Chong Chieng Jen's Blog |
- 砂拉越人不欢迎916的集会!
- While Sarawak BN leaders dare not say it, DAP Sarawak, on behalf of Sarawakians, tells Najib that he and his racist 916-Rally is NOT WELCOME in Sarawak
- 行动党呈请愿书 促印尼解决霾害
- Haze: We’re truly sorry, says Indonesian Consul General
- 出钱出力 9月完工 行动党助文莪区建路
- 千名土著涌入晋联邦法院 张健仁:归咎本土政党
Posted: 15 Sep 2015 11:13 PM PDT 民主行动党古晋市国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁谴责 张健仁指出,自马来西亚建国至今,巫统就已是执政联盟的 "在这种情形下,纳吉和巫统还认为需要发动和支持一个大 张氏质疑,目前在马来西亚,是否真的是马来人的尊严受到 张氏认为,916应该是一个由全国各种族、宗教和语言的 他说,明日的集会,已经把马来西亚建国这个916的好日 "不论纳吉支持这项集会的真正用意是啥,这种集会是不会 "因此,我要乘着纳吉今日拜访砂州的当儿,公开的向他放 | ||
Posted: 15 Sep 2015 11:11 PM PDT While Sarawak BN leaders dare not say it, DAP Sarawak, on behalf of Sarawakians, tells Najib that he and his racist 916-Rally is NOT WELCOME in Sarawak (15-9-2015) Najib and UMNO's open endorsement of the 916 Rally for "Malay Dignity" mars the significance of Malaysia Day. Since the formation of Malaysia in 1963, UMNO has been the dominant party in the ruling coalition dictating the nation's key policies and all the past Prime Ministers and Deputy Prime Ministers were and still are Malays. As it is now, all key ministerial portfolios are held by Malay ministers, government departments and large Government-linked companies are controlled by Malays and public universities headed by Malays. As such, it is incomprehensible that Najib and UMNO still see the need to mobilise and support a rally to allegedly defend Malays' dignity. Is Malays' dignity truly under threat in Malaysia or it is merely Najib's position as the Prime Minister under threat? Is the 916 rally truly a rally to defend "Malay Dignity" or just merely a rally to divert the national and international attention on Najib's RM2.6 billion scandal? Why can't Najib and UMNO leave 916, Malaysia Day, alone and untainted? 916 should be a day for all Malaysians, regardless of race, language and religion, to come together as one nation to celebrate the formation of Malaysia, not a day for ONE single race. This UMNO-endorsed 916 rally has turned this auspicious day into a Black Day in the history of Malaysia where the UMNO/BN government is making Malaysia a more divided nation. Whatever that is in the mind of Najib, the endorsement of such a rally based on race is surely not welcome in Sarawak and he who supports such a racist rally is also not welcome in Sarawak. Therefore, since Najib is visiting Sarawak today, I, on behalf of Sarawakian, am openly telling Najib that he and his racist political manoeuvres are not welcome in Sarawak. | ||
Posted: 15 Sep 2015 12:01 AM PDT 《转载自 诗华日报》
(本报古晋14日讯)行动党南砂区国、州议员今日针对烟霾问题向印尼驻古晋领事馆提呈请愿书。 行动党古晋区国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙区州议员张健仁、实旦宾区国会议员陈国彬、浮罗岸区州议员黄庆伟、朋岭区州议员杨薇讳、石角区州议员周宛诗今午针对烟霾问题,前往印尼驻古晋领事馆提呈请愿书,但基于总领事贾哈谷东外出,因此由领事馆经济事务官员亚力山德接收。 签署协议却无动 张健仁向媒体表示,昨日已再三确认,引起烟霾的热点大多都是在印尼境内,相信是因为大型烧芭活动所导致。因此,他在写给印尼领事馆的信中提到,该国在2002年签署了一项有关东盟跨边界烟霾问题的协议,但多年来却看似还未采取实际行动管制烟霾问题。 "签署多年以来,印尼似乎未真正去执行协议阐明的事项。国际协议虽然签署了,但个别国家还是要透过自己的法令去执行。" 他称,过去曾有2间大马种植公司因在印尼进行大型烧芭活动而被罚款。所以此次也向印尼领事馆提出要求,若有大马公司涉及这些不合法的大型烧芭活动时,希望印尼方面将公司资料交给该党,以便向我国政府施压,对这些公司采取行动。 另一方面,印尼驻古晋领事馆经济事务官员亚力山德也在受访时称,将把请愿书交给总领事,然后向该国有关部门报告此事,以便采取相应措施。 | ||
Haze: We’re truly sorry, says Indonesian Consul General Posted: 14 Sep 2015 11:49 PM PDT KUCHING: Indonesia has identified hundreds of hotspots throughout the republic that are blanketing Sarawak and other parts of Malaysia with haze in the past two weeks. Its Consul General here, Jahar Gultom, said President Joko Widodo recently visited South Sumatra to assess the situation and stressed the urgency to douse the fires. "The fire is uncontrollable, but we do not want to surrender just like that. Currently, everybody, from the president and ministers down to the governors, are on the ground to put an end to these fires. "As the consul general here, all I can say on behalf of the Indonesian government is that we are truly sorry for the transboundary haze," said Jahar to The Borneo Post yesterday. He added that the latest major hotspot was in Sulawesi, after Kalimantan and Java. Besides the 'slash-and-burn' clearing methods for plantation, the haze was also due to bush fires, which have spread to forests and national parks in Central Java and South Sulawesi. "The El Nino phenomenon is also a contributing factor to the dry weather, causing bush fires, which can spread very quickly," said Jahar, adding that more assistance from the international community was needed to tackle the issue effectively. Indonesia, he said, was currently renting an aircraft from Australia to water bomb South Sulawesi. "I sincerely think we need more of such aircrafts to water bomb and carry out cloud seeding in affected areas." Local and international non-governmental organisations (NGOs) based in Indonesia, he said, were also providing feedback on how the Indonesian government could tackle the situation. On another note, Jahar said his office had received a letter from the state DAP, highlighting the issue of the transboundary haze. "We have received the letter and understand their concern. The letter will be forwarded to our consulate's headquarters." The letter, he disclosed, also enquired if there were Malaysian plantation companies involved in illegal burning. "If there is, it can only be made known sometime next month, when the police have completed their investigation." Meanwhile, state DAP chairman, Chong Chieng Jen, in his letter stated that for the past two decades, transboundary haze had become an annual problem for Sarawak. "While the oil palm industry in Indonesia is on the upward trend, we, in Sarawak, are made to suffer for the cost of such development," said Chong in the letter. This, he added, was despite the fact that the Indonesian government had signed the Asean Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution since 2002. Chong also highlighted the transboundary haze this year was worse than last year's, as evident by the rescheduling of flights. A satellite image of the hotspots in Kalimantan was also enclosed with the letter to call for more action to being taken in Kalimantan to avoid the recurrence of the 1997 haze problem, when the Air Pollutant Index (API) shot above 600. "We also urge for tough action to be taken against companies whose land and concessionaires areas found to have evidence of illegal burning. Should these companies be found to have any link with Malaysians or Malaysian companies, please feel free to publish their names so that we may also push for action to be taken against them in Malaysia," said Chong. Meanwhile, yesterday's API readings, according to the Malaysian Department of Environment, had Kuching registering an API of between 99 and 117, Kota Samarahan (102-124), Sarikei (103-123), Sri Aman (120-138) and Sibu (86-101) between midnight to 5pm. Other areas in the state recorded an API of moderate levels.An API reading of below 50 is considered Good, 51 – 100 (Moderate), 101 – 200 (Unhealthy), 201-300 (Very Unhealthy), more than 300 (Hazardous), and more than 500 (Emergency). Meanwhile, in Miri, the API reading was 60 on Sunday but rose to 85 as at 4pm yesterday. Department of Environment (DOE) Miri chief, Mohd Fitri Said, said the his office was posting 6-hourly API readings. He urged the public not to do open burning as it would worsen the situation. "The department is monitoring the situation closely. Complaints of open burning activities can be lodged with the department at 085-426994." Meanwhile, the Malaysian Meteorological Department forecasts isolated thunderstorms and rains in various parts of the state in its 7-day weather forecast for the state, which was published on its website. Last week, Indonesia issued an apology to Malaysia for the haze currently blanketing Malaysia and surrounding areas, including Singapore. A report stated that Indonesia's central government had allocated US$1mil to provinces affected by the peat and forest fires. On theBorneopost September 15, 2015, Tuesday | ||
Posted: 13 Sep 2015 12:13 AM PDT 《转载自 诗华日报》 《图片取自砂拉越之梦》 (本报古晋12日讯)在民主行动党"砂拉越之梦"工作队和村民的携手同心工作下,长达6.5公里的建路工程,经过12个月的共同努力后,于今年9月完成。 民主行动党砂州主席张健仁今日在新闻发布会上表示,在建路工程完工后,该路可供文莪区的2个甘榜通车,即甘榜慕阿云(Kampong Muk Ayun)和甘榜锡宾(Kampong Sting)。同时,也可惠及甘榜尼苟(Kampong Nyegol),总共65户家庭将受惠于这条路。 他透露,这3个甘榜是座落在文莪区距离巴达旺市镇30分钟车程的地点。之前,甘榜慕阿云的居民需步行超过1小时,更内部的甘榜锡宾的居民则需要步行2小时,走山间小道,翻山越岭过'空中竹桥'才能到达汽车可行驶的道路。至于更内陆的甘榜尼苟则需步行3小时才可抵达可通车的道路。 居民自掏腰包建路 张健仁说,面对将完全与外界道路隔离的情况下,这些居民于去年10月自掏腰包,一共凑得约8万令吉后,就开始动工开路。直到今年3月,工程未完,但这笔8万令吉却耗尽了。因此,居民们联络行动党要求行动党协助他们继续该工程。 他说,完工后,车辆可直通甘榜慕阿云和甘榜锡宾,但更内部的甘榜尼苟的居民,则仍需从甘榜锡宾步行约1小时的路程。 虽不是柏油路但能通车 "更重要的是,对于孕妇、病人、老人和小孩出入甘榜,也可由汽车载送,不需再步行几个小时。" 张健仁深感到遗憾,砂州政府可以耗费超过3亿令吉委任纳英公司(Naim)兴建文莪水坝,但却不愿意花费几十万令吉为这3个甘榜的居民建一条可通车的小路。 他质问,难道对国阵政府而言,朋党利润真的如此重要,甚至超越人民日常生活的需要? 张也质问,单单在今年,砂州政府就已拨出11亿令吉的拨款供小型乡村发展工程计划。但是,为何却还是没有拨款给这3个甘榜建路?可见,问题并非拨款的数目而是如何使用拨款,以及拨款流失的问题。 | ||
Posted: 12 Sep 2015 11:56 PM PDT
(本报古晋12日讯)针对上千名土著日前涌入古晋法庭联邦法院一事,行动党砂州主席兼古晋区国州议员张健仁直指,此现象的发生乃归咎予砂州本土政党(砂土保党、砂人民党、砂人联党、砂民进党等)一手造成! 他形容,之前上诉庭下判那些土著拥有土著习俗权益,但是砂州政府似乎对之前的判决心有不甘,因而于本月12日将案件上诉到联邦法院。这是一个砂州本土政党剥削砂州人民包括那些土著的最佳证据和例子。 "最近常常有一些人士在提倡本土政党,这与砂人联党20年前的唱调是一样的,所谓西马或全国政党是外来者,就是因为这种唱调,以致后来在本土政党的剥削之下,砂州人的权益每况愈下,最终只有朋党获利。" 张健仁今日在新闻发布会上解释,此案件会掀起上千土著到场支持,本土政党却是罪魁祸首,是它们的所作所为造成! 本土政党剥削砂民 他认为,那些不断提倡本土政党的人士其实是在助纣为虐,并利用这种论调来掩饰本土政党剥削砂州人民的政策。 他指出,当时行动党领袖与公正党的律师皆有在场,就是没有看到一个本土政党的代表在场。 张健仁对此,希望那些本土政党的代表能站出来解释,它们那种侵蚀民权的政策到底是照顾,还是剥削砂州人民的权益。 |
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