Isnin, 11 Februari 2013

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

N45 Dr Halimah Ali


Posted: 11 Feb 2013 05:05 PM PST

Dalam cerita klasik  "Alice In Wonderland" , Alice bertanyakan jalan kepada kucing Cheshire
"tolong beritahu saya ke mana saya patut menghala?" Jawab kucing " ia bergantung kepada di mana kamu mahu pergi. "

alice in wonderland

Begitu juga Pakatan Rakyat serta pengundi harus membulatkan tekad serta azam untuk ke Putrajaya.  Petugas PR harus ingat dan sentiasa bermotivasi untuk menambah kerusi Parlimen dan DUN dengan bekerja keras menambah sokongan pengundi muda , pengundi atas pagar serta mereka yang belum dikenalpasti kecenderungan politik mereka (belum dicula).

Pertambahan pengundi baru sebanyak  2 juta orang lebih yang perlu dimenangi hati dan fikiran mereka dalam masa sebulan dua ini.

Peningkatan pengundi baru sebanyak 20 peratus yakni dua juta lebih


Posted: 11 Feb 2013 04:30 PM PST

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Adun Bangi Keluarkan Buletin Khas Menjelang Pilihanraya Ke 13

Posted: 11 Feb 2013 03:34 PM PST



UBAH Rocket Style (Malaysian Gangnam Parody) English Version

Posted: 11 Feb 2013 09:49 PM PST

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

Distributing Mandarin Oranges at Pasar malam Seri Kembangan

Posted: 03 Feb 2013 07:30 PM PST

Tarikh: 4hb Feb 2013
Waktu: 6.30 malam
Tempat: Pasar Malam Pusat Perdagangan Seri Kembangan


Mandarin Oranges and Angpow Packs Distribution

Posted: 31 Jan 2013 01:30 AM PST

Date:31st Jan 2013
Time: 5.30 evening
Venue: Pasar Malam Bangi Lama


Distributing School Bags @ Desa Serdang

Posted: 18 Jan 2013 05:00 AM PST

Date: 18hb Jan 2013
Time: 8pm
Venue: Community Hall Desa Serdang





Posted: 11 Feb 2013 04:20 AM PST






另一方面,黄渼沄也表示,从年初三开始至年初七,除了上述木威国会选区团拜活动,尚有另外3 场团拜活动将会进行,其中包括:




Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

Respect for Diversity, Public Integrity And Rule of Law Is Not The Problem But The Solution Towards Realising Malaysia’s Aspirations of A Peaceful and Prosperous Developed Nation.(en/cn)

Posted: 09 Feb 2013 10:50 PM PST

DAP Chinese New Year Message By DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng In Kuala Lumpur On 11.2.2013.

The Year of the Snake will be a challenging year as it will also be a general election year that will determine not only the course of our children's future but also the nation's destiny. However this gives Malaysians the rare opportunity to signal clearly that respect for diversity, public integrity and rule of law is not the problem but the solution towards realising Malaysia's aspirations of a peaceful and prosperous developed nation.

As Malaysians embrace the K-pop culture and national leaders indulge their love for PSY, we must remember that South Korea's success is tied to these values and solution. For this reason, Malaysians must make their choice based on which party maintains consistent principles, offer people-centric policies and is competent in delivering performance.

No longer shall Malaysians submit, but will stand up to condemn the use of racist and derogatory remarks by UMNO leaders towards minority communities. The habitual racist remarks by UMNO leaders are individually repulsive but what is most deplorable, when these attitudes are held by those in government.

DAP believes that Malaysians will reject former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's call that BN be returned with a 2/3 majority so that the Federal Constitution can be amended to strip off the citizenship of dissenting Malaysian lawyers such as Bersih co-Chair Datuk S. Ambiga. Previously UMNO MPs had asked for Datuk Ambiga to be hanged for organizing the Bersih rallies.

When the UMNO-backed Perkasa made the incendiary call to burn the Bible, Muslim and Malays stood up together with non-Muslims to condemn such irresponsible acts. Some Muslims even publicly read passages from the Bible to show their solidarity and respect for other faiths.

The challenges for the Chinese community are inextricably intertwined with those faced by all Malaysians. The problems of Chinese education whether lack of funding or non-recognition of Unified Examination Certificates, lack of equal opportunities and erosion of political rights must be resolved together with those faced by other communities. Our goals of a fairer, freer, cleaner, safer and prosperous society can not be advanced if another community suffers and injustice.

Just as we must not ignore but accept our differences, we must also not dismiss but respect our diversity. Regardless of what gods we pray, we are all created differently. It is these differences that we are one – one human race.

Similarly Malaysia achieved Merdeka with full recognition of our differences and diversity. It is the recognition and acceptance of these differences by Tunku Abdul Rahman that makes Malaysia one nation. Let us reaffirm our commitment towards a Merdeka united by common values of justice, democracy and freedom regardless of race, religion and background.

—-Mandarin Version —












Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Gong Xi Fa Cai to all Malaysian Chinese and “Selamat Bercuti” to others by Geok

Posted: 10 Feb 2013 09:09 PM PST

Happy New Year to YB and family. Will be at YB’s Open House.

YB Ahmad Razif Blog's

YB Ahmad Razif Blog's

Program Gerak Mesra Jalinan Rakyat Wanita UMNO

Posted: 10 Feb 2013 08:15 PM PST

Pagi tadi, 11 Februari telah menghadiri ke Program Gerak Mesra Jalinan Rakyat Wanita UMNO Bahagian Kuala Nerus yang telah dirasmikan oleh YB. Dato' Haji Abdul Rahin bin Mohd Said, ADUN Teluk Pasu yang bertempat di Dewan Sekolah Menengah Ibrahim Fikri. Semoga program-program seperti ini dapat diteruskan pada masa-masa mendatang dan tidak terhenti sampai di sini sahaja. InsyaAllah.

Taklimat PDM Telok Ketapang

Posted: 10 Feb 2013 08:10 PM PST

Malam tadi, 10 Februari 2013 telah menghadiri sesi taklimat untuk Pusat Daerah Mengundi (PDM) Telok Ketapang bagi DUN Seberang Takir bersempena Pilihanraya Umum ke-13 yang akan berlangsung pada bila-bila masa saja nanti. Semoga PDM Telok Ketapang sudah bersedia untuk PRU nanti.

Direct Free Kick
