Chong Chieng Jen's Blog |
- Do not equate RM2.1 billion contracts awarded by Petronas with 20% oil and gas royalty
- 来届州议会授招州政府如何争取20%石油天然气开采税
- 促联邦政府尊重沙砂州人民权力,不应以煽动法令来压抑
- ‘Treat Sarawak equally to address secession notions’
Do not equate RM2.1 billion contracts awarded by Petronas with 20% oil and gas royalty Posted: 11 Apr 2015 06:05 PM PDT (12-4-2015) Adenan seems to be contented with the so-called intended awards of RM2.1 billion worth of contracts by PETRONAS to Sarawak contractors, thereby diverting the attention of the people from the initial demand for 20% oil and gas royalty for Sarawak. Last year, in the Sarawak DUN sitting, the State Legislature unanimously passed the resolution to demand for 20% oil and gas royalty for Sarawak. Till this day, almost a year has passed and yet it seems that the demand has hit brick-wall. Despite the failure on the part of Sarawak government under the leadership of Adenan to execute the resolution of the Sarawak DUN, Adenan seems to be happy and contented with the award of contracts worth RM2.1 billion to Sarawak contractors. The 20% oil and gas royalty is a far cry from the RM2.1 billion worth of contracts awarded in many ways, namely: 1. According to the 2015 Sarawak State Budget's estimates, the 5% oil and gas royalty will give Sarawak a revenue of RM1.83 billion. Therefore, 20% oil and gas royalty will give Sarawak an additional RM5.49 billion. This is 2.5 times the RM2.1 billion mentioned. 2. "Contracts worth RM2.1 billion to Sarawak contractors" means that Sarawak contractors have to come out with RM2.1 billion worth of material and work to earn that RM2.1 billion. This is totally different from the outright RM5.49 billion cash payment as oil and gas royalty. 3. Out of the RM2.1 billion worth of contract, I am sure a very substantial portion will be paid to import materials from suppliers who are not Sarawakians or to engage consultants who are not Sarawakian. Therefore, not the whole of the RM2.1 billion will be circulating in the Sarawak economy. 4. The contracts worth RM2.1 billion will benefits the local contractors who are awarded with the contracts. Its impact on the general public in Sarawak is limited. On the other hand, the RM5.49 billion royalty payment can be used by the Government to benefit all Sarawakian, especially the poor. 5. Even if all the contracts worth RM2.1 billion were to be awarded this year, they will definitely take more than a year to complete all. Therefore, it will not be RM2.1 billion worth of contract a year. The amount will be spread over a few years. On the other hand, if the 20% oil and gas royalty were to be given to Sarawak, it would mean an additional RM5.49 billion a year. Given the above 5 points, Adenan should not try to use the RM2.1 billion worth of contracts to cover-up his failure to obtain 20% oil and gas royalty from PUTRAJAYA. Such failure to obtain the 20% oil and gas royalty from PUTRAJAYA shows the disrespect on the part of the Federal Government towards Sarawak's rights. It further proves that Sarawak BN is just an insignificant appendage to the Federal BN and that Sarawak BN cannot make any important decision without the nod from the Federal BN. In the coming DUN sitting, I will suggest some ways whereby the Sarawak Government can compel the Federal Government to give in to the demand of 20% oil and gas royalty, PROVIDED THAT the Sarawak Government must have the political will and resolve that it is not a subordinate or a colony to the Federal Government. Chong Chieng Jen DAP Sarawak Chairman MP for Bandar Kuching ADUN for Kota Sentosa |
Posted: 11 Apr 2015 06:03 PM PDT 20%开采税与21亿令吉价值合约大不同,民主行动党砂州主席张健仁将于来届州议会授招州政府如何争取20%石油天然气开采税。 也是哥打圣淘沙州议员的张健仁指出,近日砂州首长阿迪南已公开承认砂州政府对于20%石油天然气开采税的诉求触礁,并频频凸显国油公司答应会将价值21亿令吉的工程批给砂州公司。 张健仁表示,价值21亿令吉工程和20%开采税大不同,并列出5个不同点: 1. 根据砂州政府2015年的财政预算案,砂州政府将从5%的开采税获得约18.3亿令吉的收入。若开采税增至20%,州政府将得到额外的54.9亿令吉。 这是21亿令吉的2.5倍。 2. 价值21亿令吉的工程意味着砂州承包商必须付出价值21亿令吉的物质和工作,才可赚取这21亿令吉工程合约的钱。 相比之下,20%开采税的额外54.9亿令吉,是直接的付款予州政府,砂州承包商或公司,甚至砂州政府什么都不需做,就可收到这笔54.9亿令吉的钱了。 3. 至于这价值21亿令吉的工程,我相信,有一大部分将用在进口机器或工程原料及聘雇外籍专才。 因此,这21亿令吉将不会全部留在砂州的经济体之内。 4. 无可否认,价值21亿令吉的工程将惠及一些砂州承包商,但它对全民的效应仍是有限。 相比额外54.9亿令吉的开采税,这54.9亿令吉是政府直接的收入,可用在各个领域的拨款,用以惠及全民,尤其是中下阶级的人民。 5. 这价值21亿令吉的工程,肯定不是每年的,因为就算全部价值21亿令吉的工程可在1年的时间之内批完,也不可能全部都能在1年的时间之内完成。 因此,这价值21亿令吉的工程,等到承包商们真正收足这21亿令吉的钱,最快也要2 – 3年的时间。 相比54.9亿令吉额外开采税的税收,却是每一年的政府收入。 有鉴于以上5个大不同,张健仁敦促阿迪南,不要一直以"价值21亿令吉工程"自我陶醉,来掩饰20%开采税诉求的失败。 更何况,这20%开采税的诉求,是砂州议会一致的议决案,是立法机关给予行政机构(砂州内阁)的任务。 阿迪南的内阁无法履行这项任务,是行政机构的失责。 "同时,这项任务的失败,也显示出砂国阵毕竟只是全国国阵的一个附属体,没有自主决定重要议题的权力。 在联邦国阵完全漠视和不尊重砂州议会决定的当儿,砂国阵只能逆来顺受,屈居人下。" 张健仁表示,他将在来届州议会(21/4/2015开始至29/4/2015)提出一些建议,如何让联邦政府就范,俯顺砂州政府的诉求。 但是先决条件就是,砂州国阵必须要有一个坚强的政治意愿,不要自贬为联邦的附属体或殖民地。 |
Posted: 10 Apr 2015 06:18 PM PDT (古晋10日讯)民主行动党古晋市国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁敦促联邦政府尊重沙砂两州人民的权力,不应以煽动法令来压抑沙砂脱马的情绪。 张健仁是于昨日在国会下议院参与《2015年煽动法令修正法案》时,做出如是呼吁。 张氏昨日在国会下议院引述1962年砂州议会当时针对砂拉越参组马来西亚动议,众多议员们的辩论。 当时许多议员们都强调,要参组马来西亚,砂拉越必须拥有退出马来西亚的权力。 这是为了保障,将来若马来西亚并非如承诺般的好,砂州没有得到应得的利益,我们的下一代有权力退出马来西亚。 这是对砂州人民最重要的保障。 张氏也指出,当时参组马来西亚委员会主席有讲过: "任何自愿参组一个联邦的国家,都拥有退出该联邦的权力,因此,这项权力不需要明文写在宪法里。" 针对《2015年煽动法令修正法案》内的条文,张氏说,虽然内政部长已撤回修正法案中阐明任何怂恿一个州属脱离马来西亚的举止是煽动的条例,但是,内政部长却也声明现有(还没有修正)的煽动法令,已阐明任何欲脱离马来西亚或改变马来西亚版图的举止是煽动,可被在该法令下被提控。 张氏强调,《煽动法令》禁止任何人讨论砂州退出马来西亚的条例,这是违反马来西亚合约及砂拉越参组马来西亚的契约。 "政府应该废除《煽动法令》,因为,用法令来压制沙砂人民脱马的情绪,只会造成反效果,加强这种情绪,于事无补。" 张健仁表示,沙砂两州人民的脱离大马情绪,是国阵长期来违反马来西亚合约所造成的现象。 他直指巫统和伊斯兰党内的一些份子在玩弄的伊刑法课题,其实也是违反马来西亚合约的一个例子。因为,砂拉越参组马来西亚,不是要成立一个伊斯兰国。 "其他违反马来西亚合约的例子有如,派遣4000名教师到砂州郊区执教同时进行回教化的议程、忽略砂州的发展、对于砂州议会所通过的20%石油开采税完全不给予任何尊重。" 在其对该法案辩论做总结时,内政部长阿末扎希指出,任何欲推动"独立公投"的运动,是属于煽动行为,警方将采取行动对付。 张氏表示,最终,公投运动是否抵触煽动法令,还是有待法庭判决。但是,就内政部长在国会下议院所发表的立场,警方肯定将采取行动对付并将推动公投运动的人士提控上法庭。 他认为,这是国阵政府不尊重砂州人民权力并违反砂州参组马来西亚契约的政策。 |
‘Treat Sarawak equally to address secession notions’ Posted: 10 Apr 2015 06:06 PM PDT Sarawak DAP says the only way to reduce secession calls in Sabah and Sarawak is to address inequality between East and West Malaysia. Amending the Sedition Act and criminalising Sarawakians and Sabahans who call for referendum on secession is plain regrettable, says Sarawak DAP chief Chong Chieng Jen. "In order words they will fight back," says the Bandar Kuching MP, who spoke up during the debate on Sedition Act amendments in Parliament. Chong told reporters today that while he might not support the movement for secession, he would defend their right to demand for a referendum. For the past three years, the calls for secession have become louder in both Sabah and Sarawak, so much so that the Federal Government has to introduce the amendment to the Sedition Act to criminalise any call for secession. The Sedition (Amendment) Bill 2015 was passed by Parliament at 2.30am on Friday. Sabah and S'wak 'neglected' Chong said the federal government must also address the violation of the spirit of the Malaysia Agreement, which protects the rights of Sarawak and Sabah. The Agreement was to bring development in Sabah and Sarawak on par with development in Malaya, but the two states had been mistreated and neglected, he alleged. Sarawak, he said, was very concerned over the Islamisation agenda as Malaysia was formed not to be an Islamic state. "These are the causes of strong sentiments for the people Sabah and Sarawak to call for secession. "The right thing for the government to do is to address the inequality of treatment and respect the rights of the people of Sabah and Sarawak. "In this way, the government will reduce the sentiments to call for secession," he stressed. on MalaysiaKini(Apr 11, 2015) |
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