Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

Guru Acuan Generasi Idaman

Posted: 16 May 2012 09:04 AM PDT


Semua orang mengidamkan masyarakat yang maju, aman, makmur, beradab dan berakhlak mulia. Ramai yang mahu keselesaan hidup, kebersihan yang terjaga, indah pemandangan, bersih dan nyaman udara. Teknologi tinggi memudahkan urusan, mendekatkan yang jauh, mengeratkan lagi silaturrahim.

     Keadaan itu tidak akan datang menggolek begitu sahaja.Tanpa usaha. Tanpa perancangan.Tanpa dicorak dengan sengaja. Andaikata sudah ada hasil yang di tetapkan.Mana acuan yang akan mencorak hasil tersebut? Kalau mahu kuih bahulu, mana acuan bahulunya?

Itulah yang saya maksudkan dengan proses mencapai satu tamaddun dunia yang boleh dibanggakan zaman berzaman kita memerlukan satu acuan. Untuk mewujudkan negeri yang idaman, kita mesti dahulu melahirkan generasi berkualiti@idaman. Untuk melahirkan generasi insan berprestij tinggi dan berkemampuan optima untuk memungkinkan penggilapan potensi manusiawi yang dibekalkan kepadanya oleh Penciptanya maka acuannya harus disediakan. Acuan yang akan mencorak bentuk idaman. 

Yang mempunyai kapasiti untuk membentuk ialah guru-guru. Guru dilatih untuk mendidik manusia. Sekurang-kurang inilah teorinya. 'Core business' atau kerja utama para guru ialah membentuk rebung- yang mudah dilentur agar menjadi insan yang benar-benar jitu sifat keinsanannya.Bukan semakin tumbuh dan berkembang tubuh badan yang fizikalnya, yang semakin meningkat hanyalah sifat ke'haiwanan' bahkan lebih teruk daripada itu seperti yang diingatkan dalam ayat 179 surah al A'raf.

Inilah yang menyebabkan kepincangan, kerosakkan, kemusnahan harta benda, keruntuhan keluarga, permusuhan hingga peperangan apabila tuntutan fizikal semata-mata menjadi rebutan tanpa mengambilkira keperluan asas yang lain seperti keperluan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan rohani dan akal. Kekurangan gizi rohani akan mengakibatkan penyakit parah yang sukar dikesan zahirnya tetapi memberi natijah dahsyat yang menyebab timbul masalah sosial di atas.

Akal yang kurang diguna dan hanya berfungsi minima akan menyebab merudumnya sebuah masyarakat yang sepatutnya mencapai satu 'benchmark' budaya berilmu dan beradab yang tinggi.Akal yang tidak dilatih untuk berfikir secara kritis,analytikal akan gagal membeza di antara yang baik dan buruk, yang hak dan batil, yang mendatangkan dosa dan menambahkan pahala. 
Akal yang tidak dirangsang sepenuhnya tidak akan mampu menyelesaikan masalah kerana tidak ada daya kreatif dan kecerdasan praktikal untuk menggunakan sumber yang Allah sediakan walaupun di depan mata dan dalam lingkaran kediamannya sendiri.

   Ketidakseimbangan pembangunan elemen-elemen asas ini adalah penyebab asas kenapa remaja menjadi manusia liar yang bertindak ganas, destruktif dan membazir tenaga muda yang sepatutnya boleh dilorongkan ke arah membina masyarakat dan membantu menambah kualiti hidup masyarakatnya!Sepatutnya tenaga kuat digunakan untuk mengindahkan taman, menambah prasarana dan membersihkan halaman dan mengurangkan keperluan kepada buruh asing!

  Pengupayaan guru sebagai acuan keramat yang dituang adunan tangan ibubapa serta masyarakat sekeliling adalah faktor kritikal ke arah melahirkan khaira ummah. Justeru guru sebagai pemangkin amat penting dalam pelan pembangunan ummat. Seharusnya, guru di beri visi dan misi yang jelas untuk pastikan mereka bersama dalam menyokong dan mendokong misi tersebut.
Guru yang mempunyai wawasan yang jelas dan diberi pembelaan yang sewajarnya dan diletak dalam kerangka pelan tindakan pelan ummah yang sewajarnya akan menyerlah potensi diri dan pasti akan bangkit membuktikan kemampuan diri. Naluri guru sebagai pendidik akan mencurah khidmat bakti yang terbaik untuk mewariskan segala ilmu, kemahiran dan kebolehan untuk melihat bangsanya muncul ummat terbilang. Guru yang futuristik akan sentiasa dahaga kemajuan dan kecemerlangan murid. Guru yang mulia akhlaknya akan terubat dengan budi pekerti anak didiknya yang mencuri perhatian dan mendapat pengiktirafan.
   Guru yang sedar dan faham nilai tugasnya akan melakukannya dengan bukan sahaja jasad/ fizikal tetapi memusatkan roh, akal,emosinya ke arah membentuk dan mencorak insan muda yang di amanahkan kepadanya dengan penuh kasih sayang dan tumpuan. Ia menerima kerjaya mulianya itu sebagai satu ibadah. Mesti dilakukan dengan cara terbaik untuk mempastikan PENILAI SEBENAR yakni ALLAH swt memberi markah paling banyak kepadanya untuk memenangi kasih sayangNya. 

   Hilang penat lelah guru melihat anak muridnya berjaya menjadi orang hebat.Bahkan ia rela anak muridnya lebih hebat daripada dirinya. Guru yang panjang akal akan mahu menuai hasil titik peluhnya bukan sekadar menunggu upah kerdil hujung bulan....Beliau melabur untuk generasi akan datang. Guru murabbi mahu bentuk insan rabbani. Guru yang bersifat ehsan akan melestarikan kesan pengaruh untuk memacu kejayaan dunia hingga akhirat. Guru muttaqin mahu melahir ummat yang bakal mewarisi Al Firdaus.

  Guru penjana generasi idaman.  
       Guru Penyayang Guru Disayang

Selamat Hari Guru

Terima kasih, cikgu!



Posted: 16 May 2012 06:56 AM PDT

Ensuring free and fair elections

By P. Gunasegaram

Just as justice has to be seen to be done, so must elections be seen to be just.

IF we cut through the noise and the chase, we will agree that all right-thinking Malaysians want free and fair elections so that they can elect the government of their choice without anyone depriving them of that right by foul means.

The Government says it wants it, the Opposition wants it and the people want it too — everybody wants free, fair and clean elections.

If that's the case then there's no problem. All it takes is for the election authorities to do the needful.

The divide arises because the Government and the Elections Commission (EC) maintain that all is fair and well, while the Opposition and a large section of the population do not, maintaining in particular that the electoral rolls are being manipulated by the addition of illegal immigrants.

It does not help too that there were attempts to hastily amend the election laws, a move which has been subsequently withdrawn.

There is only one way to bridge the divide. The EC has to not only ensure but show that all the actions that it takes are in furtherance of free and fair elections.

Only then can it restore confidence in the electoral system and assure the public that the elections will indeed be free, fair and clean.

Here are 10 ways that the EC can promote free and fair elections and be seen to be doing so:

1. Keep electoral rolls open for inspection at all times. Not only should the EC do this but it should promptly respond to and give explanations for anomalies that have been brought to its attention. This should be done publicly.

2. Inform those whose constituencies have been changed promptly. If for whatever reason, a person's constituency has been changed, then the EC must inform the constituent immediately and explain clearly the need for the change. That will help clear any confusion immediately.

3. Ensure that all parties continue to have a right to observe the election process. Observers from all parties must always have the right to have their representatives present in the polling booth to ensure that elections are held according to the law. Under no circumstances must such rights be taken away.

4. Count ballots in the polling booths in the presence of observers. This is the best way to ensure that there is no stuffing of ballot boxes as counting can begin as soon as polling is over in the presence of observers. This is how it has been done in the past and there is no need to change it.

5. Open polling of armed forces and police personnel to observation. Even if polling takes place in security areas, observers must be allowed in to monitor the polling process to ensure that there is no pressure put on them by their superiors to vote en-bloc for a particular candidate.

6. Have safeguards to ensure postal ballots are tamper-proof. This will entail amongst others sealing ballot boxes in the presence of independent observers and opening them in the presence of other independent observers too.

7. Allow election observers from accredited agencies. If our elections are free and fair, what's there to hide? Let anyone from anywhere come and observe the elections and see for themselves how fair and free it is.

8. Move towards automatic voter registration. Considering that each adult Malaysian has an electronic identity card, it is inexplicable why automatic voter registration based on the MyKad is yet to be implemented.

9. Ensure fair media time for all parties. Considering that most mainstream media is dominated by parties friendly to the ruling government, it is necessary to ensure that there is fairer election coverage so that Malaysians can vote on a true and fair representation of the facts.

10. Lengthen the campaign period. The campaign period should be lengthened to at least a month so that major issues are given enough time for a proper airing and the public have enough time to make up their minds over who they want to vote for.

An election is not just about processes but about confidence too.

The Malaysian public and the international community must have the confidence that they can rely on the election results.

If for any reason that confidence is lacking, then it is up the EC to take measures to ensure that confidence returns.

The only way it can do that is to take the right actions and be totally transparent about them.

Independent consultant and writer P. Gunasegaram likes this quote from James Freeman Clarke: A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.

Source: http://thestar.com.my/columnists/story.asp?file=/2012/5/16/columnists/questiontime/11296765&sec=questiontime



Guan Eng declines to counter-attack Tunku Aziz

Posted: 16 May 2012 01:09 AM PDT

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Melepaskan Konvoi Surau Al-Istiqamah Ke Pengkalan Balak, Melaka Berehlah

Posted: 16 May 2012 04:06 PM PDT

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang


Posted: 16 May 2012 05:59 PM PDT






Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

DAP Is Big Enough For Tunku Abdul Aziz To Remain As National Vice-Chair And Accomodate His Irreconciliable Differences With The DAP (en/bm/cn)

Posted: 15 May 2012 06:51 PM PDT

Press Conference Statement by DAP Secretary-General And Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng In Komtar, George Town on 15.5.2012

DAP Is Big Enough For Tunku Abdul Aziz To Remain As National Vice-Chair And Accomodate His Irreconciliable Differences With The DAP On Bersih's Quest To Conduct A Sit-In Protest In Dataran Merdeka To Press For Clean Elections.

When announcing his resignation from DAP, Senator Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim cited "irreconcilable differences" with the party leadership in dissenting with DAP's official position to support Bersih 3.0 to conduct a peaceful sit-in protest in Dataran Merdeka to press for clean, free and fair elections. DAP is big enough for Tunku Abdul Aziz to remain as National Vice-Chair and accomodate his" irreconciliable differences" with the DAP on Bersih's quest to conduct a sit-in protest in Dataran Merdeka to press for clean elections

Malaysiakini reported Tunku Abdul Aziz as saying his open disagreement with DAP made Tunku himself choose not to be re-nominated as a senator for Penang when his term expired on 30 May 2012, and stated that he was not sacked from his Dewan Negara’s post by DAP. Tunku Aziz had also suggested to the party leadership that DAP should subject him to the “same disciplinary procedure as any other party member” for his dissent. As disciplinary action from DAP was not forthcoming he had decided to resign from the DAP to avoid further embarrassment.

I would like to express my sadness at Tunku's announcement. DAP believes in freedom of speech and that every member and leader has a right to differ. I don’t agree that any disciplinary action should be taken against Tunku for differing with the party on Bersih’s right to do the sit-in protest in Dataran Merdeka.

Indeed there was general unhappiness at all levels in the party that he openly went against the party official position on Bersih before the rally on 28 April and also after. However, just as Tunku has the right to openly voice his dissent, the party's right to state its position on such a fundamental policy position as Bersih must also be respected. The party did not punish Tunku for voicing his dissent openly nor at any stage asked him to leave or resign.

I feel sad about Tunku wanting to leave the party because of differences over Bersih. After all Tunku had joined DAP because DAP offered a platform to promote integrity and fight corruption. DAP's performance in government after winning power in Penang in 2008 has been walking the talk in promoting integrity and fighting corruption.

Penang Pakatan Rakyat has taken the lead with open competitive tenders, open disclosure of government contracts and public declaration of assets by leaders. Not only Transparency International and the Auditor-General Report praised Penang's financial performance, even former MCA President Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik praised Penang for performing well and been clean from corruption.

Despite Tunku open dissent, the DAP leadership does not want him to leave the party but remain as DAP Vice-Chair. I hope we can resolve whatever differences within the party in the spirit of comradeship. I will contact Tunku to see him to discuss with him and hope he can change his mind about leaving the party.

—-BM Version—-
Kenyataan Akhbar oleh Setiausaha Agung DAP dan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng di Komtar, George Town pada 15.5.2012

DAP Memberi Ruang Yang Luas Dan Tempat Untuk Tunku Abdul Aziz Sebagai Naib Pengerusi Kebangsaan Serta Boleh Menerima Perbezaan Pendapat Dengan DAP Berkenaan Usaha Bersih Untuk Membuat Protes "Duduk-Bantah" Di Dataran Merdeka Untuk Menuntut Pilihan Raya Bersih.

Apabila mengumumkan perletakan jawatannya daripada DAP, Senator Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim telah menyatakan "perbezaan pendapat" sebagai sebab, atas perselisihan dengan pendirian rasmi DAP untuk menyokong Bersih 3.0 dan menyertai protes "duduk-bantah" di Dataran Merdeka untuk menuntut pilihan raya bersih, bebas dan adil. DAP memberi ruang yang luas dan tempat untuk Tunku Abdul Aziz untuk kekal sebagai Naib Pengerusi Kebangsaan serta boleh menerima perbezaan pendapat dengan DAP atas usaha Bersih untuk membuat protes "duduk-bantah" di Dataran Merdeka untuk menuntut pilihan raya bersih.

Mengikut laporan Malaysiakini, Tunku Abdul Aziz telah menyatakan bahawa akibat perselisihan pendapat secara terbuka dengan DAP, beliau sendiri tindak ingin dicalonkan semula sebagai senator Pulau Pinang selepas tamat tempoh perkhidmatannya pada 30 Mei 2012, dan juga menyatakan bahawa beliau tidak diberhentikan daripada jawatannya dalam Dewan Negara oleh DAP. Tunku Aziz juga telah mencadangkan kepada pimpinan parti supaya "mengambil tindakan tatatertib yang setimpal dengan ahli-ahli lain" kerana menyuarakan pendapatnya yang berbeza. Oleh sebab tindakan tatatertib tidak diambil, beliau mengambil keputusan untuk letak jawatan daripada DAP untuk mengelakkan malu.

Saya ingin menyatakan kedukacitaan terhadap pengumuman Tunku. DAP percaya dalam prinsip kebebasan untuk bersuara dan setiap ahli dan pemimpin mempunyai hak untuk berbeza pendapat. Saya tidak setuju bahawa tindakan tatatertib harus diambil ke atas Tunku kerana berbeza pendapat dengan parti atas hak Bersih untuk melakukan protes "duduk-bantah" di Dataran Merdeka.

Sememangnya terdapat rasa tidak puas hati di kalangan ahli-ahli parti di setiap tahap kerana beliau telah mengambil pendirian terbuka yang bertentangan dengan parti dalam isu Bersih sebelum dan juga selepas perhimpunan pada 28 April. Namun begitu, jika Tunku berhak untuk menyuarakan pendapatnya yang berbeza, hak parti untuk menyatakan pendirian dalam isu dasar yang asas ini harus dihormati juga. Parti tidak sesekalipun mengambil apa-apa tindakan terhadap Tunku kerana menyuarakan perbezaan pendapatnya atau pun meminta agar beliau keluar atau letak jawatannya.

Saya berasa dukacita kerana Tunku ingin keluar dari parti disebabkan perbezaan pendapat dalam isu Bersih. Hakikatnya, Tunku telah memasuki DAP kerana DAP menawarkan pentas untuk mempromosikan integriti dan melawan rasuah. Prestasi DAP dalam kerajaan selepas mengambil alih Pulau Pinang pada tahun 2008 jelas telah membuktikan bahawa kami mempromosikan integriti dan melawan rasuah.

Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang telah mempelopori usaha integriti dan anti-rasuah melalui tender terbuka, pendedahan terbuka kontrak-kontrak kerajaan dan pengisytiharan harta oleh pemimpin-pemimpin. Bukan sahaja Transparency International malah Laporan Ketua Audit Negara juga telah memuji prestasi kewangan Pulau Pinang. Bahkan bekas presiden MCA Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik juga telah memuji Pulau Pinang kerana prestasi yang baik dan bersih daripada rasuah.

Walaupun beliau telah berbeza pendapat secara terbuka, kami tidak ingin beliau meninggalkan parti dan sebaliknya ingin beliau terus menjadi Naib Pengerusi DAP. Saya harap kita boleh menyelesaikan apa-apa perbezaan pendapat secara dalaman dan dengan semangat kesetiakawanan. Saya akan menghubungi beliau untuk berjumpa dan berbincang dengannya atas harapan beliau akan bertukar fikiran dan tidak keluar dari parti.

—-Mandarin Version—-











Suara Sri Andalas

Suara Sri Andalas

Selangor Mulls Legal Action if Putrajaya Refuses to Solve Water Stalemate

Posted: 15 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT

SHAH ALAM, May 15 — Selangor has threatened to take Datuk Seri Peter Chin Fah Kui to court if the energy, green technology and water minister refuses to use his ministerial powers to break the deadlock over the statutory transfer of water assets in the state to the federal government.

Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim's administration has tussled with water concessionaires in the state and Putrajaya over the valuation of assets such as pipelines, dams and treatment plants since Pakatan Rakyat (PR) first took over Selangor in 2008.

But the Selangor mentri besar told The Malaysian Insider recently he is prepared to take the Barisan Nasional (BN) federal administration to court if it refuses to agree to take the transfer of assets, compulsory under a law passed in 2006, to international arbitration.

"The law gives him the power. We will get a judicial review. The minister needs to do something but he need not act in favour of anybody," Khalid (picture) said when asked what he would do if Putrajaya refuses to go to international arbitration as suggested by Selangor for over a year.

The Ijok assemblyman said in an exclusive interview he was waiting for a reply from Chin after writing to the minister in late April, adding that "I don't think they are chickening out but we are forcing the issue."

Section 114(1) of the Water Services Industry Act (WSIA) allows the minister to assume complete or partial control of concessionaires in the interest of the nation, and "shall not be challenged, appealed against, reviewed, quashed or questioned in any court".

The law requires the centralising of all water assets except those in Sabah and Sarawak to make water supply management more efficient but Umno-linked water concessionaires Puncak Niaga and Syabas have repeatedly rejected offers from the state.

Both are controlled by Tan Sri Rozali Ismail, who is Selangor Umno treasurer and the 31st richest man in Malaysia, according to Forbes.

The state government has made three previous offers for the water assets. The first offer, RM5.7 billion for assets and equity, was turned down by all four concessionaires in the state, while the second RM9.4 billion offer — this time including liabilities — was rejected by Syabas and Puncak Niaga.

A third offer worth RM9 billion for a 100 per cent takeover of all four companies in January last year was also rejected.

Putrajaya has also dismissed Selangor's valuation of RM11 billion for all the assets including the 80 per cent the state government says it already owns, saying the federal government's Water Asset Management Company (PAAB) will only pay RM1.1 billion.

Selangor has asked Putrajaya for over a year now to allow the matter to be brought to international arbitration as the various parties cannot agree on the valuation of the assets.

"WSIA says implement and now there are some worries about not being fair, then international arbitration is the answer," the Bandar Tun Razak MP said in the interview.

The PKR-led state government has said that resolving water asset impasse is crucial to continue its free water scheme and head off tariff hikes.

It currently writes off the first 20 cubic metres used by some four million consumers in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya.

But PR has accused the federal government of stalling the process at the expense of the Selangor public by bailing out water concessionaires with a RM6.5 billion takeover of outstanding debts owed by the companies in 2010.

"Again the federal government is bailing out private companies, so why not just make a deal with the state?" Khalid asked.

The mentri besar said he wants to solve the issue before his mandate expires in a year.

He also told The Malaysian Insider he would not hold elections until the second half of the year, which would deny Datuk Seri Najib Razak the chance to win back the country's richest state and help cement his hold on power.

Observers say the prime minister needs to improve on Election 2008, during which BN lost a record 82 federal seats and five state governments and only a return to its customary two-thirds majority of Parliament would guarantee his survival.

Source: TheMalaysianInsider

Direct Free Kick

Direct Free Kick

Selamat Menyambut Hari Guru

Posted: 15 May 2012 08:10 PM PDT

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on TO SAVE MAS AJ, Rashdan, Shane Nollan, Rozman, Azhari, Datuk Azman Yahya, Datuk Rohana & others must be OUT by Kunyit Hidup

Posted: 16 May 2012 08:05 AM PDT

Prior to the achievable new Business Plan, MAS shall:

1. Do the crackdown as mentioned by YB Wee. Get rid of the trio, AA cronies and most of BOD.
2. Dry-clean all the remaining Panamera deadwoods, particularly in HC.
3. Untangle all unfavourable contracts with service providers (catering, rentals, vendors etc)
4. Assess decisions by internal talent before appointing consultants.
5. Seriously look into REVENUE and PRODUCT instead of merely cost-cutting.

Tan Sri Aziz is not the best aviation-man on the planet but undoubtedly the most sincere MD so far. Welcome back as one of BOD, Chairman or replacing Sleepyhead.

Comment on TO SAVE MAS AJ, Rashdan, Shane Nollan, Rozman, Azhari, Datuk Azman Yahya, Datuk Rohana & others must be OUT by Anonymous

Posted: 16 May 2012 07:27 AM PDT


when Parliment resume on June, pls push all the answer as per earlier request BUT i also would like u to ask on the following

1. QPR – has the agreement with QPR been signed? i get first hand info that until now MAS yet to sign the agreement as the former boss in legal dept never see the agreement as our corporate policy all agreement must be vetted by legal prior to execution
2. under which authority that allow danny the swear nanny allowing him to use MAS money to pay QPR. as per our CAAM, this nanny don’t even hv authority to approve payment even below RM 5 mil yet just take a flight and sedekah RM18 mil for QPR. bro, MAS bukan bapak lu punya company la….

Comment on TO SAVE MAS AJ, Rashdan, Shane Nollan, Rozman, Azhari, Datuk Azman Yahya, Datuk Rohana & others must be OUT by Sam

Posted: 16 May 2012 06:35 AM PDT

Says setuju, tan Sri aziz sebagai chairman. Syed zainal as new BOD. Tak pErlu MD, CEO cukup.

Comment on TO SAVE MAS AJ, Rashdan, Shane Nollan, Rozman, Azhari, Datuk Azman Yahya, Datuk Rohana & others must be OUT by dragonlord

Posted: 16 May 2012 05:57 AM PDT

Dear YB Wee & MAS die hard fan, lets start the campaign to bring back Tan Sri Aziz Abdul Rahman & Datuk Bashir Ahmad into MAS. With this two guys on board, MAS with fly high & i’m sure MAS employees will give them the undivided support.

Comment on TO SAVE MAS AJ, Rashdan, Shane Nollan, Rozman, Azhari, Datuk Azman Yahya, Datuk Rohana & others must be OUT by Pak Pandir II

Posted: 16 May 2012 03:58 AM PDT

Yeah! the Government of the day must bring back the humble, soft-spoken Tan Sri Aziz, pronto! Bring back also Tan Sri Bashir and make them CEO, Board Member or whatever. I’m sure they would easily outshine the Trios!!!
At the very least, these are true aviation professionals whom the entire citizenship of MAS will not find any problem to rally around them to rebuild their airline.

Certainly, the current hare-brained Management who hurriedly engaged PlaneConsult to inculcate LCC mentalities into their workforce (in a manner similar to yesteryears’ KL minibusus operation) has no idea how to run a premium full-service airlines!!!!

No wonder the Trios were are not getting support from staff who saw them as a bunch of clowns and fools. Trust in the current Management is ZILTCH!!

The national Icon need people with high integrity to gain staff’s trust and buy-in. Those parachuted in do not have such qualities for they are known to bow and kowtow to the whim and fancies of the Pariah, Penjarah and Pengkianat Negara.

Corporate governance is only lip-service, imposed on lowly ranking staff but impervious to those high and mighty who favours the Pariah. Now, dont even think of equating the Pariah as modern day’s Robin Hood coz the Pariah does not differentiate and squanders from both, the rich as well as abject poor.

MAS need qualities like those found in Syed Zainal of Proton and his likes! Definitely NOT Nanny Danny….. no matter how many times he play with his handphone “Sumpah Laknat”. And to think that the nanny upgarder share his origin from the same state of YB Wee, the true and gentle Cik Siti Wan Kembang!! What a pathetic disgrace!!!

AJ? He is no better!!! Respect must be earned, and he is not worthy of any from the workforce he had conveniently blamed as “unproductive”.

So for all your own high productivity AJ, what have you to be proud of? One after another UNCLEAR and OPAGUE Business Plans??? At the rate you are spinning them up, you may well have achieved the new World Record!!!!

Comment on TO SAVE MAS AJ, Rashdan, Shane Nollan, Rozman, Azhari, Datuk Azman Yahya, Datuk Rohana & others must be OUT by Pak Jala

Posted: 15 May 2012 10:29 PM PDT

Ya Alah, “Manusia” seperti Azman Mokhtar dan Azman Yahya juga perlu letak jawatan dengan segera. Mereka ni lah yang perlu memikul segala tanggung jawab untuk share swap dan keadaan dalam MAS sekarang. Mereka sudah hilang maruahnya. Tak layak nak memengang jawatan lagi. Kebanyakan pekerja-pekerja MAS adalah orang Melayu. sampai akhirat aku tak akan maafkan gulungan Tingkat 4, Azman Mokhtar, Azman Yahya, Nor Yakop bekas Menteri Kewnagan II, Rashdan, Md Nor Yusof, Pariah dan kuncunya seperti Rozman Omar, Azhari, Nor Zalida.


Comment on TO SAVE MAS AJ, Rashdan, Shane Nollan, Rozman, Azhari, Datuk Azman Yahya, Datuk Rohana & others must be OUT by Razak of MAS

Posted: 15 May 2012 10:18 PM PDT

Agreed! Agreed! Agreed! AJ, Rashdan the Amok’s crony and maid upgrader, Shane Nollan, Rozman, Azhari, Datuk Azman Yahya and Nor Zalida are the key persons that must be thrown out of MAS. This is the pre-requisite to turn around MAS.

With them running amok in MAS, MAS staffs will never co-operate as there is no more trust left for them. They have shown their acts of taking care of AirAsia’s interest rather than MAS. Just look no furhter than the Re-Accommodation Ageement with AirAsia X to uplift its 35,000 passengers. The fares were rock bottom and I believe that MAS will be making losses for AirAsia X. No management in the right mind would sign such an agreement under such circumstances.It would appear that MAS need the favour from AirAsia X when it was the reverse.

Furthermore, AJ didn’t enforce the agreement when AirAsia X did not pay up the RM31 million on 31-3-2012 or soon thereafter. Even if the RM31 million was paid, I very much doubt it would be able to cover all the cost of uplifting the 35,000 passengers. AJ would prefer to give special fares to AirAsia X rather than MAS own loyal customers.

Do we really need such a Group CEO like AJ? Definitely NO.Please get out of our sight. Have a bit of “maruah”. This is not the way to take “gaji buta” and spoil your reputation budak suruhan AJ. You still have a little bit more time to call it quit otherwise MAS staffs will literally throw you out of MAS in DISGRACE. This is a promise and not a threat.

Don’t try us. You have tried MAS staff for almost 9 months. Sudah cukup budak suruhan yang tiada maruah. malu kepada bangsa dan agama. Letak jawatan dengan segera. Kami tidak mahu nampak bayang puak2 pengkianak di dalam MAS.


Comment on TO SAVE MAS AJ, Rashdan, Shane Nollan, Rozman, Azhari, Datuk Azman Yahya, Datuk Rohana & others must be OUT by SIdek of MAS

Posted: 15 May 2012 08:58 PM PDT

AJ, Rashdan, Datuk Azman Yahya, Rozman Omar, Azhari Dahlan, Shane Nollan and PlaneConsult must immediately FO from MAS. There is no two ways about.

We ca no longer tolerate them in MAS. They are the major stumbling block for the progress and turning around of MAS. They are put in MAS to facilitate the “principles” of share swap as planned by the Little Napoleons in Khazanah.

Azman Mokhtar must take full responsibility for screwing up MAS by installing his crony Rashdan to do the cannibalisation job. Rashdan has succeeded in killing Firefly which was build by all the hearts of the staff and the previous management.

We were unhappy with the past managements under Tengku Azmil, Idris Jala, Tajudin and others but we can live and work with them. AS for AJ and the other cronies of the pariah, we regret that we cannot even sit in the same room or building with them.

There is not a little of trust left for them. AJ and gang, if you want to leave with whatever honour is left, please get out NOW. Otherwise you and gang will leave in DISGRACE.

Comment on TO SAVE MAS AJ, Rashdan, Shane Nollan, Rozman, Azhari, Datuk Azman Yahya, Datuk Rohana & others must be OUT by Kikikat

Posted: 15 May 2012 08:58 PM PDT

For a long time Tan Sri Aziz’s views were never aired/published on mainstream media, in fact it seemed like the Govt had blacked him out after they tossed him aside to make way for Tajuddin Ramli. Now we see him pretty often in the papers n on tv. I wonder if the Govt have now come to their senses n plan to take him in again to rescue the company that he had nurtured so sincerely all those years ago since now they are giving attention to him after so long…. I pray that it is so, for the sake of our beloved national carrier….

Comment on TO SAVE MAS AJ, Rashdan, Shane Nollan, Rozman, Azhari, Datuk Azman Yahya, Datuk Rohana & others must be OUT by Pak Belalang

Posted: 15 May 2012 08:40 PM PDT

Dear YB Wee Sir,

I am sure that the entire population of MAS except for AJ, Danny, Rosman, Azhari, Shane, Zahida, Zahrah and all AK Infiltrators plus the newly appointed BOD members including Azman Yahya, Rohanna, Krishnen Tan, Wan Azmi are pissed off with you and the unions/associations of MAS for making public their conduct and conflict of interest against MAS.

As for MASEU, I know that their members are most unhappy with the continued presence of all the “pirates” in MAS, except of course their top leaders who have abandoned them to the "marauding wolves".

As reported by the press, Alias and Malik even has the cheek to imply that they had a role in the joint proposal presented to MAS Board after Md Nor had given all the employees groups 2 days to do so! What a gross misrepresentation of facts!

Instead, they were very quick in meeting the press to announce that the "union of 20,000" employees fully support the TRIOs. What a "FLIP-FLOP!!!"
Mana ada integriti punya union leadership mah!!!!

Maybe YB Wee can ask MoHR in Parliament if MASEU really have that much members? If not what is the breakdown?




Posted: 15 May 2012 07:15 PM PDT




Posted: 16 May 2012 01:58 AM PDT

Lim Kit Siang

Lim Kit Siang

Tunku Aziz – lets move on in our separate but still common destiny to create a clean Malaysia which upholds integrity, human rights and the just rule of law

Posted: 16 May 2012 02:51 AM PDT

I would have been the first to welcome any change of mind by Tunku Abdul Aziz about his resignation as DAP National Vice Chairman and DAP member but I fully respect his decision if his mind is set on resignation. Over the decades, I have known Tunku Aziz as a man of principle and integrity [...]

A free press is essential to democracy

Posted: 16 May 2012 02:42 AM PDT

— Dennis Ignatius The Malaysian Insider May 16, 2012 MAY 16 — Marina Mahathir, one of our nation's most inspiring figures, recently wrote how her article in The Star was spiked for fear of incurring the wrath of the powers that be. As a columnist for the same newspaper myself, I understand Marina's angst. Recently, [...]

Guan Eng declines to counter-attack Tunku Aziz

Posted: 16 May 2012 12:40 AM PDT

Malaysiakini May 16, 2012 Despite the personal attacks launched by former senator and DAP vice-chairperson Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has chosen not to retaliate. Lim, in a press statement, said that he had received Tunku's resignation letter from the DAP yesterday, and has attempted to contact the latter [...]

Tak payah guna kepala, sekarang guna punggung pula

Posted: 16 May 2012 12:21 AM PDT

— Aspan Alias The Malaysian Insider May 16, 2012 16 MEI — Saya berasa geli hati dengan gelagat Umno yang kian hari kian memalukan. Pagi semalam sekumpulan penyokong parti itu telah berbaris dihadapan kediaman Ambiga Sreenevasan, Pengerusi Bersih, dengan menonggeng dan menunjukkan bontot kepada rumah Ambiga. Umno sudah menjadi parti lawak dan telah benar-benar jatuh [...]

Burgers and butts incidents reflect on nation’s leaders

Posted: 16 May 2012 12:08 AM PDT

JD Lovrenciear | May 15, 2012 Malaysiakini Do you laugh or do you lose sleep? Do you cry or do you spit venom? Indeed the antics staged by the followers of their political patrons clearly indicate that the very party leadership of these stooges who are into burger protests and butt protests in front of [...]

Piow With You 文标与你

Piow With You 文标与你


Posted: 15 May 2012 10:41 PM PDT




Posted: 15 May 2012 10:37 PM PDT

