Rabu, 13 Mei 2015



When will the person or persons responsible for Teoh Beng Hock’s death be brought to book?

Posted: 13 May 2015 12:29 AM PDT

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

On the main issue about enforcement against illegal gambling centres, the MPP chairman Lo Khere Chiang, has been most irresponsible to say that the Council has no enforcement power.

Posted: 10 May 2015 08:35 AM PDT

On the complaint by Voon Siak Ni that my special assistant Abdul Aziz has used some vulgar words (in Tagalog language) on his facebook while commenting on her, I have immediately looked into the matter upon hearing the complaint and requested Abdul Aziz to publish an apology statement on his facebook.
Abdul Aziz did not know the true meaning of those words used by him. But when he was told of the true meaning of such words, he quickly removed the words and also published an apology to Voon Siak Ni and all those who have read the words on his facebook.
Though there may be different political stand and opinion, in no circumstances should vulgar words be used and I will not condone my special assistant or political secretary using such words. I have also given Aziz a very stern warning on this matter.
As to Voon Siak Ni's threat of defamation action, that is her legal rights and it is up to her to take whatever action deemed fit. Whether the words uttered by Abdul Aziz is defamatory of Voon, that will be a matter of interpretation by the court of Law.
On the main issue about enforcement against illegal gambling centres, the MPP chairman Lo Khere Chiang, has been most irresponsible to say that the Council has no enforcement power.
On 18-11-2013 (one and half year ago), when Wong Soon Koh, acting in his capacity as the Minister for Local Government, tabled the Local Authorities Amendment Bill 2013 to increase the councils' power to impose fines from RM2,000 to RM500,000, Wong Soon Koh told the Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak that the increased power was to enable the local councils to combat illegal gambling centres more effectively.
For that purpose, the Bill was passed by the Sarawak DUN. Yet, now Lo is telling the people that MPP has no enforcement power.
In light of the words of Wong Soon Koh in DUN, Lo's statement simply makes no sense.
I have called for the reduction and review of entertainment licences in DUN and Adenan has promised to look into the matter. He has also asked for a bit more time for the Government to tackle the problem.
Had it not been Lo Khere Chiang, on 1-5-2015, trying to bully YB Christina Chiew by making baseless accusation against her, I would not have brought the matter up in the press but to wait and see what Adenan will do.
Nevertheless, the recent exchange of words in the press is also a blessing in disguise. It exposes Voon Siak Ni's "press consultant" role for MPP chairman Lo Khere Chiang when it comes to drafting press statements to attack DAP.
It is good that this covert relationship be revealed to the public and that we DAP know where we stand when it comes to dealing with these two persons.
Whether Lo will act against illegal gambling outlets or not, it is his discretion. Since the matter has been brought up in DUN, we will follow up in the next DUN sitting. At the end of the day, it is Adenan Satem and Wong Soon Koh who will be answering on this issue in DUN.
Chong Chieng Jen
MP for Bandar Kuching
ADUN for Kota Sentosa


Posted: 10 May 2015 08:27 AM PDT

张健仁说,即便政治立场的不同,他也不会允许其助理或政治秘书使用粗俗和肮脏的字眼。 因此,他已给予阿都阿兹非常严厉的警告。
张氏指出,当他昨日当面质问阿都阿兹是否知道有该关粗话的真正意思时,阿都阿兹表示知道是骂人的话但不知其真正意思和粗俗的程度。 当阿兹知道后,他也立刻撤掉有关字眼,随后也在其面子书刊登道歉启示。
"至于温夏妮是否将采取法律行动起诉阿都阿兹,这是温夏妮个人的权力。 而有关字眼是否会造成诽谤人格成分,这则是将由法庭去诠释。"


Posted: 10 May 2015 08:23 AM PDT

"该法案也在2013年当天被通过了。 但是,今天罗克强却告诉人民市议会没有权力取缔非法赌博中心。他的言论和管市议会的地方政府部长黄顺舸在州议会的言论,自相矛盾。"
张氏指出,毕竟阿德南已表示将关注这问题并要求一些时间去执行。 再多4个月又要在召开州议会了,到时我们还是可以当面对质跟进这问题的。 而地方议会的失责问题,到时阿德南和黄顺舸还是要在州议会给予一个交代。
"但是,罗克强却自揭疮疤的跑去攻击周宛诗,指责周宛诗不应该在州议会提出这问题。 为什么罗克强如此不爽周宛诗在州议会提出这问题? 不过他这样做是欲盖儞章,越描越黑。"
张氏表示,塞翁失马焉知非福,这一次的报章上针对这问题的一轮攻击,对古晋人民和行动党也有一个额外的收获。 那就是它暴露出,原来公正党的温夏妮,是人联党的罗克强发文告攻击行动党的幕后"新闻稿顾问"。 相信在马来西亚政治史上,一个执政党领袖所发的新闻稿先由一个在野党领袖审查过后才发给报馆,这还是首宗。
"就连温夏妮的解释也前后有出入。 几天前她才说是帮罗克强求证国州议员的薪金数目,今天她又说只是帮罗克强确认是否有诽谤成分。"
张健仁表示,事情发展到今天,讲再多也枉然。 既然行动党的议员们已在州议会针对此问题发表,而阿德南也答应会关注和跟进,那就等到时在来次的砂州州议会开会,看阿德南有何成绩并如何交代。
