Jumaat, 23 Mac 2012



'325 protest rally' may set off new waves against BN

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 07:06 PM PDT

Western Australia says no to Lynas waste

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 12:30 AM PDT

Chinese educationists to go ahead with rally on teacher shortage

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 12:29 AM PDT

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Soalan Dan Jawapan, Apa Tindakan ? Faktor Hassan Ali: Terbaik Jangan Di Layan - Hari Kelima

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 04:46 PM PDT

Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

Dato Seri Najib should publicly withdraw his 17th March remarks, order an immediate stop work order on Lynas and declare the BN’s government willingness to pay compensation of at least RM700 million to Lynas spent on building the plant.(en/bm/cn)

Posted: 22 Mar 2012 09:29 PM PDT

Press Statement By DAP Secretary-General And MP For Bagan Lim Guan Eng In Kuala Lumpur On 23 March 2012.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's criticism of DAP for opting out of the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) on the Lynas rare earth plant, saying a solution was needed in the public interest that was above partisan politics is regrettable as it is not based on facts. The DAP and PR has opted out of the PSC principally in the public interest because the DAP did not want to be any part of BN's attempt to whitewash and delude the public into thinking the Lynas plant is safe.

Datuk Seri Najib should withdraw his earlier remarks on 17 March 2012 published by Bernama to prove his seriousness and sincerity to his latest statement with Mandarin radio station 988 yesterday that the BN government will not allow the Lynas rare earths plant in Gebeng, Kuantan, to operate if scientific evidence proves that it will be harmful to the people's health and the environment.

Bernama had reported Najib as saying on 17.3.2012 as saying.

The parliamentary select committee(PSC) on the Lynas issue will not decide on the fate of the controversial rare earth plant. Instead, the PSC was part of Putrajaya's engagement process to ensure the public understood the issues at hand so that we can convince the groups who are still suspicious whether the project is safe or otherwise. He added that he hoped the PSC would raise awareness on the project so that "we can achieve comfort in terms of better public acceptance".

Going by what the Prime Minister had said on 17.3.2012, the PSC is clearly a sham designed by BN to deliver a "fait accompli" to endorse the Lynas plant and force public acceptance without any due regard for safety, environmental and health concerns. For this reason PR and DAP had refused to participate in the PSC to legitimatize what is essentially wrong and against public interest. By saying then that the PSC would not decide on the fate of Lynas, had reduced the PSC to irrelevance.

For Dato Seri Najib to change his tune to say that the PSC was a "strong basis for us to make a decision" on Lynas is a flip-flop from his 17th March remarks. Clearly this change is the result of PR's boycott of the PSC. However such a flip-flop only raises more questions whether the Prime Minister is serious and sincere about following through on closing down Lynas in the face of evidence and proof of environmental damage and threats to public health and safety.

To prove his commitment and seriousness, Dato Seri Najib should publicly withdraw his 17th March remarks, order an immediate stop work order on Lynas and declare the BN's government willingness to pay compensation of at least RM700 million to Lynas spent on building the plant. Any failure to do so will only raise doubts as to the integrity of the PSC headed by Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Khaled Nordin as nothing more than a mere political tool by BN to legitimatize the illegal or justify the unjustifiable.

Lim Guan Eng

—-BM Translation –
Kenyataan Akhbar oleh Setiausaha Agung DAP dan Ahli Parlimen Bagan Lim Guan Eng di Kuala Lumpur pada 23.03.2012

Kritikan Perdana Menteri Dato' Sri Najib Tun Razak terhadap DAP kerana memilih untuk tidak menyertai Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Parlimen (PSC) mengenai loji nadir bumi Lynas dengan menyatakan bahawa penyelesaian yang tidak partisan diperlukan demi kepentingan awam adalah dikesali kerana tidak berdasarkan fakta. Keputusan DAP dan PR untuk tidak menyertai PSC adalah semata-mata atas kepentingan awam kerana DAP tidak mahu membantu BN untuk menutup kesalahannya dan menipu rakyat bahawa loji Lynas itu selamat.

Dato' Sri Najib harus menarik balik kenyataannya pada 17 Mac 2012 yang dilaporkan oleh Bernama untuk menunjukkan keseriusan dan keikhlasan kenyataan terbarunya dalam program radio bahasa Mandarin 988 semalam bahawa Kerajaan BN tidak akan membenarkan loji nadir bumi Lynas di Gebeng, Kuantan, untuk beroperasi sekiranya terdapat bukti saintifik yang menunjukkan bahawa ia berbahaya kepada kesihatan dan alam sekitar.

Bernama telah melaporkan kenyataan Najib pada 17.3.2012 sebagai berkata:
Jawatankuasa pilihan khas (PSC) mengenai Lynas tidak akan membuat keputusan mengenai nasib loji nadir bumi yang berkontroversi itu. Sebaliknya, PSC itu adalah sebahagian daripada proses penglibatan awam supaya rakyat dapat memahami isu-isu berkenaan dan supaya kita boleh meyakinkan kumpulan-kumpulan yang masih sangsi sama ada projek itu selamat atau tidak. Beliau menambah bahawa beliau mengharapkan PSC akan meningkatkan kesedaran mengenai projek itu supaya "kita boleh mencapai keselesaan dari segi penerimaan orang ramai".

Melihat apa yang dikatakan Perdana Menteri pada 17.3.2012, PSC itu jelas direka oleh BN sebagai fait accompli untuk menghalalkan loji Lynas dan memaksa orang awam menerimanya tanpa mempedulikan soal keselamatan, alam sekitar dan kesihatan. Kerana ini, PR dan DAP enggan menyertai PSC untuk menghalalkan sesuatu yang pada dasarnya salah dan bercanggah dengan kepentingan awam. Dengan mengatakan bahawa PSC itu tidak akan membuat keputusan mengenai nasib Lynas, adalah jelas bahawa PSC itu tidak relevan.
Tindakan Dato' Sri Najib untuk bertukar nada dengan mengatakan bahawa PSC itu merupakan "dasar kuat untuk membuat keputusan" mengenai Lynas adalah "flip-flop" dan bertentangan kenyataan 17 Mac beliau.

Adalah jelas bahawa perubahan pendirian ini adalah hasil daripada tindakan PR untuk memboikot PSC itu. Namun begitu, "flip-flop" yang berlaku ini menimbulkan soalan sama ada Perdana Menteri serius dan ikhlas untuk menutup Lynas sekiranya bukti bahaya terhadap alam sekitar, kesihatan dan keselamatan awam dapat ditunjukkan.

Untuk membuktikan komitmen dan keseriusannya, Dato' Sri Najib harus menarik balik secara terbuka kenyataannya pada 17 Mac, memberi arahan henti kerja serta merta kepada Lynas dan mengisytiharkan bahawa Kerajaan BN sanggup membayar pampasan sekurang-kurangnya RM700 juta yang telah dibelanjakan Lynas untuk membina loji tersebut. Sebarang kegagalan untuk melakukan demikian hanya akan menimbulkan keraguan mengenai integriti PSC yang dipimpin Menteri Pengajian Tinggi Datuk Seri Kahled Nordin sebagai alat politik BN untuk menghalalkan yang haram dan mewajarkan yang tidak wajar.

Lim Guan Eng

— Mandarin Translation —-



拿督斯里纳吉应该撤回他于2012年3月17日在《马新社》刊登的言论, 以证明他昨天在华语广播电台988的言论是认真及有诚意的,他在988说如果科学证据证明莱纳斯稀土厂对人体及环境有害,国阵政府绝不会让他们在关丹格宾区运作。

《马新社》 于2012年3月17日报道纳吉的谈话如下:


随着首相在2012年3月17日发表上述谈话,有关国会遴选委员会很明显地它只是一个虚伪的装饰来传达"既成事实",为莱纳斯背书,逼使公众接受,完全不考虑安全、环境及健康问题。 因此,民联和行动党拒绝加入国会遴选委员会来合法化不对的、违反公众利益的事情。若国会遴选委员会无法裁决莱纳斯的命运,它已经削弱了这个委员会与此事的相关性。


如果要证明其言论是认真的,拿督斯里纳吉应该要撤回他于3月17日的言论,马上发出停工令给莱纳斯,宣布国阵政府愿意赔偿至少7亿令吉的工厂兴建费给莱纳斯 。如果他不这么做,只会让人怀疑以高等教育部长拿督斯里卡立诺丁为首的国会遴选委员会,只是国阵用来合法化那些违法事件的政治工具。


Suara Sri Andalas

Suara Sri Andalas

Geran Selangorku Lulus 20 Projek Pembangunan

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 02:09 AM PDT

SHAH ALAM 23 MAC : Jawatankuasa Pemandu Geran Selangorku meluluskan 20 projek pembangunan insfrastruktur serata Selangor dengan peruntukan lebih RM2 juta bagi fasa pertama.

Projek yang diluluskan ini antaranya bertujuan untuk menurap semula jalan dan membaiki jalan termasuk pemasangan lampu jalan dan pembinaan longkang di Seksyen 17 Shah Alam, Sekinchan, Meru, Ampang, Hulu Klang, dan Kuala Langat.

Menurut Sekretariat Akhbar Pejabat Menteri Besar Selangor, pemilihan kontraktor bagi menjalankan projek insfrastruktur oleh jawatankuasa berkenaan dibuat berdasarkan harga terendah dan menepati spesifikasi yang ditetapkan Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR).

"Jawatankuasa Pemandu Geran Selangorku menetapkan setiap projek insfrastruktur ini perlu disiapkan dalam tempoh antara dua hingga lima minggu.

Geran Selangorku memperuntukkan RM50 juta untuk projek insfrastruktur daripada jumlah keseluruhan peruntukan RM300 juta.

Sumber: Selangorku.com

Wan Azizah : 1Care Satu Lagi Agenda Retorik BN

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 02:00 AM PDT

PETALING JAYA 23 MAC : Tindakan Kementerian Kesihatan untuk mewujudkan sistem Kesihatan 1Care (1Care) merupakan satu lagi agenda rektorik politik sempit  kerajaan Umno-BN demi kelangsungan hayat politik mereka.

Perkara tersebut dinyatakan oleh Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail berhubung janji Kementerian itu untuk melancarkan satu sesi penerangan seluruh negara bagi menjelaskan dan mendengar pandangan rakyat tentang 1Care.

"Kami mengambil maklum jawapan Menteri Kesihatan Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai bahawa rancangan 1Care hanya akan siap dalam masa dua tahun.

"Sebagaimana disebutkan di dalam kenyataan kami sebelum ini, kami mempersoalkan jaminan Menteri Kesihatan sebagaimana rekodnya di dalam kontroversi Lynas,"jelas Azizah.

Azizah turut mempersoalkan tindakan Menteri Kesihatan tersebut yang dilihat sebagai amat mengejutkan selepas 1Care mendapat tentangan daripada rakyat.

"Seperti pengumuman BN yang lain contohnya SBPA, proses perundingan nampaknya dilakukan selepas mendapat kritikan rakyat.

"Kami juga menerima aduan-aduan daripada doktor-doktor yang terlibat di dalam perbincangan mengenai 1Care sebelum ini bahawa tiada proses rundingan dan dialog sebenar. Kerajaan nampaknya akan meneruskan 1Care,"katanya.

Mengulas lanjut perkara ini, Azizah berharap agar Menteri Kesihatan akan memberi respons terhadap cadangan Pakatan Rakyat sebelum ini bagi langkah-langkah segera bagi menambahbaik system kesihatan Negara.

Dalam kenyataan sebelum ini, Azizah mendedahkan perbelanjaan kesihatan kerajaan sebanyak 2.2 peratus daripada KDNK pada 2008 adalah lebih rendah daripada cadangan WHO sebanyak 5 hingga 6 peratus.

WHO juga menganggarkan bahawa 20 hingga 40 peratus perbelanjaan kesihatan kerajaan dibazirkan kerana ketidakcekapan termasuk rasuah.

"Justeru memperkenalkan 1Care tanpa mengatasi ketidakcekapan ini hanya akan membuka ruang untuk meningkatkan rasuah yang membebankan sistem kesihatan negara.

Aziziah menambah, amalan lazim kepimpinan kerajaan Umno-BN seperti penswastaan pelbagai sektor sistem kesihatan negara sepanjang dua dekad ini, bukanlah jawapan untuk meningkatkan kecekapan, sebaliknya hanya meningkatkan ketirisan.

Ini termasuklah penswastaan Stor Perubatan Kerajaan, Hospital-Hospital Universiti, Jabatan Kardiologi dan Perkhidmatan Sokongan Hospital yang telah membawa peningkatan kos yang tinggi tanpa meningkatkan kecekapan.

Sumber: Selangorku.com

PRESS RELEASE: Meeting on influencing judges - Najib may be in contempt of court

Posted: 22 Mar 2012 08:50 AM PDT

I refer to Felda Chairman Isa Samad's statement today that Felda will lodge a police report on its documents which were leaked to the opposition. On March 19 Keadilan Secretary-General Datuk Saifuddin Nasution had revealed minutes of a Felda meeting chaired by Prime Minister Najib Razak on June 27 2011 which suggested that the government was attempting to influence judges hearing Felda cases. The 'Najib minutes' revealed by Saifuddin Nasution are shocking, disturbing and unprecedented as it involves the Prime Minister personally. Until today Najib and the government have not responded to this serious allegation of interference with the judiciary which is backed up by documentary proof. In an obvious delaying tactic, Umno Information Chief Ahmad Maslan has said that he will only respond in Parliament on March 26. This is an urgent matter of grave public importance which involves the integrity and independence of the judiciary. What is the reason for delaying their response until 26th March 2012?

Further, the authorities are now threatening to lodge police reports against the person or persons who leaked the minutes. It has become standard practice for the government to go after the whistleblower instead of taking action on the wrongdoing which has been exposed. 

The contents of the 'Najib minutes' may amount to serious interference in the administration of justice and criminal contempt of court. The courts should immediately issue a notice to the Prime Minister ordering him to appear in court and explain why he should not be cited for contempt of court. The police and  MACC must also investigate whether there are elements of abuse of power. The silence and failure of the authorities to take any action on this matter will further erode public confidence in our institutions.

Issued by,

22 MARCH 2012

MB: Air Bekas Lombong Yang Dirawat Selamat di Guna

Posted: 22 Mar 2012 04:05 AM PDT

SHAH ALAM 22 MAC : Kerajaan Negeri Selangor memberi jaminan bahawa sumber alternatif bekalan air daripada air lombong yang dirawat adalah selamat dan menepati piawaian air mentah oleh Kementerian kesihatan Malaysia.

Jaminan terhadap cadangan sumber air alternatif itu dinyatakan Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim sebagai menjawab pertanyaan daripada ADUN Tanjung Sepat, Datuk Abdul Karim Mansor berhubung cadangan Kerajaan Negeri menjadikan air lombong sebagai sumber alternatif bagi mengatasi masalah kekurangan air.

Sebelum ini, Lembaga Urus Air Selangor (LUAS) dan Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Selangor telah mengadakan pensampelan kualiti air terhadap 30 buah kolam bekas lombong pada tahun 2005.

Hasil kajian itu, sekurang-kurangnya 17 buah lombong didapati sesuai dijadikan sumber air alternatif.

"Pada tahun 2011, pensampelan dilakukan sekali lagi terhadap kesemua lombong yang dikenalpasti bagi kajian kesesuaian sumber air lombong untuk tujuan semakan kualiti dan juga pewartaan.

"Daripada analisis kualiti air kolam bekas lombongh yang hanya perlu melalui proses rawatan secara konvensional yang mana hanya memerlukan pengedosan minima bagi tawas (alum) dan di klorin bagi pembasmian kuman,"jelas Abdul Khalid.

Khalid menambah, kos rawatan menerusi kaedah tersebut adalah jauh lebih murah berbanding kos rawatan air sungai kerana kadar kekeruhannya yang rendah dan stabil berbanding air sungai yang memerlukan banyak alum bagi proses penggumpulan mendakan.

Kerajaan negeri mengambil pendirian projek Langat 2 yang akan menelan belanja RM8.6 bilion sebagai terlalu mahal dan tidak perlu disegerakan kerana bekalan air di Selangor mencukupi sehingga 2019.

Sumber: Selangorku.com

Pakatan Rakyat Meminta Kerajaan Menyokong Resolusi Berkenaan Sri Lanka Di Majlis Hak Asasi, Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu

Posted: 19 Mar 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Beberapa hari lagi, Majlis Hak Asasi Manusia, Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu yang kini sedang bermesyuarat di Geneva akan membincangkan resolusi berkaitan Sri Langka yang menimbulkan dan menyentuh isu-isu berikut:
  1. Menggesa kerajaan Sri Lanka melaksanakan semua syor-syor dalam laporan 2010 daripada  Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) and pastikan tindakkan bebas dan adil dilaksanakan demi mencapai keadilan untuk semua warga Sri Lanka; dan
  2. Meminta kerajaan Sri Lanka membentang satu pelan tindakkan komprehensif yang memperincikan langkah-langkah yang telah dan akan dilakukan untuk melaksanakan laporan LLRC dan menangani kelanggaran undang-undang antarabangsa
  3. Menggesa Pejabat Pesuruhjaya Hak Asasi Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu member dan kerajaan Sri Lanka menerima semua   bantuan untuk melaksanakan langkah-langkah tersebut dan melaporkan balek pada persidangan ke 22.
Walaupun resolusi ini tidak sekuat dan lemah kalau disbanding dengan versi asalnya, Parti Keadilan Rakyat menggesa agar kerajaan menyokong resolusi di atas.

Pengabaian terhadap pencabulan hak asasi manusia, jenayah peperangan dan jenayah terhadap kemanusiaan yang dilakukan pada peringkat terakhir peperangan 2009 adalah perkara yang tidak boleh diterima dan dibiarkan begitu sahaja dengan pelakunya mengambil manfaat daripada daripada budaya ketiadaan kebertanggungjawaban atau "culture of impunity" yang kian wujud.

Dokumentari 'The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka" yang telah disiarkan melalui Channel 4 pada 14 Jun 2011 di United Kingdom dan seterusnya menerima publisiti luas di dunia telah memberikan bukti-bukti visual yang mengejutkan yang menyokong hakikat jenayah perang dalam bentuk laporan-laporan saksi, bahagian filem amatur, gambar-gambar dan video-video telefon bimbit.

Panel Pakar-Pakar (POE) yang telah dilantik oleh Setiausaha Agong Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bnagsa Bersatu, Ban Ki Moon telah menyimpulkan di dalam laporannya pada 2010 bahawa terdapat bukti-bukti kukuh jenayah peperangan dan menggesa agar Kerajaan Sri Langka "menjalankan siasatan bebas segera terhadap perkara tersebut dan lain-lain pencabulan terhadap Undang-Undang Kemanusian dan Hak Asasi Manusia yang telah dilakukan oleh kedua-dua pihak yang terlibat dengan konflik bersenjata". Laporan tersebut juga menyarankan agar Setiausaha Agong "mewujudkan satu mekanisma antarabangsa yang bebas dengan segera".

Kelulusan resolusi yang dicadangkan oleh Majlis Hak Asasi PBB ini adalah penting bagi penyelesaian jangka panjang terhadap situasi yang berlaku di Sri Langka.

Kerajaan Malaysia telah bertindak secara tepat sewaktu menyokong tindakan terhadap pencabulan hak asasi manusia yang berlaku di Bosnia pada 1990-an dan mengkritik tindakan yang sama ketika dilakukan oleh Israel terhadap rakyat Palestin. Kami menyokong tindakan sedemikian. Walaubagaimanapun kerajaan haruslah bertindak secara konsisten terhadap isu pencabulan hak asasi manusia yang disifatkan sebagai yang terburuk berlaku di Sri Langka - hak asasi manusia bagi mangsa-mangsa yang terkesan samada mereka adalah Tamil, Singhala, Hindu, Kristian atau Muslim tidak boleh dikorbankan demi untuk menjaga kepentingan ekonomi pihak-pihak tertentu.

Malaysia tidak seharusnya mengabaikan tanggungjawab sebagai anggota Majlis Hak Asasi sebagaimana yang telah dilakukan ketika menyokong resolusi yang menyebelahi Kerajaan Sri Langka pada tahun 2009.

Kami menggesa Perdana Menteri supaya menasihatkan Menteri Luar dan wakil-wakil kami di Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu agar menyokong resolusi tersebut dan menyatakan pendirian umum kerajaan dalam hal ini dengan segera.

Parti Islam SeMalaysia

Parti Tindakan Demokratik

Parti Keadilan Rakyat

19 MAC 2012

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on “Pengkhianat dan Perompak Negara” – Part 1 by Kunyit Hidup

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 11:21 AM PDT


1. You and brother-in-arms are most welcome. That was a challenge to MASEU (and GUAM) to make use the opportunity by showing our uniting-stand in opposing any radical move that will jeopardize our future. However please stay on the issues related to staff welfare only, avoid management or individual issues at this point of time. Remember when I said about the best joke in youtube? 'MASEU picket in December'. What BASIS within the scope and function of MASEU to oppose the share-suap and CCF?

2. What if the share-suap and CCF will not change anything or will result to improve staff welfare? Clearly, the actual reason to go against management is the NEGATIVE IMPACT to staff.

3. Then, what are the unwanted results or cause to fight for members? All the answers in this blog!

4. We shall fight for the rightful cause (staff) and to support YB Wee and other dependable Wakil Rakyat on governance (management) issues. Staff (GUAM) may proceed on both issues when the time is right. Catch-22 is not our game!

5. Let us talk about MAS rules and regulations (I am not an expert, just opinions):
a. No problem to wear CCF badge on your own shirt but not uniform. Use our own materials to create banners. Must not intended for public and not in public area, so what is wrong if the show will be inside MAS office/premises?
b. Get permission to attend the session from your boss if within working hours. Verbal permission is sufficient and I bet most all of managers will have no objection so long not affecting schedule. It is about everyone's future. If unreasonably disapproved, they will be labeled as coward, kaki-jilat or at least you know what kind of managers they are!
c. Similarly almost all security personnel are with us, but they have to take action if involve physical contact, offensive words such as racial or religious and chaos. For a record, the Human Capital rules are the basis for security actions besides whenever safety and security risks. Our Head of Security is a professional ex-PDRM, he knows the boundary. No worry with security and no worry if obeying house rules.

GUAM, your call to lead us!

Comment on Pengkhianat dan Perompak Negara” Part 2 by Ismail MAS

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 08:30 AM PDT

Bravo, another coming for Amok’s crony! Heard Amok’s crony not in town but I am sure that his ball carrier in MAS and his secretary will tell him about it. Surely, as a crony, he should be checking the blogs to look after his master, Amok!. Anyway crony Rashdan, just in case you do not have YB’s Blog address here it is for your easy access! weechookeong.wordpress.com

That is also for he master of WAU, Tan Sri Md Nor Yusof. The on ewho was responsible for selling MAS Catering and Mas Komplex and sign another two agreement for MAS catering for 25 years an 57 years for Mas Komplek. WHy are you so quiet Md nOr. I thought that the Star and MalaysianInsider were at your disposal to publish your bullshit!

Come on Md Nor, call a PC to tell Malaysians how good was the 25 years MAs Catering contract and the else agreement for 57 years that MAS had to pay about RM78.8 mil a year. Ptui! PTUI! Better throw your TanSriship into the trip, Buat mall kepada Agung.

Comment on “Pengkhianat dan Perompak Negara” – Part 1 by Pecah Tembelang

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 08:28 AM PDT

There was news that AJ will ‘turun padang’ at KLIA on 27th. But we also know he is flying to MAA on way to Hyderabad same morning, so not sure about the ‘turun padang’ on or not.
But what is confirmed is that Chairman wants to meet staff at an “engagement”
session on 28th March at the Mas Academy. All of you, please come, and throw all the questions you want. Read YB ‘s speech in Parliament, pass it around to as many staff as possible, so if, as expected , the Chairman try to bullshit his way out, we know what to say and do.

Comment on Pengkhianat dan Perompak Negara” Part 2 by Anak Malaysia Tulen

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 07:58 AM PDT

Well Pecah Tembelang, you sure got it RIGHT. Even now the MAS Call Centre has been outsourced to some company and these staffs from this company is know as BRAND Staffs. How far is true I am not sure but these BRAND staffs are paid by the hour.

I did make to calls to the Call Centre and many times it’s been answered by the BRAND staff and I can tell you they are terrible because they can’t even answer simply questions like can I book a Firefly ticket with MAS. Guess what they make me wait for more than half an hour and then said NO. Furthermore, most of the time these BRAND staffs are ZERO when comes to reservations knowledge. If you were to make a reservations, they will asked you to hold on for more than 6 times because they said they will check with their officer.

So you can imagine if it’s been outsource to vendors, what is going to happen to MAS Call Centre? Thye answer is…….you people knows better.

Whatelse does all the Pariah and his croonies what? All you Panamera Deadwood, don’t get angry if people call you celaka, asshole, idiots, blood sucker, croonies, pariah…etc…etc because all you binatang sure deserved names like that.


Comment on The police report against MAS top management by Scout

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 06:12 AM PDT

Concerned and European

I am also very very puzzled how the conversion can de-value four A330 freighters to the tune of RM314million as “impairment” provisions.
Three of the aircraft are BRAND new and the fourth one is still UNDER CONSTRUCTION, not delivered yet. So asset not delivered also can ‘depreciate’ so fast? This must be some terrific accounting going on here.

Comment on Pengkhianat dan Perompak Negara” Part 2 by Pecah Tembelang

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 05:30 AM PDT


Further to your expose on the sit-in in Italy, I hope they are reading this and will inform all our comrades in ALL stations in Europe, South Asia, South East Asia, China etc that they who are doing the reservations and ticketing functions will SOON also be terminated, and these services will be OUTSOURCED to vendors, at much higher costs than the wages currently paid to them.
Back in Malaysia, there is a whisper that a certain Board member is interested in the MAS Call Centre – good money if he get the outsouce contract, then charge MAS exorbitant rates for services, compared to the wages MAS is paying to its staff now. No prize for guessing which Board member, his office is just down the road in Subang.

Comment on Pengkhianat dan Perompak Negara” Part 2 by MH-J

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 05:10 AM PDT

Y.B…thank you so much for your sincere efforts and commitment in pursuing this AA/MAS share-swap issue…it is very clear that you are covering every angle and pushing to the limits all avenues to open up the eyes of ‘people that matter’ but sadly, as in so many other matter of public interests they remain blind, deaf and arrogant….

Comment on Pengkhianat dan Perompak Negara” Part 2 by dragonlord

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 05:08 AM PDT

WAU logo of MAS the RED & BLUE is representing the colour of our national flag…. changing it into totally blue is an insult to all MALAYSIAN!! Direction of the WAU have also been changed, move backwards…. ALL MAS Staff should stand & united & DEMAND the logo to be revert back during the turun padang on 27 March 2012. DONT STOP THE DEMAND ON THAT DAY until agreed by them….

Comment on Pengkhianat dan Perompak Negara” Part 2 by Jala MAS

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 04:37 AM PDT

sekarang tak nampak hantu-hantu di Pejabat MAS. Kenapa????????

Sudah malu dengan jual harta MAS dengan senyap. Semua perkerja mesti berdoa supaya mereka menerima apa2 yagn mereka buat kepada MAS daripada 2002 hingga kini. Pengkhianat2 mesti menghadapi segalanya!

Comment on AJ & Rashdan: What “COST CUTTING”? – Part 1 by Speed 747

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 03:46 AM PDT

Please know the facts that MAS employees and crew members are now already subjected to deployment and Secondment exercise, no thanks to the twisted agreement made by the union. We have strived all these years for the airline and the best people to be cut off will be the 4,000 crew members.Seriously,if anyone is interested to know – crew members and NOT the PILOTS or their management are always being treated as second class.Most management staffs take home double salaries and have double hatted posts.So isn’t all these wasteful? Why continue to pay them while they were the caused of poor planning? Look at all their big cars and drivers salaries – their FC expenses trips are maintained and the perks for them are becoming more obvious.Ask anyone in MAS – they will gladly tell you.I don’t blame the cronies but I blamed those decision makers who allow the free flowing of sheer incompetence and endless wastage – boils down to bad management all together. Picking the wrong people for the right company. We saw these crisis building for the last 10 years. For those earning meager salaries are not seeing thru their monthly expenses and they have to strive hard for the airlines.Now their jobs are on the line. What is left of the airline is a mere skeleton. The employees are all working zombies – who no longer have any morale left in them.Now people are commenting on who is good or who is bad – it all boils down to poor management, poor governance and the victims are the people in MAS! We are life time born suckers in MAS.

Direct Free Kick

Direct Free Kick

Houses in villages repaired, thanks to PKNS.

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 04:28 AM PDT

SABAK BERNAM: Dilapidated homes in villages in the district were repaired by the Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility last Saturday.

The state subsidiary has allocated RM396,000 to repair and upgrade leaking roofs and faulty toilets for 22 homes and the work is scheduled to be completed by April.

"I'm so grateful for this help as without it my brothers and I might not have a roof over our home soon, especially with the frequent thunderstorms," said Bagan Terap villager Zamri Sakiman.

Zamri, 39, said their belongings have also been destroyed by the rain which seeps in through the broken roof almost every night.

Living with his three disabled brothers, Zamri explained the difficulties in supporting them and the hardship of saving money for repairs.

"I earn RM600 a month as a security guard and the money is only enough to feed us. We don't have money for repairs," he said.

He also pointed out that his disabled brothers tried helping by planting palm trees on an empty plot beside their home.

By selling palm oil to a nearby village, they get an additional RM200 a month.

However, this is still insufficient as everything in their home is falling apart one by one, including electrical appliances like lights and ceiling fans.

PKNS will be building them a new roof, constructing a new bathroom with proper facilities, repairing the piping in their kitchen and painting the exterior walls.

"All these repairs will cost about RM18,000 and are scheduled for completion on Tuesday," said PKNS administration and development deputy manager Noraida Mohd Yusof.

She said the 22 families were chosen based on references by the Selangor Zakat Board and village heads from six villages in Sabak Bernam.

Among the villages involved are Tebuk Pulai, Bagan Nira, Sepintas, Kampung Tok Khalifah, Jalan Masjid and Bagan Terap.

"We chose the families who really need help, like the disabled and those with a monthly income of about RM300," she said.

PKNS hopes to improve the lives of these less fortunate families with the repairs.

Noraida pointed out that PKNS will be helping other villagers in other districts to repair their homes after this project in Sabak Bernam is completed.

Also present to launch the event was state executive councillor for housing Iskandar Samad, who was pleased with PKNS' move.

"I will also be pushing for the state to set up a fund to help repair more homes in the other Selangor districts," he said.

During his speech, he explained that there were many more villages in the rural parts of Selangor which needed help.

"I hope PKNS will consider adopting this village and give them the guidance they need to improve their lives and social development." Selangor Times

New owners urged to form JMB quickly

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 02:40 AM PDT

SELAYANG: Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) will help owners of a new medium cost development here set up a Joint Management Body (JMB) to ensure all problems at apartments are addressed promptly.

"It's important to form a JMB committee as soon as possible to channel complaints about repairs and maintenance from residents to us, the developer. We will assist in this," said PKNS deputy general manager Noraida Mohd Yusof during a ceremony to hand over mock keys to nine selected Banjarai Court home owners, near Batu Caves, last Saturday.

Almost all the units at the five-block high-rise have been sold and the owners are expected to move in shortly.

Noraida advised the house owners  present – many of them first-time owners - to check their units for defects and to report their findings to the site office located on the ground floor at Block A.

She added that PKNS was committed to building more homes to cater to demand in Selayang.

She said the 612-unit apartments, with built-up area between 1,012 to 1,245 sq ft, were sold for around RM270,000 to RM330,000 each.

State executive councillor for housing Iskandar Samad lauded PKNS' move to assist residents in setting up the JMB immediately.

The Cempaka state lawmaker agreed with Noraida that a JMB should be set up as soon as possible.

He also urged residents at Banjaria Court to be alert to acts of vandalism at their new premises.

"There's no point having the best amenities that money can buy if they are vandalised by irresponsible people," he said.

Iskandar congratulated the 60 new house buyers who turned up to view their units.

"It's a good decision to have purchased a unit here. I understand the units have appreciated by 30 per cent since they were launched in 2009," he said.

The housing project was completed some eight months ahead of schedule - Alvin Yap, Selangor Times.

New rules to help flats get free water

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 02:36 AM PDT

SHAH ALAM: Flat residents without individual meters can register with their local council's Commissioner of Building (COB) to enjoy Selangor's free water programme from next month.

"This new mechanism will replace the old coupon system," said executive councillor for housing Iskandar Samad yesterday.

Under the new scheme, management councils, joint management bodies or developers will only have to inform the COB on the number of units at their apartments to receive the 20 cubic metres of free water per home.

Iskandar said the state would then pass on the information to Syarikat Air Bekalan Selangor (Syabas) to make the deduction from the bulk water bill.

"The deduction must be shown to the COBs," the Cempaka assemblyperson added.

He said the COBs would also conduct spot checks on low-cost flats to ensure the number of units reported is accurate.

Iskandar said the move would benefit residents without individual meters who currently have to rely on the coupon system.

He said the state started the free water programme in 2009, but Syabas was unable to replace bulk meters with individual meters in all flats.

He said 252,591 homes have applied for individual meters since 2009 but only 51,859 applications have been approved.

In addition, the low-cost flats must settle their arrears with Syabas and obtain residents' approval to apply for individual meters.

 "So we started the coupon system, allowing residents to claim for the deduction using the coupons but the procedures is complex and the results aren't satisfactory," said Iskandar.

 However, he said the latest scheme is just a temporary measure as low-cost flat residents must continue to apply for individual meters - Selangor Times.


Posted: 23 Mar 2012 01:44 AM PDT

THE long wait for land titles for 220 villagers and their family members living on state land in Kg Bendahara, Batu Caves is finally over — after almost 20 years.

Last week, the Selangor executive council approved all their applications for land titles.

Village action committee acting chairman Abdul Rahman Kamis said it was the best news in decades.

"We waited anxiously for the land title knowing that many who were in similar situation were given to low- cost houses.

"So we are happy our applications are approved," he said.

He said the villagers were also given some leeway in settling the total RM12,000 in premium and other fees.

"But the authorities have promised that by paying an initial premium sum of RM1,000, the grants will be given to us with the outstanding amount to be settled in installments," he said.

He said the RM12,000 was not only for the land grants but for infrastructure like drainage system and other utilities to be provided by the local authorities.

The good news was announced by State housing, building development and squatters committee chairman Iskandar Abdul Samad at a thanksgiving feast in Kg Bendajara recently.

"Initially there were 265 application but after scrutinising we found there were only 220 lots occupied. The rest made the application but went off to live somewhere else," he said.

The forfeited lots, he said would be turned into playground and other common property for the villagers," Iskandar told StarMetro after making the announcement.

He said the Kg Bendahara folk were initially moved to Bukit Botak, Batu Caves, which was a huge temporary resettlement site for villagers living on government land and squatters.

"Some were moved to other areas for resettlement and the present inhabitants of Kg Bendahara were moved here and given temporary occupation licences."

In 2001 there was an exercise by the state exco to given them land titles.

"But of the 108 applications approved only about 40 were given land titles as the majority could not come up with the RM12,000 in full settlement before the land titles could be given in their names," he said.

According to MPS council member in charge of Zone 3, which covers Kg Bendahara, Zaidi Abdul Talib, the council would start making arrangement to provide the basic infrastructure and common utilities for Kg Bendahara - Star Metro Online.


Posted: 22 Mar 2012 09:06 PM PDT


Kerajaan Negeri Selangor belum lagi bercadang untuk membayar tunggakan air percuma sejak 4 tahun lalu.

Kerajaan belum ada anggaran yang tepat untuk jumlah tunggakan ini jika kerajaan berhasrat untuk membayarnya.

Ini ialah kerana tarikh penghuni-penghuni mendapat air percuma adalah berbeza-beza.

Kempen besar-besaran agar penghuni bertukar kepada meter individu dan pemberian kupon air percuma bermula pada tahun 2009.

Kemudian diperkenalkan program pemotongan terus pada bil di meter pukal.

Oleh itu ada yang mendapat air percuma bermula pada tahun 2009, ada yang pada 2010 dan ada yang ada 2011.

Maka sudah tentu kerajaan perlu sedikt masa untuk mendapatkan anggaran ini.

Walau bagaimanapun kerajaan telah memperuntukan RM9,026,474.40 setahun untuk memberi air percuma kepada penghuni di perumahan bertingkat.

Oleh itu sebagai anggaran kasar untuk membayar tunggakan bagi 4 tahun untuk rumah kos rendah adalah RM36,825,896.16.


Kerajaan telah berusaha agar migrasi ke meter individu dipermudahkan dan dipercepatkan maka telah mengadakan banyak siri perbincangan dengan pihak SYABAS.

Di antara kejayaan perbincangan tersebut adalah mendapatkan persetujuan SYABAS untuk membenarkan migrasi walaupun "consent" atau kebenaran membuka akaun meter individu sebanyak 100 peratus tidak diperolehi.

Untuk kes-kes yang layak, "consent-consent" 100 peratus ini dikecualikan.

Kerajaan juga telah mewujudkan satu jawatankuasa khas iaitu Jawatankuasa Pemudah Isu-Isu Hartanah (PRIHATIN) untuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah di perumahan bertingkat termasuk masalah yang dihadapi penduduk yang mahu melakukan migrasi.

Jawatankuasa ini bermesyuarat setiap minggu dan melibatkan SYABAS, pemaju atau penduduk untuk kes-kes melibatkan migrasi.


Kerajaan juga melalui Lembaga Perumahan Dan Hartanah Selangor telah melakukan program "turun padang" untuk menggalakkan rakyat melakukan migrasi.

Setakat 15 Mac 2012, terdapat 252,591 permohonan untuk migrasi yang melibatkan 1,246 pembangunan.

Jumlah yang lulus adalah bagi 44,905 permohonan setakat ini.

Sementara jumlah yang telah ada meter individu adalah sebanyak 51,859 akaun melibatkan 241 pembangunan.


Walau bagaimanapun sehingga migrasi berlaku kerajaan telah memperkenalkan kupon air percuma yang pernah dilaporkan kepada sidang-sidang Dewan yang lepas.

Yang terkini kerajaan telah memperkenalkan program "Lapor Dan Dapat".

Di bawah program ini penduduk hanya perlu melaporkan kepada Pesuruhjaya Bangunan (COB) mereka bilangan unit yang berpenghuni di pembangunan mereka untuk mendapatkan air percuma.

COB kemudian akan memberitahu SYABAS akan maklumat ini dan Syabas akan membuat potongan pada bil meter pukal mereka. MC, JMB, agen pengurusan, pemaju atau persatuan penduduk kemudian akan membuat potongan pada bil-bil individu penduduk.

Program ini akan memudahkan rakyat mendapat air percuma sebelum migrasi dan akan bermula pada 1 April 2012.


Kerajaan boleh bertindak sebagai fasilitator di antara SYABAS dan penduduk apabila berlaku pemotongan.

Pada lazimnya kerajaan mencadangkan pembayaran secara ansuran.

Senarai pembangunan di mana kerajaan telah membantu adalah :

1) Pandan Utama, Pandan.

2) Apartmen Vista Bayu Klang

3) Kedai/Pejabat/ Apartment Taman Lembah Maju Ampang

4) Pangsapuri Ruvena Villa, Puchong

5) Pangsapuri Anggerik, Sri Kembangan

6) Apartmen Dishire Villa, Kota Damansara

7) Apartmen Kekwa, Puchong

8) Pangsapuri Kayangan,Petaling Jaya

9) Desaminium Rimba, Seri Kembangan

10) Pangsapuri Seri Era, Shah Alam

11) Pangsapuri Melur, Raya Dan Cempaka, Pelangi Damansara

12) Apartmen Jelutong, Shah Alam13) Pangsapuri Langat Utama, Banting

14) Pangsapuri Desa Temuan, Bukit Lanjan

15) Pangsapuri Bukit Kuda, Klang

16) Apartmen Puchong Intan, Puchong

17) Apartmen Mawar Taman Bunga Raya Bukit Beruntung

18) Pangsapuri Impian Sentosa, Klang

19) Pangsapuri Klang Indah

20) Apartmen Sri Gotong, Selayang

21) Pangsapuri Seri Pulai, Puchong Hartamas

22) Pangsapuri Taipan Bandar Armada Putera, Klang

Iskandar bin Abdul Samad
EXCO Perumahan, Pengurusan Bangunan dan Setinggan
Negeri Selangor
22 Mac 2012




Posted: 23 Mar 2012 12:31 AM PDT


Posted: 22 Mar 2012 10:14 PM PDT
