Ahad, 3 April 2016

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog


Posted: 02 Apr 2016 10:08 PM PDT


针对昨日首相的声明说政府不会在砂州选举国阵胜出之后调高消费税,张健仁回应,就算国阵政府要调高消费税,也不可能立刻在选举之后做到的,因为它必须经过国会通过,需一段时间。 但是,纳吉却没有告诉人民,明年、后年或什么期限内不会调高消费税税率。

"他可能一年后,或两年后,就调高消费税税率。 纳吉没有设定不调高消费税税率的时限。 重点在于,如今实施消费税之后,如果人民还是大力支持国阵,就表示人民支持消费税,而国阵政府则可肆意的调高消费税税率。"

"如果纳吉真的有诚意不调高消费税税率,他应该到国会下议院,亲口给予保证,在5年内或10年内不调高消费税税率。 他今天在报章上的公布,没有给予时限,根本就是给自己留后路。 州选过后,他可以狡辩说他只是指砂州州选之后一个月或两个月不调高消费税税率。 而且,最后纳吉还可用'报章错误报道'一招转口不认。"

张氏指出,下星期就是砂州选举前,国会下议院开会的最后一个星期。 因此,张氏挑战纳吉到国会给予国会和全国人民这个保证,让国会记录在案,并清楚的道出,在什么时限内不调高消费税税率。


张氏说,归根究底,政府的主要经济来源,除了天然资源就是税收了。如今石油价格已跌了一段日子了。 如果纳吉真的有其他经济来源的计划,也应该有个草案了。 他应该告诉人民他所谓的'另寻经济来源',是指什么。 如果不是调高消费税税率,那又是要实施什么税?

砂州选举3大意义; 吁砂州人民以选票告诉国阵和阿德南

Posted: 02 Apr 2016 09:04 PM PDT

1. 砂州人民要不要阿德南继续支持纳吉和巫统所领导的国阵,把马来西亚带上灭亡之路?
2. 砂州人民要不要一个更强大的反对党在砂州议会制衡和监督,还是要再回到泰益时代国阵一党独大的政治局面。
3. 砂州人民要不要延续全国改朝换代的希望,成为来届国选"倒巫统,换政府"的第二轮推动力。
张氏说,今次砂州选举的第一个意义的考量,最显著的就是因为阿德南公开支持纳吉当首相,甚至"直到世界末日"。 纳吉的26亿门和一马发展公司丑闻名满天下。 这丑闻的延烧,甚至深深影响国家法定机构如,国家银行、律政司部门、总稽查司部门、反贪污委员会、国会公共帐目委员会、警察等的公信力。
他也说,在西马,甚至巫统内部,纳吉首相之位也岌岌可危。 纳吉今天仍可稳坐首相位,而巫统仍可嚣张的执政,全是因为砂州国阵的鼎力支持。 以砂州国阵目前的25位国会议员,如果砂国阵不支持纳吉,全国国阵只有109位国会议员(包括慕尤丁和沙菲宜),是少过222国会议席的半数,纳吉就立刻要下台,巫统也无法继续执政。
"许多砂州人民都不要巫统和纳吉继续执政联邦政府,偏偏阿德南又一而再再而三的表示全力支持纳吉。 因此,砂州人民可在来届州选以选票告诉阿德南必须和纳吉及巫统划清界线。"
他也指出,行动党在砂州的逐渐壮大,也促使州政府修改土地法令,之前许多不获更新的地契,都可获得更新,而且,更新费也大幅度下降。 同时,联邦政府也开始重视砂州人民的诉求。
"虽然阿德南上台后开始实施了一些民粹政策,让人感觉一新以期可回一些选票。 但阿德南却没有针对砂州经济做出任何制度上的改革,朋党垄断经济就业机会和贫富鸿沟仍旧是砂州经济最大的问题。"
"大家听完阿德南的美话,爽过之后,人民每天的生活还是越来越辛苦。 人民要过更好的日子,砂州就需在制度上做出改变,而非只是实施一些民粹政策的小恩小惠。"
张健仁表示,过去308和505的政治海啸,分别是由砂州2006年和2011年行动党在州选的突破所带动的。 308(2008年)的选举,反对党第一次得以击破国阵在国会的2/3议席;505(2013年)的选举,反对党的得票率第一次超越国阵,赢得52%的选票。
"如果行动党在今次州选可再突破,那将带动全国人民的士气,在来届国选打倒国阵。 但,如果州选行动党胜出的选区比2011年少,这将大大打击整个改朝换代的趋势。"
也是行动党全国副主席的张健仁表示,马来西亚改朝换代的梦已一步一步的即将实现,如今只需最后的冲刺,在2018年的国选,反对党只要再拿多3 - 5%的选票,不管选区划分如何的不公平,国阵的联邦政府还是要倒台。
张健仁表示,今次砂州选举并非决定换政府。 因为不公平的选区划分、无尽的金钱和庞大政府机构的人力,砂州国阵在今次的州选已经是"未选先胜"了。
1. 砂州人民不要阿德南继续支持纳吉和巫统所领导的国阵,把马来西亚带上灭亡之路。
2. 砂州人民要一个更强大的反对党在砂州议会制衡和监督;
3. 砂州人民要延续'改朝换代'的愿望,成为来届国选"倒巫统,换政府"的火车头。

PM told to state no GST raise in Parliament

Posted: 02 Apr 2016 08:55 PM PDT

A Sarawak opposition MP has challenged Prime Minister Najib Razak to state in Parliament that the govenrment will not increase the Goods and Services Tax (GST) rate after the upcoming state election.
Najib, said Bandar Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen, must also inform Parliament of the specific time frame for the GST rate and not use the issue as an election ploy.
"Najib yesterday claimed that the government will not increase the GST rates after the Sarawak elections.

"Such statement amount to nothing, as Najib did not make clear how long the 6 percent GST rate will stay - one year, two years, or five years," said Chong in a statement today.
Chong fears the PM will use a win at the Sarawak election as justification to increase the highly criticised GST.
"The important thing is that, with the implementation of GST, if Sarawakians continue to give the BN government its strong support, it will be taken as an endorsement to the GST, giving the BN government a free hand and the boldness to increase the GST to whatever rate it wants.
"If Najib is sincere about not increasing the GST rate, then he should do it in Parliament next week, which will be the last Parliamentary sitting before the Sarawak polls.
"In his announcement, Najib must also make clear the time within which the GST rate will not be increased, (whether) 5 years, 10 years or more," said Chong, who is Sarawak DAP chief and Sentosa assemblyperson.
His call comes amidst an anti-GST rally in Kuala Lumpur today that saw roughly 1,500 march downtown to Dataran Merdeka to protest the consumption tax that many say have contributed to rising cost of living amidst stagnant wages.
More taxes?
Chong also asked the PM to name the alternative source of revenue that Najib had said would compensate the fall in oil prices.
"My question to Najib is: what is his alternative source of revenue?
The two main sources of revenue of the government are natural resources or taxes," said Chong.
He said with our depleting natural resources, the other option would appear to be tax revenue.
"If it is not an increase in GST rates, what other tax does Najib have in his mind?" he asked.
-- malaysiakini 2 april ,2016

DAP: BN Sarawak menang, GST dinaikkan 10 peratus

Posted: 02 Apr 2016 08:33 PM PDT

Kerajaan dijangka menaikkan Cukan Barang dan Perkhidmatan, GST kepada 10 peratus jika Barisan National, BN kekal memerintah dalam pilihan raya negeri, PRN akan datang.

Pengerusi DAP negeri, Chong Chieng Jen bercakap pada sidang media menggesa rakyat Sarawak dan juga seluruh negara menolak GST.

-- kinitv

DAP launches anti-GST videos for Sarawak polls

Posted: 30 Mar 2016 08:42 PM PDT

KUALA LUMPUR, March 31 — The DAP launched today two videos criticising the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in its Sarawak state election campaign, a year after the broad-based consumption tax came into effect.
One of the videos, titled "Tolak GST, Tolak BN!" (Reject GST, Reject BN (Barisan Nasional), features interviews with Sarawakians who said the GST is a burden that raises living costs and "kills" the people. (Click here to watch the video)
The second video, titled "Tak Nak BN!" (We Don't Want BN!), is a catchy music video that mocks the ruling coalition's purported failure in providing basic infrastructure like roads, electricity and water in the impoverished East Malaysian state.

"Let's make the Sarawak election a referendum on GST," Sarawak DAP chairman Chong Chieng Jen told a press conference at the party's national headquarters here.
"The GST's impact on the economy is very great. It impacts lower-income earners more than higher-income earners," he added.
Chong also said opposition pact Pakatan Harapan was hoping to win an additional five to 10 seats in suburban areas.
DAP publicity chief Tony Pua, who was also at the press conference, expressed optimism that Pakatan Harapan would resolve seat allocations "soon", now that the date of dissolution of the state assembly has been announced.
Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Adenan Satem announced today that the state legislative assembly will be dissolved on April 11, paving the way for elections. 
-- themalaymailonline March 31
