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Sesco asked to explain how it calculates arrears Posted: 27 Jul 2016 10:55 PM PDT
KUCHING: DAP state chairman Chong Chieng Jen wants Sesco to explain how arrears are calculated as yet another account holder has been charged exorbitant arrears. He told a press conference yesterday that account holder Chong Siaw Khian was unhappy that Sesco was charging him arrears for two accounts of his. For Account 1, Sesco alleged there were arrears totalling RM6,917.50 due to a defective meter that caused Sesco to lose RM7,467.50 in revenue last year. The meter was replaced in October 2012. Sometime this year, Sesco alleged Account 2 also had arrears, again due to a defective meter. The arrears totalled RM6,387.54 while loss of revenue stood at RM6,937.54. That particular meter was last replaced in October 2013. Noting similarities between Siaw Khian's case and previous ones, Chieng Jen believed the arrears had been derived arbitrarily. "In the last few years, Sesco has been very zealous in changing meters and then demanding arrears caused by alleged meter defects. "We found out that the Meter Department is given a target to meet every year, and their bonuses depended on it. This makes us very worried as to how they calculate arrears in order to meet their target." Chieng Jen, who is also Bandar Kuching MP and Kota Sentosa assemblyman, cited a similar case where the High Court trial had concluded and was awaiting judgement. "Same case. After meter was changed, there was no change in monthly consumption, yet there were arrears," he said. Chieng Jen said if the High Court judge ruled in the account holder's favour, he must impose that Sesco provides a reasonable formula for calculation of arrears. He added that he had written an official letter to Sesco to seek an explanation for Siaw Khian's case. "We will wait for their response before deciding what to do next," he said, adding that Sesco's letter to Siaw Khian did not mention meter tampering but mentioned having 'detected irregularities'. TheBorneoPost July 28,2016 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 27 Jul 2016 10:44 PM PDT ![]() (古晋27日讯)又一古晋市民,在更换电表后接获砂电力公司不合理的追算电费单。 古晋市民张肇坚今向古晋市国会议员张健仁投诉,砂电力公司在2013年10月更换了他店屋3楼的电表,两年后于2016年正月出信指称旧电表有问题,因此,在2013年换电表之前的36个月,该电表少记录了6387令吉的用电,该事主也因此而少还了6387令吉的电费。 事主今日在张健仁的陪同下,出示他从砂电力公司所得到的,其过去几年每个月的用电记录。 该记录非常清楚的显示,更换了新的电表之后,该新电表所记录的用电量,不但没有增加,反而比旧电表所记录的少了70%。 该用电记录显示,换电表之前,该事主的平均每个月的用电量是180令吉,但是,换了新电表之后,他的每月平均用电量则只是50令吉。 以下是更换电表前后8个月的电费:
张健仁代表事主致函给砂电力公司,质疑砂电力公司的追算电费的计算法。 "换电表之后,若电费有增加,那还可说是旧电表有问题少记录了所用的电。 但是,今天这项投诉者的情形是,换了新电表之后,新电表所记录的每月电费很明显的下降很多。 这证明旧电表过去都是记录多了,不是记录少! 因此,砂电力公司不只不应该向有关事主追算少还的电费,反而应该退钱给有关事主!" 也是哥打圣淘沙州议员的张健仁指出,这几年来,砂电力公司非常落力的在换电表,然后就出信指称旧电表有问题,要他们的顾客还几千甚至几万令吉所谓的"旧电表因有问题而少记录到的电费"。 张氏说,砂国阵政府在州议会所通过的《电力供应法令》,赋予砂电力公司权力可以在电表有问题的情况下,随意指说其顾客"少还了一笔数目",在法庭上,电力公司的顾客就必须证明他们没有少还该笔数目。 这种法令的条文,根本就是在给予砂电力公司一柄'上方宝剑',任由砂电力公司鱼肉砂州人民。 张氏透露,砂电力公司在2011年举债150亿令吉,用来建水坝和电缆。 如今,这一部分的债卷已经到期需要偿还了。 因此,砂电力公司非常落力的向砂州人民'狂开刀'来还债。 他说,他在州议会数次提出有关《电力供应法令》条文的不公平。 但是,非常遗憾的是,砂州政府却蓄意包庇砂电力公司,不愿修改有关条文,也不愿约束砂电力公司的计算少还的电费的无限权力。 "今天砂电力公司之所以能够向砂州人民胡乱开刀,归根究底,就是因为砂州政府给予它太大的权力去肆意剥削砂州人民。 砂国阵这些所谓的'本土政党',就是剥削砂州人民的罪魁祸首。" 张健仁透露,之前他已针对另一宗类似的案件入禀高庭。 在审讯中,电力公司的职员更透露,砂电力公司对他们这些查电表的部门,每年皆有设立一个该部门所必须替公司收到多少收入的目标,他们的年底花红将取决于他们是否能达到那目标。 张氏说,在电力公司有设下这类目标的情况下,它将使人民更加没有保障。 因为砂电力公司的职员,有者极有可能因为了要达到目标拿花红,而胡乱计算那"旧电表因为有问题而少记录到的电费"的数目,逼使砂电力公司的顾客们啃死猫。 "目前,我所处理的有关高庭案件已审讯完毕,在等法官下判。 若法庭判决砂电力公司必须有一个合理的计算方程式,而非可以肆意胡乱计算这'少记录到的电费'的数目,那对成千上万的平民百姓都更加有保障,这也可钳制砂电力公司的一些权力,阻止后者的滥权。" |
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