Isnin, 29 Februari 2016

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

GST is a sell-out of Sarawak’s Rights and on average every Sarawakian had paid RM1,000 each GST to the Federal Government

Posted: 28 Feb 2016 05:27 PM PST

GST is a sell-out of Sarawak's Rights and on average every Sarawakian had paid RM1,000 each GST to the Federal Government

On average, every Sarawakian has paid a whooping RM1000 of Goods and Services Tax (GST) in the first 9 months of the implementation of GST.
According to the announcement of the Ministry of Finance, the total GST collection for the first 9 months of its implementation (1-4-2015 till 31-12-2015) exceeded RM30 billion.
Sarawak's population is 1/10th of Malaysia's total population and its economy size is approximately 10% of the national's economy. Therefore, out of the RM30 billion GST collection, RM3 billion is estimated to be coming from Sarawakian.
Given the population of Sarawak is approximately 3 million, RM3 billion is a whooping RM1,000 of GST payment for every Sarawakian, from baby to old folks!
The biggest irony of it all is that, despite the constant trump-up autonomy agenda of Adenan, the Sarawak BN's support for GST is actually a surrender and sell-out of Sarawak's autonomy which hurts the people of Sarawak most.
Under the Federal Constitution, Sarawak Government has the rights to collect Sales Tax which constitutes a major part of GST. By supporting the implementation of GST, the BN Sarawak is in effect surrendering its autonomy to collect Sales Tax to the Federal Government, unless it intends to subject all Sarawakian to both GST and Sales Taxes, a double whammy.
If Sarawak Government truly wants autonomy for Sarawak, the most important item is to increase the source of revenue for the State Government. That was also the reason why shortly (3 months) after Adenan became the Chief Minister, Sarawak DUN accepted and passed the motion to demand for the increase of Oil and Gas Royalties from 5% to 20%.
21 months have gone by, yet Adenan is getting no where on this motion. He has even dropped the 20% Oil and Gas royalty agenda from the top priority item to the last priority item.
The saddest of it all is that: at the same time when the State Government failed to get the 20% Oil and Gas Royalties, the common people of Sarawak has, on average, paid RM1,000 each to the Federal Government in the form of GST in the first 9 months of its implementation.
While Adenan is bragging about the 13 autonomy which he has successfully fought for from the Federal Government, these so-called 13 autonomy are, in true fact, administrative power, not true autonomy. More importantly, these so-called 13 administrative autonomy does not bring direct benefit to the common people of Sarawak.
On the other hand, while Adenan is boasting about the said autonomy, he is surreptitiously surrendering the Sarawak's Autonomy on Sales Tax to the Federal Government, which affects every Sarawakian and hurts the Sarawak's economy as a whole.
Therefore, Adenan's autonomy agenda is in fact, only a show to create the "feel good" factor amongst the people but which has no direct tangible benefits to the people of Sarawak.
If Adenan truly wishes to do good for Sarawak and its people, he should immediately pull out from the UMNO-led BN and force the reduction of GST to zero rate. He should stop hugging and supporting Najib.
Chong Chieng Jen
MP for Bandar Kuching
ADUN for Kota Sentosa

缴30亿消费税 油气税未增砂民已亏

Posted: 28 Feb 2016 05:22 PM PST

(古晋28日讯)阿德南争取主权的议程,对砂州而言,未见其利,先见其害。 真正甜头还没拿到,砂州人民却已先亏蚀一大笔钱了。 足见国阵政府根本就没有意愿要给予砂州任何真正的主权。
张氏说,这也是为何砂州行动党早在几年前就提出20%的石油天然气开采税。 阿德南上任后,也清楚这一点,因此,他把争取20%石油天然气开采税的议程,摆在其和联邦争取砂州权益的第一议程,于2014年5月的州议会(其上任仅仅3个月后),就在砂州州议会通过争取20%石油天然气开采税的动议。 当时,这动议也获得在野党的一致支持。
"遗憾的是,石油天然气开采税的动议被通过21个月后,仍旧没有下文,但砂州人民却已经先给联邦政府抽了大约30亿令吉的消费税。 钱还没从联邦政府手中拿到,砂州人民却已先大出血了。"
张氏说,砂州的人口和经济是全国人口经济的大约10%,这也意味着,砂州人民所缴交的消费税,截至2015年12月31日,是大约30亿令吉。 平均砂州人民(从小孩到老年人),在过去9个月,每人缴交1000令吉的消费税!
他指出,在我国宪法下,砂州政府拥有征收销售税的权利,而销售税则是消费税的其中一个主要项目。 砂州国阵政府在国会支持消费税的实行,其实就是把砂州政府征收销售税的权利,卖给联邦政府。
张氏揶揄,当阿德南在自吹自擂有关他所争取到的那些13项所谓的行政主权,这13项行政主权对普通的砂州人民而言,根本不会影响或改善他们日常的生活,也不会减轻他们日常的生活负担和压力。 但是,阿德南却允许联邦政府实施消费税,直接的打击全体砂州人民的日常活和经济。
"若阿德南是真心要造福砂州平民百姓,他应该带领砂州国阵退出巫统的国阵,促成零消费税的政策。 他应该停止继续拥抱和支持纳吉。"
