Yours Trully,
Hope you can highlight this comment in your blog.. this written by a Catholic who really have hurt by this Bishop, bringing Jesus / church in disgrace.
There were 3 previous elections held on Sunday in Malaysia and the important issue is the ELECTION commission who decided the election date, not BN Govt–not..1Malaysia slogan. Back to this Bishop (I am ashamed to respect by him a BISHOP of Catholic Church but i would be happy to call him Politician of Catholic Church)
1. Jesus came to Bishop and told him.. only in Malaysia, Christians cannot pray because they must go for voting.. so He told Bishop to protest.
2. Jesus told Bishop, whenever something looks and sound like unfair..he must raise voice
3. When Mat Sabu said Allah can be used.. Jesus told him to praise PAS
4. When Syura council said..NO ALLAH..Jesus told Bishop..KEEP QUIET..don’t issue statement condeming PAS because Yahweh & Allah are relatives..cannot scold our Bethrens
5. Now.. for Bishop Paul Tan
A. If you cannot go to PJ to vote, how long are you already in Johor Bahru.. WHY did not you change your voting centre all these years?
B. Do not bring POLITICS into church. Church is a place to worship GOD. Church is a place to bring harmony relationship between christians and non christian..the people as a whole
C. Church is not a NGO.Remember that Bishop. You are Bishop, not layman politics. Are you getting guidance from your dogs that you are breeding? Are you answerable to the dogs, not the GOD that given you the grace to uphold the sanity of the Church?
D. Why are you bring the Church in shame by issuing statements anti establishment but KEEP quiet on issues involving the oppositions such as Kg Buah Pala, Temple demolishment, DAP election fiaso, the million that illgotten by the leaders (they saved from small?), the increase of hundreds of sin clubs in Selangor,the arrogance of the leaders in suing/blocking newspapers from their press conferences, meetings, what more Bishop… maybe another hundred list we can put here.
5. Have you EVER issued a STATEMENT of praise or compliments for giving approvals to Churches lands/permits etc, appointment of embassy, approval to visit to Jerusalem by Christians, ANY STATEMENT to a good cause by the Govt in helping the needy?
6. Did Jesus told you… DO NOT PRAISE but only CONDEMN, and CONDEMN everything?
7. Please resign your position as Bishop and be a layman and give statements/go and demostrate, handover pamphlets as a politician BUT not as a KEEPER/Guardian of a holy place called CATHOLIC Church. You are making Catholics shameful because of your BEHAVIOUR !!!!
SHAME on you, I wonder if there is NO Church authority in Malaysia who can kick him out of his post and ask him to join politics.
Many Christians especially your youths have forgotten that there is a Sunday Mass in your church and a day of obligation.
What are you doing about it?
Are you telling that sunset Mass is illegal, Christians can or must go only Sunday Mass?
You are getting insane same like Tin Sardin, Serban guys who are blinded with politics. Join DAP or even Pas non muslim supporter club.. they will give you big welcome can watch Stopa video and later join them and say..that NOT him…
Shame,Shame, shameful person you are together with the wolfs in disguise.
Jesus is CRYING seeing you in disgrace shooting your mouth in His name.
Raymond Song,JB