Chong Chieng Jen's Blog |
- 行动党启动“大马愿景战车” 巡回西马讲解筹资金招志工
- DAP launches Impian Malaysia truck
- 推介战车,行动党马来党员有发挥
- State election key indicator of 14th general election — Lim
- The UBAH for Real Change Dinner 2016
Posted: 17 Jan 2016 05:26 PM PST 《转载自 当今大马》 第13届大选,行动党出动"乌巴战车",全国巡回演讲竞选。时隔近两年,行动党再度以战车出击,以为"马来西亚愿景"计划筹集资金,且招募志工。 行动党是在大选后推出"马来西亚愿景"计划,到沙砂与吉兰丹等乡区,助人搭建基础设施,以攻克国阵堡垒。 关注东马与乡区困境 行动党秘书长林冠英今日在双威金字塔购物中心推介"马来西亚愿景战车"时说,启动这架"战车",旨在提高人民醒觉,关注东马与乡区困境。 "50多年以来,沙砂两州没水没电,并不容易。" "(这是为了)要求更多志愿者提供水电,向更多马来西亚人提供希望。" "战车"装电视扩音器 远看这架"战车",其外观与一般卡车无异,但它可摇身一变,打开平台。人们不仅可在上面演讲,"战车"更可设置扩音器,安装电视,听觉视觉双管齐下,传达政治信息。 根据活动文宣,"马来西亚愿景计划"自2013年9月启动至今,已开展逾70项工程,涵盖卫生、教育、基建、水供、电供等。 国阵与行动党争建房 "行动党在吉兰丹建筑45间家园,中央政府就建多30间屋子。" "虽然仅是反对党,行动党可筹款建房,提供干净水源与供电。" "国阵感到威胁,才对我们作出各种指控。" 行动党沙巴州主席兼山打根国会议员黄天发致词时也说,沙巴与西马共组马来西亚迄今,许多地区仍严重匮乏基建。 "自从发起'马来西亚愿景','沙巴愿景'开展许多新项目,协助内陆地区人们,如提供水源。" | ||
DAP launches Impian Malaysia truck Posted: 17 Jan 2016 05:15 PM PST DAP launched its Impian Malaysia Truck today as part of its Impian Malaysia campaign. The truck will be going on a roadshow around Malaysia to promote the Impian intiatives and projects as well as to raise funds for future projects. The Impian Malaysia campaign is aimed at helping marginalised communities in Malaysia through volunteer projects. --malaysiakini | ||
Posted: 17 Jan 2016 05:13 PM PST 《转载自 东方網》
(双威镇17日讯)民主行动党秘书长林冠英坦言,行动党並不会攻打所有伊斯兰党上阵的选区,反而挑选一些选区上阵,即行动党巫裔领袖可表现和服务的选区。 他说,该党只是表达上阵的兴趣,专注有机会突破的选区,也对马来党员抱持信心。「对马来西亚人而言,我们並不是威胁,仅是对贪腐、滥权、窃取国人未来者造成威胁。」 询及有关伊党宗教司理事会声称欲全面攻打雪州选区,他说,这是伊党自己的决定,同时也彰显行动党和伊党的区別。「由此可见,谁才是真正的问题製造者。」 此外,对於巫统通讯与多媒体部长沙烈赛益昨日表示,即便行动党在来届大选安插再多马来候选人,也不能改变行动党是「多元种族华基政党」的事实,林冠英对此反驳,该党是开放予所有种族参与,抗衡巫统和国阵以种族角度看待行动党。 「巫统和国阵一直说我们是反对马来人、伊斯兰教,但事实並非如此,我们没有反对马来人和伊斯兰教,只是对抗贪污!」 「如今,巫统继续詆毁我们,这是因为要掩盖26亿令吉事件和各种丑闻!」 他说,行动党无法否认党员皆以华裔居多,但仍积极招募更多马来党员,以清除巫统向该党注入的各种毒素。 询及招募更多马来党员会否引发老党员的担忧时,他说,老党员已表示同意和支持该政策,希望行动党更加开放,继续吸引更多马来人。 他也讽刺,该党接下来將对抗跨太平洋伙伴协议(TPP),难道巫统还要继续说行动党对抗马来人和伊斯兰教?「我们招募更多马来党员,巫统也会感到害怕,即使我们被各种不公平標籤和污衊,我们还是会继续这个目標!」 努力说服马来族群 他是出席沙巴和砂捞越之梦计划战车推介礼上,接受媒体询问时,这么指出。陪同出席者还包括沙巴行动党主席黄天发、砂州行动党委员会署理主席周政新、雪州行动党主席潘俭伟、雪州议长兼行动党妇女组主席杨巧双及士布爹国会议员郭素沁。 潘俭伟指出,行动党在国会中,拥有最多印裔国会议员,亦涵盖2名巫裔议员,证明该党並非是华基政党。虽然,目前较多华裔认同该党政策、原则和理念,但却不能代表这是华人的理念。 「我们秉持的理念,是全马来西亚人的理念,而我们將努力说服更多马来族群,认识行动党和瞭解我们的原则,希望通过这种教育和认识,让更多人加入行动党。」 另一方面,他说,沙巴和砂拉越之梦计划战车將前往人潮集中的地方,以向人们展示该计划详情和工程项目,继而达到加强公眾关注沙巴和砂捞越的意识、吸引更多志工和筹款等宗旨。 | ||
State election key indicator of 14th general election — Lim Posted: 09 Jan 2016 09:06 PM PST
KUCHING: The results of the upcoming 11th state election will be a key indicator of the 14th general election. Democratic Action Party (DAP) adviser Lim Kit Siang said DAP Sarawak will enter the fourth stage of challenges in the party's history since it began in 1978. "This 11th state election will be a prelude to the general election in 2018 and this will be the biggest challenge for Sarawak," he said during DAP's fundraising dinner on Friday. "Thirty-eight years is not a short time and DAP will be celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. These are all the challenges and obstacles that we need to face especially in the upcoming state election. You will decide the direction of our country. This state election to spur, impact and influence change in the next general election." Meanwhile, state DAP chief Chong Chieng Jien praised the state government for seeking greater autonomy but pointed out the importance of equality for all people. "This way the people can have a better standard of livelihood in order for the state and country to progress and prosper," he said. He questioned the leadership of Barisan Nasional (BN) from Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem. "Adenan is now perceived by the people as a good person but he is still under the BN, which is a corrupt party. He cannot change the country alone," Chong claimed. Tokens of appreciation were later presented to 29 veteran and pioneer DAP Sarawak members. -- theborneopost January 10, 2016, Sunday | ||
The UBAH for Real Change Dinner 2016 Posted: 09 Jan 2016 09:02 PM PST UBAH 4 REAL CHANGE Dinner 城乡同步,赢变砂州晚宴 Speaker :张健仁 Chong Chieng Jen |
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