Sabtu, 8 Disember 2012

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Masjid Hishamuddin Dan Jabatan Zakat Sepang Anjur Majlis Berkhatan

Posted: 08 Dec 2012 03:08 PM PST

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

YB Dr Hjh Halimah di BERSIH 3.0

Posted: 08 Dec 2012 07:30 AM PST

Itu sahaja!! Duduk dan bantah.
Saya memang berada di situ. Saya menyaksikan sendiri. Orang muda orang tua. Orang sihat bahkan ada orang asthma yang duduk di tepi kedai untuk mengumpulkan tenaga dan melapangkan pernafasan.
Ramai orang muda. Melayu, Cina , India. Semua ada belaka. Saya bersama PA berjalan ke Jalan Raja Laut mengikut arus orang ramai. Ada polis traffik. Semua tenang. Tidak ada kebencian.
Tidak ada kebiadaban. Tidak ada kekacauan. Jalan beradab.

 Hanya setelah disemburkan oleh FRU dengan air kimia pemedih mata dan kulit ke arah orang ramai yang berhimpun berkongsi satu kerisauan iaitu sistem pilihanraya yang ADIL DAN BERSIH.
Salahkah rakyat mahukan sesuatu yang bagus?!
Tidak betulkah anak muda yang mahukan sistem memilih pemimpin yang membuat dasar negeri dan negara mereka melalui satu sistem pilihanraya yang bersih, telus dan profesional?

Apabila setelah keperitan, sesak nafas disembur dengan pemedih mata. Kanister yang mengandungi kimia beracun ini menyebabkan sesak nafas, pedih mata serta kulit dan hidung. Maka bertempiaranlah Melayu, Cina, India kerana semuanya merasa kesan semburan tersebut. Fenomena ini mencetus fitrah baik manusia di mana mereka berkongsi garam, menghulurkan air untuk disiram ke mata teman seperjuangan baru yang tidak dikenali pun sebelum ini.
Fitrah manusia yang inginkan kebaikan. Ini yang gagal difahami pemerintah yang sedang dikemudikan oleh REJIM UMNO-BN

Saya akhirnya bersama-sama dengan pimpinan PAS Pusat singgah di ibu pejabat PAS di Jalan Raja Laut KL.
Tuntutan BERSIH adalah PATUT, RASIONAL dan TEPAT serta disokong oleh semua rakyat yang WARAS


Posted: 08 Dec 2012 01:31 AM PST

Suspek kes rasuah, menteri Indonesia letak jawatan

Menteri Belia dan Sukan Indonesia Andi Mallarangeng yang menjadi suspek kes rasuah projek pembinaan pusat pendidikan dan latihan sukan serta sekolah sukan di Bukit Hambalang, Bogor, Jawa Barat, meletakkan jawatan daripada kabinet semalam.
Andi mengumumkan perletakan jawatannya itu pada sidang akhbar di pejabatnya di Jakarta Jumaat pagi selepas menyerahkan surat pengunduran dirinya itu kepada Presiden Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono di pejabat Presiden.
Suruhanjaya Pembanterasan Rasuah (KPK) Indonesia, yang telah menetapkan Andi sebagai suspek kes rasuah projek bernilai lebih satu trilion rupiah itu, telah pada semalam memohon kepada Jabatan Imigresen Indonesia supaya menghalang beliau dan dua lagi yang terbabit dalam kes sama, daripada melakukan perjalanan ke luar negeri.
Andi merupakan orang pertama di Indonesia sebagai penyandang menteri kabinet yang ditetapkan sebagai suspek dalam kes rasuah. Kes-kes sebelum ini hanya melibatkan tokoh-tokoh tidak lagi menyandang jawatan menteri.
Presiden Susilo dalam kenyataan kepada media tengah semalam mengesahkan pengunduran diri Andi dari kabinet dan tugas menteri itu akan dijalankan Menteri Penyelaras Kesejahteraan Rakyat, Agung Laksono.
Susilo menghargai keputusan Andi mengundurkan diri ketika menghadapi masalah undang-undang kerana jika beliau tidak berbuat demikian, urusan kerja kabinet akan terganggu.
Selain jawatan kabinet, Andi turut meletakkan jawatan sebagai Setiausaha Lembaga Penyelia Parti Demokrat serta Setiausaha Majlis Tertinggi Parti Demokrat, iaitu parti politik yang diketuai Presiden Susilo sendiri.
Nama Andi sering dikaitkan dalam kes projek Hambalang itu sejak bekas Bendahari Agung Parti Demokrat M. Nazaruddin menyebut bahawa beliau dan Ketua Umum Parti Demokrat Anas Urbaningrum telah menerima sejumlah wang daripada projek itu.
Suruhanjaya Pembanterasan Rasuah Indonesia menemui beberapa kejanggalan dalam projek itu apabila nilai projek itu meningkat dengan begitu besar berbanding kos asalnya ketika ia mula dibangunkan pada masa Menteri Belia dan Sukan sebelumnya, Adhyaksa Dault.
Setelah Andi mengambil alih jawatan Menteri Belia dan Sukan, pelan projek itu mengalami perubahan dan kos projek yang pada asalnya berjumlah Rp125 bilion telah meningkat menjadi Rp1.17 trilion (AS$265 juta).


Dr. Boo Cheng Hau's Trilingual Blog: SAY WHAT YOU LIKE

Dr. Boo Cheng Hau's Trilingual Blog: SAY WHAT YOU LIKE

Umno-linked men in control of GLCs losing money

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 08:02 PM PDT

Some 17 years ago, I was absolutely delighted when the state government announced that Dana Johor, a trust fund newly set up, was to be opened up to all citizens regardless of race. Before this it had set up Amanah Saham Johor that was for Bumiputera only.

My Malay friend was equally excited. We immediately went together to a local bank to sign up for loans to purchase the Dana Johor share units. I was curious when the bank officer told us there were two categories of interest rates for the same amount borrowed – the lower rate for 'members', the higher rate for 'non-members'.

I asked her if I could become a 'member'. She practically flushed and apologised, replying that membership was only for Bumiputera. What? Even though both my friend and drew the same salary as government doctors, I would have to a pay higher interest because I am 'non-Bumiputera'!

This is outright racial discrimination, not affirmative action.

I felt extremely humiliated but I had to thank the Malay officer for her humility in apologising for a racist policy that she had no power over.

Who in the world would want to pay higher interests in return for racial degradation? I decided not to take up the loan that was being managed along racial lines as I always understood that any economy would never thrive if managed in such a racist way. It would surely crumble by itself.

But my doubt has always been how blanket lower interest rates offered to Bumiputera vis-a-vis non-Bumiputera would help poor Malays move up the socio-economic ladder.

Ultimately it turned out that my instinct was correct – immoral economic practices would boomerang on themselves sooner rather than later.

Ironically, some years later as a wakil rakyat, I had to raise the issue in the state assembly when the Dana Johor share value dropped from RM1 per unit to 18 sen. And to the displeasure of many buyers, Johor Corp is offering only 50 sen to buy back each share in order to wind up the fund.

Before this Johor Corp had wound up Amanah Saham Johor, which was for Bumiputera only, at a one ringgit per unit scheme.

Racism dampened our economic growth

Please allow me to delve into further details about what is happening in Johor.

I know that one Umno state assemblyman openly asked for a directorship – in any government-linked company – upon his retirement from politics.

GLCs have become collection of BN, especially Umno-linked, well-paid but non-performing politicians. It is hardly surprising to find out that Johor Corp has a whooping debt of RM6 billion, with RM 3.6 billion in the form of bonds that will be due next year.

Yayasan Pelajaran Johor and Kumpulan YPJ

According to Auditor-General's report, the Yayasan Pelajaran Johor financial statement which ended 21 Dec 2008 indicated that more than a quarter (26.9% or RM73.2 million) of YPJ's RM271.9 million investment could not verified due to its lack of proper documentation for auditing. Furthermore, it has a debt of RM14.8 million to its subsidiaries.

Johor scholars owed as much as RM16.3 million to YPJ, and 95 percent or RM15.5 million in debts could not be verified due to a lack of any documentation. Already, YPJ ran at a loss of RM 2.7 million in 2008 while Kumpulan Pendidikan YPJ Sdn Bhd registered a loss of RM1.5 million in the same year.

Due to wastage and mismanagement, it is inevitable that YPJ will go bust eventually – it is only a matter of when.

Perbadanan Bioteknologi dan Biodiversiti Negeri Johor (J-Bioetch)

J-Biotech has nine subsidiaries with total assets of RM3.5 million and total current liabilities of RM18 million. Five out of these subsidiaries have current liabilities more than their current assets, which in other words mean they are technically bankrupt. Seven out of the nine subsidiaries ran at loss in 2008.

Government bailouts are expected until the company goes under one day soon.

Most GLCs are not only economically unproductive but also acutely race based. And the GLCs boards are Umno's piece of the pie. MIC and MCA politicians are more often than not excluded.

The large number of Umno government-linked politicians sitting on GLCs boards are said to safeguard Malay equities ownership. This arrangement hardly reflects the economic progress of Malay society at large. What it has done is make the corporate world more racially divided than integrated.

This may explain why the average Malay household and Chinese income ratio have remained unchanged since the implementation of NEP when compared to Singapore Malays who have achieved better economic progress through the non-racial process of urbanisation, free education and industrialisation.

Heavy govt interference in corporate world

The NEP's focus has been mainly to enlarge Malay equity ownership.

The government invested in various economic activities in the name of Malay interest. That activity brought very little benefit but incurred large fiscal losses of public funds and state resources that rightly belong to all Malaysians.

Between 1960 and 1992, the number of public enterprises increased from a mere 22 to a whopping 1,149 – spreading across all economic activities, including agriculture, building and construction, finance, services, extractive industries and others.

The government also ventured into heavy and capital-intensive industries in the 1980s. By 1986, public enterprises dominated many industries, including palm kernel oil, palm oil, vegetable and animal oils, food products, hydraulic cement, tires and tubes, sugar, manufacture of industrial gases and manufacturing sub-sectors of petroleum. Their share of the industries ranged from 31 percent to 85 percent, according to economist K.S. Jomo.

Public monopolies failed to bring about impressive economic growth in Malaysia compared with what happened at the same time in Taiwan and South Korea. Even though Malaysia had an average GDP growth rate of about four percent per annum in the 1970s and 1980s, Taiwan and South Korea have surpassed Malaysia with their greater growth rates despite both countries having more impoverished economies in the 1960s.

Misinterpretation of economic problems and misuse of public resources to build up individual Malay capitalist equity ownership has greatly suppressed Malaysia's economic performance.

The misconception about public enterprises as being representative of Malay interests is detrimental to better economic growth as well as to the interests of individual Malays and the Malay masses. It is only a few Malay tycoons who have benefitted. The gap between the mean income of the Malay and the Chinese has remained largely unchanged.

Financing of public enterprises was largely from the federal treasury and public agencies such as Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara), the Urban Development Authority (UDA) and various state economic development corporations (SEDCs).

Another major source of funding was from Malaysian public institutions such as the Muslim Pilgrim Fund and Management Board (LUTH), the Employees' Provident Fund (EPF), and the Bumiputera Investment Foundation.

Feathering whose nest?

The involvement of public enterprises in businesses in the name of a single race is not only short-sighted but unproductive.

It has mainly alienated one segment of the population whilst not helping another segment to make real gains. Nonetheless, the propaganda that the Umno government has safeguarded Malay rights did provide an illusionary sense of well-being for the Malays, many of whom believe that their interests are enhanced by these public ventures in business.

Even if we do not institute physical segregation laws such as in apartheid, we have certainly a de facto system of segregation established at a colossal cost amounting to billions of ringgits.

Sometimes I have discussions about economics with Umno politicians but I can never agree with their superficial interpretation of wealth distribution. Often they give me a boggling example like "most golfers are Chinese businessmen".

A non-racial approach towards corporate equities ownership should be in place if we are determined to get out of this economic dilemma. Non-racial policies such as minimum wage, on-the-job training, and free competition will keep the free market working.

One solution is to open the failing GLCs not only to local businesses for bidding takeovers but also to international companies. This approach may help attract foreign direct investment and add competitiveness to our corporate world. It has become clear that GLCs can no longer survive on Malay nationalist prejudice and pride alone.


Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

If the Kelantan PAS Government Fails To Act Against Errant Municipal Council Saboteurs Who Issue Summonses Against Non-Muslim Couples For Indecent Behaviour, This Will Adversely Undermine PR’s Message Of Respect For Freedom Of Religion And Damage Existing Co-operation Within PR.

Posted: 08 Dec 2012 06:00 AM PST

Press Statement By DAP Secretary-General and MP for Bagan Lim Guan Eng in Kuala Lumpur on 8.12.2012.

DAP expresses concern at reports that four non-Muslims in Kota Baru were issued with a summons by municipal enforcement officers for indecent behaviour. Of the four, two were men watching planes land at night at the Sultan Ismail Petra Airport, whilst the other two were a young couple in a park in the middle of the day.

Even though the summonses were for "indecent behaviour", political opponents of PR and the media has twisted it into a summons for khalwat and trying to impose Islamic laws on non-Muslims. If the Kelantan PAS government fails to act against errant municipal council saboteurs who issue summonses against non-Muslim couples for indecent behaviour, this will adversely undermine PR's message of respect for freedom of religion and damage existing co-operation within PR.

National PAS Supporters Congress chairman Hu Pang Chaw said the male victims had complained to him that the officers had even sought RM500 from the duo "to settle the matter". Clearly the municipal officers were abusing their powers and urgent action is required to clear the good name of the Kelantan state government of being clean and free from corruption as well as allay concerns that non-Muslim rights are not respected by forcible imposition of Islamic laws.

I have communicated these concerns to PAS Secretary-General Datuk Mustafa Ali who has promised to liaise and resolve the matter. I told Datuk Mustapa Ali of the need to look at the matter seriously to prevent jeorpardising mutual trust and the strong ties within PR. I have also directed DAP MP for Bukit Bendera Liew Chin Tong to communicate with the PAS leadership on an immediate resolution on issues which relate to allegations of non-Muslims being subjected to Islamic laws.


PR Menunaikan Prinsip Kerajaan Berjiwa Rakyat Dengan Memberikan 103 Keluarga Sebanyak 103 Buah Unit Rumah Kos Rendah Percuma Dengan Menanggung Kos RM1,951,683 Di Mana Wang Tunai RM1,160,899 Akan Dibayar Balik Kepada Pemilik.

Posted: 08 Dec 2012 06:06 AM PST

Kenyataan Akhbar Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng Di Rumah Pangsa Mak Mandin, Butterworth Pada 8.12.2012.

Kerajaan negeri PR menunaikan prinsip kerajaan berjiwa rakyat dengan memberikan 103 buah keluarga sebanyak 103 buah unit rumah kos rendah percuma dengan menanggung kos RM1,951,683 di mana wang tunai RM1,160,899 akan dibayar balik kepada pemilik. Masalah kegagalan 103 buah keluarga mendapat rumah mereka yang telahpun dijanjikan oleh BN hampir 30 tahun dahulu akhirnya diselesaikan oleh PR.

103 buah keluarga terdiri daripada 23 buah keluarga yang dipindahkan untuk projek Tapak Ekspo Seberang Jaya pada 1985 dan 80 buah keluarga kawasan setinggan Rumah Hijau yang menjadi mangsa kebakaran pada 30.6.1985. 102 buah keluarga ditempatkan di Rumah Pangsa Mak Mandin manakala satu keluarga di Rumah Awam Permatang Tinggi.

Kerajaan negeri lama telah mewajibkan mereka membayar RM19,000 selepas memberikan diskaun RM6,000. Akan tetapi 103 buah keluarga menuntut diberikan rumah gantian percuma kerana mereka memberikan jalan untuk projek kerajaan negeri baik untuk Tapak Ekspo Seberang Jaya mahupun untuk projek Rumah Hijau sekarang di mana sebuah rumah gentian diberikan. Malangnya kerajaan lama BN enggan atau gagal tepati janji memberikan rumah percuma.

Hari ini kerajaan negeri PR telahpun menyelesaikan masalah kerajaan BN lama dengan memberikan rumah percuma kepada 103 buah keluarga. Kos keseluruhan yang ditanggung Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang dengan pemberian rumah percuma kepada 103 keluarga terdiri dari 23 setinggan tapak Ekspo dan 80 mangsa kebakaran Mak Mandin adalah seperti berikut.

Jumlah :
102 x RM19,000 = RM1,938,000.00

1 x RM13,683 = RM 13,683.00


JUMLAH RM1,951,683.00


Ada 11 buah keluarga yang tidak buat sebarang bayaran ansuran. Ada yang buat sebahagian bayaran. Tetapi ada keluarga yang telahpun habis buat bayaran kepada kerajaan negeri dahulu dan mereka akan mendapat bayaran balik. Sebanyak RM 1,160,899 akan dibayar balik dengan syarat semua bayaran penyelenggaraan yang dihutang sebanyak RM 81,120 mesti dibereskan.

Jumlah keseluruhan wang yang akan dibayar balik oleh kerajaan negeri adalah seperti berikut:

Bayaran balik harga rumah
yang telah selesai = RM1,058,683.00

Bayaran ansuran yang telah
dijelaskan sehingga Nov. 2012 = RM 83,946.00

Bayaran deposit yang perlu di
kembalikan = RM 18,270.00


Jumlah RM 1,160,899.00


Perlu ditegaskan hak milik strata hanya akan dipindahkan sebaik sahaja bayaran penyelenggaraan tunggakan dibayar.


Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on AirAsia’s X’mas Big Sale! by Palani

Posted: 08 Dec 2012 06:59 AM PST

May be the ZERO Fare was for 1 ticket only. The Ministry must stop such misleading adverts now. We cannot allow the public to be taken for a ride by unscrupulous businessmen.

Comment on AirAsia’s X’mas Big Sale! by Con Job

Posted: 08 Dec 2012 06:29 AM PST

Suddenly we don’t see the Red Indian cybertroopers coming in to defend the indefensible. As have been said so many times, SAFETY COST MONEY. Is it a surprise that AirAsia did not follow regulatory requirement of DCA? The moto is “If you price the ticket low enough, Malaysians are prepared to risk their lives”. Soon be careful so it will be “Now Everyone Can Fly and Die”.

Comment on AirAsia’s X’mas Big Sale! by Hanif

Posted: 08 Dec 2012 06:18 AM PST

It is all hypes and nothing else. Let them do it until Malindo is in operation then the Pariah will know the reality.

Comment on AirAsia’s X’mas Big Sale! by Joshua

Posted: 08 Dec 2012 03:45 AM PST

Just look at the advertisements posted here and those that have not been posted here. They were all more or less misleading.

If we don’t travel, it is almost impossible to get refund of the airport tax. The administrative charges are just as much as the airport. Making it nit worth while to get the refund. By right the airport tax should be refunded to the untraveled passengers automatically. YB please get the Government to make it mandatory for airport tax to be refunded by AA for untraveled passengers. Ripping off is just the word to describe the modus operandi.

Comment on Teks ucapan perbahasan Bajet 2013 by hayani

Posted: 08 Dec 2012 02:21 AM PST

Ye…… betul apa yg diperkatakan oleh yang berhormat Wee Chee keong tu…..bangsa asing kat negara kita ni besepah di merata2 negeri …tak kira Bangla, Myanmar, India, China,Indon, Sri Lanka, MAMAT GAGAK HITAM LEGAM bermaharaja lela di negara kita….mrk lebih samseng dr rakyat negara kita……..nape Dato’ Hisyamudin duk diam je tak ambik tindakan pada mrk semua ni….tak halau mrk semua ni,nape tak buat tangkapan….kan kita ramai tentera,polis,rela, buatlah tindakan tegas pd mrk seme ni,barulah dia org berhati2 duk di negara kita…..mrk tahu kerajaan kita tak buat apa2 tindakan kpd mrk sbb itulah mrk seme ni samseng buat negara ni lebih dr negara diorang……sakit sgt mata tengok gagak hitam kat Chow Kit, Puchong, Tmn Melati, Bangsar, KL dan lain2 tempat….seolah2 negara kita ni dah mrk punye…..

Comment on AirAsia’s X’mas Big Sale! by Joe

Posted: 08 Dec 2012 01:36 AM PST

Tony & Guan

I agree with both of you.

The Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism must stop such false advert where there is so much uncertainty after March 31 2013. Members of the public must be protected from such unscruplous businesses.Stop them now before they cause more problems for the people and the government. Enough of that low caste airline. Playing with beautiful report in the Star. Just wonder how he was appointed director of Star. The Star management must be blind by all the advertisement revenues.

Comment on AirAsia’s X’mas Big Sale! by Tony

Posted: 08 Dec 2012 12:18 AM PST

bloody Toni… he know he’s in trouble now and resort to tactics by selling as many tickets as possible, get the money and later ask the consumer to blame the govt if he didn’t get his AOC license

Comment on AirAsia’s X’mas Big Sale! by Guan

Posted: 07 Dec 2012 09:55 PM PST

Big Bullshit!

Direct Free Kick

Direct Free Kick

Tempat ibu bapa menunggu pelajar2 di hadapan Sek Ren Pandan Indah ini dibina dgn peruntukan ADN Chempaka.

Posted: 08 Dec 2012 02:35 AM PST

Di Shah Alam, separuh akhir Piala Emas Raja-Raja Selangor lwn Perak, masih 0-0.

Posted: 08 Dec 2012 01:26 AM PST

Sent from my Nokia phone

8 Dis 2012 - Ceramah kesihatan untuk wanita anjuran Pusat Berdaya Wanita Chempaka dan Pusat Khidmat ADN Chempaka di Perpustakaan Komuniti Pandan Jaya.

Posted: 07 Dec 2012 07:14 PM PST

8 Dis 2012 - Bersama sebahagian peserta sukaneka di Perpustakaan Komuniti Pandan Jaya

Posted: 07 Dec 2012 07:10 PM PST

Sent from my Nokia phone

8 Dis 2012 - Bersama sebahagian peserta sukaneka di Perpustakaan Komuniti Pandan Jay

Posted: 07 Dec 2012 07:07 PM PST

8 Dis 2012 - Bersama sebahagian peserta sukaneka di Perpustakaan Komuniti Pandan Jay

Posted: 07 Dec 2012 07:06 PM PST

8 Dis 2012 - Bersama sebahagian peserta sukaneka di Perpustakaan Komuniti Pandan Jaya.

Posted: 07 Dec 2012 06:58 PM PST

8 Dis 2012 - Sebelum sepakmula Pertandingan Futsal Belia PeBT 2012 anjuran PeBT MPAJ Zon 16

Posted: 07 Dec 2012 06:23 PM PST

8 Dis 2012 - Sebelum sepakmula Pertandingan Futsal Belia PeBT 2012 anjuran PeBT MPAJ Zon 16.

Posted: 07 Dec 2012 06:21 PM PST

Pagi ini merasmikan Futsal Belia PeBT 2012.

Posted: 07 Dec 2012 05:54 PM PST

Sent from my Nokia phone

Gwo-Burne for Kelana Jaya

Gwo-Burne for Kelana Jaya


Posted: 08 Dec 2012 05:58 AM PST

On the 1 December, MP Kelana Jaya, YB Gwo-Burne Loh's office on Jalan PJS8/2 at 4:30pm was attempted to be break in, in broad day light. YB Hannah's special assistant was robbed and including her car a few weeks back below our office on Jalan PJS8/2. Shop owners have encountered break ins and snatch cases [...]



Saling fahami budaya, hilangkan ketakutan 13 Mei

Posted: 07 Dec 2012 11:21 PM PST

KLANG: PAS hari ini mengadakan Seminar Antara Budaya Masyarakat Malaysia yang berlangsung di Hotel Goldcourse di sini.

Ianya adalah satu inisiatif Lajnah Penerangan PAS Pusat untuk memberi kefahaman mengenai kepelbagaian budaya masyarakat di negara ini agar saling memahami antara satu sama lain.

Ketua Penerangan PAS Pusat Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man berkata seminar ini juga penting bagi menangkis tomahan dan taktik pihak tidak bertanggungjawab yang suka melaga-lagakan antara kaum untuk kepentingan politik.

"Seminar ini adalah bertujuan untuk menghilangkan ketakutan pada 13 Mei. Ianya medan untuk berterus-terang dan memahami budaya pelbagai kaum dan masyarakat di Malaysia," kata Tuan Ibrahim dalam ucapan pembukaan majlis pagi ini.

Turut bersama dalam seminar ini ialah Pengerusi Dewan Himpunan Penyokong PAS (DHPP) Hu Pang Chow dan timbalan Bala Subramaniam, AJK DHPP negeri-negeri dan wilayah, semua ketua penerangan PAS kawasan, ketua Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional negeri dan kawasan.

Program yang bermula dari jam 8 pagi hingga 2.30 petang ini itu disertai lebih 200 peserta setakat ini.

Beberapa kertas kerja juga akan dibentangkan dalam program ini hari ini.

Antara pembentang utama pagi ini Prof Dr Sufian Husein dari Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia yang akan membentangkan tajuk "Memahami budaya masyarakat Melayu Islam dalam konteks pemikiran politik di Malaysia."

Kertas kerja kedua pula bertajuk "Peranan penerangan dalam konteks mendekati Melayu dan bukan Melayu dalam PRU" yang akan dibentangkan oleh tiga wakil kaum iaitu Tuan Ibrahim sendiri, bekas editor Merdeka Review Lim Hong Siang dan Kaunselor Berdaftar UPM A Rajaretinam.

Exco pendidikan Selangor Dr Halimah Ali dijangka memberikan ucapan penutup petang ini.

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim

Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat Pahang

Posted: 07 Dec 2012 09:38 PM PST

9 Disember 2012 (Ahad)

8.30 – 12.00 Malam

Darul Hikmah, Kerdau, Pahang


1.     YB Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim

2.     YB Dato' Seri Tuan Guru Haji Abdul Hadi Awang

3.     YB Lim Kit Siang

4.     YBhg Dato' Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man

5.     YBhg Dato' Fauzi Abdul Rahman

6.     YB Leong Ngah Ngah

7.     Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat & NGO

View issues with Tan Seng Giaw

View issues with Tan Seng Giaw

Efforts to transform Malaysia

Posted: 07 Dec 2012 02:09 AM PST

PM YAB Najib wants to deliver what he has promised after the coming general election. This includes many aspects such as transformation of economy, more effective government service, transparency, eradication of corruption & attraction of talents. There are many irregularities, arrogance of administrators, leakages and other weaknesses. The people would like to know how this Father of Transformation has transformed Malaysia into a truly developed nation.

MOU must include a clean SPR

Posted: 07 Dec 2012 01:31 AM PST

There is a call for memorandum of understanding (MOU) for candidates. If there is MOU, it has to include various things including a clean Election Commission, expenditure within legal limits & good behaviour of candidates & their followers in the general elections.

Mohamad Taufek Abd Ghani

Mohamad Taufek Abd Ghani

Pusat Judi Terbuka Berleluasa di Johor?

Posted: 07 Dec 2012 03:48 PM PST

Harap pihak berkaitan terutama PBT, PDRM dan Jabatan Agama dapat menyiasat dakwaan di bawah ini serta mengambil tindakan susulan yang efektif demi kepentingan umat Islam dan bangsa Melayu di Johor. 7 Dis 2012

Saya amat hairan kerana terdapat banyak pusat judi boleh beroprasi secara terbuka dan terletak di kebanyakan pusat membeli belah di sekitar Kulai Jaya.IOI mall,Tesco,TJ Mart dan banyak lagi yang saya tidak sebutkan disini.Ia beroperasi 24 jam dan berlesenkan pusat hiburan keluarga.

Mustahil pada saya pihak berkuasa tidak tahu pekara ini kerana telah bertahun tahun telah beroperasi tanpa apa-apa tindakan?

Amat malang pada saya kerana kebanyakan pengunjungnya adalah melayu yang menghabiskan wang gaji mereka tiap-tiap bulan disitu.

Boleh saya tahu sejak bila kita ada mengeluarkan lesen judi secara terbuka atau mungkin terdapat unsur rasuah disini?

Saya amat berharap pekara ini diselesaikan secepat mungkin kerana benda ini telah berlarutan lebih kurang 4 – 5 tahun.

By: nasir

Tugas JPAM kini amat berisiko tinggi

Posted: 07 Dec 2012 03:47 PM PST

Tugas anggota Jabatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia (JPAM) kini berisiko tinggi kerana ada diantara mereka yang terlibat dalam rondaan cegah jenayah dibawah Strategi Lautan Biru. Adakah anggota JPAM ini cukup terlatih untuk mencegah jenayah, dilindungi skim takaful berkaitan serta dibekalkan dan dilatih menggunakan senjata api?

Anggota JPAM cedera ditembak
8 Dis 2012 

PULAU PINANG - Seorang anggota Jabatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia (JPAM) nyaris maut apabila terkena satu das tembakan di pinggang kirinya semasa mengejar dua suspek di Jalan Kulim, Bukit Mertajam di sini malam tadi.

Dalam kejadian kira-kira pukul 11.15 malam itu, Konstabel Adi Luqman Zainal Abidin, 27, sedang melakukan rondaan cegah jenayah bersama seorang lagi anggota JPAM dan dua anggota polis dengan motosikal.

Ketika mangsa dan rakannya mahu membuat pusingan U, mereka terserempak dengan dua lelaki di bawah sebatang pokok dalam keadaan mencurigakan sebelum kedua-duanya melarikan diri dengan motosikal.

Kuliah Tafaqquh bersama Ustaz Hairul Nizam Mat Husain

Posted: 07 Dec 2012 03:46 PM PST

Setiap Hari Khamis (malam) , Minggu 1, 2, 3
Kitab Tafsir Al-Jalalain & Kitab Sirah: Mukhtasar Ibnu Abi Jamrah

Di Masjid Bandar Baru Senawang, Surau Al Ansar Taman Coral Heights Sikamat dan Imtiyyaz Tarbiyyah Centre Taman Kayu Manis Seremban
