Ahad, 6 Mei 2012



法国文件点名纳吉容不得轻视 雪政府愿助反贪会追查潜艇案

Posted: 06 May 2012 06:53 PM PDT

Kit Siang: Ex-IGP treating PM's word as gold

Posted: 06 May 2012 06:34 PM PDT

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

Apa yang difatwa pihak tertentu tentang perkara yang diungkitkan rakyat yang merugikan rakyat jelata??

Posted: 06 May 2012 08:20 AM PDT

Lim Swee Chan Charles (malaysiakini)· Top Commenter · Setapak High School

Sembunyi diri tidak berdosa dan tidak haram. Sembunyikan perkara2 di bawah ini hukumnya HARAM.Sesiapa yg terlibat dan juga menyokong perkara yg haram ini adalah berdosa.

1. PKFZ RM12 billion
2. Submarine Commission RM500 million
3. Sime Darby RM964 million
4. Paya Indah Wetland RM88 million
5. Pos Malaysia (Transmile) RM230 million lost
6. Eurocopter deal RM1 billion wasted
7. Terengganu Stadium collapse RM292 million
8. MRR2 repair cost RM70 million
9. Maybank overpaid BII RM4 billion
10. Tourism - NYY kickback RM10 million
11. 3 paintings bought by MAS RM1.5 million
12. Overpayment by Sport Ministry RM8.4 million
13. London's white elephant sports complex RM70 million
14. MATRADE repairs RM120 million
15. Cost of new plane used by PM RM200 million
16. InventQ irrecoverable debt RM228 million
17. Compensation for killing crooked bridge RM257 million
18. Loss in selling Augusta RM 510 million
19. Worth of APs given out in a year RM1.8 billion
20. Submarines (future Muzium Negara artifacts) RM4.1 billion
21. PSC Naval dockyard RM6.75 billion
22. The Bank Bumiputra twin scandals in the early 1980s saw US$1 billion losses (RM3.2 billion in 2008)
23. The Maminco attempt to corner the World Tin Market in the 1980s is believed to have cost some US$500 million (RM1.6 billion)
24. Betting in foreign exchange futures cost Bank Negara Malaysia RM30 billion in the 1990s
25. Perwaja Steel's US$800 million (RM2.56 billion) losses
26. Use of RM10 billion public funds in the Valuecap Sdn Bhd operation to shore up the stock market
27. Banking scandal of RM700 million losses in Bank Islam
28. The sale of M.V. Agusta by Proton for one Euro making a loss of €75.99 million (RM348 million) Same as No.20?
29. Wang Ehsan from oil royalty on Terengganu RM7.4 billion from 2004 – 2007
30. For the past 10 years since Philharmonic Orchestra
was established, this orchestra has swallowed a total of RM500 million. Hiring a Kwai-Lo CEO with a salary of more than RM1 million per annum!
31. In Advisors Fees, Mahathir was paid RM180,000, Shahrizat Abdul RM404,726 and Abdul Hamid Othman (religious) RM549,675 per annum
32. The government has spent a total of RM3.2 billion in teaching Maths and Science in English over the past five years. Of the amount, the government paid a whopping RM2.21 billion for the purchase of information and computer technology (ICT) equipment which it is unable to give a breakdown. Government paid more than RM6,000 per notebook vs per market price of less than RM3,000 through some new consortiums that was setup just to transact the notebook deal. There was no Maths & Science Content for the teachers and the notebooks are all with the teachers' children now.
33. The commission paid for purchase of jets and submarines to two private companies - Perimeker Sdn Bhd and IMT Defence Sdn Bhd amounted to RM910 million. Expanding on No. 2?
37. RM300 million to compensate Gerbang Perdana for the RM1.1 billion "Crooked Scenic Half-Bridge"
38. RM1.3 billion has been wasted building the white elephant Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) facilities on cancellation of the Malaysia-Singapore Scenic Bridge
39. RM100 million on renovation of Parliament building which leaks
40. National Astronaut (actually tourist) Programme – RM40 million
41. National Service Training Programme – yearly an estimate of RM 500 million
42. Eye of Malaysia - RM30 million and another RM5.7 million of free tickets
43. RM2.4 million on indelible ink
44. Samy Vellu announced in September 2006 that the government paid compensation amounting to RM38.5 billion to 20 highway companies. RM380 million windfalls for 9 toll concessionaires earned solely from the toll hike in 2008 alone
45. RM32 million timber export kickbacks involving companies connected to Sarawak Chief Minister and his family.
46. Two bailouts of Malaysia Airline System RM7.9 billion. At a time when MAS is incurring losses every year, RM1.55 million used to buy three paintings to decorate its Chairman's (Munir) office. Expanding on No.11
47. Putra transport system bailout which cost RM4.486 billion.
48. STAR-LRT bailout costing RM3.256 billion.
49. National Sewerage System bailout costing RM192.54 million.
50. Seremban-Port Dickson Highway bailout costing RM142 million
51. Kuching Prison bailout costing RM135 million
52. Kajian Makanan dan Gunaan Orang Islam bailout costing RM8.3 million
53. Le Tour de Langkawi bailout costing RM3.5 Million
54. Wholesale distribution of tens of millions of shares in Bursa Malaysia under the guise of NEP to cronies, children and relatives of BN leaders and ministers worth billions of ringgit.
55. Alienation of tens of thousands of hectares of commercial lands and forestry concessions to children and relatives of BN leaders and Ministers worth tens of billions of ringgits.
56. Since 1997, Petronas has handed out a staggering RM30 billion in natural gas subsidies to IPPs who were reaping huge profits. In addition, there were much wastages and forward trading of Petronas oil in the 1990s based on the low price of oil then. Since the accounts of Petronas are for the eyes of the Prime Minister only, we have absolutely no idea of the amount.
57. RM5,700 for a car jack worth only RM50
58. Government-owned vehicle consumed a tank of petrol worth RM113 within a few minutes
59 A pole platform that cost RM990 was bought for RM30,000
60. A thumb drive that cost RM90 was bought for RM480
61. A cabinet that cost RM1,500 was bought for RM13,500
62. A flashlight that cost RM35 was bought for RM143
63. Expenses for 1Malaysia campaign paid to APCO?
64. RM17 billion subsidy to IPP
65. US$24 million Diamond Ring for Ro$mah - Cancellation of Order - how much compensation ?
66. CowGate . . . RM250 Million
67. Monsoon Cup . . . RM800 million per year
68. Illicit Fund Transfers out of Malaysia ( 2000 - 2009) : RM 1,077,000,000,000!
69. Tajudin-Danaharta settlement to cover up for Dr M and Daim
70. Billions of ringgit toll concessions that disadvantage the government and taxpayers"


Posted: 06 May 2012 02:17 AM PDT

Tahniah diucapkan kepada ahli majlis fatwa kebangsaan kerana begitu prihatin dan bertanggungjawab mengenai isu-isu yang melibatkan umat Islam. Dicadangkan ahli majlis rujuk semula dan muzakarah sesama sendiri atau rujuk sahabat-sahabat mereka di luar negara,  lebih aula  lagi Ulama' Muktabar atau ulama' haraki . Tolonglah buka kitab-kitab fiqh muamalat dan siasah syar'iah jika sudah lupa kuliah masa muda2 dulu. Teruskan usaha amar ma'ruf nahyu anil munkar tanpa memilih bulu. Jangan lupa mengikuti perkembangan semasa daripada sumber-sumber yang sahih dan tidak fasik. Laa taufiqi illa billah.

Demo cetus huru-hara haram, kata j'kuasa fatwa

 Mei 6, 2012
Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Malaysia hari ini memutuskan haram untuk umat Islam menyertai perhimpunan atau demonstrasi yang bertujuan tidak baik, melanggar undang-undang serta mencetuskan huru-hara dan kekacauan dalam negara.

Pengerusinya Prof Emeritus Tan Sri Dr Abdul Shukor Husin berkata jawatankuasa memandang serius isu itu di mana sebahagian umat Islam telah bertindak sebagai perusuh jalanan dalam banyak perhimpunan atau demonstrasi termasuk seperti yang berlaku pada perhimpunan di ibu negara 28 April lepas.

"Tindakan merusuh, membawa kacau bilau dan merosakkan harta benda awam adalah suatu perbuatan yang ditegah Islam. Malah niat untuk menjatuhkan negara yang sah di sisi undang-undang melalui penganjuran demonstrasi seumpama itu juga haram di sisi agama.

"Sesiapa juga tidak boleh buat, tidak (boleh) bersetuju ke arah (usaha) mendatangkan kemudaratan, keresahan, menjadikan rusuhan sesama kita hingga berpecah, apatah lagi kalau berlaku pertumpahan darah," katanya pada sidang akhbar selepas mempengerusikan muzakarah ke-99 jawatankuasa itu di Sepang.

Sehubungan itu, katanya umat Islam yang menyertai demonstrasi itu perlu insaf kerana tindakan itu bukan daripada ajaran Islam kerana Islam tidak pernah menyuruh umatnya bertindak sedemikian sehingga mengancam nyawa sesama manusia demi mencapai sesuatu agenda.

Abdul Shukor berkata sebagai sebuah negara yang mengamalkan sistem demokrasi, banyak saluran perbincangan yang lebih bermanfaat boleh dilaksanakan tanpa menggadaikan keamanan negara.

Beliau berkata turut dibincangkan dalam muzakarah itu adalah gejala Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual, Transgender dan Transeksual (LGBT) yang tidak memerlukan pengeluaran sebarang fatwa kerana ia jelas haram di sisi Islam.

Selain mengelak daripada terjebak dalam seks songsang seumpama itu, Abdul Shukor berkata umat Islam juga diminta tidak terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung dengan sebarang gerakan, sokongan atau kempen mengenai LGBT.

"Untuk orang yang menunjukkan sokongan dan simpati kepada LGBT pun haram juga. Tugas menghapuskan gejala ini adalah tugas semua umat Islam dan jika kita sokong perkara yang tidak baik itu dikatakan bersubahat dan berdosa jawabnya," katanya.

Beliau berkata tindakan menyanjung pemimpin yang menyokong LGBT juga perlu dielakkan kerana Islam sendiri menyenaraikan ciri-ciri pemimpin yang boleh dipilih antaranya bermoral tinggi, patuh ajaran agama, berpengetahuan dan amanah.

Abdul Shukor berkata muzakarah turut menyeru pihak berkuasa untuk mengambil tindakan bagi menyekat gejala seks songsang daripada terus berleluasa.

Dalam pada itu, beliau berkata pemimpin, individu atau media dinasihat menghentikan sikap suka mendedahkan secara terbuka perkara-perkara keji yang didakwa dilakukan mana-mana pihak.

"Ini kerana perbuatan mendedahkan keaiban orang lain lebih-lebih lagi yang berkait dengan hubungan seksual amat ditegah Islam. Jika bertujuan untuk menghapuskan kemungkaran, serahkan kepada pihak berkuasa untuk menjalankan tugas," katanya.

- Bernama

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Lima Keindahan Amal Islami Dapat Dihayati Dari Program Di Masjid Haji Mat Saman Malam Ini

Posted: 06 May 2012 04:26 PM PDT

Ke Kem Herba Sungai Congkak Hulu Langat & Berkejar Ke Kelab Golf Bangi

Posted: 06 May 2012 07:25 AM PDT

Philosophy Politics Economics

Philosophy Politics Economics

Najib Should Not Shift the Blame

Posted: 06 May 2012 05:10 PM PDT

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak has once again tried to shift the blame over the chaos created by the Police during the Bersih rally to the decision by the Bersih committee to reject the use of Stadium Merdeka as the alternative venue. Aside from the fact that the venue was only offered to Bersih at the very last minute, there is absolutely not good reason provided by the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) for the rejection to use Dataran Merdeka. As a result of the unreasonable rejection, the assembly participants were forced onto the streets and the police force had to be deployed to barricade and "secure" Dataran Merdeka perimeters. It became a most ridiculous and ironical situation where the Bersih rally was tacitly allowed on the streets, but they were not allowed to gather on the field! The Prime Minister had made the mistake of denying Bersih the right to assemble in Stadium Merdeka during the Bersih 2.0 rally in July last year which resulted in chaos in the streets where the Police force had trapped the protestors and even attacked the Tung Shin hospital with tear gas and water cannons. He has once again made the same mistake of denying Bersih's request to sit-in Dataran Merdeka which resulted in the unnecessary violence arising from the face-off between the Police, media and Bersih participants. Dato' Seri Najib Razak should look at himself in the mirror when he claimed that Bersih has breached the "principles and spirit of the Peaceful Assembly Act". It was the Prime Minister himself which failed to understand and embrace the principles and spirit of the Act to allow greater democratic space for expression and assembly by Malaysians. His actions and denials have proven that that the "political transformation programme" has been a complete failure and was only a cosmetic public relations exercise aimed to lift the Prime Minister's image and credentials.

SUHAKAM Can Investigate Violence, Why New Panel?

Posted: 05 May 2012 09:02 AM PDT

Dato' Seri Najib Razak has announced the cabinet decision to set up a special "independent" panel to investigate the various reported abuses and violent conduct by the Police force during the Bersih assembly last week.

Bernama also reported that he is looking for the "right people" to become members of this investigation panel.

The decision to set up a brand new panel to investigate the various claims of abuses is curious, to say the least.  The Government has already set up SUHAKAM under the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia Act 1999 which includes among its roles and responsibilities, inquiries into complaints regarding infringements of human rights.

The Commission under section 4(2) also has the power to "advise the Government and/or relevant authorities of complaints against them and to recommend appropriate measures to be taken".

The Commission is headed today by Tan Sri Hasmy Agam. Other commissioners include Professor Dr Khaw Lake Tee, En. Mohd Sha'ani Abdullah, Professor Datuk Dr Mahmud Zuhdi Majid and Mr James Nagayam. These Commissioners have been appointed by Yang Di-Pertuan Agong on the recommendation of the Prime Minister to uphold human rights in the country.

Therefore why is it that SUHAKAM has been marginalised when it comes to the investigation of outright human rights abuses by the police force?  Why is there a need for the Prime Minister to set up a new "independent" committee which will require a fresh set up and selection of new panel members?  Is it because the Cabinet is worried that SUHAKAM findings will be detrimental to both the police force and the Government, and hence Dato' Seri Najib is attempting to set up a new panel which will be more "sympathetic" towards the Government's cause?

We call upon the Prime Minister to stop dragging his feet over the outrageous abuses and violence by police officers against journalists and ordinary Malaysians during the Bersih assembly.

Scores of Malaysians have been beaten up by these officers for no apparent reason, causing many serious injuries.  The Sun reporter Radzi Razak for example, fractured his cheekbone and has had his jaw "wired shut" as a result of police brutality.

The Cabinet should immediately appoint SUHAKAM as the independent investigation panel so that Malaysians can get to the bottom of this controversy as soon as possible.

Will the CID Investigate Police Who Broke The Law Too?

Posted: 05 May 2012 08:49 AM PDT

Bernama has also separately reported that Bukit Aman Crime Investigation Department director Mohd Bakri Zinin said police would release the pictures of those who attacked the police and members of the public, as well as caused damage to property during the rally.

"We have their pictures and we will release them to the media and the public soon to track them down," he told reporters at the Bukit Aman police headquarters in Kuala Lumpur.

We would like to state that we support all action by the Police to arrest those who have damaged public property and committed violence against police officers during the Bersih rally.

However, the Police cannot act by just arresting the few unruly Bersih participants but not taken immediate actions against scores of its police officers for committing violence against innocent participants and journalists.

In fact, it should be so much easier for the Police to track down all the errant police officers caught beating up innocent Malaysians on video and photographs than to track down Bersih participants.  The crime committed by these police officers is no less than those who damaged public property.

Hence if the Police force is only going after Bersih participants, it will show a clear abuse of power and a great injustice to the innocent Malaysians who were assembling peacefully to uphold their rights.

We call upon the CID to arrest all police officers who were caught on video and photographs clearly committing violence, suspend them during investigation and charge the guilty ones in court for violent conduct and failing to uphold their oath to protect the public.  The CID will only lose the confidence of ordinary Malaysians throughout the country if it shows itself to be biased, and fail to bring the guilty police officers to book.

The Most Insincere IGP Apology

Posted: 04 May 2012 08:42 AM PDT

Bernama reported that the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Tan Sri Ismail Omar has apologised to Malay Mail cameraman, Muhammad Arif Kartono for being "roughed up" by the police during the Bersih rally.

Muhammad Arif has testified in the Malay Mail on 30 April that he was hit hard on the head with a baton or a fist causing him to fall to the ground together with his camera.  He had said that "while on the ground, I saw seven to eight police personnel coming towards me. They kicked me in my face and on my legs, and stomped on my back" causing multiple injuries to the head and body.

The IGP reportedly said "The police apologises for the incident. In the chaos of the situation we could not tell the difference between the assembly participants and media"

The above statement is a complete lie and shows that the IGP is still not willing to embrace the truth and take all necessary actions to punish the guilty police officers.

Muhammad Arif has stated very clearly that he has identified himself with his media tag to the policemen who had tried to stop him from taking photos of a Bersih participant being manhandled. Instead, he was attacked ruthlessly and repeatedly despite him crying out "Saya hanya menjalankan tugas. Kenapa saya dibuat macam ini? (I am just doing my job. Why I am being treated like this?)".

Muhammad Arif was not the only journalist who was a victim to police violence.  All other journalists who were either arrested or beaten up had identified themselves to the police with their media tag.  However the police had ignored the identifications and proceeded to hit these media personnel, destroy their photography equipment and in some cases confiscated their media tags.

Hence the IGP's statement that the police officers were not able to differentiate between assembly participants and the media" is a complete lie to protect his guilty officers.  His apology is therefore clearly insincere and insufficient; as he should give an unreserved apology to the entire press corp for intimidation and abuse they have suffered as a result of reckless police action.

More importantly, the IGP is implying that had they not been journalists, then it is perfectly alright for the police officers to beat up the Bersih participants, despite the fact that most of them were not fighting the police or damaging public property.  It is an absolute tragedy for this so-called democratic country that our IGP who is supposed to uphold the law and protect ordinary Malaysians see it as completely acceptable for police officers to randomly hit and injure the very people they are sworn to protect.

Najib Must Apologies for Bersih Brutality

Posted: 03 May 2012 08:37 AM PDT

More and more victims have coming forward to provide rock solid video evidence as well as witness accounts of clear cut police brutality against both innocent journalists as well as ordinary Malaysians standing up for their rights. It has become clear and undeniable that the police force was on a ruthless rampage to beat people up.

The police force has gone well beyond even Malaysian norms of just using tear gas and water cannons to disperse a peaceful assembly.   Members of the public who participated in the Bersih 3.0 rally who have already dispersed and were having a meal in restaurants were beaten up for wearing yellow shirts. Some who were already in an LRT station to return home were chased, arrested and taken to narrow alleys to be beaten up silly.

In fact, anyone caught by the police force taking pictures of others being beaten up, were also beaten up badly.  It did not matter if some of these individuals were media personnel, local or foreign; or ordinary Malaysians.

Mohd Haijan Omar, who was assigned by Lawyers for Liberty to monitor the event was beaten up by the Police.  If even the officers of the Court are not immune to police brutality, then what chance does an ordinary member of the public has against a police force out of control?

These are not isolated cases of police brutality.  The police force was acting like unrestrained mobsters, often with 10 or more police officers beating up an individual or two.  It will not be an understatement to say that the police were creating a riot in the city.  The very people who were entrusted to protect innocent and ordinary Malaysians were turning on them.

While no Malaysian will blame the police for arresting those who damaged police or public property, such as the single incident of half a dozen people badly damaging a police vehicle, there is absolutely no justification for them to threaten and beat up every person they found in yellow, even if they were participating in the rally earlier.

This is especially since all who were beaten up were assembling peacefully and did not commit any acts of violence or vandalism.  Do the police have a license to beat up any person in the street as they like regardless of whether a crime has been committed?  Has our police force degenerated to become worse than the Gestapo?

The newly gazetted Peaceful Assembly Bill was meant to guarantee our constitutional right to assemble peacefully.  Those who breach public order destroy public property must be dealt with the full force of the law.  However, those who have assembled peacefully have committed no crime, were victimised with shocking ruthlessness and many were wrongfully arrested.

The unprecedented brutality by the police force requires the Prime Minister as well as the Home Minister to give an immediate and public apology to all ordinary Malaysians, especially the innocent journalists and Bersih participants who were wounded and traumatised by a police force gone beserk.

Nothing short of such an apology will be acceptable especially since it was the Prime Minister himself who has denied the Malaysian public to gather peacefully in Dataran Merdeka, which will have prevent any need for the unnecessary face-off with the police force.  The decision by the BN Government is an unmitigated disaster, and Dato' Seri Najib Razak who portrays himself as a reformist premier must take full responsibility for the Police fiasco.

Muhyiddin and Dodgy Education Surveys

Posted: 28 Apr 2012 08:27 AM PDT

On 30 March 2012, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin pronounced Malaysia as having better quality of education than United States (US), Britain and Germany.  He based his statement on one partial study in the World Competitiveness Report by World Economic Forum (WEF) on quality of education. In that specific study, Malaysia was ranked 14th as opposed to Germany (17th), Britain (20th) and United States (26th).

However the above "rankings" were arrived by surveying 87 local businessmen with the question: "How well does the educational system in your country meet the needs of a competitive economy?" by rating it between a scale of 1 to 7.

This particular survey question was never intended by the WEF, nor is it in any way adequate to provide conclusive ratings on the quality of the Malaysian education system.  However, the Education Minister, who is also our Deputy Prime Minister clutched at the straw to declare proudly that we have indeed performed better than Germany, Britain and the United States.

Tan Sri Muhyiddin has repeated the stunt 3 days ago when he cited a recent survey by Introspek Asia, which revealed yesterday that 55 per cent of Malaysian adults believe that our education system is comparable to other countries, while 35 per cent said it is "better than that of developed countries".

Once again, when we peel through the "surface" conclusions of the survey, it became crystal clear that the survey is again fundamentally deficient in measuring the quality of our education.

After studying the survey in detail, which can be downloaded at http://www.introspekasia.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Introspek_Education_Survey_Summaryv1.3.pdf, we can arrive at the conclusion that the results are pretty much meaningless because of the sample used for the survey.

The survey had 1,800 respondents, of which only 4.8% had qualifications of a university degree or more.  On the other hand, 85.3% of these respondents had either SPM qualifications or less.  Without prejudice to those who were unable to secure tertiary education due to circumstances beyond their control, this is perhaps the most inappropriate sample structure to ask about our Malaysian education system, if the intent was to have a measure of its quality.

Perhaps what is worse is, less than 5% of the sample has had no experience or even in-depth knowledge of education systems in developed countries.  Hence the outcome of the survey as to whether "Malaysian adults agree that our education standard are comparable, better or much better than developed countries" is at best a trivia to analyse how Malaysians are shut off from the real world out there.

Ironically, the income status of the respondents – with 73.2% earning less than RM3,000 per month in itself proved the inadequacy of our education system to enable them to earn a higher income.

In essence, Tan Sri Muhyiddin is relying on the opinions of those who didn't get very far with their education to measure the standard of Malaysian education against those of developed countries.  And the Education Minister used the result to boast about the achievements of his Ministry.

Tan Sri Muhyiddin has chosen to ignore the latest Performance for International Students Assessments (PISA) study conducted in 2010 showed that we are ranked in the bottom third in the world, as well as the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) data over 1999, 2003 and 2007 which proved that the standards in education has been declining drastically over the past decade.
Tan Sri Muhyiddin's complete lack of ability to understand simple surveys, the context of their conclusions and implications proves how unfit he is to become our Education Minister.  By choosing to ignore reality or failing to grasp the significance of survey results, we fear that our education system will be led into a cycle of perpetual decline that will cause irreparable damage to the future quality, productivity and earnings ability of our Malaysian students.

Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

Follow Penang:- BN Must Explain Why They Refuse To Restore The 3rd Vote(en/cn)

Posted: 05 May 2012 08:30 PM PDT


Local government elections are a feature of practically every democratic country in the world. Even countries which are not democracies such as communist China hold local elections of one kind or another. Malaysia finds itself in a most peculiar position in that the Federal Government considers elections to be suitable for the Federal and State levels, but refuses to allow elections to be held at the local level.

In the 19th century, the French scholar Alexis de Tocqueville, in his seminal work, Democracy in America, referred to local democracy as a "fertile germ of free institutions". He wrote:

The strength of free peoples resides in the local community. Local institutions are to liberty what primary schools are to science; they put it within the people’s reach; they teach people to appreciate its peaceful enjoyment and accustom them to make use of it.

In our country, the first partially-elected local council was established by the British colonial authorities here in George Town in 1857, but were discontinued due to colonial apathy. After the Second World War, with the increasing public demand for independence and self-government that led to Merdeka, local elections were then introduced in local councils across our country, with the first local elections held again here in George Town, in 1951.

In 1956, the Municipal Council of George Town became the first local council in Malaya to be fully elected, and the following year was elevated to the status of a City Council as a mark of royal and official esteem. Subsequently, Penang became the first and only State in Malaysia to have the whole territory of the State under the government of five local councils that were 100% elected.

Unfortunately, those in power in the Federal Government were not so pleased by the successes of local councils run by opposition parties at the local level. In 1961, the Federal Government abolished the elected Kuala Lumpur Municipal Council, and in 1965 issued an Emergency Regulation suspending local government elections throughout the States of Malaysia, using the excuse of the Confrontation with Indonesia.

The Prime Minister at the time, Tunku Abdul Rahman, promised the Dewan Rakyat that local government elections would be restored once the Confrontation was over. He said:

As soon as this peace and quietness has returned we would make haste with all proper preparations for the local council elections … The very moment peace is declared I can assure this House that the elections will be held.

However, although the Confrontation with Indonesia ended in 1966, local government elections were not restored as promised by the Alliance Government. In 1968, a Royal Commission on Local Government headed by Senator Athi Nahappan recommended that local government elections be restored, but this was rejected by the Federal Government.

Although the existing Proclamations of Emergency in Malaysia have now all been revoked, sections 10 & 15 of the Local Government Act 1976 prevent the holding of local government elections under Federal law. To-date BN cannot give any reasonable explanation why Malaysians can elect their State and Federal governments or can select their Prime Minister and Chief Minister, but is denied to elect their own Councillor or Council President.

Restoring the "third vote" has long been a fundamental demand and commitment of the DAP, and in 2008, the Pakatan Rakyat Penang State Government was elected on manifesto commitments to implement local government elections, in order "to ensure accountability and efficiency" and "to create greater accountability at every level of government".

On 14 July 2009, YB Chow Kon Yeow, the Penang State Exco for Local Government and Traffic Management, wrote to the Federal Government to ask for local government elections to be put on the agenda of the National Council of Local Government, but this request was refused.

Subsequently, on 11 August 2009, the Penang State Assembly passed a resolution calling upon the Federal authorities to take action to reinstate local government elections, but this resolution was again met with refusal.

A three-man legal panel consisting of Dato’ Yeo Yang Poh, Mr Tommy Thomas and Mr Malik Imtiaz was then retained by the State Government, and it advised that the reintroduction of local government elections was within the powers of the State.

On 4 March 2010, I wrote to the Election Commission asking it to conduct local government elections to the MPPP and MPSP, but the Election Commission refused. On 12 March 2010, I also wrote to the Prime Minister offering to meet with him to discuss the State Government’s position but again received no response.

The State Government has been advised that local government is a State matter under the Federal Constitution, and the State Authority has the power under section 1(4) of the Local Government Act 1976 to exempt any local government area from any or all of the provisions of the Act.

On 18 January 2012, the State Government therefore decided, 45 years after the end of the Confrontation, to exercise its powers to exempt both the MPPP and the MPSP from section 15 of the Local Government Act 1976, which had rendered inoperative all legal provisions relating to local government elections. This was gazetted on 12 April 2012.

The State Government has now tabled a bill in the State Assembly, entitled the Local Government Elections (Penang Island and Province Wellesley) Bill 2012, which will provide for the Election Commission to hold local government elections to the MPPP and MPSP under State law. The text of this bill is now open for your comments at this forum, and we intend to pass this bill in this sitting of the State Assembly.

At the same time, we do not expect that the Federal Government and the Election Commission will give up on their obstruction and refusal to conduct local government elections so easily. It is the intention of the State Government, once this bill is passed into law, to refer this dispute with the Election Commission to the Courts, so that the Election Commission will be compelled to conduct local government elections in Penang.

The State Government’s desire to restore local government elections is based on our belief in democracy, in a system of government of the people, by the people, for the people. We believe in particular that the past 18 years of neglect and even financial scandals in MPSP suffered by Penang can be blamed in part on the system of political appointment of councillors by the BN State Government whose abilities were always secondary to their political loyalties to BN.

A clear case of financial wrongdoing by BN was the extraordinary loss of RM230 million by MPSP in 7 years causing MPSP, or Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Prai, to be practically bankrupt when PR took over in 2008. Adapting stringent rules and severe cost-cutting measures, PR managed to turnaround MPSP in the first year of government, reversing years of deep deficits and losses with the first profit in 2008. Ever since MPSP has recorded surpluses every year. There is a distinct possibility that Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang would have met the same fate if BN had continued in power in 2008.

Under the present Pakatan Rakyat State Government through appointing competent councillors who were willing to defer to the authority of the Council President, who is a government civil servant, many of these misdeeds are now being unravelled, and both local councils have been restored to financial health. By stressing on CAT governance of competency and accountability, we have managed to turn around both local councils that are now providing better public services together with growing financial surpluses.

With growing financial surpluses,both MPPP and MPSP have been able to provide better infrastructure in terms of cleanliness, better roads and drainage system. At a time when many cities in Malaysia faces flash floods, the well-administered MPPP and MPSP see significantly reduced flooding as compared to before.

This is part of the real political transformation of Penang. Where people can live with dignity by enjoying basic freedoms – Freedom of speech, Freedom of information, Freedom of peaceful assembly, Freedom to worship, Freedom from corruption, and Freedom to choose their own Local Government.

We are the first State to have passed a comprehensive Freedom of Information Act. We have made Penang relatively corruption free with open tenders, full disclosure of contracts and public declaration of assets by EXCO members and Chief Minister. Today, we take another milestone by passing the Penang Local Government Enactment. If BN is genuine about political transformation, can they not do what Penang has done.

Although we currently have full powers to appoint all 48 local councillors in the MPPP and the MPSP, this is a power which the Pakatan Rakyat State Government will willingly return to the people of Penang to be elected by them in the interests of the aspirations of the people of Penang.

On Merdeka Day, Malaysians had 3 votes to exercise the right to elect their Federal govt, State govt and local councils. Let us therefore restore the 3rd vote.

Thank you.

——-Mandarin Version —–




"只要和平与宁静的时刻到来,我们会即刻筹备地方政府选举… ..一旦和平到来,我向国会保证,我们将重新举行地方政府选举… …"















这是槟州的真正政府转型。人民活得有尊严,享受基本自由- 言论自由、资讯自由、集会自由、宗教自由、免于贪污、选出地方政府的自由。




Teks Ucapan Sempana Majils Anugerah Pelajar Cemerlang SPM Tahun 2011(bm/cn)

Posted: 05 May 2012 08:27 PM PDT


Terlebih dahulu saya ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan ucapan penghargaan dan tahniah kepada jawatankuasa pengelola yang bertungkus lumus dalam memastikan perjalanan majlis pada hari ini dapat berjalan dengan lancarnya.

Bagi pihak Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang, saya mengalu-alukan kehadiran 343 pelajar cemerlang SPM tahun 2011 ke majlis yang serba ringkas tetapi amat bermakna ini. Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan syabas dan tahniah atas kejayaan yang diperolehi hasil daripada usaha gigih dan tekun yang telah berjaya dilaksanakan selama ini serta dorongan dan sokongan yang tidak pernah jemu daripada para guru dan ibu bapa.

Ini merupakan tahun ke- 4 majlis seumpama ini diadakan sejak Kerajaan Negeri mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan negeri Pulau Pinang pada tahun 2008.

Daripada jumlah 343, seramai 59 orang pelajar mendapat keputusan semua A+ dalam semua mata pelajaran yang diambil, 250 orang pelajar mendapat A dalam semua mata pelajaran (kombinasi A+ dan A sahaja) manakala 28 orang pelajar memperolehi minima 10A (kombinasi A+, A- dan A). Kalau tahun lepas kita beri RM250 sahaja kepada semua pelajar yang memperolehi A+ dalam semua mata pelajaran tetapi tahun ini kita naikkan RM50 menjadikan jumlah sebanyak RM300. Begitu juga untuk kategori-kategori lain seperti kategori pelajar terbaik. Sebelum ini kita hanya beri RM150 tetapi tahun ini kita naikkan sebanyak sekali ganda menjadikannya sebanyak RM300.Ini jelas menunjukkan Kerajaan Negeri Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang sentiasa peka dengan tuntutan arus kehidupan zaman kini selaras dengan konsep kerajaan berjiwa rakyat yang sentiasa menjaga kebajikan anak-anak tempatan tanpa mengira latar belakang, kaum dan jantina.

Kerajaan Negeri telah memperuntukkan sebanyak RM91,700 untuk diagihkan mengikut kategori termasuk pelajar terbaik mengikut kategori, pelajar istimewa (khas) dan sekolah terbaik. Peruntukan ini semakin meningkat dari tahun ke ke tahun di mana pada tahun 2008, kita hanya memperuntukkan RM32, 000 , diikuti tahun 2009 sebanyak RM61, 300 dan tahun 2010 sebanyak RM55, 950.
Walaupun Pulau Pinang dipinggirkan daripada memperolehi bantuan daripada Kerajaan Persekutuan, kemampuan Kerajaan Negeri Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang untuk mengadakan majlis-majlis sedemikian membuktikan Kerajaan Negeri mempunyai sumber kewangan yang secukupnya. Kita masih boleh menjalankan program-program kebajikan berikutan pengurusan sumber kewangan yang cekap dan efisien.

Lebihan bajet yang dicapai setiap tahun sejak Kerajaan Negeri Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang pada tahun 2008 adalah urus tadbir CAT (Cekap, Akauntabiliti dan Telus). Kita telah meneruskan pemberian tahunan RM100 kepada warga emas, ibu tunggal dan OKU, serta bayaran "one-off" RM1,000 kepada waris apabila mereka meninggal dunia. Kita juga memberi RM1,000 kepada pelajar yang melanjutkan pengajian di universiti awam tempatan. RM200 untuk setiap bayi baru lahir di Pulau Pinang bermula tahun 2011. Dan yang terbaru kita akan memberikan sumbangan RM100 kepada pelajar-pelajar yang memasuki Tahun 1 dan 4 serta Tingkatan 1 dan 4. Sememangnya, wang yang diperolehi adalah 100% dari sumber yang halal hasil kempen anti-rasuah.

Di hadapan saya adalah muka-muka pemimpin pada masa hadapan. Bukan sahaja pemimpin-pemimpin dalam bidang ekonomi, kejuruteraan dan kedoktoran tetapi juga dalam bidang kepimpinan dan pentadbiran. Satu aspek yang ingin saya tegaskan di sini ialah tidak kira apa jua bidang yang diceburi, para pelajar perlu sentiasa ada nilai dan prinsip serta yang paling penting ialah integriti.

I know that all of you desire to take up careers that can make you wealthy quickly. That is normal and I encourage your to do so. But remember that wealth is not everything. There is something more important than wealth, which is health. What is the point of being rich if you do not have the health to enjoy it. The state government has looked after your health by refusing to allow any Lynas rare earth plant to operate in Penang. And also not allowing any nuclear power generators proposed by the Federal government(2) to be built in Penang.

Just as there is more important things in life than money, the same applies for running a state or a country. Is a rich or poor country determined solely by its wealth, natural resources or cash reserves? No, apart from wealth the people must also be allowed to live with dignity to enjoy it. What is the use of having money if you do not have human dignity to enjoy basic freedoms such as freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom from corruption and freedom of peaceful assembly? If a country does not enjoy these basic freedoms, it is a poor country despite its great wealth, which is the reason why Libya overthrew Muammar Gadaffi. Of course if you do not have money, you are still poor.

The ideal situation is for a rich country that is not only rich in wealth but also rich in freedoms that allows people to live with dignity. Penang has strived for the last four years to be successful not only financially but also in freedoms and human dignity. For the first time in history, Penang became No. 1 in attracting investments in Malaysia in 2010, To prove that this achievement was not a fluke but a fact, Penang repeated its champion performance again in 2011. During the last 2 years, Penang contributed towards 30% of Malaysia’s FDI despite being the 2nd smallest state in Malaysia.

But it is not only about wealth. Penang’s success is also driven by granting basic freedoms with a Freedom of Information Act, a Speakers’ Square for freedom of speech as well as freedom after speech and pressing for local government elections. Penang is intent on being cleaner, greener, safer and healthier to allow Penangites to live with dignity. Perhaps this is why again for the first time in Malaysian history, George Town Penang is a more liveable city than Kuala Lumpur. In 2011, ECA International listed George Town Penang as the most liveable city in Malaysia. Again proving that beating Kuala Lumpur was no fluke but a fact, Penang repeated that in 2012.

Selama 4 tahun kita telah membuktikan walaupun menghadapi kesukaran dan kesulitan, sebuah kerajaan yang bersih dapat melakukan lebih baik daripada kerajaan yang sentiasa mengamalkan rasuah. Kerajaan Negeri Pakatan Rakyat berpegang teguh dengan integriti. Kita telah buktikan dengan pentadbiran yang bersih, kejayaan dapat dikongsi bersama dengan rakyat.

Di majlis ini juga Kerajaan Negeri turut memberikan pengiktirafan kepada 3 buah sekolah terbaik di sekitar negeri Pulau Pinang yang dipilih berdasarkan Gred Purata Sekolah (GPS) yang diperolehi daripada Kementerian Pelajaran Sekolah. Syabas kepada sekolah- sekolah tersebut. Semoga kejayaan ini menjadi pemangkin dalam usaha untuk terus memajukan anak-anak bangsa kita.

Akhir kata, saya ingin mengingatkan pelajar-pelajar yang bahawa perjalanan hidup masih jauh. Setiap kejayaan bermula daripada langkah pertama. Jangan lupa khidmat dan usaha daripada guru-guru. Oleh itu, hayatilah setiap detik perjalanan ini dengan semangat yang jitu, penuhkan dada dengan iltizam yang tinggi dan tingkatkan usaha kerana hari esok tidak menjanjikan kejayaan tanpa usaha.

Semoga hari esok menjanjikan masa depan yang lebih cerah dan kita harap kesemua pelajar cemerlang ini akan terus berjaya dan pulang ke Pulau Pinang untuk mencurahkan bakti

Sekian, terima kasih.

—-Mandarin Version—-


在343名学生中,其中59名获得全科A+, 在250名全科A(A+和A),另有28名学生获得至少10个A(包括A+、A-和A)。如果去年我们只发出250令吉给获得全A+的学生,今年我们多给50令吉,总奖励金为RM300。其它的优秀学生也一样。之前,我们只发出150令吉奖励金,今年我们增加奖励金至300令吉。显示槟州民联政府跟得上时代,时刻贯彻以民为本的精神。不分背景、种族和性别照顾我们孩子的福利。






槟州也成功保障基本自由如资讯自由、言论者广场的言论自由及推动地方政府选举。槟州也立志打造一个更清洁、绿意、安全及健康的州属,让槟州人民活得有尊严。或许这也是为了马来西亚历史上,槟州乔治市成为比吉隆坡更宜居的城市。2011年,国际人力资源机构"(ECA International)将槟州乔治市列为马来西亚最宜居的城市。在2012, 我们再次超越吉隆坡。

YB Dato' Mohd Nasir Tan Sri Ibrahim Fikri

YB Dato' Mohd Nasir Tan Sri Ibrahim Fikri


Posted: 06 May 2012 10:23 AM PDT


Terima kasih saya ucapkan kepada rakan-rakan facebooker yang hadir pada program santai petang Khamis lalu di Taman Tamadun Islam (TTI). Sebenarnya saya sudah memikirkan agak lama untuk mengadakan program sedemikian tetapi malangnya kekangan waktu tidak mengizinkan saya.

Apa pun, apa yang saya hasratkan telah pun menjadi kenyataan. Dan saya amat gembira sekali di atas sambutan, kehadiran dan sokongan yang diberikan.

Melalui program sedemikian sebagaimana yang kita maklum, saya dapat mengenali rakan-rakan facebook saya, sama ada dari kawasan saya di Parlimen Kuala Nerus atau di mana sahaja. Apa yang penting kita dapat bersua, dapat berbicara dan bertukar-tukar pandangan mengenai banyak perkara.

Jujurnya, saya kagum dan teruja dapat bertemu rakan facebook. Ternyata mereka sangat mempunyai semangat setiakawan yang tinggi sesame mereka. Saya kagum dengan anda semua sebenarnya.

Kepada mereka yang tidak dapat hadir atas apa jua sebab, mungkin di lain waktu kita dapat bersua lagi dalam acara yang lain pula.

Saya fikir, facebooker adalah antara golongan yang sangat penting di kala ini. Mereka menjadi wartawan dan juru lapor mengenai apa jua peristiwa. Saya sendiri sebagai wakil rakyat, memperolehi banyak maklumat mengenai peristiwa di kawasan saya melalui apa yang dicatatkan oleh rakan-rakan facebook. Ada di antara mereka menghantar mesej melalui chatting dan sebagainya.

Bezanya hari ini, kita bersua muka dan saling mengenali antara satu sama lain.

Saya sangat berharap agar kita dapat bersua lagi di suatu masa nanti, insyaAllah.

Terima kasih kepada semua.

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

Bila Umno jadi pembangkang

Posted: 06 May 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Kali ini saya teruskan lagi tentang perlunya kerajaan diubah, dianjak dan di alih, kalau boleh sebelum pilihanraya umum. Sambutan himpunan Bersih menunjukkan sokongan kepada perubahan dan rakyat tidak lagi mahu menerima pujukan kerajaan dan pimpinan hari ini agar mereka diberikan sekali lagi sambungan untuk memerintah negara kita yang kaya raya tetapi disalah tadbir ini.
Apa pun kata pihak media massa arus perdana jumlah peserta himpunan Bersih 3.0 tetap jauh melebihi 200,000 orang. Siapa pun boleh nafikan angka ini, tetapi itulah angka yang sebenarnya. Tetapi angka itu tidak penting. Yang penting dalam pilihanraya kali ini BN akan sampai penghujung hayatnya untuk mentadbir negara kita setelah memerintah begitu lama yang membuatkan pemimpin-pemimpin mereka menjadi seperti orang yang kufur nikmat.
Mahu tidak mahu kita mesti terima hakikat yang Bersih 3.0 telah berjaya besar yang tidak disangka-sangka. Pihak BN boleh berkata mengikut apa yang mereka mahu dengar tetapi hakikatnya rakyat telah membuat keputusan yang 'conclusive'; iaitu, untuk menggantikan BN, justru rakyat akan ditadbir oleh kerajaan baru. Seperti yang saya sebut dalam posting saya beberapa hari yang lalu sokongan terhadap Bersih 3.0 Sabtu lepas memberikan 'signal' yang rakyat akan diperintah oleh pihak 'alternative'.
Sesungguhnya, apa pun yang dilakukan oleh Najib dan barisan pimpinan negara, majoriti rakyat Malaysia sudah kehilangan keyakinan terhadap BN. Persepsi majoriti rakyat terhadap BN sudah sampai keperingkat optima dan tidak ada jalan lagi untuk BN diyakini oleh rakyat yang ramai ini. Semalam saya berada di Terengganu dan sebahagian yang mendengar ceramah yang saya sampaikan itu adalah dari mereka yang baru pulang dari Kota Baru kerana mereka diberikan bas dan berbagai-bagai kemudahan untuk menyambut PM Najib di sana.
Rakyat tahu yang pimpinan hari ini tidak akan mampu melakukan perubahan yang baik kerana kecelaruan yang dialami oleh rakyat adalah hasil dari sikap kufur nikmat yang keterlaluan jelasnya. Secara saikologinya rakyat sesungguhnya sedang menukar 'mindset' mereka untuk bersedia menerima perubahan kepada kerajaan baru negara.
Perubahan kerajaan dalam sistem demokrasi adalah 'normal'. Hanya dinegara ini sahaja pertukaran kerajaan akan di alami oleh rakyat buat kali pertamanya selepas pilihanraya yang akan diadakan pada bila-bila masa sahaja. Jika sudah biasa dengan pertukaran kerajaan dan pentadbiran bertukar ganti maka dengan 'natural'nya akan berlaku sistem dua parti dinegara ini.
Penjawat awam juga tidak perlu runsing kerana jika BN kalah dalam PRU kali ini, penjawat awamnya adalah pegawai-pegawai dan kakitangan yang sama. Malahan Polis yang membedil rakyat dengan gas pemedih mata itu pun akan kekal. Oleh itu pihak polis dan penjawat awam tidak perlu resah gelisah dengan pemindahan kuasa dari BN kepada PR.
Saya menyebut ini kerana saya hendak memberi tahu semua pihak yang 'there is life after the demise of Umno'. Tidak lama lagi kita akan mendapat bukti yang jika Umno diketepikan rakyat akan berpeluang dan mempunyai harapan yang perubahan kepada kehidupan mereka yang lebih terjamin akan dibuktikan. Masa itu nanti baru lah rakyat tahu yang mereka tidak akan terjejas kehidupan walaupun Umno akan tidak lagi berkuasa.
Peluang untuk Umno kekal dalam kuasa adalah tipis walaupun bukan mustahil. Umno selama ini hidup di atas kebijaksanaan mereka membohongi rakyat dengan retorik lapuknya. Maklum sajalah berbohong itu merupakan satu perkara yang telah menjadi makanan kepada Umno dan BN.
Umno sekarang sedang dalam kekalahan walaupun mereka berpengalaman dalam mengelirukan rakyat. Perang saikologi yang dilakukan oleh media massa seperti TV3 tidak pergi kemana kerana rakyat begitu jemu mendengarnya. Malahan TV3 pun sudah tidak lagi mujarab untuk mengubah hati rakyat yang telah tercalar oleh tingkah laku Umno dan BN sejak beberapa ketika dahulu.
Segala institusi demokrasi yang telah diporak perandakan oleh pemimpin Umno sejak hampir tiga dekad dahulu akan pasti dipulihkan imejnya selepas Umno tidak lagi berkuasa di Putrajaya. Polis yang menendang dan memukul peserta Bersih baru-baru ini akan sampai masanya untuk mengetahui yang mereka juga akan terus berkhidmat dan masa itu nanti barulah mereka (polis) yang sesiapa pun memerintah kedudukan mereka tidak akan terjejas.
PDRM sebaliknya akan merasakan yang mereka tidak didendami walaupun mereka pernah berlaku zalim kepada rakyat yang membayar gaji mereka dan bayaran pencen mereka. Sementara keadaan itu berlaku PDRM janganlah bersikap angkuh jika ada lagi himpunan rakyat serperti Bersih 4.0 misalnya. Tidak perlulah menyelitkan agen 'provocateur' dalam perhimpunan Bersih jika ia berlaku lagi.
TV3 juga akan tetap kekal dan tidak payah lagi membodek kerajaan baru nanti. Pengurusan Media Prima tidak payah hendak bertanya kepada pihak berkuasa macam mana hendak spin berita-berita tentang Umno yang akan menjadi parti pembangkang Mereka dari sekarang boleh lah berlatih untuk menjadi pengamal media massa secara professional, dan tidak payah mengampu lagi.
Semasa itu nanti kita berharap pendokong Umno tidak lagi mencarut dan membabikan pihak lain atau menjatuhkan hukum murtad kepada pihak lain. Berbuat baiklah sambil kita bersama-sama memperbetulkan diri dan melakukan intropeksi yang secukupnya. Saya bukan hanya menyeru orang lain untuk berubah kepada kebaikkan ini. Saya juga menyeru kepada diri saya sendiri untuk melakukan perkara yang sama.
Yang terpenting sekarang ini melakukan perubahan adalah satu perkara yang sangat mendesak kerana jika tidak dilakukan sekarang tidak tahulah apa yang akan terjadi kepada rakyat dan negara kita ini pada masa-masa yang akan datang. — aspanaliasnet.blogspot.com

Umno terlalu jijik dan jahat

Posted: 05 May 2012 06:50 PM PDT

Mengapa PAS Tidak Boleh Bersama UMNO?

Masih ada lagi yang bertanya, mengapa PAS tidak boleh bersama UMNO sedangkan boleh pula bersama DAP dan PKR? Saya rasa saya sudah jawab ini berkali-kali tetapi biarlah buat kali terakhirnya saya jawab sekali lagi.

Jawapan saya berbentuk cerita dan ceritanya begini:-

Ada seorang, ia itu Melayu-A, menjemput seorang yang lain, ia itu Melayu-B ke kelab malam untuk minum beer. Pada masa yang sama ada pula seorang bukan Melayu yang menjemput Melayu-B ke kedai mamak untuk minum teh tarik. Maka Melayu-B memilih untuk bersama yang bukan Melayu untuk ke kedai mamak.

Tiba-tiba Melayu-A tadi marah dan terus berkata, "Hoi Melayu, tidak sedar dirikah? Awak tu Melayu, aku Melayu, awak Islam, aku Islam, sepatutnya awak bersama aku, bukan dengan yang bukan Islam!" Melayu-B pun terkejut dengan bantahannya dan terus menjawab, "Tapi kamu ajak saya untuk ke kelab malam untuk minum beer!" Dengan bersahaja Melayu-A menjawab, "Tidak mengapa, saya minum beer, awak minumlah air Cola!"

Persoalanya, adakah wajar tindakan sedemikian? Walaupun tidak minum beer bersama, sebagai seorang Islam Melayu-A tidak boleh meminum beer dan jika Melayu-B berada bersama walaupun ditangannya hanya memegang segelas Cola, ia tetap bersubahat dengan kejahatan tersebut.

Pengajaran dari cerita yang ringkas ini ialah, yang penting bukan buat sesuatu 'dengan siapa', tetapi 'buat apa'. Kalau buat jahat, walaupun dengan ustadz, ianya tetap jahat dan akan tetap berdosa. Kalau buat baik, walaupun dengan orang bukan Islam, ianya tetap kerja baik dan orang Islam tersebut tetap mendapat pahala!

UMNO ingin meneruskan budaya politik rasuah, fitnah, lucah, menyeleweng, menindas dan perkaumannya. Kalau PAS turut bersama mereka, maka akan turut terpalit dengan budaya yang jijik itu. Pemuda-pemuda PAS akan diminta mengedarkan video lucah yang kononnya melibatkan DSAI. PAS juga akan diminta membela segala penyelewengan seperti kes NFC dan juga menghalalkan pembantaian rakyat oleh pihak polis pada 28 April lalu.

Sedangkan apabila PAS bertanya kepada PKR dan DAP mengenai apa yang mereka ingin usahakan, mereka menjawab "sebuah kerajaan yang bebas rasuah, adil, berkebajikan terhadap rakyatnya dan bebas perkauman". Pada masa yang sama, institusi keagamaan akan dibebaskan dari kongkongan UMNO yang ingin membantutkan Islam sehingga menjadi agama yang sempit dan tidak berwibawa.

Apabila dibandingkan kedua-dua pilihan dan diletakkan di hadapan PAS, maka adalah amat jelas bahawa pilihan PR adalah yang lebih baik. Ingat! Yang penting bukan soal 'buat dengan siapa' tetapi yang penting adalah 'buat apa'?

Ini selari dengan kata-kata masyhur Saidina Ali (KW), "undzur ilaa maa qala wa laa tandzur ilaa man qala" atau "lihat pada apa yang dikatakan dan jangan kamu lihat pada siapa yang mengatakannya". Dalam erti kata lain, sokonglah kebenaran walau siapa sekalipun yang memperjuangkannya.

WaLlahu 'Alam
