Khamis, 18 April 2013



Global Witness accepts Taib’s dare to open debate

Posted: 18 Apr 2013 08:31 PM PDT

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

Manifesto Pakatan Selangor PRU 13

Posted: 18 Apr 2013 09:33 PM PDT

Berikutan adalah petikan kandungan manifesto Pakatan Selangor:

Perumahan - Tempat Kediaman untuk Semua
• Memperuntukkan RM100 juta kepada Lembaga Perumahan dan Hartanah Kerajaan Negeri yang bertujuan merangka dasar perumahan secara menyeluruh khususnya bagi menyediakan rumah mampu milik yang ermutu serta menguruskan projek-projek perumahan lain yang mengutamakan tahap kemampuan rakyat untuk membeli.

• Menambah perumahan mampu sewa di bandar-bandar raya dan bandar-bandar bagi keluarga yang tidak mampu memiliki rumah persendirian.

• Membina Rumah Mampu Milik dengan keluasan minimum 800 kaki persegi, berharga di bawah RM150,000 seunit.

• Mewujudkan Skim Perumahan Rakyat bagi pembeli yang menghadapi kesukaran mendapat pinjaman daripada institusi kewangan, dengan cadangan peruntukan berjumlah RM250 juta atau RM50 juta setahun.

Keusahawanan dan Inovasi - Semua Rakyat Selangor Mendapat Peluang
• Menubuhkan Perbadanan Keusahawanan Negeri Selangor bagi mewujudkan persekitaran yang kondusif dalam pendidikan dan latihan keusahawanan.

• Mewujudkan dana khas bagi melaksanakan program pembelajaran sepanjang hayat ke arah usaha meningkatkan kelayakan akademik dan menambah baik kemahiran golongan rakyat yang memerlukan.
Sebanyak 5% daripada rizab negeri akan digunakan untuk membiayai program-program ini setiap tahun.

• Membina kiosk dan gerai bagi peniaga kecil sebagai usaha menggalak dan mendidik pengusaha persendirian membuang tabiat menyewa.

Pengangkutan Awam bagi Lembah Klang

• Memastikan perlaksanaan pembinaan projek Jambatan Ketiga Klang yang bernilai RM300 juta

• Membina Terminal Pengangkutan Awam Bersepadu di Shah Alam, ibu negeri Selangor.

• Menyediakan pengangkutan awam percuma dan mesra pengguna, termasuk perkhidmatan bas, di Shah Alam, Petaling Jaya, Subang Jaya, Klang dan Kajang.

• Menyediakan lorong berbasikal bagi kawasan perumahan baharu di lokasi terpilih.

Pemilikan Tanah

• Meningkatkan kecekapan memproses urusan pemilikan tanah dan meneruskan tawaran bagi Pemilikan Geran Tanah Persendirian kepada pemohon yang layak, termasuk mereka yang sudah menghuni di kediaman persendirian dalam tempoh lebih 12 tahun.

• Memajukan Tanah Rizab Melayu dengan lebih tersusun bagi meningkatkan nilai dan dalam masa yang sama melindungi hak dan keistimewaan komuniti Melayu.

• Meneruskan kerja Badan Bertindak Tanah Orang Asal Selangor (BBTOAS) untuk melindungi tanah adat Orang Asal.

Pembangunan Pertanian

• Memajukan tanah pertanian secara bersepadu.

• Mengganda pendapatan petani, penternak dan nelayan dengan cara mempertingkat dan memodenkan industri-industri pertanian, penternakan dan perikanan.

Hab Halal

• Menubuhkan sebuah "Hab Halal" di peringkat negeri, termasuk mengeluarkan Pensijilan Halal Negeri Selangor.

Perlindungan Alam Sekitar

• Memperketat undang-undang berkaitan dengan pembangunan di lereng bukit.

• Mempertingkat kesedaran orang awam terhadap perlindungan alam sekitar.

• Memperhebat usaha untuk menanam semula dan melindungi kawasan hutan negeri sebagai kawasan utama tadahan air dan jelapang hijau.

• Meneruskan usaha untuk membersih sungai tertentu, dan membangunkan taman-taman di tebing sungai bagi kegunaan orang awam.

• Mempromosi teknologi hijau di semua peringkat pentadbiran awam di samping menggalakkan usaha untuk memerangi perubahan iklim dan memastikan negeri Selangor bebas tenaga nuklear.


Pakatan Rakyat berusaha dengan gigih untuk menguruskan aset-aset negeri sebagaimana diamanahkan oleh rakyat, dan menggunakan semua sumber negeri secara berhemat dan berhemah bagi kebajikan golongan rakyat yang memerlukan pembelaan atau bantuan. Menggunakan sumber ini, Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat komited untuk menjaga hak pekerja dalam memperolehi gaji yang setimpal termasuk menggalakkan penubuhan kesatuan sekerja atas tujuan menjamin maruah golongan pekerja.

Dalam tempoh lima tahun yang berlalu, dasar "Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor" berjaya melaksanakan sembilan program kepada golongan rakyat Selangor yang memerlukan bantuan, meliputi bayi dan warga
usia emas, anak pekerja ladang, golongan kelainan upaya dan mangsa dera rumah tangga.

Lebih RM862.5 juta telah memanfaatkan sekitar 1.6 juta rumah penduduk Selangor. Oleh itu, dengan sikap bertanggungjawab dan komited terhadap dasar-dasar membantu rakyat, maka Pakatan Rakyat akan berusaha lebih gigih lagi untuk membantu meringankan beban rakyat dalam tempoh lima seterusnya, kerana sebagai kerajaan yang prihatin, Pakatan Rakyat dalam penggal keduanya nanti bertekad untuk bekerja tanpa jemu bagi mensejahterakan rakyat Selangor menerusi dasar-dasar yang berikut:

Pemberdayaan Wanita

• Memperuntukkan RM50juta untuk Tabung Pemberdayaan Wanita Selangor dengan tujuan menyediakan prasarana baik bagi meningkatkan mutu kehidupan wanita dari segi kewangan, taraf hidup serta keselamatan.

• Pemeriksaan percuma kanser payu dara dan rahim bagi wanita di samping meneruskan pemeriksaan mammogram percuma yang disediakan sebelum ini.

• Meluas dan melebarkan dua Skim Mikrokredit yang sedia ada (Skimsel dan Mimbar) dalam kalangan belia dan wanita, dengan tumpuan khusus kepada ibu tunggal.

• Memastikan agar semua bangunan kerajaan menyediakan kemudahan nurseri dan tadika dalam tempoh 5 tahun


• Mengusahakan dan memperluaskan "Polis Komuniti" yang dibiayai kerajaan negeri.

• Menambah jumlah pegawai penguatkuasa di majlis tempatan bagi melakukan rondaan di kawasan kejiranan.

• Menambah lampu dan CCTV di kawasan majlis tempatan.

Penjagaan Kesihatan
• Pemeriksaan percuma kanser testis dan prostat bagi lelaki.

• Menubuhkan Tabung Dialisis Rakyat Selangor bernilai RM10 juta bagi bangunan dan subsidi rawatan.

Orang Kelainan Upaya

• Memastikan supaya semua kemudahan awam dan tempat ibadat adalah mesra pengguna bagi orang kelainan upaya.

• Menyediakan dan melaksanakan Skim Khas bagi memperkasa golongan orang kelainan upaya.

Bantuan Pendidikan

• Anak yang Ibu bapanya berpendapatan sehingga RM3,000 kini adalah layak untuk mendapat RM1,000 Hadiah Masuk Universiti.


Di bawah Pakatan Rakyat, peruntukan dana negeri bagi melaksanakan aktiviti-aktiviti keagamaan dan kebudayaan semua kaum, khususnya program-program silaturrahim dalam keluarga dan komuniti, terbukti memberikan kesan positif dalam hal meningkatkan kesedaran beragama kepada individu dalam setiap kaum di samping meningkatkan kefahaman mereka terhadap agama-agama kaum lain.

Oleh itu, Pakatan Rakyat mahu terus memberi bantuan dana kepada pertubuhan-pertubuhan keagamaan - bagi merapatkan hubungan kekeluargaan sesama mereka di samping memberi kefahaman terhadap agama kaum-kaum lain, dan bantuan dana ini juga diberikan kepada institusi pendidikan yang menyokong atau bekerja menjayakan program-program dalam bidang-bidang berikut:


• Meluluskan pembinaan tiga Kompleks Islam Bersepadu meliputi sebuah masjid, pusat pendidikan dan pusat komuniti (bagi permohonan masjid baharu).

• Menyediakan kawasan tanah bagi semua rumah ibadat (masjid, kuil, tokong, gereja), perkuburan dan rumah pembakaran mayat.


• Melancarkan biasiswa Menteri Besar bagi pelajar ijazah lanjutan dengan bon Kerajaan Negeri sebagai usaha membentuk sebuah Bank Pemikir Negeri Selangor (Selangor Brain Bank).

• Menambah jumlah Ma'ahad Integrasi Tahfiz Sains dan menubuhkan sebuah KAFA Menengah, di samping menaik taraf kemudahan yang sedia ada.

• Menambah elaun bagi memastikan warga kerja sekolah agama mendapat gaji minimum RM1,500 sebulan di samping memperbanyakkan aktiviti pengajaran yang setimpal dengan gaji.

• Menyediakan kawasan tanah bagi pembinaan bangunan sekolah agama rakyat, SJK(C) dan SJK(T) di samping menaik taraf infrastruktur yang sedia ada.

• Menyediakan bantuan tambahan sebanyak RM2 juta setahun kepada sekolah-sekolah Rendah dan Menengah Jenis Kebangsaan.

Pembangunan Keluarga

• Memberi wang tunai RM500 kepada pasangan yang melangsungkan perkahwinan kali pertama.

• Memastikan agar semua bangunan kerajaan menyediakan kemudahan nurseri dan tadika dalam tempoh 5 tahun.

• Meneruskan program Skim Mesra Usia Emas, memberi wang hadiah harijadi bernilai RM100 pada hari lahir yang ke-60.

Pembangunan Kebudayaan

• Membina 3 Pusat Kebudayaan di tebing Sungai Klang bagi komuniti Melayu, India dan Cina di Klang dengan dibiayai kerajaan negeri dan swasta.


Di bawah Pakatan Rakyat, Selangor merupakan negeri pertama di Malaysia meluluskan Pindaan Kebebasan Maklumat yang membolehkan orang ramai mencapai maklumat berkaitan kerajaan negeri. Ketelusan turut diperluas dengan pengisytiharan harta oleh Menteri Besar dan setiap Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri, dan pembentukan Jawatankuasa Khas bagi Kecekapan, Kebertanggungjawaban dan Ketelusan (SELCAT). Dasar-dasar yang mencirikan kerajaan rakyat Selangor ini, akan diteruskan oleh Pakatan

Rakyat bagi mentadbir urus negeri Selangor pada penggal kedua kelak.

• Melaksanakan dasar menurunkan kuasa secara berperingkat menerusi pelaksanaan Pilihan Raya Kerajaan Tempatan.

• Mempertingkat peranan Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri melalui pelbagai cara, termasuk Pindaan Akta Perkhidmatan Dewan Negeri Selangor.

* Manifesto ini perlu dibaca bersama manifesto Pakatan Harapan Rakyat di peringkatnasional.

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Terima Kasih Kepada Pengundi Dun Bangi-Kajang - Beri Peluang Kepimpinan (Intisari Keterlibatan Diri Dalam Politik)

Posted: 18 Apr 2013 04:32 PM PDT

Philosophy Politics Economics

Philosophy Politics Economics


Posted: 18 Apr 2013 08:18 PM PDT

Our DAP Petaling Jaya candidates:

Petaling Jaya Utara Parliament: Tony Pua
Damansara Utama State Assembly: Yeo Bee Yin
Kampung Tunku State Assembly: Lau Weng San
Bukit Gasing State Assembly: Rajiv Rishyakaran

Our Ceramah Schedule:
(All ceramahs start at 7.30pm)

20/4 Sat - SS2 Taman Bandar (commercial centre)
Speakers: Tony Pua, Lau Weng San, Yeo Bee Yin, Rajiv Rishyakaran, others to be confirmed

21/4 Sun - Taman Paramount (commercial centre, next to Giant)
Speakers: Lau Weng San, Yeo Bee Yin, Rajiv Rishyakaran, others to be confirmed

22/4 Mon - SS4C/5 (commercial centre)
Speakers: Lau Weng San, Yeo Bee Yin, Rajiv Rishyakaran, others to be confirmed

23/4 Tue - SS3 (covered basketball court next to Dewan Orang Ramai)
Speakers: Lau Weng San, Yeo Bee Yin, Rajiv Rishyakaran, others to be confirmed

24/4 Wed - Petaling Garden Jalan 5/46 playground
Speakers: Lau Weng San, Yeo Bee Yin, Rajiv Rishyakaran, others to be confirmed

25/4 Thu
(i) Pangsapuri Damansara Bistari (near SS2 Mall)
(ii) Pangsapuri Sri Aman (near Taman Paramount LRT)
Speakers: Lau Weng San, Yeo Bee Yin, Rajiv Rishyakaran, others to be confirmed

26/4 Fri - SS23 Tennis Courts
Speakers: Tony Pua, Lau Weng San, Yeo Bee Yin, Rajiv Rishyakaran, others to be confirmed

27/4 Sat - Sungai Way Football Field (opp SRJK(C) Sungai Way)
Speakers: Tony Pua, Lau Weng San, Yeo Bee Yin, Rajiv Rishyakaran, others to be confirmed

28/4 Sun - Seksyen 17 (commercial centre car park - to be confirmed)
Speakers: Tony Pua, Lau Weng San, Yeo Bee Yin, Rajiv Rishyakaran, others to be confirmed

29/4 Mon - SS2 Taman Bandar (commercial centre)
Speakers: Lau Weng San, Yeo Bee Yin, Rajiv Rishyakaran, others to be confirmed

30/4 Tue - MBPJ Hockey Stadium, Jalan Selangor (near PJ Old Town Bus Terminal)
Speakers: Tony Pua, Lau Weng San, Yeo Bee Yin, Rajiv Rishyakaran, others to be confirmed

1/5 Wed - Kpg Chempaka Basketball Court
Speakers: Tony Pua, Lau Weng San, Yeo Bee Yin, Rajiv Rishyakaran, others to be confirmed

2/5 Thu - Seksyen 5 Jalan Gasing Satellite Carpark (near St Francis Xaviers Church)
Speakers: Lau Weng San, Yeo Bee Yin, Rajiv Rishyakaran, others to be confirmed

3/5 Fri - Seksyen 14 playground behind Digital Mall
Speakers: Lau Weng San, Yeo Bee Yin, Rajiv Rishyakaran, others to be confirmed

4/5 Sat - Finale (venue to be confirmed)
Speakers: Tony Pua, Lau Weng San, Yeo Bee Yin, Rajiv Rishyakaran, others to be confirmed




Posted: 18 Apr 2013 01:28 AM PDT





Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

DAP will use the PAS symbol in Peninsular Malaysia and the PKR symbol in Sabah & Sarawak for the 13th general elections unless the Registrar of Societies (ROS)’s cowardly and dastardly attempt to assassinate the Rocket is withdrawn by revoking its 17 April 2013 letter not recognising the office-bearers of the Central Executive Committee(CEC).(en/cn)

Posted: 18 Apr 2013 09:19 AM PDT

Press Statement By DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng In DAP Headquarters In Kuala Lumpur On 18.4.2013

DAP will use the PAS symbol in Peninsular Malaysia and the PKR symbol in Sabah & Sarawak for the 13th general elections unless the Registrar of Societies (ROS)'s cowardly and dastardly attempt to assassinate the Rocket is withdrawn by revoking its 17 April 2013 letter not recognising the office-bearers of the Central Executive Committee(CEC). By not recognising the office-bearers of the CEC elected by the delegates on 15 December 2012, I have no power to issue authorisation letters in my official capacity as Secretary-General to DAP
candidates to use the Rocket symbol.

The DAP CEC in its meeting tonight decided that ROS must revoke its letter not recognising the office-bearers in the CEC by 3pm tomorrow on Friday.

Failure to do so will result in the DAP directing its 53 parliamentary candidates and 103 state candidates throughout the country to contest in the next general elections under the PAS symbol in Peninsular Malaysia and the PKR symbol in Sabah and Sarawak. There is no point in relying on assurances given by the Election Commission(EC) that DAP can still use our Rocket symbol when the EC possesses a sad record of broken promises that has caused the entire electoral process to be neither free, fair, independent nor neutral.

For the ROS to issue this letter 48 hours before nomination day on 20 April 2013 is clearly intended to kill off DAP's electoral prospects by forcing all DAP candidates to be independent. Using the ridiculous excuse that no proper notice was sent out resulting in 753 delegates not attending the Party National Congress is illogical and irrational as then all party national conventions that does not have 100% attendance should also be taken action. Why only the DAP but not other political parties in BN?

Clearly ROS intends to assassinate the Rocket to fulfill the grand design of BN to take out the DAP from contending in the general elections. Knowing that BN component parties will be facing a stern challenge from DAP candidates, BN has adopted the shameful and dirty approach of preventing DAP from contesting by using our beloved Rocket symbol. Such desperate attempts to win by BN is victory without honour and makes a mockery of the entire electoral process.

If ROS refuses to withdraw this letter, then the whole electoral process in the 13th General Elections will be both flawed and fraudulent if DAP can not be allowed to use the Rocket. The DAP CEC urges all party leaders, members and supporters to be calm and let the anger of such disgraceful underhand tacticsbe reflected strongly in the ballot box on 5 May 2013.


-----Mandarin Version—









Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

Wanita kesal. .demi kuasa sanggup guna video sex

Posted: 18 Apr 2013 01:12 AM PDT

Persatuan Persaudaraan Muslimah Malaysia (Salimah) mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya politik lucah seperti yang sedang menggejala dewasa ini. 

Yang Dipertuanya, Datin Aminah Zakaria berkata, video lucah yang didakwa melibatkan pemimpin politik adalah paling menjijikkan diguna oleh mereka yang menjadi tentera upahan kepada pihak yang mahu terus berkuasa.

"Ini adalah perkembangan  budaya politik yang sangat buruk yang akan mengundang mala petaka sosial yang tidak akan boleh dipulih jika tidak dibanteras,” ujarnya dalam satu kenyataan.Justeru, jelas beliau Salimah amat kesal sejak 1998 strategik politik fitnah dengan mengguna tuduhan salah laku seks dan menghasilkan video seks yang diubahsuai untuk menjatuhkan maruah seorang musuh politik sudah membawa politik negara ke tahap yang paling hina.

Katanya, kecuaian pihak berkuasa untuk bertindak tegas bagi mencegah gejala ini telah menyebabkan pihak yang mengguna konspirasi jahat ini berleluasa.

“Salimah menegaskan hanya dengan penguatkuasaan hukum jenayah Qazaf sahaja, gejala ini dapat dibanteras.“

Kami mendapati sikap tidak bersungguh pihak berkuasa malah menyekat pihak yang dituduh untuk mendakwa mereka yang terlibat dengan tuduhan zina melalui undang-undang syariat adalah antara punca yang menyebabkan gejala ini berterusan,” katanya.

Tambahnya, Salimah mengingatkan mereka yang bersekongkol dengan jenayah itu akan menerima balasan yang berat di akhirat nanti dan menggesa mereka segera bertaubat.

"Walaupun kami tahu ingatan dan nasihat ugama seperti ini mungkin tidak dihirau oleh mereka, namun menjadi tanggungjawab kami untuk menyampaikan amaran Allah S.W.T kepada siapa sahaja yang tersasar jauh dari perintah agama,” ujarnya.

Salimah, ujarnya lagi mendesak supaya undang-undang Qazaf segera dikuatkuasakan untuk menjernihkan masyarakat dari perbuatan terkutuk dalam budaya politik negara ini.

Sebagai kaum wanita, tambah beliau Salimah tidak akan berkompromi dengan siapa sahaja yang berusaha mengotorkan minda dan jiwa masyarakat dengan budaya lucah seperti mengedar video seks kepada orang ramai.

"Para ulama perlu bersatu menyuarakan bantahan dan bertindak mengingatkan masyarakat betapa gejala ini jika tidak dibendung akan mengundang musibah dari Allah S.WT. yang akan melibatkan semua lapisan masyarakat,” ujarnya.

Hamidah Osman

Hamidah Osman

A Goat Named 'Shahrukh Khan' in Bakrapur

Posted: 18 Apr 2013 01:32 AM PDT

Shahurkh Khan

Unlike Anurag Kashyap's more elaborate ode to Amitabh Bachchan by making a short film on him in Bombay Talkies, actor-filmmaker Makarand Deshpande paid a more unique tribute to King Khan. In Deshpande's National Award winning satire Bakrapur, the pivotal character is of a goat named Shah Rukh.

Filmmaker Janaki Vishwanathan wanted to study the trend in rural India to name their pets after popular stars. While the film was mainly a comedy, it revolves around a sensitive story of a little boy and his pet goat.

Explaining why Janaki wanted Shah Rukh, she emphasized that after hunting for the best goats in the village, they found the most handsome one of all called Shah Rukh. The name itself means Emperor faced. Janaki herself is rest assured that Shah Rukh would not take any offense to the film as he has a vast and quirky sense of humor, and frequently cracks self depreciating jokes.

Interestingly, earlier Deshpande had also made a film on SRK named Shahrukh Bola Khubsurat Hai Tu, which unfortunately failed to impress many people.


Priyanka's another Cousine 'Meera' enter the Bollywood

Posted: 17 Apr 2013 01:38 AM PDT


Yet another cousin of Priyanka Chopra is all set to take baby steps into Bollywood. Meera Chopra will be making her B-Town debut in Vikram Bhatt's upcoming installment of 1920

Sources say ever since the film's initial heroine Prachi Desai stepped out of the project due to date problems, the makers had been looking for a replacement. And Meera will now step into Prachi's shoes.

Says Vikram, `I had met Meera for another film. Third of the Chopra sisters, she is ravishing and obviously comes with what we call a film background. She is quite a dynamo and we are all glad with her now joining the cast.

The film goes on the floors next month and the rest of the details are yet to be finalised.

By Santa Banta

'Himmatwala' Box Office Report: Ajay Devgn is Unhappy to see response

Posted: 16 Apr 2013 01:46 AM PDT


Sajid Khan's film "Himmatwala" failed badly at the box office in the second week and has been declared a disaster.

Sajid Khan was pretty over-confident with the remake and said that the film will be Ajay Devgn's biggest release of his career. Despite strong expectations, the film bombed at the box office.
Ajay, who reprised the heroism of the 80s era, was extremely positive about the film because of the buzz it created prior to the release. The actor, known for playing action-oriented roles, has came out of his comfort zone and worked with Sajid Khan.
"This was the first time Ajay had stepped out of his comfort zone of working with directors like Rohit Shetty, Prakash Jha or Ashwini Dhar to join hands with Sajid. He is extremely disappointed with the film's results," Mid-Day quoted an insider as saying.
The National Award winning actor has given back-to-back hits in the last two year, but Sajid's "Himmatwala" has put a full stop to that. His previous films like "Golmaal 3", "Singham", "Bol Bachchan" and "Son of Sardaar" were all box office hits and also crossed the ₹100 crore mark.
"Himmatwala' might not be able to earn the production cost of the film. Moreover, the film has disappointed critics as well as viewers. Ajay is extremely disappointed with the film's result at box office. He has now asked director Rohit Shetty to work quickly on the next film "Singham 2" to revive his star status.

"Ajay wants to restore his lost glory at the box office and has asked his trusted aide Rohit to speed up things on their next. They have done nine films together out of which eight have been hits," the daily quoted another insider as saying.

At present, Ajay is also shooting for Prakash Jha's "Satyagraha" in Bhopal with megastar Amitabh Bachchan, Kareena Kapoor and Arjun Rampal. 

Enhanced by Zemanta

Shah Rukh for Farhan’s Initiative, M.A.R.D (Men Against Rape & Discrimination)

Posted: 15 Apr 2013 11:33 PM PDT

Shah Rukh for Farhan's Initiative, M.A.R.D (Men Against Rape & Discrimination)


Shah Rukh shooting for M.A.R.D. campaign Farhan Akhtar to distribute 70,000 fake moustaches at T20 game to promote
initiative on gender equality. Filmmaker-actor Farhan Akhtar now seems
to have turned social activist. To spread the word about his initiative — MARD: Men Against Rape and Discrimination — he has tied up with the on-going T20 tournament. "On April 26, he will distribute 70,000 fake moustaches among those present at the Eden
Gardens in Kolkata. The match between Shah Rukh Khan's team (Kolkata Knight Riders) and Preity Zinta's team (Kings XI Punjab) will take place there," says a source, adding, "During the match, everyone,
including Shah Rukh and Preity, will wear the
moustaches, which is the symbol of the initiative. Since Eden Gardens is one of the biggest stadiums in the country, Farhan is
hoping to reach out to more people." Disturbed by the assault and murder of an Excel Entertainment (Farhan's production
house) employee in Mumbai in August 2012,
Farhan conceived the idea of MARD. He officially launched it in March this year, using social media as the primary platform.
Since then, he has been using Twitter and Facebook regularly to create buzz online for the same.According to an insider, this will be the
first on-ground awareness-building activity for the
initiative. "Farhan has taken it upon himself to spread awareness about gender equality. He has been urging people to adopt the message," says a source.
Article/Info Courtesy: Hindustan Times Image Courtesy: Times of India

King Khan meet Munna Bhai at his Residence

Posted: 15 Apr 2013 12:53 AM PDT

King Khan, like his arch rival Salman Khan, has always been the best of friends with Sanjay Dutt. And our feathered friend from Bandra tells us that Baadshah Khan arrived late last night at Dutt's residence to pacify the actor.

It was quite an emotional moment when SRK expressed his concern for the Policegiri star and had a talk with him as well as his wife Manyata Dutt. It's learnt that Shahrukh stayed at Sanju's place for a couple of hours and the two had an intense and emotional conversation.

Dutt has been sentenced to five years imprisonment by the Supreme Court for illegal possession of arms in the 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts case and many celebrities have visited him ever since. Sanjay has already filed a review petition but it's quite unlikely that he will be able to get out of the legal mess any time soon.

Meanwhile, the actor is working round the clock to complete his movie assignments before he surrenders himself in a couple of days.

Enhanced by Zemanta

'Nautanki Saala, Commando' 1st Weekend Box Office Collection

Posted: 15 Apr 2013 12:22 AM PDT

This week's new Hindi releases Nautanki Saala and Commando have received an excellent opening at the Indian Box Office. In the first weekend, the Ayushmann Khurrana starrer has topped the collection chart, while the Vidyut Jamwal starrer landed in the second spot. Meanwhile, last week's release Chashme Baddoor, which has graced third spot, seemed to be giving tough competition to the new releases. Nautanki Saala is a romantic comedy and had a bigger release at multiplexes. Whereas Commando is an action thriller and it went wide in single screens. The Ayushmann Khurrana starrer fetched a decent start at multiplexes of major centres, while the Vidyut Jamwal starrer had a better start at single screens of mass-dominated belt on Friday. Commando, which did better collection than Nautanki Saala on their opening day, showed dip on Saturday, while the business of the latter went up. Nautanki Saala has collected Rs 11.75 crores nett at domestic Box Office in the first weekend and its breakup is Rs 3.25 cr on Fri, Rs 4 cr on Sat and Rs 4.5 cr on Sun. Whereas Commando has raked in Rs 11.08 crores nett at desi Box Office in three days and its breakup is Rs 3.69 cr on Fri, Rs 3.39 cr on Sat and Rs 4 cr on Sun. Both films would eventually turn out to be decent earners by the end of the first week.
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Commando: Second Day (Saturday) Box Office Gross Collection

Posted: 14 Apr 2013 11:09 PM PDT

Vidyut Jamwal Commando may have collected good numbers on Day 1 than Nautanki Saala, but the movie couldn't sustain on Day 2. The movie, which made an opening day business of 3.70 Crores, couldn't pick up on Saturday i.e. yesterday.
In fact the collection saw a slight drop. Adding more 3.40 Crores in its kitty, Commando now stands at a Domestic total of about 7.10 Crores at the Box Office. This Vidyut Jamwal and Pooja Chopra starrer is performing good in mass circuits and single screens only.

Directed by Dilip Ghosh, Commando is produced by Vipul Shah, and the project has been heavily promoted with multi-city tours and through TV shows. Moreover, the positive word of mouth and with decent reviews from the critics should help the film to make good business at the Box Office today and in the coming weekdays.

Weekend (3 Days) Gross Collection of Nautanki Saala

Posted: 14 Apr 2013 06:16 PM PDT

NAUTANKI SAALA  Crosses 11.50 cr Nett Over Weekend

"Nautanki Saala" started slowly at box office on Friday morning like most of other releases this year. But film grew from evening onwards and witnessed substantial jump on Saturday.

Film''s good word of mouth did the trick and film again jumped on Sunday. As per early estimates, film should collect 4.40 cr nett taking film''s 1st weekend total to 11.50 cr nett.

According to our view film should collect 18 cr nett over the week one and from there on its lifetime total will depend on how good it performs in 2nd week.

Below are the collections for the film  -

Domestic Collections

1st Week
Friday    3.25 cr
Saturday    3.90 cr

Sunday    4.40 cr

Total Domestic Collections    11.55 cr

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Saturday Gross collection 'Commando, Nautanki Saala' at Box Office

Posted: 14 Apr 2013 05:56 PM PDT

Commando dropped slightly on Saturday as it grossed around 3.25-3.50 crore nett against the 3.50 crore nett on Friday while Nautanki Saala showed good growth collecting around 3.75-4 crore nett on Saturday against the 3 crore nett on Friday.

Both films were up at multiplexes but Commando dropped at places where it had started well and these places were mainly single screen dominated circuits.

Both films have similar two day business of around 7 crore nett and Sunday becomes the all important day. It will be interesting to see which film comes out on top as after two days the nett business is the same though Commando is still ahead on the all important distributor and the costs involved in the two films are also similar.
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Desi Gaana la de Lyrics by Gippy grewal

Posted: 13 Apr 2013 06:01 PM PDT

Song- desi gaana la de
 singer-gippy grewal
 movie-lucky di unlucky storey 


Oh Tere wala nachna kehndi suit oh naabhi paa ke mai, gaana la de 
kehndi mai bhangra pauna x2 times

Oh tere wala nachna kehndi suit oh naaabhi pa k mai
oh laal sawater mere vicho nikal rahe chingare we
 oh mundya  paode sab kitte raite pawaare vai
oh sokha kithi haan dya alraan lyi ishq kamona gaana la de 
kehndi mai bhangra pauna x2 times 

vey mundya high heel n meri ne vehra  dita pattna vey
aariyan  nal patole kudiyan nu piche chadna vey
oh zoor jawani wala vey mai DJ te ajmona 
Ve mundeya high heel meri ne vehra dita patna ve, gaana la de 
kehndi mai bhangra pauna x2 times

Unseen Pics of Salman Khan's Mental Shooting

Posted: 13 Apr 2013 05:20 PM PDT

If rumors are to be believed, Salman Khan's upcoming film Mental will not be released this year. However, it seems like the star is trying hard to complete the shoot of his film.  He wrapped up the shooting of the film in Dubai very quickly and now he is completing the remaining part in India.

The star was recently spotted in Pune on a bike. Dressed up casually in a blue T-shirt, Salman Khan was looking fitter and happy. Looking at the pace Salman is completing the shoot, it seems like he wants to surprise his fans by releasing the film this year.

Directed and produced by Sohail Khan, the film also stars Daisy Shah and Sana Khan, along with Tabu. As per the reports, the film will be released in the second week of January.

Click to see unseen pictures of Salman Khan on the sets of Mental.


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Wasim Akram: No plan to get marry with Sushmita Sen

Posted: 13 Apr 2013 05:04 PM PDT

There were consistent rumors about the former Miss Universe that she is in a serious relationship with the Pakistani cricketer Wasim Akram and both are soon going to get married.


However, furious and frenetic about the rumors, the actress finally cleared the airs and made everyone clear through the social networking site, Twitter. The 37-year old actress claims to be only 'good friends' with the former cricketer.
"Hi guys! Been reading about my upcoming wedding with Wasim… absolute rubbish. Goes to show just how irresponsible media can be sometimes. Wasim is a friend and will always be one! He has a wonderful lady in his life… Rumours like these are uncalled for and disrespectful,"
Sushmita said.

Akram also denied the rumours saying he wants to devote himself to his children and is not planning to get married anytime soon.

The actress later on promised that she will definitely share the happiest feeling of her life with her fan following.

"My beautiful people… when I find 'The One'… You'll be the first to know. Benefits of being my twitter family!!"

For now, We will patiently wait for the announcement.

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Opening day Box office gross Collection of 'Commando and Nautanki Saala'

Posted: 12 Apr 2013 06:03 PM PDT


Commando had a decent opening at single screens at around 40-50% which is pretty good compared to low 15% opening at multiplexes. UP, Rajasthan and CI all had decent figures.

The film is scoring over Nautanki Saala due to the business in single screens though Nautanki Saala being a multiplex film may get a bit better in the evening.

Commando has chances to cross the 3 crore nett mark on day one due to single screens while Nautanki Saala depends on the evening crowds otherwise it will be 30-35% lower than Commando going by afternoon trends. Eventually both the film's fate depends on Saturday and Sunday growth as apart from Commando at single screens in ceratin circuits the initials are dull.

Very Dull Opening of 'Nautanki Saala, Commando'

Posted: 12 Apr 2013 12:34 AM PDT

Commando and Nautanki Saala had low openings as both films opened to around 15%. The big city multiplexes were better for Nautanki Saala while smaller cities like Bhopal, Kota etc were better for Commando.

Both films are well short of the start taken by Chasme Bhaddoor last week and that film picked up well through the day which Commando and Nautanki Saala will be hoping to do.

Nautanki Saala could have the edge as these type of films are more likely to pick up while action fares like Commando tend to show less growth. Overall Commando has a bigger release due to single screens while Nautanki Saala  probably has around 10% shows more at multiplexes.

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Clash of the day: 'Nautanki Saala, Commando' release today

Posted: 11 Apr 2013 11:35 PM PDT


Vicky Donor actor Ayushmann Khurranna is ready to tickle your funny bone once again with Nautanki Saala, which releases today.

But this time he is not alone and is joined by Delhi Belly actor Kunaal Roy Kapur.

Directed by Rohan Sippy, Nautanki Saala also has Pooja Salvi and Evelyn Sharma playing the female leads.

Going by the promos, Nautanki Saala is likely to be a crowd puller despite being released in the second week of the ongoing IPL 6.

The comedy directed by Rohan Sippy is the story of Ram Parmar played by Ayushmann and Mandar Lele (Kunaal) and their true friendship.

The movie has been made on a very low budget but Rohan Sippy is confident that the people wont be able to sense it.

Nautanki Saala releases with an action-packed movie Commando starring Vidyut Jamwal and Pooja Chopra in the lead.

Commando is the first solo by the 34-year-old actor. Vidyut had played the role of a dreaded gangster 'Vishnu' in john Abraham starrer Force, which earned him the Filmfare Award for Best Male Debut.

Commando directed by Dilip Ghosh has been produced by Vipul Shah, who already has plans to produce the sequel of his high-octane action film.

Vidyut, who sports a six pack ab in the movie, is very confident about the movie and says he is not worried about it releasing with IPL.

Vidyut Jamwal has also done some daredevil stunts in Commando and says he wants to be typecast as an action hero.

"I am born to do action. I can't see myself doing anything else. It is not a good thing to say but I want to be typecast as an action hero. I don't want to do a movie that has no action," Jamwal told PTI.

Commando is the story of an Indian Army officer, who during a training session gets inside Chinese Border by mistake. The film chronicles his struggle to get back.
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O Laila Teri Le Legi Tu Likh Ke Le Lyrics by Bollywood Karma

Posted: 11 Apr 2013 07:39 PM PDT

Movie: Shootout at Wadala
Music: Anand Raj Anand
Singer: Mika Singh


Dil tera le lega
Jaan teri le legi,
Imaan tera le legi
O Laila teri le legi tu likh ke le le..

Sheesha e dil ye uchhale
tevar hain is ke niraale
dekhe to madhosh kar de
kabhi kabhi behosh kar de
lut-te phiren dilwale..
are na jaane kya kar degi..
O Laila teri le legi tu likh ke le le..

O laila ki nazrein nasheeli
har ik adaa hai rangeeli
aisi sexy chaal hai tauba
husn se maalamal hai tauba
uff ye kamar lachkeeli
qayamat hi kar degi..
O Laila teri le legi tu likh ke le le..

Dil tera le lega
Jaan teri le legi,
Imaan tera le legi
O Laila teri le legi tu likh ke le le..

3 Saal Lyrics 'Kamal Raja' By Bollywood Karma

Posted: 11 Apr 2013 06:34 PM PDT


3 Saala Bina tenu take me,ni aaj kal yaad aaondi ae,ankha khola jado menu lage,ke tu ohde naal honi ae,wadi jaawe dukha di garhi,

 see more---meri jaan by babbu maan talaash albumeda vela langda v ni,dil te pathar rakha kyo,per teri yaad aandi aa,ni aaj kal yaad aaondi aa,ni aaj kal Yaad aandi hai,

Sunny Leone's Item Song get More than 8 lac Hits

Posted: 10 Apr 2013 06:21 PM PDT


Indo-Canadian adult film star, Sunny Leone, who made her debut in Bollywood with Jism 2, did not quite make an impact with her acting skills.
The actress is however back and this time with a sizzling item song in Shootout At Wadala. The song titled Laila Teri Le Legi has already got over 8 lakh hits within five days of its upload. The song's views have increased more than that of Babli Badmaash, from the same film, featuring Priyanka Chopra.

She will soon be seen playing the lead in Ekta Kapoor's Ragini MMS2.

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Women Prerna Award Event Photos

Posted: 10 Apr 2013 06:07 PM PDT

Women Prerna Award Event Photos

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Dabang Khan and Badshah Khan going to be Neighbour soon

Posted: 10 Apr 2013 05:51 PM PDT


Salman Khan has lived in a one bedroom flat in his Galaxy Apartments since forever and was looking out for a new home.

And to everyone's surprise, the actor has reportedly booked his new residency close to that of Shah Rukh Khan's Bandra Bandstand home, Mannat. A source confirmed, "For over two decades, Salman bhai has lived in a one-bedroom flat in Galaxy Apartments. But now with his many dogs and other things, the space appears to be too small for him. He is most likely to move into Sagar Resham, which is just two buildings away from Mannat."
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Arjun Kapoor's Aurangzed Made Salman Khan Cry

Posted: 09 Apr 2013 03:27 AM PDT


Salman Khan, the man who has mentored many in Bollywood, is a happy man indeed, for his guidance has paid rich dividends to its recipients. And the latest to have tasted success courtesy Salman's encouragement is producer Boney Kapoor's son Arjun.

The handsome young man, who made his debut with Yash Raj Films' 'Ishaqzaade', will be seen essaying dual roles in the slick thriller 'Aurangzeb'. And the trailer of the film, which was launched recently, moved Salman Khan to tears. 

Buzz has it that the superstar was mighty impressed to see Arjun grow as an actor. 

Talking to a daily, a source said, "When he (Arjun) showed Salman the theatrical trailer at his house, there was complete silence for two minutes and then Salman broke into applause."

"Salman loved the trailer. He had tears of joy in his eyes," the daily quoted Rafiq Gangjee of YRF as saying. 
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Katrina Kaif to Star in Remake of 'Seeta aur Geeta'

Posted: 08 Apr 2013 05:29 PM PDT


"Seeta Aur Geeta" is one of the favorite films of Katrina Kaif from 70s. Katrina has been walking about the remake of the film since a long time from now.  There is some light of hope for Kat as producer Sippy has announced he is interested in making remake of "Seeta Aur Geeta" and Katrina will possibly be seen in lead role (one of twin sisters separated at birth)

 So far, there is a dispute in Sippy's family because Father sippy "Ramesh Sippy" owns the right of original "Seeta Aur Geeta" and Son sippy "Rohan Sippy" might not get permission to make a remake of this.

 On the other hand, both the Sippys are happy to have Katrina Kaif in the list and have allowed the actress to choose a team she wants to work with. Lets see if Katrina forms team with Ranbir Kapoor or not but currently she is busy in meetings with producers to finalize details.
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Ajay Devgn and Tammannah Bhatia Photo Gallery

Posted: 08 Apr 2013 05:20 PM PDT

Fardeen Khan: I'm Going to say Bye Bye to Bollywood

Posted: 08 Apr 2013 05:07 PM PDT


Apparently, Fardeen Khan has decided to finally call it quits in Bollywood and move on. His career was anyway going nowhere and it seemed he had lost interest in pursuing it. He had disappeared from the limelight after the demise of his father, Feroz Khan and since then there has hardly been any buzz about him.

Earlier, Fardeen seemed quite keen on carrying forward his family business and reviving the FK banner. He even renovated the family building as a part-work outfit but things did not materialise. Now we hear that Fardeen isn't spending much time in India and is trying wrap up the business altogether. Apparently, he has leased out his office to director Rohit Shetty. So it seems like the actor has truly made up his mind to wind things up and shift out of the country!

 A friend informs us, "Fardeen doesn't have any plans of returning permanently to India any time soon. He spends most of his time in London or Dubai where his parents-in-law (Mumtaz and Mayur Madhwani) live. His wife Natasha also spends most of her time in Dubai."

 Though Fardeen may have said goodbye to Bollywood, the actor is still pretty much in touch with his cousins in Mumbai and his friends in the industry. Whenever he's here he makes sure to spend some time with them.
