Sabtu, 2 Mac 2013

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

N45 Dr Halimah Ali


Posted: 02 Mar 2013 09:15 PM PST

Dilaporkan oleh BUZZFEED POLITICS, sebuah  portal berita berpangkalan di New York bahawa akhbar Washington Times, San Francisco Examiner dan lain-lain menyiarkan berita memburuk-burukan Anwar Ibrahim yang ditulis oleh penulis JOSHUA TREVINO. Penulis ini pula dibayar oleh APCO Worlwide, sebuah syarikat perhubungan awam. Trevino juga telah diupah untuk menulis dalam MalaysiaWatcher dan MalaysiaMatters.

Di bawah Akta Pendaftaran Agent Asing, satu pengisytiharan telah dibuat kepada Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika Syarikat bahawa Trevino yang digaji the Guardian sebuah  akhbar Britain  telah beroleh pendapatan RM1.2 juta untuk satu kontrak kempen dari Mei 2008 hingga April 2011.

FBC Media, syarikat yang bertanggungjawab secara langsung kepada BBC untuk  lapan program mengenai Malaysia telah dibayar RM85juta oleh kerajaan Malaysia .

Putrajaya's media strategist funded anti-Anwar campaign, US filings show  

By Debra Chong/Malaysian Insider
March 02, 2013   

KUALA LUMPUR, March 2 — Putrajaya's media strategist APCO Worldwide covertly financed international media reports in a campaign against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim after Election 2008, filings to the United States Department of Justice this week revealed.

Widely-read New York-based news portal Buzzfeed Politics reported yesterday that media outlets from Huffington Post and Washington Times to San Francisco Examiner and National Review carried several articles by right-wing American writers, most notably Joshua Trevino, who had been engaged by global publicity firm APCO Worldwide.

Anwar was the target in articles by right-wing American writers.Trevino, who was last year sacked as the US correspondent for British paper The Guardian over a news-fixing scandal linked to Putrajaya, was reported to have declared earning US$389,724.70 (RM1.2 million), in a belated filing to the US Justice Department under its Foreign Agent Registration Act earlier this week, for a contracted campaign that spanned from May 2008 to April 2011.

According to Trevino's belated federal filing, the interests paying Trevino were in fact the government of Malaysia, "its ruling party or interests closely aligned with either", Buzzfeed reported.

The news site highlighted the writer telling the influential US website Politico previously in 2011 that "I was never on any 'Malaysian entity's payroll,' and I resent your assumption that I was" following allegations he had hidden his business relationship with Malaysian political interests.

The contract also involved a firm called FBC (short for Fact-Based Communications), whose involvement in covert propaganda prompted a related scandal and forced an executive at The Atlantic to resign from its board, Buzzfeed reported.

Trevino told Buzzfeed he had been approached by publicist and social media executive David All in 2008 and never had contact with "the ultimate client."

"I only had an assumption of who I was working for. I never knew exactly who APCO was dealing with, never knew exactly who FBC was dealing with," he was quoted as saying.

He was reported to have acknowledged he had lied to BuzzFeed editor Ben Smith, who was then at Politico, when the allegations first surfaced in 2011.

According to the filings, Trevino was also employed to write for websites called MalaysiaMatters, now defunct, and MalaysiaWatcher.

Trevino had also frequently criticised Anwar in his other columns in other publications such as the Huffington Post.

Trevino was also reported to have farmed out his work to 10 other conservative American writers, including former Washington Post blogger Ben Domenech, who earned US$36,000 from the deal, and Rachel Ehrenfeld, the director of the American Center for Democracy, who made US$30,000.

Buzzfeed reported Seth Mandel, an editor at Commentary, drawing US$5,500 for a National Review piece while Brad Jackson picked up US$24,700 for work in Redstate.

"It was actually a fairly standard PR operation," Trevino told BuzzFeed last Friday.

Domenech, who wrote two pieces for Huffington Post and the San Francisco Examiner, was reported as saying he had been picked by Trevino's strategy and media company in 2010 to write about Malaysia, specifically its political scene.

"Of course, Josh picked me knowing what my opinion was — I stand by what I wrote at the time and I continue to be critical of Anwar Ibrahim, who I think is a particularly dangerous fellow," he was reported as saying by Buzzfeed.

FBC Media, the company alleged to have been referred to by The Guardian, made eight programmes for the BBC about Malaysia while failing to declare it was paid £17 million (RM85 million) by the Malaysian government for "global strategic communications", which included positive coverage of Malaysia's controversial palm oil industry.

The BBC also used FBC to make a documentary about the spring uprising in Egypt without knowing the firm was paid to do PR work for the regime of former dictator Hosni Mubarak.

The BBC was forced to make a public apology over the matter.

FBC had also been exposed to have doubled up as a publicity firm for the Najib government and was paid millions of pounds to conduct a "Global Strategic Communications Campaign".

But Putrajaya ended its RM94 million contract with FBC, which started in 2007, in 2011 after it was revealed Malaysian government leaders regularly appeared in paid-for-TV programmes.

The Malaysian Insider has reported of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak contracting a series of public relations strategists, including APCO Worldwide, to polish his personal image and his government's locally and worldwide.

Late last year the government said FBC helped raise the standing of Malaysia as a tourism and investment destination during the three-year deal.

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz told Parliament that the London-based media company, which is facing bankruptcy, "supported the efforts of government leaders and ministers" to burnish the country's image overseas.



Vote Pakatan Rakyat to bring about a new Putrajaya government

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 07:00 PM PST

Ahli Parlimen Kota Belud

Ahli Parlimen Kota Belud

Kenyataan terkini YAB Ketua Menteri Sabah mengenai Semporna.

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 08:08 PM PST

Dengan perkembangan terbaru di Semporna, saya bersama-sama dengan Menteri Dalam Negeri dan Menteri Pertahanan sedang memantau keadaan semasa di kawasan-kawasan selain daripada Lahad Datu.

Dari sudut operasi pula, gerakan memantau keadaan semasa diseluruh Sabah sedang dilakukan bersama oleh Ketua Polis Negara dan Panglima Angkatan Tentera.

Saya juga telah berhubung dengan Perdana Menteri malam tadi dan Perdana Menteri telah bersetuju kekuatan polis dan tentera dipertingkatkan. Perdana Menteri memberi jaminan bahawa keselamatan dan keamanan negeri Sabah sentiasa menjadi keutamaan.

Saya juga telah berhubung dengan kepimpinan tempatan di kawasan-kawasan tersebut dan saya yakin mereka mampu mengawal sentimen dan mengelakkan khabar-khabar angin yang boleh memudaratkan keadaan.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Lahad Datu: Pembangkang dulu sanggup berkorban, kenapa sekarang tidak?

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 02:07 AM PST

Kejadian tembak menembak di antara pasukan keselamatan kita dan penceroboh asing di Kampung Tanduo, Lahad Datu memberi kita ingatan bahawa mempertahankan kedaulatan dan keamanan negara ada kalanya memerlukan pengorbanan.

Pengorbanan ini bukan saja dituntut dari anggota-anggota keselamatan kita (yang sememangnya pun bersedia untuk mati demi negara), tetapi juga dari setiap rakyat Malaysia. 

Pengorbanan yang dituntut dari orang awam ini bukannya pengorbanan nyawa. Apa yang dituntut ialah mengorbankan sikap suka menuduh dan menyalahkan pihak lain, memperkecilkan kemampuan pihak keselamatan, mengesyaki dan memandang sinis setiap tindakan pihak keselamatan dan menyebarkan berita palsu.

Malangnya ini tidak berlaku. Sepanjang insiden ini berlaku, saya amati ramai di antara kita yang menggunakan laman web, Facebook, Twitter, SMS dan blog untuk memberi pandangan yang tidak berasaskan fakta yang sahih. Tanpa mereka sedari, sebenarnya mereka menyumbang kepada kekeliruan dan peningkatan rasa gelisah dan panik di kalangan rakyat.

Kita juga melihat pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang menunjukkan sikap tidak bertanggungjawab mereka. Dalam masa pihak keselamatan memerlukan sokongan dan doa rakyat Malaysia dalam menangani insiden pencerobohan ini, pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang seolah-olah berpesta dengan kritikan dan tuduhan liar mereka. Mereka menghina pasukan keselamatan kita, menuduh kononnya insiden ini diatur oleh pihak Barisan Nasional. Rupa-rupanya, kepentingan politik yang sempit masih menguasai tindakan mereka walaupun keadaan semasa menuntut untuk mereka mengorbankan tabiat buruk ini.

Saya teringat dua insiden sebelum ini yang membabitkan dua percubaan untuk menjayakan tuntutan pihak luar terhadap Sabah. Insiden pertama ialah rancangan untuk menawan Sabah oleh sekumpulan militant rakyat Filipina yang dilatih di Pulau Carregidor, Filipina pada tahun 1967 dan yang keduanya ialah insiden deklarasi Dewan Perwakilan Filipina bahawa Sabah adalah hak negara Filipina pada tahun 1968. 

Apabila perkara ini diketahui oleh Malaysia, kesemua pemimpin-pemimpin tertinggi pembangkang pada waktu itu membuat keputusan untuk mengenepikan kepentingan politik dan berdiri di belakang dan menyokong kerajaan dan pasukan keselamatan dalam apa jua keputusan yang diambil untuk mempertahankan kedaulatan negara.

Mereka mahu menunjukkan kepada pihak yang menceroboh dan anasir-anasir luar negara yang menjadi dalang pencerobohan tersebut, bahawa rakyat Malaysia bersatu suara dan hati menentang mereka. Nama-nama besar pemimpin pembangkang seperti Dr Tan Chee Khoon (Ketua Pembangkang), D.R. Seenivasagam, Ong Kee Hui, Dato Mohd Asri Hj Muda dan C.V. Devan Nair memberi sokongan yang tidak berbelah bagi kepada kerajaan dan pasukan keselamatan. 

Sedihnya, pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang masa kini tidak sanggup berkorban seperti pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang terdahulu.

Sekarang mereka lebih berminat berpolitik sepanjang masa. Kalau pada tahun 60an mereka meletakkan kepercayaan yang tidak berbelah bagi kepada pasukan keselamatan dalam menangani ancaman luar, sekarang ini pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang dan penyokong-penyokong tegar mereka  sudah tidak ada pertimbangan dan sanggup mengkritik, memperkecil, menghina dan memberi gambaran seolah-olah pasukan keselamatan kita tidak tahu apa yang sepatutnya dilakukan. Malah ada yang sanggup menuduh insiden tembak menembak itu hanyalah sandiwara pihak Barisan Nasional.

Saya berharap agar pihak pembangkang hentikan usaha untuk memperlekehkan pihak berkuasa kita. Tuduhan kepada pihak polis kononnya mereka tidak serius menangani isu ini adalah tuduhan yang melulu.

Saya maklum ramai orang yang keliru kerana maklumat yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak kerajaan mengenai isu ini agak terhad. Tetapi pihak polis mempunyai alasannya tersendiri samada mengambil strategi memberi masa kepada penceroboh untuk menyelesaikan isu ini melalui rundingan atau menyerang kedudukan penceroboh di kampung Tanduo. Mereka juga tahu  banyak dimensi lain mengenai isu ini yang tidak dapat dihebahkan kepada orang ramai termasuk rundingan dan strategi mereka. Sudah tentu semua ini tidak mungkin dapat dihebahkan secara sewenang-wenangnya dalam Twitter dan Facebook.

Pada saya, sejarah kecemerlangan pihak polis selama lebih 200 tahun menangani ancaman kepada negara dari zaman penjajahan kepada ancaman komunis, konfrontasi Indonesia, tuntutan Filipina, rusuhan kaum dan extremis agama, memberikan saya keselesaan untuk membiarkan mereka menangani isu ini dengan cara mereka. 

Hakikatnya apabila kita membicarakan soal keselamatan negara, pihak polislah yang mempunyai kelayakan untuk menimbangnya dan bukannya Tian Chua ataupun Lim Kit Siang. 

Nota: Ini link perbahasan parlimen pada 15hb Oktober 1968 di mana pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang menyokong kerajaan dalam tuntutan Filipina terhadap Sabah. dan

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Merasmi Forum Adab Dalam Pelupusan Al-Quran Di KUIS

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 03:33 PM PST

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

GE13 a referendum on media

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 11:27 PM PST

This must be the longest wait ever for a general election in Malaysia, and it's impossible to hold it five years after the March 8, 2008 elections.
This will also be an election that will test and assess the Malaysian media.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was realistic when he called it the "social media" elections, because most of what Malaysians know now come from online sources.
In effect, this year's election is also a referendum on the kind of media that Malaysians want.
Do we want an untruthful media tied to political interests — online, print or television — or do we want a media that serves the interests of Malaysians?
Do we want a media that regurgitates without question or one that questions, inquires, checks facts and verifies before publishing or broadcasting news?
Do we want our news "vanilla", in the parlance of the Internet, or do we want it coloured with bias and perception without it being labelled as such?
These questions might not be explicitly on the ballot when the elections are finally called but it will be on the mind of voters.
The ones who now already think twice before shelling out RM1.20 for the morning dailies or decide to waste an hour on prime-time news or just watch a television series or a downloaded video.
The Malaysian media is already on trial for many reasons in the court of public opinion, and some in the judicial courts.
This General Election 2013 will be the ultimate court and referendum on the Malaysian media.
It's time to get back to the principles of journalism, of relevance and providing news that matters, accurately rather than spin and innuendoes or even outright false reporting.

Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

1.6 Million Penangites Will Decide On Pakatan Rakyat’s 4 Highway Improvement Projects Of RM 6.3 Billion And A Proposed Tram System Throughout The State Linking Both The Island And The Mainland(en/bm/cn)

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 08:27 PM PST

Press Statement by Chief Minister of Penang Lim Guan Eng In Komtar, George Town, on 2nd March 2013.

The PR Penang state government will submit to the will of 1.6 million Penangites, who will decide on the tender award of 4 highway improvement projects of RM 6.3 billion, including South East Asia first underwater sea tunnel from Gurney Drive to Bagan Ajam. The four major highways were recently awarded to a consortium comprising a local company and Beijing Urban Construction Group, a major Chinese construction company that built the Beijing Olympic Stadium Bird Nest.

Should PR win power in Putrajaya, PR is also proposing a tram system throughout the state linking both the island and the mainland. BN's monorail is inappropriate for a world heritage city like Penang, as its elevated structure will destroy Penang's charms. As a tram system on level ground would match Penang's heritage, new alternative roads are required so that existing roads can make way for tram lines.

No To Monorail Yes To Tram
BN's monorail project will not happen even if BN wins in Penang because of two reasons. One, the monorail would not be permitted by UNESCO and its construction would cause George Town to lose its UNESCO World Heritage city status. Two, BN has never fulfilled its promise when the monorail was first made by former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in 2006. Neither was this promised delivered when Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak became the Prime Minister. Clearly we have to wait until Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim becomes the Prime Minister, then will there be a tram system.

Public transport is the sole jurisdiction of the Federal government. Even if the state government has the funds, the Federal government can refuse to give licensing and co-operate to allow a public transport system in Penang. This refusal to co-operate was clearly demonstrated when the Federal government refused to accept RM10 million yearly by the state government to provide free Rapid Penang bus rides during peak hours throughout Penang state. The Penang PR state government will not be a do-nothing government and will build new alternative roads to try to make up for the refusal of the BN Federal government to deliver on their promise of providing an effective public transport in Penang.

No To Entry Charges To George Town, Penang.
PR has firmly rejected extreme calls for entry charges for all vehicles entering George Town, Penang as PR is committed to free movement of people within Penang as well as those from outside Penang. To adopt this "Singapore model" to reduce traffic congestion is elitist at best in reserving George Town for existing residents and discriminatory at worse by only ensuring that the well-off can enter George Town, Penang.

Can Teng Chang Yeow Explain Why BN Sold The 940 Acres Of Reclaimed Land in Tanjung Pinang At Only RM1 Per Square Feet?

The Penang state government regrets the lies made by BN Penang Chair Teng Chang Yeow on the tender price, if the federal government has been informed or approved the tender to a joint local-international consortium and relating to the amazing speed in the tender award.

The Federal government was aware of this proposed project as far back as 2011 when both Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak and Chinese Premier Wen Jia Bao witnessed the exchange of Memorandum of Understanding by me for these 4 highway and tunnel projects in Kuala Lumpur. The open competitive tender was called in 14.11.2011 and public engagement with the public was carried out in 2011 briefing them of the project. The entire tender exercise was a transparent and accountable process.

How can these four projects be done with amazing speed when the first will be completed after 2017 and the underwater sea tunnel by 2023-25, even though the state government will try to finish it by 2020? The long construction time is due to the need to comply with Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) requirements. Failure to comply with EIA would mean that the 4 projects would not go on.

The formal contract is still subject to discussion and is expected to be signed in a few months time and it will not proceed if rejected by the people. Further, the final tender price is not the estimated RM8 billion but RM 6.3 billion awarded to the lowest tenderer, Consortium Zenith BUCG Sdn Bhd. No cash will be paid but payment will be made in the form of 110 acres reclaimed land in Tanjung Pinang.

For Teng to claim that the reclaimed land is non-existent is a shameless lie as BN had approved the reclamation of 940 acres at a shocking price of RM1 per sq foot and 10% of the land to be given to the state government. Can Teng explain why BN had sold the land at such a low and illogical price of RM1 per sq ft? The PR Penang state government had managed to increase the amount of land to be given the state from 10% to more than 20%, which will be used to finance the construction of the 4 major highways.

The horrible traffic congestion a few days ago on the 1st Penang Brigde due to repairs on the bridge reminds us of the importance of having this 3rd link for the future. Whilst the 3 highways mitigating the traffic congestion to Batu Ferringhi, around George Town as well as Bandar Baru Air Itam and Farlim area is necessary, the 3rd underwater sea tunnel serves another function to spur economic development in Seberang Perai Utara(SPU).

The Penang state will not sit back and do-nothing on traffic congestion by taking the easy way out in blaming the Federal government for failing to provide public transport. Neither will we adopt an island-centric approach but instead develop a state-centric approach that encompasses the needs of the mainland. If there is a bridge linking the island in both Seberang Perai Tengah and Seberang Perai Selatan, there should be a link at SPU to advance economic growth.

—–BM Version —-
Kenyataan Akhbar oleh Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng di Komtar, George Town pada 2.3.2013

1.6 Juta Rakyat Pulau Pinang Akan Menentukan 4 Projek Lebuhraya Bernilai RM6.3 Bilion Dan Cadangan Sistem Trem Di Seluruh Negeri Yang Akan Menghubungkan Pulau Dengan Seberang Perai.

Kerajaan PR Pulau Pinang akan berserah kepada keputusan 1.6 juta rakyat Pulau Pinang, yang akan menentukan penganugerahan tender untuk 4 projek lebuhraya bernilai RM6.3 bilion, termasuk terowong bawah laut pertama di Asia Tenggara dari Gurney Drive ke Bagan Ajam. Pembinaan keempat-empat lebuhraya utama ini telah dianugerahkan kepada konsortium yang terdiri daripada sebuah syarikat tempatan dan Beijing Urban Construction Group, iaitu syarikat pembinaan negara China yang telah membina Stadium Olimpik "Bird's Nest" di Beijing.

Sekiranya PR memenangi kuasa di Putrajaya, PR akan cadangkan sistem trem di seluruh negeri untuk menghubungkan Pulau dan Seberang Perai. Monorel yang dicadangkan BN adalah tidak sesuai untuk bandar warisan dunia seperti Pulau Pinang, dan strukturnya yang ditinggikan akan merosakkan keindahan estetika negeri. Kerana sistem trem yang bergerak atas tanah adalah sesuai dengan warisan Pulau Pinang, jalan-jalan alternatif baru diperlukan supaya jalan-jalan sedia ada dapat digunakan untuk landasan trem.

Tidak kepada Monorel, Ya kepada Trem

Projek monorel BN tidak akan menjadi kenyataan walaupun BN menang di Pulau Pinang atas dua sebab. Pertama, monorel tidak akan diizinkan oleh UNESCO dan pembinaannya akan mengakibatkan kehilangan taraf Bandar Warisan Dunia UNESCO. Kedua, BN tidak pernah menepati janji monorel dahulu yang dibuat oleh mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi pada tahun 2006. Janji ini tidak ditepati juga oleh Dato' Sri Najib Tun Razak apabila beliau menjadi Perdana Menteri. Jelas, kita harus menunggu sehingga Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim menjadi Perdana Menteri untuk merealisasikan sistem trem.

Pengangkutan awam adalah bidang kuasa kerajaan Persekutuan semata-mata. Meskipun kerajaan negeri mempunyai dana, kerajaan Persekutuan boleh menafikan lesen dan kerjasama untuk membenarkan sistem pengangkutan awam di Pulau Pinang. Keengganan untuk bekerjasama ini telah menjadi jelas apabila kerajaan Persekutuan telah menolak cadangan bayaran RM10 juta setahun oleh kerajaan negeri untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan bas percuma Rapid Penang semasa waktu puncak di seluruh negeri Pulau Pinang. Oleh kerana kerajaan negeri PR Pulau Pinang tidak sanggup menjadi kerajaan yang duduk berdiam sahaja, kita akan membina jalan-jalan alternatif untuk mengganti keengganan kerajaan Persekutuan BN untuk menepati janji pengangkutan awam yang berkesan di Pulau Pinang.

Tidak kepada Caj Kemasukan ke George Town, Pulau Pinang

PR dengan tegas menolak cadangan ekstrim untuk mengenakan caj kemasukan bagi semua kenderaan yang memasuki George Town, Pulau Pinang kerana PR komited terhadap pergerakan bebas orang dalam dan dari luar negeri Pulau Pinang. Pengamalan "model Singapura" ini untuk mengurangkan kesesakan trafik adalah elitis kerana mengehadkan George Town kepada penghuni sedia ada dan bersifat diskriminasi kerana memastikan hanya orang yang berada dapat memasuki George Town, Pulau Pinang.

Bolehkah Teng Chang Yeow Menjelaskan Kenapa BN Menjual Tanah 940 Ekar di Tanjung Pinang Untuk Harga RM1 Sekaki Persegi?

Kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang berasa kesal atas fitnah-fitnah Pengerusi BN Pulau Pinang Teng Chang Yeow tentang harga tender, sama ada kerajaan Persekutuan telah dimaklumkan atau meluluskan tender untuk konsortium tempatan-antarabangsa berkenaan, serta kelajuan penganugerahan tender tersebut.

Kerajaan Persekutuan sudah sedar tentang cadangan projek ini sejak tahun 2011 apabila Perdana Menteri Dato' Sri Najib Tun Razak dan Premier China Wen Jia Bao menjadi saksi kepada Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) dengan saya untuk 4 projek lebuhraya dan terowong yang telah berlaku di Kuala Lumpur. Tender terbuka dan kompetitif telah dilangsungkan pada 14.11.2011 dan rundingan awam telah dijalankan pada tahun 2011. Keseluruhan proses tender telah dilaksanakan dengan telus dan bertanggungjawab.

Bagaimanakah empat projek ini boleh dikatakan dibuat dengan laju apabila projek pertama hanya akan siap selepas tahun 2017 dan terowong dalam tahun 2023-25, walaupun kerajaan negeri akan cuba untuk menyiapkannya menjelang 2020? Masa pembinaan yang lama ini adalah kerana keperluan untuk mematuhi syarat-syarat Penilaian Impak Alam Sekitar (EIA). Kegagalan untuk mematuhi EIA akan bermakna keempat-empat projek tersebut tidak akan diteruskan.

Kontrak rasmi masih lagi diperbincangkan dan dijangka akan ditandatangani dalam beberapa bulan yang akan datang dan tidak akan diteruskan jika ditolak oleh rakyat. Lagipun, harga tender terakhir bukanlah RM8 bilion yang dijangkakan tetapi RM6.3 bilion yang telah dianugerahkan kepada pembida terendah, iaitu Consortium Zenith BUCG Sdn Bhd. Tidak ada sebarang wang tunai yang akan dibayar tetapi bayaran akan dibuat dalam bentuk 110 ekar tanah tebusguna di Tanjung Pinang.

Dakwaan Teng bahawa tanah tebusguna itu tidak wujud adalah fitnah kerana BN-lah yang telah meluluskan penambakan tanah 940 ekar dengan harga mengejut RM1 sekaki persegi dengan syarat 10% tanah diberi kepada kerajaan negeri. Bolehkah Teng menjelaskan kenapa BN telah menjual tanah tersebut dengan harga yang begitu murah dan tidak masuk akal, iaitu RM1 sekaki persegi? Kerajaan negeri PR Pulau Pinang telah berjaya meningkatkan jumlah tanah yang akan diberi kepada negeri daripada 10% kepada 20%, yang akan digunakan untuk membiayai pembinaan 4 lebuhraya utama ini.

Kesesakan lalulintas yang teruk beberapa hari yang lepas pada Jambatan Pulau Pinang Pertama adalah disebabkan kerja pembaikan ke atas jambatan, dan mengingkatkan kita semua betapa kita memerlukan laluan penghubung ketiga untuk masa depan. Sementara 3 lebuhraya baru ini yang akan mengurangkan kesesakan lalulintas ke Batu Ferringhi, di sekitar George Town serta Bandar Baru Air Itam dan Farlim adalah berdasarkan keperluan, terowong bawah laut ini mempunyai fungsi lain iaitu untuk merangsangkan pembangunan ekonomi Seberang Perai Utara (SPU).

Kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang tidak akan duduk berdiam dalam isu kesesakan lalulintas dan mengambil jalan senang dengan menyalahkan kerajaan Persekutuan atas kegagalannya untuk menyediakan pengangkutan awam. Kita juga tidak akan mengamalkan pendekatan yang berkisar pada Pulau semata-mata dan sebaliknya akan mengambil pendekatan menyeluruh yang merangkumi keperluan Seberang Perai. Jika ada jambatan yang menghubungkan Seberang Perai Tengah dan Seberang Perai Selatan, patut ada juga penghubung kepada SPU untuk memajukan pembangunan ekonomi.

Lim Guan Eng

—-Mandarin Version—-



槟州民联州政府将会让160万槟城人决定,他们是否要民联政府进行耗资63亿令吉的4个高速公路提升工程,包括全东南亚第一个从关仔角直达峇眼阿占海底隧道。最近州政府把上述工程合约颁布给由中国北京城建集团与一家本地公司组成的联营公司Consortium Zenith BUCG私人有限公司,北京城建集团涉及的工程计划包括北京奥运使用的中国国家体育场(鸟巢)。










正式合约还有洽谈的空间,我们预料将在几个月内签署,如果人民不要这些计划,那么我们就不会继续。再说,最终的竞标价不是80亿令吉,而是最低的竞标价63亿令吉,竞标者为Consortium Zenith BUCG 私人有限公司。我们不是缴付现金,而是以丹绒槟榔110英亩的填海地替代付款。


数天前,因槟城大桥维修工程而引起的恐怖塞车情况 ,让我们理解第三通道的重要性。其中三个高速公路工程将能纾缓前往峇都丁宜、乔治市、亚依淡新镇及发林的交通,而海底隧道的另一个作用是刺激威北的经济。



YB Ahmad Razif Blog's

YB Ahmad Razif Blog's

Program Bakar Ayam

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 05:00 AM PST

Malam tadi, 1 Mac 2013, telah berkesempatan untuk menghadiri dan turut serta dalam program bakar ayam yang dianjurkan oleh pemuda dan puteri bagi cawangan Kg. Bukit Tok Beng. Tahniah diucapkan kerana dapat menganjurkan program ini seterusnya dapat merapatkan lagi silaturahim antara kita.

Program Santai Bersama Pemuda dan Puteri UMNO

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 04:50 AM PST

Pada 28 Februari 2013 yang lalu, telah berkesempatan menghadiri program santai bersama pemuda dan puteri UMNO Teluk Ketapang. Tahniah diucapkan kepada pemuda dan puteri bagi cawangan Kg. Teluk Ketapang kerana berjaya menganjurkan program seperti ini. Semoga ukhwah yang terjalin berkekalan sehingga ke akhir hayat.

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on A Philippine Military Officer said a Malaysian opposition politician invited the terrorists to Lahad Datu by shankarprasad

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 11:59 PM PST

dear YB,

should the gomen indentified the politician i doubt the gomen has the brave to take any action against the opposition politician maybe amaran only

Comment on A Philippine Military Officer said a Malaysian opposition politician invited the terrorists to Lahad Datu by Jangan Melinting

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 09:47 PM PST


Why were you so upset??? YB or Seng Lee did not mention Opposition Leader but opposition politician as stated in the Reuters’ report. But you yourself mentioned the Opposition Leader. Aiyo! Siapa makan cili terasa pedal!!!

It is all up to the opposition politician or as you put it Opposition Leader to clarify if they have got the guts to do it. I am sure that the Opposition Leader will start to sue in order to distract attention like what had happened in other cases. Then he will withdraw the case before the trial begins. Just his suit against Khairy Jamaludin.

Don’t have to be so upset. You are showing your color now. You are showing that you and the opposition are panicking now because YB has laid down the ground work on “wagging war against the Agong” and the Section 121 of the Penal Code.

It is going to be fun from now on. I waiting to watch the show after the Lahad Datu dust has settled.

zulzab, you better pray for your pemimpin anugerah tuhan!

Comment on A Philippine Military Officer said a Malaysian opposition politician invited the terrorists to Lahad Datu by Wira Rakyat

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 07:25 PM PST

T kasih YB..YB contoh Ahli Politik yg prihatin terhadap Negara..

Benar tiada soal jawab dalam mempertahankan kedaulatan Negara kita, kerajaan mesti cari dan hukum mereka sekeras-kerasnya biar pihak-pihak yg cuba mempermainkan kerajaan menerima padahnya.

Cari siapa Ahli Politik yang sanggup mengadaikan maruah negara demi cita-cita politik buruk sangka mereka!!!

Demi pertahan kedaulatan Negara..rakyat akan bersama pasukan keselamatan Negara untuk sama-sama berjuang pertahankan setiap inci tanah yang berdaulat ini!!!

Comment on MCMC: How is the USP being managed? Bagaimanakah USP dikendalikan? by Anonymous

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 06:23 PM PST

This is issue has been long long rise from big big corporate to small small service provider…as we know how the mcmc get the source of the fund..from examtion tax telco,licensing such as NSP,ASP and so on..service provider and so on..senang saja dapat duit kan?But how the mcmc manage the fund?If we look South Korea,how they contribute the fund and give advantage to people…not just give a laptop(now people talk about tablet no more laptop lah)..content development…many of animation company get benefit from this fund…if we look content provider(CP) which is hot issue do spamming via telco..then they punish with many policy&regulation even from telco…sepatutnya USP fund juga boleh digunakan utk membangunkan aplikasi atau invest dlm pembangunan perisian..why they do spamming?because now most of the subscribers have smartphone…second,,they have to pay ASP license,proft sharing(its not fare deal),service code fee,keyword fee and so on to telco&regulator…now I think many cp gulung tikar like in Indonesia..sepatutnya MCMC&telco help this content providers not punish them..dah la payment sampai 8 bulan tak dibayar bayar oleh telco&ada tak pernah dibayar pun(kununnya ada byk masalah teknikal)….mcmc buat bodo saja…kalau revenue reach RM1million these CP must bayar ‘ufti’ pada MCMC dan dimasukkan dlm USP fund…so kerja MCMC cuma jaga.policy&regulator..kerjanya cuma bagi laptop kosong(cuma ada anti virus jer) kat murid2 saja..tanpa ada aplikasi yang sesuai utk murid-murid..kesudahannya murid2 ni pergi jual laptop nih,dan trade in dengan murid2 lagi bijak…

Comment on A Philippine Military Officer said a Malaysian opposition politician invited the terrorists to Lahad Datu by zulzab

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 05:45 PM PST

Mr Seng Lee, WCK was quoting a news report by Reuters and Reuters also did not mention the name of the opposition leader[s]. You are acting like a dog that barks at a wrong tree. Why don’t you challenge Reuters to name that opposition leader. It is going to be a bitter pill for you, i guess. Btw, you sounded angry and stupid at the same time.

Comment on A Philippine Military Officer said a Malaysian opposition politician invited the terrorists to Lahad Datu by Seng Lee

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 05:25 PM PST

Who was that opposition politician? Please be brave enough to stand up to be counted. Stop pretending to be righteous. Bloody hypocrite!

Comment on A Philippine Military Officer said a Malaysian opposition politician invited the terrorists to Lahad Datu by limkitboo

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 04:57 PM PST


Direct Free Kick




Posted: 02 Mar 2013 04:55 AM PST

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim

Covert Malaysian Campaign Touched A Wide Range Of American Media

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 10:04 PM PST

Source Buzzfeed

A range of mainstream American publications printed paid propaganda for the government of Malaysia, much of it focused on the campaign against a pro-democracy figure there.

The payments to conservative American opinion writers — whose work appeared in outlets from the Huffington Post and San Francisco Examiner to the Washington Times to National Review and RedState — emerged in a filing this week to the Department of Justice. The filing under the Foreign Agent Registration Act outlines a campaign spanning May 2008 to April 2011 and led by Joshua Trevino, a conservative pundit, who received $389,724.70 under the contract and paid smaller sums to a series of conservative writers.

Trevino lost his column at the Guardian last year after allegations that his relationship with Malaysian business interests wasn’t being disclosed in columns dealing with Malaysia. Trevino told Politico in 2011 that “I was never on any ‘Malaysian entity’s payroll,’ and I resent your assumption that I was.”

According to Trevino’s belated federal filing, the interests paying Trevino were in fact the government of Malaysia, “its ruling party, or interests closely aligned with either.” The Malaysian government has been accused of multiple human rights abuses and restricting the press and personal freedoms. Anwar, the opposition leader, has faced prosecution for sodomy, a prosecution widely denounced in the West, which Trevino defended as more “nuanced” than American observers realized. The government for which Trevino worked also attacked Anwar for saying positive things about Israel; Trevino has argued that Anwar is not the pro-democracy figure he appears.

The federal filing specified that Trevino was engaged through the lobbying firm APCO Worldwide and the David All Group, an American online consulting firm. The contract also involved a firm called FBC (short for Fact-Based Communications), whose involvement in covert propaganda prompted a related scandal and forcedan executive at The Atlantic to resign from its board.

According to the filings, Trevino was also employed to write for websites called MalaysiaMatters and MalaysiaWatcher.

Trevino’s subcontractors included conservative writer Ben Domenech, who made $36,000 from the arrangement, and Rachel Ehrenfeld, the director of the American Center for Democracy, who made $30,000. Seth Mandel, an editor at Commentary, made $5,500 (his byline is attached to the National Review item linked to above). Brad Jackson, writing at the time for RedState, made $24,700. Overall, 10 writers were part of the arrangement.

“It was actually a fairly standard PR operation,” Trevino told BuzzFeed Friday. “To be blunt with you, and I think the filing is clear about this, it was a lot looser than a typical PR operation. I wanted to respect these guys’ independence and not have them be placement machines.”

Trevino said neither he nor the client knew what the writers were going to write before it went up.

“I provided a stipend to support their work in this area and they would just ping me whenever something went up,” he said.

Domenech, a former Washington Post blogger who runs a daily morning newsletter called The Transom, said he “was retained by Josh’s Trevino Strategies and Media PR firm in 2010 with the general guidance to write about Malaysia, particularly the political scene there.”

“I did not ever have anyone looking over my shoulder for what I wrote, and the guidance really was just to write about the political fray there and give my own opinion,” Domenech said. “Of course, Josh picked me knowing what my opinion was — I stand by what I wrote at the time and I continue to be critical of Anwar Ibrahim, who I think is a particularly dangerous fellow.”

Domenech attached two pieces he’d written about Malaysia for the San Francisco Examiner as well as one for the Huffington Post in his email to BuzzFeed.

Chuck DeVore, the Vice President for Policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation (where Trevino now works), said he was unaware of the arrangement in an email.

“He knew of my expertise and suggested I write some pieces,” DeVore said. “As I’ve seen over the years, it’s not uncommon for freelancers to be paid for their work from various sources. I frankly didn’t think much of it, having been paid by papers in a few nations abroad and by PR firms, such as the one Mr. Trevino was running at the time.”

“He never told me who his client was,” DeVore said. “I wonder if they did the same via him? Interesting that he filed the paperwork, given it appears he was working for someone else.”

Mandel said, “I was blogging about issues relating to Israel and anti-Semitism in 2010, and Josh approached me about a Malaysian opposition figure who had made anti-Semitic comments and was affiliated with anti-Israel organizations. I had full editorial freedom — Josh never saw anything I wrote until after it was published — and I had no relationship with the Malaysian government. I was paid by Josh for what was probably a handful of blog posts in the fall of 2010, I believe, while working as a freelancer in Washington.”

According to Trevino, he was approached by publicist and social media executive David All in 2008. He never had contact with “the ultimate client,” he said. “I only had an assumption of who I was working for. I never knew exactly who APCO was dealing with, never knew exactly who FBC was dealing with.”

Trevino acknowledged that he shouldn’t have lied to BuzzFeed editor Ben Smith, then at Politico, when this first came up in 2011.

“When Ben Smith contacted me in July 2011, I ought to have come clean with him at the time,” he said.

As for why he waited until five years after the fact to register with FARA, Trevino said he didn’t know he was supposed to have registered until recently.

“The accurate answer is that I didn’t know there was a foreign agents database at all.” Trevino said. “When all the stuff with the Guardian went down in August, I had a friend ask me whether I regeistered with FARA and I said what’s FARA?”

“They allowed me to do a retroactive filing,” he said.

Trevino terminated his relationship with Malaysian interests when he joined the Texas Public Policy Foundation, he said.

This article has been updated to include comments from Mandel.

Update 2:33 p.m.: Trevino called back to say that he had actually checked with his legal counsel in 2011 after being questioned by Politico, but had been told at the time that he didn’t need to register anywhere.

“Ben Smith had actually asked me if I was a foreign agent back in 2011,” Trevino said. “I asked a lawyer friend, my counsel. I said, hey, is there anything I need to comply with? He came back and said no.”

“After the Guardian thing, I reached out to a different counsel, and I did some googling and found out about FARA,” Trevino said.

UPDATE: Trevino’s Malaysia-related posts have been removed from the Huffington Post and replaced with an editors’ note that says the author “violated blogger guidelines by not properly disclosing financial ties that amounted to a serious conflict of interest.”

[VIDEO] Kebangkitan Rakyat Sudah Bermula

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 09:55 PM PST

[VIDEO] Ceramah Perdana Machang Kelantan 26/02/2013

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 09:52 PM PST

[VIDEO] Najib Boleh Berhentikan Kontrak Anak Mahathir?

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 09:49 PM PST

[VIDEO] Angkat Orang Yang Tak Curi Harta Rakyat, Jaga Amanah & Bela Nasib Rakyat

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 09:46 PM PST
