Isnin, 4 Julai 2016



Malaysiakini news :- ‘Rash of temple vandalism evokes 1978'

Posted: 03 Jul 2016 09:48 PM PDT

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Stampin residents protest against telco tower in their area

Posted: 03 Jul 2016 05:16 PM PDT

The residents of Stampin Tengah, Hakka Avenue and the surrounding area are up against the erection of a tele-communication tower in the middle of their housing estate.  

Yesterday, the residents have come together with the MP for Stampin, YB Julian Tan and I, to stage a protest at the construction site. Thereafter, the residents embarked on the collection of signatures from all the other residents to protest against the construction of the said tower right in the middle of their residential area.

Their main concern is the risk to their health from the long-term and constant exposure to the radiation and electromagnetic waves that will be emitted from the transmission equipment to be attached to the said tower in future when it is in use.

After the collection of the signatures, YB Julian Tan will assist the residents to submit the letter of protest to the Chief Minister, the Director of Lands and Surveys and Sacofa Sdn Bhd on Monday.

The authorities should not approve the construction of such telco-tower right in the middle of a densely populated residential area.  A responsible government should respect the views of the residents when it comes to such matter.

In Sarawak, the State Government has given a blanket approval to Sacofa Sdn Bhd to plan, construct and operate telco-towers.  As a private company with profit as its main objective, it is little wonder that Sacofa does not take heed to the concern of the residents and the people when it comes to constructing telco towers.  All it matters to Sacofa is "Profit".

Therefore, when the people start to come together to complain the erection of telco tower in their housing estate, the Government must step in to restrain Sacofa.  

Erection of such telco towers should be governed by similar guidelines as the erection of high voltage power lines.  It should avoid the densely populated residential areas.  

As such, I call upon the State Government to respect the wishes of the residents in the area and to immediately stop the construction of the said telco tower.

Chong Chieng Jen
MP for Bandar Kuching/ADUN for Kota Sentosa

住宅区建电讯塔, 居民群起抗议

Posted: 03 Jul 2016 05:08 PM PDT

(古晋3日讯)古晋4里半Stampin Tengah及客家巷一带的居民强烈反对在他们的住宅区建电讯塔。

昨日,民主行动党古晋市国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁和实丹宾国会议员陈国彬陪同当地居民在该正在建筑中的电讯塔地点,进行抗议。 之后,他们也收集当地其他居民的签名,反对在他们的住宅区建电讯塔。





张氏也透露,砂州政府已给了Sacofa有限公司全面的权利在砂州进行策划、兴建和管理电讯塔的全部事宜。作为一个私营公司,盈利是它的主要考虑。 往往,Sacofa对于居民抗议建电讯塔的声音,都不怎么理会,因为他们注重的只是利润。 因此,当有居民反对在他们的住宅区建电讯塔时,政府应该立刻介入,停止这类工程继续进行。

"建电讯塔应该和建高压电缆一样,必须有一些规矩的约束。 最基本的就是,住宅区的范围之内,不可建电讯塔。"

