok rentetan peristiwa diatas, orang kafir pun lebih tinggi maruah dan nilai diri serta prinsip mereka. Dan yang paling malang, manusia yang ditabal bin sendiri sebagai anugerah tuhan ini mengheret sekali para ulama' suk, ustad-ustad kalkatu dan yang sewaktu dengannya kedalam kancah kehinaan ini. Benarlah sabda Rasulullah saw, diakhir zaman ini nanti yang ma'ruf jadi mungkar, yang mungkar jadi ma'ruf. Dan yang lebih parah, kita disuruh buat yang mungkar, dan dicegah daripada membuat yang ma'ruf.

Nasihat teman kepada kepimpinan PAS terutama yang melabel diri mereka ulamak supaya bermuhasabah lah diri, takutlah kepada ALLAH swt. Buatlah yang ma'ruf, cegahlah kemungkaran. Kembalilah kepada Islam berdasarkan Al Quran dan sunnah. Pada Haji Hadi, teman seru supaya ambil alih jawatan Ketua Pembangkang. Kembalikanlah integriti dan kewibawaan pembangkang.

Kepada Anwar Ibrahim, letak lah semua jawatan; politik, kerajaan dan lain-lain. Letaklah jawatan sebagai Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh; letaklah jawatan sebagai Ketua Pembangkang; letaklah jawatan sebagai Ketua Umum dan Penasihat PKR (lagipun jawatan ni memang tiada dalam Perlembagaan), letaklah jawatan Penasihat Ekonomi Selangor, hentikanlah sandiwara dan lakonan jijik dan kotor ini; hentikanlah mengheret dan memperkudakan para ulama' terutama dari PAS. Ringkasnya: pergilah bertaubat nasuha. Cucilah diri. Kubur dah terlalu dekat. Maut dah terlalu hampir. Siksaan ALLAH itu satu kepastian!!!

Kepada Polis dan Peguam Negara, satu siasatan wajib dilakukan untuk mengenal pasti samada Anwar Ibrahim telah membuat lapuran palsu. Jika keterangan dan bukti cukup untuk mendakwa Anwar Ibrahim atas cubaan membuat lapuran palsu (kerana membuat lapuran polis mendakwa bukan dia didalam videoklip itu), maka pihak polis dan Peguam Negara seharusnya tidak gentar untuk mengheret Anwar Ibrahim ke Mahkamah.

Kepada rakyat Malaysia, berhati-hati. Teman mendapat maklumat dari sumber dalaman PKR sendiri bahawa mereka merancang membuat satu videoklip palsu ataupun mengubahsuai videoklip Eskay sehingga menimbulkan keraguan; dan video palsu itu akan dicetak dengan banyak dan ditaburkan kepada rakyat disegala pelosok negara. Kaum-kaum durjana ini kemudian akan membuat lapuran polis mendakwa UMNO, BN dan Kerajaan bertanggungjawab kononnya menyebar videoklip itu. Setelah rakyat nanti terpengaruh dengan video palsu itu, mereka akan bawak cerita konon jelas dari video palsu itu bukan Anwar Ibrahim. Dan rakyat akan terpengaruh dan percaya sebab mereka sudah menerima video palsu itu. Teman nasihatkan pihak berkuasa dan Kerajaan supaya mengambil tindakan pre-emptif. Jangan tunggu nasik jadi bubur; jangan sampai rakyat terpengaruh saperti cerita 'gambar si-mata lebam'!!!

Adios amigos, grasias senor.

Wallahua'lam dan wassalam.

Zulkifli Bin Noordin
22 Rejab 1432
24 Jun 2011

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Ultra Wireman Di Hospital Serdang ? - Dato` Dr. Siddiq Fadhil

Posted: 24 Jun 2011 04:29 PM PDT

Philosophy Politics Economics

Philosophy Politics Economics

University scholarships only after Pre-University

Posted: 24 Jun 2011 05:54 PM PDT

We understand from the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak's statement on the radio on Thursday morning that JPA university scholarships will only be awarded at pre-university level after securing admission into top universities, instead of at the current SPM level as one of the means to resolve the perennial scholarship conundrum.

This move is fully in line with the proposal the DAP Socialist Youth led by the MP for Rasah, Anthony Loke has made via a memorandum to the Minister in-charge of scholarships way back in 2009.

The NutGraph had in 2 June 2009 reported that "a proposal to limit overseas Public Service Department (PSD) scholarships to students who have completed Form Six or pre-university equivalents has been well-received by at least one Barisan Nasional (BN) minister.

The Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz had then said the idea merited further thought as it appeared to be a viable solution in reducing the number of applicants for overseas placements. "I strongly support this. It is a good idea and I will look into this."

However, even way back in 2006, the then Higher Education Minister, Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed had already announced that the Government will only continue to award overseas scholarships to students who are able to gain entry into "ivy league" class universities.

The question then is, will the Public Service Department (PSD) comply and execute the Prime Minister's directive that overseas scholarships only be awarded to students who are able to gain entry into these top universities after pre-university levels instead of SPM?

Since the PSD has been unable to implement such reforms over the past 4 to 5 years, why would next year be any different?

Instead of waiting for another year before the entire scholarship circus repeats itself again, the Government should immediately announce the details of the new scholarship policy so that the Malaysian public and particularly, the potential scholarship holders know what is in store for them.

We call upon the Government to award automatic pre-university scholarships to all top SPM students with 8A+ and above to pursue the pre-university course of their choice, such as such as 'A'-levels, STPM or International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes.

Subsequently, the Government should announce a full list of top universities and colleges whose courses will be accepted for overseas universities scholarship consideration, whether it's Economics in Cambridge or Engineering at MIT or medicine in Melbourne.

It is only with full and complete transparency will the Government be able to redeem the credibility and prestige of the PSD scholarship programme. Otherwise, it will just be another case of only rhetoric with little or no action, leading to the same fiasco next year.

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

Open Letter to MCA Vice President Senator Dato' Donald Lim

Posted: 24 Jun 2011 08:58 AM PDT

On 19th June, Deputy Finance Minister Dato’ Donald Lim who is also a MCA Vice President cum Selangor State Liaison Chief came to Serdang to officiate MCA Serdang Branch’s  annual general meeting. 

In his speech he accused me of “only interested in visiting various places including Taiwan to make speeches and do not care about the problems faced by Serdang voters.” 

Initially I wish to thank the deputy minister for his concern and kind attention for he knows my itinerary like the back of his hand. Perhaps he is one of the faithful readers of my blog  .

Recently in May, I did went to Taiwan with a few of my comrades namely saudara Tony Pua, saudara Ng Weik Aik and saudari Violet Wong for a series of meetings and talks with Malaysian students over there. We went to renowned universities in Taipei, Tainan and Hsinchu. Each session attracted a crowd of 30 to 60 people. 

Actually visiting Malaysian students in Taiwan is not exclusive to DAP only. Many MCA leaders went to Taiwan and met up with the students. Off my head I can recall 3 deputy ministers - Wee Ka Siong, Gang Ping Sieu, Chua Tee Yong, and a state EXCO, Mah Han Soon. If my visit to Taiwan can be equaled to deserting voters and their problems then Deputy Minister Lim better take a good hard look at his own camp and reprimand his own ranks accordingly.  


i n t a n h i j a u

i n t a n h i j a u


Posted: 24 Jun 2011 08:25 AM PDT

Pemuda PAS hari ini menganjurkan perhimpunan di pelbagai tempat bagi membantah penyiaran kartun dalam Utusan Malaysia yang didakwa menghina Islam.

NONEDalam perhimpunan di Kuala Lumpur, Perak dan Terengganu turut menyaksikan akhbar milik Umno itu dibakar selepas solat Jumaat hari ini.

Di Kuala Lumpur, diketuai Timbalan Pesuruhjaya PAS Wilayah Persekutuan Ahmad Sabki Yusof, ratusan umat Islam berkumpul di Masjid Jamek Kampung Baru.

Menurut ketua penerangannya Herman Samsudin, menariknya, terdapat peserta yang tidak membakar keseluruhan akhbar itu tetapi halaman kartunnya saja yang menjadi mangsa.

NONE"Dalam demonstrasi tadi, Ahmad Sabki ada menyebut bahawa karikatur (itu) telah melakukan kesalahan besar kepada umat Islam dan KDN (Kementerian Dalam Negeri) perlu mengambil tindakan dengan menggantungkan permit Utusan Malaysia," katanya.

Keputusan mengadakan perhimpunan di seluruh negara hari ini atas arahan ketua Pemudanya Nasrudin Hassan selepas tuntutan maaf mereka tidak dilayan akhbar itu.

Jumaat lalu, Pemuda PAS menghantar memorandum bantahan kepada Utusan berhubung penyiaran kartun bertajuk 'Kekeliruan Kes Rogol' karya Miki yang disiarkan pada 15 Jun lalu.

Polis arah henti

NONESementara itu, di Ipoh, dua ratus orang hadir perhimpunan anjuran dewan Pemuda PAS negeri di pekarangan Masjid negeri, Masjid Sultan Idris Shah II.

Penolong Setiausaha Pemuda PAS negeri Safizal Saleh berkata, himpunan hampir 30 minit itu diwarnani dengan pelbagai sepanduk mendesak Utusan segera memohon maaf.

Bagaimanapun, tambahnya, pihak polis mengarahkan agar himpunan tersebut dihentikan.

NONE"Berikutan itu juga Pesuruhjaya PAS Negeri Perak, Abu Bakar Hussien yang turut hadir kesal kerana pihak Utusan Malaysia tidak sensitif kepada umat Islam," katanya.

Di Terengganu pula, difahamkan terdapat perhimpunan dibuat di Masjid Pengadang Baru, Kuala Terengganu yang disertai ketua Pemuda PAS negeri Mohd Nor Hamzah.

Kontroversi kartun dua panel itu bermula apabila sebuah dialog berhubung penolakan telefon bimbit sebagai bahan bukti dalam kes rogol menjadi pertikaian.

Dialog yang dikatakan menghina Islam adalah: "Peralatan itu tak boleh jadi saksi, sebab dia tak ada telinga dan tak ada mata! Dia hanya besi."(malaysiakini)



Illegal for Government to subject non-Muslims to be tried by the Syariah Court.

Posted: 24 Jun 2011 02:20 AM PDT


Illegal for Government to subject non-Muslims to be tried by the Syariah Court. Call on the Government to resolve the problems related to the conversion in and out of Islam immediately and to implement a quick and easy way to determine the religious status of a person

The clarification by Minster in the Prime Minister's Department, Mejar Jeneral (B) Datuk Jamil Khir Bin Baharom that the 135 applicants who managed to renounce Islam were actually non-Muslims who were mistakenly registered as Muslims by the National Registration Department (NRD) because of their names and these victims have to apply to the Syariah Court to change their religious status shows that something is very wrong with the Government administration.

Firstly, if it is a mistake made by the NRD why can't the NRD rectify it?

Secondly, the Syariah Curt has no jurisdiction over non-muslims. The Syariah Court Judges should reject such application due to lack of jurisdiction and asked that the matter be resolved by the NRD. Any decision by the Syariah court over a non Muslim is illegal.

Thirdly, courts are constituted to settle disputes not for confirming the religious status of a person. Articles II of the Federal Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion of every Malaysian and therefore, the religious status of a person is determined by the person concern. A statutory declaration made by the person should suffice. Muslims are complaining that there is huge back log of cases in the Syariah Courts. Therefore, Syariah Courts should spend their time giving priority clearing the cases rather than getting themselves involved with matters which they do not have jurisdiction.

Subjecting non-Muslims to the Syariah Court is oppressive as these non-Muslims have to go through 'counselling not to leave the Islamic faith' which may take months, some cases years and in many other cases never approved.

A person after becoming a Muslim registers himself/herself with the respective State Islamic Council. Depositing a statutory declaration declaring that he/she has left the Islamic faith with the same Islamic Council should suffice to confirm that he/she has left the Islamic faith.

Conversion to Islam has been abused by many. Some have converted to Islam to escape their legal duty to provide maintenance for their wives and children. Others converted to Islam to get custody of the children as the Syariah Courts will grant them the custody of the children. The civil courts regretfully now hold the view that they have no jurisdiction to interfere. Islam promotes justice but it has now been used to perpetuate injustice.

I know of people who do not profess the Islamic faith, never seen or read the Koran before and have never entered a mosque but due to various circumstances have a muslim sounding names. They want to be non-Muslims and get married to non-Muslims. Since there is no avenue for them to get married, they stay together out of wedlock and give birth to offsprings who will then be victim of circumstances like their parents. By refusing them an avenue to get married and have a normal family, we become a cruel society and by our cruelty we breed further social problems.

All persons above the age of 18 should be given full liberty to choose the religion of their choice.

I call on the Government to resolve the issues related to the conversion in and out of Islam immediately by following and respecting the provisions and the spirit of the Federal Constitution so that the untold miseries of those affected by the said issue can be put to an end.

Dated this 24th day of June 2011.

Deputy Secretary of DAP Malaysia
MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan

YB Dato' Mohd Nasir Tan Sri Ibrahim Fikri

YB Dato' Mohd Nasir Tan Sri Ibrahim Fikri


Posted: 24 Jun 2011 01:46 AM PDT


Dah agak lama juga saya tidak upadate blog saya. Hambatan waktu sekali lagi menjadi punca. Apa pun, seperti yang saya katakan dulu, saya akan cuba yang terbaik bagi memastikan saya dapat terus menulis.

Hari ini, mungkin masih belum terlewat untuk saya merakamkan ucapan tahniah kepada pasukan bola sepak Terengganu yang telah muncul sebagai juara Piala FA 2011. Ia adalah satu kejayaan yang menarik melalui satu perlawanan yang dramatik. Ia telah membuktikan betapa sebenarnya, perjuangan ke nokhtah terakhir itu tidak pernah merugikan. Kejayaan Terengganu itu telah membuktikan apa yang saya maksudkan.

Apa yang hendak saya catatkan ialah bukan sahaja mengenai kejayaan Terengganu, tetapi juga keupayaan Terengganu untuk terzahir sebagai sebuah kuasa besar sukan di Malaysia. Bukan sahaja dalam sukan bola sepak, malah dalam sukan-sukan lain, Terengganu telah membuktikan kejayaannya yang tersendiri. Sukan Malaysia (SUKMA) misalnya telah menjadi antara contoh dan bukti apa yang hendak saya maksudkan.

Semua ini tidak berlaku secara percuma, dan kejayaan ini juga tidak datang bergolek. Ia adalah kejayaan yang telah melewati proses yang panjang, melalui strategi latihan dan keupayaan yang hebat. Dan paling penting, ia disokong melalui kelahirkan para pemain atau atlit yang berwibawa dan berkemampuan. Itulah yang penting dan pasti.

Saya percaya, melalui kaedah dan strategi yang dilaksanakan Terengganu sekarang, Terengganu akan terus kekal sebagai kuasa besar sukan yang saya sebutkan tadi. Ia bukan muda, ya!. Namun ia bukanlah sukar untuk dikekalkan.

Saya secara peribadi ingin mengucapkan tahniah kepada pemain bola sepak Terengganu dan semua atlit yang mewakili negeri ini dalam SUKMA baru-baru ini. Doa saya agar semua kejayaan itu bukan sahaja dapat dikekalkan, tetapi juga dipertingkatkan pada masa akan datang.

Itulah harapan saya dan kita semua.

Direct Free Kick

Direct Free Kick

Penyampaian bantuan Kerajaan Negeri Selangor kepada Kafa Integrasi Al Huda, Taman Bukit Teratai, Ampang.

Posted: 23 Jun 2011 08:39 AM PDT

Cek bernilai RM50,000 telah disampaikan oleh YB Iskandar A. Samad kepada Tuan Haji Ahmad Turmidzi, Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah Kafa Integrasi Al Huda, Taman Bukit Teratai dalam satu majlis ringkas di sekolah itu pada 24 Jun lepas.

YB Iskandar pada awal tahun ini telah membuat permohonan kepada Exco Pendidikan Dan Pembangunan Modal Insan, YB Dr. Hjh. Halimah Ali, untuk bantuan di bawah skim bantuan sekolah-sekolah agama.

Beberapa sekolah agama di DUN Chempaka dan Teratai telah menerima bantuan hasil dari permohonan yang dibuat oleh YB Iskandar.

Turut menerima bantuan adalah SKJC On Pong 2, Pandan Mewah yang menerima bantuan di bawah skim bantuan sekolah-sekolah Cina hasil dari permohonan yang dibuat oleh YB Iskandar.

Bersih 2.0 : Provokasi pihak Polis dikesali.

Posted: 23 Jun 2011 03:46 AM PDT

PAS Kawasan Pandan kesal dengan tindakan pihak Polis memanggil Timbalan Yang Dipertua dan Ketua Pemuda kami ke Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Ampang Jaya untuk memberi kenyataan.

Sebelum itu pada 21 Jun lepas sekumpulan anggota Polis telah datang ke Pejabat PAS Kawasan Pandan di Pandan Indah untuk mengambil gambar kain rentang Bersih yang digantung di situ.

Walau bagaimanapun, Haji Meor Rithuan Mohd Said (Timbalan Yang Dipertua) dan Sdra. Zahriezan Jamaluddin (Ketua Pemuda) telah dinasihati oleh peguam mereka untuk tidak pergi memberi kenyataan.

PAS Kawasan Pandan menyifatkan tindakan pihak Polis ini adalah satu usaha untuk menakut-nakutkan rakyat.

Adalah lebih baik jika pihak Polis menumpukan masa dan tenaga mereka untuk membanteras jenayah dan bukan membantu Barisan Nasional di dalam agenda politik mereka.

Kes ragut, samun dan pecah rumah sentiasa menghantui penduduk Ampang maka adalah lebih baik jika pihak Polis berusaha memastikan jenayah-jenayah ini dapat dapat dikawal terlebih dahulu.

YB Iskandar A. Samad
Yang Dipertua PAS
Kawasan Pandan
Selangor DE
24 Jun 2011

Penjualan VCD cetak rompak masih meluas

Posted: 22 Jun 2011 06:45 PM PDT

Nampaknya penjualan VCD cetak rompak masih meluas sehingga ianya dijual lebih kurang 200 meter dari Menara MPAJ di Pandan Indah.

Di pasar malam ini berhampiran Surau Sofwa, VCD-VCD bukan dijual secara 'hit and run' tetapi mempunyai petak yang khusus seperti peniaga-peniaga.

Kes seperti ini saya telah maklumkan kepada Dato' YDP MPAJ dan mahu tindakan yang sewajarnya diambil.

Jika tidak, rakyat akan mula melempar pelbagai tuduhan kepada pegawai-pegawai penguatkuasa MPAJ.

(Peniaga ini terus tutup kedai dan cabut lari setelah gambar ini diambil pada 21 Jun lepas)

Geylang Serai 3 Disember 2010 - Di manakah bas no. 13?

Posted: 22 Jun 2011 06:26 PM PDT

Dialog di Surau Jalan Kem, Pelabuhan Klang 23 Jun 2011

Posted: 22 Jun 2011 05:42 PM PDT

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Teks Ucap Perbahasan Anggaran Perbelanjaan Mengurus Tambahan 2011 by nazri

Posted: 24 Jun 2011 04:43 AM PDT

Reezal must pay for the millions worth of unauthorised transactions. He may be super powerful in Pal Lah administration with SIL.

Now its pay back time. SPRM should ask him to declare his assets.

Comment on Teks Ucap Perbahasan Anggaran Perbelanjaan Mengurus Tambahan 2011 by Zainal

Posted: 24 Jun 2011 03:40 AM PDT

I regret that the DBKL officers are behaving like this. Of course, I have had the experiences of their tidak apa attitude. The government must take what have been raised in Parliament seriously or to face the anger of the voters during the coming elections.

Reezal Merican was the super powerful officer in the Ministry of Finance when Pak Lah was in power. It didn’t surprise me of the abused of power. What I would like to see is what actions to be taken against him.

Comment on Questions Time 15-06-2011: The Deputy Minister sounded like the public relations officer of ASTRO! by Anti-monopoly

Posted: 24 Jun 2011 12:11 AM PDT

Here comes another paid stooge of Astro. Look at his name ‘Never subscribed to Astro and Survived’. Strangely, this is the very arrogant statement of all astro stooges n he even coverted it into his nick name. All these guys are saying, ‘if u complain, don’t watch’. As if Malaysians have alternative… Say this la when u liberalise the market… Make it easy for everyone to own his own parabola dish n see how astro can still raise prices. Astro is making obscene profits and this guy claims otherwise. The only reason they may make loss because they burnt lots of money in bad investment in Indonesia as they couldnt stand competition there and in India they are alleged to have bribed USD 133 million by investing in a former Indian telecom minister’s family owned company called sun direct to home tv. All financed by Malaysian subscription..

Comment on Teks Ucap Perbahasan Anggaran Perbelanjaan Mengurus Tambahan 2011 by peng

Posted: 23 Jun 2011 11:03 PM PDT

I have read in the Utusan on 22 June that every stall in Pasar Larut Malam Danau Kota has been charged Rm300 rental per month. This is day light robbery. How can DBKL allow the organiser of the Pasar Malam to make money. This is clear that DBKL allow touting in this Pasar Larut.

I would have thought that it is the DBKL policy that all hawker stalls licence is personal in nature and cannot be rented out. But what is the DBKL doing about this?

YB please bring this up in Parliament.

Comment on Teks Ucap Perbahasan Anggaran Perbelanjaan Mengurus Tambahan 2011 by Freddy Tan

Posted: 23 Jun 2011 10:40 PM PDT

DBKL is a can of worms. Working for themselves and not the people that is why we are having so many problems in KL. If they were doing their job properly then all will be ok. Too many Little Napoleon in DBKL.

I hope that the government will take notice of this speech and take drastic action so that KL will be a better place for all.

Thank you for speaking up for the the people in KL.

Comment on Teks Ucap Perbahasan Anggaran Perbelanjaan Mengurus Tambahan 2011 by jack

Posted: 23 Jun 2011 10:24 PM PDT

expect another drag story coming . we don mind bring this issue / action to the NEXT LEVEL.

Comment on The Opening Ceremony of the Persatuan Penduduk Taman Setapak by YB Senator Datuk Manglin by weechookeong

Posted: 23 Jun 2011 09:26 PM PDT

Achinda Singh

Thank you. I am looking forward to working with all the residents association in Maju especially Taman Setapak Residents Association.

Please let me know if I can be of help and I will do my very best.

Thank you once again for inviting to the opening ceremony of the association.
With kindest regards

wee choo keong

Comment on The Opening Ceremony of the Persatuan Penduduk Taman Setapak by YB Senator Datuk Manglin by Anonymous

Posted: 23 Jun 2011 08:07 AM PDT

Dear YB, Look forward to working with you on the request by the residence.

Best Regards,
Achhinda Singh.

Comment on Teks Ucap Perbahasan Anggaran Perbelanjaan Mengurus Tambahan 2011 by John Lim

Posted: 23 Jun 2011 07:49 AM PDT

As far as DBKL is concerned, I cannot agree more. The DBKL officers have given a bad name to the government. I hope that Datuk Bandar and Raja Nong Chik will take note otherwise it is doom day for the government as far as Wilayah is concerned.

KL residents are just fed up with their attitude and allowing contractors to work till late at night which disturb the neighbourhood.

YB you speaking for the people not only in Wangsa Maju but KL as a whole.

Thank you for your constructive speech.

Comment on Questions Time 15-06-2011: The Deputy Minister sounded like the public relations officer of ASTRO! by Never Subscribed to Astro and Survived

Posted: 23 Jun 2011 03:46 AM PDT

You people so funny. Who do you think can afford to even BE Astro’s competitor in DTH satellite provision? After so many years also Astro still suffering losses and haven’t recouped their initial investments. No one in Malaysia is that rich lah.

Bising2 pasal monopoly, if tomorrow they take away Astro’s monopoly also, I can guarantee there will be no DTH satellite competitor in the next 50 years.

Debate use brains and facts and give yourself a reality check lah ok. Don’t embarrass YB with the idiocy of his supporters’s comments.
