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Posted: 10 Jun 2016 11:59 PM PDT (本报古晋9日讯)行动党哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁呼吁州立法议会和首长阿迪南延长州议员辩论天数,确保让更多后座议员包括反对党议员拥有足够时间参与。 他是于今日在砂州立法议会会议口头问答环节进行时,针对州议员辩论天数不足的课题,起身打岔时如是表示。 他说,根据议长表明,州立法议会定下2天时间进行州元首施政御词辩论,上一届的州元首施政御词辩论定为2天,当时共有42名后座议员参与辩论。 他说道,此届州立法议会后座议员人数已从原本的42人增加至53人,为了鼓励更多后座议员参与及拥有足够时间辩论,州议会有必要延长州议员辩论的天数。 张健仁指出,根据议会常规,首长被赋予权利可以延长州议会举行的天数,因此他希望首长应行驶这项权力,延长后座议员的辩论天数,确保让州议员拥有足够的时间参与辩论。 针对张健仁的言论,砂州议长拿督阿玛阿斯菲亚透露,州议会将延长周五(10日)及下周一(13日)的辩论时间超过傍晚6时30分。 "一般上州议会会在傍晚6时30分休会,但是周五和下周一的会议将会延长超过傍晚6时30份。" 惟,阿斯菲亚也说明,州议会并不会效仿国会下议院挑灯夜读至凌晨2点,因为已算是第二天。 《转载自 诗华日报》 | ||
Posted: 09 Jun 2016 11:57 PM PDT
(本报古晋9日讯)修改联邦宪法下放砂州自主权,却碍于国阵在国会没有2/3议席?公正党和行动党愿意"借力"! 砂行动党和砂人民公正党今日表明立场,同意砂拉越政府要求联邦政府下放自主权予砂州政府。 至于国阵因没有2/3议席而无法修改联邦宪法,行动党与公正党同意在这项课题上,与国阵站在一起,以"凑足人数",达到修改联邦宪法的目的,支持将四大领域的自主权下放予砂州政府。 支持索4领域自主权 砂行动党主席兼古晋区国州议员张健仁于今日在砂州立法议会媒体室召开新闻发布会时,针对其动议被议长驳回一事,发表其言论。他今日所提呈的4项领域自主权动议是税务、教育、医药及警务。 他说,砂州议长拿督阿玛阿斯菲亚驳回他动议的理由是权力下放,必须在国会修改联邦宪法,但国阵在国会却没有2/3的议席。 他认为,目前国阵在222个议席当中,拥有134位国会议员,而行动党和公正党合计有68名(38位是行动党及30位是公正党)国会议员。两党若以国阵的134位国会议员合计起来就有202位国会议员,这已超过2/3的绝大多数议席。因此,就有望修改宪法,要求中央政府下放权力予砂州政府。 "在下放自主权益事宜上,我们砂行动党与砂公正党会给予同意,若砂州政府有意愿,就可以提呈动议,要求修改联邦宪法,至于其它细节可以容后再处理,主要的是先确立好大原则。" 不满"细节性"为由驳回动议 然而,他却对砂州议长以"细节性"的理由说驳回其动议,不能被允许带入州议会讨论是"废话"!而两党今日也表明立场,绝对同意将4大自主权益领域下放予砂州政府。 另一方面,砂人民公正党主席巴鲁比安也针对砂州议长驳回其同僚所提呈动议的理由之一,即国阵在国会没有2/3议席的理由是言之过早的裁决,因为最重要的是,下放砂州自主权益的动议必须在砂州立法议会先行通过,才有望带入国会,进行提呈。 《转载自 诗华日报》 | ||
Chong: Opposition will support any vote for S’wak rights Posted: 09 Jun 2016 12:09 AM PDT KUCHING: DAP leader Chong Chieng Jen said the Opposition coalition is willing to work with BN in fighting for the rights of the state. Chong, who is the state representative for Kota Sentosa, today tabled a motion to seek to resolve that the state government proceed with its demand and negotiation with the Federal Government on the devolution of powers. In response to Chong's motion, Speaker Mohd Asfia Awang Nassar, who is state BN permanent chairman, said that it would take a two-thirds majority to amend the Federal Constitution to empower Sarawak's rights. Chong then replied that it was not impossible for BN to amend the Federal Constitution in regards to the devolution of power. Chong said that the Opposition parties, DAP and PKR have both pledged their support to amend the Constitution if it means Sarawak would get more rights in regards to taxation, education matters, state security and oil royalty rights. Out of 222 parliamentary seats, BN currently controls 134 seats while DAP and PKR control 38 and 30 seats respectively. There are 31 parliamentary seats in Sarawak. "Clearly we have way above the two-thirds majority that is required to amend the Constitution," Chong told FMT today. "We challenge BN to put to a vote the amendment to the Federal Constitution, to devolve the four areas of power. "We will pledge our support for the amendment. It was presumptuous of Asfia to assume that we do not agree," Chong said. Part of the drive for Sarawak's rights is to increase the state's take of revenues from its oil wells, currently at 5%. Following an amendment to the Federal Constitution in 1976, Sarawak was recognised as the 13th federated state. Opponents have said this goes against the spirit of the 1963 Malaysia Agreement, when Sarawak agreed to form Malaysia as one of four equal partners, the other three being Malaya, North Borneo and Singapore. - Freemalaysiatoday June 9 , 2016 |
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