Rabu, 7 Mac 2012



Government scraps civil service pay revamp

Posted: 07 Mar 2012 08:13 PM PST

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

N45 Dr Halimah Ali


Posted: 07 Mar 2012 04:44 AM PST

Mahathir terus menggumba idea burukkan pembangkang

Mohd Sayuti Omar, 07 Mac 2012
Benarlah barang kali Mahathir Mohamad seorang pendendam. Dia tidak akan diam selagi orang yang didendaminya tidak lenyap dari bumi ini. Episod pendendaman Mahathir ini bersiri, banyak kalau hendak dihuraikan. Kekalahannya dalam pilihan raya 1969 kepada Yusof Rawa menyebabkan beliau dendam kepada Pas dan orang Cina sampai ke hari ini. Peristiwa itu boleh disimpulkan sebagai dendam beliau yang pertama kepada orang Cina.

Mahathir menghukum kekalahan itu disebabakan Cina sedangkan dia lupa tindakan orang Cina tidak mengundinya kerana keceluparan mulutnya juga yang mengatakan dia tidak memerlukan undi Cina. Kesombongan Mahathir itu menyebabkan orang Cina di Kota Star menolak beliau.

Kekalahan itulah menyebabkan beliau berdendam dengan orang Cina. Kalau beliau menerima ia hanya bermuka-muka saja. Mahathir hanya dekat dan mesra dengan orang Cina yang menjadi tauke saja tetapi tidak dengan Cina marhain. Antara Cina kaya yang menjadi rakannya ialah Vincent Tan dan lain-lain.

Dia juga dendam dengan Tengku Razaleigh sehinggakan sanggup melupai persetiaan dalam persahabatan serta memungkiri amanat Hussein Onn. Dendam itu menyebabkan beliau terus menganiaya dan mendendami Tengku Razaleigh. Puncanya bukan apa sangat, Mahathir mengatakan kekalahannya dalam pertandingan merebut jawatan naib presiden Umno tahun 80-an yang mendapat undi ketiga terbawah disebabkan Tengku Razaleigh. Itu saja.

Hanya kerana prejudis menyebabkan beliau mendendami Tengku Razaleigh sekaligus mengkhianati amanah dan akhirnya menyebabkan Umno jadi porak peranda. Perpecahan tahun 1987 yang membawa kepada penubuhan Semangat 46 adalah angkara Mahathir.

Demikian dendam dan kebenciannya kepada Anwar hari ini adalah kesinambungan kepada episod kebencian dan dendam itu. Mahathir tidak pernah berniat untuk menerima baik Anwar. Otaknya penuh dengan prejudis dan prasangka. Walaupun Anwar sudah beberapa kali membuat pengisytiharan memaafi Mahathir namun tidak pernah disambutnya.

Terbaru Mahathir sekali lagi melemparkan fitnah dengan niat hendak mengkhianati Anwar dengan membuat andaian NGO yang sokong Anwar telah disokong oleh Amerika. Tuduhan ini satu lagi kerja jahat Mahathir Mohamad pada saat orang sedang menggali lubang lahad kehidupannya. Tidak ada bukti yang disertakan beliau hanya mengandaikan saja. Kenapa harus kaitkan Amerika dengan Anwar Ibrahim?

Kata Mahathir Amerika akan menyokong sesiapa saja menentang pimpinan yang tidak sebulu dengan negara itu. Saya hendak tanya apakah selama Mahathir memerintah Malaysia 22 tahun beliau diancam oleh Amerika? Rasanya tidak. Kalau begitu apakah bermakna pemerintahannya sebulu dengan Amerika kerana Amerika tidak memeranginya?

Tidak dinafikan Amerika agak mencampuri urusan Malaysia dengan mengkritik dasar Mahathir dari beberapa sudut. Perkara paling jelas apabila kerajaan Mahathir bertindak zalim kepada rakyat Malaysia. Sebagai sebuah negara memperjuangkan hak asasi manusia negara itu tidak akan dapat berdiam diri bila berlaku kekejaman di mana-mana pun. Kebetulan pada akhir tahun 90-an Mahathir telah berlaku kejam ke atas bekas timbalannya, Anwar Ibrahim. Apa yang Mahathir lakukan terhadap Anwar dikecam oleh sesiapa saja kerana ia terlalu sadis dan jijik.

Apakah apabila Amerika memberi simpati kepada Anwar maka Mahathir terus menuduh Amerika hendak menjatuhkan kerajaan Malaysia? Mahathir lupa yang menjatuhkan beliau bukan Amerika tetapi Umno sendiri. Umnolah yang mendesak Mahathir agar berundur di mana mereka menggunakan kebencian rakyat yang simpati kepada Anwar ketika itu yang mengadakan tunjuk perasaan.

Mahathir sudah tidak sesihat dulu. Ingatan dan ulasan sejarah politiknya yang dilalui pun dilupai. Kerana itu tuduhan beliau NGO yang sokong menentang kerajaan hari ini disokong Amerika juga adakah satu kelupaan Mahathir sendiri. Ulasan beliau itu tidak lebih untuk menyerang kerajaan untuk memastikan UBN berkuasa kerana dengan cara itu saja beliau boleh menimbus dosa-dosanya. - http://www.msomelayu.blogspot.com/

Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor: tumpuan utama adalah pendidikan

Posted: 07 Mar 2012 04:27 AM PST

RM10 juta bagi pendidikan anak syarikat Selangor

Harakahdaily, 07 Mac 2012
SHAH ALAM, 7 Mac: Kerajaan Negeri Selangor menyediakan Tabung Pendidikan anak-anak syarikat dan badan-badan berkanun negeri untuk memberi biasiswa, dermasiswa dan sebarang bentuk bantuan serta sumbangan kepada warga kerja anak-anak syarikat kerajaan negeri dan anak-anak mereka yang berkelayakan untuk melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat lebih tinggi.

"Tabung Pendidikan Anak-anak Syarikat Negeri Selangor ini adalah salah satu program Tanggungjawab Sosial Korporat (CSR) selaras dengan hasrat dan aspirasi Kerajaan Negeri Selangor merakyatkan ekonomi dan menjadi sebuah negeri maju, sejahtera dan berkebajikan," kata Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan di sini.

Katanya, dana permulaan tabung itu berjumlah RM10 juta yang disumbangkan oleh Menteri Besar Selangor (Pemerbadanan), Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS), Permodalan Negeri Selangor Berhad (PNSB), Perbadanan Kemajuan Pertanian Selangor (PKPS) dan Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad/Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (KPS).

Beliau berkata, Tabung Pendidikan Anak-anak Syarikat Negeri Selangor yang berkuatkuasa pada November tahun lalu dan akan dirasmikan Sultan Selangor pada tarikh yang akan dimaklumkan kelak.

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Adun Bangi Anjur Kejohanan Bola Sepak Veteran

Posted: 07 Mar 2012 03:03 PM PST

Philosophy Politics Economics

Philosophy Politics Economics

NFC "Subsidiaries" Never Audited

Posted: 07 Mar 2012 05:22 PM PST

Various parties including myself have made the allegation that the directors of National Feedlot Corporation (NFCorp) has improperly siphoned money originating from the Government's RM250 million meant for the development of the cattle industry in Malaysia.  The money, at least RM81 million as at 2009, has been transferred to various companies owned by the directors of NFCorp, as revealed in the 2009 NFCorp audited accounts.  This amount will definitely have exceeded RM100 million as of today.

The directors of NFCorp have admitted that the money has indeed been transferred to companies which they own and are not related to NFCorp.  However, they argued that these "so-called 'unrelated companies' of NFCorp where the fund was channeled to, were always meant to be the subsidiaries of NFCorp."

The Chairman of NFCorp Datuk Seri Mohamad Salleh had in earlier statements claimed that it was always their intention to "rationalise the structure of NFCorp to bring in all associated companies and assets within the hold of NFCorp".

The key "unrelated companies" held by the directors operating in Malaysia are National Meat and Livestock Company Sdn Bhd (formerly known as BizVance Sdn Bhd) (NMLC), Real Food Company Sdn Bhd (formerly known as Macronial Technology Sdn Bhd) (RFC) and Meatworks Corporation Sdn Bhd.

The family members of Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil, Minister of Women and Family Affairs sit as directors in all these companies.  They are her husband Datuk Seri Mohamad Salleh and their children, Wan Shahinur Izmir, Wan Shahinur Izran and Wan Izzana Fatimah Zabedah.  The shareholders of these companies are also various permutations the same family members and companies which they own.

If the argument made by the NFCorp directors that these companies were indeed "always meant to be subsidiaries of NFCorp", then surely, one would expect the financial accounts of these companies to be properly managed to ensure accountability and transparency over the use of the tax-payers' RM250 million loan.

However, a simple check with the Registrar of Companies shows that none of these companies were ever audited ever since they became operational!  Both NMLC and RFC for example, has never been audited since four and a half years ago on 30 June 2007 when it was still a dormant company with no revenue or assets.  Meatworks on the other hand, has never filed its accounts since it was set up on 17 September 2009.

Hence not only was the siphoning of funds to these companies owned by the directors of NFCorp a breach of trust, the directors were further negligent, intentionally or otherwise, in accounting for the use of the monies.  The directors of NFCorp must answer as to why NMLC and RFC have never filed their accounts or even presented to the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Agriculture as part of NFCorp's loan agreement to provide updates on the use of the funds.

What is worse is the fact that the directors of these "unrelated companies" have further run afoul of the Companies Act 1965 by failing to hold the company's Annual General Meetings, file its Annual Returns to the Registrar of Companies together with their Audited Financial Report.

For example, Clause 169(1) of the Companies Act says that "the directors of every company shall, at some date not later than eighteen months after the incorporation of the company and subsequently once at least in every calendar year at intervals of not more than fifteen months, lay before the company at its annual general meeting a profit and loss account for the period since the preceding account (or in the case of the first account, since the incorporation of the company) made up to a date not more than six months before the date of the meeting.

Under Clause 171(1), the Act dictates imprisonment for 5 years or RM30,000 "if any director of a company fails to comply or to take all reasonable steps to secure compliance by the company with the foregoing provisions of this Division or has by his own wilful act been the cause of any default by the company thereunder, he shall be guilty of an offence against this Act."

The concern for all Malaysians today over the above scandal is that the Directors may take steps to paper over the scandal with backdated accounts which will then hide certain activities carried out by by RFC and NMLC with tax-payers' money.

We would like to remind the auditors of these companies to be extra diligent and mindful in auditing the accounts as public interest is involved.  Under the Companies Act, it is the duty of an auditor of a company to form an opinion as to "whether he has obtained all the information and explanations that he required" and "whether proper accounting and other records (including registers) have been kept by the company".

The Act further clarifies that if an auditor finds "a breach or non-observance of any of the provisions of this Act" and if such a breach is serious enough, "he shall forthwith report the matter in writing to the Registrar."  The penalty for not fulfilling the duties of an appointed auditor is "imprisonment for two years or thirty thousand ringgit or both".

The Auditor is also protected under the law in Clause 174A that "in the absence of malice on his part, [shall not] be liable to any action for defamation at the suit of any person in respect of any statement which he makes in the course of his duties as auditor".

Regardless of the above, we call upon the Registrar of Companies to act against the directors of these companies which have flouted the law by using the powers vested in him – to initiate investigations and "to inspect any accounts, book or other document seized."  The interest of Malaysians is paramount, and we call on all authorities to act without fear or favour to ensure that our rights are fully protected from those who abuse their powers.

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

民主行动党为砂州残障农民富鲁斯勒比(FRUSIS LEBI) 展开为期7天的在线筹款运动。

Posted: 07 Mar 2012 08:53 PM PST



Posted: 07 Mar 2012 08:35 PM PST

Media Statement by Teo Nie Ching, MP for Serdang-cum-DAP Assistant National Publicity Secretary on March 8, 2012:

Assistant Minister of Agriculture (Research and Marketing) Mong Dagang's order to revoke aid to a disabled man in Sarawak simply because the latter supports the Opposition is inhumane and totally unacceptable.

Mong has no basis to instruct two government departments to revoke government-extended subsidiaries and welfare aid to a disabled man because he was reported to have flown an opposition party's flag and allowed for his house to be used as an operations room in the 2011 state election. This is a clear case of blatant discrimination based on a person's political affiliation. Mong obviously has forgotten his duty as a Minister to take care of all Media Statement by Teo Nie Ching, MP for Serdang-cum-DAP Assistant National Publicity Secretary on March 8, 2012:

Assistant Minister of Agriculture (Research and Marketing) Mong Dagang's order to revoke aid to a disabled man in Sarawak simply because the latter supports the Opposition is inhumane and totally unacceptable.

Mong has no basis to instruct two government departments to revoke government-extended subsidiaries and welfare aid to a disabled man because he was reported to have flown an opposition party's flag and allowed for his house to be used as an operations room in the 2011 state election. This is a clear case of blatant discrimination based on a person's political affiliation. Mong obviously has forgotten his duty as a Minister to take care of all Sarawakians. Mong indeed is no longer fit for the position.

Our sympathies are with Frusis Lebi, a farmer who has had his agriculture and disability aid discontinued for supporting the opposition. In the past few days, I have received numerous calls and messages from supporters asking how they can channel financial assistance to Frusis Lebi. It appears that there are many Malaysians out there who wish to show their support for Frusis Lebi.

As such, we have decided to undertake a 7-day online fundraising campaign for Frusis Lebi. From today until March 14, 2012, the general public can bank in their donations to this bank account stated below. We undertake to publish the statement of accounts between the said periods at the end of campaign.

Thereafter, DAP Sarawak will be in charge of channelling the funds raised to Frusis Lebi to ensure that the livelihood of his family will not be jeopardised by the unfair and unjust decision of the Sarawak Government.


 Bank: RHB


PACA Training 选举训练

Posted: 07 Mar 2012 05:26 PM PST

Attn to all DAP members. There will be a training on PACA this coming Sunday, 11/3/2012, 2pm @ DAP Bandar Damai Perdana Cheras Branch. Please send as many member or friends as possible as we are gearing up for the coming General Election. DAP Serdang needs about 500 volunteers it self on the polling day. Thanks you.

各位同志,基于来临大选沙登国会选区需要大约500名监票人员, 为此我们决定在3月11日(星期天)下午2点假行动党首都镇支部举办选举训练,请各位同志尽量邀请更多朋友为改朝换代献上一份力~ 谢谢


Update on Teoh Beng Hock's Trust Fund

Posted: 07 Mar 2012 12:10 AM PST

In the month of February, Teoh Beng Hock Trust Fund received 4 donations amounting to RM290.00. So as at February 23, 2012, donations for Teoh Beng Hock Trust Fund totaled RM514,195.30 while disbursements for living expenses of Beng Hock’s son Er Jia amounted to RM40,245.50.
RM30,004.40 was disbursed for purchasing education insurance for Er Jia (with payments in 2011 and 2012 amounted to RM15,002.25 and 15,002.15 respectively) and also RM3,602.15 was paid for a medical insurance.
The purpose of purchasing the education insurance is to ensure that when Er Jia attains the age of 18, he will be able to afford his education expenses, which by then would be very expensive; we are paying RM15,010 annually over 15 years whereby the total payments would amount to RM225,001.50.
However, upon the maturity of the insurance scheme, the expected return is estimated to be at RM330,177 to RM407,470 and it is a long term investment.
The Trust Fund continues to receive donations from kind hearted people, most of them donated anonymously. I wish to express my gratitude for their kind deeds and promise to administer the funds properly.
The people are still waiting for justice for Beng Hock, I hope all Malaysians will continue to lend their support to the Teoh family.

i n t a n h i j a u

i n t a n h i j a u

PAS Johor sasar menang 17 kerusi

Posted: 07 Mar 2012 02:38 AM PST

KUALA LUMPUR, 7 Mac: PAS Johor mensasarkan sekurang-kurangnya 17 kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) untuk dimenangi pada pilihan raya umum (PRU) ke-13 akan datang.

Timbalan Pesuruhjaya PAS Johor, Mazlan Aliman (gambar) berkata, sasaran itu ditetapkan berdasarkan perubahan positif rakyat negeri itu yang kini menyambut baik Pakatan Rakyat khususnya PAS yang disifatkan 'tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini'.

Menurutnya, melihat mood positif rakyat, beliau bukan sahaja yakin PAS boleh menang di kerusi sasaran itu, malah Pakatan Rakyat secara keseluruhan juga tidak mustahil akan menerajui negeri itu.

"Kita (PAS) kini sedang fokus kepada 17 Dun sasar.

"Mungkin orang kata saya bermimpi, atau angan-angan, tapi dengan sambutan kepada kita pada waktu ini, saya yakin kejutan akan berlaku, Johor mungkin jatuh kepada Pakatan Rakyat," katanya kepada Harakahdaily.

Pada PRU ke-12 lalu, PAS bertanding 39 daripada keseluruhan 56 kerusi, manakala PKR dan DAP masing-masing 9 dan 12 kerusi.

Dari jumlah ditandingi itu itu PAS hanya menang di dua kerusi iaitu di Dun Maharani dan Sungai Abong.

Menurut Mazlan lagi, perbezaan ketara sokongan rakyat Johor terhadap Pakatan rakyat berbanding 2008 boleh dilihat dengan sambutan terhadap program-program mereka di negeri itu sejak kebelakangan ini.
Sambutan luar biasa itu katanya, telah menyebabkan ada pihak 'tak senang duduk' sehingga mengupah kumpulan tertentu mengganggu dan membuat kecoh khususnya di ceramah-ceramah anjuran mereka.

Manifesto 15 perkara dasar

Menurut Mazlan lagi, PAS Johor juga telah selesai berbincang berhubung manifesto pilihan raya peringkat negeri yang akan ditawarkan.

Tanpa menjelaskan secara terperinci, beliau berkata ianya menggariskan 15 perkara dasar antara lain tawaran penyelesaian masalah tanah dan tawaran pengurusan pentadbiran lebih baik.

"Kita telah siap seminar manifesto, dan sedang timbang dengan PKR dan DAP.

"Kita yakin menifesto ini akan menjadi kekuatan utama kita untuk ambil Johor," katanya lagi.

Muhyiddin mula gusar

Mengulas kenyataan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin kononnya Johor masih 'tiang seri' BN pada PRU-13 akan datang, Mazlan berkata, ia sebenarnya menggambarkan kebimbangan timbalan perdana menteri itu.

"Kenyataan Muhyiddin tu menggambarkan kebimbangan beliau.

"Saya nak bagi tahu (kepada Muhyiddin), 'tiang seri' itu sudah dimakan anai-anai. Bila-bila pun boleh patah," katanya yang juga AJK PAS Pusat

Menurut Mazlan lagi, beliau mendapat maklumat Umno sememangnya gusar dengan kedudukan mereka di Johor sekarang ini.

Katanya, tidak pernah selama ini, Menteri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman turun berkampung di setiap kawasan parlimen seperti yang terpaksa dilakukan sekarang ini.

Malah katanya, selepas lawatan Muhyiddin semalam, Najib pula dijangka turun ke Johor dalam masa terdekat.

"Orang Johor ni dia pandai, dia senyap-senyap sahaja, dia tak tunjuk sokong kita," jelasnya.(harakahdaily)

Suara Sri Andalas

Suara Sri Andalas

Bersama Selangor Action Team dan Majlis Perbandaran Klang Membersih Sampah Di Sekitar DUN Seri Andalas

Posted: 04 Mar 2012 01:00 AM PST

Klang, 4 Mac 2012 - Kerja-kerja membersih sampah di sekitar DUN Seri Andalas giat dilakukan pada hari ini.

Menyertai YB Dr Xavier Jayakumar pada aktiviti pembersihan pagi ini adalah Selangor Action Team, Majlis Perbandaran Klang dan para sukarelawan.

Kerja-kerja pembersihan melibatkan membersih sampah di sepanjang jalan utama, bahu jalan dan dipadang-padang kawasan perumahan.

Kebanyakan sampah yang dibersihakan merupakan tinggalan bahan-bahan buangan binaan yang memerlukan jentera berat untuk memungut dan mengalihkannya.

YB Dr Xavier Jayakumar menawarkan ganjaran kepada mereka yang menghantar gambar pembuangan sampah secara haram oleh lori-lori disekitar kawasan DUN Seri Andalas.

Semenjak akhir-akhir ini pembuangan sampah secara rambang telah dilakukan dikebanyakan kawasan negeri Selangor, namun kerajaan negeri Selangor mengambil tindakan proaktif untuk memastikan kawasan persekitarn kekal bersih dan terurus.

Lagi 140 Beg Sekolah Disumbangkan Kepada Pelajar-pelajar Kurang Mampu di Desa Latania

Posted: 28 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST

Desa Latania, 28 Februari 2012 - Sebanyak 140 buah beg sekolah telah disumbangkan kepada pelajar-pelajar dari keluarga berpendapatan rendah.

Program sumbangan beg sekolah ini adalah program kali kedua diadakan disini pada tahun ini.

Summbangan beg sekolah telah diserahkan kepada pelajar-pelajar oleh YB Dr Xavier Jayakumar, ADUN Seri Andalas.

YB Dr Xavier Jayakumar menegaskan perlunya bantuan persekolahan kepada pelajar-pelajar dari keluarga berpendapatan rendah ini bagi membantu meringankan beban keluarga serta memastikan mereka terus belajar di sekolah. YB Dr Xavier percaya dengan pelajaran yang baik dapat mengubah dan meningkatkan taraf hidup sesebuah keluarga.

Usaha-usaha bantuan persekolahan telah digiatkan semenjak Pakatan Rakyat mengambil alih pentadbiran negeri Selangor. Bantuan subsidi yuran sekolah dan sumbangan basikal telah diberikan secara berterusan setiap masa.

Pada program hari ini para sukarelawan turut mengambil kesempatan untuk mendaftar warga emas untuk program Jom Shopping. Turut dilakukan pendaftaran 35 orang wanita untuk program mammogram.

Program diakhiri dengan jamuan kecil untuk semua yang hadir.

YB Dr Xavier Jayakumar mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua sukarelawan yang hadir membanntu pada hari ini.

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Issues for your MP by weechookeong

Posted: 07 Mar 2012 09:10 AM PST

Miss Danau Kota

Thank you for your comments.

I regret to note about your bad experiences of your house being burgled. I share yours and many other Malaysians sentiment on crimes.

In fact, I have organized for a dialogue with the police last year where all the department heads from the District Police Station (Sentul) came to my office. Many issues were brought up by the residents. I believe that the police in Wangsa Maju has beefed up their crime prevention activities. However, it may not be enough because of the police/citizen ratio is not satisfactory. In Europe the correct police/citizen ratio should 1 officer to 300 citizen but in Malaysia the number is as high as 1 officer to 3,000. Crime prevention is the duty of all members of the society and police. It can only be reduced drastically when it is made into our national agenda. I believe the police is trying very hard to arrest the situation but there is a problems of insufficient man power. I have on numerous occasions brought up in Parliament with regards to this matter.

I really am glad that as a result of my constant engagement in Parliamentary debate concerning the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Wangsa Maju polio station has been upgraded to Grade A where the police personnel have been double in number. If I am not mistaken the number has been increase from 60 to 140 officers. Of course, this was not satisfactory in view of the population of about 200,000 residents for the Wangsa Maju police area. I will definitely do my best to plea the the Minister of Home Affairs to look into the unacceptable increase in crime rate for Wangsa Maju area.Parliament will be sitting next week (12-3-2012) I will definitely do my best to express your concerned about the crime rate in the area.

If you are free, please come over to my service centre on Wednesday night after *:30 pm. Please call my personal assistant, En Yaccob, at 012-2186929 for further information.

Once again, I really am sorry to hear about your bad experiences.

THank you.

With kindest regards

wee choo keong

Comment on Issues for your MP by Anonymous

Posted: 07 Mar 2012 07:02 AM PST

Miss Danau Kota

Recently , my house was broken in by irresponsible robbers. Last month was my neighbour who lives next two block. It seems that crimes of snatch,robbery and house breaking in have become common and those crimes will keep increasing . I realized that Malaysians have become to an extend ” oh ,its fine no one got hurt , injured or its fine everyone is still alive” . If this continues , it does mean ” ok robbers , u can take whatever you want , but not our lives” . We work hard to get our own money,buy asset and things.In some cases,sentimental value of one we love,from one who is no longer alive.
Shall we allow robbers to get all these????
It should be a response of ” We shall get together with our society , police and volunteer groups to reduce this crime!” , “We shall not let the robber continue doing this to others! “…This is a big difference with Malaysian society and Japanese society ,where I used to stay in Japan for years.
According to few sources , many cases are recorded daily for “pecah rumah” all over setapak. Recently Tmn Melati , Danau Kota , Taman Setapak listed as black area.
Perhaps , YB can help in organizing campaigns for all people with police officers to fight against residential crime cases .When it comes to “volunteer” , people `s mindset is busy. How can we expect from police to do the whole work to monitor list of housing area all around the clock?
I guess ” we have to be concern not only for individual but for the neighbourhood.All must work together to fight the crimes”

Kindly please look into this YB..

Sadly written,

Comment on AJ & Rashdan: What “COST CUTTING”? – Part 1 by Kunyit Hidup

Posted: 07 Mar 2012 03:39 AM PST

Perhaps MAS should learn from AA on operational matters (or agreeing with Mahathir on the need of share suap):

1. Introduce convenience fees on necessities (e.g. check-in, credit cards etc).
2. Make it difficult not to select optional items e.g. insurance.
3. Book & pay your ticket & meal for next month flight but not refundable even if you cancel 5 minutes later.
4. Cancel all long haul flights that will involve crew rest period. Save on crew hotel, allowances, transportation and aircraft parking. Blame it on environmental issues.
5. Keep airport tax as long as you can to earn interest, eventually ask for discount.
6. Introduce customer services charges e.g. calls to helpline, wheelchair etc.
7. No aerobridge.
8. Cancel any schedule flight at eleventh hour whenever not profitable and making it hard for refund.
9. Fatigue is not in the dictionary so minimise the number of aircrew but maximise number of landing/takeoff with very short turnaround. TF said, Malaysian can compromise on safety.
10. Sell anything onboard at inflated price
After doing so, pay the media to publish 'MAS is the best five-star airline' and 4Q later – MAS bounce to profit of ten ringgit after successfully cut operational cost (don't tell anyone that ten ringgit as a result of spin-off divisions/subsidiaries/properties to cronies at real 'low-cost').

One or two readers of YB blog must be happy!

Comment on AJ & Rashdan: MAS or MAS management is in crisis? by weechookeong

Posted: 07 Mar 2012 02:45 AM PST

Olek Skligannon

Thank you for your comments.

To be 7th and 8th position when there are not more than 10 low cost airlines is nothing to shout about. If you think that this is something great to shout about then well and good. Perhaps, you should tell us whether AirAsia was allowed to owe airport taxes for a few months in Singapore and will AirAsia be given a discount for whatever charges due to Singapore Airport Authority or SIA for services of AirAsia planes so far. You should also tell us whether SIA or Tiger Airways or other airlines will surrender routes to AirAsia so as to give it a leg up so to speak. It only can happen in Malaysia during the Sleepy Age.

With regards to “why aren’t you asking these questions in Parliament instead of banging on about AirAsia and MAS?”, my answer is very simple as long as it is a genuine, fair and transparent deal it is fine by me. But if it was done in such a secretive manner and no due diligence done on the deal where tax payers fund and public interest are affected then I will carry on banging and banging until it is heard. Furthermore, AirAsia is a private listed company, it should remain private and don’t expect any handout whether in terms of subsidy like the RM250 million for the RAS only to be terminated prematurely or inactions from Khazanah over the RM35 million paid by MAS for the canablisazation of aircraft during RAS days. AirAsia should not be treated differently to other listed company. More so for AirAsia Sdn Bhd, formerly known as FAK during its RAS days, which is a private limited company. why should AirAsia be treated differently to other ten of thousand sdn bhd in Malaysia. If AirAsia has done so well in Singapore, I congratulate them for it. I will congratulate them further if it could owe airport taxes and service charges in Singapore for years like what had happened in Malaysia. If AirAsia can’t do it in Singapore then it shouldn’t have done it in Malaysia.

Please be reminded that Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar has admitted that the option to purchase the 10% share in AirAsia X Sdn Bhd was a dodgy deal. From this, you will no doug agree with me that there was no due diligence has been done before the MAS – AirAsia share suap agreement was signed.

Thank you

With kindest regards

wee choo keong

Comment on AJ & Rashdan: What “COST CUTTING”? – Part 1 by Olek Skilgannon

Posted: 07 Mar 2012 02:07 AM PST


In which business school or book about airline management does it say that airlines have to operate routes that are not profitable (i.e. making losses)?

Very simple concept, dude – make losses, cut. Make profits, maintain or increase.

Market development costs? Maybe, but with a reasonable time frame to generate profits.

Airlines are not sugar daddies. Governments are, especially those that can’t be weaned away from handouts and subsidies!

Comment on AJ & Rashdan: MAS or MAS management is in crisis? by Olek Skilgannon

Posted: 07 Mar 2012 02:00 AM PST

Razak of MAS

Interesting that you are conflating AirAsia with Singapore (or more precisely, Changi Airport).

I just checked on the Changi Airline Awards 2011 Recipients (you can Google for the link), and found that in the Top 10 Airlines by Passenger Carriage (based on passenger carriage in 2010), the 7th and 8th positions are occupied by AirAsia and Indonesia AirAsia respectively.

So, it looks like AirAsia and it’s Indonesian affiliate both have a good thing going in Changi Airport.

Cue in weeping and grinding of teeth from parties in Malaysia…..

But, it goes to show that AirAsia and Indonesia AirAsia accomplished this in the face of no-holds-barred competition from the other LCCS operating at Changi Airport, viz. Lionair, Tiger Airways, Jetstar and Cebu Pacific.

So, what exactly are you implying with regard to AirAsia and Singapore? Spill it out, dude. Surely, you aren’t afraid of rebuttals, are you?

And it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the more Malaysians and Indonesians fly to Changi Airport, either to visit Singapore or to transit on to other airlines to other destinations, the more it contributes to Changi’s unrivalled regional air hub status.

That says volumes about Malaysia’s national aviation policy (or the lack thereof).

YB Wee, with all due respect, why are’n't you asking these questions in Parliament instead of banging on about AirAsia and MAS?

Comment on AJ & Rashdan: MAS or MAS management is in crisis? by Syed of Khazanah

Posted: 06 Mar 2012 06:25 PM PST

Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar and his crony do not care about whether the AirAsia X Sdn Bhd’s deal was dodgy or not because it is the rakyat money at stake and not theirs.

according to YB’s posting MAS had to pay RM35 million to put aircraft into airworthy after FAK, now AirAsia X Sdn Bhd, canabalised the aircraft during the RAS days in Sabah and Sarawak. Tan Sri Azman did not instruct MAS management to claim for the RM35 million from AirAsia X Sdn Bhd. For all you know Azman Mokhtar may have done the opposite.

Bloody Bina Tak Fikir at work.

Do you expect Rashdan the crony of Azman to turn around MAS? Definitely not especially when he was planning to sell non-core assets of MAS to save MAS like what both of them did under WAU where 70% of MAS Catering Sdn Bhd was sold to the brother of Badawi. Thereafter got MAS to enter into a 25 years catering agreement with Badawi’s brother company.

Instead of evaluating and finding ways and means to terminate the 25 years agreement, that bloody crony was talking about selling more assets of MAS.

Comment on AJ & Rashdan: What “COST CUTTING”? – Part 1 by Olek Skilgannon

Posted: 06 Mar 2012 05:47 PM PST

Time Traveller

No need to educate me, bro – I use Changi Airport frequently.

Why didn’t you mention that Qantas’ Jetstar LCC also uses Changi’s Terminal 1, eh?

Also, are you privy to information about any possible discounts or special conditions that the Changi Airport Group (CAG) may have extended to AirAsia in return for commitments to maintain certain targetted pax volumes through Changi?

It was also announced recently that the Changi’s Budget Terminal will be demolished and replaced by a new Terminal 4 which will cater for LCCs, but not exclusively. And, yes, this Terminal 4 will not have aerobridges as the LCCs have indicated to CAG that their priority is the quick turnaround of their aircraft so as to maximise utilisation.

And in the interim, the LCCs will have to relocate to Changi’s Terminal 2, until the new Terminal 4 is up and running. That should be an interesting exercise for the current Budget Terminal LCCs!

I am not making this up, by the way. You can access the info on the websites of Channel NewsAsia and the Singapore Straits Times.

Comment on AJ & Rashdan: MAS or MAS management is in crisis? by MAS boy

Posted: 06 Mar 2012 04:45 PM PST

MAS management was in crisis and desperate when that crony Rashdan, TF, Datuk Azman Yahya and Kington Tan were appointed to the Board of MAS. Their heart is not MAS.

Rahsdan and Azman Mokhtar were the expert of WAU and MAS was canibalised. MAS catering Sdn Bhd was put on the silver plater for the brother of Tun Dol or aka Sleepy Head. Thereafter, the food supplied to MAS are of high cost. Please check the price list charged for same beverage for economy, business class and first class. The charges are different but the drinks are the same. please also check on the prices charged for all foods supplied to MAS.

This was the BinaFikir’s idiot doing. Now that bloody crony was talking about disposing non-core assets of MAS. We knew what that crony Rashdan thinks. He is eyeing MAS Engineering, MAS cargo, MAS Academy and other profitable one.

MAS will be finished soon under crony Rashdan and AJ.

YB Ahmad Razif Blog's

YB Ahmad Razif Blog's

Majlis Minum Petang Bersama Persatuan Al-Falah UMT

Posted: 06 Mar 2012 04:32 PM PST

Pada 5 Mac 2012 yang lalu, telah mengadakan Majlis Minum Petang bersama Kumpulan Al-Falah Universiti Malaysia Terengganu di Quinara Al-Safir Resort, Tok Jembal.




Posted: 06 Mar 2012 07:30 PM PST


Posted: 06 Mar 2012 07:28 PM PST
