Chong Chieng Jen's Blog |
- Longtime caretakers told to leave Kuching cemetary
- 《迎变梦飞扬》教育营
- 张健仁:消弭人民不安 调配警力防枪击案
- 显示国家政策糟糕 张健仁列大马10怪相
- 吁政府应立刻采取行动,勒令在砂拉越的MARA初级理科学院,取消这类宗教歧视的学生准则。
- The new MaktabRendahSains MARA (MRSM) Students’ Guideline is trampling on the Constitutional Rights to religious freedom of the Dayaks and non-muslimBumiputras. The Government should take immediate step to abolish such discriminatory Students’ Guidelines.
- 废过桥费空谈已久 张健仁促二造别搅局
- 从2月开始,桑展将于每个星期四,在民主行动党曼旺支部服务所提供服务
- Sanjan will be at the office of DAP Mambong every Thursday to provide his service to the people in Mambong.
- 张健仁﹕避免商家牟取暴利 应废除白糖进口准证
- 张健仁:注重砂民利益 砂火箭党员是本地人
Longtime caretakers told to leave Kuching cemetary Posted: 07 Feb 2015 03:00 AM PST For the family of the late Litu Sudat, long-time caretakers of a cemetery in Kuching, the future looks grim after they received an eviction notice. Having taken care of the Muslim graveyard at Jalan Kereta Api for the past 60 years, five of the late Litu's 10 children and their families living on the plot have been given the order to pack up. They claimed they have never been paid by the Lembaga Amanah Kebajikan Masjid Negeri Sarawak. On top of that, they have been given less than a week to vacate. 'Not only did the Lembaga not pay us to look after the cemetery for the last 60 years, but now they have also obtained a court order to evict us from the land. "We are given two weeks from Feb 1, 2015, to move out, failing which the Lembaga will use the police to force us to move out. We have one week to go," said Litu's eldest son Ismail. He said assuming they are paid a sum of RM200 a month, it means the Lembaga owed them RM144,000 for looking after more than 100 graves for six decades. Family appealed to state gov't Litu's extended family stays in the graveyard compound: Ismail, his wife and a two-year-old daughter; Surip and wife and two children in their early 20s; Timah, her husband and two young children; Mohd Razam and wife and three young children, and Merina. The family has appealed to the Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) and the state government. State DAP chief Chong Chieng Jen and a group of party leaders met the families this morning to discuss their next move. Speaking to pressmen, Chong said in 1960, Litu who was staying at Kampung Kudei but was asked by the Lembaga to move there to look after the Muslim cemetery. He said since then, Litu and his children had been taking care of the cemetery, keeping it neat and making sure outsiders do not encroach and erect houses on the land. For all the years of taking care of the cemetery, Litu and his family received no salary from the Lembaga, said Chong, who is the MP for Bandar Kuching and state assemblyperson for Kota Sentosa. Taking care of the graves He said that in 2008, when there was some unauthorised excavation of the graves by a contractor appointed by the Lembaga and the state government, the Litu family was the one who quickly informed the descendants of those buried there and stopped the excavation work. If not for them, all the graves in the cemetery would have been excavated, said Chong. "They have been pleading with the Lembaga and the state government to give them a plot of land and some money to help build a house thereon. "The Lembaga and the state government refused their request and insisted that they move out of the land," said the DAP leader. Chong asks why the Lembaga is insistent that the family move out from the cemetery plot. "According to the Litu family, for many years, the Lembaga has not been opening up new plots from the said land for burial. Then, why is there the need to chase them away? 'Are there plans to sell the plot for development?' "Is the Lembaga planning to sell the land for development? What then will happen to the existing graves? Chong said he did a land search at the Kuching Land Registry Office and discovered that the Lembaga has applied to subdivide the cemetery land – which is 'to be used as a burial ground only' – into three plots. "With such condition, why is there the need to subdivide the land unless the Lembaga intends to sell or develop the land. Either way, it runs contrary to the land use," he said. He said the Lembaga, which was in no way short of funds, must be answerable to the people on its plan to subdivide the land. "Why is there the need to sell the cemetery land for profit? The ultimate question is what will happen to the existing graves?" asked Chong. He said if the state government could alienate thousands of acres of prime land in the city to crony companies at a fraction of the market price, why could it not find a small plot of land to resettle the Litu family. on MalaysiaKini(7/2/2015) |
Posted: 06 Feb 2015 11:53 PM PST |
Posted: 06 Feb 2015 11:46 PM PST (本报古晋6日讯)行动党古晋区国会议员张健仁认为,近期频频发生枪击案,内政部需重新调整警力分配! 同时也是哥打圣淘沙区州议员的张健仁今午在新闻发布会上被询及今日发生的内阁高级部长拿督斯里黄顺舸私邸及诗巫《诗华日报》印刷厂枪击案时表示,近期频传枪击案件,让民众对社会治安感到担忧。 数据不足以说服人民 他称,警方在打击罪案方面,应该更加积极,而不是整天以犯罪数据来企图说服人民,指治安已经改善。他表示,全马12万警力,超过一半用在行政工作,真正用来打击罪案的其实只有大约10%,因此根本就无法有效克制罪案发生。 "希望内政部重新评估国内警力分配。" 与此同时,他表示,我国内政部长本身也被牵扯在一起涉及国际犯罪集团首脑的案件中,导致人民对内政部也失去信心。因此,若要有效打击罪案,内政部长就必须被撤换。 取自诗华日报 |
Posted: 05 Feb 2015 11:41 PM PST (本报泗里街5日讯)民主行动党砂州主席张健仁列出马来西亚于马年的10大"怪相",显示国家政策一团糟。 他是昨晚出席民主行动党泗里街与民丹莪支部假新福众楼联合举办"城乡同步,迎变砂州"新春联欢晚宴时,如是表示。 他列出以下我国马年的10大怪相。 怪相1:国际油价不论起落,人民都惨 在2014年初,国际油价大起,政府喊没钱给予人民津贴,必须调高油价,导致百货通胀,人民负担沉重,犹似油价起对马来西亚没好处。但是,2014年下半年,国际油价大跌,国家政府收入缩水,马币贬值,政府又喊辛苦。最终,因为马币跌,进口货起价,百货还是涨价,人民一样惨。 "油价起,人民惨,油价跌,人民也惨,简直就不可思议。唯一解释就是,油价起时,虽然政府大赚,但赚的没有分给人民分享。现在油价跌时,政府收入大减,没法承担开支,就要人民来负担政府的减少收入。" 怪相2:国际米价低,国内白米有津贴却更贵 2014年平均国际米价是每公斤RM1.40。 政府称说,为了要让人民可以买到津贴米,政府每公斤津贴RM0.60。可是,有政府津贴的米,在国内市场却要卖到每公斤RM1.80。 张健仁说,白米进口价本钱才RM1.40,进口商卖RM1.60就有得赚了。现在国内最便宜的白米每公斤卖RM1.80的价格,政府还每公斤津贴RM0.60。一年白米津贴多达5亿令吉。这些津贴,都进入巫统朋党的口袋。 他透露,巫统朋党的区会主席,每个获得每个月300至500 吨的白米津贴,他们就可平白的每月赚得2至3万令吉,有些获得更多的津贴额。 "因为这种朋党运作,政府虽然有拨款津贴,但是人民没有得到津贴的好处,反而需要买贵米。" 怪相3:2014年国际糖价低,国内糖价贵逾倍 2014年,平均国际白糖价格是每公斤RM1.23,在国内,白糖的价格却要卖到每公斤RM2.70。 他指出,白糖进口准证,只有几家公司有,它们都是国阵的朋党, 政府不准普通 商家向国外进口白糖,却只允许巫统朋党进口白糖,再在国内贵卖,剥削人民。 怪相4:政府考试分数居然是"官方机密" 他也表示,他在国会曾提呈问题质问,SPM考试数学、英语、科学等科目"A",或"B"等级和及格的分数是什么?让人惊讶的是,得到的答案却是,这些分数是官方机密资讯,不可透露。 "难道这些科目的几个分数被透露,就会危害国家安全?" 他也说,在全世界的国家,学生们参与考试,考得几分就知道是"A" 或是"B"。只有在马来西亚,考获"A",或"B",甚至考及格的学生,都不知道他们考得几分。 怪相5:内政部长替国际罪犯写推荐信 他指出,我国的内政部长居然替一位国际地下赌球的犯罪集团的"大哥"写推荐信,这简直不可思议。 "难怪我们每次讲警匪挂钩,小警察勾结黑社会的小角色,大警官勾结黑社会的大哥,部长勾结更大的,国际犯罪集团的大哥。" 怪相6: 教育制度全球第一,但大学生找不到工 他揶揄,我国教育部长告诉人民,马来西亚的教育制度是全球最好的,比美国的哈佛,英国的牛津剑桥都好。但是,我国大学每年毕业的许多学生,因为连最基本的英语沟通也不会,因此找不到工作。 "结果,这些找不到工作的大学生,政府还要每年花费上亿令吉的拨款教导他们英语,再培训帮忙他们找工作。" 他质问,如果我国的教育制度真如教育部长慕尤丁所说的一般,是全球第一,那 为什么教出来的这么多学生,连基本的英语沟通也不会? 怪相7:政府专用飞机,公器私用 他打趣的说,首相专属的飞机,带首相出国。半途,首相自己乘坐军机回国,专机却给首相家人去环游世界。 他表示,首相专用飞机是国家官方工具,只可供以官方使用。现在却被用以载首相家人环游世界,这是公器私用,专机尚且如此,其他官方工具,更甭说了。 怪相8:一个马来西亚,2个"阿拉"的制度 他称,全世界,只有马来西亚禁止基督教徒使用"阿拉"的字眼。 但在马来西亚本国内,却又有两个制度。在东马,圣经可以使用"阿拉"来称呼神,但是同样的一本圣经,过了南中国海飞到西马,就变成禁书,会被政府充公。 怪相9:装聋作哑的首相 他说,过去一年,一些重大课题,影响国家种族和谐的言论,首相装聋作哑,不予置评,也不表明政府立场,任由那些种族宗教极端份子搞乱。一些重大的经济问题,首相也似乎没有什么明确立场,这让人民感觉到整个国家失去方向。 怪相10:有谋杀,没动机 他提到,蒙古女郎被炸尸案,已使马来西亚蒙羞,犯罪者是警察的特种部队,是纳吉的近身侍卫。如今被定罪谋杀,却没有一个谋杀的动机。不论是在法律上或 是逻辑上,都是一个不可思议的案件。 "如今,全世界都在关注这件炸尸案,而其牵连也非常大。总之,也只有在马来西亚能有这种匪夷所思的事情发生。" 砂州也受影响 他表示,这10大怪相,明显的告诉人民,马来西亚在国阵的统治下,整个制度的政、经、文、教,都被搞到一团糟,而砂拉越也不能独善其身。 "虽然以上的都是联邦政策和问题,但是,身为马来西亚的一州,联邦政策糟糕,砂州也会被殃及池鱼,就如马币贬值,消费税实施,教育水平下跌,治安败坏等,砂州子民也会深深的所影响。" 他也说,人联党要借阿迪南的人气来拉票,但是事实是,阿迪南只是一个人,他无法改变全国的贪腐趋势,他连砂州本身的贪腐文化,到目前为止,都显得有心无力去改变,更妄论改变衰退的国势。 他称,也只有制度上的改革和监督,才能带给马来西亚人民一个新希望。 取自诗华日报 |
吁政府应立刻采取行动,勒令在砂拉越的MARA初级理科学院,取消这类宗教歧视的学生准则。 Posted: 05 Feb 2015 11:34 PM PST (古晋6日讯)民主行动党古晋市国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁大力抨击MARA初级理科学院的学生准则违反及侵犯宪法赋予非穆斯林土著宗教自由的权力。 张健仁透露,MARA初级理科学院的新学生准则,禁止在校园内进行任何非穆斯林的宗教活动,其也禁止任何人展示非穆斯林宗教的信物。该准则也禁止学生携带非清真食物进入学院范围内。 "基本上,在这项新学生准则下,在MARA初级理科学院就读的基督教达雅学生,不能在学院内进行祈祷或团聚,他们也不能公开戴十字架的项链等。就连父母亲准备一些食物若不是清真食物,他们也不能将这些食物带进学院范围内。" 张氏指出,在国阵的政策下,MARA初级理科学院只供土著生就读。在砂拉越,有3间MARA初级理科学院,分别座落在古晋、木中和沐胶这3个地方。在制定这项新学生准则时,有关当局似乎忘了,达雅族也是土著,他们是砂州最大的民族而大部分的达雅人则是基督教徒。 张氏说,这项学生准则已严重侵犯了达雅学生宗教信仰自由的权力。它也将使基督教徒的学生,感到被压迫。 "另外,这项学生准则不只对非穆斯林学生不公平,它对于穆斯林学生,尤其是砂拉越的穆斯林学生也不公平。因为,砂拉越的穆斯林不像西马的穆斯林,砂拉越穆斯林对于其他宗教的教徒的活动,并不会感到反感和不适。只有西马的穆斯林,尤其是巫统和那些宗族极端分子,他们不能容忍看到其他宗教的活动,因此需要在学院内禁止其他宗教的活动。" 张健仁说,砂拉越穆斯林和非穆斯林和睦相处,交往融洽,穆斯林去基督教的教会学校就读没问题、一些马来甘榜有基督教堂也没问题、穆斯林和非穆斯林同桌进餐穆斯林吃清真食物非穆斯林吃非清真食物也没问题。因此,在砂拉越的MARA初级理科学院根本就不必有这样的学生准则。 张氏也说,有这样的学生准则,不但没利,反而有害。 这样的条例让人认为穆斯林没有包容其他宗教的心,让人认为穆斯林不能允许或看到其他宗教的活动和仪式。 西马因为有巫统,这可能是事实,但是在砂州,这种现象根本就不存在。 "可是,若我们允许这样的学生准则继续存在,它将对穆斯林学生产生洗脑效应。久而久之,这些穆斯林学生也会认为在他们的环境内,不可以有其他宗教的活动进行。这将分化砂拉越穆斯林和非穆斯林的关系。西马就是榜样,我们不应该允许它在砂州发生。" 张氏指出,这样的条例就是巫统的种族和宗教极端政策。经过58年的巫统统治,西马种族关系日亦恶劣。砂州没有巫统,各族关系融洽。但是,巫统虽然没有在砂州扎根,它的种族和宗教极端政策却已慢慢的透过各个政府部门进入砂州,荼毒砂州新一代年青人的思想。这个MARA初级理科学院的新学生准则就是一个例子。 张氏呼吁砂州政府,为了维持砂州各族和宗教和谐,为了我们下一代不会像西马一般的处于紧张的种族关系,砂州政府应立刻采取行动,勒令在砂拉越的MARA初级理科学院,取消这类宗教歧视的学生准则。 |
Posted: 05 Feb 2015 11:32 PM PST The new MaktabRendahSains MARA (MRSM) Students' Guideline is trampling on the Constitutional Rights to religious freedom of the Dayaks and non-muslimBumiputras. The Government should take immediate step to abolish such discriminatory Students' Guidelines. There is an Additional Rule in the MRSM Students' Guidelines which forbids all activities of any religion other than Islam to be carried out in the MRSM colleges. The rule also forbids the exhibition of any symbol of religion other than Islam. Under the same rule, non-halal food is also not allowed to be brought into the MRSM colleges. Basically, under these rules, Christian Dayak students studying in the MRSM colleges cannot hold any private prayer groups, cannot wear a cross and walk around the colleges and cannot bring their home-cooked food into these colleges. Under the BN policy, MRSM is only for the Bumiputras. In Sarawak, there are 3 MRSM colleges which are in Kuching, Betong and Mukah. The BN Government seems to have forgotten that Bumiputras includes the largest race in Sarawak, the Dayaks who are mostly Christians. Suchruleis a suppression of the rights of the Dayaks to practice Christianity. The existence of such rule in MRSM colleges will only promote the feeling of oppression amongst the Christian students in these colleges. Not only are such rules unfair to the non-Muslim students, but they are also doing a disservice to the Muslim students, especially the Sarawakian Muslims students. Muslims in Sarawak can live harmoniously with the non-Muslims, each practicing their different religions in the presence of another. There is no problem for the Muslims students to study in a missionary schools listening to Christians praying. There is also no problem to have Muslim and non-Muslims having meals together with the Muslims eating halal food and non-Muslim eating non-halal food. The existence of such rules will give the perception that Muslims cannot tolerate the existence and practices of other religions in their environment. This may be the case in West Malaysia, but surely it is not the case in Sarawak. In long-run, the existence of such rules in the MRSM Students' guideline will brain-wash the Muslim students to be non-tolerant to the sight and practices of other religions and will ultimately segregate and divide our communities along racial and religious lines. Such is already the case in West Malaysia, we should not allow it to happen to Sarawak. The Guideline is the product of UMNO's racist and extremist policies which have caused disunity and disharmony amongst the Muslims and non-Muslims communities in West Malaysia. After 58 years of UMNO rules in Malaya, racial tension and religious non-tolerance are at their heights now. We, Sarawakians, take pride in our racial harmony. Therefore, it is right that we do not allow UMNO to come into Sarawak. However, UMNO may not be physically present in Sarawak, its policies, if left unchecked, will creep into Sarawak through different government institutions. With the existence of such rules in the learning institutions, the undesirable UMNO elements and influences are very much present and alive in Sarawak. We call on the Sarawak Government to intervene and to do away with such rules in the MRSM colleges in Sarawak. For the sake of preserving religious and racial harmony in Sarawak for our future generations, the Sarawak Government must act decisively and immediately. 6-2-2015 Chong Chieng Jen DAP Sarawak Chairman Member of Parliament for Bandar Kuching ADUN for Kota Sentosa |
Posted: 04 Feb 2015 11:40 PM PST (本报诗巫4日讯)无能争取南兰大桥免收费,砂行动党主席张健仁吁请人联党及黄顺舸不要搞破坏。 他于今早在南兰大桥收费站为该党废除大桥收费签名运动主持推介礼时称,人联党及黄顺舸同一鼻孔出气的说大桥免收费有眉目,二三年前就已如此说,他们已误导了中区人民。 他表示,人民在面对高昂的过桥费,黄顺舸表示要争取更低的收费,同时,也寻求联邦政府接管南兰大桥。 他形容,人联党及黄顺舸的岗位是保护朋党的利益,敷衍人民。 因此,他希望人联党及黄顺舸没有能力争取时,至少不要搞破坏。 张健仁称,该党进行签名运动,是要展示人民的力量,人联党及黄顺舸不但不支持,还搞破坏。 他称,南兰大桥在没有公开招标之下以1亿8千万令吉批给Woodville Development Sdn Bhd,在该公司与内陆税收局对簿公堂的法庭文件中显示,该公司于2000年以1亿7800万承建的亚细安大桥,该公司的造价成本只有9千万,南兰大桥也同出一辙。 他称,在南兰大桥1亿8千万承包价中,有部份是以政府地付还,政府以地价30%或少过30%把土地批给该公司,政府地是人民的资产,广大的人民因此而蒙受损失。 他称,第三个剥削人民是大桥的收费,30年将为该公司带来5亿的过桥费收入。 人民联署求中止剥削 因此,他要求人民参与这项签名运动,一起中止人民受到剥削。 他也说,南兰大桥的承建合约是于2004年签署,当时是人联党的全盛时期,诗巫、泗里街、民丹莪所有的议席均掌握在人联党的手中。人联党没有政治势力,造就了今天这个烂摊子。 他说,行动党与人民站在一起,维护人民的利益。因此,他希望人联党及黄顺舸不要搞破坏。 他称,他同情人联党及黄顺舸要保护朋党的处境。 取自诗华日报(5/2/2015) |
从2月开始,桑展将于每个星期四,在民主行动党曼旺支部服务所提供服务 Posted: 02 Feb 2015 12:17 AM PST (古晋1日讯)民主行动党古晋市国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁今日带领其政治秘书桑展达益(Sanjan Daik)和民主行动党曼旺支部主席郑汉雄及支部党员们,拜访17里新生村商业中心拜访当地商家和民众。 也是民主行动党砂拉越主席的张健仁宣布,从2月开始,桑展将于每个星期四,在民主行动党曼旺支部服务所提供服务。 他透露,在今天的拜访中,许多当地商家和民众对于民主行动党有一位比达友族的领袖服务当地人民,感到雀跃。 "虽然他目前一星期只一天(星期四)在曼旺支部服务所,但这并不是说,在其他时候,他就不会服务人民了。 与其他行动党领袖一样,我们服务的时间,并不只局限于人在服务所的时间。 任何时刻,民众都可以以电话联络我们。" 张健仁也公布桑展的手机号码,016-522 6471。 他欢迎任何有需要帮助的民众,都可以通过电话联络桑展。 张氏说,民主行动党一贯的政策就是,其领袖、有潜质成为候选人的党员及代议仕,都必须脚踏实地的与草根民众联系和无间断的服务人民。 桑展达益是来自Kampong BunukJalanPuncakBorneo的一位比达友族同胞,现年54岁,刚退休于公共服务领域。他退休前的最后任职是巴都林当师训学院语言局局长。 他在退休前,已考获伦敦大学的法律学位,并也已得到马来西亚法律执业鉴定考试文凭。 目前,他正在古晋一家律师楼实习。 |
Posted: 01 Feb 2015 12:15 AM PST (01-02-2015) I have today brought my political secretary, Sanjan anak Daik, to do a walk about in the Siburan Bazaar, 17th Mile, visiting the people in Siburan Bazaar. The respond from the ground was good and many, Chinese and Dayak alike, were excited at the news of DAP Mambong having a Bidayuh leader serving the people there. Starting February, 2015, Sanjan will be at the office of DAP Mambong every Thursday to provide his service to the people in Mambong. Of course, that does not mean that he will not be providing service to the people at other times. Like all DAP leaders, we are available to serve the people at any time and any place, not confined to the offices of the party's branches. Our phone number is published and open to anyone to call. As for Sanjan, his phone number is 016-5226471. It has been and is still the policy of DAP that all leaders, candidates to be, elected representatives must be on the ground and be connected to the people at all times, not just during election campaigns and shortly before the elections. Sanjan is a Bidayuh from Kampung Bunuk, Jalan Puncak Borneo, Kuching. He retired from civil service at the at of age 54 and joined DAP immediately after his retirement. His last position held was the Head of Language Department at Institute of Teacher Education Batu Lintang Campus. At the moment, he is also doing his legal chambering with a law firm in Kuching as he has already obtained his Certificate in Legal Practice (CLP). Chong Chieng Jen Member of Parliament for Bandar Kuching ADUN for Kota Sentosa DAP Sarawak Chairman |
Posted: 30 Jan 2015 12:54 AM PST (本报古晋29日讯)政府当局应该废除白糖进口准证制度﹐以让商家可以自由进口白糖﹐进而让我国的白糖市场价格可处于每公斤约2令吉10仙的水平。 砂行动党主席张健仁国州议员是在今早于该党总部召开的新闻发布会上发言时﹐如是做出建议。 他说﹐虽然马币贬值﹐但我国的白糖进口商就算以每公斤介于2令吉到2令吉10仙的价格来售卖白糖﹐也将还是可以赚取利润的。 "唯﹐我国当前的白糖市场售价﹐却是处于每公斤2令吉80仙的水平。" 他也披露﹐贸消当局目前正在反暴利行动下﹐积极展开相关取缔行动﹐以对付该些赚取暴利的不良商家。 但他认为﹐该些拥有进口准证的白糖进口商﹐才是在牟取暴利﹑危害大众利益的一群。 "我不同意商家坐地起价﹑牟取暴利的行为﹐但我还是认为说﹐在进行取缔方面﹐贸消当局人员应该要身体力行﹐对付该些真正在牟取暴利的人。" 他更建议说﹐政府当局应该废除白糖进口准证制度﹐以让商家可以自由进口白糖﹐进而让我国的白糖市场价格可处于每公斤约2令吉10仙的水平。 取自诗华日报(30/1/2015) |
Posted: 25 Jan 2015 12:22 AM PST (本报古晋24日讯)就本州首长表示在来届州选,选民要支持本土政党,包括联民党及自强党,而不应投票给来自西马政党之言论,行动党砂州委员会主席张健仁揶揄,砂国阵应该优先拒绝使用国阵的"天秤"作为自己的党旗标志,或可将天秤一分为二;因为这个标志来自西马,而整个国阵组织是以西马为主,也长期的歧视及忽略砂州发展! 他认为,如今人民最重要的考量点,就是一个政党是否可以真正捍卫及争取人民的权益,毕竟行动党也是全国政党,而该党的砂拉越党员都是砂拉越人,都是以砂人民利益为优先。 把西马资源搬到砂 他举例,该党甚至将西马的资源搬来砂州,让砂州人民受惠。 "上周,行动党在诗巫举办医药义诊,我们从西马安排10名专科医生,以及2名普通医生来替东马的郊区人民看病。这是现场义诊的形式,不只为人民提供诊断,也医治,包括小儿科、妇科、心脏、牙科、皮肤病、骨科、眼科等。" "相比国阵,他们是将东马资源搬去西马。" 选民懂得观看政局 张健仁深信,人民看政党,不是以它是西马,或全国政党而言,乃是哪一个政党才是真正捍卫人民权益的政党! 他相信,现代的选民是聪慧及成熟的,可以观看出很多政治局面,甚至相当了解各个政党的政策及实施。 取自诗华日报(25/1/2015) |
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