Ahad, 4 September 2011

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

SOMALIA: MANGSA ANJURAN KELAB PUTERA 1 MALAYSIA: Siapa di belakang promosi 1Malaysia?

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 08:44 AM PDT

Somali mission survivors say no bulletproof vests, training

September 04, 2011
Noramfaizul's casket being removed from the transport plane at Subang airbase today September 1 2011. — Picture by Choo Choy May
SUBANG, Sept 4 — Young journalists who covered a non-governmental organisation's fatal humanitarian mission to Somalia said they were not given full training or bulletproof vests in Africa's deadliest country for media personnel. Bernama TV cameraman Noramfaizul Mohd Nor was killed in the Somali capital of Mogadishu last Friday when African Union peacekeepers allegedly shot at a four-wheel drive in which six mission members, including the 39-year-old, were travelling.
Astro Awani reporter Tan Su Lin, who was in the same truck with Noramfaizul during the shooting, said she was not trained on how to cover hostile zones.
"We were told it's very dangerous, life-threatening," Tan told reporters at the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) base here today.
"(But we did not get) bulletproof vests...our car was not marked media. It was just a four-wheel drive," she added.
The 27-year-old reporter also said that the mission organised by the Putera 1 Malaysia Club — which provided aid to famine-stricken Somalia from August 28 — was her first war-zone assignment.
"There were a lot of soldiers...you see people (walking) around with AK47s and you don't feel anything. At night, you hear gunshots," said Tan, who has four years' experience in journalism.
She added that the shooting happened when the four-wheel drive — which carried six pressmen — was leaving a hotel that hosted the medical team to the media team's hostel just five minutes away.
"At the corner near our compound, I heard a very loud bang sound. Aji (Saregar Mazlan) was holding his arm... he was in pain. There was blood. The late Noramfaizul was leaning on his (Aji's) right shoulder. There was a bullet hole in the right window," said the reporter from satellite giant Astro's news channel.
Tan also said Noramfaizul — who worked in national news agency Bernama for 11 years — was the media team leader. "It was great knowing him through this mission."
Aji, a 27-year-old TV3 cameraman who was injured through a gunshot, said he was sad at Noramfaizul's death.
"I saw a hole in the late Noramfaizul's right shoulder...he fell on me," he told reporters, with a bandage around his right arm.
"I got basic training (before the mission)," added the reporter from the Umno-owned broadcaster, but did not specify the contents of the training.
Melissa Ong, a 27-year-old NTV7 newscaster and reporter, said the mission team always travelled in a convoy with other armed vehicles.
"A car would be guarding us with M16s, AK47s. Some of us sat in a bulletproof car; we rotate," said Ong, who has three years' experience in journalism.
Like Tan, Ong said the Somali mission was her first assignment in a conflict zone.
War-torn Somalia has not had a functioning government for more than 20 years.
International media rights watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) rank Somalia as the deadliest country in Africa for media personnel, with 23 media workers killed since 2007.
"I didn't have training. If we're moving towards that humanitarian direction, we should be given proper training and guidance," said the journalist from Umno-linked Media Prima Bhd



Is it history or his-story?

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 09:28 PM PDT

NGO responsible for Bernama man’s death, says kin

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 03:03 AM PDT

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Menyambut Kepulangan Jenazah Wira Wartawan Noramfaizul

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 04:38 PM PDT

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

Chinese Calligraphy which is nearly as tall as I am..

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 08:47 AM PDT

Attended a charity dinner @ Kuchai Lama tonight and the organiser gave a piece of Chinese Calligraphy which is nearly as tall as I am :-D [王昌龄《从军行七首(其四)》 青海长云暗雪山,孤城遥望玉门关。 黄沙百战穿金甲,不破楼兰终不还。]


Update on Teoh Beng Hock's Trust Fund

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 08:31 AM PDT

Teoh Beng Hock Trust Fund received a donation of RM2,000 from Great Commission Social Concern Centre last Saturday. With this, the total collection of TBH Trust Fund has exceeded half a million and reached RM501,125.30. Details of expenses can be found at the link provided here. Thanks to Great Commissin, thanks to everyone of you. Thanks for your support to Beng Hock's family!

3-Oct-2009 Allowance for Cher Wee for monthly maternity check up 2000.00
2-Oct-2009 Supplements for Cher Wee 186.90
2-Feb-2010 Cord Blood Banking 脐带血 4500.00
2-Feb-2010 Monthly Allowance for Er Jia (Feb till April 2010) 2002.15
4-Mar-2010 Inpatient Bill - Pantai Hospital, Batu Pahat 2549.85
16-Jun-2010 Monthly Allowance for Er Jia (May till December 2010) 8002.15
11-Oct-2010 Monthly Allowance for Er Jia (Jan till June 2011) 6002.15
25-May-2011 Monthly Allowance for Er Jia (July till December 2011) 6002.15
Total 31245.35


Closing Balance as at 27 August 2011 454877.70
Expenses 31,245.35
Education Insurance 15,002.25
TOTAL 501,125.30

[Sept 4] Ground-breaking ceremony @ LCMS, The Congregation Balakong New Village

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 05:13 AM PDT

Location: LCMS, The Congregation, Kampung Baru Balakong

Upacara Pecah Tanah di LCMS, The Congregation, Kampung Baru Balakong padi tagi. Turut hadir termasuk Exco Kerajaan Selangor, Saudara Ronnie Liu. Semoga kerja pembinaan akan dijalankan secara lancar dan bangunan yang baru akan disiapkan mengikut jadual. :-)

Ground-breaking ceremony @ LCMS, The Congregation Balakong New Village this morning. Hope the new building will be completed asap. :-)

Saudara Ronnie menyampaikan satu cek sumbangan yang berjumlah RM50,000 daripada Kerajaan Selangor kepada LCMS semasa Upacara Pecah Tanah hari ini.

Exco of Selangor State Government Saudara Ronnie Liu handed over a mock cheque of RM50k to LCMS during the ground-breaking ceremony.

【中国报】无拉港合一教堂建新会所 . 州政府拨5万建筑费









[Sept 4] Menziarahi mangsa kebakaran di Taman Berjaya, Sungai Chua, Kajang..

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 05:07 AM PDT

Location: Taman Berjaya, Sungai Chua, Kajang

3 houses in Taman Berjaya, Sungai Chua, Kajang were burnt down yesterday around 1pm. Luckily no one was hurt or injured. I visited the victims this morning with Bangi state assemblyman YB Dr Shafie and handed over some assistance to the 3 families.

3 buah rumah terbakar di Taman Berjaya, Sungai Chua, Kajang semalam. Pagi tadi saya bersama ADUN Bangi YB Shafie melawat mangsa kebakaran untuk menyampaikan sedikit bantuan kepada mereka.


i n t a n h i j a u

i n t a n h i j a u


Posted: 04 Sep 2011 04:15 AM PDT

SERDANG, 4 Sept — Ketua Kelab Putera 1 Malaysia, penganjur misi kemanusiaan ke Somalia, hari ini enggan memberi sebarang komen berhubung tragedi yang meragut nyawa jurukamera Bernama TV Noramfaizul Mohd Nor malam kelmarin.

Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, yang juga Ketua Putera Umno berkata, beliau mahu sedikit masa kerana masih trauma dengan tragedi itu.

"Nanti, nantilah... saya tengah trauma lagi," katanya. 

( KAH..KAH..KAH...trauma?...Taupun takut ye. Sepatutnya Aji Siregar yang nyaris terkorban tu lah yang trauma, bukan si Putera tu.. - intanhijau )

"Mungkin nanti saya akan buat sidang media," katanya kepada The Malaysian Insider ketika ditemui selepas majlis pengebumian jenazah Noramfaizul di Tanah Perkuburan Islam Universiti Putra Malaysia di sini.


Posted: 04 Sep 2011 03:55 AM PDT

Abu Bakar Md Yasin. — Gambar oleh Boo Su-Lyn
SUBANG, 4 Sept — Keluarga terdekat Noramfaizul Mohd Nor mahu penganjur misi kemanusiaan ke Somalia, Kelab Putera 1 Malaysia memikul tanggungjawab atas kematian jurukamera Bernama TV itu kelmarin.

Kelab itu diketuai oleh ahli Majlis Tertinggi Umno Datuk Abdul Azeez yang juga Ketua Putera parti itu.

"Mereka (Kelab Putera 1 Malaysia) adalah pihak yang menganjurkan (misi)kemanusiaan). Mereka tidak boleh lepas tangan," kata pak cik Noramfaizul, Abu Bakar Md Yasin kepada The Malaysian Insider di Pangkalan TUDM di sini hari ini.

"Mereka seharusnya telah melakukan risikan awal. Ia negara asing," kata bekas kakitangan awam Kementerian Pertahanan ini.

Seorang lagi bapa saudara pak cik Noramfaizul, Md Tahir Md Yasin berkata kematian itu sepatutnya boleh dielakkan.

"Mereka seharusnya memakai baju kalis peluru. Ia bukan negara stabil," kata beliau kepada The Malaysian Insider.

Bekas guru berusia 69 tahun ini berkata, Bernama juga seharusnya bertanggungjawab atas kematian Noramfaizul, selain Kelab Putera 1 Malaysia.

Mary Francis, pakar psikologi yang merupakan salah seorang peserta misi kemanusiaan memberi pandangan yang seiring dengan kenyataan Tahir dengan berkata: "Mereka tiada jaket kalis peluru. Ini penting di negara yang berkonflik."

Katanya, peserta pasukan ada memakai jaket kalis peluru ketika jenazah Noramfaizul dibawa pulang.
"Bagaimanapun ia sudah terlewat... dia mungkin selamat jika ada mengenakan jaket," katanya.

Suri rumah berusia 54 tahun ini yang menitiskan air mata berkata, pasukan misi kemanusiaan seharusnya telah diberikan latihan secukupnya.

Timbalan Menteri Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan Senator Datuk Maglin Dennis D'Cruz berkata, wakil media misi sewajarnya telah diberikan latihan dan disediakan aspek keselamatan yang baik.

"Menyediakan jaket, kereta kalis peluru... seharusnya mereka disediakan tahap keselamatan tentera yang lebih baik," katanya.

"Mereka seharusnya telah diberikan latihan zon perang. Peserta kali pertama (pula) tidak seharusnya dihantar," kata beliau.(themalaysianinsider)


Posted: 03 Sep 2011 10:30 PM PDT

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak, ketika cuba menggambarkan Malaysia sebagai suara Islam yang sederhana, tetapi melakukan sebaliknya dalam percubaan untuk menarik sokongan orang Melayu, kata kabel diplomatik Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat yang bocor.

NONEMengulas cubaan pentadbiran Najib yang mengendalikan kontroversial penggunaan kalimah Allah dan beberapa isu agama yang lain, kedutaan itu curiga sejauh mana perdana menteri sanggup membuktikan Malaysia sememangnya bertoleransi terhadap kebebasan beragama.

"Sudah lama konflik antara komitmen parti pemerintah dengan prinsip kebebasan agama berbanding toleransi terhadap agama lain wujud," kata kabel Kedutaan Amerika yang dihantar ke Jabatan Negara di Washington DC bertarikh 12 Januari tahun lalu.

"Usaha perhubungan awam Najib bagi tidak memperbesar-besarkan perbezaan antara kaum dan agama serta menggalakkan konsep toleransi dan kesederhanaan tidak dapat dipertahankan. Beliau mula memihak kepada pandangann pelampau berbanding pandangan popular berikutan pendirian keras pelampau dalam parti itu yang cuba dipaksa ke atas rakan-rakan ahli Umno yang lain."

Pendedahan itu dimuat-naikkan dalam portal pembocor maklumat Wikileaks minggu lalu.

NONEIa menyebut isu kalimah Allah, Kartika dan insiden kepala lembu serta beberapa yang lain berkaitan dengan amalan kebebasan beragama yang telah menimbulkan keraguan berhubung keikhlasan Najib menangani isu berkenaan.

"Di sebalik pelbagai usaha bagi meyakinkan penonton ekspatriat dan bangsa asing, kerajaan Malaysia sebenarnya hanya memberi tumpuan melindungi harta dan keselamatan mereka yang berkenaan tetapi melepaskan peluang membuat kenyataan yang jelas untuk menegakkan kebebasan agama di negara ini," petik kabel itu.

Menurut kabel itu lagi, dipercayai Najib berusaha keras untuk menawan sokongan pengundi Melayu sehingga sanggup mengorbankan untuk mewujudkan persekitaran sebenar kebebasan beragama.

PM Najib Razak speaks to the press outside the gutted administrative block of Metro Tabernacle church 1Ini, katanya, terbukti dengan cara kerajaan mempergunakan badan kehakiman untuk campur tangan dalam isu Allah. Ini juga membabitkan bagaimana BN memanipulasi kenyataan umum termasuk daripada Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan Sultan Selangor, untuk menghantar mesej bahawa BN tidak akan tunduk terhadap larangan penggunaan Allah kepada orang bukan Islam.

Tindakan itu, jauh berbeza dengan kenyataan Najib di luar negara. Contohnya semasa kuliah di Oxford pada Mei lalu yang bertajuk 'Gabungan sederhana dan Persefahaman Antara Budaya', perdana menteri mendakwa Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara sederhana yang meraikan kepelbagaian masyarakatnya yang berbeza bangsa dan agama.

"Rakyat Malaysia menerima kepelbagaian mereka. Kami tidak hanya bertolak ansur antara satu sama lain tetapi juga menerima dan meraikannya bersama, " kata Najib semasa lawatan ke United Kingdom, atas undangan Pusat Pengajian Islam Oxford (Oxcis).



Posted: 03 Sep 2011 06:40 PM PDT

Kejadian tembakan ini berlaku cukup pantas di mana ketika itu krew BernamaTV, TV3, Astro Awani dan RTM bergerak dari pusat operasi ke asrama tempat mereka tinggal sejauh kira-kira satu kilometer, selepas membuat liputan pemberian bantuan kepada mangsa kebuluran. 

"Saya duduk di bahagian paling hadapan di sebelah pemandu kenderaan pacuan empat roda itu, manakala Noramfaizul duduk di bahagian paling belakang di sebelah kanan bersebelahan jurukamera TV3, Aji Saregar Mazlan yang turut cedera.

Menurut Aji Saregar, ketika kejadian, beliau dan Noramfaizul berada dalam kenderaan terakhir daripada tiga kenderaan yang bergerak dari hotel penginapan petugas media elektronik menuju ke hotel yang menempatkan petugas media cetak dan penulis blog.

"Sebelum memasuki pekarangan hotel itu dari hotel kami, saya terdengar bunyi tembakan dan sedar saya sendiri terkena tembakan di bahagian lengan kanan.

"Dalam kesakitan, saya memberitahu Noramfaizul bahawa kami diserang tetapi arwah tiba-tiba terkulai di bahu kanan saya. Saya dapat melihat bahu kanan arwah berlubang dan dia berada dalam kesakitan yang amat sangat," katanya ketika dihubungi di sini, hari ini.

Aji Saregar menceritakan detik-detik cemas itu sebelum menaiki pesawat C-130 Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) di Mogadishu untuk pulang ke tanah air bersama jenazah Allahyarham Noramfaizul serta kesemua petugas media dan sukarelawan misi berkenaan.

Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

The PR state government will not bow to threats from BN Penang to sue the state government for exposing their scandals (en/cn)

Posted: 03 Sep 2011 10:17 PM PDT

BN Penang & Teng Hock Nan's 3 Lies That The Penang PR State Government Had Approved Berjaya Development Plans For Penang Hill Will Not Stop The Printing Of Pamphlets To Expose BN's Refusal To Come Clean On The RM40 Million Tang Hak Ju Land Scam, RM30 Million Pulau Jerejak Scandal And MPSP RM230 Million Loss Scandal.

BN Penang & Teng Hock Nan's 3 lies that the Penang PR state government had approved Berjaya Development Corp's plans for Penang Hill will not stop the printing of pamphlets to expose BN's refusal to come clean on the RM40 million Tang Hak Ju land scams, RM30 million Pulau Jerejak scandal and Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Perai(MPSP) RM 230 million loss scandal. This public campaign will also exert pressure on BN to return as much as possible of the money lost to the people of Penang.

Instead of expressing remorse over such loss of public funds, BN has continued to brazenly lie about the Penang state government secretly approving Berjaya's development plans for Penang Hill. BN dares to continue lying because no action has been taken by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(MACC) despite the state government lodging a report on the RM40 million Tang Hak Ju land scam.

In fact Teng Hock Nan had made 3 lies on the development of Penang Hill issue. The first lie is when Teng publicly called for a people's uprising on 26 August 2011 against the Penang PR state government's revival of Berjaya's original plans to develop Penang Hill. When challenged to show proof that such approval had been given to Berjaya, Teng made a 180 degree U-turn by lying on 29 August 2011 that he never made this claim. There is now a third newest lie by Teng that I had held secret meetings with Berjaya on reviving their original plans for the development of Penang Hill.

I wish to reiterate that the Penang state government had never approved any project from Berjaya Corp to develop Penang Hill. Berjaya had not even sent any proposal to develop Penang Hill to the present state government. All projects on Penang Hill are carried out individually under open tender. Neither has the Berjaya group even bid for any of the 3 development projects carried out by open public tender, namely Craig Hotel, the hawker complex and the canopy walk.

Penang PR state government will not be distracted by such baseless accusations and lies but will instead press for BN to come clean on BN's RM300 million scandals on land scams, Pulau Jerejak and loss of MPSP funds. It is clear that BN has no answer to PR anti-corruption stance, CAT governance and open tenders which has even earned Penang praise from Transparency International and The Economist, the first time this has happened in Peanng's history.

The PR state government will not bow to threats from BN Penang to sue the state government for exposing their scandals but will go for a public phampleting campaign to ask BN to come clean and return as much money as possible of the money lost to the people of Penang.

Press Statement By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng In Komtar, George Town On 4.9.2011.

——– Mandarin Translation ——–

槟州首席部长林冠英于2011年9月4日在乔治市发表声明 :




我要重申,槟州政府从来没有批准过成功集团在升旗山进行任何计划。成功集团也从来没有提呈任何升旗山发展计划书给当今的槟州政府。所有升旗山的发展项目都 是通过公开招标进行的。成功集团根本没有参与下列三个项目的公开竞标,它们是Crag Hotel, 综合小贩中心和天蓬走道。




Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud


Posted: 03 Sep 2011 07:03 PM PDT

My late mum was a great fan of Abang Mat. When she came back from Abang Mat's ceramah, I could see her elated and satisfied because Abang Mat drove the points home (hit UMNO on the head – she would say). Things which she had in her mind but could not articulate like Abang Mat did. My mum was also a fiery orator and even men commended her ceramah in those days when women PAS leaders do not give ceramah in ceramah umum but rather in ceramah kelompok for the women. 

She was called sometimes as "Mat Sabu Tino" (the female Mat Sabu) in Kedah PAS circuit. I never heard Abang Mat's ceramah before I became an active PAS member. I only heard about his oratory skills and that he always "kutuk" UMNO. I was never happy that a ceramah has to be about "kutuking" (bashing) your opponent. 

I considered myself a professional, bred and trained in medicine to be evaluate things objectively and to separate fact from fiction and also to keep emotions away from decisions. But in this case I was neither objective nor professional. His "image" preceeded him. So without knowing him I disliked this man before. What's so great about his ceramah that if he is one of the speakers, the police will be sent to erect roadblocks leading to the ceramah venue. He is able to cause a lot of excitement. 

His fans will come from far and near to listen to him. Ceramah organizers will not be disappointed with the donations collected. You will have to listen to him and then you would understand how he can deliver critical evaluation of UMNO/BN and current issues in an entertaining manner and you would be holding your abdomen for fear you would be laughing out loud! 

Now I understand why my mum was such a great fan of Abang Mat. For those of you who have not have heard him, it is worth listening to him.

Now Abang Mat has caused a tornado. He has hit the hornet's nest (sarang tebuan). He has challenged the history of independence written by UMNO/BN. Admittedly this issue has given bullets to UMNO/BN who will spin this Bukit Kepong issue to the hilt to potray PAS /Pakatan Rakyat negatively in the eyes of the Malay constituents and the police force. 

PATRIOT has announced they are going on a roadshow to strip Mat Sabu bare. Let not this issue be clouded and tunnelled by UMNO/Patriot and the pro government historians to a pro communist struggle and making Muhammad Indera a hero. This is a great opportunity for the rakyat and the younger generation to unearth our Malaysian history. 

I do not agree that lets go forward and forget what happened more than 60 years ago. If we do not reconcile the national history now, it will always be an issue come every 31st August.

The police force and the families of those killed in Bukit Kepong may feel that unearthing the issue is like desecrating their loved ones. We respect these feelings but we also acknowledge that policemen and the army take their command from the government of the day. 

We appreciate their sacrifices and they will always be heroes of any nation. Americans welcome their army home as heroes even after invading Iraq and causing thousands of death amongst the common Iraqi people. To the Iraqis they are invaders. Similar stories with the Vietnam War. It depends on which side of the coin you are on. Our recent BERSIH 2.0 peaceful walk for democracy too illustrates how the police have been used by the BN government against our own people. 

The government historians will picture the demonstrators as trouble makers and police provocateurs. However, the pro BERSIH 2.0 population will always remember it as a day where Malaysians were united for a greater cause. The late Allahyarham Baharuddin is hailed as BERSIH 2.0 hero.

I remember the impression I got from my secondary history lessons during those days – Dato' Maharaja Lela was "bad" because he killed JWW Birch. But now our children are learning in school that he is a hero because he killed a white "penjajah" officer. 

Now if in the Bukit Kepong incident, Japanese colonial police were killed or British mercenaries (Nepalese, Benggalis, Indians, Chinese), Mohd Indera and his insurgent comrades would have been made a hero. Remember the Combat series we grew up with? Wow the Germans were horrible, they killed the Americans. The American soldiers were heroes. I hate the Germans then!

PATRIOT and UMNO/BN can politicize this issue all they want and Pakatan Rakyat may lose some or many Malay votes but in the long run Malaysians will be more objective about our own history and more inclusive. But if we can focus on the real issue that is recognizing all our Malaysian freedom fighters who struggled to kick out the colonialists and imperialists from the day they set foot in Malacca and through more than 4 centuries that culminated in our independence, Malaysians especially the younger generation will get the message that struggling for freedom is in fact real patriotism. 

However, if this issue is not debated thoroughly, it will arise again come 31st August. We cannot let only one interpretation of history to dominate (although we know that victors write the history) but we have to be more open to other interpretations then only will there be reconciliation and MERDEKA celebrations will be more meaningful or else we will only see UMNO/BN supporters flying the Jalur Gemilang on MERDEKA day.

Just observe how Sabahans and Sarawakians are more enthusiastic about 16th September rather than 31st August.

If it was not for Pakatan Rakyat, 16th September will not be a public Holiday!

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud



Takziah buat Allahyarham Noramfaizul

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 06:17 AM PDT

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Greetings from Khazanah: Fly AirAsia fly by Rizal dari MAS

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 06:04 AM PDT

Amok! Amok! Now Everybody Know How To Do Secret Deal! Now Everybody Also Know How You Are Saving MAS! If you resign now, we are sure your friend, Tony or Kalimullah can help you by appointing you to be on AirAsia Board of Director or AirAsia X together with Rafidah. Boleh duduk semeja dengan bekas ahli Cabinet.

Atau kena stay on sebab kerja tertentu belum selesai atau Firefly belum mati lagi. Undur-LAH! Tak malukah?

Comment on Greetings from Khazanah: Fly AirAsia fly by Bodohwi

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 02:19 AM PDT

Azman Mokhtar closed both eyes on the debt amounting to million of RM owed by Alwafeer Air. He was more interested in the share swap to help Tony and Kalimulah, the ECM Libra fame.

Azman Mokthar and Rashdan trying to save MAS. Who are they trying to fool? Just to humour themselves because very body know that he is the most incapable chairman that was appointed by non other than Dollah Badawi!

Therefore, everybody should now understand what the share swap was all about.

By the way, do we all know who is the real person behind AirAsia? YB Wee should know because I remember he had mentioned the name in Parliament once. Please check the Handsard. This matter is developing to an interesting level. Let get the puzzle on the personalities behind it. Please tell us more about the personalities.

Now we have Azman Yahya, former Danaharta chief, symphoni and etc & Nor Yakop’s little budak, Azmi the Landmark very close to diam diam so they said. Kalimulah, AirAsia X. Tony Fernandes the famous AirAsia lobbyist, Kamarudin is Tony parnter. Azman Mokhtar and Rashdan the Tidak memBina atau mampu BerFikir. Tan Sri Mohd Nor is a non starter and double yes yes man.

Can you imagine these are the people that recently appointed to save MAS! I can only say like the other: PTUI! PTUI! PTUI! PTUI! PTUI!……………

Comment on Greetings from Khazanah: Fly AirAsia fly by Lee of ECM Libra

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 12:06 AM PDT

Aman Mokhtar how many more secret share swaps are you planning before you call it a day? Please get advice from your boss, Nor Yakob p and your good friends Tony or Kalimullah. If necessary Omar Ong will also be available.

Azman Yahya just take instructions so don’t worry about this budak suruhan.

Comment on Greetings from Khazanah: Fly AirAsia fly by Mat

Posted: 03 Sep 2011 09:36 PM PDT

Deepa dan pembaca lain

Saya bersetuju dengan semua komen di sini. Buang si Azman Mokhtar dan Nor Yakop. Mereka ini adalah dead wood. Mereka lebih menjaga kepentingan Tony dan AirAsia daripada MAS.

Buang di long kang dengan serta merta GLC lebih selamat.

Comment on Greetings from Khazanah: Fly AirAsia fly by Deepa

Posted: 03 Sep 2011 08:59 PM PDT

Datuk Seri Najib please stop Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar, Rasdan Yusof and Tan Sri Nor Yakop from screwing MAS further. No doubt MAS needed help. But not this type of “help” from Tan Sri Azman.

We need real aviation professionals with real experience to the MAS board to propel MAS. People like Azman Yahya, Tony Fernandes and Kamarudin are not independent and have no experience in full service airline. Tony and Kamarudin standings are questionable because they are from AirAsia. Azman Yahya is a close friend of Tan Sri Nor Yakop and … YB you should have known better.

Wan Azmi is a property developer and close associate of very diam diam.

Now Rashdan has started to perform by stifling Firefly by canceling full load flights. Was this not enough clear indictions of their intention?

Stop the rot, Mr PM. Stand up against these irresponsible lots. Revamp the MAS board with real professionals. Bring back Tan Sri Aziz as advisor to MAS. You will get immediate support from the rakyat as well as MAS employees whose morales as at its lowest.

Of course you must remove Azman Mokhtar from Khazanah because this dirty share swap clearly showed that he is not only incompetent and pretending to be stupid. Amok is a bloody bas…d!

Comment on Greetings from Khazanah: Fly AirAsia fly by Ronald

Posted: 03 Sep 2011 08:27 PM PDT

To make it easier for Tony and his business partners like Kalimullah and etc to control the growth of Firefly Tan Sri Mokhtar and Tan Sri Nor Yakop should do another share swap or sale of Khazanah to them. Inthis way there was no need for cancellation of flights during Hari Raya season or at any other appropriate time. Just resprayed the aircraft with the AIrAsia name or resprayed MAS aircrafts with AirAsia X.

No need to be so difficult to cover sini sana. Appointing people like Mohamed Rasdan Yusof (your Bina Bodoh partner) Azman Yahya, Wan Azmi, Tony Fernandes and Kamarudin Meranun to the MAS board under the pretext of helping MAS. Helping to save MAS? Ptui! Ptui! Ptui!

It is so easy. Why are you so stupid Tan Sri Azman? Sell Khazanah to Tony and Kalimullah will be speedy way to help your friend your good friends, Tony!

Comment on Greetings from Khazanah: Fly AirAsia fly by Anonymous

Posted: 03 Sep 2011 06:15 PM PDT

UMNO dah lama hilang taring sejak Pm Mahathir lagi. …… kontraktor -kontraktor Melayu … sekiranya diberi peluang pun bayaran kerja tidak dibayar akibatnya banyak yang gulong tikar, Melayu banyak merayu dengan main cont bangsa lain, inilah membuat kita hilang kuasa dan taring.

PEMUDA sekarang semuanya penting pocket sendiri, kalau tak pakai Q7 dan Alphad, bukan pemuda inikah bangsa yang akan menyelamatkan bangsa sendiri.?

Nota: Mohon maaf kerana saya perlu mengeluarkan tuduhan kepada orang-orang tertentu untuk mengelakkan “legal complications”.

Comment on Greetings from Khazanah: Fly AirAsia fly by Anon009

Posted: 03 Sep 2011 06:09 PM PDT

I am just astounded how silent the government have been regarding MAS and Air Asia. Its very obvious to the people I speak too that the main agenda is to get rid of Firefly and for MAS to suffer enough so that it surrenders routes to Air Asia X.

Comment on Greetings from Khazanah: Fly AirAsia fly by Anonymous

Posted: 03 Sep 2011 05:25 PM PDT

Dear friends, the govt can still reverse the decision. The share swap is only in the initial stage like S&P. It is ok to cease opn of firefly in Klia becos of overcapacity and MAS must be run by professionals not Barbarians. We must give hell to these crooks. Pls continue exposing them and embarrass them in cyberspace. With these kind of insults, do they think MAS staff can give them support. Think again, very carefully think again, pea brain. Pissedstaff

Direct Free Kick

Direct Free Kick

Salah satu jalan di kawasan DUN Chempaka yang dibaikpulih di bawah peruntukan MARRIS yang dikawal oleh YB Iskandar A. Samad.

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 04:36 AM PDT

Sebanyak RM1 juta telah diperuntukkan.

Lagi gambar-gambar : Kebakaran di Grandeur Tower, Pandan Indah.

Posted: 03 Sep 2011 10:30 PM PDT

Kebakaran di Grandeur Tower, Pandan Indah : COB MPAJ akan melakukan siasatan.

Posted: 03 Sep 2011 10:22 PM PDT

Pesuruhjaya Bangunan Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya ( COB MPAJ ) akan diarah untuk melakukan satu siasatan terhadap kebakaran yang berlaku di Pangsapuri Grandeur Tower pagi tadi.
Kebakaran tersebut telah memusnahkan dua unit kediaman di tingkat paling atas iaitu tingkat 16.
Dalam satu lawatan ke tempat kejadian sejurus selepas api dapat dipadamkan, aduan-aduan berikut telah diterima dari pelbagai pihak,
1.) Para penghuni mengadu tidak ada sebarang penggera kebakaran (fire alarm) yang berbunyi. Mereka hanya bergegas turun meninggalkan bangunan tersebut apabila mendengar jeritan penghuni-penghuni lain.
2.) Pihak Bomba telah memaklumkan kenderaan mereka yang mempunyai 'skylift' tidak dapat memasuki kawasan pangsapuri tersebut. Perkara ini berlaku kerana laluan yang sempit  ke laluan masuk pangsapuri itu dan kanopi yang dipasang.
Kita bernasib baik kerana kebakaran ini tidak mengorbankan nyawa. Walau bagaimanapun satu siasatan terperinci perlu dilakukan kerana kita mungkin tidak akan bernasib baik di masa-masa akan datang.
Perkara-perkara yang melibatkan keselamatan penghuni tidak sepatutnya dipandang ringan.
Saya turut akan mengarahkan COB di seluruh negeri Selangor untuk mengarahkan semua JMB, MC atau ejen pengurusan untuk menyemak keberkesanan sistem perlindungan kebakaran ( fire protection system ) di pemajuan mereka.
Iskandar Abdul Samad
Exco Perumahan, Pengurusan Bangunan Dan Setinggan
Negeri Selangor /
ADUN Chempaka
4 September 2011

Pagi Raya 1 Syawal 1432 / 29 Ogos 2011.

Posted: 29 Aug 2011 05:33 PM PDT

Kerajaan Malaysia ditentukan oleh warga asing.

Posted: 27 Aug 2011 05:59 PM PDT

Nampaknya UMNO dan BN terlampau terdesak untuk mempertahankan kuasa sehingga sanggup membenarkan penduduk tetap mengundi pada pilihanraya umum akan datang.

Di atas adalah di antara mereka yang bukan warganegara Malaysia di Selangor yang telah menjadi pengundi yang sah.

Contoh di atas adalah seorang warga asing yang boleh mengundi di Taman Dagang di dalam DUN Chempaka.

Sudah tentu perkara ini akan membimbangkan setiap rakyat Malaysia kerana kerajaan Malaysia pada pilihanraya umum akan ditentukan oleh warga-warga asing.

Bukankah ini bermakna UMNO dan BN telah menggadaikan kedaulatan negara yang tercinta ini?

Pendedahan seperti ini menimbulkan tanda tanya terhadap operasi pemutihan pendatang tanpa izin yang sedang dijalankan oleh kerajaan Malaysia.

Apakah tujuan sebenar operasi ini?

Kenapa operasi ini dilanjutkan beberapa kali?

Kalaulah hanya 10 peratus sahaja dari lebih 2 juta pendatang yang telah didaftarkan itu dapat mengundikan maka ia akan dapat mempengaruhi keputusan pilihanraya umum yang akan datang.

Adakah kita mahu ini berlaku?

Nurul Izzah Anwar

Nurul Izzah Anwar

Kenyataan Media, 4 Sept 2011

Posted: 03 Sep 2011 09:14 PM PDT


Rancangan Pemuda UMNO untuk mengadakan program jelajah yang akan “menyerang” Timbalan Presiden PAS Hj Mohamad Sabu amatlah mendukacitakan dan tidak perlu. Tindakan ini diputuskan walaupun pelbagai pihak menunjukkan Hj Mohamad Sabu tidak pernah mengagungkan golongan Komunis ataupun mempromosi keganasan dalam ucapan beliau 21 Ogos yang lalu.

Apa yang terang lagi bersuluh dalam kontroversi terkini adalah: perbalahan pendapat yang masih belum terhenti mengenai zaman Darurat dan juga zaman-zaman lain dalam sejarah negara membuktikan versi “rasmi” sejarah Malaysia yang diangkat pentadbiran BN belum diterima sepenuhnya semua pihak. Malah ia kelihatan menimbulkan rasa tidak puas hati dan kegusaran dalam masyarakat, dan menyulitkan segala usaha untuk menyatupadukan rakyat.

Kita tidak boleh nafikan kewujudan pendapat berlainan mengenai sejarah Malaysia dan kita juga tidak boleh nafikan pelbagai pihak yang masih belum sembuh luka silamnya. Sebagai parti pemerintah, UMNO seharusnya memudahkan perbincangan isu-isu sebegini demi usaha perdamaian nasional, agar sejarah menjadi batu asas dan bukannya batu api kepada masa depan kita bersama.

Inilah yang sepatutnya menjadi matlamat parti-parti politik, terutama sayap-sayap pemuda. Yang sedihnya, UMNO sekali lagi mengguna peluang yang ada untuk menimbulkan syak wasangka dan rasa benci di kalangan rakyat Malaysia demi masa depan politiknya sendiri.

Walaupun begitu, pasti timbul keraguan di hati pembaca bila melihat pihak ini tiba-tiba begitu beria-ia mahu perjuangkan nasib bekas perajurit. Nampaknya Pemuda UMNO tidak mahu menumpukan usaha mereka untuk betul-betul membantu bekas perajurit dan mereka yang masih berkhidmat, tapi sebenarnya hanya berminat untuk mencerca PAS dan Hj Mohamad Sabu.

Sememangnya, jika UMNO benar-benar mahu perjuangkan nasib para perajurit negara, mereka akan perjuangkan hak para perajurit untuk mengundi dengan bebas dan adil dan bukannya mempertahan sistem undian pos yang sedia ada yang menganiaya hak mengundi para tentera dan polis.[1]

Lebih dari itu, bukanlah lebih baik jika UMNO menyalurkan masa, wang ringgit dan tenaga mereka untuk membantu bekas perajurit Malaysia yang memerlukan bantuan, dan bukannya untuk menjalankan program-program jelajah sebegini? Bukankah Utusan Malaysia, akhbar alat sebaran mereka, sudah cukup untuk mencerca PAS, Hj Mohamad Sabu dan Pakatan Rakyat amnya?

Kita juga terfikir mengapa para “patriot” ini menganggap siri jelajah sebegini lebih membawa manfaat dan kebaikan dari menyokong, mengawas, dan memberi maklum balas kepada badan kebajikan para perajurit seperti Lembaga Tabung Amanah Tentera (LTAT) dan badan-badan seperti itu? Jika mereka bekerjasama dengan badan-badan ini – untuk perjuangkan pembelian aset-aset Exxonmobil, sebagai contoh – pasti pejuang dan perajurit negara akan menikmati kebaikan dan keuntungan, dan kepentingan negara akan terjaga lagi terselamat.

Akhir sekali, jika UMNO begitu serius untuk perjuangkan nasib bekas perajurit yang telah berjuang demi tanah air tercinta, bukankah mereka sepatutnya membantu bekas perajurit yang telah berjuang sewaktu Perang Dunia Kedua, yang mana ada di antara mereka yang masih belum menerima pampasan atau bantuan di atas perjuangan mereka? [2]

Oleh kerana UMNO berkata ia lah satu-satunya pengasas gerakan kemerdekaan negara kita, UMNO wajib sedar bahawa ia telah mempersendakan prinsip-prinsip asas negara kerana kerajaan pimpinannya masih memperguna empat perisytiharan darurat yang masih wujud, walaupun sudah 54 tahun kita merdeka. Apakah negara kita masih belum aman damai hingga empat perisytiharan darurat ini masih diperlukan?

Malah bukankah ini menunjukkan UMNO secara tidak langsung merendahkan martabat para perajurit yang kita kasihi dan memperlekehkan perjuangan mereka selama ini, kerana kononnya negara masih belum selamat dan masih memerlukan empat perisytiharan darurat ini? Atau adakah UMNO yang sebenarnya memerlukan empat perisytiharan darurat ini demi masa depan politik sempit mereka?

Sedarlah wahai UMNO, buanglah kepura-puraan kamu, dan marilah berganding bahu bersama Pakatan Rakyat untuk menyembuhkan segala duka lara dan luka negara. UMNO dan lebih-lebih lagi Pemuda UMNO harus sedar bahawa, meminjam kata-kata Edward Murrow, membangkang tidak bererti mengkhianat, dan tiada sesiapa yang boleh memonopoli kebenaran ataupun rasa cinta kepada negara.

Inilah patriotisme sejati.


1. Dan jika seseorang warga negara Malaysia boleh menjadi anggota polis ataupun tentera pada umur 18 tahun tapi masih belum boleh mengundi, ia hanya merendahkan lagi martabat dan hak-hak mereka yang berkhidmat sebagai perajurit negara.

2. Lihat http://www.thesundaily.my/news/letters/veterans%E2%80%99-families-seek-compensation dan http://www.thesundaily.my/news/letters/pensions-paid-after-war



The knee-jerk and overzealous plan by UMNO Youth to hold roadshows to attack the Deputy President of PAS Hj Mohamad Sabu is both regrettable and unnecessary. Its action comes despite many sources indicating that Hj Mohamad Sabu did not glorify Communism or violence in the speech he gave on 21st August.

One thing however is very clear from this latest controversy: the fact that quarrels keep arising over the Emergency and other historical periods indicates that the so-called “official” version of Malaysia's history as propagated by the BN administration has not gained universal acceptance. Indeed, it seems to be causing great unhappiness amongst many groups and communities, and has made the divisions in our society all the more bitter.

There will always be conflicting views of Malaysia's history and it is clear that many grievances still linger on all sides. As the ruling party, UMNO should be facilitating debate on these contentious issues with a view towards national reconciliation, to move on from the divisions of the past towards a shared future together.

This ought to be the goal of all political parties, especially their Youth Wings. Unfortunately, UMNO has yet again chosen to turn this into another wedge issue to incite suspicion and hatred amongst Malaysians with a view to shore up its own power.

On the other hand, one is also inclined to be skeptical about its claims to be championing the fate of Malaysia's veterans. Instead of focusing on the much needed work to recognize and further assist our beloved veterans and serving men and women, UMNO Youth only seems interested in vilifying PAS and Hj Mohamad Sabu.

Indeed, if UMNO is serious about standing up for our serving men and women, they ought to be fighting for their right to vote freely and fairly instead of perpetuating the current abuse of military and police votes via the postal voting system. The current practice is tantamount to denying them a voice in the very country they have dedicated their lives to serve and protect.[1]

Furthermore, would it not have been better if UMNO channels the time, money and energy to support Malaysian veterans who are in need of various kinds of assistance rather than on these expensive roadshows? After all, its mouthpiece Utusan Malaysia is already falling over itself in slandering PAS, Hj Mohamad Sabu and Pakatan Rakyat in general.

One also wonders why these so-called "patriots" have thought that holding roadshows will be more beneficial than supporting, monitoring, and giving feedback on the national bodies concerned with the welfare of our veterans and servicemen, such as the Lembaga Tabung Amanah Tentera (LTAT) and the various veteran organizations? Working with these organizations – to fight to purchase Exxonmobil assets in Malaysia, for instance – will probably do more to help our heroes and further the national interest than embarking upon narrow partisan political activity.

Finally, if UMNO is so serious about helping the veterans of Malaysia's wars and struggles for freedom, should they not also be helping our surviving WWII veterans, some whom have not yet been compensated for their services and sacrifice? [2]

As it claims to be the sole progenitor of our nation's independence, UMNO should realise that it is a travesty to our country's founding principles for the government it leads to stubbornly cling on to the four emergency declarations whose utility to our safety and security are now doubtful 54 years after Merdeka.

In fact, is UMNO not indirectly demeaning and dishonouring our beloved veterans by saying that despite all the sacrifices they have made, Malaysia is still not safe and secure enough after all these years, justifying the need for these four emergency declarations? Or is UMNO content with continuing use of these emergency declarations to keep its stranglehold on power?

I therefore urge UMNO to come to their senses, renounce their hypocrisy, and work together with Pakatan Rakyat to promote national reconciliation and to heal the wounds of our nation’s past. UMNO and especially more so UMNO Youth needs to learn that, to paraphrase Edward Murrow, dissent is not disloyalty, and that no one has a monopoly on either the truth or love of country.

That would be real patriotism.


1. Also, the fact that a Malaysian citizen can serve and die for the country at the age of 18 but is not eligible to vote only diminishes the value and rights of our citizens in uniform.

2. See: http://www.thesundaily.my/news/letters/veterans%E2%80%99-families-seek-compensation and http://www.thesundaily.my/news/letters/pensions-paid-after-war
