Isnin, 20 April 2015

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Poses 5 Questions on the Pan Borneo Highway Contract to BN reps

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 05:44 PM PDT

The Sarawak BN elected representatives, the likes of Abdullah Saidol (ADUN for SEMOP), Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah (Assistant Minister) and Michael Manyin have totally evaded my queries on the award of Pan Borneo Highway project to Lebuhraya Borneo Utara Sdn Bhd (LBU) and tried to give a racial twist to my critics on the award of the said project to LBU.
In their statements today, the 3 of them seem to have either purposely avoided answering my queries or just could not understand the issues.
As such, for their clarity, I will put my questions in words that are easier for them to understand. The 5 questions for the 3 BN leaders to answer are as follows:
1. While the Government claims to help Sarawak contractors, why is the Board of Directors of the appointed Main Contractor, LBU, controlled by West Malaysians (4 out of 7 of the directors are West Malaysians)?
2. While the Government claims to help Bumiputra, why is there not a single Dayak in the Board of Directors nor Shareholdings of LBU or its holding companies? Dayaks are also Bumiputra, why are they left out?
On this question, I would like to remind Abdu Karim that by raising this issue, I am not importing the so-called West Malaysian racial politics into Sarawak. It is the act of the Federal Government to award the contract to a single-race company that is importing the West Malaysian racial policy into Sarawak. I am merely stating a fact so that such racial policy can be rectified.
3. While Adenan is preaching integrity and transparency and that the Sarawak cabinet ministers have signed the so-called "Integrity Pledges", why is a contract worth more than RM10 billion awarded without open tender process?
4. While LBU has only been registered in 2011 and zero track record in construction and any trading activity, why was LBU appointed as the Main Contractor for the Pan Borneo Highway project? Is the government intending to continue with the "Ali Baba" contractor modus operandi in the implementation of its projects?
5. While the government is talking about cutting-costs, why create an Ali Baba middleman? Would it not make better sense for the Government to break down the whole stretch of Pan Borneo Highway into 20 – 30 smaller contracts, carry out open-tender processes and award the contracts directly to the ones doing the work, rather than going through LBU who will get the lion share of commission / profit, leaving the actual contractors smaller budgets to do the job?
Michael Manyin was saying that the works for the projects will not be dominated by one single race. He is either playing ignorant or just pure ignorant. The whole contract has already been awarded to LBU. It is now up to LBU to decide who will be the sub-contractors.
It is well-known in the industry that Main Contractor will take between 10% - 20% of the money and leaving the balance for the sub-contractors who actually do the job. As the Minister in-charge of public works, it would be a joke if Michael Manyin is not aware of this improper practice which has become a norm in public construction works for the Government.
I hope the 3 BN elected representatives can understand and reply to my 5 questions posed above and be accountable to the people of Sarawak.
Chong Chieng Jen
MP for Bandar Kuching
ADUN for Kota Sentosa


Posted: 17 Apr 2015 05:42 PM PDT

1. 既然国阵政府表示将帮助砂州承包商,为何政府委任一个由西马人控制的公司为承建泛婆大道的承包商,Lebuhraya Borneo Utara有限公司(LBU)? (这间公司的董事局有7人,其中4人士西马人)
2. 既然政府自称要协助土著,为何LBU这间公司的董事,其母公司的董事和股东,连一位达雅人也没有? 达雅人也是土著。
张氏强调,他提出这问题,并非如阿都卡林所指责的把西马种族政治带进砂州。 其实,当政府委任一间清一色马来人的公司(而且是完全没有建筑背景的公司)承建价值超过100亿令吉的泛婆大道工程,这已是将西马的种族主义政策引进砂州了。 张氏只是道出这事实,以便这种种族主义政策得以纠正。
3. 既然阿德南不断强调廉政和透明施政,砂州内阁成员甚至签署"廉政宣言",为何这价值超过100亿令吉的工程,在没有经过任何公开招标的程序,就批给了一间公司?
4. 既然LBU有限公司只是于2011年注册,而又没有任何建筑记录和商业活动,为何政府委任LBU有限公司为泛婆大道的承包商? 难道政府还是要持续"阿里巴巴"进行政府工程的运作模式?
5. 既然政府要节省资金,为何又再制造出一个"阿里巴巴"的中间人?与其将全部的工程批给一间公司再由这间公司转批给二手承包商,为何政府不将全程的泛婆大道工程分为20 – 30 段,分发出去,由20 – 30 不同的承包商直接承包工程,不需经过一个中间人的剥削?
"身为负责工程局的砂州部长,难道迈克马因不知道,目前建筑业的惯例,一手承包商将抽取10% – 20%工程的拨款数字,剩余的款项才付给真正承建工程的二手承包商。 若有三手承包商 ,这层层剥削的情况将更糟糕。"
