Ahad, 7 Jun 2015

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

The State Government will get at least RM505 million more if it cancels the sale of the 267.15 acres of State Land opposite MJC New Township, Batu Kawa, Kuching to Standard Parade Development Sdn Bhd, a crony company of Sarawak Barisan National.

Posted: 07 Jun 2015 02:48 AM PDT

The State Government will get at least RM505 million more if it cancels the sale of the 267.15 acres of State Land opposite MJC New Township, Batu Kawa, Kuching to Standard Parade Development Sdn Bhd, a crony company of Sarawak Barisan National.
Background Facts of the Matter
By an Agreement dated 8-3-2014 between the State Government of the one part and Standard Parade Development Sdn Bhd (SPD) of the other part, the State Government agrees to sell 267.15 acres of State Land opposite MJC New Township, Jalna Baru Kawa, Kuching (Lots 128, 5489, 5490, 5491, 2301, 2304 and 5279 all of Block 225 Kuching North Land District) (hereinafter called "the Said Land") to SPD at the price of RM115 million.
At such price, it is only RM430,000 per acre, when the market price of land in the vicinity is approximately RM2,000,000 per acre.

Other salient facts of the said Agreement are as follows:
  1. The price of RM115 million will be paid by SPD in kind, with 2 orphanage building in Lawas and Mukah and 1 SABATI building at Jalan Bako.
  2. Upon SPD signing the Building Agreement for the 2 orphanage buildings and commence construction for the SABATI Building, the State Government shall, within 21 days, issue title of document to the Said Land to SPD.
Basically, SPD needs only to incur a minimal sum of less than RM500,000, and it can get the title to the 267.15 acres of land worth at least RM500,000,000.
After I exposed this shoddy land transaction, Adenan Satem (the new Sarawak Chief Minister), in the April 2015 DUN sitting, openly challenged me in Dewan Undangan Negeri to look for a purchaser who is willing to pay RM550 million or more for the Said Land and that he promised he will then cancel the Agreement with SPD.
PURCHASER A to buy the Said Land at the price of RM620 million
So far, there are 3 purchasers who have indicated their willingness to buy the Said Land at more than RM550 million.  Their conditions are that the State Government must first approve their proposed development plan.  Otherwise, they are fearful that the State Government may later makes things difficult and impose ridiculous terms to frustrate their proposed development of the Said Land.
Today, I have in hand from the first of the 3 purchasers (whom I will refer to as "Purchaser A") the proposed development plan and offer to the State Government.
The proposal by Purchaser A to the State Government are as follows:
  1. The Purchaser A will perform all the obligations on the part of Standard Parade Development Sdn Bhd (SPD) to perform under the Agreement dated 8-3-2014 between the Government of the State of Sarawak of the one part and SPD of the other part.
  1. The Purchaser A will pay to the State Government, 10% of the proceeds of sale of the property (including condominiums, apartments, shoplots, shopping centres, hotels) built in accordance with the Proposed Plan attached herewith together with the List of Property to be Built Thereon.  The total estimated proceed of sales based on the current market price is approximately RM4.9 billion.
Therefore, the State Government will get an estimated minimum RM490 million (10% of RM4.9 billion) in cash payment upon completion and sale of the property.  If the property prices increases over the years, the Government will receive more from the agreed 10% proceeds of sales.

  1. The Purchaser A will, at its own costs and expenses, build ONE primary school and ONE secondary school for the Government.  The estimated value of the two schools is approximately RM15,000,000.

The Proposed Development Plan referred to in Item 2 above includes the building and completion of the followings:

  1. 4-Storey Shopping Complex (with 2 blocks of 18 storey Hotel & Condominium)
  • Estimated sale price of RM830,000,000

  1. 2 Blocks of 18-storey Office/Soho Tower (Total area of 270,000 sq. metre)
  • Estimated sale price of RM1,350,000,000

  1. 600 units of 4-storey Shophouses
  • Estimated sale price of RM720,000,000

  1. 12 Blocks of 12-18 storeys Condominium
(900 units with average selling price of RM500,000 per unti)
  • Estimated sale price of RM450,000,000

  1. 29 Blocks of 18-storey Apartments
(4000 units with average selling price of RM350,000 per unti)
  • Estimated sale price of RM1,400,000,000

  1. 227 units of 2-3 storeys Terrace and Semi-detached Houses
  • Estimated sale price of RM150,000,000
Total Estimated Sales Proceeds
Based on the present Market Price RM4,900,000,000


Comparison of Benefits to the State Government

The following is a table of comparison of the benefits to the State Government from selling the Said Land to SPD on the one hand and selling the Said Land to Purchaser A on the other hand:

Standard Parade Development Sdn BhdPurchaser A
  • Two Orphanage Buildings and One SABATI Building worth RM115 million.
  • Two Orphanage Buildings and One SABATI Building worth RM115 million.
  • 10% of the estimated RM4.9-billion Gross Development Value at the present market price which will generate a revenue of RM490 million to the Government coffer.
  • One Primary School and One Secondary School worth RM15 million.

By the proposal of this Purchaser A alone, the State Government will derive a benefits which is almost 5 times that offered by SPD, or an extra RM505 million more than what SPD is offering the State Government.

Therefore, no sensible Government will reject such offer by Purchaser A, unless there is something hanky-panky going on between the BN leaders and SPD.

Adenan Urged to Walk the Talk

Since Adenan became the Chief Minister of Sarawak, he has been talking about good governance.

Sadly, this Agreement was signed by the State Government 9 days after he became the Chief Minister.  Therefore, he cannot disclaim any responsibility for the impropriety of such agreement.

The fact that the Said Land was sold to SPD at RM115 million and now there is a company who is willing to pay RM620 million for the Said Land is clear evidence of impropriety and smacks of some element of corruption in the dealing with SPD.

If Adenan is really sincere about "Good Governance", he must cancel the Agreement for the sale of the Said Land to SPD, otherwise, his talk about "Good Governance" is mere lip service and no action.

The fact that Adenan has openly challenged to me in Sarawak DUN to find a purchaser who is willing to pay more than RM550 million for the Said Land means that Adenan has the power to cancel the Agreement with SPD.

Now that I have found a purchaser who is willing to offer RM620 million, will Adenan eat his words, or will he honour his pledge.


I will forward the proposal and my letter to Adenan on Monday (8-6-2015).

I have also informed Adenan in my letter that there are 2 more proposals coming from other prospective purchasers and such proposals will be given to me in about 2 weeks' time. I will upon receipt thereof, forward the same to Adenan in due course.

As this matter concerns hundreds of million Ringgit of public money, there should be no urgency for the Government to make any decision EXCEPT to immediately terminate the Agreement with SPD who has taken the Government and the people of Sarawak for a ride.


Chong Chieng Jen
Member of Parliament for Bandar Kuching
ADUN for Kota Sentosa
Chairman of Sarawak DAP


Posted: 07 Jun 2015 01:32 AM PDT


张健仁指出,相比州政府以11500万令吉的廉价售卖这一大片政府地给国阵朋党Standard Parade Development有限公司,接触张氏的第一位买家所开出的条件,砂州政府将可得到总值6亿2000万令吉的现金和产业,比SPD有限公司所给予州政府的,多出5亿500万令吉。

事关,砂州政府于201438日,与Standard Parade Development 有限公司签署一份卖地合约,将座落在古晋石角路MJC商业中心对面的一片267.15英亩的政府地,以超便宜的价格,出售给这家SPD有限公司。 整片267.15英亩的黄金地段,政府只以区区的1亿1500万令吉出售给这家SPD有限公司,即,平均每英亩售价只是43万令吉,虽然那里的地段市价是介于一英亩约200万令吉。 

即使售价已如此的便宜,但,根据这份不公平合约内的条文,这家SPD有限公司也不需要还这1亿1500万令吉现金。 它是以物物交换的方式偿还这1亿1500万令吉,即,该SPD有限公司将在沐胶和老越建两间孤儿院和在Bako路建一所"部长夫人俱乐部大厦" 





1. 完全按照砂州政府和SPD有限公司所签署的合约,替砂州政承建两间孤儿院和一间"部长夫人俱乐部大厦"
2. 除此之外,这第一位买家也将付给砂州政府,其在这片土地上所建筑的所有产业所卖出的售价的10% 根据目前产业市价的估计,以及这第一位买家所建议的发展图,这片267.15英亩的地段,可发展至总价值约49亿令吉的房屋、商店、公寓和租屋。 49亿令吉的10%既是4亿9000万令吉。 这也意味着,砂州政府可多收4亿9000万令吉的钱。
3. 另外,这第一位买家再替州政府建一间小学和一间中学,总价值约1500万令吉。



· 替州政府建两间孤儿院和一间部长夫人俱乐部大夏,总价值1亿1500万令吉

· 替州政府建两间孤儿院和一间部长夫人俱乐部大夏,总价值1亿1500万令吉

· 付还给州政府整个发展计划所卖出的房产店屋等售价的10% 以目前市价的估计,总发展价值是约49亿令吉,则砂州政府可得到4亿9000万令吉。

· 一间设备齐全的小学和一间中学,总价值1500万令吉。


1. 4层楼的商业购物中心及两栋18层楼的酒店和高级公寓
· 预计售价是8亿3000万令吉

2. 18层楼的办公楼大厦(总面积是27万平方米)
· 预计售价是13亿5000万令吉

3. 6004层楼的店屋
· 预计售价是7亿2000万令吉

4. 1212-18 层楼的公寓(约900个单位,每单位售价50万令吉)
· 预计售价是4亿5000万令吉

5. 29 18层楼的租屋(约4000个单位,每单位售价35万令吉
· 预计售价是14亿令吉

6. 227间排屋和半独立房屋
· 预计售价1亿5000万令吉

"这些预计售价是根据目前那一带产业的售价行情所做出的预算。 其总数是49亿令吉,10%既是4亿9000万令吉。 因此政府将可额外多收4亿9000万令吉。 况且,古晋房地产的价格只有涨没有跌,相信到时价格还会提高一些。 若价格提高,则这第一买家所将还给政府的10%售价的钱,也会相应的提高。"

张氏表示,现在他已成功找到第一个买家,并可让砂州政府受益6亿2000万令吉(比SPD有限公司所给予砂州政府的1亿1500万令吉,多出将近5倍)。 大前提是,砂州政府需原则上批准这第一位买家所提呈的发展计划。



张健仁也在信中指出,既然阿德南敢在州议会公开挑战张氏找买家并表示只要张氏可找到买家出价5亿5000万令吉,他将取消砂州政府和SPD有限公司所签署的那份合约,这挑战很明显的说明,砂州政府是有权力取消那份不公平合约的。 问题在于,阿德南是否愿意取消该份合约,还是选择继续前朝政府贱卖政府地的政策。

张氏也指出,这份不公平合约是于201438日签署的,也既是阿德南成为首席部长9天后所签署的。 因此,阿德南不能推卸这"贱卖政府地"的罪行。


他也说,政府也没必要急于一时的批准该片土地给予张氏所提呈的第一位买家,因为,还有两位买家也正在绘图及计算发展价值。 他们将会在多一、两个星期后,提呈他们的计划书。

"这第一买家所提出的计划,最保守估计,砂州政府将多收4亿9000万令吉的现金。 这笔钱若好好利用,可造福许多砂州子民,包括在全古晋提供免费公共巴士服务还绰绰有余。 更何况,该计划中还包括4000个单位的中价租屋(35万令吉),是许多中下阶级的上班族有能力购买的范围之内。 而且,多了这4000单位的中价租屋,也可有效的减缓房地产不断涨价的趋势。"
